July/August 2011 - Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
July/August 2011 - Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies
July-August 1 The Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society’’s Caloosahatchee Meristem CBS Meristem July-August 2011 CALOOSAHATCHEE BROMELIAD SOCIETY OFFICERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESIDENT—Vicky Chirnside (vickychir@aol.com) VICE-PRESIDENT—Marsha Crawford marshacrawford@embarqmail.com SECRETARY—MaryLynn Murphy (MaryLynn100@me.com) TREASURER—Betty Ann Prevatt (bprevattpcc@aol.com) PAST-PRESIDENT—Eleanor Kinzie (bprevattpcc@aol.com) STANDING COMMITTEES CHAIRPERSONS NEWSLETTER EDITOR—Larry Giroux (DrLarry@comcast.net) FALL SALES CHAIRs—Geri & Dave Prall (PalmTreeGardens@hotmail.com); Brian Weber (brianweber1b@aol.com) PROGRAM CHAIRPERSON—Bruce McAlpin WORKSHOP CHAIRPERSON—Catherine Petersen (cpeters3606@yahoo.com) SPECIAL PROJECTS—Gail Daneman (bob@fesq.net) CBS FCBS Rep.—Vicky Chirnside (vickychir@aol.com) CBS FCBS Rep.—Position available OTHER COMMITTEES AUDIO/VISUAL SETUP—Bob Lura, Terri Lazar, Vicky Chirnside DOOR PRIZE—Terri Lazar (terriLML@earthlink.net HOSPITALITY—Mary McKenzie ; Sue Gordon SPECIAL HOSPITALITY—Betsy Burdette (betsy@burdetteinc.com RAFFLE TICKETS—Greeter/Membership table volunteers—Dolly Dalton, Luli Westra RAFFLE COMMENTARY—Larry Giroux GREETERS/ATTENDENCE—Betty Ann Prevatt; Dolly Dalton (dollyd@comcast.net), Luli Westra SHOW & TELL—Dale Kammerlohr (dzdase@embarqmail.com) FM-LEE GARDEN COUNCIL—Mary McKenzie LIBRARIAN—Kay Janssen The opinions expressed in the Meristem are those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or the official policy of CBS. Permission to reprint is granted with acknowledgement. Original art work remains the property of the artist and special permission may be needed for reproduction. CBS Meristem July-August 2011 2 THE CALOOSAHATCHEE BROMELIAD SOCIETY July Meeting– Sunday, July 17th August Meeting– Sunday, August 21st Covenant Presbyterian Church The church facility is located near downtown Fort Myers, Florida, at 2439 McGregor Blvd., just one block south of the Edison Home parking lot and about 1 1/2 miles north of our previous meeting location— St. John the Apostle Church. The facility is approximately 2.5 miles north of the intersection of Colonial Blvd. and McGregor Blvd. Doors open at 12:30PM for setup, Workshop starts at 1:15PM. Everything stays the same...Bring food, raffle items, Friendship table items, Show and Tell plants. Membership Sales are allowed at these meetings July Program and Speaker Over three years ago, Guillermo Rivera, owner and operator of ―Guillermo Rivera South America Nature Tours‖ presented the program- ―Bromeliads of Northern Argentina: A Habitat Approach‖. With a B.S. in Biology and a Doctorate degree in Botany, his hands on approach to his diverse tours as well as his talent for photography, he is able to educate and entertain us in a special way. Guillermo returns in July to the CBS with his ―Brazil– A Bromeliad Adventure‖ presentation. With several tours to the bromeliad rich regions of Brazil in his portfolio, I am sure that we are in for an exciting program full of sights and plants we dream of seeing in real life. Be sure not to miss this travel diary. The Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society is an active Affiliate of: Cryptanthus Society 3 BSI FCBS FM/LC GC CBS Meristem July-August 2011 August Program and Speaker At nearly every CBS Show and Sale that I can remember, Betty Ann Prevatt and Eleanor Kinzie have created a ―Florida Native Bromeliad‖ display. Betty Ann has agreed to give the August Program on this topic. After her presentation, hopefully we will be able to explore the numerous nature preserves we are blessed to have in our own area of SW Florida and be able to identify the bromeliads in the trees. July Workshop Florida is blessed with abundant rain and sunshine to allow us to grow our bromeliads and other tropical and sub-tropical plants. However, our soil has something to be desired. To accommodate our poor soil, we tend to grow our terrestrials in containers where we can regulate the soil ingredients. For our larger terrestrials and plants, which need to go in the ground, Catherine Peterson is going to lead a discussion at the July Workshop on how to amend your yard soil, what works and doesn’t. August Workshop This is a Show year. By the time of our August meeting you will have only two months to come up with cryptanthus entries for the International Cryptanthus Show at the Extravaganza in Daytona Beach in November and three months for our Show in December. Donna Schneider, a relative Novice at showing plants will give her view point on exhibiting. In addition, Steve Seal who is a Student Judge, with several classes and a few judgings under his belt will contribute a Judge’s take on how to get the AM ribbons for your entries. May 2011 Program Dr. Teresa Cooper who specializes in biological control of infestations and the conservation of natural lands was an ideal speaker to give us a three decade history of the ―Mexican Weevil‖, which is devastating both native Florida bromeliads as well as CBS Meristem July-August 2011 4 cultivated bromeliads. Many thanks to Dr. Cooper for keeping us up to date on efforts to eradicate or at least control Metamasius callidonia in Florida utilizing biological control. June 2011 Program Dennis and Linda Cathcart, owners and operators of the largest retail bromeliad nursery in Florida again gave up their precious down time to give us a look at the incredible new ―Gardens by the Sea‖, being constructed in Singapore. For the last couple years, Tropiflora has been exporting thousands of Dennis Cathcart bromeliads to Singapore to help with the creation of this unique botanical garden. About two years ago, Harry Luther of the Marie Selby Botanic Gardens was also recruited as a Staff Science Adviser. I don’t want to forget to also thank Dennis, Linda and our own member, Brian Weber for bringing a large assortment of plants for sale. Below is an artist’s rendition of the completed gardens. Based on actual pictures taken by Dennis, this mockup will be ready for visitors very soon. Model of ―Garden by the Sea‖ in Singapore. Original slide by Dennis Cathcart. 5 CBS Meristem July-August 2011 May Workshop CBS has been very fortunate to have had hybridizers, the likes of Hattie Lou and Sam Smith, Jim Irvin and Grant Groves, to name a few. Dale Kammerlohr a member of CBS for the past 22 years is also listed among those talented individuals. At our May workshop Dale drew upon his many years as a hybridizer both as a hobbyist and professional to show us his methods of hybridizing bromeliads and sowing the resultant seeds. I think he was very persuasive in getting some of the audience to try their hand at creating new cultivars. Thank you Dale for your continued gifts of your time and talents. June Workshop Unfortunately, CBS member Faye Hunt of Naples was unable to attend and demonstrate the mounting of bromeliads at our June Workshop. Nevertheless, Larry Giroux, Donna Schneider and Bruce McAlpin with the help of others in the audience, were able to conduct the Workshop. From the type of mounting materials, to the best plants to use, to the actual mechanics, members and guests left not disappointed. Hopefully at some other time we can enjoy a look at Faye’s mountings, which are art works in themselves. Also thanks to Larry and Donna for bringing in lots of wood, which was raffled off. Work Days at the Bromeliad Garden We have probably the best garden on the grounds of the Virginia Street LCFMGC location. On Saturday May 28th and Saturday June 4th, about 10 members and friends of the CBS showed up to trim and clean up our flourishing garden. Many thanks to all who participated. We now have a new larger sign identifying our garden. Check out the entire site when you are in the neighborhood. Holiday Party Date Change Just a heads up—-The CBS Holiday Party will be held on the SECOND Sunday of December at Laura Cordell’s home in Buckingham. Please reserve that date change. CBS Meristem July-August 2011 6 Bromeliad Expose’ By Larry Giroux I was walking by my collection of billbergias and commented to myself, out loud (I’m allowed to do that now that I’m a senior citizen) about how horrible they all look. I grabbed my helper and told him to start dragging those plants into the shadehouse…we were going to clean them up. Unfortunately I forgot to tell him to check them while outside for unwanted creatures, before bringing them into the enclosure. Needless to say I was quite relieved that all we found was a few roaches, centipedes, silverfish, scale, assortment of weeds, mushrooms, frogs, etc, etc. The ―Evil one‖ did not show his stripe. We commenced with the chore of cleaning the plants, repotted most and threw out several unfortunate ones, which didn’t make it through the last two winters; sprayed them well and decided they deserved to be inside for a while. Almost when we were finished with this phase of the Spring/Summer cleaning, my face broke into a big smile. There dangling from its arched stem, arrogantly dispelling the time honored believe that ―if you blink, you’ll miss the blooming of a billbergia‖, was the twelve inch long, fully dehisced Photo of my billbergia in bloom. Note the beautifully patterned leaves. This is a characteristic of many billbergia species. Photo by Larry Giroux 7 CBS Meristem July-August 2011 Closeup of the flower parts of my billbergia. Note the pointed sepals. Photo by Larry Giroux inflorescence of Billbergia pallidiflora…I think. You all remember Murphy’s Law—―If something can go wrong, it probably will.‖ Guess which billbergia didn’t have one of my handy, dandy, indestructible, almost free, PVC labels welded in the pot by the plant’s roots? I hate squirrels! I grabbed my camera and took pictures of the inflorescence, close-up of the flowers and included a view of the pattern on the leaves. (You can see these on accompanying pages of this issue of the Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society Newsletter (July-August 2011)). I remembered from having written a previous article about billbergias that Francisco Oliva-Esteve’s book Bromeliads, Armitano Editores, C.A, Caracas, Venezula, 2000, was one of the best sources of information concerning the billbergias of the Subfamily: Helicodea. The page was still ear marked. Yup, all the same characteristics— medium sized, funnel form rosette of green leaves with silver cross bars, long pink bracts, simple arched inflorescence, scape covered with white scales, pink floral bracts, white sepals, green petals and lavender stamens. At this point I should have simply believed my eyes; pictures tell a thousand words. I have Billbergia pallidiflora, I think? But, somewhere in my mind I remember at one time having Billbergia venezuelana (now called Billbergia rosea) and Billbergia zebrina, so I just had to check that out to be sure. And that picture of Billbergia porteana and that one of Billbergia zebrina in Francisco’s book all look so much like my picture! Someone must have gone this route before. So I called in Uncle Derek… via the fcbs.org websiteCBS Meristem July-August 2011 8 FCBS.org/butcher/B_porteana.htm Check out the table in Uncle Derek’s column. Who would have believed that a simple sepal shape seemingly settled the species query. Of the four species, if all the pictures I have seen are to be believed then only Billbergia rosea has pointed sepals just like my plant. I must have Billbergia rosea, I think? Can curious minds get confused? You bet. I was still not satisfied. Remember Flora Neotropica (Monograph No.14 Part 3: Bromelioideae) by Smith and Down? Just happens that all the billbergia species in question are described in this book. ―Acute‖ (meaning ―ending in a sharp point with sides nearly straight‖) is used to describe the sepals of pallidiflora, porteana, and zebrina; while the sepals of rosea are described as ―narrowly triangular‖ without the use of the word ―acute‖. In all the drawings of these 4 species in Smith and Down’s book, the sepals look pointed not ovate (meaning ―with an outline like that of a hen’s egg‖). That settled things, didn’t it??? I have a beautiful billbergia, regardless of its name… this I know! (Left) Billbergia rosea Photo by Frank Sherman (Right) Billbergia zebrina Photo by John Catlan 9 (Above) Billbergia porteana Photo by Derek Butcher All photos courtesy of fcbs.org CBS Meristem July-August 2011 Front and Back Cover Photos CBS members Geri and David Prall as many of you are aware are involved in many other plant families other than bromeliads. Photos of their extensive gardens will attest to their enjoyment of cactus and palm trees. On a recent trip to a plant convention, they were pleasantly surprised when they found some unusual bromeliads we cannot grow well here in SW Florida. This month I feature pictures by Geri and David on the front and back covers. Our featured pictures are of Puya alpestris. Geri wrote me this note along with the pictures…‖We had an awesome trip to southern California. The most popular bromeliad is Puya. I saw this spectacular blue bloom and couldn't believe it was a bromeliad. (The enclosed) pictures were taken at the San Diego Botanical Garden (formerly Quail Gardens). We did see many other puyas in bloom but none compared to these.‖ Photo taken by Geri Prall of David Prall while he photographed Puya alpestris CBS Meristem July-August 2011 The following article was written by Victoria Padilla for her book Bromeliads, Crown Publishers, Inc. New York, NY, 1973. Some of the facts may have changed with the discovery of new species. PUYA Molina (pew'ya) (Name taken from the Mapuche Indians of Chile, meaning "point") The genus Puya has several distinctions: It is reputed to be the most primitive member of the entire bromeliad family; it has the largest species in the family, and it has the species that takes the longest to bloom. This is P. raimondii, which reaches a height of 35 feet and takes up to 150 years to develop a flower spike. All puyas are rugged plants, being native to the Andean highlands, at altitudes of 10,000 to 14,-500 feet. They are terrestrial or saxicolous, existing along foggy banks or on rocky mountain-sides, the days hot and the nights cool, and in some instances even tolerating drought or snow. Only one species, P. dasylirioides, has strayed from its Andean homeland. It is to be found in Costa Rica, growing in the peaty swamps of the Cerro de Morte at an altitude of 10,000 feet. Puyas generally range in height from 1 to 30 feet. They have a rosette of stiff, spiny leaves that are generally green, gray, or blue green. The inflorescence, rising from the center of the plant, is often striking for its unusual color combina-tions: the petals in blue, purple, and green and the bracts in pink, red, brown, or green. The flower spike may be simple or branching. Some of the species develop a yucca-like trunk because they continue to bloom through the years from the center of the same plant. But most puyas grow in large clumps, covering many square feet; as each plant matures, it sends out new offshoots. There are over 160 species of puyas, but only a few are found in cultivation because their size and requirements place them out of the range of the average collector. The finest collection of puyas is to be found in the Desert Garden of the Huntington Botanic Gardens in San Marino, California. Many of the Puya species are quite spectacular in size. This is Puya chiliensis. Photo by Peter Tristam 11 CBS Meristem July-August 2011 Adding to the grandiose appearance of these plants, at blooming the inflorescence is often covered with flowers all blooming at the same time. Flower colors are white as seen here with Puya alba, yellow, deep blue/ greens and various shades of blue. Photo by Lotte Hromradnik. Puya assurgens is of a manageable size and is grown in captivity in shadehouses and in the landscape. Photo by Len Harrison. Puya bravoi is another species of a smaller size, but still has a large attractive inflorescence. Special environmental conditions are still necessary to grow this high altitude plant. Photo is from JBS, Vol 58, No.5. CBS Meristem July-August 2011 The environs from which these plants come are just as spectacular as many of the plants themselves. As outstanding as Puya alpestris, the species photographed by the Pralls is, this plant, Puya berteroniana, from Chile, which is often confused with Puya alpestris, is even more flamboyant. Its rosette is larger and has more flowers with the same intense blue/ green coloration. Photo by K. Woods. All photos other than those by the Pralls are courtesy of FCBS.org. 13 CBS Meristem July-August 2011 David Bogart is a new member of the Caloosahatchee Bromeliad Society, who lives in LaBelle, Florida. He is a chemist by training. For many years he had a greenhouse full of bromeliads in Gainesville. He became quite successful with foliar feeding of his plants with unique mixtures, which he devised. One of his major challenges was the very hard water he had to contend with in his location. The attached article by David reveals his secrets. Thank you David for sharing this information. Foliar Feeding By David Bogart (DLBOGE2@MSN.COM) The Chemistry of Foliar Feeding Foliar feeding is the application of dilute fertilizer solutions to the leaves of plants. Bromeliads, orchids, ferns and other epiphytes typically don’t have roots in the soil in their native setting and have evolved to absorb nutrients very efficiently through all portions of the plant, including the leaves. While all epiphytes can survive on very little in the way of fertilizers, adding a foliar fertilizer can really make them thrive. Epiphytes, begonias, gardenias, hibiscus, ferns, citrus and bananas all absorb foliar fertilizers efficiently. Note that grasses, palms, bamboos, vegetables, plants that prefer full sun and plants species from temperate climates are generally poor acceptors of foliar feeding. One area where foliar feeding is especially useful is in the providing of so called “micronutrients”. Limestone (Calcium Carbonate) ties up micronutrients and most all south Florida irrigation water A drawing of a typical appearing trichome of a epiphytic tillandsia. It is the presence of these structures on the surface of bromeliads, which allow foliar feeding. The central disk cells of trichomes of terrestrials are not as organized as those seen here, but studies show that they provide the same function as epiphytic disk cells. Drawing by Larry Giroux CBS Meristem July-August 2011 is saturated with limestone. In addition to the water, most soils in southwest Florida are “uncoated” limestone and also tie up micronutrients. Foliar fertilizer compositions can be designed to avoid the effects of the limestone on micronutrients. The phosphorus in most fertilizers will also tie up micronutrients. The combination of limestone in the water and phosphorus in a fertilizer will even tie up micronutrients “chelated” with EDTA. The most common micronutrient deficiencies in southwest Florida are iron, zinc and manganese. In this cross section drawing of a ―dry‖ trichome (top), the various structural parts and cells are marked. The wing is curled upright and the Central Disk is in concave mode and acts as a plug to the movement of water and dissolved solids through the epidermis and into the leaf tissue. The same trichome (bottom) under wet conditions. Here the wing is lying flat against the leaf surface and the Central disk cells are swollen and convex; the arrows and lines show the path of water through the peripheral ring cells of the central disk, the Dome cell and Stalk cells into the leaf tissue. 15 CBS Meristem July-August 2011 One Type of Foliar Fertilizing Foliar feeding in South Florida is best done with two distinct fertilizer compositions using alternating applications. For instance, for once a month feeding, every other month mix one level teaspoon per gallon of the following “no phosphorus fertilizer plus micronutrients mix”: a mix of about 22% nitrogen, 13% potassium (two cups ammonium sulfate, two cups potassium nitrate, the combination of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen being better absorbed than either alone and ammonium sulfate being an acidifying agent), 6% magnesium (one cup magnesium sulfate) and 6% iron (one cup iron sulfate). The amount of iron is relatively high because the lime in Florida water and oxygen in the air will quickly oxidize the iron and make most of it unavailable. Also iron is poorly absorbed by many plants’ leaves. Other minor elements in the mix are 0.50% manganese (two level tablespoons manganese sulfate) and 0.25% zinc (one level tablespoon zinc sulfate). Note that the micronutrient ingredients can be obtained at a hardware store for the magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) and manganese sulfate, most fertilizer stores for the iron sulfate (and the magnesium sulfate) and over the internet at Stark Brothers for the zinc sulfate. A typical well planted yard will require five to ten gallons of this solution sprayed onto the foliage. Add a squirt of “Dawntm” dishwasher detergent for a “spreader” and two tablespoons per gallon (one cup for 5 gallons) of vinegar as a weak acidifier. Let the “minor element mix” and water sit overnight in the bucket it was mixed in (some of the ingredients, specifically the magnesium sulfate, take awhile to dissolve). NEVER mix a phosphorus fertilizer into this spraying (the phosphorus will tie up the iron and manganese). Ammonium Sulfate is an important constituent of the first fertilizer as it is acid. The ammonium sulfate neutralizes the alkaline calcium carbonate in the south Florida water by the equation CaCO3 + (NH4)2SO4 = CaSO4 + (NH4)2CO3 = CaSO4 + 2NH3 + H2O + CO2 . This changes the alkaline calcium carbonate to neutral calcium sulfate while releasing ammonia and carbon dioxide as gases. The now neutral water is no longer capable of tying up micronutrients. Once every other month, in the months between the miPhoto of cryptanthus trichomes. These function similarly as do typical epiphytic trichomes. Photo by Larry Giroux. CBS Meristem July-August 2011 cronutrient feeding, mix one level teaspoon per gallon of 20-20-20 soluble fertilizer (available from fertilizer stores in 25 pound bags). This fertilizer has the minor elements in it as an EDTA chelated form. Unfortunately the dissolved limestone in Florida water will break the iron/EDTA bond (this bond is only stable at a Ph of 7.0 or lower) and allow the iron to be tied up by the phosphorus. This is why we recommend alternating “standard” fertilizer with a “no phosphorus” micronutrient rich fertilizer. Add a squirt of “Dawn tm” dishwasher detergent for a “spreader” and two tablespoons of vinegar per gallon as a weak acidifier. Note that alternating the two fertilizers gives a NPK ratio of about 2110-17, very close to the 20-10-20 that the experts at Tropifloratm use in their foliar spray. Note also that commercial foliar fertilizer manufacturers such as the makers of Miracidtm and Miracle Growtm recommend one tablespoon of fertilizer per gallon. Since a tablespoon is three teaspoons our recommended concentration is one third the manufacturers. This is to prevent foliage burning in Florida’s high temperatures. Proportioning Device A good way to quickly fertilize a lot of plants quickly and without a lot of effort is to use a large volume water pressurized proportioning device. A proportioning device also allows the tall trees in the yard to be sprayed and encourages the growth of native epiphytes such as resurrection fern and tillandsias (such as Spanish moss) on the trees. Several proportioning devices can be purchased at the hardware store. Unfortunately they use a proportioning system which is difficult to use. The liquid setting is 1 tsp through 4 tsp. At these settings a full jar of fertilizer will use 48 to 192 gallons of water before the concentrated fertilizer solution in it is gone. If we aim for 48 gallons of solution sprayed out per bottle of fertilizer solution (a setting of one tsp) that equates to 48 teaspoons, 16 tablespoons or 1 level cup of dry fertilizer in a one quart container of fluid. A standard yard would probably require six quarts of such a solution, or six refills of the device. Note four quarts equals one gallon and one gallon of solution will require four level cups of fertilizer. That’s a lot of fertilizer to go into solution and will require overnight to dissolve. Timing of Foliar Spraying It is important to spray hydroponic fertilizer as the sun is rising. The longer the fertilizer solution stays liquid on the leaves of the plants the more nutrients are absorbed. Evaporation speed is the lowest very early in the morning. It is important not to spray between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM as hot sun combined with foliar fertilizer will burn leaves and the high evaporation rate will considerably reduce the amount of fertilizer absorbed by the plants. 17 CBS Meristem July-August 2011 CBS Meeting Minutes May 15th, 2011 LOCATION: Covenant Presbyterian Church, Ft. Myers, FL. ATTENDANCE: 33; including new member David Bogert and the following guests: Pete Diamond, Margaret England and Kris Morton. WORKSHOP: Member Dale Kammerlohr presented a highly informative talk on hybridizing bromeliads. PROGRAM: Dr. Teresa Cooper spoke passionately on the subject of biologic control of the Mexican Bromeliad Weevil. Thus far, there has been limited success with the use of the parasitic wasp in Florida. Dr. Cooper remains optimistic and is committed to continuing her research. BREAK: A thirty minute break was enjoyed. Thank you to Mary McKenzie and volunteers for refreshments. CALL TO ORDER: President, Vicky Chirnside called the meeting to order at 3:45pm. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Reports and announcements will appear on the bulletin board for the membership to read. NEW BUSINESS: Thank you notes from the Cryptanthus Society and FCBS for our 2011 donations were acknowledged. Harry Luther and our own Dr. Larry Giroux will be speakers at the 2012 World Conference. Treasurer, Betty Ann Prevatt announced the 2011 First Quarter Treasurer’s Report. Balance on hand as of March 31, 2011: $10,013.85. SHOW & TELL: Conducted by Dale Kammerlohr. DOOR PRIZE: A lucky attendee won a Neoregelia. RAFFLE: Conducted by Dr. Larry Giroux and assisted by Dolly Dalton. ADJOURNMENT: President, Vicky Chirnside adjourned the meeting at 4:15pm. Respectfully submitted by, MaryLynn Murphy, CBS Secretary. MaryLynn100@me.com CBS BOARD MEETING June 19th, 2011 LOCATION: Covenant Presbyterian Church, Ft. Myers, FL. ATTENDANCE: 45 members; new members: Pete Diamond, Linda and Bob Soter, Margaret England. WORKSHOP: ―Mounting Bromeliads‖ led by Dr. Larry Giroux. Members shared their recommendations for mounting epiphytes. The following surfaces were suggested: bleached buttonwood; cork; tree fern fiber; rock; trees that have a rough surface and bamboo. Donna Schneider uses ―Plumber’s Goop‖ to mount tillandsias. This product dries clear and allows the roots to grow through the glue. Galvanized wiring, fishing tackle and zip ties were recommended to hang a mounting. PROGRAM: Dennis Cathcart of Tropiflora Nursery presented a program on Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay. Six years ago Tropiflora began discussions with Dr. Kiat Tan and the Government of Singapore for Tropiflora to sell their collection. It was a two year journey to finalize the contract. Tropiflora has sent tons of bare root bromeliads and other plants for CBS Meristem July-August 2011 the 60 acre project. Dr. Tan’s vision of Singapore is a city within a garden. BREAK: A thirty minute break was enjoyed. Thank you to Mary McKenzie and volunteers for refreshments. CALL TO ORDER: President, Vicky Chirnside called the meeting to order at 3:40pm. MINUTES: Terri Lazar motioned to accept the minutes from the May 15 th, 2011 when published. Betsy Burdette seconded the motion. (Larry Giroux confirmed that the May Minutes would be included in the Jul/Aug Meristem). COMMITTEE REPORTS: Reports and announcements will appear on the bulletin board or printed in the newsletter for the membership to read. NEW BUSINESS: Dr. Larry Giroux reported that the new Editor for the BSI is Evan Bartholomew of Hawaii and that he is looking for non-scientific articles to be submitted in the BSI Journal. DOOR PRIZE: Bruce McAlpin donated a mounted Aechmea chantinii won by Margaret England. SHOW AND TELL: Conducted by Dale Kammerlohr. RAFFLE: Conducted by Dr. Larry Giroux and assisted by Dolly Dalton, Terri Lazar and Betsy Burdette. ADJOURNMENT: President, Vicky Chirnside adjourned the meeting at 4:35 pm. Respectfully submitted by, MaryLynn Murphy, CBS Secretary. MaryLynn100@me.com Calendar of Bromeliad Events November 4th—5th, 2011 2011 Bromeliad Extravaganza & The 12th Biennial International Cryptanthus Show. A judged Show will be held on the 4th, with Sales, Seminars, Banquet, Rare Plant Auction. The Plaza Resort and Spa, Dayton Beach, Florida. December 2nd-4th, 2011 The CBS Bromeliad Show and Sale. Terry Park. Entries and Judging Friday, Show and Sale open to the public - Saturday 9AM5PM and Sunday 10AM-4PM December 10th, 2011 The CBS Holiday Party has been moved to the second Sunday of December. It will be held at the Buckingham home of Laura Cordell. Details to follow as the date gets closer. Read the Expanded Newsletter I have been asking members who have e-mail, if they can start receiving the Meristem exclusively by e-mail and I have gotten a good response from the membership. I want to remind the members that even if they can not receive the e-mail version, because they have dial-up internet service, they can still go to www.fcbs.org and read the expanded Meristem directly online. Go to www.fcbs.org to view this expanded electronic issue, if you are not already opting to receive it or let me know if you want me to send it to you. Editor 19 CBS Meristem July-August 2011 CBS Meristem July-August 2011 Dr. Larry Giroux, Editor 3836 Hidden Acres Circle N North Fort Myers Fl 33903 (239) 997-2237 DrLarry@comcast.net This is your July/August Newsletter
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