legal in confidence - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
legal in confidence - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
1 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minute File No: 11/770324 Date: 25 July 2011 TO. Secretary Ms Bird, Deputy Secretary Mr Gosper, Deputy Secl"etary Mr Grigson, Deputy Secretary Dr Smith, Deputy Secretary Mr Chris Moraitis, FAS CMD Mr Tuan Dao, cro Ms Ann Thorpe, CFO M,' David Stuart, FAS SMD Mr Hugh Borrowman, FAS SED Mr John Philp AS, CNB ce. Richard Rowe, Senior Legal Adviser Mr Bryce Hutchesson, AS EXB Through. Dominic Trindade, AS DLB IS22(1 )(a)(ii)1 FM. LITIGATION REPORT: 1 JANUARY TO 30 JUNE 2011 Thi$ mLTlute summarises key developments in relation to litigation involving the department dUring the period Janumy - June 2011. A detailed assessment of all matters handled by the Consular, Passports and Protocol Law Section and the General Litigation, Corporate and Commercial Law Section is contained in the Litigation Report, attached. Deadlin~.:None. Ne;w Periodic reporting, for information. and closed matters .~l :S22(1;(.<WElHii);r· - -_ _ _ _ _ __ I_~~) J. LEGAL IN CONFIDENG~ Page 1 of3 2 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE ~l~==========-~ 3. )(al(il} . 822(1 I" .. ______---'! Significant developments 4. . The most significant developments during the reporting period were: r~JiI;! • Paris LES unfair dismissal claims: At the conciliation hearing in May, the Ind1.1strial Tribunal of Paris declined to hear the matter at that time. In order to allow further opportunities for the parties tQ."settle the matter, the Tribunal ~et down the next hearing for January 2012~ fS42fJ )' I ._J ~ ! H\Dou\onllr..:ae..""'IIrd~(ctJ)\l.i!I&.uiorn~I'~:lIUl.JJt1 :roll-LEGAL SGltVJces- i'lEPOtrtlNG\1011 U!i,s.1lian RepOO1I'>It~~';]~Fg~~noc5f'" ' Pnge2of3 ' : j l LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE S2~((-' • -ji) Consular, Passpol'ts and Protocol Law Section General Litigation, Corporate and Commercial Law Section H.\DQ::t.\Dmir~t(tcotlb (CH)U.,"ocl.!:'>l"ion r.epDrtllD-}un WJ1-l.mi"'J..SERVlCES~WORTlNG'irollliti!llliQIl ReplIT MiIJlI~,~MAL.,DOC~, ' 2~ Page 3 of3 . . 3 4 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Deparbnent of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minute File No: 07/504945 Date: , , .~ TO. Secretary Me Bird, Deputy Secretary Mr Gospel', Deputy Secretary Mr Grigson, Deputy Secretary Dr Smith, Deputy Secretary Mr Chris Moraitis, FAS CMD Mr 'lUan Dao, CIO Ms Ann Thorpe, CFO Ms Jan Adams, FAS FTD Mr Hugh Borrowman, FAS SED Mr Justin Hayhurst, AS AFB Mr Bryce Hutchesson, AS EXB ce. Richard Rowe, Senior Legal Adviser Through. Dommie Trindade, AS DLB 22 February 2011 \c~2~2~(1~)(~al~(ii~)i____________________________~ FM. LITIGATION REPORT: 1 JULy TO 31 DECEMBER 2010 This minute summarises key developments in relation to litigation involving the department during the period July - December 2010. A detailed assessment of all matters handled by the Consular, Passports and Protocol Law Section and the General Litigation, Corporate and Commercial Law Section is contained in the Litigation Report, attached. Deadline: None. Periodic reporting, for information. ---- New and closed matters i~:zi 1-l~WiJ:"" LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Page 1 of3 5 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Significant de'Velopnwnts 1----- -- 5. S22(1fa)(li) o Paris LES unfair dismissal claims: On 5 July, the Industrial Tribunal of Paris dismissed the matter on procedural grounds (that the Embassy rather than the Commonwealth had incon-ectiy been named as the defendant) but left it open for tile plaintiffs to recommence proceedings. The plaintiffs have subsequently recommenced Lhe proceedings against the correct defendant. The matter is set dowll for a conciliation hemin on 12 M :S~(1K~r~: H~O~\Qmrll:' Rttcrds (CU)lS::-Jor E=*~ Mte!inSt A£...;ce(l..iljs;ItI~:.llt[t~tI, Ptf~r.'O - LEG,U.SE/WIC.Ei$ .1'1l0~'~\;~od'1.i~;ai;;, RfP~;i)Aj~~;l 60;6Page2of3 " ' - " 6 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Consular, Passports and Protocol Law Section H.\Do.:slOroir.e Rtco:d$ General Litigation, Corporate and Commercial Law Section (Chl\S"(~ 5:tCUlhe M~elin.tsAd\ite tU:JlIillcn Ro;mt, OertCliYl.- LEGAl. smvlcas ~ pncc6ri~li 1{oI31 iJib:i~'!: ~pO"''':'''I~~,i\~MX' ; Page 3 01'3 ' .' , LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 7 Litigation Report: 1 January - 30 June 2011 Type of Matter CONSULAR COSTS AND DEBT RECOVERY EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFF PASSPORTS OTHER AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION COMPLAINTS SUBPOENAS AND DISCOVERY ORDERS * FOREIGN SERVICE OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS * 1 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 8 I LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE ; I ,I· i MATTER S22.<ii~ I \ DESCRJPTlON STATUS §@ll~ S22{1YaXiil: e \ I I I I -- - - . / ~4?~ uDI:lfr .J)l$mISSilJ ,-,milDs lubitration Courtofllte Industrial Tribunal of Paris PoteotinI liability: Nil. Successful claim would In December 200:6 the Puris Embassy initiated a restrdcture and five positlons were. mnd~ redundant ('the; eOlployees were advised ()flhls. by Ictt~r on 28 Mntcb20(1). Of the five:, S47El1='1~ ledged unfair ; wsmlssit claims secklng damages. -~6 claim clso includes e claim for payment of On 20 May 20100 P(Jsfs iawYeJ:s recei*d the plai11tlffs' pleadings. In rcsponse Pos1's l~wyCIS prepared and filed our submiS:ilOns. In prevadne the submissions, poses lnwyers advls:ed Utat the pJaintifU had incorrectly made the summons in the name of the Embassy and sent all documents to POSl~ 10 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 9 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MAITER be covered by Comcover 1822(1i(a)(jill I DESCRIPTION contributions to the -com sclleme.\ S42f1l: STATUS , I I rather than instItuting proceedings against the Commollwealth of Auslrnlia vja the diplomatic cha..nnel. At the SJuly2010hemng. tillS argument W'olS a.ccepted by thejudg,e and fhc plaintiffs) (though not the oost:s of separo\e claims were rejected on this prccedural crr{)r. ~nsion issue) and. lhIough . ter Ellison WithDut an ~se~sment oftheir merits. (the Austro.lian law finn np'poin d tc manage The pJaintiffs recoonnenced their action by Ihe is i.Slm.ting ~o"" in naming the correct defendant. At the consulfDlioll with DFAT. conciJi3tion hearing for the recommenced proceedings on 12 May 2011, the court set clown the hearing fur2! January20l2 to clIow ~!.t(Ii: furtherocoortunitics for the settle: claimsA Comeover is eoverUlg ~ation "''''l, l\v}"" 1S_4Y~ ;~?2(1J.(!!1.@1 .""~ ~ill~ II LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 10 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minute File No: 07/504945 Date: 6 July 2010 TO. Secretary cc. Gillian Bird, Deputy Secretary Bnlce Gosper, Deputy Secretary Alan Thomas, Deputy Secretary Ric Wells, Deputy Secretary Ann Thorpe, Chief Financial Officer Through. Richard Rowe, Senior Legal Adviser Dominic Trindade, AS DLB FM. LITIGATION REPORT: 1 JANUARY TO 30 JUNE 2010 LEGAL IN CONFlDErr~E Page 10f4 11 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Page 2 of4 12 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 9. In February 2007, three former Pads LEs~47.Fn} lodged unfair dismissal claims in the Ind-ustrial'i;Trici'b""uC:n"'alT":o"'f"Pccar""iccs'(c-=-o:c:v:c:eccre:-d3"Lby-----' Comcover). After a number of postponements at the plaintiffs request, the matter was heard on 5 July 2010. At the hearing, we raised a number of procedural arguments including that the wrong defendant (the Embassy rather than the Commonwealth) was named. The Court agreed with this argument and dismissed the matter on procedural grounds as null and void. It remains open for the plaintiffs to recommence the proceedings (anytime before February/March 2012), by naming the Commonwealth as the con-ect defendant. S22(Hw:'_~ c=--_____ Page 3 of4 13 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 822(1 . iil S22(1Jfa)~EiiT)- _ _ _ _ __ ~ons~~, Passports and Protocol Law Section General Litigation, Corporate and Commercial Law Section H ~t!.'.Dmin~ [I,wm1. ~CH)\S:njDrE."{~(i~ M;';linl:l"'~\""e(Lilill:licl\ 3'.~Fnrr, Dd"~ite _ J.EOALSfR\'ICES. PRO~I;I!fl!.E$U~£3:?J.yj&~lion ~Qrl,;.lItirmeD()CX Page4of4 ' ,;><) "L',i' " LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Litigation Report: 1 July 2010 to 31 December 2010 Type of Matter Page No. CONSULAR ........ ,... ,................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 COSTS AND DEBT RECOVERY ............................................................................................... ,.................. ,...................... ,..... ,........... ,................. 6 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: A·BASED ..................................................................................... ;.............................. ,.............................................. 8 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFF ................................................................... ,................ ,......................................... 11 PASSPORTS .......................................................................... ,' .........,......................................................................... "............................................. 16 OTHER .............................................................................................................. ,....................... ,... ,., ..... ,............................................ ' ".................... 29 AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMrSSION COMPLAINTS ..................................................................................................................... 41 SUBPOENAS AND DrSCOVERY ORDERS ................................... ,.............................. "., ..... ,............................................................................ 42 FOREIGN SERVICE OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS • ....... ,....................................................................................................................................... 47 I L.EGAL IN CONFIDENCE ~ '" 15 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATIER ST T DESCRlPTlON In December 2006 the Embassy i'1itiateda restructure and five positions were made redundnnt (tbe emplOoyees were .mvi!>Cd of this Un!:-tir bis:missat Clairus by lctrer on 28 March 2007). Of the five, AJbitratlon Court oftbc Industrin! Tlibullru of S47 lodaed unfair Paris aisriiislial claims seeking damagCs.W~ Potantiallinbllily: Nil. Sut:ceS3ful claLru would daim also includes a claim fot paYlil~1ihl On 20 May 2010 P~t's lawyers teceived tho plaintiffi' ple:J.ding,s.lIlrcsponsc: Post's lawyers prepared and fi.1~ (lor submissions.ln preparing the submissions, Post's lawyers advised thattlle. p(3Intrffi; hfld incon:cotly made the summ.onsin the Dome: oftlle Embassy and sent all documents to Post, 12 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 16 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATTER be covcred by C()ll1coyer IS22(1)(§t@1 I DESCRlPTlON STATUS contributions to the oomnlWlerllarv m;u.smn, rather than. instituting proceedings against the Commonwealth of Australia via 'the seh""e! C·S2i(11"'~~ -- . l diplomlUic channel. In JUlle 2010 Comcovcr received advice from the local lawyers thntit was not pOS$iblc. nor Comcovcr is covering the costs of litigation practlcru., to setde 1he.!l:C- mattl!rs before me {thougbnottc.e Costll ofl lsepiUate hearingon51uly2010. pension isst\e) and. through.N1inter Ellison (the A\ntJ;tl1i( fum appoinled to maOilgc the cases), is Instructing Pest?s lawycJ'$ in consullation withDFAT. The pmties met bofore the Arbitration Court of lb. Industrial Triblll1al o[Pons 00 8 July 2008. The Ptcsidcntset n hl:llring dale of5 MIlIch 2009 (w1.licb wns later postponed to 24 November 2009 Dnd thea. to 5 July 20]0). and also set a. timetable for the provision of documenfs and submissions. At tbo S July2010 bearing, this tlIgumentwas accepted by the judge and the plaintiffs' claims were rejected on this proccdurcl erroft without an assessment of their merits. The plain,tifi$ recommence their action by nrunU)g the correct defendant The matter is set down foc a conciliation hearIng on 12 May 2011. ~~ 13 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 17 LEGAL h'l CONFIDENCE MATIER 's22ff \~ srAWS I @i ; .........-..........-......... - 14 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE ., ,--,. 18 39110 . l·.Jl>epartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade 61h"~~ J~' (Dt=i/-L.. File No: 09/516,2 . Date: 29 March 2010 TO. co. Gillian Bird, Deputy Secretary James Wise, FAS CMD Ann Thorpe, CFO Dominic Trindade, AS DLB FM. Penpy Richar¥SLA Derek: Tucker, AS RPB iJe-- PARIS: LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFF ISSUES ~ LITIGATION At the meeting of the Executive on 23 February, you requested a briefing on the three unfair dismissal cases brought against our Paris mission following the restructure and subsequent redundancies that occurred at the Post in 2007. Background 2. In December 2006 Paris Embassy initiated a restructure and five ositions lodged were made redundant. Of the five, :S47F(1 ); Unfair dismissal claims. The matter IS ue to be lleara before the Arbitration Court of the Industrial Tribunal of Paris on 5 .Tn)y 203 a • ;;rhe plaintiffs' pleadings are expected in mid April. The cases are being covered and managed by Comcover under the Department's insurance policy. [! Settlement considexations ~S4'-- ·IL________________________~------------~ LEGAL IN CONFIDENGE Page 1 of3 ---_................ ....... ··.. C·:::'-C:..... .. ... .. .. " . .... .."' ..:=::-'''':'''-= • LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 19 1 Page 2 0[3 - ... ~~--- .... ...---.: :::":~.":::::':-..- -~ P~.~----'---' ~--'-~---.-- .. ·. .. 20 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 84 10. )i We seek your agreement to the recommendation in para2;raph 9 above. Agreed/ Not Agreed ~~ t~~ 4er~kTucker . Assistant Secretary, Remuneration and Post Management Branch .Pag~3 .. ---...... - -_._-- Penny Richards Senior Legal Adviser of3 RED TED RED TED RED TED RED TED ,; t TED RED TED RED TED RED TED LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Litigation Report; 1 Januarv 2010 to 30 June 2010 Tvpe of Matter Page No. CONSULAR ....................... ,........................................................................................................................................................... ,............................ 2 COSTS AND DEBT RECOVERY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: A-BASED ............................................................. ,................................................................................................... 10 EMPLOYlY1ENT M..A.TTERS: LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFF .............................................................................................................................. 14 PASSPORIS .................................................................................................................... ,......................................................................................... 24 OTHER ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION COMPLAINTS ..................................................................................................................... 63 . SUBPOENAS AND DISCOVERY ORDERS • ....................................................................................................................................................... 65 . ;FOREIGN SERVICE OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS * ...............................................................................................................................................76 _Toc202759263 1 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE '" <D 30 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATTER DESCRIPTION S4~ ,-/ ~4 STATUS -i)' ~~2 1)' - ~ C1ii lange; tc. decisionI of Labou1' Inspector S47Ff!-~ 1--- Paris Administrative Court PotentialliabililY: Nil ~47F}-1J I I In DeccmbC:f 2006 the Emb>lssy initiated arestrocture and five positions were made redundant. Bcca1.lSc On 26 Octobcr2009. the decision of the AdwJnisfrative Court of AllPeal was communicDled tQ the pnrtios. It confirmed the judgment oflhe lower court rind 'lpheld the labour insucctor's decision that she was not competent to glve approval for Ictrcnchmenr 13 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 31 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE LMATI'ER iS22( 1)(al(illi Matter dosed 1 I DESCRIPTION I ~4z.q;4 STATUS .- [ 'rencfilbour law requires lluthori7Jluon bl! ob1ained from the Lubour Inspector before retrenchment The tallOO! Inspector advised lhatshe was IJGt competent to g[vc lhnt 1 in the: case Gfan Embassy, a.pproval in the case afan Embllssy. S47E{1 )71s chaUcnging the decision oEllie "lii$pcctor. TheEmba:;s.y is oot a party but filed ~ submi5sion,. given the impacl (In the Embassy of the outcome o.f~~~ a.'p~l (possible rems(ntemem of 547R-1 The. Mioisler's approval was ob1nm In relation to Ute makinr; of the submission, !?4ii=O).1 h:ls two months from the date of notification of me decision to appeal to the Admicistrotivc Supreme Court. To dale the DepllI1nl.ent bas not ~eiyed notification th<ll an appeal bns been lodged. Matter dosed >:J . given tbat it included arguments ofinununity. The COllI! heard the case on 9 Aprl1200S. In njudgmcntQf7 May200S,lheCourtrejec(co S47Ff1 Clappeul agrunsr the La.bour lnspe(:tor~s. decision. iJ S47F(1 lodg,d an appeal and med~{i) submlssloo to tbe Court in Octobe["20 3. Post's lawyers filed our submissions with the court in earlv Jnnuatv 2009. ~1?F';!.~ On 24 November 2009~ tbe hearing was re:structute omdfive positions Wete made postpOJled until 51u1y 2DI0. redundant (the employees were advised of this I unrnlr .t.mnllss:lI CJ:ttms S42!:1~ by Icttcron2S March 200?}. Oftheiive, Arbilr1l1ion Comt of the Indllstrinl Tribunal <Jf $4 iFf.!it-!odg~ unfair Paris I c.lal~ seelUng, (larnages. 'S47FfiI] PotclllinlliabiEly: Nil. Successful claim would claim also includes a claim for payment of contributions to the complementary llension In December 2006 the Embassy initiate.d a J9 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE I 32 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATTER be covered by Comcover ;§~~~1)Ja}(ii)1 DESCRlPTION STATUS S4 .'1' :scp.~me I ,,~~ ! Comcover is covering tlte costs; ofJitigation (though not the casts of,S4iPf1 )~pilIate pension issue) n.nd. tlttou&hlimiter Ellison (the AUS1rnJian law finn nppointoo romanage the cases)l is instructing Post's Illwyors in consultiltIon with DFAT. The parties met before tlle Arbitration Court of tho Industrial Tribunal ofParis OJ:!. S July 200S. The President set a hearing date of 5 Marcll2009 (whi<:h was later post,poJ1ed to 24 Novemb~r2009 and then to 5 July2010).llIld \l.lso set a timel3ble fe>r the provision of documelUS and sUbmlSSil)ns. ~ 20 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 33 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATTER D~CRll'TION - STATuS - ~4~ S22j1' - (ii): I 21 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE / STAFF IN CONFIDENCE 0Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade , 34 Ctf Minute File no: 09! 5022 Date: TO. Acting Secretary CC. Penny Richards, Senior Legal Adviser D"ominic Trindade, AS DLB Ann Thorpe, CFO . FM. Derek Tucker, Acting FAS CMD 10 December 2009 Paris: Locally Engaged Staff Issues This minute provides an update on the status oflongstanding LES management cases in the Embassy in Pads. The post continues to manage a nUInber of ongoing litigation cases, but has resolved sensitive issues relating to the introduction of a new conditions of service package. We believe that Paris management issues no longer require ongoing review by the Semor Executive. Unfair Dismissal Legal Act~on 2. You will be aware that in December 2006, the Enibassy initiated,.a,... ___ . .le_st.ty?i.ure and :five LE3 positions wjre made redundant. Of ~e fi;re, ~(i)1 . jS47T( .~); _subsequently lodged unfrur dlSIl1lSSru clalIns. The latest hearing took place on 24 November 2009, As plaintiff submissions had not been received at 1.'1e. time of the hearing, the Embassy's lawyer sought and obtained a postponement to 5 July 2010. 3. Parallel to this, the union representing the former stat'! members (the Confederation Frangaise D=ocratique du Ti'avail (CFDT), the .largest French. trade union confederation) produced new evidence, and infonnaJiy sought f'uri:her infor.:g1ation from the Embass on the re-en a ement of a former DFAT employee ;S47Ff1f Iby the B47F0-l: A formal reCluest from the CFDT is expected:;---'~ was one of the five DFAT LES made redundant in 2006. .' . is47W 1 We are unaware of the union's rationaJ.e for seelting the . 'inI6rmation but believe it ~ay be rela~ed F0...a_d~e to scrutinise the processes employed by the Embassy in re-engagmgjS47f.(2llJ, as they relate to the engagement of staff Who have previously been made redl-)ndant. STAFF IN CONFIDEI9'~E;: Page 1 of3 -C-.C-:-;-. _ -;---:...:: ..• ...:: •••....:: •. ...::._ ....:: .• ..:. __:...:_ •••• .... •-.:-::-::::-:::--=-.-:-:-::-~-=-:-: _ _ _ -:-::-:-=._ _ _.. _ ... _.... _. _... 35 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE LES Conditions of Service S~2(1 (a)(ii). STAFF IN CONFID~;Nq~, .. Page 2 of3 - ~.. • ••. • • • : . "'n ._~•• :'":'-:-:---::~-~~-:;.-:-:~:"•• :--.--.-~-~.-.:.---.-.~.~_,,_,.~-. _ • . • --,........-...~ . 36 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE ._Oth~r gngoing LES litigation cases IS47~ IAdministrative ' COU!t of Appeal 11. On 24 September 2009, the Administrative Court of Appeal upheld the 2008 judgment of the Paris Administrative Court (in favour of the French labour inspector) rejecting the CFDT's petition to invalidate the decision by the French labour inspector in March ~0()7 that she was not competent to rule on' the Embassy's dismissal ofS47Flli ~or economic reasons. The decision was communicated to the.parties· on 26 October 2009. 12. Under French labour law, §.47Ff1j Ihas two months to appeal the deci:sion in a higher court (the Administrative Supreme Court) from the date of notification of the decision. S4"iF{i'j:.- ,.- 13., J , ,S4~Fl11: 14. ;S47F(1 iDs seeking damages for medical disa:bility caused by unsa:fe working conditions, and "equitable» damages. 15. :S4~n original claim was dismissed in March 2005 on technical grounds. :S"*~stituted proceedings in 2006. The case was heard on 31 January 2008 and the decision was communicated tQ.Post's.,!wers on 27 March 2008. The Court did not examine the substance of;S47Ft1)1 rc1aims but ruled that the action had lapsed. On 1 July 2009 the post,received notification that:S47Ft11U had lodged an appeal against the decision. A hearing is set for 9 February 2010, ~ 7~ erek T"ucker Acting FJrst Assistant Secretary Corporate Management Division STAFF IN CONFID~NPE Page 3 oH . . _._. ~"' _ .... .... .' _. - ... - .. _ ... ..: ~ ~ ,":"--:-::::::;:" -- ...: .~ . .• •.' ••.• ~_ . • . • • ' ' . ' , • ""_.h 37 LEGALlN CONFIDENCE Litigation Report: 1 July to 31 December 2009 Tvpe of Matter Page No. CONSULAA ..... _...................................... ,......... "................................ _........................................................... _........ ".............. ",...,.......................... 2 COSTS AND DEBT RECOVERY ".".",•.. ", ... ,,, ......................................................... ,................. ".. ".............. ".... ".."........................ "................... S EMPLOYMENT MATI6J.<S: A·BASED ...... ,......................................................................................................................................................... 15 fu\IPLOYMENT MATIEJ.<S: LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFF.............................................................................................................................. 18 OTIiER ................. _._ ........ _,>, .............. ",.................................... _._, _ ••.••• _._ .............. ,.",_, .......................................................... _._ ••• _••••••••••••.••••••• 52 AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMlSSION COMPLAlNTS ................... "............. ".............................................. "................................. 13 SUBPOENAS AND DISCOVERY OI\DEJ.<S ................................ "..................................................................................................................... 75 fOREIGN Sl!I1.VICE OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS .................................................. ,................................ ,............................................................ 87 _Toc202.759263 . I LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 38 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATTER PESCRll'TlON I S47R+r-Ch:lllcl1goto dccl!ion ofLnbDur InspectDr Paris Administrative Court Potentinlliability: Nil ,S22(1 )(a)(ii)i I I STATUS Matter c!DScd. S47~ I [--~ I ! In December 2005 thcEmbilsSYJ'!:~!:ed arestru~~ fiv~os;tinml w"';..... G..,.,dundont S47F{-1-j; r french labour law requires alllhorizati(Jll be obtained from the Labour Inspec[or before retrenchment The Labour Inspector advised tha[ s-he was not competent to give thaI approval in the case of an Embassy. S4'7Ff~Wl'is challC1lging the decision of the lospeetor. The Emoossy is n()t but ms. able (0 file a SUbrol$ion. given the impact on !.he Embassy of tho outcome of the appeal (possible reinstatcmcnt ofS47F(4)' On 26 October2009. the decision oftbc. Administrative Court ofAppe31 was c.ollltll\lIJ,icated (0 the cocftnr.oo the judgmcntofthe lower court and upueJd the labour inspc~tor>s decision !hat she was Ilot competent (0 give approval for retrenchment in tbe C3se of an Embassy. ·S47F(10has two months from the data of notification of the decision to appeal to the Administrative Supreme Court. To date the DepilriInent luis not rcct:ived notffi.eation thnt an appeal has beelt lodged. I s4?11i -~ 'S42m: 24 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 39 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MAnER DESCRIPTION STATUS s.4~ S47f(1 II lodged an app"'''"" m-:!~1); iS47~1 subm.JSsIon to the Court in Octobct' 2OOs:--'"'Post's lawyers filed our submis$ions with iht:; court in ",rlv Jon""'" 2009. In December 2{)Q6 the Emba!.:5J initialed a restructure and five positioDs were made Unfi i D" . I . rcdmu:1ant ~~~ ~~pl~}~~!:er~?llvjsed of this n r umlSsn ClnJnIS .hvJI';\tp. fthc.five, Arbitration Court ofthe Industrial Tribunal of §'471~k1Jl-Ilod&.«I upfair Paris dismissal claims seeking dlll1lages. ;S47F}1lD Potcntiall.iability: Nil. Successful claim would olaim also includes a ctaim fo~~=nt 0 contdblltions to the comnlemen cnsion be covered by Comcover '§~-<.!L(aWi)LJ scbc!'ll"'"· , ~ 42ftl' ;=:.-~ Corncover is co....ering the. costs of litigation 25 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE I 40 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MAITER DESCRlPTION STATUS (though oat Ihe costs orS47~ )Dsepante S43!1l' pension issue) and. througu Minter EIli!>on (the Australian law finn appointed to l'1lUllage the e4Se$)J is mstntctiDg pQstls lawyers in -consultation with DPAT - an agreed protocol bas been setup to facilitate tl~is. The parties met b~foIC the AIbitration Court oflbe Indusmill Tribun,l of fans on aJuly 2008. The.Presidentset ahcnring date ofS Man:h:2009 (which was later postponed to 24 INovembe.l' 2009), and also a timetable the of documents and slibraissions. Bet fot PIUvisiol1 AcCording to tImt timetable, the applicants were to provide iheil' subntissiolls by 30 Septem.ber 2008. Pos,'s lawyer h"d advised that tuese submissions would give l1S an idea ! of the arguments beLng milde., which would in ~ provide Comeo"" and Minte, Ellisoll i~-'.. ... ~ 26 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 41 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATTER DESCRlI'TION STATUS , S2211~~ S2~1~ - 1$2~1~ , .27 LEGAL m CONFIDENCE LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Litigation Report: 1 January to 30 June 2009 Type of Matter Page No. CONS ULAR .. " .. " ............... ".... " ..... " .. """"'''''' ......................................................................................................................................................... , 2 COSTS AND DEBT REeo VERY .......................................................................... "" ..........,......... " ................. " ...................................................... 5 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: A-BASED ........................................................... """"'''''''''''''''' .......... ,..................... """",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFF "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ........................................ 11 PASSPORTS ....... ""'''''''' .................................................................................. ,............................................... '''''''''''''' ........................... "'"'''''''''' 21 OTHER ....... "....... "'''''''''''' "...................................................................................................... """'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .......................................... 33 iHREOC COMPLAINTS .......... '''''''' .................................................. """" ... "" ...................................................... ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ......................... " 52 'SUBPOENAS At'lD D rSCOVERY ORDERS ~ .................................................................... """"'"'' "",,,,,, ............................................................ S4 lFOREIGN SERVICE OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS" .......................................................................................... ,.... '''''''''''''''''''''''' """"""'''''''''''' 62 1;;LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE """'"'''''''''''''''' ............ "'''''''''''''''''''''''' ...... """""'" """'"'' "'" ......... '" .................................... ""'"'''''''''''''' 66 1 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 13 43 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MA'ITER DESCRIPTION S22(1)~ ~_2_~(1 STATUS ~tJ1 a (lil axlli ; /" '~47Ff1ii-- ChnUeng~ tQ I dcei;ion ofL~bQut' 111spect'Or Pnris Admirostrntive Conrt ~~~~lf) S47F{H 2006 theE I Tnt> CQurt heard the et\Se on 9 Apri120OS. lu ajudgment of 7 May 2008. the Court rejected ~FfDCJappeal against the labour I In December Iospcctor's decision. The full text of the :usy ii1tliated a lesLructure.and dl!C;$ion wa:; onlv issued in June 200S. [4 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 44 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATI'ER I Potcn1ialliability: Nil 822(1 )(a)(ii)O DESCRIPTION STATUS l fiv~.nosi~ S47F(11 tI i French labour law rcqUllCS :lUfrlOri~atio~ be obll\ined from the Labour Impeclor before retrenchment The Labour Inspector advised that she was: not competent to give. that 3Eproval in thc~c oran Embassy. aeknl'lwl~dged receipt ofthc Court's requesl to lis challenging the decision of the provide a submission. Post's l:l.wyerS filed our Inspeclor. 'ineEmbllssy is not 11 party but was submissions with the court in etlrJy Jnnl10ry abl!!. to -me a submi$Sion, given. the impact on :2.009, nnd we are slilI nwniling advice on tbe Embassy of the OU1cowe orthe im~ when tllc hearing will be held {we 1lltderstnnd (possible reinstatement of dl:1L the Court wilt beclo~ed from 1 JuLy (01 September 20:09 for the summer brntk). 1?4~ I'S47"1:!.l. . I Unfgir Dismissal Claims lodged <1n ;lppeal and filt:dD submission to the Court in October 2008. The Labour Inspector sent n I5!UCI to the Court, but neithe!' PO$t nor Post's Inwycrs have yet seen a copy. We were informed that the letl~rW<ls just a ionnality in which the lA.bour Inspcotor S4~ In December 2006 the Embnssy initiated a restructtuc md five positions were made redundant (Ule employees were advi$ed of t1>Js by letter on28 Mareh 2007). Ofthe ~:~faiL Arbitration Coutt of the lndustrial Tribunal of ~47FM~ 'dismls chums seem dama = ~~~ 'oMode es.l 15 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE I 45 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATTER PilIis DESCRlPTION STATUS ,S4~ ll1?tlJ Pot(mtinlliability~ Nil. Successful claim would be covered by Comcover c::).:,r1\;;;\iu\;-i (ShouldS41F(1IJbesuccessiul"'~P)' separate action against tlleFrcncb Labour Inspector~~y~lso be able to seek reinmtementa:1though doing so would have ~.!!- if.D'pa~t 00. the timIng and proceedings for ~u\lfiP.r diltmissal el3im.) , ComcDvea is: covering th~_co.¥[$_ oflitis.~tiC)n (though not the: costs ofS47F(4)' !scpa,ate pension issue) and, through. Minter Ellison (the Aus[rnH1lIl law imn oppoil11ed to the CIlSCS)s is inS!:nlcting Post's lawyers in cOJ!~ltation withDFAT -;m aereed protocol has been set up to facilitate: !his. Tho pllItics met befoIC the Arbitration Com tlftbe Indosfrlill TriburJDI ofPnri& en S Iuly 2008. The President set tI bearing date of5 Mmll2009 (which WiES later postponed to 24 November;' 2009), ru:td also set n timetable for the provision ofdClcumcnts and submissions. A<lcording to that timlHable, the applicants were to pc()vlde their submissions by 30 16 LEGAL Ii'! CONFIDENCE 46 LEGAL It'{ CONFIDENCE MAnER DllSClUPTlON September200S. Post~s lawyer had advised that these l>ubrn.i:S:iioDS would giv~ us nIl ide:! Qfthc tll'gunlfmts being trladc, which \vould in STATUS 84.. 1) turn provide Oomcovcr and Minter Ellisol1 with an idea of ollr prospects of success. i?£2J11~ S~2(i' ;§2'2(1i~ 1- [7 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE I RED TED RED TED RED TED RED TED RED TED LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Litigation Report 1 July 2008 to 31 December 2008 Type of Mattel' Page No. CONSULAR ..................................................................................... "'''' ..................................................................................................................... 2 COSTS AND DEBT RECOVERy .......................................................................................................... " ..................................................... ,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: A·BASED ...................................................... " ..... , .................................................................................................... 9 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS : LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFF.................. , ...................................................... :.......... """""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 PASSPORTS ........................................................................... " ........................... ,............................. " .... """"""'''''' ............................................... ZZ OTHER ... ,.............................. """.""............................. ,.......................................... " .......... ,.................................................................................... 33 HREOC COMPLAINTS .......................... " ......................................................................................................................... """"""'''''' .............. ,..... 45 SUBPOENAS AND DISCOVERY ORDERS" ................................ "'''' ................................................................................................................. 48 ..;FOREIGN SERVICE OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS * ..................................................................................................................."'''''''''''''' ... "....... 56 .LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE ...................................... "" .......................... " ...................................................................... "." ..................... 60 1 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Rl 53 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MAnER DESCIUl'TION STATUS ~g(1#~ !l47Ff4l\-- I PotentialliabUiIY: Nil S22(1)(a)(ii~ I r'"' '---- --I Challenge to deci:iion or Lil.bour Inspector Pads Adm.l.nistrnti....e Court ~l~_ ITh_~~~.~,,,""'.' I ..... jl I I I . IIn Daccmber 2006 the Embassy initiated a restruclure nnd ~.9~itiOI1S were made redundant. c=:J S47, .•• i labour law rcqurres authonzation be obtuncd from the Labour Inspe:ctorbefo~e retrenchment. The Labour [ns.p;ctor ndVlScd thai slle ~~i'lS not competent to gwe that .~.E!2val m tho case of an EmbilSsy. S41,FITf1is challenging ~hc dccisionoftbc Inspector. The Embassy IS not a party but \VilS jgdgmcJIt of7 May 20081 ate Court :rejected Iappenl against the L:t.bour Inspector's decision. The full 'text of the decision was onlyismed in June 2008. I ItQdged tn appeal andfiledD submission to thcCtlUrtmOciobcr2008. The Labour Insptcto.c Se)lt a teller to the Court. but neither Post not p(lS~'S lawyers have yet seen a copy. Post's lawyers filed our submissions with the court in early January 2009, and we are now awaiting 2dvice on when the hearing will beheld. _..... • able to file a submission, givell Ute impact on ~1?\~ the EmbilSS}' of the olltcone arlbl( RPPj ~ (possible reiustatement of . l :S42ftj: 16 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 54 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE I DESCRlPTION MAITER STATUS r~ 1-s4i~ . I j'c____ In Deccmber2006 the: Embassy initiated a rcs[nlc:tute and :five POsitio-llS were made: redundant (the employeeswr;re advised of this Unfair Dismissal chillls by tener on 28 March 2001). Oftha. five, IJod~cdun~ir Arbitration Court oitlIe IndUlitrial Tribuoal of S-47F(-#.-dlsmssa[ cJ:ums: sccldog damages. S47F(1k1 Pfl.ris claim nlso includes a clnim f.orpaymecl Otc PotentiallillbiHty: Nil. Successful claim would cOI!W~emcn(!!.{y pCll$ton .scheme. (Should S47F(t~bt; succcss(ulJnDscpnrnte aclion be covered by Comeover against the Fren our J.Uspector~LUay ~bl [0' scekrein:llatement a1 - ugb ms '0 would have on Imp,,' on !be ~"\g b2d )(a)(ii)1 S47F:i'if Dll~ pr(lceedings f01~ ~~r dismi~al , cl2.1m). S~ F(1}1 !:?4 .11J Comcoveris covering the costs ofJitigation and, through Minter EUison (the Austtalian law firm appointed to manage the cases), is instructing Post~s la.wyers in consultation with DFAT - an agreed protocol has been set up to faeilitatc this. I The parties met before the Arbitr;tlion Coun of the Industrial Trlbunnl of Pnris on &July 2003. The President set a. hearing d<llc ofS J\1arch 1009. nnd also set a timetable for the provision ofdocument!l and submissions. Aocording to that timetable, the c.pplicnnts Were to provide theirsubmissiolls by 30 September 2008. Post~s Je.W)lcr had advised that tbese subtnissions: would give WI an idea of the i!rguments being mad~ which would in lUnl. provide ComcQvet tUld M1nter EJ1j~on w'ith 3Jl idea of our prospects of success. ~.- ~~, 17 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 55 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE MATTER PESCRIPTION \ STATUS IS4!1 ~ m 1 .S22.<i~ " 18 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Litigation Report 16 April 2008 to 30 June 2008 Type of Matter Page No. CONSULAR ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 COSTS AND DEBT RECOVERY ...............................................................:............................................... ,................................. ,........................... 5 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS; A-BASED .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS; LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFf ............................................ " .................................................................................. 9 PASSPORTS .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 OTHER ..................................................................................................................... ', ..... ,......................................................................................... 28 HREOC COMl'LAINTS ................. ,......................................................................................................................................................................... 36 SUBPOENAS AND DISCOVERY ORDERS ,' .................................................................................................. ,.. ,................................................. 37 'IlOREIGN SERVICE OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS '" ...................................................................................................................................... ,........ 42 LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 46 REVIEW OF LITIGATION OVER 07/08 FINANCIAL YEAR - KEY POINTS ............................................................................. ,.................... 48 1 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE '" 0> 57 LEGAL IN COi:\'FIDENCE MATTER I STATUS DESCRlPTION '9~~{1'~ S47FHf.1 Ch.. Uenge to decision ofLnbour Inspector The Court heard the J;<]se on 9 April200S. In a judsment of 7 May 2008, the. Court rej[!~led S47F(1~ 11"-' '--'---" :UU[J Potentialliabili1:Y: Nil $22(1 )(a)(fill i I IInspeotor's deoision. The: full text of the !i1ppeal tlgainst the labour J In December Paris Adroicistrativc Court uu:' ~m\)assy Imll~l00 1l rcs{tuc.ture and five positions were made. redundant. c===J I I'_ren~ l~~our J~W reqlllres Il;UUlonzllllOn De decision was only issued in June ZOOS, and has 2 monlbs from rcccipt of the judgment Ie> lod,g,e Jln appeal. I f'":' •••. obtained from the Labour Inspector befote relJenehment. The Labour Inspector advised tbat:she was not competent to giv~ tllilt a~~ tbe case ofan Etubassy. ~l is challe.nging the decision of the Iru;pl!Ctor. The Embassy is: not a party but was able to file !l submission, given. the impaot on !he Embassy of the outcome oftbe appeal (possible reinstatement ofl ~ ~ p--~~ I 14 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 58 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE IrIE I r, l§fA:ruS I ',h.~~I" ,A. : HI"m, Arbilralion Court ofthe Industriai Tribunal of Paris •.. I~erl!~ will m~t before Arbilmtion Court of _, I bv leiter on 28 M, ~"h'2ru;7)1~~~:~;.;:" clso I di8mlssoi cl.fms. includes a payment of the Potential1iability: Nj), Successfill claim WOlJld complementary pension scheme. bl:. covt.ted by Comcovel' 1822(1)(a)(iill the Industrial Tribunal of Paris an g July 2008 to determine if the claims can be s~ttlcd through conciliation. If the partics fail to settle e1ahns at tht: conciliation meeting then Ihe court will assign a hearing dOlle. Contcover is covedng the costs of Ii ligation a.nd imttueting Paris' lawyers in consultation with DFAT - nn agreed protocol hi1$ been set Up to facilitate Ibis. We arc currently awaiting advice frolll Post's lawj'(!:1'S as to noy submIssions to be mnde at the concmation llearing. including all issues of immunity and competcocy. If the conciliution conference is notsucccssful, a hearing da[c will bcsct. 15 LEGAL ll'! CONFIDENCE • LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Litigation Report 1 January 2008 to lS.Apl"il2008 Type of Matter Page No. CONSULAR ............................................. __ ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 COSTS AND DEBT RECOVERY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: A-BASED .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS: LOCALLY ENGAGED STAFF ................................................................................................................................ 9 PASSPORTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 OTHER ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 HREOC COMPLAINTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 SUBPOENAS AND DISCOVERY ORDERS ........................................................................................................................................................ 37 FOREIGN SERVICE OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS *............................................................:................................................................................... 40 LEGAL SERVICES EXPENDlTURE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 43 I LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE ~ 60 LEGALINCO~1nDENCE Pnris AdmiruSl'l'ativ~ Court PotentlalliabUily: Nil The CoUrt heard the case On 9 Apti1200S. The decision is expected lo be comrnunicoied to us in theDl!Xt 1-2 months. and mu)' be subject to v, Parties will meet before ArbilTatlOIl Court or the Industrial Tribunal of Pan:; on S July 2008 to detemline ifthc claims call be settled througb conciliation. If the pnrlies fnil (0 settle claims at the conciliation meeting then che court wfli assign n hearing Atbitralion Court oflbe Industrial Tribunal of Pads 14 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 61 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE DESCRIPTION Potentiallinbitity: Nil. Successfit1 claim WGu)d complementary-pension schem.e. be covered by Comcover MA'ITER STATUS S22(1 )(a)(ii}1 and inSlnlClingParls~ lLLwyers in consuhation wilh DFAT-nn ;)gIced protocol has been up to facilitate this. No action in relevant period, I ~'~ ~i1..2(1~~(~. 522(1' a)!iU' , I, ! I I / 15 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE LEGAL-IN-CONFIDENCE Department of FOi'eign Affairs and Trade Minute ~~-7> File no: 07/006062 Date: 3 October 2007 . ;fb<:: ,f,,,, \::\....0 'ft.: cc,,",' r- TO, Dou~ Clfster, ce. Penny Ricbards, Senior Legal Adviser ~ ThJ:ough. Jameswise,F~j!O ~ .q...,~ ~~.J..., liM. Depuly Secretary v..~ K>\o~" _ \ "'-~ ......4.-... Mauro Kolobaric, NgAS SnB Suzl\Ill1e McCourt, NgAS DIB PARIS - LITIGATION - LES - MANAGEMENT OFllNFAm. DISMISSAL CASES Tbis minute provides an update on the unfair diaroissal claims of three f(umer DFAT LES in Paris and seeks yo~ent to a proposed communications sb:ategy setting <:mt ao:angements regarding the exchange of infonnation between DFAT, Post, Comcover and the lawyers (m France and Australia). 2. Three fonner Paris LES :S 47Fi 12: . Ihave lodged un:fuir dismissal Claims in the rnauslliitl Tribunal oUarls following their positions being made redundant in Februru:y 2007 as pru.t of an Embassy restrllcture ofLES (five LES positions in total were made -redundant). We were fiTSt made aware ofthe claims from the three LES on 27 July 2007 {S22(1)@(iil: I. The parties are due to meet before the Arbitration Court of the Industrial Tribunal on 8 JUl.y 2008 to see lithe claims can be setUed through conciliation. If settlement is not reached, the Court will set a hearing date to detemrine the claims. 3. On 1 Angust 2007, the department lodged claims with Comcover in respect of all three unfair dismissal claims. On 22 August 2007 we were notified that Cameo'!,," had accepted the claims under its pol:icy, and would therefore take o'!er future management ofthe claims. 4. Comcover has advised that pursuant to a new directive from the SecretillY of the Department of Finance, all new matters were to be referred to Department of Finance legal panel members (consisting of Minter Ellison, Blake Dawson Waldron, Clayton Uiz and DLA Phillips Fox). The Post engages LinkIaters as its loca11awyers, including in pIOviding advice on the Embassy restructure and . related redundancies, as well as in its initial management of the unfair dismissal claims. Linklaters dOel! not have a presence in Australia, and are thus not on the Department of Finance's legal panel. Given Linklaters' detailed ant! in depth uudel'Standing oithe background to the unfair dismissal claims, Comcover has agreed to continue to retain Linklaters, but with a Department of Finance legal panel member (Minter Ellison) to provide them with instructions on behalf oI ComcoveI. 5. As a result of the above arrangement, we have developed a draft communication strategy (attscbed) that sets out proposed arrangements regarding the excbange of information between DPAT, Post, Comcover, Minter Ellison and Linklaters in the management of the unfair dismissal Pagolof2 63 n j LEGAL-IN-CONFIDENCE . cl~~ to ensure the Department is appropriately engaged in the process. AJ; the management and outcome of the unfair dismissal cases eQuId have implicationa for otherissues being managed at Post, . it is essential that we (DFAT) continue to be involved and kept infonned of developments. We have therefore been careful to ensure that, while Comcover and lV1inter Ellison will now provide instructions directly to Linklaters, DFAT and Post are still to be consulted before any action is taken.. This is the fust time that we have had to deal with such an arrangement and it is our view thatit is important that we establish clem'lythe expectations lI!l1ong stakeholders. 6. We request yom' approval to proceed to manage the unfair dismissal claims in accordance with the attached communication strategy. If you agree, we will then seek Post's views and then propose the strategy to Comcover. ~ Mauro Kolobaric Alg Assistant Secretary Staff Development and Post Issues Branch A/g AJ;sistant Secretary Domestic Legal Branch Page2of2 ._-- .. - ..._------" - ........._.. _---- 64 o Paris Unfair Dismissal Claims: Communication Strategy This communication strategy sets out the arrangements in place regarding the exchange of information between DFAT, Post, Comcover, Minter Ellison and Lliudaters in. the .IIlanagement of the unfair dismissal claims lodged by three fOTIIler Paris LESS47fT!-l' I Communication and Instructions. In managing the unfair dismissal claims, the following procedure is to be followed: i) ii) iii) iv) Comcover will instruct Minter Ellison a. Comcover wiI! consult with DFAT before instructions are sent b. DFAT will consult with Postifnecessaty c. Final instructions should. be copied to DFAT (contact details below), who will then. advise Post Minter Ellison will then insrruct Linklaters directly a These instructions will be copied to Comcover and DFAT (contact details below) b. DFATwillthenadvisePost Linklaters will respond directly to Minter Ellison, who will in tum forward that advice to Comcover and DPAT (contact details below) a. DFAT will then advise Post Minter Ellison and Comcover will discuss how to proceed, with the above process then commencing again. Other LES Issues at Post Although Comcover is now responsible for managing the unfair dismissal claims in consultation with l\£nt~r Ellison and Linklaters, DFAT and Post will need to continue to monitor the advice to and ·from Linklaters as the unfair dismissal claims could potentially impact on other LES management issues at post. DFAT will be responsible for ensuring that Linklaters is made aware of the demarcation of tasking involving the handling of the unfair dismissal claims and other LBS management issues, primarily for billing purposes. iS22(1f)(ii)! .. - --_... . _ . .. I _....._------- . _ - - - - - 65 • S22(f(a)(ii),c-'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 3405166 SECURITY IN CONFIDENCE Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minute· :File no: 07/002355 Date: 23 August 2007 TO. Secretary ce. Peter Grey, Deputy Secretary. David Spencer, Deputy Secretary Gillian J3:ird, Deputy Secretary .Ann Thorpe, CFO Penny Richards, Senior Legal Adviser Peter Davin, Executive Director, OPO Through. Doug ChE!$~r, Deputy Secretary David J. B@,b;ie, Deputy Secretary FM. James Wise, FAS ~1~ Sam Gerovich, FAS DID J~')..41t? 'V\\< h: c: ~ ,..>- ~,.,..r ~., II v I . A '\ ,~~=P=~==S=E=MB==AS=·=S=Y=_~~=~~2(~1i~E~~-l~i~===========================~ ii3??{ifa)(fi): I• ) ~.~ I' L - - - . ._ _ _ _ _ SECURITY IN CONFIDENCE Page 1 of5 . _._-.. _._.- . -- . .... --------.l1 SECURITY IN CONFIDENCE S22(L(.<ill'~}'~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~ Page 2 of5 67 SECURITY IN CONFIDENCE 822(1;-i0)--------------------------,1 LES Security Guards 14. The post ha{l an establishment of eigh1"I .ER spcnrlty gnarils at an annual cost of $677.000 (six of these positions are filled by full time pen:nanent LES and the remaining two positions are filled by temporary staff). The estimated redundancy costs associated Wifu te:n:mnatlng the employment of the existing LES guards :is aJ:ound $147,000. The post estimates legal costs of around $200,000 and a protracted and lengthy legal process if redundancy is pursued. Tbi.s is not an unreasonable estimation of costs, given the messy mid ongoing legal issues and legal costs associated with the recent LES redundancy process. In 2006-07 fue post spent $143,000 on legal fees d:iJ:ectly related to LES redundancies 8I1d an additional $142,000 on legal fees associated with other post management and LES BR jssues. In addition, three LES are challenging their redundancy decisions and are seeking compensation for 'retrenchment without real8I1d selious cause', wbich under the French legal system could take years to resolve. Page 3 of5 --------_. 63 SECURITY IN CONFIDENCE - 69 ........ - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , r"('-*O}@} 17. In addition, t;:yo LES receptiomsts could be engaged to undertake the range of receptionist/ switchboard dU:lies and 'to pro'l.ride relief coverage throughout the year. There would be a requirement to offer redeployment options to LES guards made redUIJ.dant UIJ.der French labour law. We should therefore explore & deul0vmg two LES guards to fill these positions, at an annual cost of eurolOl,OOO (aroUIJ.d $169,OOOl,. Given that the LES guards already provide a range of receptionist, consular and other services to embassy clients and visitors, tlJis seems a sensible proposaL :S.?2(T. -§l)(i!)! r--: I Page 4 cf5 ~. " 70 SECURITY IN CONFIDENCE g~C0(~X~i)'------------------------~ Page5Qf5 71 34041 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minute File no; 07/006062 Date: 22 August 2007 TO. Secretary CC. Peter Grey, Deputy Secretary David Spencer, Deputy Secretary David.J. Ritchie, Deputy Secreta:ry Gillian B:lrd, Deputy Secreta:ry Ann Thorpe, CFO . Through. JIM. Penny Richards, Senior Legal AdViserl,....,.. '1o;c1 DougCh.R.1tutysecretary M,\oI)C,;:\ J=OOWl,,,J~,k- <- '....r b _~ "-("~ . (--"'~~ PARIS ACTION PLAN • UPDATE AS AT AUGUST 2007 . . ....:'1\ ~ This minute provides a status report on management issues relating to the Parts embassy identified during the February 2006 internal aur:lit, March 2006 Post Liaison Vlsit tPLV) and June 2006 Budget Allocation Review (BARl. An update in November 2006 (copy of minute attached at Al identified a range of issues that remained work in progress: • Retrenchment Process for Five LES 2. This has now 1;leen completed, with the last .of..the frve LES formallv ceaslng to be employed on 2 July 2007. Three of the LES ,847Ff1-1: I have made f'01mal cla:in:is of unfair diSmissal and are seeking compensation for 'retrenchment without real and serious cause' of euro96,68l (around $162,000), e'ur080,OOO (around $134,000J and euro 60,700 (around $102,000) respectively. We are defending these claims, The fil'st he fore the Arbitration Court of the Industrial Tribunal of Parts is set:li 8 July 200 . We have separately lodged . Comcover claims In respect of the three c es an omcover formally advised on 22 August 2007 that-it has. accepted the cJa!T')§ under-its poli8T. In the case ofS47F(1)8as;S.~!F{-!1: Ithe Embl'},§L was requ:lred to seek the French LaboUl' bpector's authorisation to make ~.B.11 redundant. The Labour Inspector declared herself 'incompetent' to decide . e matter and the Embassy then proceeded with the redundancy. '847 1 i supported by the French Union (S:IMA CFDT), has now challenged the decision of the French Labour Inspector In the . 3. :S47Ff±l~ STAFF IN C01-®J)E~CJj: Page 1 of5 --_._~.':":.-7"':" , ••••• -- ",_ '~~!"""::;-:-:'~:-:~:-::.:';'".;---~-.:-;";;';.~=.:.T.""-:-:-:-:----'--' .... - .... _... __ ..... ... 72 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Pari~ldministrative Court, The embassy is not party to the action. but was invited to make submissions. After receiving local legal advice, the embassy (via its lawyers) has advised the Court that it reserves its light to malce submissions at a later point in the proceedings (after the Labour Inspector has put its easel, 4. - One of the five LES S47F(1) ...... .. S47F(1 ) I S47f\1 ) II S47F(1) :S47pw,' C _____.l . -- - - - S~2(1 ~)0i) STAFF IN CONFIDENCE 1"- Page 2 of5 I I 73 --_.- " STAFF IN CONFIDENCE 822(1 )(a)(!i) STAFF IN CONFIDENCE . -.~ Page 3 of5 74 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE S2_?[1~~1(ITj':-.- - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , .... STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Page 4 of5 ----- - ... ... _. 75 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Page 5 of5 --.----.. ------.-.--~,--.---.-~- -----_._...- - ---- 76 , 011000 LEGAL-IN - CONFIDENCE . /IA.." Department of Foreign Affaixs ar. ' ~\,S~ f~- f;L S;1<..~ V :Minute ?' .?:' ,. It{IO 't4--.'-e-n-,-0;-0-7-'5-04'=tr. Ftl Date: 26 September 2007 TO. vee. Peter Grey. Deputy Secretary DaVid Spencer. Deputy Secretary Doug Chester. Deputy Secretary David Ritchie, Deputy Secretary llilichael Potts. F'AS ILD James Wise. FAS CMD Through. FM. Ann Thorpe. Ch:Gs'ef . anctal Officer Gillian Bird. De :y Secretary U lJ..,iS/ ~I Penny Richards. Senior Leg~se~ ~7.k/ Suzanne McCourt. A/gAS DLB ~ ~ \~ ~ • <vJ d('\~t,-...1~J<.. "f-, UTIGATION REPORT: JUNE 2007 TO SEPTEMBER 2007 Jf-.~ "S ~c.' Purpose: To infonn the Senior Executive of all ongoing litigation dealt With by t Admlnisb:ative and Domestic Law Section from. 16 June 2007 to 26 September 2007. The a1:tached report outllnes the current status of litigation m~tters and consequent contingent liability to the Department. This minute highlights ma;jor developments, Concluded matters i,S22(1~-=(lli\ LEG.'I.L - IN - CONFIDENCE Page 1 af5 \-D\.~..:> 77 LEGAL - IN - CONFIDENCE (S22(111(tfa>J\it:*1ii)~._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ r-- -.-- New matters pau 2. (S4?RF(+3)~===:------1!S4i® l former}ES in s , have lodged uDfatr dismissal claims in the Industdal Tribunal of Paris folloWing their redundancies during the December 2006 Embassy restructure. A conciliation meeting before the Tr:ibunal w.Ul be held in :luly next y~ar.....Comco:::-er ;will. i:Q.demn:tJY the De artment in relation to thes claims. Additionally, 0 ~i::!)., is challenging a decision by the French Labour Inspector in relation to i§4i _ .. re unda..rwy in the Paris Administrative Co~rt, in which the Emh~ not a party but has been inVited to fUe a submission. 1 I ~?_~~rL:(ii)i ongoing matters :S2~(1 r-.Jii: LEGAL - IN - CONFIDENCE Page 2 of5 Iv" 78 LEGA:L -IN - CONFIDENCE Page 30[5 79 LEGAL -IN - CONFIDENCE .' S22(1)(a)(iij • r-------------- --- LEGAL-IN -CONFIDENCE Page 4 of5 80 LEGAL - IN - CONFIDENCE ..-. _ .. S2~~1 ···~------------------1 a)(ii) . /liLt ~.r-/ /\..l-.--_ Suzru.1ne McCourt Acting Assistant Secretary Domestic Legal Branch LEGAL - IN - CONFIDENGl3 .• Page 5 0[5 [ I. LEGAL·IN·CONFIDENCE f • I: I. Litigation Report 16 June 2007 to 26 September 2007 I. I:, ! Page no. True of :Matter Consular 2 Costs and Debt Recovery Employment: A-based 6 8 9 Employment: LES . Passports HREOC Snbpoenas and Discovery Orders Other Foreign Service 15 26 28 31 35 1 """ LEGAL-IN·CONFIDENCE ~ LEGAL-IN-CONFIDENCE MATrER DESCRll'TION J ;S~7F(1)! lThallenge to decision of Labour lnspector ! i ! STATUS ;~jf(1~ I Post's lawyers have informed the Court that once the Labom· Inspector has filed its submissions, the Embassy will then file its submission. The Inspector's submissions have not yet been filed. ]S47F(1)1 lIn December 2006 the Embassy initiated a restJ.ucture and five positions Paris Administrative Court were madHedundant. ;S47F11 \1 I Potential liability: Nil lPosfliad to gain pennission :S47F(1 l' .= - 'uY! from the Labour Inspector before retrenching him. ; r-·-----D.l..! The Labour Inspector advised that she was not competent to givethat approval. On that basis, on 28 . March 2007,iS47F(1 )Jwas sent a letter advisin~S47W that-Dwas being retrenched·IS47F (nil is ... Challenging the decision ofthe lnSpeclOr. The :S47F(1f - __ • __ .1 Embassy! Gove.tnment is not a party but is expected to file a submission. S47F(1l In December 2006 the Embassy initiated a restructure Parties will meet before Arbitration Court of the and five pOSitions were made redundant (the Industrial Tribunal of Paris on 8 July 2008 to employees wei'" adVised of this by letter on 28 March determine if the claims can be settled tbrough Ullfair DismissaiCJajros conciliation. If the parties fail to settle claims at 2007). Of the fivelS47FIn I Arbitration Court of the Industrial lodged unfair dismissai diiims. Note thatli3 47F.(1)1 i the conciliatory meeting then the COllrt will Tribunal of Paris claim also includes a claim for payment of the assign a hearing dale. complementary pension scheme. Potential liability: NiL Successful I :Dl ,• I· .. I claim would be covered by Comcover [81 I 13 LEGAL-ll'l-CONFIDENCE ex> '" <, .1 32853 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE o Departm~nt ~Foreign ~vr<r. ~' Mfairs and Trade ' Minute ~'i File no: 07/001341 Date: 28 March 2007 ~ TO. The Secretary ce. Doug Chester, Deputy Secretro:y [air) Penny Richards, SLA Through; 83 "V;=es Wise, F~~ 'Mimon Merrifield, AS SFB FM. --'Yt""""......~"4'.'-"=-..--., _ _ _ _ _ _ _p_:ARI __S_"_RE_D_UND __!<\N_C_y_p_'R_O_C_ESS __-_UP_D_'Pi._T_E_ _ JCJ6 This minute proVides an update on the Locally Engaged Staff (LES) ~ redundancy process at the Embassy :in Paris. We have serious conCeInS abou ' ~ossible, alternative employment for one of the five LES be' de red1.mdant S47F(1 ), Meanw. e, a new egation has emerged by another LES employee that she wall "promised" a particular position by the Ambassador and fonner DHOM. Work is underway to \ investigate t h a t . . . Redundancy Process 2. On 6 Februmy, final notification letters were hand delivered to three of the five LES @4iF(1tk Iwhose pOSitions were made redundant, notiJYingmem at the final decision to abolish their pOSitions has been made and pJ,'OViding fuem with three months tennination llptice. The letter to the fourth LES, ·§~iF(~jras delivered on 7 February 2007. 3. The red1mdancy process for the ftfth LES@47.l:filO was delayed because, . under French labour law, the Embassy 1s required to seek the authorisation of the F;reA<;:~ Labom; Inspector to make redundant ami T,FA elected a·s a JJl1ioy delegate :E?47'=f1J _On. 22 March the Embassy reported that·the French'Labour Inspector adVised that Bhe was n.ot 'competent' to assess the conditions of the proposed termination becaulle the employee works for a diplornaticmission. On 26 March 2007 we proVided post a draft letter of redundancy for :847&1)0 Post has beep. asked to clear the text with the labour lawyer before issUiii.gthe letter to :S47Ft1 )0 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE. Page 1 of3 .- _.. -- ... ", .. _.... _..... _... ,-_.- .-.. ----_ ... _-_ _ .... . , 84 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE TC.'re months notice _period 4. It is common and established practice In France for an employer to reiea,se staff from working during the three months notice period. Approval. was given for the Embassy to offer an early departure date to an redundant staff. The Embassy is working With staff to agree mutually acceptable dates. 847F(1l: 1-- 5. We have become aware of an S~7i=(1 i . . I though there are no specific detailsJ9r th.e position, we under tand that the duties- are very similar to those . at S4'l-Flis currentJ: unde . " In an email. of 10 Au Ambassador Wensle :S47F(1 ) L:-."_-'"-"-w-e-ar-e-em-'-em-el-y-c-o-n-c-em-e-d-q.-b-O-u-t-th-e-n-'-sk-to-._-1h-~-W-h-Ol-e-L-E-s-r-e-d-un-d-an-cy-TV process of an option that involves re-employing :1'.4;71= 1'fb.e creation of a DYA p.goS~iti~·~o~n~~~·~th~1~n~th~e~E~mb~a~s~s~t~oJugn~d~er~t~ak~e~;em~'~~~~~'~~~~~~Ctiy cQJ:ltradict the rationale for the rES restructure: And to what Ambassador Wensley told the Workplace Relations Committee on 8 December 2006specifically, that "the Embassy was examining alternative ways of handling its annual program of activities in'the Sonn:ne ... and that tile new press/prOjects officer would absorb much of this special. 'projects work". 84 II L -__________________________________ ~ , We have canvassed other options .l~u!_.:none a pear risk free. Engaging someone else In tll~lE!_nGosed by :§4-Wltbt could also lead to action for 8. =- "T''i~ ",d , - - - , .~ b,m=<l,"'=daci. Cancelling reau.ndancy (jf indeed that is ossible at ibis stage) would also risk legal actl from other staff claiming that e redundancy process was flawed. '84 .(1')' . -,,-- \1 84 (1" - 9. . L. _ _ . .._------ On the other hand, not re-engaging S4!F(1 seems likely, '''?4iF(ij Ll also carries legal. rislt,_If as I JS~+Ft1:.~feU"ed to In para 6 above constitutes an. offer of employment UJader French law,;847F{1D may be able to bring an action for breach of contract/damages. Prel:imlnary legal '- LE;GAL IN CONFlDEN€E . Page 2 of3 85 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE a/'ce is that damages would be a:t least 12 months salary. While we would argue ~i any legal liability in relation to this would rest with DVA, R,VA might seek to assign some responsibility to DFAT. . .-' Discussions with DVA , 10. We have had preliminary discussions With Kerry Blackburn, General Manager, Co=emorations and War Graves Di~sion~VA (FAS equivalent) to ascertain their thinking in relation to emplOying ~:!.:-f. 'Ilbd to sensitise them to the issues relating to the redundancy process. DVA appreciated that there were ~ificant compJexil"i~ with the proposal to offer ~a;~gOing employment in the Embassy, includin angles of which they were no(pre"ilously aware. We explained to'DVA the need for any propose emp oyment arran ement to be consistent with local law and for DVA to obtain local legal adVice concerning any proposed employment arrangement. In doing so we stressed that it w9S imjportant that the redundancy process should not be undermined. . II . 11. DVA is now considering its options and has undertal;:en to obtain legal adVice from the Australian Government Solicitor and French lawyers to ascertain whether there is any low/no risk way that has not yet been conSidered for them to employ a DVA staff member. Engaging someone as an A-based employee is one option fuey have flagged that fueywould like to explore. Another option might be to absorb the DVA duties among its existing LF,s and A-based establishment. would not, however, ac"\dress possible action from for breach of contract and we have not yet raised this possibility with DVA or Post. S47F 1 I~~~ . 12. We will keep in close contact WithDVA Witj:l. a View to assistingthem-:Ilnd a 1/' way forward that protects the redundancy process and minimises exposure for \ DFA'l'. S~2(l. . iQ a' --------~~ on Mer.dfield Assistant Secretary Staffing Branch . LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Page 3 of3 .- .. _----- .. _.--.. _ - - - - - - - _ ... _----_. 86 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE ;) '. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minute File no: 06/010970 Date: 23 January 2007 TO. .Secretary CC. Doug Chester, Deputy Secretary O/R Simon Merrtfield, AS SFB O/R FM. Penny Williams, FAS eMD PARIS EMBASSY - RESTRUCTURE PROCESS This mlnute proVides a progress report on the restruci1.1re process at the Embassy Paris. Post management is proceeding through the steps required under French labour law and is consultlng closely With CMD and lLD on each stage of the process. That said, a number of ollier issues, including LES allegations of harassment by the SAO, have complicated the situation. . Background 2. Following the February 2006 audit, March 2006 PLV and June 2006 Budget . Allocation ReView Process, llie Senior Executive put in place a strategy to address the management difficulties. This has involved reVising the organisational structure, resulting in a reduction of five LES positions. These positions have been identified and the occupants Monned of the intention to make them redundant. French laboUr law is heaVily skewed in favour of the employee and has prov:ided challenges to post management in achieVing the desITed outcomes. 'The post's LES workplace agreement specifically commits the Embassy to all aspects of French . labour laws for red1.mdancy and the procedural steps this entails and post management il'; required to negotiate each step of the redundancy process With the LES Workplace Relations Committee (WRC) . . .Potential RedeploYment/Redundancy of Five LES 3. The post has identified five LES positions as redundant in the reorganised struei:ure and adv:ised the incumbents in writing on 18 December 2006. Part of the redundancy process is to consider whether staff currently filling the TI;'dundant positions can be redeployed to another position in the Embassy. As part of the restructurefjpost management created a new Human Resource Manager pOSition and as 1s reqUITed under French labour law, the five LES were llrv:itecl to apply for this new position (pl1?-s five other current vacancies which were at lower ·STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Page I of3 .....-:.:.c. ....::c.••::.... _. .;c..- - - - - - . - -.... -. - - - - - - - - - - . ...c' • 87 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE ,.-.. c:lJs:rfi.cations). Four of the LESapplied for the Ruman Resource Manager position, and an were interviewed on 4 January 2007 by a Selection Advisory Committee (SAC) chrured by the DROM. 'The SAC found that none were suitable for redeployment to this position. They have all been advised in writing of the SAC's recommendation to the HOM. None of the five staff members expressed lnteres:t in the five other vacancies. All vacant positions have now been advertised eKte=ally, with applications due on 26 January 2007. 4. In accordance with French labour law, tb.e post is reqUired to seek the authorisation of the French Labour Inspector to make redundant any. LES elected as a workplace delegate. One of the five identifi.ed LES is a depuo/ employee delegate and t!.1.e post has sought pennission from the Labour Inspector, in a letter dated 19 January 2007, to proceed with the redundancy process. A three month mandatory notice period must elapse from the date of acknowledgement ofthe letter from the embassy before any further action can be taken. ~~~U~ ,?lQiJ STAFF IN CONFIDE:N~Il; Page 2 of3 88 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE -----.--------------------J(ii) S22(1 Next Steps ~ We are now requrred to wait the mandatory three morrlli pertod following fonnal notification of the "redundancies of the five LES. This should conclude on 18 April 2007. " " Penny Williams FASCMD STAFF IN CONFIDENCE '. Page 3 oi3 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Department 0rf Foreign Affairs and Trade , /Of1..'ilt( . I· fi1l'd~ . 2. ~ };1/l r II\f "J/\eJvt..f Fileno: Date: 24 November 2006 The~tary TO. ce. Arm Thorpe, CFO Through. li'M. Minute I V i4t'1 . Doug Chester, Deputy Secretary -"'-Penny Williams, FAS CMD ~ ~ ~I. ~ \ ~ {.y..J... ....... ..r-- ~~~I' Ar-lJ.~{'<7'""' : ) k:~'" PARIS ACTION PLAN UPDATE ~~ ~ . f..~ -1(iH\S'~ t This minute assesses progress in addressing the full range of rnanagem issues identified the February 2006 internal audit, March 2006 Post fr""'\,}. Liaison Visit [pLV) and June 2006 BudgetAllocation Review (BAR). HOM Parts has .prov1de~ a comprehensive report for consideration by the Senior Executive on ~ t\ action taken by post management. Attachment A - reports on the post's actions in response to the 2006 BAR; Attachment B - reports on post's response to the PLY recommendations; and Attachment C - reports on post's' action in respollile to the internal audit. 2. In addition, HOM PariS has written a covering letter addressed to you which is attached at D. 3. The reports provide, overall, a fair assessment of post management's a!Otions In addreSSing the range of financial, adrnlnistrative and management issues identified the PLY and audit and in the BAR. This has not been achieved without G.onsiderable level of input and prompting from Canberra. A small CMOled team, with representatives from Domestic Legal Branch [Katrina Cooper, Mauro l{olobartc and Nicoli Maning-CampbellJ has provided the Canberra-end support to the post in this process. There has alSo been regular dialogue between FAS CMU and HOM Paris. It had initiaJIy taken some effort from Canberra to ensure post management focused attention on priority issues and place necessary processes to manage the problems identified. Messages were reinforced when Deputy Secretary Chester visited Paris in September. 4. We are now starting to see some positive outcomes as a result of these processes, Jncluding some progress on LES redundancy issues. However, t.l1ere STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Page 1 0[4 90 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE ,., stllL)mains the risk that tltis process could be delayed o:nd/or frusirated by·tl;l.Ose disgruntled LES whose positions·will affected by the red1llldo:ncies and by those· militant members of the Workplace Relations Committee (WRC) who are reluctant to embrace change. The redundancy process has been rigorously scrutinised and is in su.-ict complio:nce with French labour law. J • 5. The successful conclusion of this process will need unwavering resolve and leadersbip from the post and will provide the foundation for tackling other major challenges ahead, such as the review ofLES social security issues, the rene otiation of e L Wo Jace A eement and the review of securitv g. s will continue to reqUire ongoing and regular dialogue and management from Canberra to ensure that the momentum continues o:nd that there is no resiling from the action plan. In this context, we look forward to the arrival of the new Depuiy Head of 6. Mission in January 2007 to provide additional impetus to the efforts of the HOM and SAO, who have largely driven these management changes. We see substantial benefl.t in having greater involvement by the DHOM (and where appropriate other A-based staff at post) in the management reforms and engaging and consulting with staff so as to effectively COIIlIIlunlcate the financial and siructural reasons for the reforms. 6. What has been achieved? S22(1~~: T ered1llldan e p47F(~ 's4iF1 I is now in irain. It is expected 7 atOWill formally cease dUty on 3 li) ""Feoraary 2007. 'S2~( 1] 7. !s47fillj ' (Ull Work in Progress e retrencbment rocess for five LES ·will formally begin on 4 December ;Z006 when the HOM is scheduled to present to WRC i) STAFF IN CONFIDENC:E Page 20f4 .. - ... - - - .... -_........._--_. ~- -.--.--~--.- --------,-.----.--.-.~- ' . , - , . __....__ .._..............- ..... _. __ .•..•. ........ , ---------- . ., ... .. '-,- .... '-~~ 91 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE a p~)er outlining the reasons for the restructure and the llkeliliood of redundancies. This is required under French Labour Law. The redUIldancy PJocess is not expected to be completed before April 2007, at the earliest. '.As a result. the reduced LES salary costs will only take effect from about May 2007. A:!J:.y antiCipated budgetary savings will be nill:dmal in 2006-,07. The process has been scrutinised and cleared with Canberra. Post:is working with OPO to iden' 0 tions to hand back to OPO excess spa,ce in order to re uce the post's property rental costs. ill} "\ • iv) is working with FMB on unrecovered Value Added Tax (VAT) dating ~~.k to July 2q03. This :issue:is further complicated because of broader property and rates related issues which affect diplomatic missions in Canberra and t potential consequ<,\nces for reciprocIty. . v) Settling-in and settling-out procedures fOl' A-based staff have been refined and work contInues to ensure effective processes are in place. Post has been unsuccessful to date in recruiting a CLO, It will readvertise this posItion in February 2007. S£louses' laCk of French language is a major deterrent in attracting Suitably qualified applicants. :S22(Hfaif!ttt'I)t;-:- - - - - - - - - STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Page 3 of4 92 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE sii(11(-a)(!i)""- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , r---- ill) Post budget. There will be continuing uncertainty about the post budget until the LES redundancy process has been finalised, the review of security guarding has been completed, the post has been able to regulartse any ~ baclqJayment of LES social security, the VAT issue is resolved and OPO-related prope.riY funding issues clartfied. Post budget has been supplemented by _ AUDIOQ,OOO for legal costs assocIated with the LES redundancy process aud AUD350,OO for LES redundancy-related costs, agreed by the Senior Executive. 822(1 )(.)(ii)' Penny Williams First ASSistant Secretsry Corporate Management Division STAFF IN C01\TFIDENCE ~'" \ ~ Page 4 of 4 .---~--- ... -------~----~--- - _ ... -.,--~ 93 Australian Embassy - Paris Position paper for Senior Executive Action taken following February 2006 Internal Audit, March 2006 Post Liaison Visit and June 2006 BAR BAR 2006-07: Parls - Senior Executive Decision S22( 1 a)~iQ, (d) LES establishment to be reduced by a least 5 over the next 2 years 1 -:-'-;-,":'"-. -.,-.. -~- -.-~---.--.-~,-.~- .-._-_.. 94 . "..,. I. .J Advice from Mr Chester was that the 5 positions are in addition to the wW~osition - that position being part of the offset for the creation af fue secondA-based corporate 'position. _ . . . .(--:~'-'.~ .S47~) If . Tl1.~ xeelundancy procedure is nearly completed. .' .. ,~,!!j:O.(:1.)J is currently on a 3 month notice period, as required by F.rench labour law. and will cease duty on 3 February 2007. As we work to return the post to a proper management footing we continue to be confronted wifu irregular issues (although not ~ - ---~ speci:J?cally illegal) that appear to have had substantial input from ,§±tnU iS47-F(11~ among fuese are the terms and proViSions of the Workplace AgreelJ),ent (including generous provisions to LES employees) and the use of the Carte Speciale (comment below). Restru,<>ture and Reduction of' at least 5 LES positions The post has agreed witll. Canberra a revi8ed organi8atianal structure for the Embassy - it will require the reduction of a net five positions, in addition to thejS4 !F(I~osition, and ihe retrenchment of up to five staff. Subject to final approval by the Department of the timetable proposed by the post, ihe formal redundancy process will begin on 4 December when HOM presents to the spokesperson for the LES Workplace Relations Committee a paper outlining the reasons for ihe restructure and the likelihood of redundancies - this is required by French Labour law. The dilli.culties for employers of French Labour law are, of course, well known and documented but nonetheless continue to be a source of serious frustration. The diliicultles have been exacerbated by a prQvision in the LES Workplace Agreement which specifically commits 'l:J.:te Embassy to all aspects of the French labour laws for redundancy, and all .--the procedural steps t..lIat this entaJIs, Tb~ lawyer has 2 ==~=~~ =. . .......... - ... :~-~ . ~~,.............. ~~~=. _~,_~ __ ~. _ •• _ . _ _ _ _ _ _• __ • _ _ _ • _ _ _ R _ _ . _. . . _ .... _ · = . . . .========== -'=''" =:. . .= - = - = - - - - , " - - .• - • 95 ;'J told us this u..'1Uecessary and foolish provision to :include:in -- the Agreement and has added unnecessary compleJdties to the 11'"- ( process. ---.. Attached is the tlmeline of the steps that we are requJred to follow. As you will see it is unlIkely the process can be completed, and staff reductions made, before April, 2007. This means that reduced salru:y costs will only be effective from that time and this will impact on the post's budget for 2006/07. Now that we have a fairly firm date for the redundancies, the post 'l.vill undertall:e a thorough re-exammation of its budget and will provide fur!her advice to CMD of the likely outcome for 2006/07. The funding for !he redundancies will be in the order of ADD 348,000 but the exact figure cannot be calculated until the actual date of tel.JJlination is Imown, because the redundancy payments are based on both full years and part years of employment (the above figure Includes the exact redundancy payment forQ as\ ~ure date has been fixed). ~4'¥~U' 84' (1) 3 ---------_.- ..._-- 96 .·'S22(1 " . . . . _(a)(ii) .. _- 4 ,----'._-._--_.- 97 5 ~22((t.'!2(~ffl:-------------------_____~98 6 99 S2?(1 a)(ii)---------------------~ 7 S~(1(ai(ii)--------------------~---- 8 -""-'-- .. - --, .. ,- .. . . --. ~ 100 101 S22(1 ii) Redundancies The redundancy process is unsettling and will remam so until it finalised. A particularly diliicult period will commence on 4 December when the positions to be cancelled, and hence the five employees who will be made redundant, becomes known. We can expect accusations of unfair process and discrJrnlnation against LES and possible obstIuctive action by the WRC. We cannot rule out some i.ype of union action such as conveying information to the French and Australian press. The possibility of a strike cannot be ruled out. 9 \ ... - - - - - -..... _•...._ - - ...... _---_ .......- .............. _ - - 102 ~~~1fLa)(ii2!-------------------- 10 S33I~~~(i.0:"~-----------------------~ 11 --- . ~- ._ .... _ - 103 104 S22(1-~a)(ii);-.---------------------~ \ 12 S22(f~(a)L0ii)-----------------------1 M 13 106 '--1"-===------------------ IS22(1'; -_. L. 'I... I 14 107 31201 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE Department of Foreign Mfairs and Trade ~ ?<>f<t. . . f· Ihr·~V!.~'Jf,y- 2, lnS wlllJ''{.i i'l-\j Minute File no: TO. Through. Pelmy Williams, FAS FM. eMD - You asked that we provide advice as to ~hether ,S22t4~&clilih be pursued Ie ally ;"'/ ~ by us if further sufficient evidence comes to light in our investigatl:ons or wb.ether "1 0 giv:lng,s4.:i'=ljiii redundancy closes off that option, . C2,,!?L's advice is that: S4 • -'- . Penrry Williams LEGAL IN CONFIDENGE Page 1 ofl 108 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minute Date; 18 August 2006 TO. Sec",tary cc. David Spencer, Deputy Secretary GeoffRaby, Deputy Secretary Doug Chester, Deputy Secretary David Ritchie, Deputy Secretary Gillian Bird, Deputy Secretary Lynette Wood, AS EXB Penny Williams, FAS CMD FM. . Lf::- . l-. . ,<J \\i . P.ARIS EMBASSY - BAR and PLY Review Update \\t _. ",'1..,,,---........, Attached is a paper received from Penny Wensley, HOM Paris, dated 15 "-( August on the implementation of Pmis PLY and BAR recommendations. /" Penny Williams First Assistant Secretary Corporate Management Division STAFF IN CONFIDENCE --------_.--_.--------.. __.--_...- . ... _-_._ ..._ - _ . - - - " ' ' - ' - - l 'r 109 PLV RECOMMENDATIONS: PARIS 2006 FOLLOW-uP AUGUST 2006 • Decision 1 - that the post undeltake a fundamental review oHts . business priorities, business :p!ocesses and staffing requirements to clearly identify savings strategies needed to ameliorate the budget sho.rtfalls it currently faces. Significant progress has been made in .this area and it continues to be post management's highest priOrity. The major activities in this area are the folloWing. LES Staff Reductions/Restructuring The post has reviewed its priorities in the context of the decision by the Senior Executive that the DFAT LES establishment is to be reduced by at least 5 positions. The post has submitted a proposed~1J Action Plan which will meet this requirement and reduce ongOing ( salary costs by ADD 513,639. The restructure proposed can be achieved by a combination of transfel"ring some functions to A-based officers including the newly created 3 m Secretary (C&A) pOSition; streamlining processes; eliminating oyerlapp:!ng tasks; ongoing staff development programs; and producti,v1ty gains by the retrenchment of undel' pe,fOrming staff. The proposal involves the retrenchment of 5 LES . . The proposal is under consideration in Canberra and the subject of follow-up infonnal discussions between FAS, eMD, HOM, SAO and SDB. S22(1:::-1W): 'L- 1S2~1 «il_." :!-:_ _ _ _ _ _f 1 . -. . . . ... - ... - -~--------.----.--- . " ~ ....... . ... ....... . ~- -::::;:"-::..--....:.-:~':.....:.:.:...- =--.:.-.....-.....:.:....:~. :---- .. :. - - , ' ... ,'. '-- 110 s22(f(a)(ii)I------~-------------- 2 ....- ~ (") ~2(f(ai(ii:')--------------------' '1 I .-- 3 --~----.....:.-....::...- ... - - :. : ... - --'----' - .. -.-- - - - - - ... - 111 n LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE ,~ Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Minute Date: 15 August 2006 TO. The Secretary CC. Ann Thorpe, CFO • - ft.«:-17 (..( Through. Doug CbfSter. Deputy Secretary FM. J:'emlY Williams, FAS CMD Kattina Cooper, A/g Senior Legal Adviser PARIS - PLV AND BAR FOLLOW-UP LES REDUCTIONSjRESTRUCTUlUNG ACTION PLAN "':~17ffl.+I ...,._.Itps m~te proposes that we authoriSe post to proceed ~o make redundant ,S47Ff'1f, ~ the senior Locally Engaged Staff (LES) accounts and personnel manager. Post will need to work closely With the local lawyer (Linklaters) to ensure .the process is consistent with and defenSible under local law. ~ .W,f;lJpd. ~ wanted to proceed With a fOlmal CoC!-e of Conduct process agamst,847-F(11Iocallegal une uivocal ill, strongly recomp:!.endllig against this c~urse of action. Given@'~!f( being paid salary an accrumg a a e cos s, we reco!l:ll'l1end bringing closure to this case through the proposed redundancy. * Redundancy/Restructure Process 2. Th~ Senior Executive directed post management tp reduce its LES numbers by at least five. As part of the pos.:r~.PIE.P0sed Action Plan for LES reductions and restructuring, post has identifled:S47F(j1?osition as one to be abolished. While we are not yet in a pOSition to' 'endorse the proposed Action Plan, we are of the view thaJ:...~ven the establishment of the new A-based Third Secretary (Admin) poSition.@.,!7-F(1~ositionis lltlwredundant. The new position Will take over a . . number of fueftnancial and HR management respotlsib¥.!-tie/3.. 9ffue LES accounts and personnel manager position, currently occuple.d by iS4?-F\J!2, .' 3. The cost of funding the new A-based Third Secretary (Admln) posmon was going to be offset by the witl:uD:awal of one ,!\-based pOSition at post (notionally the DROM). The Senior Executive decided tP..uold off on reducing anome, A-based pOSition. You may Wish to consider as an offset or partial offs!'!t (V:I"")' for the Third Secretary (Admin) position. This would mean that the pqst nee~:to reduce its LES estab1ishment by five positions in addition to the:S47FO pOSlUOn.· . WOuldm .I r -, !S47F(11' LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE ... _--- .... - if _ _. ......... ...... ---_. 113 LEGAL IN CONFIDENCE 5. Article 7.2 Qf the posfs LES Workplace Agreement provides for redundancy due to changes in the natllre. extent or organisation of the embassy. ):>.2!>! will need to work closely with Linldaters to ensure the process of making S47'Fd) redundant, including any rectu:trement fo consider redeployment, is consistent with and defensible under local law. 6. .Article 7.'2 further provides that a fuJI-time employee who is made re.dUl).dant is entitled to receive two weeks' salary [at the base rate of salary) for each completed year of continuous service UP to a maximum of 48 weeks' seland\ S47F(1); . '{. We would propose funding for :§l7F(~dUE.dancy be drawn from the Cenir'al. . . Contingency Fund. Oode 9f Conduct. Process . The LES workplace agreement provides for dismissal for sei.ibus offence andlor misconduct to be dealt with according to French law. Whlle we consider thatJS47F(1;1 l the commencement of a formal process to determine whether or not he breached the LES Code of Conduct (and had :instructed post to that effectJ, local legal advice is unequivocal in strongly reco=ending aga;fnst tl1is course of action, because 8. al a French court would view the series of :investigations we have already conducted as constituting a formal determination process and b) undertaking a new process againsti~~!£a::ii.t tins stage could also be ~~eu__, by a French court as a f = ofbarassment wmchincreases the risk of :S~7fi1.)1 cla:iming any subsequent redundancy process. was unfak and being a~ded. damages.' In addition, a court could order reinstatement and :find us criminally liable for harassment. 9. If you agree, we propose to cable pos~ advising that it proceed to makef§.{f-!{i~! redundant as a mai.ter of priority. A separate cable will be sent advising post not to proceed With action under the LES Code; of Conduct. ~. Penny Williams Ftrst A?sistant Secretary Corporate Management DiVision atJ:ina ooper AI g. SeiJior Legal Adviser LEGAL IN 'CONFIDENCE -_. . ._-" .. . ...... -- .,--,,.-- ._.. - STAFF IN CONFIDENCE 114 BAR. 2006-07: Paris - Senior Executive Decision ~~rf~{f~i:~C~~~i~o~n~----------------------------------------------- () Looally engaged staff S22(1~: ," _'~'----__ 6. The Semor Executive ;nas di:r'ected a reduction in permanent local staff {r.-\. numbers from the current FTE adjusted 1i.n:Ut of 28.5 (ie net of guards, CLO ,-:-...J to .and interns) by at least five FTE over the next two years 23.5 (including .OEeD jUNESCO). Post sh':lUld aim to achieve this through nonnal restructuring and natural attrttion processes so that no additional redundancy or disputation costs are incurred. fui(17~0~: \ ..~. _______________ .S22(11(~ .. ~ I'~' : STAFF IN CONFIDENCE Page 10f5 115 /\ \.~ o Page 2 ofS ._.. _----_._- ........ _.---- -- .---_...-. -.. - - - - - - - STAFF IN CONFIDENCE ;~'L _.:-.:,---------=...:....:,=-=~_=_::.==__=_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1116 S22( 1 (a)(ii) o Page 3 of5 STAFF IN CONFIDENCE 117 ----~~~~-----Jl 19. A summary of Senior Executive decisions is as follows: d) 1he LES establishment be reduced by at least five F'l'E over the next two years to 3;1..5 ('Without guards this :is a net FIE limit of 23,5); S-22"(1)( a)(il); r----- --_ . j) The post to be su.pplemented by $788,000 in 2006·07 and $230,000 in 2007-08. The post is permitted to brlng forward a CCF bid for social security supplementation when the issue and funding requirement is clear, for any volw.l.tary redundancy costs which exceed accruals and for any legal disp:ute costs which may mise. Pa.e4of5