NL 11 - 2015 - Parade College


NL 11 - 2015 - Parade College
No. 11
From the Principal
24 June 2015
Year 11 students have been invited to join the preparation
program for College Prefects for 2016. The program takes
place in Term 3, at the end of which leadership roles for next
year are decided.
Congratulations to Tui Volau and Deshan Silva who will be
representing Parade College at World Youth Day 2016 in
With first semester assessments and examinations
completed, all students have commenced second semester
studies with new timetables. Semester reports will be
Best wishes to the Basketball Team who will represent us
available on-line this Friday evening.
during the break at the Edmund Rice National Competition in
In the first weeks of next term we commence the subject
selection process for 2016. Students will be given important
We wish all our students a safe and restorative mid-year break.
advice at year level assemblies about the selection
We resume classes on Monday 13 July.
processes, and then asked to make their choices by the due
date. Please be mindful of the subject selection evening for
Dr Denis J Moore cfc
Year 9 and 10 parents and students on 30 July.
At the beginning of this term we completed the processes for
continued recognition as an Edmund Rice school authentic
to the Charter. We will be presented with a certificate of
renewal on August 10 at a special gathering at our Preston
Campus by Dr Wayne Tinsey, Executive Director of Edmund
Rice Education Australia.
On the same occasion we will formally open the newly
renovated Mackillop Terrace on the Preston Campus. The
work will be completed with the planting of the trees in the
first week of the term holidays.
From the Assistant
Principal - Staff Welfare
and Development
Winter Games Evening
The Winter Games Evening is on Monday 17 August
from 6pm-9pm. It is a worthwhile time of friendly
competition for fathers and sons from Years 7 to 9. Mr
Phil Gaut, Director of High Performance Sport, will
Catholic Identity and Community Mass
A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition nurtures
and encourages the spiritual growth of each person
through reflection, prayer, symbols, sacred stories, rituals
and sacraments.
facilitate the activities with the assistance of student
prefects and members of the Fathers’ Committee. No
sporting skill required - just an interest in having a night
out as a father/son team. Details of the evening will be
emailed to families.
Farewell to Vicki Clark
Last Friday I was fortunate to be in attendance at a
special celebration. The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry
hosted the event which marked the end of 25 years of
Vicki Clark’s dedicated service, leadership and
achievements. Vicki has been involved with a number of
activities at our College over the years.
Each week our students participate in mass with different
Tutor Groups allocated across the weeks.
Parents are always welcome to come to mass with their
Friday 26 June 8.10am
Bundoora Chapel - Father Vincent Le with L15 (Ms
Natasha Nicastri) and L06 (Mr Darrell Cruse)
Friday 17 July 8.10am
Bundoora Chapel - Father Steven Rigo with T15 (Mrs
Natalie Patuto) and T06 (Mr Paul Davis)
Ms Cate Livingston
Assistant Principal - Staff Welfare and Development
From the Assistant
Principal - Organisation
This information is also available on the parent portal.
If students have any concerns, they can see either Geoff
Caulfield, Anne O’Riordan, Kerry Mulvogue or myself.
Mr Mark Aiello
Students Must Remain on Campus for the Entire
Students from Years 7 to 12 are not permitted to leave the
College during the school day.
They can only do so if they have a signed note from a parent/
guardian. The note should be signed by their House Leader
before presenting it to Student Services when signing out.
CareMonkey: Managing all Relevant Health and
Medical Information for Students
Please refer to the previous editions of the College Newsletter
for detailed information regarding the introduction of
This system will be implemented at the College during Term
3, so it is expected that all families set up a profile for their
Please refer to the emails that you have received.
Year 9 ExCEL – Room and Campus Allocations
ExCEL: Learning 4 Life (4 blocks of two week courses)
(Wednesday 24 June to Wednesday 2 September)
All Year 9 students were provided with details and given an
ExCEL slip in their Tutor Group regarding ExCEL locations for
the dates listed above.
Each student should have ExCEL subjects for lines 3, 4, 5
and 6.
The room allocated will denote which campus the boys will
have their classes at for each two week block:
Line 3
24 June and 15 July
Line 4
22 July and 5 August
Line 5
12 and 19 August
Line 6
26 August and 2 September
Campus Location:
Any classrooms on their slip denoted with a ‘K’ and ‘R’ in front
of the room means that the boys will be based at the Preston
campus for that particular two week block (line). All other
classrooms are based at Bundoora.
Assistant Principal - Organisation
From the Assistant
Principal - Student Welfare
As per our College Uniform Policy, hair is to be
neat and tidy.
extremes of hair styles or colours (examples of which
include but are not limited to dreadlocks, mohawks,
As we end Term 2 the following comments and expectations
blocks of unnatural colours) are not acceptable.
styles and length need to be in line with professionally
about uniform are offered to assist families as you prepare
acceptable dress standards, as determined by the
your sons for Term 3 in the next two weeks.
The College does not permit students to wear their hair tied
We have noticed that some of the boys have had a ‘growth
back or in buns, and hair that is sitting on the shoulders, or
spurt’ this term, and may need new shirts for Term 3, as they
below is deemed too long and should be cut.
are finding it hard to do up their top buttons.
We would also suggest that if a hair-cut is required, that it is
Plain white business shirts, with top button and collar, and
not cut to exactly these regulations, as it will not be too long
long sleeves (for additional warmth) can be purchased
before your son will be asked to have another hair cut.
reasonably inexpensively from Target, Big W and Kmart, and
may save some wear and tear on the more expensive
Equally, if you have a son who is now shaving, he is required
Summer Uniform shirts during the winter months.
to be clean-shaven, each day.
These business shirts also seem to have larger neck sizes so
Facial and Ear Piercings
that the boys can more comfortably wear their top button
In the busy-ness of games at recess and lunchtime, genuine
done up.
accidents can occur. However, if your son has studs or rings
in his ears and face at school, he runs a greater risk of a
PE Uniform
worse injury if he is accidentally hit in the face by a ball.
Tracksuit jackets and pants are to be worn to and from school
on the designated Sports Uniform Day for your son’s year
Consequently, we insist that students do not wear any
level, if he chooses to wear PE Uniform to school that day.
jewellery of any type of material - precious metals, plastic or
other materials - to school.
Year 9 students are required to wear their PE Uniform to
school on Wednesdays for the ExCEL Program
We would also ask that if your son is considering getting a
facial or ear piercing done, that it happens early in the
Year 10
Years 9 (ExCEL Program requirement)
Summer holidays, to allow the healing process to take place
before returning to school.
Years 11 and 12
Miss Regina Rowan
Assistant Principal - Student Welfare
Years 7 and 8
The holidays may also be a good time to ensure that the
boys’ hair is cut so that they meet College requirements on
their return to school in Term 3.
From the Assistant
Principal - Teaching and
Teachers will assist students in making this transition, and as
students progress through the school, they will find as they
can choose electives more and more, these changes
become more common.
All students are encouraged to take time during the
Semester One Reports
upcoming semester break to have a rest in preparation for
Throughout the term students are given ongoing feedback on
the new term and to celebrate all that they have achieved.
their learning. The end of semester reports provide an
Senior students will have homework and study tasks to focus
overview of your son’s academic progress. These semester
on that help them to appreciate the times of rest all the
reports, alongside the March Parent /Teacher Interviews and
Interim Reports, form part of the formal process of reporting
on student progress throughout the first half of the school
Mr Andy Kuppe
Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning
Semester reports will be released online via the parent portal
on Friday 26 June. Reports from Years 7 to 10 comply with
the requirements of the Australian Curriculum Essential
Learning Standards (AusVELS) and consequently include
details on achievement and strategies for improvement. I am
confident that the semester reports will offer a clear and
concise overview of your son’s achievements, effort and
progress. They can also form the basis for further
improvements in Semester Two.
Student Progress Interviews
Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held in Term Three; please
take note of the following dates in your diaries:
Thursday 23 July 4:00pm to 9:00 pm
NB: Only Students completing VCE (Units 1, 2 or 3), VET,
Yr 10 ERPP, Yr 11 & 12 VCAL
Bookings will open for the 23 July interviews on Monday 6
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
at the Resource Centres
3.15pm to 4.30pm
July at 9:00am via the parent portal.
Thursday 10 September 4:00pm to 9:00 pm
Year 7 to 12
Semester Two Timetables
Students have begun their second semester timetables. At
Parade, our timetable is focused on students, not teachers.
When our boys make their elective choices, we maximise
their choices and build the timetable around them. This
means that at the end of a Semester students change their
electives, and to accommodate these changes there are
many boys who also have a change for some of their year
long (two semester) subjects.
28 January
27 March
13 April
26 June
13 July
18 September
5 October
18 December
Community Action
A Short Reflection on
my Time at Heritage
It has been a wonderful Term to be working with the
For the past five weeks, every Thursday afternoon, I
Year 10 Community Action students. I have had many
have been attending my Community Action placement at
emails and phone calls asking me to thank the boys for
Heritage Lakes in South Morang. At first I was very
their wonderful efforts. Eddies Backpacks continues to
nervous to attend but I was greeted with a warm
promote foster care and prepare backpacks for children
welcome and introduction at the Agency.
in foster care.
Over the weeks I was introduced to many of the
Our Life Story project is well underway and we have ten
residents. I enjoyed doing many activities with them such
short stories prepared for the movie day coming up in
as painting, trivia, bingo and just chatting with the them. I
Term 3.
was also introduced to a very interesting resident Ron.
He and I talked every week and he also enjoyed helping
Mr Darrell Cruse
out the volunteers with any activities they had. I asked if
Community Action Convenor
I could interview him for my assignment and he agreed
to it.
I really enjoyed my time at Heritage Lakes and if I could
do it again over a longer time period I definitely would. It
made my day talking to the residents and hearing their
stories. I found it very interesting and rewarding.
Kobe Bodley
Year 10 T07
From the Registrar
Parade Sports Bags
Academy Uniforms now has a limited number of Parade
sports bags available for purchase.
The bags are made by Spartan and are made from a
waterproof fabric, abrasion resistant and UV
resistant. They are navy blue with the College crest on
the front (see photo) and can be purchased for $37 from
either campus shop or from the Academy Uniform shop in
Samples are at reception at both campuses for families to
Year 7 2017 Enrolments
Applications for Year 7 2017 and beyond are now being
If you have a son currently at the College you are still
required to submit an application form for any younger
Please contact me on 9468 3304 or email to obtain a Prospectus and
application form.
Mrs Angela O’Connor
Pathways to Business
This term the Year 11 and 12 classes planned and
organised stalls for their Market Days projects. A part of
This has certainly been a busy term for
planning involved field trips for selecting types of
students in the Pathways to Business
packaging and sourcing of products from suppliers. The
Program. The learning environment for
classes attended meetings to discuss Occupational
the study of Certificate II in Small
Health and Safety considerations with Mr Kevin Bourke
Business expands outside of the classroom and enables
and also the managing of their stall finances with Mr
students to develop their knowledge and professional
Paul Harris, College Business Manager. Mr Mick
skills by doing. Students complete a range of practical
Kilpatrick, teacher of Certificate III in Information Digital
and written assessments to achieve Competency in
Media and Technology (IDMT) provided students with
each unit of study. The Term 2 program included guest
skills and techniques on ways to develop their
speakers and presentations, meetings, field trips and
advertisements by using industry standard software
small business projects. During the field trips to
design tools. Being socially responsible and ethical are
Bundoora Square and Eltham Shopping Precinct we
prime considerations in the planning of VET Business
focused on the operations of small business and
projects and organisers are mindful of ensuring their
students were able to interview and listen to owners
products are affordable to students. In Term 1 the
speak about how important it is to be professional,
Chocolatier Chocolate Drive involved the Year 12
competitive and innovative in order to operate
students obtaining a loan of funds to buy Easter Eggs
successfully and grow a business.
including a range of Fair Trade chocolate, paying the
loan through sales and donating the profit to Project
Students are required to
Compassion. Profits from the Market Days are being
undertake projects to
donated to Motor Neurone Disease (MND), where
enhance their
funds are used to support Victorians living with MND
understanding of small
and also for research in Victoria.
business activities and
develop their professional
Careers Counsellors Mrs Melinda Williams and Mrs
skills in a business
Ann Boyce worked with students in individual sessions
environment. On the field trip to Bundoora Square a
identifying possible future pathways of study or work.
Year 11 group was innovative in utilising their skills in
By the end of Term 2 both the Year 11 and Year 12
negotiating with a local small business owner. The
classes will have completed a week of Structured
group of students saw potential in offering a Kebab/
Workplace Learning, providing opportunity for further
combo at lunch time. On returning to school surveying
developing of employability skills having gained
was conducted, the boys were confident they had a
experience working in the Business or IT areas. Each
market and ordered their products. On the day the
student is also currently preparing their professional
group sold 30 Kebab/combos in approximately eight
personal portfolio containing their resume, certificates
and qualifications, references and samples of work. I
look forward to a busy Term 3 of events including field
Year 11 students also operated a
trips, guest speakers enlightening us about their lives
Coffee and Hot chocolate cart
as entrepreneurs and a large scale project, the
outside Student Services at lunch
International festival. This very exciting event will be
time and learned how to make and
managed by the students of Pathways to Business and
serve a variety of drinks. This is
held at lunch time on Tuesday 8 September.
popular in the cold weather and will return in Term 3,
with ideas of expansion. Profits made from the Kebabs
If you would like further information about the program I
and Hot chocolate sales have been allocated to the VET
can be contacted at the College on 9468 3300.
Business account, where funds can be used in future to
purchase equipment for use in other projects.
Mrs Sally Ryan
Teacher, Certificate II in Small Business
"Unchain My Heart"
Australian Catholic
I found the seminar an eye-opening experience, as it
made me realise how truly lucky I am. I would gladly
recommend it in the future to any students passionate
about eradicating the issue of human rights violations, as
I believe we should strive for a society with more equality
and peace for the future.
Deshan Silva
The "Unchain My Heart" Seminar was a youth seminar
Year 11 T05
conducted at the Australian Catholic University on 26
May. The subject of the day was how human rights are
being violated throughout the world, and even in our own
country. About 30 schools attended in total, and I found it
really positive that so many people were interested in
In the interests of
student safety
eradicating this ever present issue.
The day opened with some words from Pamela Curr,
who is a human rights activist. Pamela talked to the
schools about many of the human rights violations she
Please observe all speed zones and
traffic management signage whilst
on College grounds
Please follow directions by traffic
marshals and parking attendants
Please remember there is a strict
“No Standing” rule for all vehicles
anywhere along the College
has come across throughout her career. Some of the
stories we heard were truly shocking, and it was hard to
believe people endured this type of mistreatment on a
daily basis, especially in detention centres. Pamela
delivered a genuinely inspiring speech, reminding the
students that we are the next generation, and it is our
responsibility to ensure we do not allow this to happen in
Next, a Franciscan Friar spoke to us about how we could
lead fuller, happier lives, and spread kindness to
everyone. After this, we spilt up into different groups,
which talked about different types of issues amongst our
society. My first group was ACRATH (Australian Catholic
Religious against Trafficking Humans), who delivered
some awful statistics about human trafficking, and how it
is even an issue in Australia in our very own society, and
the different types of initiatives we could help with in our
own area.
Following this, I attended a talk on the St Vincent de Paul
society, and a little bit about what they do to help in our
community. Some of the statistics I learned, such as
75% of all homeless in Melbourne are children, were
extremely saddening. They then taught us an important
lesson: that we should not judge people from their
exterior look, as they might be someone completely
different in personality.
Thank you for your
From the Director of
Personally, I think this is the spirit of Edmund Rice at
work in the school. From the days when the first Brothers
gathered together in Waterford Ireland, the spirit of
compassion and outreach has been an almost instinctive
response to those who are suffering in any way.
When I look back over the past month at all the activities in
Tenete Retreats
which we are engaged here at Parade, the one experience
The Tenete Retreats at the Bundoora campus have now
that keeps coming back to me, is the joyous and generous
come to an end. As someone who has attended a
manner in which Parade boys respond to every activity. In
number of these retreats this year, I would have to say
the past month alone we have had Ministry Retreats,
they are one of the most eye-opening experiences the
Lynch House Mass, Friday Morning Masses, The Brekky
boys will ever have. Again, I have been deeply impressed
Van, St Albans tutoring, Reconciliation Week, Detention
with the generosity and enthusiasm of the boys. Every
For Detention, Sport For Justice, and a Reflection Day for
group I accompanied entered cheerfully into all the
Year 11: - it is a very busy place!
activities and tasks, no matter how confronting or
challenging. St. Paul was right when he teaches: “God
I think the following email which was sent to Ms Morello
loves the cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7). To give to others
just this week is emblematic of the kind of feedback we get
cheerfully is to be truly blessed.
at Parade about the behaviour of the boys when they go
out into the community. It is also what I witness with my
own eyes when I accompany them:
“My name is … and I help coordinate the Community Meal.
I just wanted to let you know how well your students Alex,
Jeff and Jordan worked on Wednesday and what a huge
contribution they made to the whole event going so
smoothly. Having not coordinated the meal before, I was
unsure as to how well it would go, but having the boys
there, under the supervision of one of our youth leaders
Debrief after working on the Soup Vans
Matt, made a world of difference. They worked hard ALL
day moving boxes of food, unpacking, moving tables and
chairs and serving food. And all this on their day off from
school! It was such a pleasure having them there and I
wish to pass on a HUGE THANK YOU to them on behalf
of all our volunteers and customers and to let you and
them know they are a credit to your school and
Thank you also for the great food donations for us to use
for the meal and emergency food parcels. They are greatly
appreciated and go a long way towards helping us
continue our work in God's name.”
In truth, this feedback does not surprise us here at Parade.
I think it is true to say, the entire staff of this school are
very proud of the boys – not in an arrogant, or conceited
way, but in a healthy celebratory way.
Here are some comments from students themselves in
just one of the Tenete classes. They were responding to
the question: what did you learn from this experience?
Everyone has a story, just because of their current
or previous positions doesn’t make them any
different to us. Don’t be judgemental. One simple
thing may result in you ending up in their position.
This was an eye opening experience into
witnessing how close and significant the issues of
homelessness and the care of the elderly are.
Having seen and met people who have an
amazing history and such genuine memories, it is
difficult to even consider going about our lives in
the same way as we have always done.
I had a great experience – as my eyes were opened
Lynch House Mass
and I saw the truth of the way the world is. We, as a
nation, need to overcome this.
This allowed me to meet a variety of people. From
those selfless and caring enough to do the
volunteer work, to the misjudged and
On Friday 29 May an important Lynch House event took
misunderstood people of the street.
place where students, tutor teachers and Lynch House
staff gathered together as a community in the Rivergum
This experience was very new to me – seeing
Theatre to celebrate our Annual House Mass.
another side of Australian society I thought I knew
so well. Meeting disadvantaged people that live
Fr Terry Bergin was the celebrant and he led us through
very different lives.
this sacred time challenging us all to contribute to our
society in the manner of a modern Christian, whilst being
I have realised that some people only want
thankful for the opportunities that we have.
someone to talk to. They have been isolated from
society and are left by themselves. I want to get to
It was an important time for the House as we had the
know these people better and hear more stories.
opportunity to reflect and evaluate our contribution not
only to the Parade community, but the wider local and
I see life from a different perspective now. The word
global communities.
homelessness is not what I thought it was and I am
very surprised. Just being able to hear and
understand the different stories people have to tell
and how they have conquered their problems.
Being able to see the numbers and stats puts things
into perspective and now I realise the injustice.
An eye opening experience. We just saw and
experienced a whole different world and it is
definitely a good feeling knowing that we have done
something helpful for the community.
Many thanks must go to Dr Michael Loughnane and the
This experience has inspired me to find the time
Ministry Team for their organisation of the Eucharist and
and have the confidence to do what I feel is right.
also to all the boys who entered into the celebration with
Not to just ‘know’ what the issue is but to do
reverence and respect.
something about it.
All-in-all it was an important and valuable spiritual
I think these students say all that needs to be said about
experience for everyone connected with Lynch House.
the value, and importance, of the Tenete experience.
The boys at the Preston Campus will have their Tenete
Mr Paul Fahey
experience in July and August.
Lynch Upper House Leader
Dr Michael Loughnane
Director of Ministry
House Reports
Treacy Celebration Day
Treacy Celebration Day proved to be a very successful event thanks to the terrific work of so many
students and staff.
Days of preparation and meetings paid off on the day. House Captain, Conor Mitchel (Year 12 T03)
and Vice-Captain Pietro Annetta (Year 12 T07) assisted by encouraging students, sourcing talents in
our house and organising meetings during numerous lunchtimes.
We were very much aware that we had great shoes to fill. Two very successful celebrations had
preceded us and the pressure was on to deliver a great day to all members of our House. Well we did
not need to fear; the Treacy Committee members took the challenge with great gusto and enthusiasm.
Activities for the day were expertly organised and directed by Mitchel Demiris (Year 12 T06) and Ming En Cui, (Year 12 T09).
A preliminary meeting chaired by Conor Mitchel (Year 12 T07) gathered ideas and
opinions from the House representatives. All boys contributed terrifically.
On the day, the House Committee helped with the decoration of Bunjil Park and the
setting up of all the activities, which included basketball, putt-putt golf, soccer and table
tennis. The effort of all students involved was obvious as all students enjoyed a variety
of activities and a real carnival atmosphere.
Treacy boys tested their driving dexterity on simulated car races rented especially for
the day. Face painting proved a success with a number of boys proudly displaying the lovely artwork performed by Mrs Briant
and Mr Morrell.
Under the supervision of Mr Joe Marchio, Noel Love (Year 12 T01) together with the House
Committee members prepared a delicious barbeque. The boys were treated to burgers, cheese,
salad, and drinks. Music Prefect Michael McHugh (Year 12 T04) assembled a terrific band that
provided great music and a festive atmosphere.
The festivities concluded with the striking of a piñata. All Year 7 Treacy boys were invited to have a
go. Their enthusiasm and enjoyment was quite infectious and provided a perfect ending to a fantastic
Mrs Paola Fornito
Treacy Upper House Leader
20 July
7.30pm Boardroom
The following important dates in the College calendar
can also be found on our website under the ‘News’ tab
24 June
ACC Senior Finals
Homework Club 3.15-4.30pm
Year 11 Retreat—seminar from
21 July
22-24 July
ACC Yr 9/10 Sport
Homework Club 3.15-4.30pm
Victorian School Music Festival (Jazz
VCAL Ministry Retreat
ACC Senior Sport
22 July
Homework Club 3.15-4.30pm
VCAL Ministry Retreat
Tetanus/Whooping Cough)
Yr 7/8 Sport
Year 10 RE - Vocations Presentation
Progress Interviews 3 (VCE, Yr 10
Bundoora Immunisations Yr 7 HPV
(2)/Chicken Pox Yr 8 Diphtheria/
Section) @ Fed Square
Choicez (All Day)
25 June
23 July
in Rivergum Theatre: P5&6
26 June
Term 2 Ends
29 June
Finance Meeting 7.30pm Boardroom
8 July
OPA Luncheon
13 July
Term 3 Commences
Bundoora Yr 10 Immunisations
ERPP, Yr 11&12 VCAL) 4.00-9.00pm
24 July
1995 Reunion, Hickey Foyer
Ladies’ Auxiliary Meeting 7.30pm
Year 12 Assembly
Winter Music Concert
Finance Meeting 7.30pm Boardroom
ACC Yr 9/10 Sport
Homework Club 3.15-4.30pm
ACC Yr 9/10 Sport
2016 Prefect Training Program
27 July
28 July
Homework Club 3.15-4.30pm
Staff PD Day - Student Free Day
ACC Senior Sport
ACC Senior Sport
Fathers’ Committee Meeting 8.00pm
ACC Workshops: Intermediate
Homework Club 3.15-4.30pm
ACC Yr 7/8 Sport
Yr 8 Sport
Year 10 RE Commissioning
17 July
Ramadan Ends
Subject Selection forms due for 2016
VCAL & Edmund Rice Pathways
18 July
Subject Selection Assemblies for 2016
Student Safety Survey Years 9 & 10
16 July
Years 8, 9 & 11
15 July
Bahay Tuluyan Conference at Parade
14 July
Old Paradians Executive Meeting
Treacy House Mass
Lynch Celebration Day
Saturday Detention
29 July
Debating & Public Speaking @ Parade
From The Old Paradians
In terms of his professional career, Tim has committed
the past 25 years to executive recruitment, where he is
a Senior Client Partner at Korn/Ferry International,
responsible for the Melbourne Financial Services and
Board Practices. He is married to Emma and is a father
to three boys – Joshua, Thomas and Edward.
Old Paradian Elevated to VAFA Presidency
Tim Nelson, a final year student of Parade College in
Declaring his elevation to the Presidency a genuine
1981, and a member of the Old Paradians’ B-Section
honour, Tim reminded us that his long affinity for
Premiership team five years later, has been appointed
Amateur football “was borne out of my wonderful
President of the Victorian Amateur Football Association.
experiences at the Old Paradians’ Amateur Football
Accordingly, Tim becomes the first Old Paradian to
assume the presidency in the VAFA’s 123-year history,
“The time in which I played was a successful era for the
and the association’s 18th President since 1892.
Old Paradians,” he recalled. “The club landed the
senior, reserve and Under 19 Premierships in 1986, and
in thinking back on it now these were successes driven
by so many – not just the players, but the committee,
the supporters and the volunteers.”
“The Garvey Oval was a great place to be around, it
was fun, and it’s exactly the type of environment we’re
trying to create across Amateur football. It’s why we
adopted the motto ‘Love of the Game’ because being
part of the Amateurs is all about being part of a broader
community beyond the football field.”
A VAFA vice-president since 2013, Tim was first appointed
to the board in 2010 and two years later was elected by
the members. His elevation to the presidency, ratified last
Monday night, follows the decision of Michael Hazell to
step down.
Tim represented both the Old Paradians and Old
Xaverians Amateur Football Clubs from 1983–1996. He
was a member of the OPs’ last senior premiership team
under coach Gerard Sholly’s watch in 1986, and along the
way earned five Premiership medallions in total - four as a
player, one as an official.
A gloriously-balanced, hard-running wingman, Tim also
competed as a sprinter in the Victorian Athletic League
through the summer, and took out the 70m sprint at the
Stawell Gift Carnival in 1987.
Teachers, Students Turn Out for '85 Reunion
A healthy smattering of former students - together with an
equally impressive array of teachers past and present
including the former College Principal Br Laurie Collins recently gathered at the Bundoora Campus' Hickey Foyer
for the 30-year reunion of the final year class of 1985.
That's Brother Collins front and centre with former student
Stewart Powell providing the supportive arm across the
238 Wolseley Place
shoulder. Alongside Brother Collins is Old Paradians'
Association President Lewis Derrico, similarly supported
by former student Damian Keating.
9460 8011
9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
9.00am to 12 Noon Saturday
Tuesdays 2:30–4:00pm
Fridays 8:00–9:00am
Tuesdays 10:30–11:00am
Forty former schoolboys, amongst them the '85 College
Captain Mark Scillio, renewed acquaintance with Br Roger
Cripps, John and Patricia Joss, Ian and Barbara Bibby,
John Ramsdale and John Nicholls also there. One old boy,
Damian Zylstra, had not attended a reunion previously, so
made up for lost time.
"It was a fantastic night . . . a great success. I almost didn't
go, but I'm glad I did," Damian said after the event. “It was
good to reconnect with a lot of old friends.”
Association committeemen Rob Cugno and Paul Shannon,
both of whom were of the '85 class, were also amongst
those who were there for the celebrations.
To view more photographs of the big night, go to the
Image Galleries section to the left of the
To read more, go to
Mr Tony De Bolfo
Old Paradians’ Association CEO
Update Your Contact Details
It is important that we have the most up to date contact
details for parents at all times. If you are moving or you
change your telephone number, mobile number or email
address please ring our Registrar, Mrs O’Connor, on
9468 3304 or email to
update your details
Ladies’ Auxiliary
Fathers’ Committee
Parade Fathers’ Committee
Enhancing father son relationships
Casino Night
Next Fathers’ Committee Meetings
Thanks to everyone who supported the recent Casino Night. There
was a lot of fun had by all.
Wednesday 15 July 8pm
Next Ladies’ Auxiliary Meeting
Bundoora Campus
Monday 13 July
BBQ Fundraisers
Thanks to all those who supported last Saturday’s BBQ
Market Night—Spring Fiesta
Friday 9 October 6pm
Alphington Court
Entry gold coin donation
Any parent who is interested in operating a market stall please
Stall - $20 to operate
Brick Pavers
Please access the Ladies’ Auxiliary button on the Parade College
website to find the details to purchase a Brick Paver with your family
name on it.
President Veronica Spiteri
Secretary Judy O’Connor/Marina Konstantinou
A number of people have downloaded our new Parents of
Parade (POP) APP.
Download it at:
Jeff Warke
President PFC
0409 174 208
Become an Active Member of the Fathers’ Committee to
support the Parade community

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