December 13 2015-January 16 2016
December 13 2015-January 16 2016
THE SPIRE LIGHT First Presbyterian Church 100 Silver Creek Road, Morganton, NC 28655 828-437-1811 December 13, 2015January 16, 2016 December 13, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent Rev. Adam C. Bowling Lectionary Zeph. 3:14-20; Is. 12:2-6 Phil. 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18 Greeters Anne Gamble, Mary Frances Young December 20, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Advent “A Service of Lessons and Carols” Lectionary Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:46-55 Heb. 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45 Greeters Jerry and Barbara Norvell, Restels MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! December 24, 2015 Candlelight Communion Service December 27, 2015 Carol Sing Worship Service Lectionary 1 Sam. 2:18-20, 26; Ps. 148 Col. 3:12-17; Luke 2:41-52 Greeters Henry and Penina Ramseur January 3, 2016 Epiphany Service Rev. Michael R. Bailey Lectionary Jer. 31:7-14; Ps. 147:12-20 Eph. 1:3-14; Jn. 1:1-18 Greeters Kendrick and Rigsbee families January 10, 2016 Rev. Michael R. Bailey Lectionary Is. 43:1-7; Ps. 29 Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Greeters Hewat and Vinay families FROM THE STAFF OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Member Giving Through November 2015 Budgeted Received Budget Shortfall Pledged Giving $487,254 $463,093 $24,161 $51,333 $30,970 $20,363 Non-pledged Giving For a detailed analysis of revenues and expenses, please see the financial notebook located in the church library. Elective Sunday School Class 9:45-10:40 AM in Room 102 December 13: “Advent Through the Eyes of Those Who Waited” led by Anne Wilson December 20: “Update on Malawi and Dr. Barbara Nagy” by Tom Kilgore December 27: “Sharing of Christmas Memories” by class members Tree of Warmth Now through December, we will be collecting clean, new, and gently used blankets, mittens, gloves, hats, coats, and scarves (all sizes) for needy families and individuals here in Burke County. Look for the Tree of Warmth outside the fellowship hall and please give generously. Invite a Friend! With all of the special events and activities coming up during the Advent and Christmas seasons, it's a great time to invite someone to church. Special invitation cards are available on tables around the church. Please feel free to take some of these cards and invite your friends. neighbors, and co-workers to come and experience Christ's love during this meaningful time of the year. Children’s Christmas Pageant: “His Name Is Jesus” We hope you can attend this year's Children's Christmas Pageant, “His Name Is Jesus,” on Wednesday, December 16. The pageant will start at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary. There will be a meal in the fellowship hall at 5:15 PM ($6 adult, $4 child, $18 family cap). Transportation to and from Grace Ridge on the church bus will be provided. Please call the church office to sign up for the bus and/or to RSVP for the meal by noon on Monday, December 14. Church Directory Photo Day—Sunday, December 20 On Sunday, December 20 we will have two photo sessions: • • Before worship: 9:30-10:30 AM After worship: 12:15-1:15 PM You do not need a specific appointment—just show up! Each family or individual who has their photo taken will be entered to win a free photo package! We want everyone to participate, and we mean everyone! Wednesday Night Programs December 9: Christmas Concert by Chancel Ringers December 16: “His Name Is Jesus” Children's Christmas Pageant (6:30 PM) December 23: No Wednesday Night Meal (Wednesday night meals will resume February 10, Ash Wednesday.) Youth and Children’s Sunday School on December 27 On Sunday, December 27, at 9:45 AM, the children and youth Sunday school classes will see the movie, “A Charlie Brown Christmas” in the chapel. (There is no traditional Sunday school for children and youth on December 27; regular Sunday school classes will resume on January 3.) Sunday, December 13, 2:15 PM— Student The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" Play Ministries Parents are asked to drop their student(s) off at the Old Rock School in Valdese at 2:15 PM. Students will need Rev. Adam Bowling 828-448-8914 $10.00 for a ticket, and we will gather in the lobby fore the show. RSVP on the church website and/or email Pastor Adam today to reserve your ticket! Friday, December 18, 7:00 PM—MIPSO in Concert at the CoMMA Join your youth group friends in support of Taylor and Jacob Sharp as MIPSO ( puts on a concert at CoMMA in support of Casting for Hope. This organization helps local Western NC women fighting cancer. Tickets through us cost only $12.00. RSVP on the church website and/or email Pastor Adam today to reserve your ticket! Sunday, December 20, 6:00-8:00 PM—Caroling on the Ridgeline Trolley Christmas Caroling on the Ridgeline Trolley on Sunday, December 20, 6:00-8:00 PM, for all ages! Join First Presbyterian Church for an evening of caroling to shut-ins and friends of the church. Also, we will visit the J. Iverson Riddle Christmas lights and have hot chocolate, coffee, and treats when we return! Cost is $3.00 per person to cover fuel and supplies. Space is limited, so you must go to the church website, print out a form, and turn it in with payment to reserve a spot! Hope to see you there! Sunday, December 27—No PM Youth Group Sunday, January 3—TBA Scholarship Availability Presbyterian Women of WNC wish to announce for church members that a $1,500 annual scholarship is available to high school seniors who will be enrolled in a 4-year degree program at an accredited college by autumn of 2016 and to students of any age who will be enrolled in an accredited 4-year college in 2016. For more information, call Adam Bowling or Gwen Veazey. Thank You The children and I want to thank everyone for the kindness shown to our family these last few months when Wayne was in declining health. All of the calls, cards, visits, and food were so appreciated. I am truly blessed to be loved and supported by this church family. I look forward to again becoming more involved in the life of the church. Thanks so much, Janice Smith The Spire Light Deadline The next issue of The Spire Light will cover January 17February 6 events. Please submit information to the church office or email to by noon on Monday, January 11. In Sympathy “I am the resurrection and the life.” Congregational love and sympathy are extended to Barbara Wall and family at the death of her sister-in-law, Eleanor Bounous, on November 13, 2015. Congregational love and sympathy are extended to Janice Smith and family at the death of her husband, Wayne Harrington Smith Sr., on November 20, 2015. First Presbyterian is a connectional church; let us therefore pray for other congregations within our Presbytery: Ryburn Memorial Presbyterian Church, Shelby, NC Prayer Give us faith, O God, that we may live the life that your Son has opened up for us. Amen. Stewardship The Stewardship Committee would like to thank all who have submitted pledges to support the 2016 Annual Budget of First Presbyterian. As of December 7, we have received 133 pledges totaling $497,291. If you have not submitted your pledge card yet, please do so as soon as you are able so that our Administration Committee can prepare the budget. Extra pledge cards can be found in the narthex and friendship pads. “For thou, O LORD, hast made me glad by thy work; at the works of thy hands I sing for joy.” Psalm 92:4 Supporting the Church is supporting the works of God’s hands. New Hymn of the Month The New Hymn of the Month for our December worship services is My Soul Cries Out With a Joyous Shout/Canticle of the Turning (Glory to God Hymnal, #100). By employing an energetic Irish folk song for its melody, this ballad-like paraphrase of the Magnificat, Mary’s song at her meeting with her relative Elizabeth from Luke 1:46–55, recaptures both the wonder and the faith of the young woman who first recognized what God was doing. “My soul cries out with a joyful shout that the God of my heart is great, and my spirit sings of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait.” SESSION NOTES Summary for November 19, 2015, Session Meeting Session approved recommendations on updating church rolls and received a report from the October meeting of Presbytery. Administration: The financial report shows current expenditures exceed income by about $23,000. Options for dealing with the loose, uneven slate walkways are being explored. Some wood from the oak tree will be dried, stored, and made into mementos at a later date. The Methodist Church firewood ministry will use the remainder. Session expressed gratitude for Church Treasurer Mark Buff. Christian Education: The Confirmation Class, God’s Backyard Bible Club, and adult elective classes are going well. Helpers for the Bible Club are needed. Congregational Care: In the past month, the committee made over 300 contacts to church members—visits, calls, cards, meals. Fellowship: The Progressive Christmas Party, Christmas caroling, and other Advent events are planned. Good News: Every prospective member was sent an invitation to attend Advent activities. Photos for the church directory will be taken before and after worship on December 20. Missions and Outreach: Session approved distribution of the Christmas Eve offering to Burke United Christian Ministries (50%) and Malawi Hunger Aid (50%). Although the Nickel-a-Meal Hunger Program is stressed on Communion Sundays, donations are welcome any Sunday. There were 110 books received for the Read-Me-a-Story program of the prison ministry. Sweet Delights Bakery program has received a grant from the Community Foundation of Burke County and has also applied for another grant. Seven participants are eligible for scholarships this year. Christmas Cheer needs volunteers to assist with distributing toys. Participation in the Alternative Gift Market has declined greatly, and the Committee will determine whether to continue next year. Presbytery is conducting a capital campaign, “Building Hope,” which will focus on health care at Nkhoma Hospital in Malawi ($1 million), Guatemala Ministry ($240,000), Vital Churches Ministry—support to congregations and leadership development ($509,000), and Camp Grier facility upgrades ($500,500). Nearly $1 million has already been raised in this $2.25 million campaign. Session approved using the remainder of the Inscoe gift designated for Malawi for this campaign. Personnel: Adam Bowling has returned to full duties and will resume his monthly preaching in December. Wyatt Aiken continues to assist with pastoral visits. Jean Bolton’s recovery has progressed more slowly than hoped for. Stewardship: Thanks to those who have returned pledge cards. To date, $451,000 has been pledged. Worship: Plans for Advent are well underway, including Christmas memorials, and the Handbell Concert. Patton High School Chamber Singers will join the Chancel Choir for the Service of Lessons and Carols. Session approved the November 29 baptism of Lainey Smith. Nominating: The committee continues to seek those willing to serve as elder or deacon. Presbyterian Women: The Thank Offering will benefit 32 projects, 22 national and 10 international. Funds for benevolences have been distributed, including to three children’s homes. Staff Announcements: Adam Bowling reported that the church nursery is staffed, but often there are no children needing care. To better use personnel and funds, in 2016 a RSVP form for nursery care will be implemented. Adam also thanked everyone for their support when he was on leave. Michael Bailey noted a number of pastoral concerns and requested prayers and support for these members. As always, if you have any questions, affirmations, or concerns to express to the Session, please contact any Session member. Submitted by Elsie Bartlett, Clerk Wednesday, December 23 12:00 PM Al-Anon 5:00 PM Chancel Ringers No Meal/Program 7:15 PM Chancel Choir Tuesday, December 22 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast 1:30 PM Staff Meeting Saturday, December 19 8:00 PM Al-Anon 8:00 PM AA Friday, December 18 7:00 PM Youth Trip— Mipso at CoMMA Saturday, December 26 8:00 PM Al-Anon 8:00 PM AA Saturday, January 2 8:00 PM Al-Anon 8:00 PM AA Friday, January 1 Thursday, December 31 Church Office Closed Wednesday, December 30 Church Office Is Open Today 12:00 PM Al-Anon No Meal/Program/Choirs Tuesday, December 29 Church Office Closed 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast Monday, December 28 Church Office Closed 6:00 PM Churchwide Christmas Caroling Lessons and Carols Sunday, December 27 9:45 AM “A Charlie Brown Christmas” Movie—Chapel 10:55 AM Carol Sing 10:00 AM Chancel Choir No PM Youth Sunday, December 20 Fourth Sunday of Advent Church Directory Photo Day 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Chancel Choir 10:55 AM A Service of Thursday, December 24 Wednesday, December 16 9:00 AM Soup Kitchen 5:30 PM Christmas Eve 12:00 PM Al-Anon Candlelight 3:15 PM Backyard Bible Club Communion Service 5:00 PM Chancel Ringers 5:15 PM Fried Chicken Meal Friday, December 25 6:30 PM Children’s Christmas Pageant 7:15 PM Chancel Choir Tuesday, December 15 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast 8:30 AM Primetimers Trip 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM FHS Choir Concert—Sanctuary Monday, December 14 3:00 PM Circle 3—Parlor Sunday, December 13 Third Sunday of Advent 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Chancel Choir 10:40 AM Session Meeting 10:55 AM Worship Service 2:15 PM Youth Trip—“The Best Christmas Pageant” 5:00 PM Combined Choirs Concert—1st Baptist Church Saturday, January 9 8:00 PM Al-Anon 8:00 PM AA Friday, January 8 8:30 AM Administration Committee Meeting Thursday, January 7 9:30 AM Primetimers’ Board Meeting 7:00 PM Ladies’ Bible Study—Parlor Wednesday, January 6 12:00 PM Al-Anon 5:00 PM Chancel Ringers No Meal/Program 7:15 PM Chancel Choir Tuesday, January 5 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Circle 6—Parlor Monday, January 4 11:00 AM Circle 1— Grace Ridge 7:00 PM Circle 2—Parlor Sunday, January 3 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Chancel Choir 10:55 AM Epiphany Service Youth TBA FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CALENDAR Saturday, January 16 8:00 PM Al-Anon 8:00 PM AA Wednesday, January 13 10:30 AM Spire Light Volunteers 12:00 PM Al-Anon 5:00 PM Chancel Ringers 6:15 PM Committee Night 7:15 PM Chancel Choir Tuesday, January 12 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast 9:00 AM Soup Kitchen 1:30 PM Staff Meeting Monday, January 11 12:00 PM Spire Light Deadline 3:00 PM Circle 3—Parlor 6:30 PM C.E. Meeting Sunday, January 10 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Chancel Choir 10:55 AM Baptism of the Lord Service 5:00 PM Youth— Bread Sunday Christmas Memorials and Honoraria The Chrismon tree is given in loving memory of Helen Ragan Kirksey by her parents, Charles and Lee Kirksey, and her brother and sister, Marshall and Virginia. Poinsettias Given in Memory of: Gerry Udstuen and Amy Sharp by Elaine Udstuen Charlie and Aileen Marranca by Charles and Nanette Marranca Captain F.R. Petiprin and Emily H. Petiprin by Charles and Nanette Marranca Dr. and Mrs. Edward Phifer by Edward and Becky Phifer Shirley Roll by Edward and Becky Phifer Martha Avery Phifer by Edward and Becky Phifer Dr. and Mrs. Harry P. Miller, Janet L. Peck, and D. A. Randolph by Dick and Quay Peck Pat Baily by Wil and Lena Kenan Katherine Craig Wilson by John and Anne Wilson and Family Bob McDaniel by Mary Lou McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McDaniel Sr. by Mary Lou McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Morris G. Goforth by Mary Lou McDaniel Amy Sharp by Will, Josh, Jacob, and Taylor Sharp Gerry Udstuen by Will, Josh, Jacob, and Taylor Sharp Lois W. Lowry by Robert L. Lowry Paul and Ibby Hutchins by David and Betsy Rader Atwood Erwin by David and Betsy Rader Pat Baily by George Baily Patricia Baily by Dr. J. Christopher, Debbie, Nichols, and William Leonard Bob Thompson by Mark Buff Braxton Gooch by Mark Buff Otto Woerner by Mark Buff Sterling Collett III by Mark Buff William and Violet Harris and Charles and Pauline Hauck by William and Linda Harris R. M. and Jean C. McAdams by Robert C. McAdams Milton Gaskill Sr. by Dr. and Mrs. James Gaskill Otis Morse by Dr. and Mrs. James Gaskill Lillian Gaskill by Dr. and Mrs. James Gaskill Sterling R. Collett III by Martha, Ruffin Smith, and Toddy Collett Marjorie Beem by Martha Collett Dick and Betty Conway by Elizabeth Cadenhead and Family Milton Stuart Kenan by Circle 2 Evelyn Calhoun Ray by Sam and Laura Aycock Mary Helen Jones by Sam and Laura Aycock Wayne Smith by Mitzi Price Livingston and Anne Vernon and Bill Franklin by Molly Catharine Franklin Elizabeth Bowers by Carolyn Atwell Katherine Wilson by Wil and Lena Kenan Poinsettias Given in Memory of (cont.): Robert Angus Ray Sr. by Sam and Laura Aycock Ernest Oscar Aycock by Sam and Laura Aycock Sadie Aycock Lyon by Sam and Laura Aycock W. Pope Lyon by Sam and Laura Aycock David Woodall Aycock Jr. by Sam and Laura Aycock Mr./Mrs. C. V. Walton and Mrs. Frank S. Thomason by the Hewat Family Dr. Ray Antley by Mills and Lisa Antley Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kestel by Mills and Lisa Antley Mrs. E. G. McSwain by Mills and Lisa Antley Terry Collins by Erin Shannon Doug Thurman by Erin Shannon Dick and Betty Conway by the Conway Family Poinsettias Given in Honor of: Amanda Peck and Richard S. Peck by Dick and Quay Peck Todd Rader by David and Betsy Rader David and Betsy Rader by Todd Rader Ed and Abby Redman by Mark Buff Alva Morse by Dr. and Mrs. James Gaskill Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bumpus and Family by Dr. and Mrs. James Gaskill Rev. Dr. James Christopher and Family by George E. Baily The Clower Class by George E. Baily Elsie Bartlett by Circle 2 Janice Smith by Circle 2 George Baily by The Clower Class David Rader by The Clower Class Janice Smith by Mitzi Price Patricia Franklin by Molly Catharine Franklin Wreaths Given in Memory of: Stuart Kenan by Wil and Lena Kenan George and Nell Clark by Robert and Diane Clark William and Eleanor Kuenzel by Robert and Diane Clark Otto Woerner by Betty Woerner William and Violet Harris and Charles and Pauline Hauck by William and Linda Harris Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Phifer Sr. by Ben and Libba Belton Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Belton by Ben and Libba Belton Sarah Kathleen Cobb by Elizabeth and Gary Cobb, Jennifer and Tyler, and Barbara and LeRoy Wall Wreaths Given in Honor of: The Bailey Family by Betty Woerner Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Phifer Sr. by Ben and Libba Belton Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Belton by Ben and Libba Belton Edward Locke Hogan by Ben and Libba Belton for All Ages on the Ridgeline Trolley and Church Bus Sunday, December 20, 2015 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Join First Presbyterian Church for an evening of caroling to shut-ins and friends of the church. Also, we will visit the J. Iverson Riddle Christmas lights and have hot chocolate, coffee, and treats when we return! Space is limited*...RSVP today! *Youth will be asked to stand. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name(s): ________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Number of Tickets ($3.00 each): ______ Total: $________ (Cost covers fuel/supplies.) Instructions: Return this form with payment to the church office by Sunday, December 13. Please make all checks out to First Presbyterian Church with Christmas Caroling on the memo line. Spots on the Ridgeline Trolley will go to those who register first.