August 21, 2016 -


August 21, 2016 -
City of Saints
Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 6:45am, 8:00am, *9:30am
11:00am, 5:30pm *Signed for hearing impaired
Domingo: 12:45pm & 2:30pm (Español)
(Days of Obligation)
English - Vigil: 5:30pm
7:00am, 9:00am, 12noon, 5:30pm
Español: 7:30pm
Fr. Hieu Tran
Fr. Gerald Osuagwu
Fr. Raymont Medina
Mon-Fri: 7:00am & 5:30pm
Weekdays: 6:30am & 5:00pm
(20 min. before Mass)
Saturday: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
English: 3rd Saturday of each month.
Call 948-3011.
Spanish: El primer Sabado de cada mes.
Llame 942-7853.
By appointment, 6-month advance notice.
Fr. Hieu’sMessage
August 21, 2016
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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Salvation to the Whole World
Who will be saved? In the Gospel, Jesus told us, as well the prophet Isaiah communicated in his writing that those who have faith and try to go
through the "narrow door" will be saved. The Israelites are considered as
chosen people; they think that if they are chosen people, then they are
saved. However, according today's Gospel, Jesus said that, the people
who are saved are not those inside, but those who are outside; they come
from all over the world.
Have you ever traveled to the Holy Land in Israel? If you have, have you
seen anything different? How do people practice their faith? What is
their faith...? It is very sad for us Christians to see that the majority of the people who live in the Holy Land are
Muslim and Jewish. We only have a few Christians living around the Holy Land; their belief is being oppressed and looked down upon. Where are the Christians nowadays? We are here even though we are considered "outsiders." We celebrate our faith and believe that God dwells amongst us.
However, not all of us share this view. Our Protestant brothers and sisters think that if they believe then they
are saved. However, St. James reminds us that our faith without work is not a real faith at all. Therefore, we
need to accompany our faith with good works, in order for us to be saved. Pray for those who refuse to believe
in God and those who have faith, but do not completely understand it yet, so that they may find salvation.
Salvación para todo el Mundo
¿Quién será salvo? En el Evangelio de hoy Jesús dice que, el profeta Isaías comunicó en su escrito que, quienes
tienen fe y van por la “puerta estrecha” esos se salvarán. Los Israelitas son considerados el pueblo elegido, ellos
consideran que si son el pueblo elegido, también ya están a salvo. Sin embargo, según el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús dice que, las personas que son salvas no son las que están adentro, sino las que están afuera, que ellos vienen de todo el mundo.
¿Alguna vez ha visitado la Tierra Santa en Israel? Si es así, ¿ha visto algo diferente? ¿Cómo las personas practican su fe? ¿Cuál es su fe…? Muy triste para nosotros loa cristianos, porque la mayoría de las personas que viven
en Tierra Santa son musulmanes y judíos. Solo hay muy pocos Cristianos que viven en alrededor de Tierra
Santa; su fe está siendo oprimida y despreciada. Pregunto, ¿dónde están los Cristianos el día de hoy? Estamos
aquí; a pesar de que, nos traten como unos “extraños”. Celebramos y creemos que Dios habita en nosotros.
Sin embargo, no todos comparten este punto de vista. Nuestros hermanos y hermanas Protestantes creen que,
si ellos creen, entonces son salvos. Sin embargo Santiago nos recuerda que nuestra fe sin obras no es verdadera
fe. Por lo tanto, nuestra fe debe ir acompañada de buenas obras, con el fin de ser salvos. Oremos por aquellos
que se niegan a creer en Dios y por aquellos que tienen fe, pero que no han entendido plenamente todavía, para
que, puedan encontrar la salvación.
The Happenings
August 21, 2016
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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Friday Morning Breakfast
with Fr. Hieu
The Friday Morning Breakfast Group meets
in the Kennedy Hall every other week right
after the 7:00am Mass. Those that attend the
7:00am Mass are welcome to join in and
bring a breakfast food to share. See you
Ministry News
Page 4
Bodas Comunitarias
El año 2017 las
bodas comunitarias serán el sábado 11 de Febrero. Las parejas que desean convalidar su matrimonio por la Iglesia
Católica los requisitos son: 1. Fe
de Bautismo con fecha reciente. 2.
Acta de Confirmación 3. Comprobante de 1a. Comunión. 4. Estar casados al Civil. El registro se
cerrará el mes de Diciembre 2016,
las parejas interesadas favor de
llamar al (661) 942-7853 para que
hagan una cita.
RCIA Adult Religious
Education Classes
If you are an adult or know someone who needs the Sacraments of
Initiation: Baptism, and /or First
Holy Communion and /or Confirmation RCIA classes will begin
August 22nd in English and Spanish.
Please go to the parish office to
sign up or call (661)942-7122.
Catholic Renewal
“Merciful and Gracious is the
September 2-4, 2016
Labor Day Weekend
Anaheim Convention Center
Youth Nights
Youth Night: No youth gatherings until Sept 19th kick off!
Confirming Disciples
Confirming Disciples Year 1: Monday, August 29. 6:30pm to 7:30pm in the
Kennedy Center. One parent must attend. Teens do not have to attend this
Confirming Disciples Year 2: Wednesday, August 31. 6:30pm to 7:30pm, in
the Kennedy Center. One parent must attend this meeting. Teens do not have
to attend this meeting.
Registration for Confirming Disciples: All teens, ages 14-17, are invited to
register for our sacrament of Confirmation preparation process: Confirming
Disciples. Registration packets are available in the Youth Ministry Office, Office of Religious Education and Parish Office, or call: 945-8743.
**Sessions are starting soon! Please register by August 25th!**
Ministry News
A. C. C. W.
The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women North San
Fernando District Meeting
19606 Calla Way, Canyon Country,
CA 91351
Date: Thursday, September 15, 2016
Time: 9:00am–1:30pm; Mass: 11:30
Cost: $12.00
Topic: Continuing to Live the Mercy of
God in Our Daily Lives
Presenter: Father Jack Stoeger,
Director, Cardinal Timothy Manning House of Prayer for Peace
Reservations: Please make check
payable to SHELLY SMITH and
mail to Shelly at: 17915 Toucan
Place, Canyon Country, CA 91387.
Phone: 661-252-4683.
RSVP by September 11th
Monday Night
Scripture Study
The Monday Evening Scripture
Study begins on September 12th
at 6:30PM . We will be discussing “Praying the Gospels with
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ: Jesus
Launches His Ministry.” Fr.
Mitch helps us encounter Jesus
just as Sts. Peter, Andrew,
James, and John did when He
first stepped onto the public
stage 2000 years ago. Using Fr.
Mitch’s meditations we gain a
deeper insight into Sacred Scripture and ourselves. The cost of
study materials is $11.00. We
meet in the Sacred Heart School
8th Grade Classroom. All are
Page 5
Perpetual Adoration
We are blessed to have a Perpetual
Adoration Chapel where we can
always visit our Lord. He wants
your company. Will you respond
to His invitation?
Adorers are needed for the
following hours:
Sunday 11:00PM - 12:00 Midnight
1:00AM - 2:00AM
2:00AM - 3:00AM
Monday 12:00AM - 1:00AM
Tuesday 12:00AM - 1:00AM
If you can serve, please call Jessica
at 948-4604. Thank You.
Info: call Deacon Dale or Linda
at 945-8840.
In the Spotlight
Sacred Heart Volunteer:
Cynthia Guerra
Cynthia Guerra is a Sacristan, Eucharistic Minister, and Gift Shop Volunteer here at Sacred Heart Church. A few years back, she received her
Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
Cynthia pours all her heart, soul, and strength into each and every one
of the ministries she is involved in. As a Sacristan, she devotes hours
upon hours preparing the Sanctuary for Liturgy, and cleaning, not only
the precious vessels, but polishing all of the wood in our church as
well. As a Gift Shop Volunteer, she is very knowledgeable about the
products that are advertised in our gift shop and assists and trains other Gift Shop Volunteers on a weekly basis.
Cynthia is truly a blessed example of a dedicated and hard-working
volunteer here at Sacred Heart Church. We are blessed to have her
here and know that she is always willing to help our church community. Thank you Cynthia for your time, talent, and treasure at Sacred
Heart Church!
Our Parish Family
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Freedom in Christ Conference
Training for New and Current Altar Servers
There will be a training session for both new and current altar servers
on Wednesday, 24 August from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the church. It is
open to any youth at the parish who have completed their first Holy Communion and would like to join the altar server ministry. It is also a mandatory refresher training for all current servers at the English-language masses. Please encourage the children and teens that you know to consider
serving the Lord in this important parish ministry .
Lay Fraternity of Charles de Foucauld
The Lay Fraternity of Charles de Foucauld will have its next monthly
meeting on Sunday, August 28 at 2:00 pm. We will meet at the facilitator’s home for Scripture/Faith Sharing, followed by Eucharistic Adoration
at St. Junipero Serra Church and dinner. New members are always welcome. For more information, contact Arlene Moeller by calling or texting (661) 361-4096.
Learn more about the Lay Fraternity
Join Your Bishop for Our
Life, Justice & Peace Regional Meetings!
In this Year of Mercy, our Office of Life, Justice & Peace has developed a
BRAND NEW post abortion healing ministry. We can't wait to unveil this
new resource to your parishes. With Respect Life Month and the election
around the corner, we want to provide you with the best evangelization
tools available to navigate these topics.
Learn about our amazing, free resources and discern the best strategy to
serve your parish including:
• Our BRAND NEW Post-Abortion Healing Program
• Faithful Citizenship this Election Year
• Care & Prepare End of Life Trainings
• How Your Respect Life Group Can Be More Effective
• OneLife LA Ambassadors We will also be bringing with us resources for
Respect Life Week, App for Life, Foster Care, Homelessness, Human
Trafficking, and much more!
Where: Panorama City
When: Friday, August 26th 7-9pm San Fernando Region Saint Genevieve
Catholic Church 14061 Roscoe Blvd. Panorama City 91402
Special Guest: Bishop Joseph Brennan
Masses for the Week
August 20 - August 26, 2016
Fr Hieu Tran, Liv
Felipe Inostroz, RIP
James & Yae Humm, RIP
Mercedita Escorpiso, RIP
Richard R. Vensel, RIP
For All Parishioners
Purisima & Feliza Cadacio, RIP
Cecilia Camarena, RIP
Maria Fidelina Fernandez, RIP
Robert Giuntini, RIP
Wednesday 7:00am
Teresa Betancourt, RIP
Eva Najar, RIP
Jesus Bonilla-Ponce, RIP
Lucia Gomez-Chavez, RIP
Please remember in your prayers the sick
of our parish: Cheri Bertola, Maria Brecken-
Page 7
ridge, Janet Dime, Estela Romero, Kathryn
Coleman, Floy Clark, Rosa Belia Cedillos,
Miguel Sarabia, Rosa Rodriguez, Mario
Rest in Peace: Ramona Olivas, Rodney Dominguez.
Readings for the Week
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5; Mt 23:13-22
2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13; Mt 23:23-26
Wednesday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51
Thursday: 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mt 25:1-13
Saturday: 1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Ps 68:4-7, 10-11;
Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a; Lk 14:1, 7-14
Today’s Gospel
Fran Dyer, RIP
Virginia Estrada, RIP
Matilda & Edward Brzezinski,
Stan Rydell, RIP
Gorgina Nepomuceno, RIP
Doug Waracka, RIP
Josephine Chang, RIP
People from east and west, north and south, recline at
table in the kingdom of God (Luke 13:22-30).
Evangelio de Hoy
Gente del este y el oeste, del norte y del sur se sentarán
a la mesa del Reino de Dios (Lucas 13:22-30).
Parish Information
Parish Office
Phone: (661) 942-7122 / 942-4830
Fax: (661) 945-4255
Facebook: Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, Lancaster-CA
Hours: Mon- Sat 10:00am-5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Religious Education
Phone: (661) 948-3011
Download the app: Sacred Heart ORE
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00am - 5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm). Closed Friday.
Sacred Heart School
Phone: (661) 948-3613
Principal: Mr. David Schatz
Hours: Mon - Thurs 7:30am - 3:30pm;
Fri: 7:30am - 2:00pm
Youth Ministries (661) 945-8743
Catholics in Action
Confirming Disciples
Hispanic Ministry (661) 942-7853
Encargado: Heriberto Cayetano
Hours: Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Building Campaign
(661) 947-7122
Facebook: Build Sacred Heart Church
Deacon Greg Halamicek
Deacon Fermin Herrera
Deacon Dale Reynolds
Deacon Ron Routolo
Deacon Jason Schalow
Alex & Carmen Aguilar -Deacon in Formation
Miguel & Maria Zamora -Deacon in Formation
Oscar Delgado
Perpetual Adoration
Sunday 7:00pm – Saturday 9:00am
Saturday 7:00pm – Sunday 6:00am
If you can serve, call Jessica at 948-4604.
Novena- Tuesday : 6:00pm
Liturgy of the Hours
Weekdays: 5:00pm
Saturday: 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Sunday: 7:30am – 7:30pm
Anointing of the sick/
Ministry to the sick
Please call the parish office to arrange for
anointing for someone who is seriously ill
or preparing for surgery. If ill, homebound
or hospitalized we can visit upon request.
Please call the parish office 942-7122
Safeguard the Children
Linda Gonzalez: (661) 949-8890
August 21, 2016
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
City of Saints
A weekend full of incredible talks, great praise and worship, and adoration.