NL 15 - 2014 - Parade College
NL 15 - 2014 - Parade College
No. 15 From the Principal 27 August 2014 It was good to see many contestants at the Father-Son Winter Games Night for Years 7 to 9 students last week in College Hall. Thanks to the Fathers’ Committee for its organisation and to Mr Phil Gaut for his support. Thanks to all who attended the College Working Bee last Sunday where much was achieved to maintain and improve the Congratulations to the students from both campuses who grounds and gardens at each campus including pruning, participated last week in the Night of Excellence and showed mulching and tree-planting. such an array of talent in all areas of the College curriculum. Thanks to the staff who helped organise the event and to the This week our Snow Sports Team is competing in the Victorian parents who supported the work of their sons. Interschool Snow Sports Championship at Mt Buller. The ACC Cross-Country Team is preparing for the competition coming up Best wishes to the cast and crew for this week’s on Wednesday 10 September at Bundoora Park. performances of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible from 28 to 30 August in Rivergum Theatre. Thanks to the staff from Dr Denis J Moore cfc Parade and Mercy College who have worked so hard with Principal the students over the preparation time. At the College assembly last Friday the winner of the Ambrose Cup for the best House participation for 2014 was announced and we congratulate Bodkin House as this year’s winner. Our guest was Mr John Belleville, Class of 1984 and former College Captain, who addressed the assembly and was presented with the Distinguished Old Paradian Award. Please see the details of the Fathers’ Day Breakfast on Wednesday 3 September from 7.00am – 8.20am on both campuses. Students are invited to come along with their father, guardian or grandfather. Please return the attendance slip if you can join us for this celebration. From the Assistant Principal - Staff Welfare and Development Working Bee Images Catholic Identity A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition…promotes social inclusion and views diversity as beneficial to a liberating education. Winners of the Winter Games Night Community Mass - All Welcome! Well done to all those who participated in the Winter Parents are very welcome to participate in our community Games Night. Pictured below are the winners of this masses each week. In particular, you may wish to come year’s Winter Games Shield. along when your son’s Tutor Group is rostered. Friday 29 August 8.10am Bundoora Chapel - Father Michael McEntee with H12 (Mr James Fogarty) and H03 (Mr Rob Peckham) Friday 5 September 8.10am Bundoora Chapel - Father Anthony Girolami with B12 (Mr Gary Warren) and B03 (Ms Kerry Mulvogue) Preston Penola Theatre - Father Michael Knight with B20 (Mr David McLeod) Mr Anthony Noakes, Connor Noakes (Year 7 L14) and Jeff Warke (President of the Fathers’ Committee) Ms Cate Livingston Assistant Principal - Staff Welfare and Development Winter Games Night From the Assistant Principal - Organisation Stella Fella Bow Tie Day Friday 5 September Ambrose Treacy Solidarity Walk Friday 29 August Each year two to three million women and children are sold All students will participate in the Ambrose Treacy Solidarity These women and children are subjected to horrific Walk this coming Friday at both campuses. The boys will walk treatment and conditions and can be found in almost every approximately 3 kilometres around each campus to raise country on earth - including many in Australia. into the sex trade. Some are as young as five years of age. money for their respective house charities. On Friday 5 September we want all students at Parade The boys have been asked to seek donations for their walk College to wear a bow tie to raise awareness of the issue and are permitted to wear appropriate casual dress for the and the work done by the Australian Catholic Religious day. Against Human Trafficking (ACRATH) and Project Futures to put an end to Human Trafficking. The lower students will complete the walk during periods 1 and 2 and the upper students will complete it during periods 3 Wearing a bowtie will highlight the importance of being and 4 (Preston) and period 4 (Bundoora). This will allow for advocates for those trapped in the sex trade, and to promote senior students to not miss any class time. good male role models (Stella Fellas) who will stand up against sexual exploitation in the world. Year 10 Immunisations – Bundoora Please note that all Year 10 students will receive their Please support your son in this advocacy action. Have him immunisations for Whooping Cough, Tetanus & Diphtheria on ask his Dad, Uncle, Grandfather or older Brother to bring in a Thursday 4 September during periods 1 and 2. bowtie. Mr Mark Aiello You can visit the stella fella website ( for Assistant Principal - Organisation more information. Update Your Contact Details It is important that we have the most up to date contact details for parents at all times. If you are moving or you change your telephone number, mobile number or email address please ring our Registrar, Mrs O’Connor, on 9468 3304 or email to update your details Ms Rachel Roche Director of Ministry and Religious Education From The Music Department ACC Combined Concert Band All members are reminded that rehearsals for this group’s performance at the ACC Concert on Wednesday 17 September is every Friday lunchtime. Year 7 Band – Monday Lunchtimes Please note that all Year 7 Music students are encouraged to attend the Year 7 Music Club held every Monday lunchtime. Music Department Soiree – Thursday 11 September ACC Music Concert ‘Accent On Music’ – Wednesday 17 September All Instrumental Music students are encouraged to perform a solo or accompanied item at the Instrumental Music Soiree on Thursday 11 September in the Hickey Foyer. There is plenty of excitement in the build up to the ‘ACCent on Music’ at Hamer Hall on Wednesday 17 September, Mr Martin Macaulay starting at 7.00pm. Some key pieces of information are: Director of Music Tickets are now on sale through reception at each campus for $15. All musicians depart Parade (Bundoora and Preston) at 8.00am on Wednesday 17 September for the full day rehearsal. The boys need to BYO lunch and bring some money for dinner (takeaway from Southbank). Transport home after the concert is the parent’s responsibility. You can order a professionally produced DVD of the night at: dvdorder The next combined rehearsal and workshop dates are: Sunday 31 August 9am – 2pm at St. Bernard’s Combined Orchestra, Combined Senior Concert, Combined Big Band Monday 1 September 10am – 2pm at St. Bernard’s Combined Choir, Combined Junior Concert, Combined Big Band Sunday 14 September 9am – 2pm at Mazenod College All Combined Ensembles Wednesday 17 September (ALL DAY) at Hamer Hall, Melbourne Concert Hall All Combined Ensembles – Depart early from Parade Transport will be arranged to depart from Parade College. Please check carefully the information already sent to you. AMBROSE TREACY SOLIDARITY WALK At Parade College we try to shape our students to be men of honour and compassion. As a Christian community in the Edmund Rice tradition we are obliged to look after people less fortunate than ourselves. Next Friday all students at Parade College will participate in the annual Ambrose Treacy Solidarity Walk. Year 7 to 9 students will walk during periods 1 and 2 and Year 10 to 12 students during period 4. The walk is approximately 3 km around the Bundoora and Preston campus. Walking together as school community is an action we can all take part in as a way to raise funds for our House charities. Your son can wear appropriate casual dress on the day and a BBQ lunch is provided. It is expected that each student raises at least $10 in sponsorship. This is not a donation but rather your son needs to raise funds for their House Charity. The Charity for each House is as follows: Hughes: Providence, India (Edmund Rice K-12 School) Lynch: Bahay Tuluyan Treacy: Father Bob Foundation Bodkin Edmund Rice Asylum Seeker Project Preston MacKillop Hall – Mary Rice Centre Two weeks ago each student was given a card, and this will help your son keep track of the money he is raising. There will be a prize for the student from each House who raises the most money. Students can raise money through asking your next door neighbours, grandparents, older brothers and sisters, even a place of work. They could also do some extra jobs around the house and put this money towards their sponsorship. Bundoora Campus Route Preston Campus Route Lynch House Term 3 Assembly Man of Fire and Honour Awards Br J.B Lynch was a ‘Man of Fire and Honour’. At the Lynch House Assembly on Friday 15 August Tutor Teachers were invited to recognise a student who embodies characteristics similar to our Founding Lynch House Brother. The ‘Man of Fire and Honour’ certificate is awarded for leading students of Lynch House within their Tutor Group. Tutor Teachers have recognised the students listed below as someone who has stepped up and shown a commitment to being involved in Lynch House and/or the wider Parade Community. L11 – Duncan O'Connor Yr 8 – For always being L20 - Nathan Genovese Yr 9 – willing to participate in school activities and fully Outstanding contribution to Lynch House and embracing the life of the College. College life. L12 – Riley Martin Yr 7 – For always being on time, organised and showing a willingness to help L01 – Antonio Cafasso Yr 11 – Antonio is fellow members of his Tutor Group. impressively committed to his academic studies. He participates in course related activities in / outside the classroom as both a L13 – Gianni Polimeni Yr 8 – For an overall leader and an organiser. improvement in his attitude and approach to school life. L02 – Will Aggenbach Yr 11 – For being so enthusiastic and willing to be involved in a variety of activities such as Breaky Van and L14 – Connor Noakes Yr 7 – For being a positive the Mock United Nations. and enthusiastic member of Lynch House and being involved in the whole Parade experience. L03 – Michael Raponi Yr 11 – A quiet achiever who contributes to the community without fuss or accolade who is always polite L15 – Carl Perera Yr 7 – Carl is a valued member and who works and attends Tutor Group in a of the Tutor Group and Lynch House. He takes consistent manner. pride in the wearing of his uniform and is friendly to his peers. L04 – Rohan Bhalla Yr 11 – Rohan is heavily involved in Community Action and was a participant in the Cage and St Albans L16 – Sean Casey Y7 – For a positive tutoring. He is helpful, socially minded, disposition, overall excellence in Semester 1 and diligent and friendly. commitment to college spirit. L05 – Gideon Van Twest Smith Yr 10 – For creativity, problem solving and ability to think L17 – Joseph Ciranna Yr 9 – For a positive outside the box and offer a unique contribution with regards to his overall application perspective of life. during Tutor Group and interactions with other students. Re-enrolment Invoices – Now Overdue L19 – Dakota Smith Yr 9 – For always being willing to contribute to the tutor group in a positive and enthusiastic manner in addition to his honourable character when faced with various challenges. L18 – James Whitfield Yr 9 – For his Re-enrolment invoices are now overdue. The College involvement in activities and willingness to assist relies heavily on re-enrolment advice to plan staffing, other members of the Tutor Group. subjects and timetabling. Please note the re-enrolment fee is therefore not refundable should you change your mind. L06 – Jake Spiteri Yr 12 – Jake gets involved in a variety of activities. He has a passion for The application for re-enrolment form itemises the Social Justice and he brings a positive and information the College has on your son/s records. If there friendly nature to our Tutor Group. is any change to any of the information, we need to be notified. L07 – Baratha Gangasani Yr 11 – For his We ask parents/guardians to take particular note of contact outstanding commitment to Social phone numbers where employment may have changed or Justice. Baratha sets an example to his peers email addresses. with his willingness to sacrifice his time and energy for the benefit of others. Note the email address provided will be used for newsletter distribution and other correspondence including fee L08 – Sebastian Jovanovski Yr 11 – statements. Sebastian is a very polite and amiable member of our Tutor Group and is consistently If you have any questions about your fee statements or are contributing in a positive and constructive experiencing financial difficulty with meeting your fee manner in all Tutor Group activities. obligations please contact Ms Emily Hosking on 9468 3327 or via L09 – Matthew Krousoratis Yr 11 – Participates with a positive manner in Tutor Alternatively if you would like to make an appointment with Group Activities, wears the uniform with pride the Business Manager to discuss your situation, please and is polite to fellow classmates and teachers. contact the College. Mrs Janelle Sheahan L10 – Jye Bates Yr 10 – For embracing the Business Manager college and making positive contributions in his Community Action placement. Mr John Houlihan Lynch Lower House Leader Mr Paul Fahey Lynch Upper House Leader Easy to use credit card payment service 24 hours a day 7 days per week 1300 276 468 Key in your Bpay biller reference number and your credit card details The Crucible by Arthur Miller Marc Botoulas (Year 10, H03) takes on the role of John Proctor. John Proctor is a farmer, and the husband of Elizabeth. Proctor had an affair with Abigail Williams while she worked as a servant in his house. A powerful man in both build and character, Proctor refuses to follow people he considers hypocrites, including Reverend Parris. Feared and resented by the many people in Salem he has made feel foolish, Proctor Parade and Mercy Colleges have been creating quality Drama Productions together for four years. Previous productions include: The Outsiders (2011), The Matchmaker (2012) and The Great Gatsby (2013). This year Mercy teacher Zoe Wood has directed the cast, developing rich characters, delving deep into the motivations and behaviours of each individual. The cast have been researching, analysing and experimenting with the script for months and have even taken their collaboration outside the rehearsal room into cyber space with the use of Edmodo, an online educational forum for the group. This year has seen both the return of seasoned performers and fresh faces to the stage, highlighting the community spirit that continues to build through student participation in this program. This weekend Rivergum Theatre will be transformed into the town of old Salem, Massachusetts, in the year 1692, where has a powerful sense of personal integrity. For this reason, his affair with Abigail makes him see himself as a hypocrite. This is Marc’s first production with Parade and Mercy students and he has led the way, dedicating all his time and energy to developing a very truthful and intensely emotive character. Some sneak peeks of his monologue performance at the Arts Exhibition and Night of Excellence have already received rave reviews. And he has so much more to share with the audiences over the coming weekend. Tickets are available online at for Thursday 28, Friday 29 and Saturday 30 August. Tickets are also available at the door – head to the box office in the Hickey Foyer from 7.00pm each evening. Adult tickets are $15 and student tickets are only $10, so please come along to support the staff, the cast and the crew. Mrs Kathryn Dunstan Production Producer young people were once accused of witchcraft. This exciting drama was the winner of the 1953 Tony Award for Best Play. The Crucible is a story which begins with a series of relatively innocent childish events conducted by young people doing what young people do best: defying the rules as set by their elders. Their expression of mild dissent results ultimately in tragedy for the adults as the nocturnal games played out in the Salem forest at night begin a sequence of events that finally ends in the deaths of many innocent people. But the play is not simply about the inability of people to act rationally in the face of irrational provocation, nor does it only show a small and tight-knit community unable to act with tolerance and generosity. It is also a play that explores one of the building blocks of modern Western society: marriage. It shows a broken marriage and the attempt of the two adults involved, John and Elizabeth Proctor, to rise above their past mistakes and ultimately to find a truthful and honest relationship which transcends even the fear of death. Marc Botoulas, Yr 10, H03 and Chloe Miller (Mercy College) From the Sports Desk Year 7 Cross Country Carnival The Year 7 Bundoora campus competed in a Cross Country run around the grounds of Parade College recently. Congratulations to Jye Murphy (Yr 7 B13) for winning the event, Ben Miskas (Yr 7 T12) and William Conlon (Y7 H14) ran second and third Term 3 Sport respectively. Well done to all students on the manner The Term Three sports are reaching their climax with in which they participated. Senior and Year 10 semifinals held this week. Year 7 House Sport Parade qualified 6 out of 8 teams in the semifinals. Students have completed their first cycle of Team Coach competitive house sport with matches played against Year 10 A and B Basketball Rob Peckham each other on a weekly basis in basketball, soccer Year 10 Table Tennis Ben Turner and softball/t-ball. Year 10 Hockey Craig Seckold Senior B Basketball Phil Ashworth Winners were as follows: Senior Table Tennis Phil Gaut Basketball Treacy Soccer A Treacy Year 7, 8 and 9 seasons are still being played out Soccer B Hughes with Parade well placed on a number of these Softball/T-ball Bodkin ladders. The next round of sports commenced last Thursday. Parade Snowsports Team After months of early morning training sessions, the For all information on Parade Sport including match Parade Snowsports Team compete at the Victorian reports and fixtures, check out the Parade website Interschools Competition at Mt Buller this week. Students will participate in events ranging from giant slalom, skier-cross, snowboarding and snowboard- For further information and ladders for the ACC, go cross. A full report of the event will be included in the to next edition of the Newsletter. Mr Craig Seckold ACC Cross Country Director of Sport Training continues to be held each Tuesday and Thursday morning with additional sessions set for Bundoora Park each Wednesday afternoon and Monday 1 September around Albert Park Lake with recovery at MSAC afterward. The ACC Cross To report student absences Country carnival will be held on Wednesday 10 please call Student Services September at Bundoora Park. Family are most welcome to come and attend as spectators. Event times will be advised. Bundoora 9468 3342 or Preston 9416 6533 Community Action Report In the Community Action Centre planning for the annual Christmas Party for local nursing homes takes priority as boys are starting to put into place some of the ideas they have for the multicultural Christmas theme. Any student who wishes to get involved is encouraged to come down to the centre – we rely on the help of many The Greensborough Free Community Lunch at the All students in the lead up and on the day! Saints Church turned one this week and Parade students were again front and centre in the Ms Anne-Marie Morello preparations and serving. Community Action Convenor I remember meeting with Colleen Treacy, the Lunch Coordinator, when she first had the idea for the lunch. happy to come on-board with such a wonderful Greensborough Community Lunch initiative that helps to engage those who are on the On Tuesday 19 August we volunteered to assist in the margins. Our students have volunteered at every preparation for the 1st anniversary of the Greensborough monthly lunch and have interacted with participants Free Community Lunch. Parade College Community Action was more than returning to school with a greater sense of appreciation for what they have and empathy for those who are We travelled with Colleen Treacy, the Lunch Coordinator, disengaged as result of poverty or mental illness. to multiple food donation centres such as First Bite and Foodbank - where the entire work force is made up of On Tuesday 19 August Year 10 Students Paul Zugaro volunteers. Here we picked up food and supplies that H01 and Sean Conlon H07 assisted with the lunch had been donated by various companies and took them preparation, and on lunch day Year 10 students - Uday back to Greensborough All Saints Church where we Moudgill L08, Tom Beck L04 and Tiernan Roche L06 proceeded to cook and clean food for the luncheon the cooked and served lunch. next day. Congratulations to Year 10 pathways students who finish up their two terms of Community Action this week. Many have taken the opportunity to “make a difference” in the agencies in which they have been placed. Several have undertaken some fantastic projects such Paul Zugaro and Sean Conlon as Emerson Gibilisco B10 and Matt Lunardi H10 who made these owls for Dorothy Impey’s court yard We felt privileged to be able to take part in the garden. Many thanks to trade teachers - Joel White, preparations for the one year anniversary of the Simon Hogan and Kevin Marr who have assisted the community lunch. boys. Paul Zugaro, Y10 H01, and Sean Conlon, Y10 H07 Emerson Gibilisco B10 with some of his and Matthew’s creations Our Day with a Master Chef YouthFest On Wednesday 20 August, Tiernan, Uday and I went to All Saints Church in Greensborough in order to offer our Presented by Banyule City Council services to the local community. Throughout the day the three of us helped cook, clean, set up, and pack up. It was eye opening and heartbreaking to see the many people who needed such help, including families with little kids. It was also great to see Dani (winner of Masterchef) there as a special guest also helping out the local community and offering her knowledge. It was a great day and we would all love to do it again. Tom Beck Yr 10 L04 YouthFest is a FREE supervised annual festival for the young people of Banyule. Presented by Banyule City Council in partnership with the Jets FReeZA Crew, the festival is organised and run by local young people and will include over 35 bands and DJs across 4 stages, rides, art and sport activities, circus performers, a photo booth, skate park, a range of stalls including Henna, nail art & temporary tatts, life hacks and much, much more! There will even be a snake handler! What: YouthFest 2014 Where: Birdwood Ave, Macleod (next to the Macleod Train Station) When: Sunday 14 September 2014 Times: 12pm-5pm More Info: or 03 9098 8000 or All for free! Year 10 student volunteers Uday Moudgill L08, Tiernan Roche L06 and Tom Beck L04 with special Guest MasterChef contestant Dani Venn on lunch day In the interests of student safety…… * Please observe all speed zones and traffic management signage whilst on College grounds * Please follow directions by traffic marshals and parking attendants * Please remember there is a strict “No Standing” rule for all vehicles anywhere along the College driveway Thank you for your co-operation Tournament of Minds On Saturday 16 August, a large number of schools from across the Northern Metropolitan Region, including our Advanced Placement students from both campuses, participated in this year's Tournament of Minds (ToM) at La Trobe University - Bundoora Campus. The Advanced Placement students represented Parade in the Maths Engineering, Social Sciences, Applied Technology, and Language Literature Divisions. The boys performed superbly under pressure in both the Long-Term and Spontaneous Challenges. For example, in the Maths Engineering Challenge, the task was to construct a device that could equally and simultaneously distribute a precious resource (castor sugar) from one main distribution centre to four separate stations at different distances. This was then incorporated into a ten minute dramatic presentation, explaining the importance of such a device to the wider community. The boys demonstrated outstanding collaboration and problem solving skills whilst completing their Challenge and showed great respect for the other teams in the Competition. On Saturday the 16 August, we went to La Trobe University to present our Long-Term Challenge in Language Literature. We did a play to demonstrate the personalities of the characters that were present in the stories. Our play was about a "Big Brother House" and we used this to make the characters interact. I really enjoyed both the Long-Term and Spontaneous Challenges and will be looking forward to participating This year, I felt that the Tournament of Minds competition was both challenging and exciting to participate in. The challenges given to the teams, ranging from technology to performance, were difficult in their task, but vastly rewarding in their achievement. Overall, this year's competition was the best I have ever accomplished because it was enjoyable! Callum Holmes, Yr 9 T18 Tournament of Minds is a great experience for students like me. On the day you are given a spontaneous challenge which you only get four minutes to figure out. You get to learn how to work with a team of different personalities throughout a number of weeks. You are given a problem/topic and you and your group are required to work together to make a presentation on this problem/topic. Our group had to make wearable technology so we decided to make a data transferable wrist band. This was an awesome experience for me and the lads and I will certainly do it next year. Amal Shaji, Yr 8, T14 During my time as part of the Tournament of Minds Maths and Engineering team, I was constantly challenged, but still thoroughly enjoyed myself. My team worked together and completed both the LongTerm and Spontaneous tasks. This was a great opportunity for us to develop teamwork and maths engineering problem solving skills. Brendan Wang, Yr 8, L21 Special thanks to the following teachers who assisted the boys: Dante Gabriele, Jason Smith, Tim Jacobs, Ashlee-Maree Mein, Nathan Spurr. Congratulations to all of the participating teams! next year. Brendan Litan, Yr 7 B21 This year's Maths and Engineering Challenge for the Tournament of Minds was a test of engineering design skills and mathematical problem solving ability. After six weeks of hard work, our group managed to complete a device to meet the Tournament's criteria. The Spontaneous Challenge was also quite interesting and I found it both exciting and stimulating. I am looking forward to participating next year. Ramzi Saad, Yr 8 L20 Dr Edison Shamoail Advanced Placement Coordinator Preston Campus Year 10 Religious Education: World Religions – A Panel of Guest Speakers Giving Insight Parade Preston Contributes to Helping Hoops Helping Hoops is a charitable organisation that helps On Thursday 14 August the Year 10 students studying less fortunate children in Melbourne. VCE Unit 1 Religion and Society received an eyeopening talk about different religions in our world. Helping Hoops runs seven free weekly programs, all of which help children to build their self-esteem, social and Three guest speakers representing the Buddhist, leadership skills in a safe and friendly environment. The Christian and Islamic religions each took turns explaining main goal of Helping Hoops is to help children what their religion means to them. They then took regardless of their nationality or disabilities, feel like questions from the students. It was interesting to see equals. that despite the different beliefs of each speaker, they all agreed that religion for them is something to hold onto, The organisation began in late 2009. The idea was to and gives them hope when all seems lost. bring basketball to kids who don’t enjoy the same opportunities afforded to most of us and use the sport to They informed us of the similarities and differences instill strong values and achieve social outcomes. Simple between each religion, and spoke of the different rituals things, like creating an environment where kids feel they they perform. Buddhists perform meditation in search of belong, teaching goal settings, inspiring future leaders, peace and happiness and are encouraged to be making kids feel good about themselves and embracing vegetarian; Muslims pray five times a day, facing a never give up attitude. towards the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia; and Christians tend to go to Church to celebrate the Eucharist on a Miss Sleeman’s Year 8 Religious Education class Sunday, which is seen as the day of rest. decided to raise funds and awareness for Helping Hoops as part of their Social Justice unit. We raised money and awareness by posting information and activity sheets around the Preston campus. Groups also ran a lunchtime basketball free throw competition and a BBQ. Buddhist nun, Lhamo, Muslim speaker, Saara, and our Ministry teacher, Mrs Kuppe, with some of the Year 10 Religion and Society students Overall, the entire experience certainly was informative, and gave everyone a deeper understanding and insight Altogether we raised $230 for the Helping Hoops into each religion. Foundation. Thanks to everyone that supported this worthy cause and got involved in the activities. Luke Carbone Year 10 L04 Please check out their website at for more information on their programs or to donate. Luke Nguyen Year 8 B20 Amnesty International Schools Conference On Friday 15 August a group of eighteen Year 11 Parade students attended the Melbourne Town Hall for a gathering organised by Amnesty International; one of the world’s most successful and respected human rights organisations. Guest speakers included Najaf Mazari and Julian Burnside and the students took part in several interactive workshops. L to R: Joshua Louey H06, Pietro Annetta T07, Luke Shorten B08, Sean Kempen B02, Darian Kirsch B07, Bharatha Gangasani L07, Rohan Bhalla L04, Liam Palomba B07 and Thomas Warke H05. Najaf talked about how the desert sand was once his paper and his finger his pen. He encouraged us to take nothing for granted. Julian Burnside questioned the story of asylum seekers told by mainstream media and politicians and encouraged us to look beyond those sources to broaden our understanding. We came away from the day feeling more knowledgeable about this complex issue and challenged to seek a response to displaced people that is compassionate and just. Mrs Kylie Kuppe Ministry Team Pathways Education Fit2Drive Workshop The Fit2Drive Road Safety Workshop is a statewide program for secondary school students. This workshop is a half day activity that encourages and equips students “I hope that I am more aware of everything to do with with skills and strategies to help them make good driving and hopefully I won’t give into peer pressure and decisions when they are driving. will always do the right and safe thing.” Tra Mason, T10 On Tuesday 5 August the Fit2Drive team came to Parade “I felt that the workshop was a very interesting one for to work with the Year 11 VCAL boys. This workshop had me because it taught me that there are always problems a number of presentations including a presentation by that will arise when driving and it is good to plan Annette from Victoria Police, two Ambulance workers beforehand.” Justin Garganis, B10 talking about the consequences of bad driving decisions, as well as ‘peer facilitated’ discussion groups. ”I am now more understanding of the consequences that I will face when I am driving. I will try not to do anything illegal while driving.” Jeremy Marson, T10 Mr Joe Herran Year 10 VCAL Convenor Students were asked to think about the range of circumstances that lead drivers to make choices that could impact on road safety. Students were also asked to think about various situations that they will likely encounter when they become “P” Plate Drivers. We would like to thank Courtney Hardman and her team for running this excellent workshop for our boys. Here are some comments from the boys after they finished the workshop; “I learned that lots of people have road trauma caused because of stupid decisions they made while driving. I also learned that one wrong decision could take someone’s life away.” Georgios Poumpoulidis, T10 Introducing our Year 12 VCAL Students My name is Billy Bedford, T10. I am My name is Louis Forde, H10. I attend currently studying Year 12 VCAL at Parade College at the Preston the Parade Preston campus. The campus. subjects that are a part of the program here at Preston include I have always been at the Preston Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Campus and was one of the first ever Development Skills, Work Related Year 7’s to attend the new campus Skills and Business Certificate. when it opened in 2009. In Year 10 I started the Certificate II in Building and I started Pathways in Year 10 and am doing Year 12 Construction which is a three year course. Last year, in Senior VCAL. We learn a range of different subjects to Year 11, I chose to continue the same course as well as help us in our career. We study Literacy, Numeracy, starting a new course here at Preston, Certificate II in Work Related Skills, Personal Development Skills and Plumbing. This year in Year 12 I am continuing both Business Certificate. All of these subjects give us skills Certificate II in Building and Construction and Certificate and knowledge to start our work life. II in Plumbing. Both courses are going well so far. This year, I am completing the assigned modules and I am My favourite thing about doing VCAL is the fact we get to looking forward to completing my pre apprenticeships. do VET subjects like automotive, electrical and plumbing. These VET subjects might clash with VCE Throughout my VCAL experience I have done a series of subjects but VCAL timetables work around that problem work placements; I have worked with Robert Boyles and make it work for us so we get the most out of what Landscapers, Airtron Services, APB Products and JJ we enjoy. Batchelor Building, just to name a few. When I worked with Robert Boyle Landscapers I was working at the I have enjoyed all my work experience placements but I back of a property in Ivanhoe alongside the Yarra River have enjoyed working in the electrical field the most and building a retaining wall to stop the flooding of the I think that is what I would like to do in the future. property. Whilst working with JJ Batchelor Builders, we were laying floorboards onto a concrete slab in a house At my last work experience I worked with an electrician in Yarrambat. All work placement blocks taught me a lot, and he showed me what it would be like to be a ‘sparkie’ not only about the specific job, but just about work in and that showed me what I want to pursue as a career. general and what goes on at a work site. As this is my last year I want to get the best out of this The end of the school year is approaching very quickly year and make sure that I achieve the best results I can and at the moment I am focused on finishing all pieces of and begin to prepare myself for the future. work in all subjects in order to be signed off for the year and receive my Senior VCAL Certificate. Whilst the end of the year is approaching I am also trying to source a full time apprenticeship for 2015. Up until recently, I have struggled with deciding which job I would want to start an apprenticeship in, but I have decided I am looking for a Plumbing Apprenticeship. My name is Christian Bennett, H10. I My name is Frank Lochiano of L10 am currently studying Year 12 VCAL at and I am in Year 12 studying the Parade College Preston. VCAL program. At school we study five subjects: When I am at the Preston Campus I Literacy, Numeracy, Work Related am studying five subjects which are, Skills, Personal Development Skills and Numeracy, Literacy, Work Related Business Certificate III. My favourite subject is Literacy as you get to read some interesting articles and learn new and interesting things about local and international news. On the days I am not at Preston in class I am doing Certificate III Building and Construction. This class runs at Parade Bundoora in the Edmund Rice Trade Training Centre. I enjoy this class because I enjoy carpentry and working with my hands. I also enjoy the class as I have always liked building things. I have completed work experience at North Eastern Developments. The task I enjoyed the most while I was there was framing up the units we were building. I have completed all my work experiences with North Eastern Developments and will continue to do work with them next year. In the past I have also worked on golf courses as this has been one of my passions as I have been in the top 50 of junior golfers in Victoria. In 2015 I am starting my apprenticeship as a carpenter. While I am doing my apprenticeship I am going to attend night school to do my Certificate IV in building and construction to gain more experience and more knowledge so then when I finish my apprenticeship I can aim to start my own company. Skills, Personal Development Skills and Certificate III in Business. I have sport twice a week that gets me pumped up and motivated. When I am not studying at the Preston Campus I am studying my VET course. I do Bricklaying as my VET course. I have been doing Bricklaying for two years and I am up to my Certificate II in Bricklaying. In order to start my Certificate III I will need to get an apprenticeship. In my years at Preston I have had a number of blocks of work experience. Work experience gives us the opportunity to see first hand how the work place is. I have done work in a number of places, these include retail shops to cabinet making to working on a building site with a bricklayer. I am grateful that I could get the on the job experience that I have had over the last three years at Parade Preston. In Year 12 we learn a lot about helping the community and we have done some work with SCOPE - an organisation that helps out people with all kinds of disabilities. In 2015 I hope to be doing my Certificate III in Bricklaying which is an apprenticeship course at TAFE. From The Old Paradians Centenary Dinner Bookings Surge The Old Paradians’ Association’s Centenary Dinner has generated unprecedented interest, with 120 bookings already taken in the lead-up to the October 17 event. In the five years since the association reconvened, none of its marquee events have generated such numbers - and that includes the naming of the Pride of Parade’s greatest VFL/AFL Team in 2011. The Centenary Dinner, to be held on Level 17, RACV City Club Melbourne, will showcase the 100-year existence of the OPA, which was established in 1914 as a means of ensuring all Old Boys maintained their connections once they left College ranks. Event organisers are seeking to attract the greatest gathering of Old Paradians in history - from the OPA’s member football and cricket clubs through to College teachers, staff both past and present, and of course its Old Boys from as far back as the pre-World War II days – to be part of the celebrations. At the time of writing, former Parade students of the following final years had committed to a table – 1944, 1953, 1956, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1979, 1980, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1990 – with tables also booked by members of the Considine family, the Parade College Ladies’ Auxiliary and teachers and staff both past and present. Tickets are now available for purchase at $120.00 for the all-inclusive three-course Dinner. Those interested in booking for the Old Paradians’ Association Centenary Dinner are urged to go to the Trybooking link – or contact either Tony De Bolfo on 9468 3301 or Mirella Busso-Lee on 9468 3302 Mr Tony De Bolfo Old Paradians’ Association CEO Calendar 27 August 28 August 10 September * ACC Semi Finals * Enrichment Program 4-5pm * Homework Club * ACC Yr 7/8 Sport * Yr 10 Dancing Classes 3.30pm * Drama Production - The Crucible, * Ambrose Treacy Solidarity Walk * Drama Production - The Crucible, * Saturday Detention * Drama Production - The Crucible, * Year 7 Paradian Spelling Challenge * OPA Luncheon * Fathers Committee, 8pm Boardroom * ACC Cross Country, 10am-2pm Bundoora Park 11 September 7.30pm Rivergum Theatre 30 August * Homework Club 3.15-4.30pm * Enrichment Program 4-5pm * ACC Yr 7/8 Finals * Yr 11 2015 Prefect Team Retreat * Yr 10 Dancing Classes 3.30pm * Instrumental Soiree Music Concert, 7.30pm Rivergum Theatre 7.30pm Rivergum Theatre 31 August * ACC Concert Rehearsal Day 1 September * Stage Band Workshop ACC 12 September Concert preparation 10am-2pm 3 September 4 September * ACC Sports Photos * Yr 11 2015 Prefect Team Retreat * Unit 3 and 4 Trial Exams Commence Board Meeting 7.30pm 13-26 Sept * Boardroom 13 September * Saturday Detention * ACC Yr 9/10 Finals 14-28 Sept * EREA Pilgrimage to Ireland/Geneva * Homework Club 14 September * ACC Concert Rehearsal Day * Fathers’ Day Breakfast 7am 15 September * Yr 7 Elective changeover * ACC Senior Finals * ACC Rock Music Workshop * Enrichment Program 4-5pm * Old Paradians Executive Meeting, * Homework Club * Bundoora Yr 10 Vaccinations - * 2 September Interim reports released online to parents at 9am 7.30pm Rivergum Theatre 29 August * Whooping Cough, Diptheria and Tetanus * ACC Yr 7/8 Sport 5 September * Stella Fella Bow Tie Day 7 September * Fathers’ Day 8 September * Ladies’ Auxiliary Meeting 9 September * Homework Club 3.15-4.30pm Takada Trip 7.30pm Boardroom Coming Soon…. 16 September * Student Progress Interviews, Yrs 7-11 19 September * Units 3 and 4 Trial Exams Conclude * End Term 3 20 Sept - 9 Oct * EREA India Immersion 6 October Term 4 Commences * Ladies’ Auxiliary Fathers’ Committee Parade Fathers’ Committee Enhancing father son relationships We wish to thank our Parade Mums that helped out at our recent events The Junior Arts and Technology Exhibition held on Working Bee Wednesday 6 August and The Fathers’ Committee Winter Games Thanks to families who participated in the Working Bee last night which was held on Monday 18 August. Sunday. It was wonderful to see so much achieved at both campuses. Parade Ladies’ Auxiliary Meeting Monday 8 September at 7:30pm Boardroom Bundoora Campus Family Trivia Night is coming Start organising your table for Friday 10 October. The Ladies’ Auxiliary and Fathers’ Committee are jointly hosting this event and requesting your assistance and support for what will be a great night. All family members welcome. Check out all information on our flyer in the Newsletter ! Driver Education - Year 10 Last chance to enrol in the METEC Driving Course being held on Wednesday 24 September for Year 10 students. Information can be obtained from reception President Veronica Spiteri Jeff Warke Secretary Christine Liuzzi President PFC 0409 174 208 Become an Active Member of the Fathers’ Committee to support the Parade community
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