Hijas de Maria Women`s Retreat
Hijas de Maria Women`s Retreat
Hijas de Maria Women’s Retreat SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 6:45am, 8:00am, *9:30am 11:00am, 5:30pm *Signed for hearing impaired Domingo: 12:45pm & 2:30pm (Español) HOLY DAYS / DIAS SANTOS (Days of Obligation) English - Vigil: 5:30pm 7:00am, 9:00am, 12noon, 5:30pm Español: 7:30pm WEEKDAY MASSES CONFESSIONS Mon-Fri: 7:00am & 5:30pm Weekdays: 6:30am & 5:00pm (20 min. before Mass) Saturday: 4:00pm - 5:00pm & 8:00pm WEDDINGS By appointment, 6-month advance notice. PASTOR Fr. Tom Baker ASSOCIATE PASTORS Fr. Gerald Osuagwu Fr. Raymont Medina BAPTISMS English: 3rd Saturday of each month. Call 948-3011. Spanish: El primer Sabado de cada mes. Llame 942-7853. Pastors Corner June 5, 2016 Page 2 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time The Gospel In the 2nd reading today Paul writes to the Church in Galatia and says: “the gospel preached by me is not of human origin. For I did not receive it from a human being, nor was I taught it, but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ.” The word “gospel” means “good news” and the words from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are truly “Good News.” Those four books contain the life story of Jesus, the Son of God. Although written by humans, they came from God and are the Word of God. How wonderful for us to have these sacred writings and to be able to hear them anytime we come to Mass. In today’s gospel Jesus brings back to life the only son of a widowed woman. I suppose Jesus was quite aware how alone a mother and a widow would feel if her only son were to die. That would be the situation his own mother would be pondering as she stood at the foot of the cross. What jumps out at me is the compassion of Jesus. He heals, he brings new life, he understands. We certainly have Good News in Jesus Christ, a God who walks with us, heals us, understands us and brings us new life. During this Year of Mercy, may our appreciation of His great gifts bring us many blessings and allow us to share his life and healing with others. May we all bear the Gospel – Good news – into all areas of our lives. Peace, Fr. Tom PS – Make a journey through the Doors of Mercy outside where the new Church will be built, and pray that God’s mercy would rain down upon us all. Ordination of Jeff Baker – Two years ago seminarian Jeff Baker was here at Sacred Heart for his pastoral internship. Yesterday, June 4 he, along with his classmates, were ordained as priests for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Please join Fr. Jeff next Sunday, June 12 when he will return here to Sacred Heart to celebrate Masses of Thanksgiving at 9:30am and 12:45pm. There will be a light reception following these Masses in the hall where you can receive a blessing from the new priest. El Evangelio En la 2da. Lectura hoy san Pablo se dirige a la Iglesia de Galicia: “Les hago saber que el Evangelio que he predicado, no proviene de los hombres, pues no lo recibí ni lo aprendí de hombre alguno, sino por revelación de Jesucristo.” La palabra “evangelio” significa “buena nueva” y las palabras de Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan son verdaderamente “Buenas Nuevas”. Los cuatro evangelios contienen la historia de la vida y los hechos de Jesús, el Hijo de Dios. Aunque fueron escritos por seres humanos, fueron inspirados por Dios, y son palabra de Dios. Lo más maravilloso para nosotros es que hoy tenemos las Sagradas Escrituras para escucharlas en cualquier momento de la celebración de la Misa. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús le devuelve la vida al único hijo de una mujer viuda. Supongo que Jesús era muy consciente de cómo se sentiría una mujer viuda y más a la que se le había muerto su único hijo. Sería como la situación de su propia Madre al pie de la cruz. A mi parece que, lo que enfatiza Jesús en este hecho es la compasión. Resultado, Él sana, Él trae vida nueva, Él entiende la necesidad de la mujer. Ciertamente tenemos la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo, un Dios que camina con nosotros, nos cura, nos entiende y nos trae vida nueva. Durante este Año de la Misericordia, nuestro reconocimiento por Sus grandes dones que nos han traído muchas bendiciones y nos han permitido compartir Su vida y Su sanación con los demás. Por lo tanto, asumamos humildemente el Evangelio—Buena Nueva—en todos los ambientes de nuestra vida. Paz. P. Tom. P.D. Haga un camino rumbo a las Puertas de la Misericordia donde se va a construir la nueva Iglesia y ore para que la misericordia de Dios llegue como una lluvia sobre todos nosotros. Egren Gomez—Nuestro Interno Pastoral Egren Gómez cumple si misión aquí con nosotros el 15 de Junio. Durante los últimos meses, hemos sido bendecidos con su presencia, le deseamos un feliz retorno a su formación en el seminario. Por favor continúen orando por él y por más vocaciones al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa. Ordenación De Jeff Baker—Hace dos años, Jeff Baker estuvo aquí en el Sagrado Corazón como Interno Pastoral. El Sábado 4 de Junio él junto con sus compañeros de clase, serán ordenados sacerdotes para la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Por favor ore por estos hombres mientras se acerca su ordenación. También únase al P. Jeff el domingo 12 de Junio cuando regrese a la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús para celebrar dos Misas de Acción de Gracias, una será a las 9:30am y la otra será a las 12:45pm. The Happenings June 5, 2016 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Farewell to Egren Gomez Our Pastoral Intern, Egren Gomez, completes his assignment here on June 15. We have been blessed with his presence these last months and wish him well as he returns to seminary formation. Please continue to pray for him and more vocations to priesthood and religious life. “I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Corinthians 1:4 Page 3 Ministry News Page 4 Sacred Heart School Mon., June 6: 4th Grade Wax Mu Seum Field Trip Tues., June 7: Kindergarten International day; New parent orientation meeting at 6:30PM; Student of the Month awards and birthday certificates for June & July announced at morning assembly Wed., June 8: Free dress and treat for Students of the Month; Fifth grade donates lunches to St. Vincent de Paul; Scholastic BOGO book fair Thurs., June 9: Charity “Pay for Free Dress” $1 donations going to Alzheimer’s Association; Scholastic BOGO book fair; Jr. High Finals Fri., June 10: Scholastic BOGO book fair; Noon Dismissal; No Extended Care after school 2016/2017 school applications are available in the school office during office hours. If you have any questions feel free to call the office at 661-948-3613 Youth Nights Youth Night: Monday, June 6—Theme: Schools Out! Come and celebrate with fun and fellowship! We will be having Ice cream sundaes to celebrate the end of school year! Kennedy Center 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Service Opportunities Sunday, June 12: Reception for Father Jeffrey Baker. 8:30am to 11:30am or 12:45 to 4:00pm. Please email us at sh.cia.ym@gmail.com to sign up or call the Youth Ministry Office 945-8743. Confirming Disciples Confirming Disciples Year One going into Year Two Parent/Teen Interviews: Saturday, June 11 Please do not forget your appointment time! We look forward to seeing you and your teen! Registration for Confirming Disciples: All teens, ages 14-17, are invited to register for the Sacrament of Confirmation preparation process: Confirming Disciples. Registration packets are now available in the Youth Ministry Office, Office of Religious Education and Parish Office. For more information please contact the youth ministry office staff. 945-8743. Letters to the Bishop by Recently Confirmed Teens Box tops & Labels: Sacred Heart School is collecting labels from Campbell’s products and box tops for education from General Mills. If you would like to donate labels and box tops bring them to the school office. Thank you Dear Bishop Wilkerson, Book Fair: Please join us for our Scholastic Buy One, Get One Free Book Fair. We will be open next Sun., June 12th, at the Sacred Heart Annex (next to the Kennedy Hall) from 7:30 until 12:30. Funds raised will help purchase books for the Media Center at Sacred Heart School. I started to see change in myself through Monday Youth Nights. Every time I went, I seemed to be enjoying myself. What truly changed me though was the 2nd year Confirmation Retreat. It surprised me to see how teens my age also wanted to learn about something so life changing! People I have never even met became some of my closest friends. The Sacrament of Confirmation is truly LIFE CHANGING and EXTRAORDINARY! I truly Thank You! In my years of being in Confirmation, my views have drastically changed. I wanted to get this sacrament over with! Not until I began meeting new people who were as confused and lost as I was, did I really realize I needed to be closer to God. I need to become closer to God and my faith. Everything changed when my 2nd year of confirmation began. Sincerely, Kyle Pastor Ministry News Page 5 Returning Family Registration: Visit our website sacredheartore. weebly.com to re-register online. Please bring cash or credit card deposit of $50.00 to the ORE Office to complete registration. Late fee applies after Sept. 1, 2016. New Family Registration: Registration will begin on June 1st, visit our website sacredheartore.weebly. com to register online. Please bring your child, their Birth and Baptism certificates and a cash or credit card deposit of $50.00 to the ORE Office to complete registration. Late fee applies after September 1, 2016. Did you know? Sacred Heart collects old cell phones as well as empty ink cartridges for recycling in the parish office. The proceeds go to ORE. They can be dropped off between 10am–5pm. Thank You! In the Spotlight Shelley Urmanski Office of Religious Education 24 years ago I answered God’s call to share my faith as a volunteer catechist which led me into becoming an ORE board member for 4 years. For the past 6 years I have been employed as the Sacramental Coordinator for Sacred Heart Church which allows me to enjoy seeing God at work in the families that we serve. Seeing the pure delight in a child after they have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a true blessing. Throughout my faith-filled journey I have had my loving husband of 27 years, along with our 3 amazing children who are actively involved in ministry walk this journey by my side. Our Parish Family Vocations Corner Look for joy and life Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. The vocation that the Lord calls you to is meant for your good and should draw you into joy and a fullness of life. As you consider your call, pay attention to what brings you joy and life. This joy that you are looking for is not just happiness or ease; often our vocations can be quite challenging. The joy that you are looking for will involve a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. Immaculate Heart Radio 930 AM Sharing the heart of the Christian faith June 4-5 at all Masses Page 6 Public Square Rosary Rally The Legion of Mary/Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Crusade will be holding a Public Square Rosary Rally this Saturday, June 11th at 12noon at Boeing Plaza (on the corner of Lancaster Blvd. and Sierra Hwy) Worldwide Marriage Encounter Let the Spirit of truth bring you to the knowledge of God’s plan for your marriage. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on June 25-26 at St. Jude Parish in Westlake Village or July 3031 at St. Rose of Lima in Simi Valley. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online: www.twocanlove.org. We help make good marriages better. “Pray, pray very much...” All are welcome to are welcome to attend and pray the Rosary for world peace. Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women The next ACCW meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 15th at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish, Santa Clarita. Registration at 9:30AM. Guest Speaker - Father Sam Ward Associate Vocational Director LA Archdiocese. TopicPriestly Vocation in the Archdiocese. Cost - $12 which covers the breakfast snack and lunch. Reservations must be made by June 8th, make checks payable to Carol Westlake and mail to 28702 Magnolia Way, Saugus, CA 91390 (661) 263-0435. See You June 15th, and wear your pearls! Masses for the Week June 4—June 10, 2016 Please remember in your prayers the sick of our parish: Cheri Bertola, Christina Mirigalia, Page 7 Saturday 5:30pm Fr. Jeff Baker, Liv Dwayne Rover, Shirley Ramirez, Sue Hillis, Bill Brennan, Luis Castellenos, Theresa Gayosso. Sunday 6:45am Candida Alvarado, RIP Rest in Peace: Bob Evans, Jim Goodner, Theresa LaRiviere. 8:00am Jennifer Escobedo-Mills, RIP 9:30am Cocopate & Estrella Villanueva, RIP 11:00am For All Parishioners 12:45pm Arturo Muñiz Jaramillo, RIP 2:30pm Hipolito & Angelita Gonzalez, RIP 5:30pm Margaret Joyce Benanti, RIP 7:00am Gloria & Melanie Firmalino, RIP 5:30pm Sean Bozley, Liv Sat.: 7:00am Leticia Alba, RIP Sun.: 5:30pm Cleofas Martinez, RIP Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7:00am Thursday Friday Readings for the Week Mon.: Tues.: Wed.: Thurs.: Fri.: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36 - 8:3 [7:36-50] Virgie Castaneda & Family, Liv 5:30pm Gloria Moya, RIP 7:00am Fritz Miller & Family, Liv 5:30pm Ernest Kite, RIP 7:00am Evelyn & Medardo Frial, RIP 5:30pm Guadalupe & Elena Arellano, RIP Today’s Gospel Jesus raises from the dead the son of a widow in the city of Nain (Luke 7:11-17). Evangelio de Hoy Jesús devuelve la vida al hijo muerto de la viuda de Naín (Lucas 7:11-17). Parish Information Parish Office Phone: (661) 942-7122 / 942-4830 Fax: (661) 945-4255 Email: sacredheartchurchAV@gmail.com Website: sacredheartlancaster.org Facebook: Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Lancaster-CA Hours: Mon- Sat 10:00am-5:00pm (closed 12 - 1pm) Religious Education Phone: (661) 948-3011 Website: sacredheartore.weebly.com Download the app: Sacred Heart ORE Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00am-5:00pm (closed 12 - 1pm). Closed Friday. Sacred Heart School Phone: (661) 948-3613 Principal: Mr. David Schatz Website: shsav.org Hours: Mon - Thurs 7:30am- 3:30pm; Fri: 7:30am - 2:00pm Youth Ministries Phone: (661) 945-8743 Catholics in Action Confirming Disciples Hispanic Ministry Encargado: Heriberto Cayetano Phone: (661) 942-7853 Hours: Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5:00pm (closed 12 - 1pm) Funerals Please call the parish office 942-7122 Building Campaign Phone: (661) 947-7122 Website: buildsacredheartchurch.org Facebook: Build Sacred Heart Church Deacons Deacon Greg Halamicek Deacon Fermin Herrera Deacon Dale Reynolds Deacon Ron Routolo Deacon Jason Schalow Pastoral Intern: Egren Gomez Perpetual Adoration Sunday 7:00pm– Saturday 9:00am Saturday 7:00pm– Sunday 6:00am Novena- Tuesday : 6:00pm Liturgy of the Hours Weekdays: 5:00pm Gift Shop Saturday: 4:00pm –7:00pm Sunday:7:30am –7:30pm Closed during Masses Anointing of the sick/ Ministry to the sick Please call the parish office to arrange for anointing for someone who is seriously ill or preparing for surgery. If ill, homebound or hospitalized we can visit upon request. Safeguard the Children Linda Gonzalez: (661) 949-8890 June 5, 2016 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th Annual Hijas de Maria Women’s Retreat El pasado 28 de Mayo se llevó a cabo el Decimotercer Retiro Anual para mujeres bajo el lema: “Vino a los suyos y los suyos no lo recibieron.” Al retiro asistieron decenas de mujeres como nunca antes. Durante el evento conducido por el grupo Hijas de María Santísima en unión con la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón con la guía del Espíritu Santo y con la ayuda del Padre Ricardo Campos, el Señor derramó ríos de su inmensa misericordia, el Señor sanó resentimientos, reconoces y liberó del ocultismo de malos recuerdos a algunas personas. El estribillo del Salmo 136 dice: “Eterna es Su misericordia”, esto fue lo que sucedió, el Señor derramo Su misericordia como brisa suave en todas las asistentes. Por otro lado la coordinadora del grupo Hijas de María Santísima y el Sr. Heriberto Cayetano director del Ministerio Hispano, le dieron un reconocimiento a nuestro Pastor P. Tom Baker por sus 11 años como Pastor del Sagrado Corazón de Lancaster y también un miembro del grupo le recitó al P. Tom un bello poema dedicado a los sacerdotes. El retiro terminó con una hora Santa donde el Señor hizo grandes maravillas. El grupo de oración Hijas de María Santísima se reúne todos los jueves de las 11:30AM – 2PM. Todas están invitadas, recuerden, este grupo es solo para mujeres. Dios las bendiga.
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