professional development - Macomb Community College
professional development - Macomb Community College
MACOMB COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY & STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FALL 2016 • SERIES 46 Adjunct Faculty Development Day Friday, October 14, 2016 See page 1 for registration information For the most current information on faculty and staff development offerings, please visit the Center for Teaching and Learning web page under the My Macomb link at WebAdvisor Registration Instructions: It is recommended that faculty and staff pre-register 48 hours prior to the workshop date. 1. Go to 2. Click on My Macomb (you may be prompted to provide your login credentials) 3. Under the Self Service Menu, select Non-Credit/Con’t Ed Students 4. Next, select Registration 5. Select Search and Register for Continuing Education Classes 6. Enter in the 5-digit registration number for the workshop in the 5-Digit Registration Number box, and click Submit 7. Select the class, click Submit 8. Complete the next screen as indicated, click Submit 9. Select Register Now (check out) from the “Select one of the following” drop down menu. Do NOT select a payment method. Click Submit You should receive an email confirmation that you are registered. For assistance with registration, please contact the office of Academic Development at 586.445.7568. Table of Contents Faculty Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Adjunct Faculty Development Day . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Instructional Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 TechSmith Relay—Your Personal YouTube . . . . . . . . . 10 Basic Video Editing with Camtasia . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Excellence in Teaching & Learning Series . . . . . . . . 2 Advanced Video Editing with Camtasia . . . . . . . . . Bridging the Gap: Equipping Today’s Students for Classroom Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mobile-Friendly Course Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Book Discussion Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Accessibility Preparedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What I’m Reading…Engaging Imagination: Helping Students Become Creative and Reflective Thinkers . . . . . . . . . 3 Using Social Media to Boost Learning . . . . . . . . . . 12 Create Your Own Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Academic Integrity ★NEW★ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 How the Best College Teachers Evaluate Their Students and Themselves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Professional Enrichment for Faculty and Staff . . . . . 14 Learning to Write and Writing to Learn . . . . . . . . . . 4 Digital Gaming in the Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 11 Introduction to Turnitin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Copyright and Fair Use for Faculty and Staff . . . . . . . SAFE@Macomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 13 14 Emergency Preparedness on Campus . . . . . . . . . . 14 Veterans Support at Macomb ★NEW★ . . . . . . . . . 14 Serious Play—Techniques for Integrating Games and Activities in the Classroom ★NEW★ . . . . . . . . . . 4 Managing Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Everything You Wanted to Know About Special Services at Macomb and More! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence: The Domestic Violence Peer Ambassador Project . . . . . 15 Promoting Reflective Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Healthy Relationships, Healthy Communities . . . . . . . Veterans Support at Macomb ★NEW★ . . . . . . . . . . 5 Macomb Community Domestic Violence Council: Consent . . 15 The Reading Connection: Helping Students Navigate their Texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Organizing to Prevent Domestic and Sexual Violence . . . . 15 Curriculum Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Assignments, Assessments, Rubrics and Bloom . . . . . . . 6 15 CRISP Customer Service Training . . . . . . . . . . 16 Additional Teaching & Learning Online Resources . . . 17 Syllabus Review & Editing Drop-In Sessions . . . . . . . . . 6 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Program Assessment: Writing Program Outcomes Drop-in Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Michigan Colleges Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Support for Teaching & Learning . . . . . . . . . . . 7 eLearning Guild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Redesigning STEM: Experiences in Art Can Make Students Better at Problem Solving and Critical Thinking ★NEW★ . . 7 Educause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Macomb Online (Learning Management System) . . . . 8 Education Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Canvas Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Instructional Technology Council . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Types of Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Faculty Resource Center on My Macomb . . . . . . . . 18 Introduction to Quality Matters—Designing Your Online Course . 9 Teaching Professor Tips App! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Canvas Open Labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Canvas by Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Macomb Online Instructor Training Certification for Canvas (MOITC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 17 Online Learning Consortium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 17 The Chronicle of Higher Education . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Activities Creation— Includes creation of new content related to your courses. Delivery Webinar—Live facilitator-led online seminar. On-ground—Meets in a classroom or lab. Discussion—Focused attendee discussion. Bring Your Own Files—Modify existing content related to your courses. Self-Paced Online—Individualized training is provided entirely online. One-on-One—Available as an individual appointment. Flipped Classroom—Work is required prior to attending the workshop. Faculty Academy The Faculty Academy is designed to introduce new, full-time faculty members to Macomb Community College and its mission, resources, policies, academic culture, and the probationary process. In addition, effective teaching and learning strategies, curriculum design, and assessment techniques that focus on increasing student success and retention are explored and discussed during the sessions. Along with that, the interaction with fellow participants can help form lasting bonds that provide professional support and assistance in the future. Probationary faculty attend eight sessions of Faculty Academy in their first year of probation. In the second year of probation, faculty present their Individualized Learning Plan at the final session of Faculty Academy. The Academy sessions are open to all faculty members. If you are interested in attending a session, please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at 586.445.7588 for more information on the session topics and to reserve your spot. Monday, August 15, Center Campus, University Center PDC1, 9:00am – 2:30pm Friday, September 23, Center Campus, University Center PDC1, 9:00am – 2:30pm Friday, October 7, Center Campus, University Center PDC1, 9:00am – 2:30pm Friday, October 21, Center Campus, University Center PDC1, 9:00am – 2:30pm Adjunct Faculty Development Day Come join your colleagues for an informational session for adjunct faculty. Learning Unit updates and the 2016/17 academic initiatives are just a few of the many topics that are presented in this half-day session. Lunch will be served and adjunct faculty who attend will receive a $50.00 stipend and will earn continuing education credit. Pre‑registration is required by October 13. Friday, October 14, 2016, 12:00–3:30pm Center Campus, Lorenzo Cultural Center WebAdvisor registration code: 44633 1 Excellence in Teaching & Learning Series Bridging the Gap: Equipping Today’s Students for Classroom Success The faculty-led workshops in this series pair common‑sense pedagogy with practical and implementable classroom strategies focused on equipping under prepared students for success. Sessions are designed to give you opportunities for hands-on practice with innovative teaching approaches, practical tools and resources that you can easily adapt and use in your classes and, of course, plenty of time for discussion with your faculty-peers. The series will be offered at Center Campus, University Center PDC 1, Assembly Hall, from 9:15am–12:30pm on: Friday, September 23 Friday, October 7 Friday, October 21 Topics will include: n Bridging the College Culture Gap n Bridging the Work Habits Gap n Bridging the Critical Thinking Gap n Bridging the Reading and Writing Gaps Faculty who attend all three sessions will receive a $150 stipend. Faculty who attended this Series previously are not eligible for a second stipend. A light breakfast and lunch will be served each day. Register for this three-session series via WebAdvisor using registration code: 44496 Registration is limited to 32 persons so please register early to secure your spot! n Bridging the Digital Literacy Gap n Building Bridges to Success: Grit and Confidence 2 Book Discussion Series What I’m Reading…Engaging Imagination: Helping Students Become Creative and Reflective Thinkers Facilitated by: Delena Austin, Professor, Medical Assistant Program and Deborah Armstrong, Associate Director, Academic Development We’re introducing a new book talk Series titled What I’m Reading. This semester we’ll be reading and discussing Engaging Imagination: Helping Students Become Creative and Reflective Thinkers (Alison James and Stephen D. Brookfield; 2014). “Stepping outside of the comfort zone of traditional classroom methodologies, Engaging Imagination enables instructors across disciplines to engage students in learning through creative and innovative approaches and thereby help their students succeed, both in the classroom and beyond…Engaging Imagination offers a mixture of exercises, activities, theories, positions, approaches, and people. It is a text of different voices: stories, case studies, anecdotes, and project descriptions. It is a book about questions and assumptions, about dialogue and spaces.” (from inside flap) Join us for this exciting new discussion about teaching and learning! The book discussion will be held on the following days from 9:30am–10:30am: Friday, September 30 Friday, October 14 Friday, October 28 Location: Center Campus, University Center, PDC Building 1, Room 156 Registered participants will be sent the textbook before September 30. Faculty who attend all three sessions will receive a $75 stipend. A continental breakfast will be provided each day. Register for this three-day series via WebAdvisor using registration code: 44497 Registration is limited to 10 persons so please register early to secure your spot! 3 Create Your Own Series Faculty may create their own individualized series from the following topics. Attend a minimum of four workshops from the following group and receive a $75.00 stipend. Breakfast and lunch will be provided each day. Pre-registration is required for each workshop through WebAdvisor using the registration code provided for each workshop. Please register at least 24 hours in advance. After four workshops have been attended, faculty will be required to email for verification of attendance and the stipend request. How the Best College Teachers Evaluate Their Students and Themselves Digital Gaming in the Classroom Robert Mele, Professor of Physical Therapy Assistant Program This workshop will explore how digital games are useful tools to use in both on-ground and online classes. Examples of good and bad digital games will be shown so that participants can see what to look for when searching for the best games to use with their students. Tips will also be given for how to find these games and ways that the games can be used for the purpose of assessment. How can we use assessment to foster a rich and engaging learning environment for our students? We’ll identify several strategies – both formal and informal – in this workshop that can help to create that environment. After examining assessment activities that encourage student and faculty collaboration, we’ll discuss how you can use assessment in your courses to engage your students. Friday, September 16 Reg Code: 44510 10:00am – 12:00pm Center, C-130 Learning to Write and Writing to Learn Cindy Bily and Jim Young, Professors of English Students often sharpen their skills in their composition courses, but that doesn’t mean they’ll write well in their other classes. Studies show that students whose instructors require writing and support the writing process across their education tend to write better in courses outside of composition. This interactive workshop will show you how to reinforce the writing process in your classes, effectively respond to student writing, and devise topics to help your students write better essays, reports, abstracts, and other products. It will also show how you can use the act of writing to help students master your content, no matter what subject you teach. Friday, September 16 Reg Code: 44511 4 12:30pm – 2:30pm Center, C-130 Jonathan Oaks, Professor of Mathematics Friday, September 30 Reg Code: 44512 10:00am – 12:00pm Center, C-130 Serious Play—Techniques for Integrating Games and Activities in the Classroom ★NEW★ Jonathan Oaks, Professor of Mathematics In this presentation, faculty will get a chance to explore several games and activities that have already been classroom tested, discover good and bad game techniques, and discuss how they could adapt some of what is shown for use in their own discipline. Please come ready to explore everything from sorting and matching activities, code breaking, puzzles, blocking games, battleship, and more! Friday, September 30 Reg Code: 44513 12:30pm – 2:30pm Center, C-130 Everything You Wanted to Know About Special Services at Macomb and More! Veterans Support at Macomb ★NEW★ Leanne Allvin, Counselor – Special Services Joe Skupin, Counselor – Special Services What comes to mind when you hear “Student Veteran” or “Military Student?” Do you have military and veteran students in your class, or seeking service from your office? How does “BATTLEMIND” (resiliency training) compare to civilian norms and does it make a difference? What needs might this population have and how can you help them? This workshop will provide an overview of the Special Services department at Macomb and the populations it serves, types of documentation that are required to qualify for services, accommodation requests, classroom assistance letters, learning styles, etc. Scenarios will be introduced to demonstrate the services that the counselors provide. Friday, October 21 Reg Code: 44514 10:00am – 12:00pm Center, C-130 Promoting Reflective Students Susan Richardson, Professor of Reading We value critical thinking in our classes, but not all of us have considered encouraging students to reflect on their learning as a way to achieve it. The presenter will report on her case study research with students in five English composition classes. Her research demonstrates how the students’ use of a variety of self-reflective tools stimulated their critical appraisal of their writing and made them more aware of their writing processes. This interactive workshop will focus on how you can incorporate student selfreflection into your own curriculum to help students develop greater awareness of not only the course concepts, but also their own progress in the class. Friday, October 21 Reg Code: 44515 12:30pm – 2:30pm Center, C-130 Kara Fields, Director, Veterans Services This unique group faces many different challenges from those of a more typical college student. Things like crowds, loud noises, assigned seating, and non-enforced rules can adversely impact a student veteran. Staff and faculty can help with transition into college; possibly by helping veterans identify their student strengths (i.e. leadership and problem solving) or by acting as the leader in situations when a veteran expects direction or guidance. If you work with students, you play an important role in ensuring student veterans receive the help and support they need. Come to this session for a presentation and an interactive discussion about student veterans on Macomb’s campuses and how we can better serve them. Friday, October 28 Reg Code: 44516 10:00am – 12:00pm Center, C-130 The Reading Connection: Helping Students Navigate their Texts Heather Mayernik, Professor of Reading Have you ever felt like your students don’t take the time to read your assignments, or worse, don’t understand what they have taken the time to read? This interactive workshop will show you how to help your students read with a purpose, use their textbooks smarter and more efficiently and aid you in creating more reading friendly assignments no matter what subject you teach. Friday, October 28 Reg Code: 44517 12:30pm – 2:30pm Center, C-130 5 Curriculum Support Assignments, Assessments, Rubrics and Bloom Syllabus Review & Editing Drop-In Sessions Deborah Armstrong, Associate Director, Academic Development Mary Lou Kata, Director, Academic Development Deborah Armstrong, Associate Director, Academic Development What we measure communicates what we value. What messages do your assignments and assessments communicate to students about the skills that are valued in your discipline? We’ll tackle this question and more in this workshop focused on assignment and assessment design, writing strong multiple choice test items and essay questions, and tying everything to your course outcomes. Along the way we’ll draft rubrics for assignments and use Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives as a catalyst for assignment design and exam creation. Thursday, October 13 Reg Code: 44490 1:00pm – 4:00pm Center, C-130 It’s Syllabus Review Year! Do you have questions about how to complete the paperwork, how to spiff up your course outcomes and objectives, or do you want a bit of assistance with the process? Just drop in to one of our Syllabus Review and Editing sessions where you’ll get an overview of processes and one-on-one assistance with your syllabus. Come when you can; stay as long as you’d like. You’ll walk away with a syllabus that’s either fully reviewed or ready for the next step in the process. Tuesday, August 30 Reg Code: 44491 3:00pm – 4:00pm South, J-211-1 Friday, September 9 Reg Code: 44492 11:00am – 12:00pm Center, C-130 Thursday, December 1 Reg Code: 44493 10:00am – 11:00am South, J-211-1 Thursday, December 1 Reg Code: 44494 2:30pm – 3:30pm Center, C-130 Program Assessment: Writing Program Outcomes Drop-in Sessions Are you looking to rewrite, revise or update the outcomes for your program? Are you interested in starting the assessment process, but are unsure of where to begin? Whether you are looking for basic information about program assessment, want to get started with the process, or just simply need to revisit and revise your program outcomes, please take this opportunity to drop-in any time between 9:30am and 11:30am for assistance. CENTER CAMPUS, C-130 SOUTH CAMPUS, J-211-1 Friday, November 4 Thursday, November 10 Friday, November 18 Friday, December 2 Friday, December 9 Friday, December 16 If you are unable to attend during any of these scheduled sessions, please contact: Jillian Huot Learning Outcomes Assessment Specialist or call 586.445.7170 6 Support for Teaching & Learning Redesigning STEM: Experiences in Art Can Make Students Better at Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Jonathan Oaks, Professor of Mathematics and Deborah Armstrong, Associate Director, Academic Development During this day at the Detroit Institute of Arts, participants will have the opportunity to explore hands‑on how experiences in art can make students better at problem solving and critical thinking, two skills that are absolutely critical in the STEM fields. Through an interactive ice breaker in the morning to using technology to design their own STEM‑themed artwork in the afternoon, participants will have lots of ideas to take with them that could be easily used with their own students in the future. Transportation will be provided by the Detroit Institute of Arts. The bus will leave South Campus at 8:30am and will return to South Campus by 3:30pm. Lunch will be provided. Registration is limited to twelve (12) persons so please reserve your spot early. Saturday, October 22 Reg Code: 44495 PLEASE NOTE: The content of this workshop is focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Contact Deb Armstrong at for further information. 7 Macomb Online (Learning Management System) The Center for Teaching and Learning staff works one‑on‑one with any faculty or staff member interested in any Macomb Online workshop or topic, including Canvas. These workshop topics can be tailored for any department. To make an appointment with an instructional technology specialist at either campus, call 586.226.4774 or email Canvas Getting Started Instructional Technology Specialists Canvas Getting Started is designed for faculty who are interested in web‑enhancing their course(s) using Canvas, the College’s learning management system. You’ll work in a Canvas “sandbox” to become familiar with common features and course tools such as the Gradebook, announcements, assignments, and more, then complete the activities at home. On-ground (hybrid) Sessions Online Sessions Registration closes two business days prior to the onground sessions. Coursework is required after you attend the on-ground session. Class size is limited to eight (8) persons. Canvas Getting Started online is a self-paced session designed for faculty who are interested in web-enhancing their course(s) using Canvas. You’ll work in a Canvas “sandbox” to become familiar with common features and course tools such as the Gradebook, announcements, assignments and more! Faculty should register for the month they wish to start and complete the coursework. Actual completion time is approximately three to five hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. Friday, August 26 Reg Code: 44533 9:00am – 11:00am South, J-211-1 Friday, August 26 Reg Code: 44534 1:00pm – 3:00pm Center, C-130 Friday, September 2 Reg Code: 44535 9:00am – 11:00am South, J-211-1 Friday, September 2 Reg Code: 44536 9:00am – 11:00am Center, C-130 Tuesday, September 20 Reg Code: 44537 5:00pm – 7:00pm South, J-211-1 Friday, September 23 Reg Code: 44538 9:00am – 11:00am Center, C-130 Tuesday, November 22 Reg Code: 44539 1:00pm – 3:00pm South, J-211-1 Monday, December 19 Reg Code: 44540 9:00am -11:00am South, J-211-1 September 2016 Reg Code: 44541 October 2016 Reg Code: 44542 November 2016 Reg Code: 44543 December 2016 Reg Code: 44544 TYPES OF COURSES Online: All teaching and learning takes place online. Hybrid: A significant portion of teaching and learning takes place online with scheduled on-ground meeting dates. Web-enhanced: All teaching and learning takes place on-ground with supplemental web-based resources. 8 Introduction to Quality Matters—Designing Your Online Course Macomb Online Instructor Training Certification for Canvas (MOITC) Instructional Technology Specialists Tom Bradley, Instructional Technology Specialist Sharon Giffen, Instructional Technology Specialist Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered peer review process that is designed to certify the quality of online and hybrid courses. QM is a leader in quality assurance for online education and has received national recognition for its scalable, peer-based approach and continuous improvement in online education and student learning. This workshop will familiarize faculty members with Macomb’s QM process, the QM Rubric, and with opportunities to participate in this process. Online Sessions The online session is self-paced. Faculty should register for the month they wish to start and complete the coursework. Actual completion time is approximately two hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. September 2016 Reg Code: 44552 October 2016 Reg Code: 44553 November 2016 Reg Code: 44554 December 2016 Reg Code: 44555 Successful completion of the Macomb Online Instructor Training Certification (MOITC) course is required to facilitate online or hybrid courses at Macomb. MOITC is an eight-week, online, cohort course intended for faculty who wish to teach online or hybrid courses at Macomb. Faculty can expect to devote 15-20 hours per week to complete the coursework. Upon completion of MOITC, you will have the first three weeks of your online course developed. To enroll, ensure that you have completed the pre-requisites below, and then obtain the approval of your Associate Dean. Pre-requisites include completion of the Canvas Getting Started workshop and currently using Canvas to webenhance a Macomb course. The next session begins September 19 and ends November 13. Canvas by Appointment Canvas Open Labs Canvas Open Labs are drop-in sessions for faculty who have completed Canvas training. An Instructional Technology Specialist will be present to assist with instructional design, Canvas tools or alignment throughout the scheduled time. Feel free to bring your own laptop or one will be provided. If you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our teaching and learning specialists, phone 586.226.4774 or email Pre-registration is helpful, but not required. To register for an open lab session, please use the following link: Wednesday, August 24 1:00pm – 4:00pm South, J-211-1 Friday, August 26 9:00am – 11:00am Center, C-130 Wednesday, August 31 1:00pm – 4:00pm Center, C-130 Thursday, September 1 1:00pm – 4:00pm South, J-211-1 Tuesday, October 11 1:00pm – 4:00pm South, J-211-1 Wednesday, October 12 1:00pm – 4:00pm Center, C-130 9 Instructional Technology As a member of the Macomb faculty and staff, you now have free access to TechSmith software which enables you to create and stream instructional content that includes images, audio and video. The software integrates with Canvas, includes a mobile app and makes it easy for you to create engaging and interactive content for students. The TechSmith software includes SnagIt, Relay and Camtasia. We invite you to discover how simple and effective basic video production and streaming can be. TechSmith Relay—Your Personal YouTube Basic Video Editing with Camtasia Instructional Technology Specialists Instructional Technology Specialists TechSmith Relay is a powerful tool for recording, storing and delivering video and other media. Relay is like having a personal and secure YouTube channel, it’s mobile‑friendly and Canvas‑enabled. In this workshop you will: Do you want to make a video but aren’t sure where or how to begin? Camtasia Studio is a powerful tool for recording and editing video. In this introductory workshop you will: n Create a TechSmith Relay streaming account n Download and install the screen recording software n Make a screen recording n Download and install the Camtasia software n Create and edit a recording n Upload your recording to the Relay server n Share your recording to your Canvas course TechSmith Relay is part of the TechSmith Suite of integrated applications available to you as faculty or staff of Macomb Community College. Because you’ll be downloading the software, please bring your laptop, microphone and (optional) webcam to the workshop. Camtasia Studio is part of the TechSmith Suite of integrated applications available to you as faculty or staff of Macomb Community College. It seamlessly integrates with the TechSmith Relay personal media streaming library. Because you’ll be downloading the software, please bring your laptop, microphone and (optional) webcam to the workshop. On-Ground Sessions On-ground Session Registration closes two business days prior to the onground session. Class size is limited to eight (8) persons. Registration closes two business days prior to the onground session. Class size is limited to eight (8) persons. Friday, September 16 Reg Code: 44556 Online Sessions Friday, October 14 Reg Code: 44582 Online Sessions n Share your recording to your Canvas course 1:00pm – 3:00pm South, J-211-1 1:00pm-3:00pm South, J-211-1 The online session is self-paced and will cover the same material as the on-ground session. Faculty should register for the month they wish to start and complete the coursework. Actual completion time is approximately two hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. The online session is self-paced and will cover the same material as the on-ground session. Faculty should register for the month they wish to start and complete the coursework. Actual completion time is approximately two hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. September 2016 Reg Code: 44557 September 2016 Reg Code: 44584 October 2016 Reg Code: 44558 October 2016 Reg Code: 44585 November 2016 Reg Code: 44559 November 2016 Reg Code: 44586 December 2016 Reg Code: 44560 December 2016 Reg Code: 44588 10 Advanced Video Editing with Camtasia Mobile-Friendly Course Design Instructional Technology Specialists Instructional Technology Specialists This is an advanced workshop, and the goals are to incorporate the following elements into an edited video: Is your Canvas course mobile friendly? Find out in this workshop, where you will learn to identify issues and apply techniques that improve the appearance and functionality of your course on mobile devices. You will also discuss mobile advantages, challenges, strategies and ideas with your colleagues and join the Canvas Mobile Users group in the Canvas Community. An iOS or Android device is required. n Zoom and Pan features n Animation effects n Hot Spots for branching purposes n Markers to create a table of contents n Speech-to-text feature to create closed-captions n Quizzing n Integrating the produced video into an assignment in Canvas This workshop assumes you have installed Camtasia Studio and TechSmith Relay on your computer and are comfortable using both applications. Please bring your laptop with Camtasia installed. Online Sessions The online session is self-paced. Faculty should register for the month they wish to start and complete the coursework. Actual completion time is approximately two hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. Class size is limited to 25 persons. September 2016 Reg Code: 44596 October 2016 Reg Code: 44597 On-ground Session November 2016 Reg Code: 44598 Registration closes two business days prior to the onground session. Class size is limited to eight (8) persons. December 2016 Reg Code: 44599 Friday, November 11 Reg Code: 44589 Introduction to Turnitin 1:00pm – 3:00pm South, J-211-1 Instructional Technology Specialists Online Sessions The online session is self-paced and will cover the same material as the on-ground session. Faculty should register for the month they wish to start and complete the coursework. Actual completion time is approximately two hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. Class size is limited to 25 persons. September 2016 Reg Code: 45590 October 2016 Reg Code: 44591 November 2016 Reg Code: 44592 December 2016 Reg Code: 44593 Turnitin is a program that provides students and instructors the opportunity to check work for originality and provide written and audio feedback. In this workshop, you create a Turnitin drop box in Canvas, use the Originality Report, and insert standard, custom and voice comments. On-ground Session Registration closes two business days prior to the onground session. Class size is limited to eight (8) persons. Tuesday, September 13 Reg Code: 44613 5:00pm – 7:00pm South, J-211-1 11 Accessibility Preparedness Using Social Media to Boost Learning Carl Weckerle, Director, Instructional Technology and Online Learning Instructional Technology Specialists Instructional Technology Specialists Some of the common accessibility questions asked by faculty are: What resources are available to my students when they need an accommodation? How do I make my sure my materials are prepared to meet the needs of all my students? To prepare you for the next time a student comes to you with a request for accommodation, we will work through the following topics: testing accommodations, screen readers, and creating accessible documents, presentations and videos. Online Sessions On-ground Session Registration closes two business days before the onground session. Class size is limited to eight (8) persons. Friday, September 9 Reg Code: 44614 1:00pm – 3:00pm South, J-211-1 Online Session The online session is self-paced and will cover the same material as the on-ground session. Actual completion time is approximately two hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. Class size is limited to 25 persons. November 2016 12 How can the use of social media enhance the interaction of your students with the course material, both inside and outside the class? In this one week online workshop, you will learn how other educators are using social media, explore social media platforms, select an appropriate social media platform for your course, create a social media presence and obtain ideas and feedback from colleagues. This workshop is intended for both online and on-ground faculty and requires that you create (free) social media accounts. Reg Code: 44615 The online session is self-paced. Faculty should register for the month they wish to start and complete the coursework. Actual completion time is approximately two hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. Class size is limited to 25 persons. September 23 – September 30 Reg Code: 44616 October 24 – October 31 Reg Code: 44617 Copyright and Fair Use for Faculty and Staff Academic Integrity ★NEW★ Instructional Technology Specialists Academic integrity is critical to student success. In this workshop, faculty will learn what resources are available to support academic integrity and learn strategies to reduce, identify, and respond to instances of cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty. In this workshop, participants will: n Develop working definitions of copyright and fair use n Discuss classroom materials for compliance Instructional Technology Specialists n Explore resources Copyright and fair use are very important topics for educators today, especially those using electronic means to communicate with their students and with their course material. Online Sessions The online session is self-paced. Faculty should register for the month they wish to start and complete the coursework. Actual completion time is approximately two hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. Class size is limited to 25 persons. Online Sessions The online session is self-paced. Actual completion time is approximately two hours. Registration closes on the 21st of each month. Class size is limited to 25 persons. September 2016 Reg Code: 44618 October 2016 Reg Code: 44619 November 2016 Reg Code: 44620 December 2016 Reg Code: 44621 October 2016 Reg Code: 44622 November 2016 Reg Code: 44623 13 Professional Enrichment for Faculty and Staff SAFE@Macomb SAFE @ MACOMB Students, Staff, Administrators and Faculty for Equality at Macomb Linda Bajdo and Paulina Multhaupt, Professors of Psychology Kara Fields, Director, Veterans Services at Macomb The purpose of SAFE @ Macomb is to make the College community safer and more LGBT Ally inclusive for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students and employees. This training session will provide the education and insight necessary to be an effective ally for the LGBT community. Topics will include LGBT terminology and symbols, national and state laws, heterosexism and homophobia, resources for LGBT students and staff, the role of allies, and the development of specific tactics for respectfully challenging homophobia and heterosexism. Upon completion of the training, allies will receive a placard with the “SAFE @ Macomb” logo to display in their workspaces. The expected outcome of the development of this network of allies is a freer and more accepting environment for all members of our learning community. Participants will also earn .30 CEU credits toward the Cultural Competency Certificate (C3) for MMII. Friday, October 28 Reg Code: 44518 9:30am – 12:30pm South, J-221 Emergency Preparedness on Campus Lieutenants Michael Kawa and Patrick Carney, College Police In this workshop, participants will learn what to do in various emergencies, not only on campus, but in their personal lives. Participants will view two videos dealing with an active shooter situation. The first video, “Active Shooter-Last Resort,” will instruct participants on how to react when in an active shooter situation in a classroom setting. The second video, “Run-Hide-Fight,” will instruct participants on how to react to an active shooter incident in an office environment. The workshop will conclude with a review of Macomb’s emergency procedures. Thursday, September 15 Reg Code: 44522 14 10:00am – 11:00am Veterans Support at Macomb ★NEW★ South, K-324 What comes to mind when you hear “Student Veteran” or “Military Student?” Do you have military and veteran students in your class, or seeking service from your office? How does “BATTLEMIND” (resiliency training) compare to civilian norms and does it make a difference? What needs might this population have and how can you help them? This unique group faces many different challenges from those of a more typical college student. Things like crowds, loud noises, assigned seating, and non-enforced rules can adversely impact a student veteran. Staff and faculty can help with transition into college; possibly by helping veterans identify their student strengths (i.e. leadership and problem solving) or by acting as the leader in situations when a veteran expects direction or guidance. If you work with students, you play an important role in ensuring student veterans receive the help and support they need. Come to this session for a presentation and an interactive discussion about student veterans on Macomb’s campuses and how we can better serve them. Thursday, November 3 Reg Code: 44519 10:00am – 12:00pm South, K-307/11 Managing Stress Paddy Laske, Director, CARE’s WorkLife Solutions In this workshop you will learn the differences between healthy stress and distress and develop techniques to thrive. Tips for becoming both mentally and physically stress resistant will be discussed. Topics that will be covered include: n Healthy vs. unhealthy stress n Typical stress catalysts n Stress attitudes test and scoring n Designing your unique action plan n Proven stress reducers Thursday, October 13 Reg Code: 44624 10:00am – 12:00pm South, J-221 Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence: The Domestic Violence Peer Ambassador Project Macomb Community Domestic Violence Council: Consent Speaker: Carmen Wargel, Chairperson, MCDVC What is Consent? This program, part of a project started in 2009 by the Macomb Community Domestic Violence Council (MCDVC), now includes over 150 Domestic Violence Peer Ambassadors, and teaches how to recognize and respond to domestic violence. Participants get the skills to support survivors and provide interpersonal education in their personal or professional lives about domestic violence. For more information about the MCDVC, please visit Consent has become a buzzword for those seeking to address sexual assault on campus and in the larger community. But what does it mean? How does it work? Why is everyone so confused about consent? Through a workshop approach, we will examine the concept of consent together through practical examples and skill development. Participants can expect to deepen their own knowledge of consent and walk away with strategies to better practice consent in their own lives. Sponsored by the Macomb Multicultural International Initiatives (MMII). For more information about the MCDVC, please visit Friday, September 23 Reg Code: 43758 9:00am – 12:00pm South, J-340 Speaker: Carmen Wargel, Chairperson, MCDVC This seminar from the Macomb Community Domestic Violence Council (MCDVC) discusses the skills needed to have healthy, safe, and fair relationships in our personal and professional lives; and how we create communities that support them. Participants will be able to identify and practice healthy relationship skills such as negotiation and conflict management. For more information about the MCDVC, please visit Sponsored by the Macomb Multicultural International Initiatives (MMII). 9:00am – 12:00pm Sponsored by the Macomb Multicultural International Initiatives (MMII). Friday, November 4 Reg Code: 43819 Healthy Relationships, Healthy Communities Friday, October 7 Reg Code: 43763 Speaker: Carmen Wargel, Chairperson, MCDVC South, J-340 9:00am – 12:00pm South, J-340 Organizing to Prevent Domestic and Sexual Violence Speaker: Carmen Wargel, Chairperson, MCDVC In this highly interactive workshop, participants will use community organizing tools to develop a plan of action to promote healthy relationships and prevent domestic/ sexual violence. By building on the important work in this arena already happening at Macomb, and by bringing new ideas to the table, participants will create social change objectives. At the end of this meeting, participants will commit to action on changing Macomb campus community norms and institutional practices. For more information about the MCDVC, please visit Sponsored by the Macomb Multicultural International Initiatives (MMII). Friday, December 2 Reg Code: 43820 9:00am – 11:00am South, J-340 15 SOUTH CAMPUS Series 1 (three consecutive Fridays; please register separately for all three dates below) 9:00 am–12:00 pm • K-250-1 Friday, October 14 Reg Code: 44523 Friday, October 21 Reg Code: 44524 Friday, October 28 Reg Code: 44525 P MACOM B CRISP training consists of three sessions over three consecutive weeks. Employees are required to attend all three sessions in order to complete the training and receive a certificate. Registration for CRISP training is through WebAdvisor using the My Macomb link. Register for all three sessions separately using the registration codes provided for each session. CENTER CAMPUS Series 2 (three consecutive Wednesdays; please register separately for all three dates below) 9:00 am–12:00 pm University Center PCD1, Room 108 Wednesday, November 2 Reg Code: 44526 Wednesday, November 9 Reg Code: 44527 Wednesday, November 16 Reg Code: 44528 For more information on CRISP training, please contact or call 586.445.7568 16 LLEGE CO In October 2005, the College embarked upon the CRISP Customer Service Initiative recognizing that our continued success is directly dependent on the satisfaction of our customers with the quality of service we provide. All new, non-faculty employees are required to attend and complete CRISP customer service training. R IS C CRISP Customer Service Training MMUNITY CO Additional Teaching & Learning Online Resources A number of great resources are available for faculty through external educational organizations. Below are some organizations that contain additional webinar topics that faculty can view at their convenience. Some organizations may require you to register to view the free webinar. Click on the links to access the webinar information. Contact if you are interested in hosting a webinar on campus. National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Username: Password: nisod240 Topics: n Pedagogical Strategies for Engaging Students and Promoting Success n The QUEST: The Completion Project for Males of Color in Community Colleges n An Entrepreneurial Mindset for Student Success n Lecture Light Shine: High-Wattage (and Low-Stress) Ideas to Engage Any Student eLearning Guild content/?mode=filter&source=olfarchives&type=All%20 Webinars Topics: n Best of FocusOn Learning DemoFest 2016 n Pimp My Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom n LMS Guide for Millennials by Millennials n Gamification Master Class: Learn all About Gamifying the Learning Process n We Found the Weapons of Mass Instruction: Why the Next Big Thing in Learning is Micro Educause Topics: n Open Standards: The Key to Building Digital Learning Environments n Personalized Learning: Finding the Model that Fits Your Institution n Contingency Planning Virtual Event Michigan Colleges Online The Chronicle of Higher Education cfm?m=86&id=86&startRow=1&mm=0 Topics: n From the Web, To the Shelf, and Back Again: The Story of an OER at Bay College n How to Create a Successful Free Textbook Initiative at Your College Topics: n Starting Your Own Website: Reclaim Your Hosting n We’re All in Agreement, Right? n Should Librarians Challenge the Status Quo? n Teaching with Wikipedia Online Learning Consortium Education Week webinars.html Topics: n Online Courses and Student Success Webinar n Digital Scholarship Webinar Series Topics: n Using Specialized Lotteries to Increase Diversity in Schools n Making Project-Based Learning Work 17 Instructional Technology Council (fee required to view, contact if interested) Topics: n Accelerated Learning in Advanced Manufacturing n Unlearning our Past to Create the Future of Online Learning n Is the 2016 HS Graduate Truly a Digital Native? n Animated, Authentic, Accessible, and Free: Using Video in Online Courses n Teaching with “Glass” n Packing your Virtual Backpack: A Required Pre‑Registration Assessment for Online Students n Effective Cooperative Learning Online: Fostering Community in the Online Classroom n Connecting the Distance Learner: Supporting Academic Persistence Using Social Media Technology Plus many more! Faculty Resource Center on My Macomb (You must be logged into My Macomb in order to access the Faculty Resource Center) Get important information on the library and learning resources, professional development announcements, resources for your classroom and so much more! 18 Macomb Community College has purchased an online subscription to The Teaching Professor, a newsletter devoted to helping higher education faculty members identify and use powerful teaching strategies…whether you teach online or in the classroom. As a member of our campus community, this online resource is available at no cost to you! Recent articles include Energize Your Classroom with Humor, What Would the Brady Bunch Do?, An Assignment That Prevents Plagiarism, Teaching the Skills that Make Students Employable. For instructions on how to subscribe, send an email to Deborah Armstrong at We’ve found the Teaching Professor Newsletter articles so helpful that we often incorporate them into the CTL blog at Teaching Professor Tips App! Get a daily teaching tip delivered to your smartphone or tablet with the new Teaching Professor Tips app. Brief and to the point, each tip provides a nugget of wisdom regarding assignment strategies, student engagement, classroom management, instructional vitality and much more. Works on Apple and Android devices. 19 MACOMB COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES James F. Kelly, Chairperson; Vincent Viviano, Vice Chairperson; Jennifer Haase, Secretary; Roseanne DiMaria, Treasurer; Frank Cusumano, Trustee; Joseph DeSantis, Trustee; Elizabeth Lucido, Trustee James Jacobs, Ph.D., College President 19-17 REV072516