Fall 2011 - Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America


Fall 2011 - Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America
FALL 2011
volume 85 number 3
Also Inside:
• Scholarship Recipients
• Photo Contest Winners
• Christmas Patrons
“Discover - Explore - Experience Our National Treasure”
The Fellowship’s 85th Annual National Convention
in Old Town Alexandria, VA
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL ©
FALL 2011
2011 Photo Contest Winners
85th Annual Convention - President’s Banquet Speech
The Fellowship Celebrates its 85th Annual National Convention in Old
Town Alexandria, VA Sponsored by the South River “R” Club
12 85th Annual National Convention Photo Gallery
16 St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
17 Meet this Year’s National Scholarship Awardees
19 Support the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Married Student Housing Project!
FOCA Calendar 2012
Christmas Greetings from our Patrons
Harrisburg Hosts 81st Central PA District Convention
Transitions Fall 2011
Kidz Corner
22 January Saints Wordfind
Welcome Back to Myrtle Beach - 86th National F.O.C.A. Convention
President’s Commentary
Editor’s Notes
F.O.C.A. Highlights and News-In-Brief
Bayonne "R" Club Hosts Flood Fundraiser
Additional National Convention Ads
Back Cover: 75th Novogodny Ball
Visit Our Website: www.orthodoxfellowship.org
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Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
V. Rev. William Evansky
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Dr. John Schultz
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Michael Steffaro
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is the official publication of the
Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America
Send all articles, photos and information to:
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Nicholas D. Ressetar
Michael Schultz
Michael Schultz
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The mission of the
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL is to
educate the membership of the Fellowship of
Orthodox Christians in America,
to showcase the talents of its membership
and, in so doing, to propagate the
Holy Orthodox Christian Faith.
Mission Statement of the
Fellowship of Orthodox
Christians in America
The Fellowship of Orthodox
Christians in America is a national organization of Orthodox
Christians. Our mission is to
proclaim, share and reveal
our Orthodox Christian Faith
through service, fellowship
and example. We accomplish
this by:
• studying the tenets of our
• supporting, encouraging and
promoting Orthodox Youth
• supporting, encouraging and
promoting the missionary
growth of our church
• encouraging and promoting
unity among all Orthodox
• establishing practical means
for Orthodox Christians to
form enduring friendships on
local and national levels
through networking
• providing educational, cultural, social and athletic
activities for the people of our
Orthodox Faith.
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL (ISSN
15247562), is published four times a year [Spring,
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Dr. John Schultz
41st National FOCA President
During this Nativity Season and with the approaching
New Year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the
many people whose efforts make the Fellowship the
organization that it is. Our members have an unmatched
love and dedication to the Church.
Following the National Convention, requests for members to take leadership roles and other positions within the
Fellowship were sent out. Everyone answered the call. I
am humbled and proud to be the leader of an organization
that has so many dedicated members who are willing to
step-up when asked to play a role in our future. To those
who have accepted their role – THANK YOU!
At the Convention several motions were made creating Committees to review various aspects of the F.O.C.A., and to plan the next steps in the growth of the
Fellowship. Many were asked to be members of these Committees and they all
agreed. To those who have agreed to help chart the future of the Fellowship –
At the District Conventions many of you were asked to serve as District Officers
or on District Committees. You were asked to lead various programs and activities in
your District. These individuals also answered the call. To those who work to make
our Districts strong and vital – THANK YOU!
At Chapter meetings where the true work of the Fellowship takes place, members
are asked to serve as officers, to lead service projects, to mentor our Juniors, and to do
the many tasks that show the true spirit of the F.O.C.A. To the many who answer this
call in their Chapter – THANK YOU!
The work of the Fellowship, however, is not done only by those faces seen or voices heard most frequently at National and District Conventions, Board Meetings or
Committee meetings. The work of the Fellowship is done by the many who work
without notice in their home Chapters and Districts. The work of the Fellowship is
done by the many who work behind the scenes at all the national and local events.
These are the members who bake the cookies for the bake sale, who clean up after
activities, who chaperone our Juniors at their activities, and who do all the other “little” stuff that always seems to just get done. To those who do that work seemingly
without notice – THANK YOU!
Finally, members of the Fellowship do not do this work for the F.O.C.A. alone –
they work even harder for the Church. Indeed, we are part of the very fabric of the
Church. In a time when others have reduced their roles in the Church, we have not.
Indeed we have done even more. We are members of the Parish Councils and Choirs.
We are the members of the Diocesan Councils and Committees. We are members of
the Metropolitan Council and national Committees and Commissions. We contribute
to the Church in immeasurable ways. We support Seminarians, we provide for students, we aide those struck by tragedy, and we do much much more. We do this
because we know that the Church must be and is first in our lives. The F.O.C.A. is
and will remain a strong and vital part of the Church because of the efforts of every
one of our members.
To each and every one of you – THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
Nicholas D. Ressetar
Editor, Orthodox Christian JOURNAL
This is our annual national convention issue of the Journal,
replete with all the news, speeches, photos, convention business and more from this year’s 85th annual in historic Old
Town Alexandria, Virginia. Included are remarks from
Metropolitan Jonah, Bishop Michael and our national president, Dr. John Schultz as well as a special thank-you letter
emailed to the convention from St. Tikhon Seminary rector
Bishop Tikhon and Dean Father Alexander Atty for the new
$300,000 married student housing project goal. Support the
project in your parish and chapter using the promo and form
inside. And Mary Anne Soltis brings us the photo contest winners. Thanks to the South River “R” Club for a productive,
enjoyable extended Labor Day weekend!
We also feature profiles and photos of the 2011 national
scholarship recipients, all worthy, impressive young people
and the future leaders of our Church and FOCA. Congrats!
For the young and young at heart, there is a January saints
wordfind in the Kidz Corner – thanks Mom. In convention
and chapter news, the Harrisburg “O” Club hosted the 81st
Central PA District Convention and we have a report & pics.
And the Bayonne “R” Club sponsored a flood fundraiser for a
“sister” parish which suffered water damage from August’s
hurricane. Good work, Bayonne!
This fall issue has a promo from the New Jersey District for
next year’s national gathering back in sunny Myrtle Beach and
the seaside Kingston Plantation – book early and often. Our
back cover invites us to the diamond anniversary Novogodny
Ball hosted by St. Stephen’s OCF, this time in a new venue.
And on a sad note, transitions reports the “falling asleep” of
five Fellowship notables. Memory eternal and condolences to
their loved ones.
Rounding out the edition are the President’s message, the
2012 (already?!) calendar and a few national convention ads
that went missing from the booklet. We wish all of you Merry
Christmas – Christ is Born! and the best for the New Year.
And until next year, enjoy the Fellowship you find on these
Bayonne "R" Club Hosts
Flood Fundraiser
After Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 2nd,
the Bayonne Alpha "R" Club, #97, held a fund-raising
breakfast at SS. Peter & Paul Church in Bayonne, NJ.
Joining the parish community were members of St.
Mary's Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church also of
Bayonne. The proceeds of the breakfast benefitted St.
John's Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church in Rahway,
NJ, the basement of which was completely flooded in
the aftermath of Hurricane Irene in August 2011. The
Juniors/youth of SS. Peter & Paul and St. John enjoy a
close relationship. It's wonderful to see inter-jurisdictional support and cooperation between parishes, and
another fine example of how the Fellowship of
Orthodox Christians in America connects parishes and
fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Chair of the
fundraiser was Marge Kovach. Thanks to all who participated!
The following names were accidentally omitted
from the South River “R” Club’s convention
booklet. Sorry!
• The Kowalchik Family: Karen, Andrea, Tamara,
Lara and Richy
• Select Decor: Paul Fedoronko, Principal,
Swarthmore, PA
• Michael and Mary Dorosh
2012 Articles Deadlines for the OCJ:
Winter due January 31st
Send all material to our Editor:
Nicholas Ressetar
1510 Green Street Harrisburg, PA 17102-2511
Phone: 717-761-2121
WORD attachment articles work best within an E-mail:
Please do not send one-of-a-kind photos to the OCJ,
send a copy. Returned photos are not guaranteed!
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
• Cathedral Chapter, Cleveland, OH
• Father Vasily & Matushka Nancy Gilbert,
Salem, MA
• Steve and Marge Cimbolic
• Bob and Theresa Stotler
• Mark and Michelle Janiszewski
2011 Photo Contest Winners
by Mary Anne Soltis
The theme this year was “Four Seasons.” A special thank you to my judges: Helen Kaimer, Neena Malinich
and Henry Pishko. Winners of the 2011 Photo Contest were based on two age categories. The number of place
winners is based on the number of entries received in each of the categories.
18 - 45 Age Category
1st Place: Allison Steffaro (New Jersey District)
46+ Age Category
1st Place: Sandy Kapelan (Anthracite District)
3rd Place: Loretta Matyuf (Pittsburgh District)
2nd Place: Sasha Ressetar (Central PA District)
Congratulations to all the winners!
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
85th Annual Convention - Banquet Speech
by National President Dr. John Schultz
Your Beatitude, Your Grace, Reverend Fathers, our parliamentary procedures and debates, our mission statements and resoluhonored guests, fellow members and friends of tions will revitalize our organization we are wrong. Only as we accept that we
the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America. are but another tool for the Holy Spirit to use for the building up of our Lord’s
Church, only as we accept that all we do we do for the glory of that Church, only
as we accept that it is not our dreams and hopes but only the intentions of the
Holy Spirit that really matter will we then be truly revitalized and reborn. For
In 1927, a small group of men gathered together in a church along the as we read in Proverbs 3: 5- 6, we must “Trust in the LORD with all our heart
banks of the Ohio River in Pittsburgh. They gathered because their leader – and lean not on our own understanding.” We must “in all our ways acknowlFr. Vladimir Prislopsky – convinced them of a need for an organization that edge Him, and He will make our paths straight.”
would serve the needs of a group of immigrant Orthodox Christians in a new
Indeed if we look to our recent events we can see that the work of the Holy
land. Eighty-five years later, we gathered together here in Alexandria near the Spirit has already begun our revitalization. We see His work in the 200
banks of the Potomac River to decide the next step in the course of the Orthodox Youth playing basketball in Cleveland in a spirit of Orthodox Christian
Organization that Fr. Prislopsky and those men created.
Fellowship, we see His work in the 400 people who attended the banquet at
Just as they must have had trepidations about the path on which they were that same Basketball tournament, we see His work in the over 50 youth
about to embark so we have had trepidations about changing the course of our attending our Junior Olympic Summer Camp, we continue to see His work as
future. Just as they adopted some ideas that became the foundations of the we watch the faces of the children of Seminarians who received boxes and
F.R.O.C, we have adopted ideas that will become the foundation for the future boxes of St. Nicholas Gifts where few might have been, we see His work in the
of the FOCA. Just as they must have debated many other ideas so we have thankful faithful of the mission parishes that received items through our
debated other many ideas. Finally, just as they must have known and indeed Mission Hotline, we see His work in the gratitude of the leadership of a
expected that the organization they created would not be the same organiza- Seminary that will finally have appropriate housing for its married students and
tion eighty-five years later so we now must expect that the Organization that their families.
we see in 2011 will not be the same organization in another 85 years.
There, however, must be an additional step. We must do as Bishop
Three years ago the Fellowship embarked on this “mission” to recreate and MICHAEL asked us to do last year in Pittsburgh. We must tell our story. We
revitalize ourselves. At that time, we committed to a difficult self-examination as individual members and as an organization must now stand up and make
of our Organization. A process was began with the intention of revitalizing and others take notice of us. We must tell of our works in an assertive yet humble
reorganizing the FOCA into an organization that could continue to serve the and persistent yet respectful manner. While our good works continue to be and
Church as we have since our founding. We recognized that while we have should be our primary means of promotion, at the same time let us not be
served the Church faithfully for the past eighty-five years, we also recognized afraid to explain our contributions to the life of the Church. Each and every one
the need to make changes in what we are and in how we do things in order to of us must be willing and ready to do this at any time.
continue to be an organization that can be an asset for the Church in the years
Finally, I would like to thank each and every member of the FOCA – those
to come.
here and those unable to attend - for your hard work, dedication, and contriDuring this process, we have examined our programs and how we admin- butions to the life of the Fellowship and your love of the Church that we serve.
ister them, we have reviewed our charitable efforts and their impact on their It is you - the individual member - who will make the difference. It is your
recipients, we have analyzed our Constitution and Bylaws for needed changes, commitment to working in your parishes, in your dioceses, and in all other levwe have considered reasons for our declining membership, and we have exam- els of the Church that is the true strength of our Fellowship. Without this comined our relationship with and our role within the Church. After many prayers mitment from you - the individual members of the Fellowship - the FOCA would
for guidance and countless hours of work, we here in Alexandria enacted not be the integral part of the Church that we are today. As others have
changes that we feel will be the foundation of the future. We chose to allow reduced or even eliminated their efforts in support of the Church, we have conan open membership to any Orthodox Christian to join us in our mission of serv- tinued and even increased our efforts. Now let each and every one of us once
ice and fellowship. In yet another example of our service, we chose to commit again recommit ourselves to the future of the FOCA and thus recommit ourto a gift of $300,000.00 to help build much needed housing for men and their selves to the support of the Church. For again as Proverbs 16:3 tells us:
families who have chosen to dedicate their lives to the church. At the same “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” And so
time we recognize that our job is far from complete so we have also commit- we will always Witness Our Faith By Charitable Works Through Fellowship.
ted to a continued examination of our future.
However, as much as we may believe that our amendments and motions, Thank you and GOD BLESS!
6 Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
The Fellowship Celebrates its 85th Annual National
Convention in Old Town Alexandria, VA
Sponsored by the South River “R” Club
This year members and friends of the Fellowship of
Orthodox Christians in America gathered at the Westin
Alexandria Hotel in Old Town Alexandria, VA over the
Labor Day weekend, September 1-5, for their 85th annual national convention. Sponsored by the FOCA’s South
River, NJ “R” Club, it had the theme of “Discover –
Explore – Experience Our National Treasure,” which was
appropriate for a venue just to the south of Washington,
DC along the Potomac River. In his greeting to the
assembly, the Fellowship’s spiritual leader, His Beatitude,
Metropolitan Jonah reflected on the theme, writing:
“During your time here, many of you will take the opportunity to visit some of the numerous historical landmarks,
monuments, museums and other sites that tell the story of
the history of our nation and the Founding Fathers of
America. However, I also call on you to explore, discover and experience the spiritual treasures that our holy
Orthodox Church holds so dear – Holy Scripture, the
writings of the Fathers, the hymnology, the icons, lives of
the Saints, etc. that form the deep spiritual foundation that
we experience in our rich Orthodox Tradition. As we
gather at the Convention, let us pray that the Holy Spirit
guides and enlightens our working sessions so that we as
a body may carry out the mission and goals of the FOCA.
Let us pray that the Liturgical Services that we attend fill
our souls with Divine grace, peace and joy that can only
be attained through prayer and the Divine Sacraments.
And may the social gatherings and excursions that we
attend and participate in be filled with true Christian
Fellowship and love, giving us a chance to grow closer as
members of the Body of Christ.”
His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York and New
Jersey, the diocesan hierarch of the sponsoring chapter,
stated: “It is in a spirit of deep thanksgiving to Almighty
God that I acknowledge the wonderful work of the FOCA
over the many years in proclaiming, sharing and revealing our Orthodox Christian Faith through service, fellowship and example. Throughout its history, your organization has played an important role in assisting in the work
of the Church by providing talent and resources in such
areas as youth ministry, religious education, liturgical
music, and financial assistance for our seminaries, mission parishes, and countless special projects. Through
FOCA’s network of chapters coast-to-coast, a multitude
of religious, educational, cultural, social, and athletic
activities have been organized to provide an ideal way to
meet others within our faith, beyond the boundaries of the
local parish. Over the decades, many ideas have been
shared, many dreams have become realities, and many
friendships have developed into marriages, and the
National FOCA has been at the forefront of these many
The FOCA’s own national spiritual advisor, Father
William “Bill” Evansky noted that “many a convention
attendee will take time to visit Washington, D.C., as
many people do from across this vast continent. We will
visit there as tourists; many others travel there throughout
the year because it is the ‘seat of power’ –the place where
they hope their needs and desires can be met as our elected officials deliberate the future course of this great
nation. We also gather here because of ‘power’ – a much
different kind, however! Psalm 147 says: Great is our
Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is beyond
measure. We believe this is the ultimate power to seek!
Not a fleeting earthly power influenced by the results of
the last congressional election or the hope of the next one
but, rather, the steadfast power of the Lord God. We must
remind ourselves that calling upon His Holy Name in
prayer is not a ‘magical charm’ to get what we want.
Rather, our ‘sacrifice of praise’ is a signal that we are
willing to lay down our personal desires and our own way
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
of getting things done. Instead, we commit ourselves to
follow Christ wherever that may lead and bring honor to
Him collectively as members of this venerable organization and personally as committed Orthodox Christians. I
fervently pray that this ‘awesome power’ will be among
us at every moment during this convention and throughout the coming year until we gather again in 2012. May
we feel God’s grace not only in our moments of worship
but in our plenary sessions and social interaction as
National President Dr. John Schultz also extended his
greetings to the convention body: “As we gather together in Virginia for this Convention, we come with the
anticipation that this will be one of the most important
gatherings our organization has had in many years. Sine
our founding in 1927, delegates at our Convention have
made countless decisions that have affected our organization and impacted the Church in both small and profound ways. This weekend will provide us another
opportunity to make many choices that will impact our
future and provide the blueprint to allow us to remain the
active and living organization that we have been for 85
years. We will be considering the many recommendations presented to us as a way to continue the work that
we have done since our founders led by Fr. Vladimir
Prislopsky created the F.R.O.C. Fr. Vladimir and the
other founders must have known that the organizations
that they created would not remain unchanged. Just as
they had the foresight to create our organization, we
must now have the foresight to re-create it. Just as they
must have put aside their inevitable disagreements, we
must do the same while keeping in mind their belief that
what they were doing was first and foremost meant for
the service of the Church. We must always remember
that what we do here, we do for the building up of our
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
beloved Church. If we continue, as they did, to trust that
the Holy Spirit will guide our deliberations, then we will
not fail to create a newer, stronger Fellowship of
Orthodox Christians in America.”
The host committee, through Father David Garrettson
and Allison and Michael Steffaro, offered its own words
of welcome. Father David said: “We chose historic
Alexandria to provide many opportunities to renew our
fellowship with others and to include those who may be
making this their first convention experience. Our committee has worked throughout the year to make our time
together one that you remember for years to come. . . .
[T]ake time to discover the treasures we have in each
other. Take time to connect with a person that you may
have seen at previous FOCA events, but have never had
a discussion with. Listen to some of our members that
have almost as many years in the Orthodox faith that the
Fellowship has been in existence. Our salvation in
Christ is made real in our relationships with each other.
Take time to cherish and rejoice in each other’s company, wisdom and love.” The Steffaro’s wrote: “On behalf
of the South River “R” Club we would like to welcome
you to Alexandria, Virginia. Our committee has worked
diligently for over two years to plan a weekend that you
will remember for a long time to come! Our organization has been in existence for 85 years. In that time, our
members have found the true treasure of our Fellowship.
We are able to do what no other organization has been
able to do: bring Orthodox Christians together in worship, service and fellowship on a national, district and
local level. During this time, many marriages were born
and friendships established that have lasted for generations, where our children’s children are friends because
of the FOCA! Our treasure is also in our desire to take
on projects that seemed too big or just a dream to help
fellow Orthodox Christians here in the U.S. and around
the world. For many of us, we do not see the treasure that
lies within us. Let us take this weekend to re-discover the
treasure that we have before us . . . the FOCA.”
Thursday, September 1st
The new church year started off with the “President’s
Open” golf tournament played at the East Potomac Blue
Course. A tour to George Washington’s Mt. Vernon was
taken by others. Registration opened and the board of
trustees met. And in the evening the convention committee held a “Treasure Hunt” welcome.
Friday, September 2nd
The opening processional was led by Colonial District
Gov. Walter Alesevich with the American flag followed
by Harold Krivell and Atlantic District Gov. John
Kriniske bearing the icons of St. Andrew, the FOCA
patron saint, and All Saints of America respectively.
Then followed Bishop Michael, Fr. Bill Evansky, the
board of trustees and past national presidents. Bishop
Michael presided over the molieben service with
responses directed by Basil Kozak of South River, the
convention choir director. “That the Lord will instill in
the members of this Convention Gathering oneness of
mind, harmony of spirit, good intentions and wise action
for the benefit of His Holy Church, let us pray to the
President Schultz officially called the convention to
order and Becky Tesar, national recording secretary, took
the roll call. Allison and Michael Steffaro, on behalf of
South River, extended their welcome and greetings and
gave a brief overview of activities. Appointments were
made: Michael Herzak, parliamentarian, Walter
Alesevich, credentials, and Nicholas Ressetar, resolutions. Past national presidents present were recognized:
William Livosky (17th), Andrew Cvercko (23rd),
Michael Herzak (24th), Michael Dorosh (28th), Nick
Vansuch (31st), Carol Deerson (34th), Michael Steffaro
(39th) and Polly Walker (40th).
Bishop Michael then addressed the gathering: “It is a
joy for me to be here and celebrate the work of the
Fellowship. I am a supporter and believer in this
Fellowship. His Beatitude is still in Dallas where the
funeral for Archbishop Dimitri was celebrated yesterday.
I am deeply concerned about the FOCA’s health and
membership. In my diocese every chapter has the blessing to go to other parishes and reorganize chapters. The
Devil has a new enemy – secularism. There’s always
something ‘good’ to do – soccer, PTO, charities, etc. But
many of these activities keep us from the Church and the
FOCA. If you have an FOCA event, invite others to
come and participate in it. Get others involved working
side-by-side. If you support St. Tikhon’s Seminary, take
out some students and speak to them directly. Stop the
old arguments for we must grow the FOCA on the merits. I can support it and give the blessing but I alone can’t
grow it. Grow membership one person at a time: Andrew
brought Peter, John brought his brother, Philip brought
Nathaniel. Turn the Fellowship around now. This is a
wonderful organization. Fr. Prislopsky had a vision but
he started out small. For the Glory of God and the
Church!” His Grace’s encouraging remarks were met
with a strong singing of “Eis polla eti despota!”
Reports in the 99-page printed report book were
reviewed and highlighted. Fr. Bill stressed attendance at
the liturgical events and choir rehearsal, and noted that
Metropolitan Jonah will join us on Sunday for the Divine
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
Liturgy. Junior Director Marge Kovach gave an oral
report on the national junior summer sports tourney at St.
Vladimir Camp – 6 priests concelebrated liturgy and the
most moving part was 52 children learning and singing
the FOCA anthem.
Attention turned to the St. Tikhon married student
housing project which the Fellowship adopted at the
Nashville convention several years earlier. The seminary
produced a video customized for the FOCA to encourage
our continued and enhanced involvement; Dean Father
Alexander Atty was unable to be here as planned because
of recent surgery. Michael Steffaro reported that last year
in Pittsburgh we contributed $75,000 to the project and
so far, we have another $16,000 to give. Treasurer
Michael Bowan stated that we have $106,000 in outstanding pledges and we want to revitalize these. Dr.
Schultz and Michael Herzak are the seminary board cochairs of the project. The 10-minute video – with computerized depictions of the proposed renovations and
floor plans – was shown. Mr. Steffaro said that we have
to establish a goal and then decide how to meet it; he
moved that we pledge a total of $300,000. Mr. Herzak
stressed that the student housing project is extremely
important to the seminary and the FOCA.
A debate on the length of the pledge was held. Walter
Bacsik requested clarification of the terms and length of
the pledge. Bishop Michael stated that “if you approve
this new pledge, you will have made this project possible.
The need has not changed. Over 200 priests are eligible
to retire in the next 5 years. Step up to the plate and hit
a home run. We need to support the married students in
the seminary.” Mr. Alesevich proposed an amended
motion: to pledge $300,000 to the project, including the
$75,000 given so far, and that the pledge drive be concluded at the end of 2014; Mr. Bascik seconded. The
new goal was approved unanimously. Bishop Michael
stood up and simply said “thank you!” The assembly
then agreed to designate the 2011-2012 “Gifts of Love”
funds toward the project.
Conventioneers then addressed the Fr. Prislopsky
administrative building in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Dr. Schultz
said that as reported, the building was vandalized about 2
weeks ago; there was general damage, water was left
running and mold developed; the only liturgical item
stolen was a censer. The building is fully insured by
Insurance Systems and Mr. Herzak estimated the damage
at $100,000; it is now being renovated. Mr. Steffaro personally inspected the building and gave an update. It is
appraised at $150,00 and we have an informal offer to
purchase of $140,000. The body agreed to authorize the
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
building’s sale for no less than $140,000.
Dr. Schultz awarded the membership plaques for the
greatest numerical gain in the past year: for Seniors, St.
Mark FOCA, #229, Bethesda, MD with Peter Selinski
accepting the award; and for Juniors, North Suburban,
#1, Allison Park, PA, accepted by Pittsburgh District
Gov. Serge Daniels. It was brought to the chair’s attention that we forgot to sing the national and FOCA
anthems during the opening ceremonies so they were
sung! Nominating committee chair Melissa Tesar and
temporary chair Nick Vansuch presented the nominations
received thus far for the national offices.
The revitalization/reorganization committee presented its Powerpoint presentation on the convention floor,
prepared by Neena Konon. Ms. Konon, Midwest District
Gov. Todd Walker, and Journal editor Nick Ressetar
addressed various aspects of the report. A wide-ranging
discussion ensued. Mr. Dorosh asked whether a chapter
could decide not to be part of an active district for reasons of distance? Dr. Schultz said this is something that
could be explored. Peter Selinski inquired how will this
new governance model grow membership; we still must
have an active program for membership growth. Becky
Tesar said that we have to market ourselves better; the
Cleveland “R” Club has a sign/banner at every FOCA
event: “Welcome to Our (event) Sponsored by Chapter
4/6”. David Homyak asked whether we are willing to go
back to the original chapter-at-large. Several others also
spoke. Dr. Schultz said that we will address the committee’s recommendations, including the proposed constitution and by-law changes, tomorrow morning. The convention adjourned for the day at 12:45 p.m.
Many spent the free afternoon and evening strolling
the streets, restaurants, shops and waterfront of Old
Town Alexandria. Others took a boat ride on the
Potomac or visited the historic sites in Washington or the
nearby Arlington National Cemetery. And the committee
had a nighttime walking tour of Old Town sites.
Saturday, September 3rd
Juniors and youth held a breakfast meeting with
Bishop Michael. At 9:35 a.m. Fr. Evansky celebrated the
traditional Trisagion/memorial service where all departed Fellowship members were remembered and those
having “fallen asleep” since last year’s convention were
remembered by name. Specially remembered were
Archbishop Dimitri, Mildred Herzak and Col. Dr.
Gennady Platoff, all of whom reposed in the past week.
President Schultz then convened the second plenary session. At the end of “O Heavenly King,” Fr. Bill noted that
it is “awesome to hear you sing in unison and harmony
as we call upon the Holy Trinity to be upon us. At the
end of the day, what unites us is Christ and His Church.
As you deliberate and debate, that’s what matters in the
end. Remember that.” Delegates caucused among themselves for about a half hour over the proposed amended
constitution and by-law provisions of the
revitalization/reorganization committee.
Dr. Schultz read current Article V of the constitution
and its proposed amendment dealing with “active districts” and moved its adoption. A roll-call of delegates
added up to 87 so a 2/3rds vote of 58 would be needed
for approval. Speakers against this change included
Messrs. Bacsik, John Kruchok and Ken Baron. Those in
favor included Messrs. Herzak and Walker. A motion to
table passed. Next considered was a constitutional
amendment to substantially change the governance
model, including electing a governing board at the
national convention which in turn would elect officers
(spiritual advisor, chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer). After much discussion, the amendment was defeated
52 no, 33 yes. The third amendment entailed allowing
members attending the national convention to be voting
delegates. After some technical amendments were
passed, the motion was defeated 42 yes, 41 no. An
amendment to the by-laws governing associate members
was overwhelmingly approved as was a provision providing for a $10 student membership rate for spouses of
Delegates then approved a series of motions: a new
mission statement – “To Witness our Faith by Charitable
Works through Fellowship”; to develop a plan to transition to an administrative director; and to have a committee research the most effective method of investing the
FOCA’s financial assets. Mr. Walker moved to remove
the amendment dealing with districts from the table and,
after a technical change, it was passed. The convention
adjourned after a busy day of work, though rejecting
most of the recommendations of the revitalization committee presented the day before.
After a free afternoon, members gathered in the convention chapel for vespers celebrated by Fr. Evansky
with Bishop Michael present. Mr. Kozak directed the
responses. Fr. Bill remarked that it was the best crowd
for vespers in recent memory. That evening, many took
the “National Treasures” monument tour. Particularly
moving was the visit to the Vietnam Veterans memorial
where the name of David Deerson’s godfather was found
and “Memory eternal” intoned by Fr. Garrettson was
sung in the near darkness. Also seen for the first time
was the new Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King memorial on
the Mall.
Sunday, September 4th
Metropolitan Jonah and Bishop Michael concelebrated the Divine Liturgy in the chapel assisted by Fathers
Evansky, Daniel Ressetar, Theodore Boback, Garrettson,
Vasily Gilbert and Emil Hutnyan; Protodeacon Joseph
Matusiak served. Altar servers included Gregory
Johnson, Dimitri Ressetar, Peter Ilchuk and Deacon
Matusiak’s little son as well as Michael Zachariades,
Esq., new assistant to the metropolitan.
Mr. Kozak conducted the 30-voice choir. In his homily, Vladyko Jonah spoke on the day’s Gospel lesson,
which providentially was about “treasures”: “The message of this Gospel is ‘detachment’. What must I do to
be saved the rich man asked? The Lord looked at him
and loved him. He told the man to keep all the commandments and to be perfect, sell all that you have and
give it to the poor. Come and follow me! However, the
young man went away with great sadness. Why is it so
hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God? We like
our ‘attachments” too much, all of us, not just the rich.
How hard it is to give these up, and not just those who
have great wealth. This message is for all of us who are
attached to our earthly things. Take up your cross and
follow Me, the Lord says. This is the same message. If
you love family more than Me, then you are not worthy
of Me, the Lord says. Do we love anything or anyone
more than Jesus Christ? Whether this is our power, our
position, our status, our ‘items?’”
“Can we be too attached to someone?”, the metropolitan asked. “The Lord calls us to healthy detachment.
Healthy stewardship is remembering that all our riches,
our possessions, etc. come from God. All is from God.
Remembering that orders our priorities. It gives us a
spiritually healthy attitude. Tithing is the Old Testament
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
85th Annual National Convention
Old Town Alexandria, VA
85th Annual National Convention
Old Town Alexandria, VA
standard; the New Testament standard is that all belongs
to God. We administer our possessions for the sake of
Jesus Christ. Tithing is easy because it is His anyway –
we can love without control, we can be in relationships
without suffocation. Freedom – detachment leads to
freedom. How often our possessions ‘possess’ us! And
this leads to unhappiness. If you think your salvation
comes from a 401K, you’re in real trouble. Our salvation
is only in Jesus Christ. Stay focused on Jesus Christ and
then we will be alright. This detachment is so critical. In
southern California, for example, people get buried in
their Rolls-Royces! Grow into that detachment and then
truly we will find that freedom which is joy and grace in
God and we will be good stewards. Amen.”
After liturgy, Fr. Evansky greeted both bishops.
Metropolitan Jonah said: “Welcome to my diocese! The
FOCA has been so important to the OCA for so many
years. Your basketball tournament in Cleveland was outrageous! Thank you all for participating in this liturgy.”
He then presented a gramota (award) to Polly Walker,
immediate past president, for her many labors for the
Church and the Fellowship. Many years was sung for all.
The Presidential Banquet was held that afternoon with
Rebecca Kozak as the gracious toastmistress. In his primatial remarks, Vladyko Jonah said: “To have a community like the FOCA holds the OCA together as a united
community. Orthodoxy is how we live, our common life,
our shared commitment to Christ, our tradition handed
down by the Apostles. The love for one another transcends the Eucharist life. The parish that parties together stays together. Dead serious. How many of you have
been friends for decades? The fellowship aspect is one
of the most invaluable things, it unifies us into a concrete
whole. We know one another, love one another in the
He continued: “The FOCA needs to think about communities within our parish and diocesan families. Not
only drawing people into an organization, but into a network of loving people. If each one of us brings one other
person into the community of churches and the FOCA
each year, think of how we would all grow. Staying
focused on Jesus Christ will bring many into salvation
and give them hope in their lives. The fundamental
method of evangelism for Orthodoxy is to ‘love’ people
into the Church. They see a community of friends who
go to Church together, do fun things together, do good
works together. The more people you can share that life
and hope with, the greater the blessings will be. You’ll
be letting God work through you to bring them to salvation.”
“This is an awesome responsibility each one of us
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
shares,” the metropolitan stated. “There are some fantastic things the FOCA is doing – the married student housing project at St. Tikhon’s – a tremendous need for the
students there. Encourage one another to do this. Reach
out to other parishes – some people will want to be asked
to participate. Consider having them give a couple hundred thousand dollars. We all know it will take more than
$300,000. A Greek doctor gave millions to a small college. When a priest asked him why he gave nothing to
the church, he replied: ‘No one asked me.’ The point is
we have to challenge each other and ourselves. The need
is so obvious. The greater the generosity, the greater the
blessing. The more we invest in the Church, the greater
the success of the church.”
Vladyko concluded his remarks: “The late
Archbishop Dimitri stressed tithing. There are lots of
transplants in the South from the North. They are just as
zealous as the Baptists. I’m sure I’m preaching to the
choir knowing you as I do. The OCA challenge: how are
we financing the life of the Church? How invested are
we in the local diocese or our own parish? The FOCA is
wonderful because it ‘cross-cuts’ parish lines – the diocese is also supposed to do that. You bring together the
youth, the elderly, etc. Communicate the message of the
Gospel to others and draw them into that circle of love
which is the OCA and the FOCA. God bless you!”
Bishop Michael followed with his own address to the
banquet. “His Beatitude said to tell your story. If someone asked me what the FOCA is, there are 2 answers.
First, the historical narrative of the immigrants coming to
America, building churches, etc. The second is the ‘flesh
and blood’ imagery of what the Fellowship is today. I
can tell you of a FOCA activity in my diocese – a food
pantry, especially at Thanksgiving and Christmas,
manned by FOCA members. I can tell of a tiny parish
struggling to support its priest – a voice came and said
FOCA will pick up the difference in the parish priest’s
salary. The story of young people who raised $1,800 for
kids in Japan they will never know. All of you have a
story to tell. If you don’t, then start making a story. As
bishop, I’m a supporter of FOCA. As much as you give,
God is the greater giver. As many talents as you have,
God has more and will make those talents greater.”
“Blessed are those who give without remembering
and blessed are those who receive without forgetting,”
Vladyko Michael went on. “There is a challenge for the
FOCA. We are reaching a time where we were trying to
reach out to Americans with theology. That doesn’t work
anymore. What will bring people to Jesus Christ are the
stories and sacrificial acts of the Fellowship. Others will
see the love of God and will bless our efforts. So, as you
tell the story, this is the time to write a new chapter. The
founders made their sacrifices with their talent, time and
treasure. It’s our turn to carry on their legacy and not to
disappoint them. It’s our time to write a new chapter of
the story. And so we, out of love, should share the story
and keep on giving, remembering that God is the greatest
Giver – we cannot ‘outgive’ God. You know how committed I am to the FOCA and I stand in the trenches for
you. Tell your story well!”
Next, FOCA President Dr. John Schultz delivered his
address which is reproduced separately in this issue. He
concluded his remarks by reading a letter just emailed to
him from Bishop Tikhon and Fr. Atty thanking the
Fellowship for its seminary pledge of $300,000 toward
the housing project. Sustained applause and a standing
ovation followed. Dr. Schultz then announced this year’s
scholarship winners who are profiled on pages 17-18.
The day finished with the Explorer’s Ball to the music
of Joe Stanky & the Cadets from Nanticoke, PA, where
FOCA-ers of all ages danced a wide variety of dances,
from the traditional folk to modern line to hip-hop.
Cleveland and it was approved. Marge Kovach moved to
again hold the national junior summer sports tourney at
St. Vladimir Camp (seconded by Marge Cimbolic) and
this carried.
Paul Fedoronko presented a resolution on the 75th
anniversary Novogodny Ball and asked that the FOCA be
an event sponsor for $750; the motion passed. Treasurer
Bowan reviewed the 2011-2012 budget; $4,000 in Fekula
scholarships will be awarded and the allocations for the
St. Andrew’s Fund were made; all were approved. The
New Jersey District then gave an entertaining promo for
next year’s convention in Myrtle Beach. Mary Anne
Soltis announced the photo contest winners which appear
in this issue. It was announced that $3,400 was raised for
the Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF), this year’s
“Gifts of Love” recipient. Donna Tesar made the stock
awards with St. John’s Alpha winning the top prize of
$300. A round of applause was given the South River
“R” Club for their fine sponsorship of the Old Town
Alexandria convention!
Final convention business turned to the election of
national officers led by Nick Vansuch and Marge
Kovach. The same slate was unanimously reelected with
President Schultz, Vice President Steffaro, Secretary
Becky Tesar and Treasurer Bowan; Fr. Bill will stay on as
spiritual advisor. Bishop Michael conducted the installation ceremony and the convention adjourned at 10:35
a.m. to reconvene next Labor Day weekend at the
Kingston Plantation in South Carolina. Dr. Schultz led
the traditional circle of hands and motto. The “Journey’s
End” farewell luncheon was held at a nearby park. Some
continued to visit museums or historic sites in the afternoon or took in a Washington Nationals ball game. And
yet another national convention was in the history books
and all but a memory!
Labor Day, Monday, September 5th
The final sessions convened at 9:15 a.m. After the
opening prayer, Sports Director Anthony Schultz
presided over the awarding of several sports tournaments: the 2014 national basketball to the Garden State
“O” Club and the Cleveland “R” Club jointly subject to
chapter approval to be ratified at the spring board meeting; the 2014 national bowling to St. John’s “O” Club,
Alpha, NJ; and the 2016 national summer sports to the
Garden State “O” Club. CP& O Director Carol Deerson
moved to award the 2013 national convention to the
Cleveland “R” Club to be held June 28 - July 1 in
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
P. O. Box 130 South Canaan, Pennsylvania 18459
(570) 937-9
office of the rector
September 3, 2011
To the Members of the Executive Board of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America and all
Clergy and Lay Delegates to the 85th National FOCA Convention: Glory to Jesus Christ!
We greet all of you as you gather this year in Alexandria, Virginia, for this historic 85th National
Convention of your venerable organization. We are grateful for your prayers on behalf of the Board of
Trustees, the Administration, the Faculty, the Staff and the Seminarians of St Tikhon’s Orthodox
Theological Seminary. We are especially thankful for your prayers for the health and strength of our Dean,
Fr. Alexander.
It is our understanding that the delegates gathered this weekend have continued their overwhelming and
enthusiastic support of the Married Student Housing Project. We are especially pleased to know that you
have offered a pledge to become a donor at the Cultivator Level and we remain profoundly grateful both
for your generosity and your zeal to assist in the noble enterprise of Theological Education.
All the Seminarians, especially those are married with families, are eagerly looking forward to the completion of this ambitious project and they too are thankful for the continued support of the F.O.C.A. For
several years, your organization has taken bold steps to bring this major project to reality and we thank
God that your labors are beginning to bear fruit. May the Lord continue to bless those efforts and make
this housing project a reality.
Because of the events surrounding the opening of the new academic year here at St Tikhon’s Seminary,
neither of us was able to join you this weekend but we invite all of you to come and visit your Seminary
at any time, to see for yourselves both the site for the married student housing and the other great things
that are happening at St Tikhon’s Seminary.
We ask the Lord to bless your further deliberations this weekend and pray for your continued good
health as we all labor together for the spreading of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Bishop Tikhon
Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary
Archpriest Alexander Atty
Dean of St Tikhon’s Seminary
16 Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
Meet this Year’s National Scholarship Awardees
member of St. Mary’s
Church and its “O” Club,
#94, in Minneapolis, MN,
Sara is now a graduate student in public health/epidemiology at the University
of Minnesota where she is
president of the Orthodox
Christian Fellowship,
founder and president of the
global health and transcultural nursing group, and
vice president of the nursing college board. Sara has
lived and worked the past 2 years for IOCC in
Ethiopia where she is resident nurse at the Kechene
Orphanage, a lecturer at the Addis Ababa U. nursing
school and member of the neglected tropical disease
taskforce. In her parish she has been in the church
choir, shut-in visitor, camp counselor and IOCC
speaker. Sara was a junior FOCA vice president and
treasurer, and participated in FOCA basketball tournaments and national conventions.
Natalia is a member of St.
Andrew’s Church in Maple
Heights, OH (where her
father, Father Emilian, is
pastor) and its “R” Club,
#220. She has been a
church reader and choir
member for the past 10
years and helps clean the
church and works at the
parish fish fries. Natalia has been president, VP and
secretary of the Junior chapter, and planned and coordinated many fundraisers as well as the food drive for
the poor and stocking project; she also participated in
several national and district basketball and bowling
tourneys and has attended St. Vladimir Camp and the
junior summer sports tournament where she plans to
be a counselor next summer. At the University of
Toledo, Natalia is majoring in exercise science/physical therapy and is in the honors program, book club
and National Society of Collegiate Scholars. And she
has worked spaghetti dinners for the Baskets of Hope
Foundation and volunteered for Relay of Life.
member of Holy Trinity
Church in Randolph, NJ and
its “O” Club, #222, Jennifer
is a student at the University
of North Carolina Wilmington majoring in
anthropology and communication studies. She has been
a choir member, reader, food
server at events/fundraisers
and Christmas decorator at the parish. Jennifer was
president of her Junior chapter for 2 years and has
attended national bowling tournaments and conventions. She also was president of the OCF during its
1st year on campus, club gymnastics VP,
Communication Studies Society, club field hockey,
Dean’s list and Surfrider Environmentalist Club. And
Jennifer has volunteered at Habitat for Humanity,
surfrider beach sweeps, Boys & Girls Club health day
and the Salvation Army holiday toys project.
Continued on next page.
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
SKYE HISIRO: Skye is a
member of Christ the
Saviour Church, Harrisburg,
PA and its “O” Club, #199,
where she attended church
school from ages 5-16 and
helped with the preschool
and kindergarten classes for
3 years as well as the
Christmas programs, summer Sunday school program
and first communion breakfast. As a Junior, Skye
participated in various social events (bowling, snow
tubing, youth Sundays) as well as fundraisers such as
the Christmas stocking project bake sales. Majoring
in early childhood education at West Chester U. in
West Chester, PA, she is in the Honors Student
Association, Circle K, intramural soccer, and recruitment and interviews for the Honors College. Skye
has volunteered at the Care Center for Christ day
care, Camp Manatawny, Good Cause Café (benefitting families affected by HIV/AIDS), Operation
Christmas Child, and Circle K “serving families” volleyball tournament to benefit suicide prevention programs.
A member of Holy Ghost
Church in Ambridge, PA and
its “R” Club, #5, Alexandra
is attending Slippery Rock
University in PA with a dual
major in early childhood
education and special education. She was a Junior
chapter vice president, secretary and treasurer and
involved in parish lay ministries, church school,
Christmas yolkas, grave watch, decorating the church
at Christmas, shut-in gift making, Feeding the
Homeless, Choices Pregnancy Center, St. Phillip’s
Church “Kidz Kamp” and summer reading club volunteer at the library. Alexandra also was in the
National Honors Society, SADD, Sign Language
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
Club, dance classes, honor roll, assistant dance
instructor and a student at the Arena’s Performing
Arts Centre.
Nicholas returns as the
recipient of this national
engineering scholarship. He
is a member of Holy
Ascension Church in
Frackville, PA and its “R”
Club, #150, where he is an
altar server, reader, choir
singer, church maintenance
man and past church school
student. Nicholas has been involved in Junior
fundraisers, FOCA youth retreats, St. Tikhon’s camp
counselor, coffee hour volunteer, operation stocking
stuffer and various FOCA gatherings. Majoring in
aerospace engineering at Penn State, he is engaged in
numerous musical activities, including the Marching
Blue Band, concert band, pit orchestra, ensembles,
wrestling pep band and saxophonist for the Dave
Joyce & the Slow Pitch Band and The Had Knots.
Nicholas is also a blue and white society member,
Thon dance marathon participant, blood bowl volunteer, coaches v. cancer participant, and Engineering
and Applied Science Interests house member. And he
is a three-time winner of the Central PA District
scholarships (2009-2011), including the Matushka
Prislopsky memorial scholarship.
The Fellowship is very proud of these extraordinary
students and their many accomplishments in the
Church, school and community!
Each national FOCA scholarship was $1,000 this
year. Applications for next year’s scholarships will
soon be available at www.orthodoxfellowship.org.
(Note: regrettably, there were no applicants for
the Mischa Michaelson scholarship for
seminarians – let’s apply seminarians!).
Help Support the FOCA’S new $300,000 Goal
I/We Pledge to give to the St. Tikhon’s Seminarian Housing Project. (Please circle one)
BenefactorFounderSupporterDonor -
$5,000 a year for 3 years
$2,500 a year for 3 years
$1,000 a year for 3 years
$500 a year for 3 years
($500/month for 10 months a year)
($250/month for 10 months a year)
($100/month for 10 months a year)
($50/month for 10 months a year)
Please send pledge form to: Michael
38 Beryl Street
South River, NJ 08882
Checks made payable
to the F.O.C.A.
___________________________________________________________ ___________
or St. Tikhon’s Theological Seminary
Signature of Donor
______ Please bill me monthly for 3 years
______ Please bill me for the full amount pledged
______ Please bill me yearly for three years
______ My employer will match my gift, enclosed is my company’s matching gift form
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________ Email: ______________________________________
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
Harrisburg Hosts
81st Central PA District Convention
On Sunday, Oct. 23rd the Harrisburg “O” Club,
#199, hosted the annual Central PA District convention at Christ the Saviour Church, Harrisburg,
PA. Special guest was His Grace, Bishop Tikhon,
who celebrated the Divine Liturgy assisted by Fathers
Stephen Vernak, Michael Kovach and Daniel
Ressetar. Matushka Theodora Ressetar directed the
parish choir. At the chicken cordon bleu luncheon
that followed, featuring dinner music by Sophia
Ressetar on the viola and Father Dan on the piano,
the St. Tikhon Seminary married student housing
project video was shown. Bishop Tikhon congratulated the Fellowship on its new $300,000 goal and
urged members and friends in all parishes to support this much needed cause. In a surprise, he presented Matushka Theodora with the portrait of her
father, Father Vladimir Prislopsky (given him the day
before by Sandy Kapelan), which had hung in the
administrative building for many years. Gov. Gary
Lelo presided over the sessions in the afternoon. John J. Dotsey is the chapter president and district lt. gov. Officers also elected were Bill Dupkanick, treasurer, your
Editor, secretary, and nominating committee Peggy Keifer and Anne Lelo. It was a
good day of Fellowship!
Jan. 15:
75th Anniversary Novogodny Ball,
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Cherry Hill, NJ
sponsored by St. Stephen's OCF
May 4-66:
National Bowling and Basketball
Tournaments, sponsored by the
South River “R” Club in NJ
July 20-221: National Summer Sports
Tournament Columbus, OH,
sponsored by the Cap City “O” Club
For updates and
detailed info, visit
Akron Sr. “O” Club, #20/32
Cathedral, #7 Cleveland
Central Pa District
Cleveland, #4/6
Colonial District
Holy Trinity O Club, Chapter 17 Warren
Jersey City “R” Club, #129
Madison, #171
Ohio District
Passaic “O” Club, #66
Saint Mark, #229 Bethesda
South River “R” Club, Chapter #167
SS Peter and Paul “R” Club, #30 Passiac
Alesevich, Vera, #73 Bridgeport
Alesevich, Walter C. Esquire
Bowan/Konon, Michael and Neena, National Treasurer
Cimbolic, Steve and Marge, #97 Bayonne
Cvercko, Andrew and Anne, #27 Campbell
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
Czech, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, #66 Passaic
Deerson, Walter and Carol, #167 South River
Emerick, Helen, #109 Canonsburg
Evansky, V. Rev. William and Mat. Debra, National Spiritual Advisor
Haverlack, Diana, #229 St. Mark
Homyak, Harold, #219 Phoenix
Kaimer, Al and Helen, #73 Bridgeport
Krivell Family, #79 Washington
Lelo, Gary and Pat, #212 Alpha
Malinich, Faith and Neena, #43 Endicott
Nicholas D. Ressetar, #199
Ressetar, V. Rev. Dan and Mat. Theodora , 199 Harrisburg
Schultz, Dr. John, Sonia, Sarah and Johnny, #58 Weirton
Sheean, Leon and Barbara, #7 Cleveland
Soltis, Bill, #180 Bridgeport
Steffaro, Michael, Allison, Alexis, Andrew & Arianna, #167 South River
Tesar, Melissa, Ohio District Governor
Weger, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Weger, #222 Randolph
Transitions: Fall 2011
We are sad to report the death of Emil Kostelny,
Jr. at the age of 85. Many will remember Emil as the
primary photographer of the F.R.O.C. Journal working
closely with several past editors (Nick Racin, Euginia
Wilson, Mark Soroka, and Matushka Nancy Gilbert).
Emil shared his artistic skills by designing many
Journal covers and interior graphics when 10-12
journals were published annually. A native of Lorain
Ohio and member of the SS. Peter & Paul parish he
constantly served his parish and the Ohio District in
many ways, seeming to never exhaust his reserve of
creative talent. For many years Emil served as editor
and/or publisher and/or photographer and/or primary graphic artist of the Ohio District Herald, a
quarterly publication of the district. Never at a loss
for a funny story or comedic quip, Emil would brighten any room he entered. A additional joy found him
singing in Andy Cvercko’s Russian Male Chorus where
he would drop everything to attend rehearsal.
As a professional graphic artist Emil won numerous awards for his skills in photocomposition and
commercial art. He also photographed professional
models and several local Miss America pageants.
Emil’s interest in art was kindled within the walls of
tuberculosis sanitarium where he missed out on his
last year and a half of high school. Although many
of us only saw his photographic and line art skills, he
was also very talented in painting water colors, working in gold and silver leaf, neon sign advertizing, and
department store window design. Emil was a caring
and sharing mentor to many. May his memory be
DEPARTED: Archangel Michael parish (Chapter 4/6)
and the entire Ohio District were greatly saddened by
the recent death of Joseph Pientrez, at age 82. Joe
was a life-long “R” Club member and active on both
a club and district level. He was perhaps most
renowned and fondly remembered as being a critical
figure in the development and improvement of the
Ohio District Camp (now the St. Vladimir Orthodox
Camp and Retreat Center) – the site of the National
Junior Summer Sports tournament.
Joe consistently volunteered his time and talent to
the camp and there were very few things he could not
repair, replace, or improve upon in order to provide a
better facility for the children.
Joe was similarly an active volunteer in his parish
life. He loved his Church, had a strong moral compass, was always generous with his time, talent, and
personal resources, and grilled great burgers!
May his Memory be Eternal!
DEPARTED: Serge Daniluck, 91, of Silver Spring, MD
died on Nov. 15, 2011. He was the beloved husband
of the late Helen (Kundrat); loving father of John S.
John “Dany” Daniluck, a past national president and
life member of the Fellowship. Funeral services were
celebrated at the cathedral with interment in Rock
Creek Cemetery. May Serge’s memory be eternal!
DEPARTED: Benedict “Ben” Benda, 82, a lifelong
resident of Bayonne, NJ, passed away on Nov. 12,
2011. He is the beloved husband of Eva
(Tomaszkiewicz) and loving father of Philip, David
and his wife Elizabeth, and Marissa and her husband
Arthur Hedge; the dear brother of Frank Theodore and
his wife Valentina, and Sonya Davis; and the cherished grandfather of Nicholas, Alexander, Andrew and
Matthew. Ben worked for The Heil Company of
Milwaukee and was cochair of Dry Bulk Carriers
Assoc. He was a member of SS. Peter & Paul Church
in Bayonne and its president for 12 years, and was
also president of the Carpathian Club. Ben was a lifelong, active member of the FROC/FOCA and its
Bayonne Alpha “R” Club. Funeral services were celebrated at his church by 4 priests with interment at
St. Vladimir’s Cemetery in Jackson, NJ. May Ben’s
memory be eternal!
DEPARTED: George Butchko, Jr. passed away on
November 4, 2011 and was a dedicated and faithful
member of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Orthodox
Church in Madison, Illinois and the Madison “O”
Club. George was born in Bell, Pennsylvania and
served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II
as a radar man on B-24’s in the Pacific theatre.
George served as President of the Nativity of the
Virgin Mary Church for over 20 years and was a member of the Midwest Diocese Diocesan Council. He was
active in the local chapter serving as District
Representative, Junior Advisor, United Fund
Chairman and participating in District Conventions
and Bowling Tournaments. George was also instrumental in establishing the Midwest Junior District.
Mr. Butchko is survived by a son, Robert (Sharon),
daughter Karen and four grandchildren.
Daniluck and his wife Barbara, Michael Daniluck and
his wife Mary Jean, and Donna Bergmann and her
husband Steve; the adoring grandfather of 8 and loving great-grandfather of 8. Many loving nieces and
nephews also survive him. Serge was a member of
St. Nicholas Cathedral in Washington, DC and its
Nation’s Capital “R” Club and a lifelong, active member of the FROC/FOCA. He was the brother of the late
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
The names of the Saints can be found in any direction in the puzzle.
86th National FOCA Convention Sponsored by the New Jersey District.
Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • Fall 2011
Use This Issue To
Encourage New
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Please Send Form 3579 To: Orthodox Christian JOURNAL • c/o 892 Scott Street • Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705
Hosted By
St. Stephen’s OCF, Chapter 82
Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Philadelphia
Cherry Hill, NJ
A semi-formal for the benefit of the IOCC
and Orthodox Christian Theological Education.
For more information, contact Paul Fedoronko at
(610) 328-6911 or e-mail

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