1. Credit Access card "`j - NABET


1. Credit Access card "`j - NABET
Three Union Plus Credit Cards
for CWA members:
1. Credit Access card "'j
cash back earned on every purchase
Opportunity to earn access to a higher credit Iine
after making the firstfive monthly minimum
payments on time
Low intro APR on purchases for the first nine months
All three Credit Cards
continue to offer:
(ompetitive rates
Carddesign shows union pride
,/ 2417 U.S.-based customer service
Designed for members with average or limited credit
or stolen
2, Cash Rewards card
fraud liability protection if the card is lost
After just three months, eligible cardholders
have access to exclusive assistance grants*,
cash back on every purchase
Great for those that want rewards every time
they make a purchase
Job Loss Grant
. Disabilig Grant
. HospitalGrant
. All approved grants are paid to the
Low intro APR on purchases and balance transfers
for the first12 months
Designed for members with excellent credit
and they
never have to be paid back
cardholder by check
3. Rate Advantage eard
Low intro APR on purchases and balance transfers
for the first 15 months
After 15 months, the APR is lower than the APRs
for our other two cards.
Designed for members with excellent credit
The Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital
a U.S.-based bank.
For details about all Union Plus Credit Card
visit CWA-UnionCard.com
Union Plus offers over 40 programs to union members, including a
mortgage program that helps members facing hardship stay in their
homes, a 15o/o discount on select AT&T wireless services, insurance
protection, travel and entertainment discounts, and more.
For information about
allthe Union Plus
benefits, including the credit card program,
visit UnionPlus.org
(reditapproval required. Terms & [0nditionsapply. Union PlusCredit(ards issued by(apital 0ne, N.A.
* (ertain
rest(i(tions, limltati0ns, and qt]alificati0ns apply t0 these grant. Additional informati0n
and eligibility oiteria ran be obtained at UnionPlus.org/Assistanre.
Union Prlnted ln the
Ihe MasterCard Brand Mark
ls a registered
of Master(ard lnternational lncorporated.