the voice the voice
the voice the voice
FEBRUARY 2016 SHEVAT/ADAR I 5776 THE VOICE For details go to: or call (770)973-3533 TEMPLE KOL EMETH Contact numbers: Temple Office: (770) 973-3533 Fax: (770) 579-9707 Religious School (770) 973-9205 CLERGY and STAFF Rabbi……...………....……....................................Steven J. Lebow Rabbi……...………......................................................Erin C. Boxt Cantorial Soloist.……………………………….…….Blake Singer Senior Temple Administrator……………………….Denise Jacobs Religious School Principal………........................Rebecca Tullman Youth and Family Program Director…………………....Ezra Flom Executive Assistant to the Clergy……………………...Evy Eckber Accountant…………………………………...……….....Pam Fells Religious School Administrator……………………........Carol Lief BOARD OF TRUSTEES President……………………………………………….Henry Hene Senior Vice President of Operations…………………...Ben Singer Senior Vice President of Programming……………….Susan Moye Vice President of Community Relations………….….Paula Wilson Vice President of Volunteerism……………………...Kathy Kestin Vice President of Facilities………………………...Keith Berryhill Vice President of Finance……………………………..Barry Sobel Director of Finance…………………………………Ron Greisman Vice President of Fundraising…………………………..Scott Paul Director of Fundraising……………………………..Rachel Barich Vice President of Membership…………………..Matthew Enslein Director of Membership……………………………..Alicia Graves Vice President of Study…………...………………….Jodi Roberts Director of Study………………………………….Lindsay Lanson Director of Long-Range Planning…………………….Steve Harris Recording Secretary………………………………….Jaime Davies Director of Communications……………………………Jon Worly Immediate Past President…………………………...Sherri Parman WRJ Co-Presidents………………… ......................... Karyn Parker Men’s Club Co-Presidents…………………...Lesley Litt/Bob Jaric The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth is published eleven months per year by Temple Kol Emeth, 1415 Old Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30062. Official Website: Facebook: Youth Group Facebook: templekolemethyouth Religious School Facebook Page: Twitter: @TempleKolEmeth FEBRUARY WORSHIP SCHEDULE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Bonim Super Hero Shabbat with Ms. Judy Kindergarten - 2nd Grade 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service ` SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 10:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Eliana Chipps Daughter of Ted and Carey Chipps FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 6:30 p.m. Peachtree City Shabbat with Rabbi Boxt 8 p.m. Congregational Reggae and Scout Shabbat Service ` BLUE JEAN SHABBAT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 10:30 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Ascher Shostak Son of David and Kelen Shostak FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Yeladim with Rabbi Boxt 8 p.m. Congregational Torah Shabbat Service ` SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 5:30 p.m. Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Pearl Daughter of Stephanie Pearl FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service ` FRIDAY, MARCH 4 8 p.m. Congregational and 4th and 5th Grade Shabbat Service ` SATURDAY, MARCH 5 10:30 am Bar Mitzvah of Sam Moore Son of Chris and Rachel Moore Wine and Cheese Night Temple Kol Emeth is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism 2 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth Friday, February 5 and March 4 Live streaming on ` RABBI LEBOW LESSONS LEARNED FROM A HEAD WOUND AND A CRUSHED WRIST I broke all of the bones of my wrist this past fall. Then I shredded all of the ligaments connecting my arm to my hand. I recommend it, you know, as a learning experience. Everyone should try it. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS As in most Kabbalah (mystical Judaism), there is much to be leaned from suffering. Usually, when things are great - health, wealth, family and job - most people never pause to consider what life has taught them. There's nothing like losing seven weeks of your year to recovery and rehab from surgery to focus your mind on what really matters in life. So, “Lessons to be learned from a head wound and a crushed wrist, in no particular order.” Mindfulness and falling down the stairs: Watch where you're going. Had I been living in the moment, as I crossed to the parking lot of a condo building, I would probably have noticed the stairs that I subsequently fell down. But I mean “living in the eternal now” as more than just “stay focused and pay attention physically.” I mean there is a certain sense of “mindfulness” in life that is necessary to spiritual, as well as physical, health. Next Board of Trustees Meeting: February 7 9:30 a.m. Bemis Conference Room All members are welcome to attend. Being aware of where you are and living in that moment (before you fall down the metaphoric stairs of life) is a sine qua non. The Bible illustrates this well when God says to Moses, “Come up on the mountain and be there…” It is an odd sentence. If Moses were up on the mountain, wouldn't he already be there? But the point is clear. We are often physically but not spiritually present. We are there, but not really. Our bodies are somewhere but our minds are elsewhere. While I am walking, I am often obsessing over the past or worrying about the future. It was that experience of not being totally aware of the eternal now that preceded my fall. So let that be a lesson for me (or you, if you need such). Watch where you are going, because if you don't you'll end up in the very worst place. Rabbi Steven Lebow Jennifer & Peter Massaro 340 Shiloh Manor Drive Marietta, GA 30066 Emily-6 weeks (404) 444-6719 (404) 557-6247 Melissa Goodman Marietta, GA Lexi –8 (479) 200-9749 Welcome back to… Randy and Lesli Schwartz 1705 Ashebark Lane Marietta, GA 30068 (404) 915-8108 (678) 778-3914 Jerry and Alice Singer 120 Chastain Road NW #702 Kennesaw, GA 30144 (770) 579-4787 February 2016/5776 3 MESSAGE FROM RABBI BOXT Shalom, Y’all! In 2014 I stopped listening to one of my favorite bands, Pink Floyd. Growing up as the son of a Deadhead, I distinctly remember being taught to love Pink Floyd and The Grateful Dead. Pink Floyd stuck - until 2014. To this day, I will not forget why: Roger Waters, the lead singer and founding member, is a supporter of the BDS movement. He is not just a supporter: he is the #1 celebrity when it comes to supporting the BDS movement and speaking out against what he calls an “apartheid Israel.” What is the BDS movement? From the BDS website: “The global movement for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights, was initiated by Palestinian civil society in 2005, and is coordinated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), established in 2007. BDS is a strategy that allows people of conscience to play an effective role in the Palestinian struggle for justice.” At first glance, this may not seem so bad. Every nation/ people deserves to feel justice and that to feel their struggle for justice is important, right? But instead of an outpouring of support for the Palestinian people and their struggle, the result is global vilification of Israel and her government. The Simon Wiesenthal website, a great source of information, explains why the BDS movement is hurting rather than healing: “ Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS), this global movement is the tipping point of a war against Israel. It claims to want to bring Israel to the negotiating table but, in reality, it seeks to bring her to her knees by demonizing the Jewish State as a 21st century apartheid regime.”1 From the BDS movement website: “For decades, Israel has denied Palestinians their fundamental rights of freedom, equality, and self-determination through ethnic cleansing, colonization, racial discrimination, and military occupation. Despite abundant condemnation of Israeli policies by the UN, other international bodies, and preeminent human rights organisations, the world community has failed to hold Israel accountable and enforce compliance with basic principles of law. Israel’s crimes have continued with impunity.”2 Please check out the Wiesenthal website for information on how to fight against this “campaign” to garner support for the Palestinians. As a Jew, I yearn for the day when Israel can live in peace, with love and respect for all her neighbors, regardless of religion or culture. However, I want those surrounding Israel to treat Israel with the same love and respect. The BDS movement is one that does not help – rather, it hurts the chances for a true and real peace. Let us pray and work hard for Israel, for all Jews everywhere, and most importantly, for all people!! B’shalom, Rabbi Boxt 1 Simon Wiesenthal website: 2 4 BDS movement website: The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT This VOICE article is scheduled for printing after completion of my adult bar mitzvah. Below is a reprint of my speech, which is my attempt to express appreciation to you, the congregation, for your support during my presidency of our Jewish Home. Moses says, according to the Torah, “Please, G_d, help me. I feel as if I am about to be stoned by the people.” There are times when we all feel as if the decisions we make will create animosity among the members of the tribe, but we must remember, as our community thirsts for water, sustenance or knowledge, that G_d is there to bring us what we need to survive. That is the theme of my parasha which goes on to address Moses striking the rock at Horeb with his rod to bring forth water that the people can drink. I identified with this portion of Torah because I could relate to the worries Moses had about satisfying the tribe and that his decisions would represent the best interests of the community. Although I do not compare my tasks with those of a leader such as Moses, we do need to celebrate the commitment and altruism exhibited by all our community leaders, including current and past board members and presidents. We all work for the good of the community weaving together the fabric that is Temple Kol Emeth. Do we have disagreements? Do we, at times, throw the verbal stones at each other? I’m sure this has happened once or twice in the past and will continue to happen periodically, as we move toward a more involved and vibrant Jewish community. We strive to be an all-inclusive community. As my experiences continue to grow, I see this effort encompasses traditional Jewish families, single parents, interfaith couples, multi-racial families, LGBT and many other non-traditional families. This community is larger than what we experienced growing up, and definitely larger than what our parents taught us to expect. Isn’t that what Moses was doing as he lead the people out of Egypt to experience a new life in the Promised Land? He began by breaking the bonds, physically and mentally, with slavery, and created new opportunities for future generations. At the same time, he kept from being stoned by those of weaker mind or spirit, as he moved the process forward. This brings me to the reason I decided to become a bar mitzvah as an adult. My belief that we must always strive to move the process forward is something we do in the governance process of TKE. This is not restricted to the governance process but also includes my personal aspirations. This is why I chose, with the urgings of other adult classmates, to include myself in the blessing under the tallit (prayer shawl). Last month, I expressed my desire to measure up to what I expected from my daughter. So, as we demonstrated in the L’dor V’dor portion of the service, I felt compelled to learn from Caroline and become a bar mitzvah as a celebration of my Jewish heritage and beliefs. My heartfelt adoration and thanks go to Caroline and Candy, as they have supported and inspired me through the bar mitzvah process. I can’t say a big enough thank you to Lynnor Holder, Paula Wilson and Addie Schneider as they helped me learn Hebrew letters, the prayers and my Torah portion. I must also thank each of you, the clergy, the staff and the congregants of TKE who inspired me to work through this entire process. When I was asked two years ago if I wanted to be on the slate as upcoming president of TKE, my initial response was that I didn’t feel Jewish enough to fulfill the responsibilities expected of the leader of this great community. Although a couple of years late, I feel now I am a step closer in achieving the level of knowledge that answers the trust that you have bestowed in me. May each of you join me and my family in our celebration of TKE as our Jewish Home. B’shalom, Henry February 2016/5776 5 February 1 Genevie Olender Lee Silverstein Cathy Schwartz Patrick Dulmage February 3 Michael Weinstein Rhys Schreadley Lisa Weinstein Elizabeth Kuhn February 4 Javad Ra'ed Nancy Zacune February 5 Jeffrey Mitchell Melinda Benson Lidia Gelobter Kelen Shostak Marnie Danson February 6 Stuart Brenner Stuart Kurtz Derek Brennan Melissa Diaz February 7 Andrew Senzer February 8 William Cotton Steve Hurewitz Steven Harris Robert Platner Lisa Stone February 9 Jennifer Samuels 6 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth February 10 Gladys Manheim Steven Markfeld February 11 Michael Parker Margaret Selman February 12 Gary Kneller Marian Fraley February 13 Karen Savrin Michael Pierson Julia Worly February 14 Richard Feldman Lynnor Holder Florence Rigby February 16 Richard Gordon Dan Greenwald Robin Adams February 17 Lisa Perry February 18 Lorraine Kimmel Carolyn Shapiro Jacqueline Bold February 19 Holly Simmel February 20 Joyce Levenberg Tom Kattaron Leonard Dinin Stephen Davis Paul Barnett Judy Rechtman Emily Ra'ed February 21 Roberta Apte Simone Nehmen February 22 Jeff Diaz February 23 Lee Whitesides Julie Baruchman February 24 Lydia Winters Bruce Scheck Howie Elmer February 25 Linda Smiley February 26 Alice Becker Mark Gaynor February 27 Debora Antonoff Monty Levy February 28 Helene Holzman Susan Woolf William Hood SIMCHA SQUARE February 13 Ascher Shostak is a seventh grade honor student at E.T. Booth Middle School in Woodstock. He will become a bar mitzvah on February 13 and has worked very hard preparing for this day. He is a Star Scout and is well on his way to earning his Eagle Scout Award. He plays the clarinet in the school band, plays golf, and is a first degree Black Belt in Choi Kwang Do. For his mitzvah project he will be collecting new toys, coloring books, crayons, etc. for the kids at the Scottish Rite Campus of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Ascher will have a box at the Temple for donations, so please bring something. He chose his mitzvah project to give back for the time he spent at this hospital. His parents Kelen and David and younger brother Ari are very proud of him and of the young man he has become. February 20 Rachel Pearle is a seventh grade honor student at Hightower Trail Middle School. She plays travel softball for the Premier Softball Association, is a member of the Beta Club at Hightower and volunteers her time at the JCC in Dunwoody. Her other hobbies include writing and art. For her mitzvah project, Rachel is collecting used sports equipment to be donated to various organizations throughout metro Atlanta. Rachel has worked very hard to prepare for her bat mitzvah. Her parents, Stephanie and Brian, and her older brothers, Harrison and Benjamin, are extremely proud of everything she has accomplished thus far and can’t wait to see what the future holds for her. RELIGIOIUS SCHOOL First Grade Family Program “Being a Jewish Superhero” I have been to a great many family programs on Sundays. Today's was far and away the best ever! We […] made things for others and talked about how important that is. What a valuable message and what a terrific program! Amy Davies My son knows what superheroes are and really enjoyed walking around and writing something about each one. He really understood what we were doing during the first grade family program. Tovah Martin First Semester of Beit Noar* (7th and 8th grade Judaics) My son is enjoying the new format and comes home with lots to talk about. Parent of a 7th grader She enjoys the conversational style. She often comes home sharing the topics of discussion - which she used to not do in prior years. She enjoys the ability to share ideas with her friends and teachers. Parent of an 8th grader I enjoy it more than previous years in Hebrew school. It presents themes in a new way. 8th grader I feel as if Beit Noar is a good way to spend the Sunday. While it may not be the most fun’ time in the world, it is certainly interesting most of the time and I enjoy the discussions that take place. What is working in my opinion is the talks and the mostly interactive set up that occurs. 8th grader I learned a lot about G-d this year and I have thought more about things in different ways. I liked the day that our parents came in and we talked about Jewish traditions […] it was very interesting. 7th grader *Funding for creation of Beit Noar from the Helen Aronoff Religious School Fund. February 2016/5776 7 WOMEN OF REFORM JUDAISM (WRJ) Chai Crafters Mitzvah Mah Jongg Chai Crafters has joined with two of the local American Sewing Guild groups to make some quilts to be presented to our local women's shelter. All quilts have fanciful names. We named the first quilt "NORMA" after our late sister, Norma Goldberg. She worked on the quilt top with us this summer just before she got ill. We think it is a wonderful way to honor this generous and kind woman. Monday, February 8 7 p.m. TKE Chapel WRJ Gift Shop The Temple Kol Emeth/WRJ Gift Shop has stunning Judaica priced for every budget. Visit us Fridays 7 – 8 p.m. and Sundays 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. OR see Evy Eckber weekdays in the TKE main office. between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Continuing the tradition in loving memory of our dear sister, Norma Goldberg WRJ Rents Please remember WRJ Rents for all your party decor needs. Contact Sandi Gansel at (404) 861-3794 or by email at or Please join us the second Sunday of every month for whatever fun charity project we happen to be working on. Call Sue Eisen at (770) 977 -9843 or Sa nd ie Hendler (678) 860-9224 for details. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Our WRJ Gift Shop has shifts listed on the SignUp Genius link below. Please click and pick what works for you! Sign up with a friend and make it twice as nice! All volunteers receive a 20% discount during your shift! Additionally, for every five shifts you work, you earn $10 in Gift Shop Gelt!! All WRJ members get a regular 10% discount to shop in our amazing shop! Truly the only Judaica Shop in the North Atlanta area!! Save the Dates March 26 Sister’s Night Out Dinner and a movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 Greek Dinner after. Details to follow. April 17 WRJ-TKE Women's Seder Celebrating Women's Voices Open to all TKE Women Come add your voice. Details to follow. 8 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth PURIM BASKETS Just Click To Shop! Enjoy the fun of sending MISHLOACH MANOT (gifts of food) this Purim and support TKE WRJ at the same time. For just $3 each, you can send Purim greetings and sweet treats to your TKE friends, family, staff and clergy. Watch your email on or about February 15, click on the link and begin making your list! Each recipient you select receives a tasty assortment of goodies. Each family sending gifts will receive an additional BONUS GIFT of their own. Don't miss the joy, excitement, and mitzvah of giving this Purim. Orders must be placed by midnight March 15. Gifts will be available for pick up at the Purim Carnival and at TKE events beginning March 20. Questions? Contact Cheryl Raskind-Hood at February 2016/5776 9 CHILDREN’S MEMORIAL GARDEN Great news! Funding for Phase 2 of the Children’s Memorial Garden is complete; and Gibson Landscaping has already begun construction. Indeed, by the time you read this, construction of this part of the project should be completed and the site useable for life cycle, preschool and religious school, youth group and adult programming events. There’s still much more to be done, and more fundraising will be required to bring the project to its fruition; but very soon all of us can enjoy the Children’s Memorial Garden. If you haven’t been to the site recently, or ever, please stop by. The Garden is located in front of the Doc Lebow Center. What’s next? Raising the last segment of funding so that the inscribed brick floor of the amphitheater and the majority of the planting can be done. There are several opportunities for donation, including naming rights to the three areas of the Garden: the Garden of Remembrance, the Garden of Life and the amphitheater. We also need additional benches, trees and other plantings. And we need your involvement. The Garden’s construction continues because members of our Temple, including some of the original families, believe in the project. And so should you. This is a site for quiet reflection, youth and adult programming, and a place to remember not only the children we have lost but the children lost in the Holocaust. We can all help realize the dream started over a dozen years ago. Please contact Janet Mills ( for information about the inscribed brick program or Michael ( and Carolyn Shapiro ( for information on other ways to help. To learn more about the Garden, please visit We’re counting on your generous contribution to “help our garden grow!” 10 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth YOUTH & FAMILY PROGRAMMING Our Mission: To provide a fun, safe, engaging Jewish youth community through experiential programs that will create a strong Jewish identity that will guide our youth throughout their lives. Hatikvah Kallah: How it changed my life and led me to making my life decision Attending NFTY-SAR's Hatikvah Kallah was the best decision of my entire life as a Jewish teen. That weekend was the first stepping stone to the most important aspect of my life, namely my Reform community and family of NFTY-SAR. I originally was terrified to attend the event. Spending an entire weekend with strangers seemed like the last thing I wanted to do as a middle-schooler. I only knew one person going. Both anxious, we attended the event with reluctance and the belief that “being Jewish isn't cool.” However, by the end of the weekend, our minds were completely changed. The event was jam-packed with interesting programs and new enthusiastic spirit from our Hatikvah Helpers (older members of NFTY-SAR who volunteer to help at the event). I had honestly never experienced a time when I felt excited to be a Jewish teen until this event. I made new friends that I still keep in touch with and still have my first-ever NFTY-SAR nametag that hangs on the wall in my room, constantly reminding me of this milestone event. Since that first kallah, I have never missed an event. My last kallah as a senior will be my 20th event with NFTY-SAR. Through my newfound passion and dedication to our Reform movement, I became a KEFTY board member. Last year, I expanded my leadership to the Regional Board as Social Action Vice-President, making me the first person from KEFTY to co-direct Camp Jenny (the mitzvah corps project for NFTY-SAR and NFTY-STR). This past year, I have had the honor and privilege to serve as the President of the Southern Area Region. KEFTY 9th-12th grade KEFTY Kasino Temple Kol Emeth Saturday, February 27 7 - 11 p.m. KEFTY Kasino Lock-In Temple Kol Emeth Saturday, February 27 11 p.m. - 8 a.m. Teen Lounge Dates Doc Lebow Center February 3, 10 and 24 Kol Noar 7th-8th Grade Game Night Saturday, February 6 Doc Lebow Center KEFTY Kasino (8th grade only) Temple Kol Emeth Saturday, February 27 7 - 11 p.m. NFTY-SAR has taught me more about myself than I ever could have imagined. Before my participation in NFTY, I was shy and afraid to be myself in front of strangers. However, the programs and leadership teams have shaped me into the vocal, passionate, caring teen that I am today, who adores meeting new people and sharing my opinions. NFTY empowers teens to have open and honest interactions, fundamentally based on our core values of inclusion and audacious hospitality. NFTY continually strides to allow teens to explore themselves and our Jewish culture, while showing them how valuable and truly fun a Jewish community can be. Warmly, Zoe Light February 2016/5776 11 BOOBULAHS HIT LUCKY #7! You’ve seen us on our training walks. You’ve bought our cookies and trinkets and B-, C- or D-cup balloons at Noshfest. You’ve eaten with us at Red Sky Tapas and Chipotle. You’ve dropped your donations into our canisters at Bagelicious and on Evy’s desk in the TKE office. The BOOBulahs, TKE’s team doing the 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer, is gearing up for our seventh year! We’re very proud of the many thousands of dollars we’ve raised – with your help! – over the last six years, money used by walk organizer It’s The Journey to fund breast cancer health initiatives and support systems across the metro Atlanta area, funding everything from wig makers to mobile mammography vans. That’s right: all the money ITJ collects for breast cancer programs of awareness, treatment and research stays local! But our team efforts do more than raise money, although that is obviously our primary reason for existence. As BOOBulahs, we have developed a deep camaraderie built on trust and sharing and caring deeply about the cause. We are each other’s staunchest supporters, getting one another through the strains of the walk and sometimes even through the fears of the disease itself and its effects. Some of us have held tight since the team first was created; others just joined for the 2015 walk. No matter: we are all sisters on foot together. Maybe it’s time for some of you to start moving with us… The 2016 2-Day will be held on Saturday, Oct. 15, and Sunday, Oct. 16. Starting from the Marriott Marquis in downtown Atlanta, there’s a 20-mile route through the city on Saturday and a 10-mile route on Sunday. But not to panic! You needn’t walk the full 30 miles! Some of us sign up to do both days; some plan to do only Sunday; some team members work as volunteers to help with the fundraising side of it all. Every person and every endeavor is important in moving The BOOBulahs forward, figuratively and literally! Whether you want to walk with us or volunteer to help us or be a team sponsor or make a donation, contact Team Captain Bonnie Harrison at 12 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth Past sponsors of our team are: Bagelicious - Carol and Tom Carola Southeastern Swimwear Craig's Auto Red Sky Tapas Xengo Dallas Paige DYP Yoga KOL HORIM—VOICE OF THE PARENTS My journey to being on the Board of Trustees started in 1999 when I decided to convert to Judaism. I was raised a “secular Christian” in myriad churches, as I followed my father around the US and Norway during his service in the US Air Force. As a young child, religious upbringing in my home revolved around Santa and the Easter Bunny. As a teen, I became highly involved with church, mostly for the social aspect of the friends I found in that environment while attending seven different schools between 6th grade and my high school graduation. As a young adult at the University of Florida, I found myself questioning my beliefs: Was I spoon-fed my beliefs? What did I really believe? If I “believe,” why do I feel like a hypocrite? I had a lot of friends who were Jewish at UF. One Hillel Shabbat led to another; High Holiday services were attended; an Introduction to Judaism class was taken. Eventually, I realized that through the lens of Judaism I could look myself in the mirror and not feel like a hypocrite each day. I decided to convert. I was actually a year into my conversion before Keith and I started dating - I’m sure that question was on your mind! I completed my conversion in 2001 with Rabbi Gary Klein at Temple Ahavat Shalom in Palm Harbor, FL. We married in 2003; and in January 2005, just one month after Rebecca was born, I became bat mitzvah with six other adults, after completing a two-year adult education course which taught me to read Hebrew and understand the meaning of our prayers and traditions and gave me a real sense of belonging to my greater Jewish community. I am a product of some wonderful Jewish educational opportunities…all of which were presented to me by some of the great Jewish people who loved their community and welcomed me into it! I think that is what drew me to TKE, wanting to share in the leadership of this community as the Director of Education. This year we created Kol Horim: Voice of the Parents, your new chavurah for parents of children in the Religious School. Meeting monthly, it’s a place for parents to connect with other parents of school-age kids while participating in programs and activities that directly support our teachers and programs of the Religious School. Please look for our meeting dates in the Voice: moms and dads are both welcome! I look forward to getting to know more of you and hearing stories about your journey as we learn, support, and grow with each other in our service to TKE, our Jewish home. Lindsay Lanson Director of Education February 2016/5776 13 14 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth February 2016/5776 15 IN FEBRUARY WE OBSERVE THE YAHRZEITS OF ... February 5 Gisela Reder, mother of Evy Eckber, grandmother of Teri Singer Shirley Warren, mother of Cary Chassner Ernest Gansel, father of Sandra Gansel Kathryn Hendrick, mother of David Hendrick Donald Rigler, uncle of Helene Holzman Morris Seifer, grandfather of Nancy Oppenheim Bertram Rose, father of Dennis Rose Gerald Berkowitz, stepfather of Tammy Serwitz Bernard Facher, grandfather of Lisa Boardman Sheldon Pearl, husband of Cynthia Pearl Jerry Summers, father of Lesli Schwartz Samuel Stiefel, father of Alan Stiefel Irving Kirsch, father of Stuart Kirsch Murray Bender, uncle of Jon Rapaport Theodore Raskind, father of Cheryl Raskind-Hood Mary Hood, grandmother of William Hood Francine Burger, aunt of Melanie Litt Robert Yanowitz, father of Joanne Max Isadora Mayer, mother of David Mayer Henry McHenry, father of Lydia Winters Samuel Aronoff, father of Herbert Aronoff Irving Chait, father of Jay Chait Alan Chassner, husband of Cary Chassner Pearl Miehl, mother of Morris Miehl, grandmother of Brad and Philip Miehl Jack Meislish, father of Jeffrey Mitchell Gerald Wittes, father of Robert Wittes Max Abramowitz, father of Mel Abramovitz Rita Lebow, mother of Steven Lebow Dorothy Marticke, mother of Scott Marticke Diane Spanjer, mother of Byron Spanjer February 12 Kurt Anspach, father of Stefanie Davies Joseph Golden, brother of Stephen Golden John Hart, father of Janis Golden Glenn Nadel, friend of Elissa Terris Milton Schiller, uncle of Marilyn Bernstein Sheldon Beck, father of Arlyne Delman Hyman Levitt, father of David Levitt Eric Woolf, husband of Susan Woolf Israel Hurewitz, father of Steve Hurewitz Anita Sack, mother of Melanie Sack-Stearns Merle Golden, mother of Morris Golden C.B. Akin, grandfather of Betsy Siegel Marshall Diamond, father of Richard Diamond Jerome Hertz, father of Deborah Gaynor Ralph Glaser, father of Elyse Glaser Pearl Perlmutter, grandmother of Diana Lerner and Arlene Mix 16 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth Eve Ailion, mother of Bruce Ailion Ingrid Weinberg, mother of Debora Antonoff Martin Markfeld, father of Steven Markfeld David Meilman, father of Maxine Hess Michael Pollack, brother of Susan Pollack Adele Blank, grandmother of Nancy Whitesides February 19 Jack Aronoff, father-in-law of Pat Aronoff Chapman Warren, uncle of Cary Chassner Moe Schlanger, father of Karen Goldstein Marvin Levine, father of Jill Levine Myrrium Cohen, mother of Darryl Cohen Sally Holzman, mother of Helene Holzman Harry Schulman, father of Janet Katz Rona Kalika, mother of Janet Melnik Sharon Rasnick, wife of Robert Rasnick, mother of Amy Sweet Nathan Samuels, father of Stephen Samuels Morton Saunders, father of Edward Saunders Herschel Cooper, father of Stephanie Schulman Ivy Golden, mother of Robert Golden Irving Zaman, uncle of Cheryl Raskind-Hood Murray Dinoff, father of Joel Dinoff Nathan Siegel, father of Dea Farris Henry Krengel, father of Michael Krengel Estelle Bernstein, grandmother of Diane Lidz Seymour Cohen, father of Janet Mills Claire Goldt, grandmother of Jennifer Simmons Ruth Ozaroff, grandmother of Batya Boxt Frances Cohen, aunt of Bonnie Cohen-Greenberg Jacob Eisen, father of Alan Eisen Mitchell State, stepfather of Kenneth Krausman Marcia Singer, mother of Ben Singer February 26 Ross Adams, late husband of Robin Adams, brother of Meredith Kaltman Lily Hochman, grandmother of Carol Lief Sadie Lappin, grandmother of Joseph Marks Harold Wessler, father of Phyllis Wessler-Brownson Nathaniel Rosoff, father of Miriam Anapolle Joseph Bernstein, brother-in-law of Rosalynd Bernstein Sol Page, brother-in-law of Martha Perlmutter Donna Regelsky, mother of Adam Regelsky Pearl Novy, mother of Novy Scheinfeld Jonah Shapiro, grandfather of Joel Dinoff Flora Dorfzaun, mother of Sander Dorfzaun Bernard Freeman, father of Melanie Fine Elkie Rosenshein, mother of Gail Hopkins Phillip Kaufman, father of Lisa Meeks (Continued on page 17) YAHRZEITS CONTINUED (Continued from page 16) Michael Gilbert, grandfather of Nancy Oppenheim Max Mittelman, grandfather of Marlo Privitera Lillian Siben, mother of Susanne Tabor Armin Jacobs, father of Denise Jacobs, grandfather of Samuel and Joshua Farhi Ernest Jacobs, uncle of Denise Jacobs Sue Glantz, mother of Andy Glantz Brenda Singer, grandmother of Blake Singer Nathan Friedman, grandfather of Nona Taitz Betty Yanowitz, mother of Joanne Max Harriet Mills, mother of Tony Mills Lila Stone, aunt of Tina Strauss Solomon Goldberg, grandfather of David Goldschein Helene Karasick, mother of Emily Ra'ed Anna Golick, grandmother of Cheryl Raskind-Hood Our Condolences... We note the recent passing of: Lea Katz, mother of Caron Manley Alice James, mother of Charlene Vener Beatrice Guthart, cousin of Marty Silver William Hood III, father of Bill Hood Adrianne Felicciardi, mother of Michael Tempel May their memory Shabbat Bonim Super Heroes Shabbat Friday, February 5 6:30 p.m. Kindergarten -2nd grade Come dressed as your favorite super hero! Enjoy camp-style services with Ms. Judy Limor, former NFTY-SAR Songleader. Perhaps - there will be a special guest!!! be for a blessing. Jews At The Movies: Annie Hall Instructor: Addie Schneider Sunday, February 21 3 - 5:30 p.m. Cost: $5 RSVP required by February 19: February 2016/5776 17 Grades 8 - 12 Bring your friends! NFTY-ONLY LOCK-IN AFTERWARD 18 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth THE ONLY BLINDING LIGHT CONCLUSION Rudy B. is a junior from Berkeley, CA. She is a member of Congregation Beth El in Berkeley, is active in NFTY-CWR, and goes to Camp Newman. In April, she traveled on a pilgrimage to Poland with the Spring 2015 class. She writes about her experiences. Home Now I sit, back in Kibbutz Tzuba, back in Israel, breathing in the blessing of this country. Never in my life have I felt luckier to touch down in a land that I can call the land of the Jews. Now, not only do I understand the need for this country, but also the way it must have felt for the Zionists who built it to know that there was finally somewhere safe. There is a lot about this pilgrimage to Poland that I may not fully digest and understand for years. However, I do consider it to be a pilgrimage nonetheless. This trip was an essential piece in the formation of my Jewish identity, and I feel proud to have made it through without losing faith in my beliefs. As I think back on the past week, an image is recovered in my mind, one that I do not really remember even taking in when I saw it originally. As we left Auschwitz on our last day of the journey, the steps of an old Jewish man were being filmed by a film crew, one step at a time. As he looked from left to right remembering, I realized I was looking at a survivor. In this moment, I am overcome with a sense of thankfulness, and I thank G-d for the preservation of my people against all odds. We have a week of midterms now before the Jewish holiday of Passover. Pesach, in Israel, will take on new meaning for me this year as I remember the oppression that we underwent in the land of Egypt. Pharaoh, Hitler, and even anti-Semites today seem to misunderstand one key detail - the Jewish people are a force to be reckoned with “because with a faith regained, heaven is the only blinding light.” FROM A BLOG BY RUDY B., NFTY-EIE , APRIL 2015 . REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FINAL BOARDING CALL FOR NFTY-EIE! NFTY’s EIE High School in Israel is an accredited semester or summer-long program for Reform Jewish high school students in grades 10 to 12. EIE offers an unparalleled opportunity to be immersed in the richness of the land, culture, people and history of Israel, all while earning high school and college credit. Visit to learn more or speak to Carol Lief in the Religious School office. “My mom had told me that the light was going to be different in Israel—and it was. There is something about being in a country where the street signs are made up of the characters that you’ve spent every Sunday of your youth memorizing, where the ruins along the side of highways mean a deep and complicated history, and where the rolling hills symbolize much more than a fertile country of crazy beautiful resources that made me feel instantly at home.” Rudy B February 2016/5776 19 WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE THESE CONTRIBUTIONS Building Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rittman in memory of Joe Blumberg and Jerry Levine Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks in memory of Sam Marks Caring Committee Fund Ms. Carol Boies Ms. Lenore Gochman in memory of Norma Goldberg Mr. and Mrs.Ed Delafuente in memory of Norma Goldberg L'Dor V'Dor Fund Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Youngwirth in memory of David Stevens Ms. Marlene Caplan in memory of Abe and Bella Kaplan Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks in memory of Abe and Bella Kaplan Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks in memory of Milton Light Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks in memory of Norma Gordon Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks in memory of William Edward Hood Children's Memorial Garden The Irving Foundation, Inc Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Fuller in memory of Kim Andrews Project Illuminate Ancestral Windows Fund Ms. Bari Tuman & Mr. Patrick O'Krongly in memory of Joan O'Krongly and Rosalind Schwartz General Temple Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mix in memory of Abraham Weich Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mix in memory of Edith Weich Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mix in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Sol Mix Mr. Stanley Yagerman in memory of Clara Yagerman Mr. Stanley Yagerman in memory of Isidore Yagerman Dr. Bruce Gould in memory of Eugene Gould Dr. and Mrs. Eric Udoff in memory of Rena Chapin Dr. and Mrs. Eric Udoff in memory of Norma Goldberg Ms. Lenore Gochman in memory of Harry Gochman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mintz in honor of Paula Wilson's bat mitzvah Dr. Gregg Bauer and Dr. Mindy Fine in memory of Rita Fine Dr. Jay Garten in memory of Bernard Garten Ms. Susan Silverman in memory of Harry Marc Silverman Dr. and Mrs. Craig Hoffman in memory of Reuben Hoffman Ms. Rosalynd Bernstein in memory of Isadore Lant Dr. Rena Zweben in memory of Ruth and Max Zweben, Harriet Fruchter and Blanche Pallevoy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nattis in memory of Robert and Gladys Paris Mr. and Mrs. David Kimmel in memory of Cliff Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Michael White in memory of Howard Boshak Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forman in memory of Irving Rothman Mr. and Mrs. William Cotton in memory of Belle Weiss Mr. and Mrs. William Cotton in memory of Alan Platner Mr. and Mrs. William Cotton in memory of Joe Blumberg Dr. and Mrs. Craig Aronoff in memory of Norma Goldberg Dr. and Mrs. Craig Aronoff Ms. Vivian Brostoff in memory of Irving Brostoff Dr. and Mrs. Richard Brenner in memory of Rose Brenner Ms. Sandra Faye in memory of Norma Goldberg Mrs. Martha Perlmutter in memory of Norma Goldberg Rabbi Boxt Tzedakah Fund Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schulman in memory of Darrell Cooper Ms. Wendy Goldberg in appreciation of Rabbi Boxt Mr. and Mrs. Barry Freiman Mr. and Mrs. Rob Maynard in appreciation of Rabbi Boxt Ms. Ilene Daniels in memory of Craig Daniels and Irving Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Nader Parman in honor of Rabbi Boxt Children's Memorial Garden Dr. and Mrs. Craig Aronoff Sadie Wolfort Leadership Development Fund Dr. and Mrs. Craig Aronoff HHD Matching Gift Challenge Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mallis Wall Fund Mr. Martin Taffel in memory of Joe Blumberg Irv & Rita Lebow Camp Coleman Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benowitz in memory of Ivah Rae Coker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benowitz in memory of Valerie Towler 20 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth Rabbi Lebow Tzedakah Fund Mr. Kenneth Kaufman in memory of Marti Ann Schwartz Ms. Wendy Goldberg in appreciation of Rabbi Lebow Mr. and Mrs. Barry Freiman in appreciation of Rabbi Lebow Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rittman in memory of Norma Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goro in honor of Mason Christopher Ingraldi’s baby naming Mr. Norman Schrutt in memory of Clara Schrutt Mr. Rob Maynard and Mrs. Kathy Kestin Maynard in appreciation of Rabbi Lebow Mr. and Mrs. David Tabor in memory of Walter Siben Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Erica Ingraldi in honor of Mason Christopher Ingraldi's baby naming Mr. and Mrs. Steven Eckber in memory of Norma Goldberg, Joe Blumberg, Janet Roberts and Larry Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Tenenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Nader Parman in honor of Rabbi Lebow Ms. Cathy Alterman in appreciation of Jeff and Esta Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Josh Thalheimer Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kalway in memory of Norma Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Victor Anapolle Dr. Robert Hirsch in memory of Sylvia Hirsch Mr. Robert Rasnick in memory of Gertrude Rasnick Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levitt Contact Liturgical Publications Inc to place an ad today! 800-477-4574 THIS SPACE IS Call LPi at 1.800.477.4574 for more information. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ~ Family Owned Since 1986 ~ (770) 425-8779 50% OFF Diagnostic Fee License# CR005851 For Advertising Information, call JENNY LUSK at LPi today! Contact Liturgical Publications Inc to place an ad today! 800-477-4574 3-D-5-5 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 800-477-4574 Ext. 6302 14-0852/a Call LPi today to advertise your business here! For booking information: Cathy Schwartz • 404-931-5779 Congratulations • New Mom • Happy Birthday • Happy Anniversary Get Well • Thank You • Sports Medicine • Arthroscopic Surgery Shoulder, Elbow, Hand, Knee, Ankle, Foot O: 678.871.7560 C: 678.464.7797 F: 770.565.1592 Send a Gourmet Meal Instead of Flowers What a Great Idea! Call 404-351-7171 • Condolences • Mazel Tov J.F. Rick Hammesfahr, M.D. Craig E. 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The cost of assembling, printing and delivery is carried by the advertisers which appear on these pages. By paying for advertising space, these businesses help Temple Kol Emeth communicate with its members. When you patronize these businesses, it proves that advertising in your publication is a good investment which brings a return. Please mention that you saw the company’s ad in this publication—solid evidence which encourages advertisers to continue their support! 3-D-5-5 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • THIS SPACE IS 14-0852/d THIS SPACE IS Call LPi at 1.800.477.4574 for more information. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Celebration! • Complimentary Shuttle Service to Temple Kol Emeth • Deluxe standard king & 2 queen beds with garden tubs or spacious showers • Special Group discount if ten (10) or more rooms are booked (Thursday-Sunday nights only) • One Complimentary night in a standard guest room for every ten paid rooms if (10) or more rooms are booked • 2500 Square feet of spacious banquet space accommodates up to 150ppl • Catering for your event prepared by our catering staff • Full Hot Buffet & Cooked-to-order Breakfast in the Garden Grill & Bar $9.95 per person • Evening Lounge and Room Service • Complimentary Parking • Beautiful Outdoor Patio • Outside heated pool & whirlpool Please contact NORA PAYNE or YLAN SANDERS 3045 Windy Hill Road, Atlanta GA 30339 770-953-8850 • 3-D-5-5 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-0852/e TKE TIDBITS Share your pictures...Tell us a story! 9GYKNNDGJQPQTKPI4CDDK.GDQYCPF/CFGNKPG5CDNGQP/CTEJCVQWT%GNGDTCVG'XGPV$QVJQHVJGOJCXGVQWEJGF UQOCP[NKXGUVJCVYGCTGEQNNGEVKPIRKEVWTGUUVQTKGUCPFQVJGTVJQWIJVUVJCV[QWOC[YCPVVQUJCTGYKVJWU5QVCMGCYCNM FQYP /GOQT[ .CPG CPF GOCKN WU CV VMGEGNGDTCVG"IOCKNEQO VQ JCXG VJQUG OGOQTKGU KPENWFGF KP QWT URGEKCN RTGUGPVCVKQP 2KEVWTGU UJQWNF DG UGPV KP ,2') HQTO CU CP CVVCEJOGPV 5RTGCF VJG YQTF VQ CP[QPG YJQ NQXGU VJKU OCIPKHKEGPVEQWRNG Fab 50’s Got Babies?! Did your family grow in 2015???? If so, we would really like to recognize your simcha! Please send a photo (jpg) of your little one, along with name and birthdate. WOULDN’T IT BE NICE TO HAVE FUN, FUN, FUN WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM YOUR FRIENDS Come enjoy the music of the ´50’s and ´60’s Deadline is February 20 Send to: EAT ♦ DANCE ♦ SING ALONG ♦ SCHMOOZE Saturday, February 6 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. in the TKE Social Hall TODAH RABAH OFFICE VOLUNTEERS! Bring something dairy based on your last name: Appetizer A – I Dessert J – R Drinks S – Z Shmooze and reminisce with your friends or join the Cary Chassner Eadie Richmond Trivia Contest (Prizes!!!!) Sandy Faye Bobbi Schuman Carol Goro Peggy Sharp Karen Greisman Teri Singer Rachel Jacobs Irene Srsich Izzy Netburn Elissa Terris Martha Perlmutter Charlene Vener Cost: $4 per person RSVP by February 3 Janet Brooks at Jayne Jacobs at Cheryl Gurney at 26 The Voice of Temple Kol Emeth SHEVAT/ADAR I FEBRUARY 2016 681'$< 021'$< 78(6'$< :('1(6'$< 7+856'$< 7:30 p.m. Conversion Class Religious School Café Kol Emeth 9:30 a.m. Adult Choir 9:30 a.m. TKE Board of Trustees Meeting 10 a.m. 9th Grade Field Trip The Temple 10 a.m. Adult Beginning Hebrew 10:30 a.m. Milestone 13 NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. Adult Choir NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 9 a.m. Mabat Class 9:30 a.m. Adult Choir 3 p.m. Jews In The Movies—Annie Hall 7 14 21 1 8 7 p.m. Mitzvah Mah Jongg 7:30 p.m. Conversion Class 7:30 p.m. Conversion Class 15 6$785'$< 2 3 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 6 p.m. Teen Lounge 6 p.m. Religious School 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 4 5 9:45 a.m. Preschool Shabbat Sing 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Bonim Super Heroes with Ms. Judy Kindergarten - 2nd Grade 7:15 p.m. Wine & Cheese 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service 6 9 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Eliana Chipps 7:30 p.m. Fab 50’s Music and Dance from the ´50s and ´60s 9 10 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 6 p.m. Teen Lounge 6 p.m. Religious School 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 7:30 p.m. Toastmasters 11 12 9:45 a.m. Preschool Shabbat Sing 6:30 p.m. Rabbi Boxt in Peachtree City 7:15 p.m. Wine & Cheese 8 p.m. Congregational Reggae Shabbat and Scout Service 13 9 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Ascher Shostak 16 17 NO HEBREW NO HEBREW SCHOOL SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 18 19 9:45 a.m. Preschool Shabbat Sing 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Yeladim with Rabbi Boxt 8 p.m. Congregational Torah Shabbat Service 24 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 6 p.m. Teen Lounge 6 p.m. Religious School 6:45 p.m. Al-Anon 7:30 p.m. Toastmasters 25 26 9:45 a.m. Preschool Shabbat Sing 8 p.m. Congregational Shabbat Service 3:20 p.m. Hebrew School 5:20 p.m. Hebrew School 3:20 p.m. Hebrew School 5:20 p.m. Hebrew School 23 22 3:20 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Hebrew Conversion School Class 5:20 p.m. Hebrew School 29 28 7:30 p.m. Religious School Conversion Café Kol Emeth Class 9:30 a.m. Adult Choir 9:45 a.m. Religious School Parent Group Meeting 10 a.m. Adult Beginning Hebrew )5,'$< 9 a.m. Torah Study 5:30 p.m. Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Pearle 27 9 a.m. Torah Study 6 p.m. KEFTY Kasino and Lockin ALL ACTIVITIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CONSULT HTTP://WWW.KOLEMETH.NET FOR THE MOST UPDATED INFORMATION. 20 Temple Kol Emeth INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1415 Old Canton Road Marietta, Georgia 30062 Worship Schedule ......................... .2 Rabbi Lebow.................................. .3 Rabbi Boxt ..................................... .4 Message from the President .......... 5 Simchas ....................................... 6-7 Religious School............................. .7 Women of Reform Judaism ........... 8 Children’s Memorial Garden..... .10 Youth & Family Programming . ..11 Yahrzeits ..................................... ..16 Deaths .......................................... ..17 Contributions .............................. ..20 TKE Tidbits .................................. 26 Change Service Requested NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 211 MARIETTA, GA February Calendar ...................... 27 Hey mon: put on your blue jeans and join us for the annual Reggae Shabbat Friday, Feb 12 at 8 p.m. Music by the ATB (Ahavat Torah Band) Tings you could hear: Prayin’ (Jammin’), Israelites, Redemption Song, Rivers of Babylon, One Day, None of us is Free!
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