UCV Events - April 2016 - Unitarian Church of Vancouver
UCV Events - April 2016 - Unitarian Church of Vancouver
Unitarian Church of Vancouver UCV EVENTS 949 West 49th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5Z 2T1 604-261-7204 Fax: 604-261-7205 www.vancouverunitarians.ca info@vancouverunitarians.ca APRIL 2016 Worship Services April 3 No Room in the Inn: Part II – Responding to Our Housing Crisis Rev. Dr. Steven Epperson It’s been nearly six years since the delegates at Canadian Unitarian Council’s Annual Meeting and Conference unanimously passed a resolution calling on the federal government to legislate for a national, affordable housing strategy. Six years later, there’s still no strategy and our housing needs have only become more dire. Join us for a housing update and a reaffirmation of housing as a fundamental human right – a path to finishing what Roy Romanow called a nation “half-built.” Music by Kerry Anne Kutz (soprano) April 10 Building Community/ Sustaining Our Vision Rev. Dr. Steven Epperson Achieving our vision and challenge as an independent congregation rests in our hands individually and as a community of faith. This Sunday, we launch our 2016/17 Pledge Drive – an opportunity to celebrate our congregation and to recommit ourselves and resources to assuring its mission and future. Ingathering Singing 10:45 – 11am. Everyone welcome! The Chalice Choir sings. April 17 Worship Through Poetry Rev. Dr. Steven Epperson and UCV members It has been said that religion is poetry. April is national poetry month. Today, we will be worshiping through the medium of poetry – favourite poems selected and read by members of the congregation. Please send in your favourites for selection and reading to Rev. Epperson by April 10th at: rev@vancouverunitarians.ca The Chalice Choir sings April 24 Ancestors of the Future – Our Role in a Climate – Changed World Anneliese Schultz and the Environment Committee Realizing in 2007 that climate change was bringing us to cliff-edge, Anneliese tried to avoid despair. The only way out seemed to be action. Beginning to see the need to weave her concern for the planet into both her life and her teaching, she came up with the unlikely, but surprisingly simple, reframing of her Italian courses into Green Italian courses. Personal change, she found, was another story. Linking climate change to homelessness, she looks at the necessity of letting ourselves be affected by the people affected, at the imperative of a principled response born of compassion and expressed through loving action, be that planting a pocket garden or taking beef off the menu. Sacrifice? She argues that in this Eleventh Hour, it is more like social justice, more like vital and impeccable action, like a sacred trust. A 2014 Pushcart Prize nominee and former Bread Loaf Scholar, Anneliese has an MA in Italian, and an MFA in Creative Writing from UBC. Winner of the 2016 Stone Canoe Fiction Prize, the 2013 Meringoff Fiction Award, and the 2013 Enizagam Literary Award in Fiction, she has had short stories, travel pieces and poetry published in numerous journals and anthologies. Anneliese recently retired from teaching at UBC in order to write fulltime, and has just completed the second novel in her Young Adult climate fiction series, Distant Dream. Music by Arnt Antzen. UNITARIAN CHURCH OF VANCOUVER MISSION STATEMENT We are a community of diverse beliefs and shared values. In fellowship with one another, we seek spiritual growth, social justice, and environmental sustainability through worship, ethical action, education, and artistic expression. We welcome all who would join this compassionate and visionary community. Sunday Mornings Schedule 10:00 am Meditation 10:45 am Musical prelude 11:00 am Worship service Coffee & conversation in Hewett Centre before & after. 12:00 pm Lunch served 12:30 pm Forum in Fireside room 1:00 pm Library closes Child Care Children’s programs begin after story time in the Sanctuary. Artist David Purkis in front of his painting “Go With The Flow” Art this Month Developmental Disabilities Association Artist Reception Fri. Apr. 15 5 – 8 pm Sanctuary/Fireside Unitarian Church of Vancouver 949 West 49th Ave. Vancouver BC V5Z 2T1 vancouverunitarians.ca 604-261-7204 2 UCV EVENTS • Unitarian Church of Vancouver • vancouverunitarians.ca • April 2016 UCV Committees Forums Sundays 12:30 – 1:30 pm in the Fireside Room All welcome! Bring along your lunch or beverage. April 3 Reducing Fossil Fuel Consumption Joe Gilling The Environment Committee would like to thank all those who filled out our recent priorities survey. The priority for the forty-eight respondents was to focus on reduction of fossil fuel consumption, followed by greening the economy and supporting front-line First Nations groups. On a very positive note, a majority of respondents volunteered to engage in activities to reduce fossil fuel consumption. Joe Gilling will be giving a twenty minute presentation on carbon reduction alternatives. He is an energy economist and has worked on fossil fuel reduction for much of his career. This will also be an opportunity for all those interested to brainstorm ideas on this topic and help us all to find efficient ways to engage productively as a group and individually in reducing fossil fuel consumption. We welcome all those interested to attend this Forum (whether you completed the survey or not). Sponsor: Environment Committee April 10 Good News and Bad News about the TPP Lynn Armstrong Good news: Government is holding public consultations on the TPP. Bad news: Deadline for written submissions is April 30th! In our February 28 Forum we learned of many reasons to reject the Trans Pacific Partnership – the TPP. Since then, the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade announced plans for a study to assess the extent to which this agreement would be in the best interests of Canadians. This is great news! But Canadians who wish to provide a written submission must do so before 23:59 EDT on April 30, 2016. Please join us for information on the TPP and for assistance to make a written submission to the Standing Committee. Please bring your laptop or tablet or device of choice as written submissions should be emailed. We'll also have support materials available for writing to your MP. And let's be thinking of other ways to respond! Sponsor: Social Justice Committee April 17 A New Vision and Financing for the Canadian Unitarian Universalist Movement Keith Wilkinson National and global engagement from a UU perspective is part of what UCV members long ago agreed to undertake. (It is embedded in our Bylaws.) At the CUC AGM at UBC in May, delegates from forty-six Canadian congregations will be discussing and voting on a proposed new vision for Canadian Unitarian Universalism, as well as a proposed new method for calculating the Annual Program Contribution paid by each congregation. These are important issues for Canadian Unitarians and it will be valuable to have feedback for CUC from UCV members about these questions. Keith Wilkinson is a UCV member and CUC Vice-President. April 24 Churches and Low-Income Housing Joan Seidl Joan Seidl is President of the Board of the 127 Society for Housing, a non-profit society founded in 1981 by Vancouver Anglicans. The society currently houses 259 low income people, and soon will house 75 more. Joan's talk will discuss the challenges and opportunities of providing such housing, particularly under the aegis of a church. Sponsor: Social Justice Committee OPEN TO ALL http://vancouverunitarians.ca/ucv/ committees-groups/ Arts Committee Meets 3rd Sundays 10:30 am. Lindsey-Priestley. Contact Caede Pungente or Chris Pearce pungente_1@hotmail.com ppearce@shaw.ca Environment Committee Meets 2nd Sundays 12:30 pm Lindsey-Priestley Mary Lage: Administrative Chair mlage@shaw.ca Tamiko Suzuki: Information tamiko.l.suzuki@gmail.com Library Committee Meets 1st Mondays 2 pm Fireside David Buchanan davidfbuchanan@gmail.com Refugee Committee Meets 4th Sunday 12:30 pm Biddle Virginia Crabill 604-731-1730 inari47@gmail.com Julia Myers - at Thrift Sale Table Sundays Social Justice Committee 2nd Sunday 9:30 am Biddle Jenny Podlecki 604-737-7794 jpodlecki@shaw.ca Leslie Kemp 604-738-1653 lkemp@telus.net Pagan Committee Contact Corina Bye deltadoula@gmail.com UCV CONTACTS Adult Religious Education Rev. Steven Epperson rev@vancouverunitarians.ca Children and Youth Religious Education Morgan Reid morgan@vancouverunitarians.ca Buildings and Grounds Buildingsandgrounds@vancouverunitarians.ca Partner Church Committee Alison Pearson alisonpearson1@shaw.ca Worship Services Committee Way Kent, Chair worship@vancouverunitarians.ca SUNDAY COMMUNAL LUNCHES Please join us for a delicious meal in Hewett Hall following Sunday service. To host a fundraising lunch or to help out please contact Ben Hechter. ben_hechter@yahoo.com Unitarian Church of Vancouver 949 West 49th Ave. Vancouver BC V5Z 2T1 vancouverunitarians.ca 604-261-7204 UCV EVENTS • Unitarian Church of Vancouver • vancouverunitarians.ca • April 2016 New or Special Events Art, Labyrinth & Circle Dance Mary Bennett and Darlene Rainbow Apr. 15 (3rd Fri.), 2 – 4 pm Hewett Hall Join us for a meditative and creative Friday afternoon experience. The first half hour we do (easy) art such as drawing labyrinths. Then we walk one of the outdoor labyrinths followed by an hour of sacred circle dancing. By donation to UCV Labyrinth Fund. unitarianlabyrinth@gmail.com Bridge Group Apr. 5 (1st Tues.) 7 – 9:30 pm Fireside Friendly bridge for UCV members. All levels welcome, but you should know the basics of play. Donna Brown. quinnbrown44@gmail.com Seven Major Faith Traditions Stanley Tromp Tuesdays 7 – 8:30 pm Hitschmanova March was on Judaism, April is on Catholicism, May on Protestantism, and June on Islam. Autumn will resume with Eastern faiths. For now, attendance is limited to Unitarian members and students enrolled in academic courses of religious studies. Please contact before attending as schedule may change. 604-733-7595 or stromp@telus.net. Next ‘New U’ Session Sat., Apr. 16 9 am – 2:15 pm Fireside Room If you are interested in becoming a member or even just curious about Unitarianism in general, then this is the meeting for you! A light breakfast and lunch will be served. Dianne Crosbie dcrosbie@uniserve.com 3 Regular Events Meditation Sundays 10 – 10:45 am A brief meditation guidance followed by silent exploration. Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:30 pm Meditation, followed by discussion of a Buddhist text. Contact Victoria Oginski victoriaoginski@gmail.com Third Sunday Book Group Apr. 17 12:30 – 1:30pm Lindsey-Priestley The group discusses a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. Group members choose selections and facilitate discussion. This month: Too Close to the Falls by Catherine Gildiner will be facilitated by Patricia Dawn Judy Villett, jvillett@hotmail.com Sacred Circle Dance Apr. 5 (1st Tues.), 7 – 9 pm, Hall Barbara Herring will be leading us in some wonderful dances. She comes from Ontario and is considered one of the “grandmothers” of Canadian Circle Dance. (Also in Ladner Sun. Apr. 3) Apr. 11 (2nd Mon.), 7 – 9 pm Hall Led by Corinne Chepil, facilitator No partner or experience needed. Dances are taught and reviewed each time. Denise Nereida, ditzah@telus.net Seven UU Principles Wednesdays 10 – 11:30 am, Fireside Registration required. We learn from each other about how Unitarian principles help us in everyday life. George Atherton notrehta@gmail.com Theatre for Living Practice Interactive Workshop Rev. Meg Roberts Apr. 9 (2nd Sat.) 10 am – 1 pm Hitschmanova We practice techniques in interactive, improvisational theatre. Wear comfortable clothes. RSVP please. Meg Roberts, 778-870-9015 or mroberts@uuma.org. Moveable Feast Apr. 30 (Last Sat.) 6 pm Dinner out in a restaurant. Dianne Crosbie dcrosbie@uniserve.com Unitarian Pagan Group Apr. 6 (1st Wed.) 7 – 9 pm Fireside We affirm earth-centred spiritual traditions as one of our six sources. Corina Bye, deltadoula@gmail.com Jung and Film Apr. 27 (Last Wed.), 6:30 — 9 pm Lindsey-Priestley We watch a Jungian film together and then discuss it afterward. Soup is provided! This month: Lucy. Suggested donation $10. Karen Bartlett karen.bartlett@ubc.ca Messy ChUrch MAKE Dinner Fri. Apr. 8 (2nd Fri.), 6 – 9 pm Hewett Hall Very Participatory! Food! Low-tech activities. All welcome! Suggested donation:$5. Morgan Reid morgan@vancouverunitarians.ca Potluck Circle Dinner Apr. 16 (3rd Sat.) 6 pm Hosted in members' homes with 6 – 8 people attending. Share food and conversation. Theresa Marion, 604-687-4864 or tmarion3@yahoo.com. Writing Our Way Apr. 16 (3rd Sat.) 1 – 4 pm Hitschmanova Come and write in a small, supportive group and talk about writing. Lois Peterson loispeterson@hotmail.com Last Friday Café Fri. Apr. 29, Fireside Rm. 5 – 7 pm Fast Food for Thought Bring your ideas, recent readings and curiosity and food if you wish. 7 – 9 pm Karaoke Sing-Along CHASING our Memories Come sing, clap and tap. We will be honouring lover of life and music, the late Kevan Chase. The song list will include many of his favourites. Marlene and Gary are coming back from their California Dreamin' to sing along. Randall MacKinnon 604-263-4332 Unitarian Church of Vancouver 949 West 49th Ave. Vancouver BC V5Z 2T1 vancouverunitarians.ca 604-261-7204 4 UCV EVENTS • Unitarian Church of Vancouver • vancouverunitarians.ca • April 2016 CALENDAR Weekly 10:00 – 10:45 am 10:45 – 11:00 am 11:00 – 12:00 pm 12:00 – 1:00 pm 12:30 – 1:30 pm SUNDAYS Meditation, Meditation Room Musical prelude, Sanctuary Worship Services, Sanctuary Coffee and Conversation, Hewett Centre Forum, Fireside 7 – 8:30 pm TUESDAY ARE: 7 World Faith Traditions, Hitschmanova W EDNESDAYS ARE: Seven UU Principles, Fireside ARE: Meditation Class, Meditation Room April 7 – 9 pm ARE: Sacred Circle Dance, Hall 7 – 9:30 pm Bridge Club, Fireside 7 – 9 pm ARE: Pagan Group, Hitschmanova 6 – 9 pm Messy Church + MAKE Dinner, Hall 1 – 2:30 pm ARE: 2nd Sunday Covenant Group, Family Room 7 – 9 pm Sacred Circle Dance, Hall 7 – 9 pm ARE: Coming Off Meds Support Group, Hitschmanova 2 – 4 pm Art, Labyrinth and Sacred Circle Dance, Hall 5 – 8 pm DDA Artist Reception, Sanctuary/Fireside 9:30 – 2 pm New U in a Day, Fireside 1 – 4 pm Writing Our Way Hitschmanova 12:30 – 2 pm UCV Book Group, Lindsey/Priestley 5:30 – 6:30 pm ARE: Meet, Eat, Write, Fireside 12:30 – 3 pm ARE: 4th Sunday Covenant Group, Family Room 6:30 – 9 pm ARE: Jung & Film Series, Lindsey/Priestley 5 – 9 pm Last Friday Focus, Fireside 10 – 11:30 am 6:30 – 8:30 pm Tues. 5 Tues. 5 Wed. 6 Fri. 8 Sun. 10 Mon. 11 Wed. 13 Fri. 15 Fri. 15 Sat. 16 Sat. 16 Sun. 17 Thur. 21 Sun. 24 Wed. 27 Fri. 29 Healing Voices: Healing Our Fear A One-Night, Global Documentary Film Event Fri. Apr. 29 6:30 p.m. Alice MacKay Room, VPL Central Library Healing Voices follows Oryx, Jen, and Dan – all previously diagnosed with serious "mental illness" – who describe their journeys from extreme states of consciousness to satisfying human relationships and meaningful work. Award-winning author of Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert Whitaker will introduce the film. A discussion will follow the screening. Sponsors: VPL and UCV. 604-261-7204 or info@vancouverunitarians.ca. UCV Events is published monthly. Deadline: 18th of the previous month Editors: Mary Bennett and Margo Elfert ucvevents@gmail.com Production: Ben Hechter Proofreading: Kathryn Aberle To subscribe to UCV EVENTS and weekly Order of Service, email ucvevents@gmail.com twitter.com/UnitarianUCV UNITARIAN CHURCH OF VANCOUVER OFFICE MON – THU 9:30 AM – 2 PM Parish Minister Rev. Dr. Steven Epperson Minister Emeritus Rev. Dr. Phillip Hewett Community Minister Rev. Laura Imayoshi Lay Chaplains: Nan Gregory, Nicola Hamilton, Sherry King BOARD OF TRUSTEES President: Diane Brown president@vancouverunitarians.ca Vice-President: Margaret Fletcher Secretary: Karen Bartlett Treasurer: Patrick Dubois Members-at-Large: Cindy Cashin, Julia Myers, Jennifer Podlecki, Paul Prescod, Kathy Sayers. Nom.: Olivia Hall STAFF Office Assistant/Bookings Hunter MacNiven hunter@vancouverunitarians.ca Congregational Administrator Ravina Sangara ravina@vancouverunitarians.ca Director of Religious Education Morgan Reid morgan@vancouverunitarians.ca Youth Coordinator: Olivia Hall Choir Director: Donna Brown quinnbrown44@gmail.com Music Assistant: Elliott Dainow elliottdainow@yahoo.com Caretakers: James Wilson, Matt Yeung, Ben Yeung, Mark Klassen, Marcus Hynes. VOLUNTEER ROLES Sunday Office Reception 10 am – 1pm Virginia Crabill, John Omielan, Robert Schultz, Randall MacKinnon. If you can volunteer one Sunday a month, please contact Hunter MacNiven. hunter@vancouverunitarians.ca Forum Coordinator Mary Bennett maryinvancouver@gmail.com Program Coordinating Council Randall MacKinnon 604-263-4332 Unitariancv@yahoo.ca Coffee & Tea Service Coordinator Adele 604-603-8593 Ah.dell@hotmail.com Lunch Coordinator Ben Hechter 604-435-0255 ben_hechter@yahoo.com facebook.com/UCVancouver Unitarian Church of Vancouver 949 West 49th Ave. Vancouver BC V5Z 2T1 vancouverunitarians.ca 604-261-7204