Our prospectus


Our prospectus
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Why choose us?
Welcome to The
Angmering Sixth Form
Dear Students and Parents
Life as a Sixth Form student at Angmering is exciting and rewarding. Whilst you are in our college our aim
is that you not only get the qualifications you need to move on to university or work but that you continue
to develop into a good citizen and a valuable member of society.
We make this possible by recognising the needs of every individual student and designing our curriculum
to ensure those needs are met.
In addition to a wide choice of subjects, a rich extra curricular programme gives our students
opportunities to develop their interests through sport, voluntary work, activity weekends and foreign trips.
Students also enjoy first class facilities in our purpose built Sixth Form which has a unique identity, but
remains an integral part of the Angmering School community.
As a comprehensive Sixth Form our philosophy is based on providing opportunity and success for all. We
encourage applications from all of our students and warmly welcome applications from students in other
schools and colleges.
The emphasis in the Sixth Form is on partnership, focus and commitment.
As a member of the Sixth Form, we will expect you to take a lead, work towards your goals and make
the next two years some of the best in your life. You can expect from us high quality teaching, committed
support and a genuine interest in your educational development. We are extremely proud of our students
and look forward to welcoming you into the Sixth Form next September.
Yours faithfully
Simon LileyTony Kerrison
Why choose us?
How do I join the Sixth Form?
What can I study in the Sixth Form?
Is the Sixth Form just about getting qualifications?
How do you make the right
decisions for your future?
What else does the school
do to help?
What else do I need to know?
Course Details 11
How to Apply 35
Why choose us?
Welcome to The Angmering Sixth Form, the next step of your education. This
prospectus outlines the many good reasons for choosing us as the place to
pursue your Further Education.
The Sixth Form offers something for everyone - academic and vocational
courses and a vibrant extra curricular programme. Our aim is to provide a
broad and balanced education, enabling our students to maximise their
potential and leave the Sixth Form for employment or Higher Education as
confident and responsible adults.
The Angmering Sixth Form can offer you:
• Excellent A Level results
• Excellent teaching
• Small average class sizes
• Teachers who know you well
• Excellent pastoral care and guidance
• A range of excellent extra curricular activities including our Sports
In two successive
Ofsted Inspections The
Angmering Sixth Form
has been judged
Should you wish to discuss any matters concerning the Sixth
Form provision or any specific needs, please contact
Mrs Harrington, Sixth Form Coordinator on:
01903 778391 or email on
Making an application
We welcome students of all abilities, promising them relevant courses and constructive support.
• Talk to your parents and teachers.
• Talk to your Careers Advisor.
• Read through this information.
• Come to the Sixth Form Information Evening.
• Complete an application form.
To Join
• Arrange an interview between January and March.
This interview will focus on discussing your future plans
and providing you with detailed advice about the most
appropriate options for your studies.
• On receipt of an offer you will be invited to our induction
• Enjoy a well deserved summer break!
Sixth Form
• Once you have received your GCSE results you may wish to
review your course choice. Staff will be available for you to
discuss your options.
• Enrolment takes place in late August/early September.
All students will be guided towards their final choice
by a Personal Tutor, who will oversee their progress and
development during their time at The Angmering Sixth Form.
What can I study in the
Sixth Form?
To study an A Level you need a
higher level pass at GCSE A* - C
in that subject or one related
to it. It is preferred by a lot of
subjects that you achieve a
grade B to give yourself the best
chance of success.
• University – Degree level
• Other HE courses
• Employment
• Apprenticeship
In 2015 the government started to reform A Levels into two year courses. By
2016 nearly all A Levels taught at Angmering will be reformed. This means that
A Level courses will continue for the full two years and be wholly examined at
the end of this period.
We encourage those students opting for A Levels to follow three courses.
For very able students it is
possible to follow 4 A Level
These are portfolio qualifications for those students who prefer continuous
assessment and applied learning. You are assessed as you go through
the course on the basis of work you produce in your portfolio. There is an
examined component worth 20%. BTECs can be taken as a certificate worth
2 A Levels or extended certificate worth 3 A Levels in Sport at Angmering. All
other BTECs are the equivalent of one A Level.
The BTEC First Diploma is a useful qualification to prepare for Level 3 courses.
CSLA Performance and Coaching Academy
This course gives students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in
the context of sport. It is a qualification that could give students applying for
high demand university courses an extra qualification, which is indicative of
their potential as a person as opposed to academic credentials.
GSCE English and Maths
You may be aware that schools and colleges have a duty to ensure that all
students who have not achieved Level 2 Maths or English qualification must
continue to study them until they achieve the qualifications at Grade C or
You will need 5 A* – Cs
preferably with English and
Maths. This should include either
a GCSE in PE or a Level 2 BTEC in
a relevant subject.
• University
• Other HE courses
• Employment
Suitable grades at GCSE
including two subjects at
grade D.
• Level 3 courses
• Further Education courses
• Apprenticeships
• Employment
Preferably JSLA (Junior Sports
Leader Award) but not essential.
• Careers in coaching
• Supports applications to
No entry requirements.
• English and Maths GCSE
• Requirement for many
courses at Level 2 or above
*In exceptional circumstances, the school reserves the right to withdraw a course from our Y12 offer if there is poor student uptake for this course.
As well as helping you achieve your qualifications, life at the Sixth Form is about
developing as a young adult. Consequently we provide:
• A comprehensive personal development curriculum which is rich in careers education and guidance
• The EPQ programme. A chance to achieve the Extended Project Qualification
• Development of key skills, for example ICT
• Development of Personal, Learning and Thinking skills
• Work related learning and a work experience programme
• Experience of working and leading in the school and wider community
• Volunteering guidance and support in your choice of Higher Education or employment
• A range of social activities and extra curricular trips to wind down and have some fun
Students will have the opportunity to develop their own links with outside agencies, such as OUTSET and
National Citizen Service. They will also have Wednesday afternoons to pursue their own sporting and leisure
interests, plus timetabled tutorial support sessions.
With our history as a specialist sports college the school offers the opportunity for talented and committed
sports players to develop their skills, playing potential and coaching knowledge in our Sports Academy.
Our Academy gives students the opportunity to
develop their skills and playing potential alongside their
academic and/or vocational studies. There will be a
Sporting Academy for the following sports: Football,
Boccia, Basketball and Golf. There will be practical
development including fitness development, personal
fitness monitoring and practical skills. This is ideal for
students wishing to pursue a career in coaching or
elite sports.
Being part of the Academy also leads to a Level 1
Community Sports Leadership Award.
How do you make
the right decisions
for your future?
Decisions regarding choices at 16+ mark the end of the first phase of our
guidance programme. The choice between employment and Further/Higher
Education is an important step, and appropriate support and guidance is
available for all students involved in this decision making process. To support
our students to make successful decisions, we have a team of staff based
in the Sixth Form focused on the progress of our students. Consisting of our
subject leader for Careers and Health, our Careers Manager, Partnerships
Coordinator and Sixth Form Coordinator, the team delivers a personal
development programme which gives support to key activities such as
planning work experience and university applications.
In addition we provide:
• University visits
• Talks by local and national employers
• Careers guidance
• Visits to work places
• Work experience
• Guidance on application procedures
• Sixth Form study area
• An extensive careers library
• Patience and encouragement!
Angmering students have exclusive use of a
number of Windows computers and Google
Chromebooks in their study room, together with
a very wide range of software applications and
students’ guides.
In addition, the school has in excess of 500
computers with up-to-date software installed. They
are available for individual Sixth Formers, or in small
groups, throughout the day. Students are also able
to bring in their own laptops and connect to the
wireless network. This allows access to Google Drive,
Gmail and the internet.
The Angmering Sixth
Form students have
direct access to the
School Library. With its
extensive range of books,
newspapers and periodicals,
it is a valuable resource for
supporting students with their
research work, which is an important feature of
all post-16 examination courses. The Library also
provides supervised private study, computing
and photocopying facilities with ample space
for post-16 students to engage in quiet study. Our
Chartered Librarian is always happy to help you
find interesting reading material and can offer
guidance in research methods and compiling
bibliographies. Sixth Form volunteers make a
significant contribution to the school and gain
invaluable voluntary experience by supporting
younger students during the after school homework
clubs in the Library.
As part of our purpose built Sixth Form Centre, we
have a supervised large study room. It is in this
designated area that students are encouraged
to engage in background research and set
tasks during their non-contact lessons. A learning
mentor is on hand to advise students with their
independent study. A Common Room is also
available for rest and relaxation where students
can buy food and hot drinks, socialise and listen to
music during break and lunchtime.
You will find further details of the specific facilities
available within subject areas by referring to the
subject information later in the prospectus. Students
value the use they are able to make of facilities
such as the Drama Studio, Music Rooms, Design &
Technology workshops, Art Studio, Resource Centre,
Fitness Suite, Gym and the spacious school playing
Great care is taken to ensure that students continue
throughout their courses to work effectively. At
various stages during the year, interim progress
checks require teachers to grade their students
for punctuality, attendance, attitude towards the
subject, ability to meet deadlines and level of
performance. When the results become available,
teacher, student and tutor engage in detailed
consultations to analyse the performance and set
targets for improvement. In the event of serious
concerns, parents are notified and invited to join in
the process.
In addition, a full profile is completed each year
with subject specific comments, a personal
statement and a reference, which is compiled by
the tutor following a joint review with the student.
The aim is to ensure that if a student is failing to
meet her/his potential, it will be identified as quickly
as possible and steps taken in an attempt to
remedy the situation.
A key figure for the student is the tutor who is
immediately responsible for the welfare of the
students in her / his group.
Students see their tutor on a daily basis and
have a weekly timetabled tutor period. These
sessions provide an opportunity for disseminating
information about Sixth Form activities, providing
advice about course choices, study habits, etc;
offering support for individuals and the group in
dealing with academic and personal problems or
decisions. All students also have a programme of
one to one interviews with their tutors where they
can focus on the student’s individual needs.
What else do I
need to know?
There are no school uniform requirements for Sixth
Form students, but we do expect all members to
conform to an appropriate standard of dress.
The Sixth Form Council, which consists of ten student
elected representatives, has an important role
to play in the life of the Sixth Form. This includes
responsibility for the allocation of monies from the
student fund, the management of the Common
Room and the organisation of social and charitable
activities. A copy of the minutes from all meetings is
published in the Common Room once approved by
Mr Kerrison.
This qualification further enhances our curriculum
offer by providing a qualification that extends
education beyond traditional academic study,
and helps students ‘stand out’ among university
applicants. It is a single piece of work of a student’s
choosing that requires evidence of planning,
preparation, research and independent learning. It
is available as a stand-alone qualification for A Level
An Extended Project might be:
report with findings from an investigation or study
dissertation presenting an argument
Each subject also nominates two subject
representatives, who act as a voice for the study
body in that group. They attend termly meetings to
provide feedback to the Sixth Form Management.
n artefact
Students will:
If a student has a study period it may be possible to
arrange a driving lesson during this time, however
we would prefer them to take place out of school
hours. Under no circumstances should students
arrange driving lessons during timetabled lessons.
Parking provision is available to students who opt to
come to school by car or motorbike/moped.
All Sixth Form Students are able to join this
organisation which will entitle them to considerable
discounts and benefits of being an associated
member of the largest student organisation in the
world. The NUS represents over 3 million students
across the UK on a range of issues relating to
education, welfare and student representation.
ave significant input into the choice and design
of an extended project;
evelop and apply decision-making skills,
problem-solving skills, initiative and enterprise;
• E xtend their planning, research, critical-thinking,
analytical, synthesis, evaluation and
presentation skills;
se their learning experiences to support their
personal aspirations for Higher Education and
career development.
• T he Extended Project is excellent preparation
for university level study. Students can refer to
the Extended Project in their UCAS personal
statements and at interview to demonstrate some
of the qualities that universities are looking for.
• T his year a number of Angmering students had
their grades required for University acceptance
lowered or had unconditional offers because they
had taken an EPQ.
In addition to our curriculum offer, we also run a
range of courses throughout the year which offer
students an opportunity to gain nationally recognised
qualifications. These include a First Aid qualification,
the BSC Health and Safety qualification and a BTEC
in Cooking Skills.
The information and particulars contained in this prospectus relate to the school year 2017-2018 and are correct at the time of publication.
Course Contents
Making Sense of Qualifications
Art, Craft and Design Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Art and Design, Creative Media Award Level 2
Biology Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Business Studies Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Certificate in Higher Sports Leadership Level 3
Chemistry Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course) Community Sports Leadership Level 2
Computing Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course) Creative Media BTEC (Level 3)
Dance Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course) Digital Photography Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Drama & Theatre Studies Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Economics Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course) English IGCSE (Level 2)
English Language Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
English Literature Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Fine Art Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
French Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Geography Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
German Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Graphics Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Health & Social Care Level 2
Health & Social Care Level 3
History Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course) ICT Level 3
Jamies Home Cooking Skills BTEC (Level 2: 6 Credits)
Mathematics GCSE (Level 2)
Mathematics Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Further Mathematics Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
“Moving On” Curriculum Level 1 and Level 2
Music (Performing) BTEC (Level 3) Physical Education Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Physics Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Product Design: Systems & Control Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Psychology Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Science BTEC Level 3
Sociology Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year Course)
Sport - Extended Diploma Performance and Excellence BTEC Level 3 (Triple Award)
Teamwork and Personal Development BTEC (Level 2)
Making Sense of Qualifications
There’s a wide range of qualifications available to you in
the local area. These include academic subjects as well
as work-related courses.
When deciding what to study, you can think about the
different types of qualifications available:
ualifications in academic subjects such as History or
Modern Languages e.g. GCSE and A Levels
ualifications in areas of work such as Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) or Health and
Social Care e.g. Applied A Levels and BTEC National
ualifications in the skills and capabilities needed for
a particular occupation or job within a sector, such as
Plumbing or Food Preparation e.g. NVQs
A National Qualification Framework
(NQF) sorts these three types of
qualifications into different levels. You’ll
usually progress upwards through the
levels as you cover more challenging
material in your studies. Most courses
for students aged 16+ are at levels 1-3.
• Level 1 qualifications include
GCSEs at grade D-G, Introductory
Diplomas and Level 1 NVQs
• L evel 2 qualifications include GCSEs
at grade A*- C, First Diplomas and
Level 2 NVQs
• L evel 3 qualifications include A
Levels and National Diplomas
• Higher Education
and above
• A Levels
• BTEC National Diplomas
• Applied AS/A Levels
• Key Skills Level 3
• BTEC First Diplomas
• GCSEs A*-C
• Key Skills Level 2
• Key Skills Level 1
Art, Craft and Design
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: The Art, Craft and Design A Level course will introduce you to a broad
range of techniques and processes including: drawing for different purposes, painting, mixed
media, printmaking, textile design, sculpture and ceramics, and graphic communication.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, including
Art at grade B or above.
Lessons will be mainly practical with the addition of lectures and discussions about the work of
contemporary and historical artists/craftspeople and designers, as well as feedback sessions
and group reviews. You will have the opportunity to experience different forms of art, craft
and design through visits to galleries and museums.
Student quote:
In the first term, you will participate in workshops aimed at broadening your understanding of
art, craft and design. You will learn a range of new practical skills and different approaches to
the subject. You will be encouraged to think big and take risks.
There will be a noticeable difference in your skill set and confidence as you work on your first
independent project in the second and third term. You can choose to work in a choice of
two different endorsed titles. For example, you could work in 3D to develop your ceramics
skills, and extend your understanding of painting. Alternatively, you may decide to explore
printmaking and art textiles. You will make these decisions based on the work produced in
workshops and through discussions with your teachers.
Before breaking up for summer at the end of year 1, you will submit your proposal for a
Personal Investigation into any area of art, craft and design that will sustain your interest
and help you move forward with your studies. This is your major project and there is a written
element that will support your practical exploration.
The Externally-Set Assignment is the final practical project that completes the Art, Craft and
Design A Level. The exam board prepare a range of themes for you to respond to, and this
project takes you through to the end of the course.
As part of the course, you will learn how to prepare a portfolio of work. In addition, you are
expected to present your work in our annual Summer Show. This show is open to the public,
and is a great opportunity for you to hone your presentation skills, as well as share your work
and successes with friends and family.
Progression: An Art, craft and design A Level can lead to further education on a foundation
course or a more specialised course/career in the creative industries. Here are some of the
• Fine Art (Illustration, Mural Artist, Art Conservation)
• Fashion/Textiles (Merchandising, Fibre Artist, Costume Design)
• Spatial Design (Architecture, Landscape Architect, Interior Design)
• 3D Product Design (Jeweller, Industrial Design, Prop/Set Design)
• Digital/Media (Web Design, Film, Special Effects, Games Design)
• Display (Gallery Work/Curator, Fashion Stylist, Picture Framer)
• Photography (Advertising, Fashion, Documentary)
• Graphic Communication (Advertising, Branding, Sign Writer, Publishing)
• People (Teaching, Therapy, Art Supplier)
• Analysis (Curriculum Writer, Historian, Critic)
“The study of Art provides an
opportunity to find a job you love
doing. You develop your technical
skills as well as your imagination.”
Art and Design, Creative Media Award
Level 2
Course Description: This course encourages you to produce a range of art and design
outcomes in response to project briefs that are specifically vocational in nature. Content
reflects work-related and client-orientated contexts. You will be introduced to a variety
of experiences exploring a range of 2D and 3D media including traditional and new
technologies. You will be made aware of the application of techniques and processes of
art and design based on professional practice by introducing you to work-related learning.
You will explore how other artists and designers use visual language, formal elements, media,
techniques and processes within a work-related environment.
You will learn:
• to investigate different ways of working within a work-related or client-orientated context
• to interpret project briefs and understand why ‘meeting the brief’ is so important
• to use a range of 2D and 3D art and design processes and traditional and new media
ow artists and designers plan and develop their work in order to meet project briefs and
how they ensure that they meet their client’s needs
• how ideas, feelings and meanings are conveyed and interpreted in images, artefacts and
• how images, artefacts and products relate to social, historical, vocational and cultural
bout a variety of approaches, methods and intentions of contemporary and historical
artists, craftspeople and designers from different cultures
Entry Requirements: An interest in
the study of Art and Design and
good organisational skills.
Student quote:
“My eyes have been opened to the
range of opportunities available in
the creative industries. I have learnt
fun and useful skills.”
As part of the course, you will learn how to prepare a portfolio of work. In addition, your work
will be displayed in our annual Summer Show. This show is open to the public, and is a great
opportunity for you to celebrate your work and successes with friends and family.
Progression: The Art and Design pathway of this Creative Media course provides an ideal
base for continued study in a wide range of Art and Design Level 3 courses including Fine
Art, Photography, Three Dimensional Design, Animation/Games Design, Fashion/Textiles and
Graphic Design. The skills you learn on this course could help you secure an apprenticeship
in the creative industries. Colleges and universities, as well as employers, are looking for
young people with problem solving skills, resilience, visual presentation skills, imagination, self –
motivation, resourcefulness and the ability to think creatively. Studying Art and Design will help
you develop these skills.
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: One of the most popular A Level courses, Biology is the study of life, from
the molecular level, through cells and organisms to populations and ecosystems. Biologists
strive to understand the world around them, from the complex workings of living organisms
to the ecological phenomena affecting our planet. As a Biology student you will develop
investigative skills and learn how to think like a scientist. You will interpret data, evaluate
scientific research and consider the ethics of applications of biology in society such as the
position of health advisers in the food industry. You will learn to apply scientific understanding
to such diverse areas as immunology, conservation and gene technology.
Progression: Biology attracts students studying a wide range of other subjects and opens up
a vast array of career options such as Medicine, Dentistry and many other health and clinical
professions. Many biology students go on to study biology related degree courses, such as
Marine Biology, Forensic Science and Environmental Sciences, while others go on to pursue
degree courses unrelated to Biology such as Law or Accounting. Whatever field you choose
to work in, you will find A Level Biology a rewarding and challenging course which develops
many of the skills essential for a successful career.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-B, including
Science, English and Mathematics.
Student quote:
“I really enjoyed the course.
The teachers are great and if you’re
prepared to work hard, it’s a very
rewarding experience – and great
preparation for university.”
Business Studies
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: This course begins by examining the question “What is business?”. We
consider business objectives and forms of business ownership. We then look at the role
of managers, leadership styles, the importance of stakeholders and the decision making
process. This emphasis on decision making continues as we examine the four main functions
of Marketing, Operations, Finance and Human Resources. You will learn invaluable analytical
techniques used in industry to ensure good cash-flow, profitability, realistic budgets, quality
products, sound stock control, a motivated and efficient workforce and a suitable marketing
mix grounded in accurate market research. The course then progresses to analysing the
strategic position of businesses by examining corporate objectives, assessing the internal
position of a business, through for example financial ratio analysis, analysing the external
environment of a business in terms of political, legal, economic, social and technological
change, and the competitiveness of its market. You will learn how businesses choose strategic
direction and strategic methods they can use as well as how they manage strategic change.
The use of modern technologies such as Twitter and Skype are integral to how we deliver the
course; we talk to real business people and help you to develop your communication and
presentation skills. Throughout we make use of business news and topical issues to illustrate
theories and concepts and you will develop the ability to evaluate the actions of many top
UK and multinational firms. We also offer an enterprise project where you will work as part of a
team developing practical business skills from the planning stage through to actually selling to
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A* - C including a
B grade in both English and Maths.
Students must have a real interest in
business, the economy and related
areas, and be prepared to engage
in discussion and debate.
Student quote:
“If you enjoy creating opportunities
and utilising your skills, then Business
Studies is the course for you. Enjoy
learning not only the theory, but
then put the skills you’ve learnt
into practical situations... all whilst
enjoying exciting lessons with
enthusiastic staff.”
The A Level is assessed through three examinations in total; paper 1 has 15 multiple choice
questions, short answer questions and two essay questions, paper 2 has three data response
questions each with three or four parts and paper 3 is a case study with approximately six
Progression: A Level is accepted by all universities and colleges for study at degree level
either in Business Studies itself or a related field – for example Accountancy, Human Resource
Management, Marketing, European Studies, Law and Management.
Certificate in Higher Sports Leadership
Level 3
Course Description: The Level 3 Certificate in Higher Sports Leadership is a nationally
recognised qualification that enables successful candidates to lead unsupervised
groups of people in sport and recreational activities. This qualification builds upon
the skills and experience gained through the Level 2 Award in Community Sports
Leadership during Y12.
Progression: The qualification is beneficial for those students who would like to become
a Teacher or Coach.
Entry Requirements: It is a fun and
practical qualification, with the
only entrance requirement being
that candidates should have
successfully completed the Level
2 Award in Community Sports
Student quote:
“I now have the skills and
confidence to lead events,
small and large groups.”
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: Chemistry is the central science and impacts on every aspect of
our lives. This interesting course combines practical laboratory work with theoretical
studies, modelling and problem solving. In Y12 we extend the AQA GCSE study of atomic
structure, moles and bonding and introduce organic chemistry. During Y13 we extend
this work to include dynamic equilibria, kinetics, DNA and further organic chemistry.
Assessment is through three exams at the end of the two years.
Progression: Chemistry combines well with other physical and biological sciences and is
an essential subject for many science related careers including Medicine. Other career
paths include Veterinary Science, Pharmacy, Biomedical Sciences, Chemical Engineering,
Fuel Technology and Forensics.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*- B, including
Mathematics and Additional Science
or Chemistry.
Student quotes:
“I didn’t realise you needed Chemistry
for so many of the medical courses.”
“You learn a lot and the
practicals are fun!”
Community Sports Leadership (Level 2 Award)
Level 2
Course Description: The Level 2 Award in Community Sports Leadership is a nationally
recognised qualification that enables successful candidates to lead groups of people in
sport/activity, under indirect supervision.
The qualification teaches generic leadership skills such as organisation, planning,
communication and teamwork through the medium of sport.
Progression: On completion of this course you can apply for the Higher Sports Leadership
Award which is delivered in Y13. Included as part of this course is the opportunity to
become trained as a National Pool Lifeguard.
Entry Requirements: It is a fun and
practical qualification with no
entrance requirements or final
examinations to sit.
Student quote:
“I have found it so beneficial
being able to train alongside my
academic studies.”
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: A different subject to ICT, it offers an insight into how the world of IT works
on a more technical level in Y12 and at A2. It also teaches you useful skills such as developing
and understanding algorithms, and how to code using high level computer languages.
Computing teaches you how to use computers to make the world work as it does. You
will learn how to make a computer behave, how you use industry standard languages
such as Visual Basic Express, .NET and JAVA. It is a subject that not only develops important
knowledge about the subject but also allows students to develop desirable skills that can
be used in commercial IT environments.
You will learn about computer systems, the different types of operating systems and
application systems in IT, algorithms and programming, as well as the current trends in
computing and other important issues such as privacy and security.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, together
with a grade B in Maths and a
grade C in ICT.
Student quote:
“There is a lot of variety in
computing with different
challenges and it is a very
enjoyable course to study.”
You will learn how computers work together in building networks like the internet, how
teams of people build systems worth hundreds of millions of pounds, and how computers
can be made to behave like people, amongst many other topics. You will also learn how
to create code in a way that it can be read and understood by others, and what your
professional responsibilities are to your colleagues, clients and society.
It will be taught as a mixture of theory and practical lessons, with the practical lessons
focusing on learning how to code using high level languages such Python to a high level,
SQL and Java.
Progression: This course is designed to meet the needs of anyone considering a career in
IT, from IT Administration through to Software and Web Design. Students can also progress
onto one of many computing related degrees at university.
Creative Media
BTEC Level 3 (Subsidiary Diploma) Creative Media Production
Course Description: Film, Interactive Media, Photo Imaging, Publishing, Animation,
Computer Games, Corporate Production, Radio and Television are just a few examples of
the many areas in which media students can go on to work. This course offers students the
opportunity to specialise in a combination of these areas.
This vocational course allows you to hone technical and practical skills. It is these skills
that are sought after if you want to work in the media. You will learn to use a range of
professional software programs (Photoshop, LightWorks, Dreamweaver) to produce
a portfolio of practical work. If you prefer assessment through coursework rather than
examinations, then this course will suit you.
This is an advanced level vocational course graded on a scale of Pass, Merit, Distinction, or
Distinction* and equivalent to A Levels.
The Certificate is equivalent to one A2 Level. Our BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Creative
Media Production is taught on industry specification equipment which is for the sole use of
the BTEC Level 3 students. The lessons will be a variety of styles, with much of the work done
in small groups or independently in a project style. You are also expected to work as part of
a production team.
Progression: The practical elements of this course will ready students for a variety of roles in
a media related workplace, but many students will choose to progress to study a degree in
the subject.
Entry Requirements: At least 5
Student quotes:
“This course is great because
you get to learn how to make
media like music videos and
“This course has given me the
confidence to produce and
deliver professional pitches and
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: Dance is the only subject where the body is the primary tool for
communication and A Level Dance will develop your technical, choreographic and
analytical skills, as well as helping to further key skills of communication, problem solving,
working with others, literacy and ICT. The new linear exam for first examination in 2018 (AS
2017), will give the students a broad theoretical understanding. In Y12, students will study
key anatomical principles in relation to the dancer, dance history and two focused study
areas - British Modern Dance 2000-present and Rambert Dance Company. Practically
students will perform in a group performance piece and choreograph a solo in response
to a stimulus. In Y13 students will receive a broad technical training, analysing two set
works in depth and consolidate their knowledge of the focused subject areas they studied
in Y12. They will perform a solo based on the chosen area of study, perform in a quartet
and will choreograph a group dance for a maximum of five dancers. They will also have
the opportunity to be part of the ‘L and S Youth’ dance company, who successfully
performed in Nottingham as part of the Youth Dance England U. Dance National Finals
and performed in a number of platforms last year. Please see the link below for their most
recent performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B-u4q0qdKE
Entry Requirements: Grade A-C
in Dance GCSE is advantageous,
but by no means essential. Anyone
with a genuine interest in dance is
Student quote:
“A Level Dance is an excellent
way to broaden your enjoyment of
dance, learning to appreciate all
aspects of dance practice in an
unbelievably fun way.”
Progression: A Level Dance is accepted by all universities and is perfect for those wanting
to pursue an Arts degree or further dance training. This qualification could also lead to
careers in Professional Dance, Dance Administration, Dance Research and Development,
Dance History and work within Community Arts, Dance Therapy and Dance Journalism.
Digital Photography
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: The A Level Digital Photography course will introduce you to a
variety of experiences, processes and techniques that explore a range of photographic
media using both traditional and new technologies.
You will learn:
• the technical skills needed to take high quality images using a DSLR camera
• about relevant images from the past and present that will aid your understanding of
the role of photography in modern society
• digital manipulation techniques using Photoshop and Illustrator software
• compositional devises and formal elements employed by photographers from
different styles, genres and traditions
Entry Requirements: A minimum of 5
GCSEs at grade A*-C including Art,
Media or a design-related subject at
grade B or above.
Student quote:
“You develop valuable transferable
skills and learn how to approach
problems creatively. These
things are highly valued by both
employers and universities.”
Emphasis is placed on taking photographs in a variety of settings to enable you to take
exciting and original images. You will produce digital ‘sketchbooks’ to record your
emerging ideas, store your contact sheets and demonstrate your technical and critical
understanding of the subject. Drawing skills will be encouraged to produce storyboards,
thumbnail sketches and diagrams that support your photographic work.
As part of the Digital Photography course, you will learn how to prepare a portfolio
of work. In addition, you are expected to present your work in our annual Summer
Show. This show is open to the public, and is a great opportunity for you to hone your
presentation skills, as well as share your work and successes with friends and family.
Progression: Studying Digital Photography can lead to further educational courses and
careers in Fashion, Sport, Documentary, Wildlife, Fine Art Photography, Photo-Journalism,
Media Studies, Advertising, Publishing, Graphic Design, Film-making and Fine Art.
Drama & Theatre Studies
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description:
Component 1: Interpreting drama
• Knowledge and understanding of drama and theatre
• Study of one set play from a choice of seven
• Analysis and evaluation of the work of live theatre makers
• Written exam: 2 hours
• Open book
• 80 marks
• 40% of AS
Component 2: Process and performance (practical)
• Practical exploration and theatrical interpretation of two extracts (Extract 1 and 2)
• Portfolio evidencing interpretive process and analysis and evaluation of performance
• Performance of Extract 2 (30 marks)
• Portfolio (30 marks)
• 60 marks in total
• 60% of AS
Component 1: Drama and Theatre
• Study of two set plays, one chosen from List A, one chosen from List B
• Analysis and evaluation of the work of live theatre makers
• Written exam: 3 hours
• Open book
• 80 marks
• 40% of A Level
Component 2: Creating original drama (practical)
• Process of creating devised drama
• Performance of devised drama
• Working notebook (40 marks)
• Devised performance (20 marks)
• 60 marks in total
• 30% of A Level
Component 3: Making theatre (practical)
• Practical exploration and interpretation of three extracts
• Methodology of a prescribed practitioner must be applied to Extract 3
• Reflective report analysing and evaluating theatrical interpretation
• Performance of Extract 3 (40 marks)
• Reflective report (20 marks)
• 60 marks in total
• 30% of A Level
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, and ideally
English at grade C or above.
Student quote:
“Theatre Studies is an
experience I have enjoyed. For
the performances the whole
group came together to work
like a family which was very
interesting and fun. There is
nothing like the exhilarating
feeling of performing a piece
you have created yourself.”
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: Economics is the study of a fundamental question which affects us all
- how should we allocate our scarce worldwide resources between our many competing
needs / desires? Whilst examining ways of tackling this question the course considers both
micro and macro-economics. Micro-economics studies how individuals and firms decide
which goods and services to produce or consume and the price which should be charged.
Macro-economics looks at topics which affect the economy as a whole such as: inflation,
unemployment, economic growth, government debt and exchange rates. Economics
therefore gives students an insight into current affairs which affect everyday life.
It is the view of many in education that economic awareness is something that is essential
for all. It prepares students for effective participation in society as citizens, producers and
consumers. If you are interested in learning about current affairs and issues that are important
in the world today, then you will probably enjoy Economics.
Progression: Economics A Level is accepted by all universities and colleges of Higher
Education. Economics has a great appeal in its own right as well as in conjunction with other
Higher Education courses, such as Business Studies, Management Courses, Politics, Philosophy
and Economics, European Studies and many others. Economics is an essential qualification in
many financial careers, including Banking, Accountancy and Insurance.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, including
English and Maths. This course
level does demand considerable
analytical skill, and the ability to
critically evaluate a wide range of
economic information.
Students should have an interest
in current affairs and economic
and political issues, and enjoy
serious discussion and debate
on these issues.
Student quote:
“Economics is a valuable subject to
study and may well be of great use
in later life. Although it is difficult at
times it is a very enjoyable subject
to learn.”
English IGCSE
Level 2
Course Description: This course is compulsory if you have not yet achieved a C grade pass
in English. It helps you build on the work you did in Years 10 and 11.
Its purpose is to give you further support and practice in the essential skills of reading and
understanding, writing and listening and speaking. You will take the English IGCSE in June.
English IGCSE includes coursework on non-fiction and creative writing (40%), speaking and
listening (20%) and the final exam tests your reading and writing of non-fiction (40%).
Progression: If you are deciding to take this course, you have probably realised that you need
English at grade C or above in order to follow your preferred educational or career pathways.
Entry Requirements: This course is
compulsory for those students who
have not already attained grade C
or above in GCSE English.
Student quote:
“You get to concentrate more
on sorting out the things you find
difficult; I had to work hard to get
my grades up, but it was worth it.”
English Language
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: Spoken and written language and the hybrids made possible by
technology all come under the spotlight. English Language involves learning how to explore
and talk about language; learning about how language is acquired and how it changes;
learning how to deconstruct and analyse its use in different contexts and how to create texts
and explain your language choices. Texts studied are brief and encompass every possible use
of language. The course is both creative and analytical in its range. It gives you the chance
to bring your interests into play and encourages you to think beneath the surface of the
language sea on which we unconsciously float.
Progression: Linguistics, Media and Cultural Studies and Law are just some of the
degrees to which it could lead. English Language is an extremely versatile subject
that complements a wide range of other A Levels. It teaches you to think and develops
your analytical and creative skills, qualities essential to both further study and most careers.
Teaching, The Law and The Media are popular career paths, but the ability to use language
effectively and to understand others better are valuable skills in all work environments.
Entry Requirements: A minimum
of 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, ideally
including English at grade B or
above. You will need to have a
genuine interest in language and
how it is used. Creativity or the
ability to understand and exploit
generic conventions would be an
Student quotes:
“It’s for enthusiastic writers
and readers.”
“There’s a big difference
between GCSE and A Level.”
“You need to be interested in
the subject.”
“Involves lots of independent
English Literature
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: Passionate about Prose? Pleased with Poetry? Delighted by Drama?
Delving into the heart of a great work unlocks a wealth of literary techniques that take the
reader to another place: a world of human insights that may otherwise have passed you
by. Studying Literature gives you the opportunity to engage with the greatest minds of our
culture; to consider ideas, philosophies of life, moral dilemmas and how these constructs
are communicated. From Shakespeare to Housseni, from the Caribbean to Afghanistan,
English Literature allows you to engage with life’s rich tapestry.
Progression: English, Linguistics, Media and Cultural Studies, and Law are just some of the
degrees that it could help you in. English Literature is an extremely versatile subject that
could take you just about anywhere; it’s not all poetry and prose - learning to unravel the
great texts enables you to develop valuable analytical skills that will be highly prized by
employers, whatever your eventual career path. Teaching and Journalism are popular
career paths. Publishing is another big favourite, maybe you’ll discover the next JK Rowling.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, including
English and/or English Literature
at grade B or above. You will, of
course, be a reader.
Student quotes:
“Reading the books has been great
– reading things that you wouldn’t
normally have read has been
really good – opening your mind to
different perspectives.”
“Discussing and hearing everyone’s
different viewpoints, considering
lots of suggestions has helped me
Fine Art
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: The Fine Art course allows you to investigate a wide variety of
processes and techniques including:
Digital Camera/Software Skills
Lessons are mostly practical with the addition of lectures and discussions about the
work of artists, designers and craftspeople past and present. Critical reviews and regular
tutorials are built into the programme to support your growth as a young artist.
Entry Requirements: A minimum
of 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, ideally
including Art at grade B or above.
Student quote:
“Fine Art gives you the opportunity
to express yourself. It encourages
you to think about the world in a
creative and analytical way.“
Trips to art galleries allow you to experience a variety of art first hand, and you are
encouraged to develop your own ideas in response to the work you experience.
Progression: Fine Art A Level can lead to Further Education on a Foundation Course, and
onto more specialised courses/careers in: Fine Art, Fashion/Textiles, Illustration, Games Design,
Photography, 3D Design, Jewellery Design, Graphics, Interior Design, Architecture, Theatre
Studies and Museum Studies.
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: The course gives students a solid grounding in French language skills, as
well as knowledge of the culture and society of the French speaking world.
Students develop the skills, vocabulary and grammar to discuss and analyse a wide range
of topical themes, covering Social Issues and Trends (family, digital world, fashion, music,
TV, immigration, integration, racism), Political and Artistic Culture (festivals and traditions, art
and architecture, the EU, politics, history) and Literary Texts and Films. These topics of interest
complement other A Level subjects such as English Literature, Film Studies, Media Studies,
Sociology, Politics and History.
Students opting to take the full A Level course also have the opportunity to carry out an
independent research project on an area of their choice, and this will form excellent practice
for university-style study.
Entry Requirements: A*/ A at
GCSE. Applications from students
with a B grade will be considered
Student quote:
“The French A Level course is both
challenging and interesting. You
not only are given the opportunity
to learn the language, but are also
given an insight into the French
culture”. (Y13)
Progression: An A Level in French opens up opportunities in a wide variety of careers,
especially when coupled with another skill. Areas where language students find employment
are in Advertising, Banking, Business, Events, Hospitality, Interpreting, Journalism, Law, Retail,
Teaching, Translating and Travel and Tourism.
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: Geography is key to the modern world and plays an important aspect
in everyone’s daily lives. This interesting and engaging course examines a wide range of
issues and concepts that will play a significant role as the 21st Century develops. A Level
Geography allows you to research and debate issues that will affect your adult life.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, including
Geography at grade B or above.
Student quotes:
Throughout Geography A Level you will study a range of topics under the broader
headings of Physical Systems and Human Interactions. These include Landscape Systems
and the Earth’s Life Support Systems; Changing Spaces: Making Places and Global
Connections. During the course we offer a one week residential field trip to develop your
fieldwork skills for the coursework element of your studies. The qualification comprises 3
written examinations at the end of the 2 year course and a coursework element.
Progression: Geography combines well with many other A Level courses, such as the
Sciences, Business Studies and English. There are a wide range of related courses available
at university and Geography graduates are highly respected within the workplace.
“The best aspect of Geography is
the variety of topics studied as it has
something to interest everyone.”
(Y13 pupil)
“I really enjoyed A Level
Geography. I found it challenging
and it tied in with my other
subjects.” (Y13 pupil)
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: The course gives students a solid grounding in German language skills,
as well as knowledge of the culture and society of the German-speaking world. Students
develop the skills, vocabulary and grammar to discuss and analyse a wide range of topical
themes, covering Social Issues and Trends (family, digital world, fashion, music, TV, immigration,
integration, racism), Political and Artistic Culture (festivals and traditions, art and architecture,
the EU, politics, history) and Literary Texts and Films. These topics of interest complement other
A Level subjects such as English Literature, Film Studies, Media Studies, Sociology, Politics and
Students opting to take the full A Level course also have the opportunity to carry out an
independent research project on an area of their choice, and this will form excellent practice
for university-style study.
Progression: An A Level in German opens up opportunities in a wide variety of careers,
especially when coupled with another skill. Areas where language students find employment
are in Advertising, Banking, Business, Events, Hospitality, Interpreting, Journalism, Law, Retail,
Teaching, Translating and Travel and Tourism.
Entry Requirements: A*/ A at
GCSE. Applications from students
with a B grade will be considered
Student quote:
“I find German A Level a
challenging but very enjoyable
subject, taught in small classes”
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: The course expands on the ideas and the principles founded in the
GCSE Graphic Products course - the use of graphics as an essential part of the design
process. You will have the opportunity to develop work and skills in design, creativity,
graphical analysis and information presentation, architectural, freehand drawing, and
computer graphics (CAD). You will also look at aesthetics, marketing, advertising, social,
cultural and environmental/sustainability issues. Product analysis and the work of designers
and design movements are also studied. Presentation techniques will be advanced in the
use of colour, shade and ink work, stencils, transfers, paint and markers. Model making using
a variety of materials.
Coursework 60% (one project in Y12 and one in Y13).
Exams 40% (one in Y12 and one in Y13).
Progression: This A Level provides a good basis for moving on to any design degree course.
Students have gone on to study Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic and Product Design.
Entry Requirements: A minimum
of 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, ideally
including Graphics or Art at grade
B or above.
Student quote:
“A Level Graphics has been
amazing. The coursework has been
really fun as I have been able to
put my own stamp on my work. For
A2 I have been able to decide my
own project and make it relevant
to me and what I want to do. This
has made a huge difference to my
work ethic. This is a great course for
anyone wanting to be creative and
enjoys designing things.”
Health & Social Care
Level 2 (OCR Cambridge Technical Level 2 Diploma)
Course Description: This qualification is:
• High quality and nationally recognised
• Vocationally-related
• Credit-based
• Designed to support development of Functional & Essential Skills
• Related to national occupational standards (NOS)
• Regulated in the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF)
• On the Register of Regulated Qualifications http://register.ofqual.gov.uk/.
It provides valuable opportunities for learners to: develop skills; gain underpinning
knowledge and understanding and provide progression to further study in Further
Education (FE).
If you are interested in working with people, or want to care for and help others this may
be the course for you. The Diploma is a high quality, industry-recognised qualification
which gives you the background knowledge and skills needed by anyone considering
working in the Health or Care sectors.
Entry Requirements: A BTEC Level
1 qualification in Health and
Social Care or a related area or
a competent standard of literacy
and numeracy equivalent to four
GCSEs at grade D-G.
Student quotes:
“This course is related to real life
and I feel I have achieved a lot.”
“I am now able to produce written
work to a much higher standard.”
“You get a lot of help all the time.”
During the course you will look at how people grow and develop, as well as the personal
relationships people have during their lives. You will focus on how health is measured,
what it means to be healthy and study the needs of individuals. You will investigate how
changes in lifestyles and diet can improve health and well being. Good communication
is vitally important when working in Health and Social Care and you will have an
opportunity to develop your skills in this area too.
Progression: This course is a good basis for work in areas such as Residential Care, Early Years
Care, Health or Community Work. This course is also ideal preparation for progression to more
detailed study of health, social care and early years such as Double A Level 3 Cambridge
Technical Diploma in Health and Social Care or A Level 3 National course.
Health & Social Care
Level 3 (OCR Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Diploma)
Course Description: Launching for first teaching in September 2016, OCR Level 3
Cambridge Technicals in Health and Social Care offer specialist pathways in Health
Science, Social Care and Support, and Working with Children and Young People.
The Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Diploma is equivalent to two A Levels. These
qualifications are recognised in the UCAS tariff tables and you’ll find further information
on the UCAS website. This qualification is for learners 16 years old or over. It isn’t just
about caring for babies or the elderly and the ill; employers have stated that people
working in the sector need to have excellent people skills and be person-centred in order
to succeed, so students will take 12 units, made up of mandatory and optional units.
Everybody will study the following mandatory units:
• Building positive relationships in health and social care
• Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care
• Health, safety and security in health and social care
• Infection control
• Personalisation and a person-centred approach to care
Entry Requirements: A minimum
of 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, ideally
including Core Science and English
or a Distinction at OCR Cambridge
Technical Level 2 Diploma
(consideration may also be given if
you have gained a Merit).
Student quotes:
“I think the teaching is good and
the commitment that teachers put
into helping us is really good and
“I enjoy everything that we learn
about and enjoy being part of the
These units will give learners an understanding of health and social care within the wider
contexts of different environments and settings where care takes place, the importance
of effective communication in health and social care, the importance of legislation in
health and social care and how to deliver a person-centred approach in the care they
give. Learners will also develop skills such as communication as well as transferable skills
such as research, planning and organisation.
Assessment is made using a combination of: external assessment, which is an examination
paper set and marked by OCR (the examining board) and internal assessment, where
the tutor assesses the work and OCR externally moderate it. A pass for every unit must
be attained to be awarded the qualification they have entered for. Qualifications are
graded using a Pass, Merit, Distinction, Distinction* (and Unclassified) structure.
Progression: This qualification provides the skills, knowledge and understanding to progress
into employment in the Health and Social Care sector either through an apprenticeship
or directly into work. Apprenticeships include Advanced Level Apprenticeships in Health
and Social Care, Children and Young Peoples’ Workforce or Health. Job roles that
learners could go on to include Health Care Assistant, Care Worker, Nursery Assistant or
Social Work Assistant. It could also provide a route into Higher Education on a health and
social care-related programme such as Health and Social Care, Nursing, Social Work
or Early Childhood Studies. The qualification is designed to be taken as part of a study
programme alongside other Vocational Qualifications or A Levels, such as Cambridge
Technicals in Science, A Level Biology, A Level Physics or Cambridge Technicals in
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: History is a subject that enables one to analyse the past in order to help
understand the present. It shapes all aspects of everyday life. This exciting and interesting
course looks at change, consequences and significant events in modern history. In Y12,
students study “In Search of the American Dream1917-96 and South Africa 1948-94”, from
Apartheid to Rainbow Nation. Y13 allows them to study coursework, i.e Who should be held
responsible for the Holocaust and a British depth study, looking at poverty, public health
and the state in Britain, 1780-1939.
Progression: History is an exciting and interesting subject. It helps students to develop their
analytical, research and essay writing skills. History is a discipline that combines well with
English, Science, Geography and other academic subjects. History can provide a good
basis for many professions. It can lead to careers in Journalism, Politics, Teaching and
Lecturing and Museums amongst others.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of a
B grade at GCSE.
Student quotes:
“History is a really varied and
challenging course which is never
boring. The lessons always have
loads of activities in them and ties in
brilliantly with my other subjects.”
“The activities in History are good
and I really enjoy the topics we
study. There’s something there for
Level 3 (Cambridge Technical Introductory Diploma in IT)
Course Description: The Cambridge Technical Introductory Diploma in IT is a practical
qualification which enables students to deepen their understanding of how computers are
used by businesses and in creative industries. The course offers flexibility to select units of work
that interest and suit the students who choose it.
Entry Requirements: A minimum
of 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, ideally
including ICT.
Throughout Years 12 and 13 students will complete a total of 5 units on a range of topics
which will include learning Fundamentals of IT, Global Information and 4 other topics which
will be selected in partnership with the teacher. In order to succeed on this course, students
will need to be organised, motivated and able to work to deadlines. For students who are
taking several exam-based courses, this IT course offers them the chance to achieve a
respected qualification without overwhelming themselves during stressful exam periods. The
Introductory Diploma is assessed as Distinction*, Distinction, Merit and Pass. UCAS points need
to be checked with individual universities.
“This course is satisfying but
challenging, and made me aware
of how ICT fits into the real world.”
Student quote:
Progression: The Cambridge Technical Introductory Diploma in IT not only provides a chance
to develop practical computer and business skills, but also gives access to many careers in a
management role. Career paths can include Media Studies, Business Studies and Graphics.
Exceptionally motivated students will have the opportunity to complete additional pieces of
coursework to achieve a higher level diploma worth additional UCAS points.
Jamie’s Home Cooking Skills
Level 2 BTEC: 6 Credits
Course Description: This unit was designed and written by Jamie Oliver, to encourage
people to cook with confidence and enjoyment.
You will develop cooking skills by exploring recipes for nutritious meals.
You will gain an understanding of how to economise when planning meals to cook at home.
You are also encouraged to transfer skills by passing on your knowledge to others. Finally you
will plan, prepare and serve a two course meal as part of your qualification entry.
Progression: To give you the confidence and knowledge to cook in your day to day life.
It will also give you the self belief to impart your skills to others.
Entry Requirements: There are no
specific entry requirements for this
course but an interest in food and
cooking would be an advantage.
Student quote:
“This has been a life changing
“This is the highlight of my week.”
Mathematics GCSE
Level 2 (GCSE)
Course Description: This course is a re-run of the Edexcel GCSE Mathematics course
tailored to the needs of Sixth Form students at Foundation or Higher Tier.
In each lesson topics from the syllabus will be revised via intensive whole class teaching
on areas of common difficulty, small group work, and help with individual difficulties.
Progression: GCSE Maths at Grade C or above is a qualification required for entry into many
Further Education courses and all Higher Education courses.
Entry Requirements: This course is
compulsory for all students who have
not achieved Grade 4 or above at
Student quote:
“I worked quite hard in Years 10 and
11 and was pleased to get a GCSE
Grade 3. This set me up for the Sixth
Form GCSE course, and I hope to be
able to build up to a Grade 4/5.”
Level 3 (A Level)
Course Description: Mathematics is at the core of many decision-making aspects
throughout our lives. This is because it involves logical thinking, problem solving and
convincing somebody that your reasoning is correct . . . so it’s a challenging subject to
study, but if you have generally enjoyed and been successful in Maths so far, you will
find A Level Maths a natural progression from GCSE. In lessons, students work individually,
alongside free-flowing discussion and questioning that leads to having a good
underlying grasp of the subject.
There are three Exam Papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2 cover Pure Mathematics [algebra and
functions, differentiation, integration, trigonometry, coordinate geometry in the (x,y) plane,
vectors, exponentials and logarithms, sequences and series, proof, numerical methods​]
and Paper 3 covers Statistics and Mechanics. The three papers are equally weighted.
Overall, Mathematics is challenging, creative, useful and enjoyable!
Progression: The majority of students with an A Level Maths qualification progress to
Higher Education. Research shows that mathematics students earn more and have skills
that underpin many different professions and subjects.
Entry Requirements: GCSE
Mathematics Grade 9, 8, 7 or 6.
Student quotes:
“I enjoy Maths and felt that I wanted
to go further with Maths as part of
my education. Maths is a subject
that would fit with virtually any
career I might choose.”
“I like the challenges of the
problems and building on earlier
Maths work; also, new areas are
tackled which I find interesting.
The atmosphere in class is really
good and there are plenty of
opportunities to discuss work in
lessons and outside.”
Further Mathematics
Level 3 (A Level)
Course Description: This course enables you to broaden your study of mathematics. In
Y12 Further Maths involves studying two additional ​modules to those taken for A Level
Maths: Further Pure Maths 1​, and one chosen from Decision Maths, Further Pure Maths
2, Further Statistics, Further Mechanics. If approved, students can study Further Maths
in Y13 following successful Y12 work in Maths; this involves taking Further Maths Papers
3 and 4. We take advantage of the Further Maths Support Programme which offers
online teaching for some of the units. Each module is assessed via a 90 minute written
Progression: Any student planning to take a mathematics-rich degree (Engineering,
Sciences, Computing, Finance/Economics, as well as Mathematics itself) will benefit
enormously from taking Further Mathematics at least to the end of Y12, and will find the
transition to degree level work easier as a result.
Entry Requirements: This course is
taken in addition to A Level Maths
and caters for those students with
flair and a strong interest in the
subject. Students will have achieved
Grade 9, 8 or 7 in GCSE Maths
Student quote:
“I have always really enjoyed
Maths and I hope to study it at
university. This course has provided
me with an opportunity to extend
my studies and really challenge
“Moving On” Curriculum
Level 1 and Level 2
Course Description: This course is aimed at students who may have achieved Entry level
and a few GCSEs in Y11. The “Moving On” course can be either a one or a two year
course. The aim of the course is to bridge the gap between Y11 and college, or a level
2 course for which a student is not yet ready. The course is a series of modules, taught by
teachers, in the main, from the Learning Support Team. It is designed to develop students’
self confidence, work in areas of Key Skills and prepare them for a more independent life
including the world of work. It will comprise:
Level 1 Award / Certificate / Diploma in skills for Employment, Training and Personal
Development. English – Functional Skills Level 1,2 or 3. Maths - Functional Skills Level 1,2
or 3 ICT Entry Level 1 (OCR) Fitness and PE, Creative Craft Using Art and Design – Level
1 Award.Progression: The course prepares students either for moving onto a Level 1 or 2
BTEC Course, or moving onto the world of work.
Entry Requirements: Students should
have evidence of achievement in
Y11. More important is a positive
attitude towards learning and an
ability to work with others, both
independently and with support.
Student quote:
“We’ve enjoyed this year. The
boat trip was cool and steering the
sailing boat over 4 days was the
best thing ever.”
BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma
Course Description: Two year course studying 6 units equivalent to 1 GCE A Level. This has
been designed to occupy one third of the curriculum within a broader programme of study.
The main purpose of this qualification is to allow learners to develop the core specialist
knowledge, understanding and skills for the performing pathway. The course is 100%
coursework and learners will study music performance techniques in solo music
performance skills and music skills development, as required by the music industry. In
addition you will be required to complete tasks about professional practice in the music
industry and a composition to a brief set by the exam board.
You will have some opportunity to study in more depth a range of option areas, including:
• Arranging and composing music
• Music promotion and live music events
• Music theory and harmony
• Solo and ensemble performance
Entry Requirements: 4 GCSEs at
grades C or above (or equivalent)
including music.
Learners’ previous achievements
and experiences in music outside
the classroom will also be taken
into consideration.
Student quote:
“It is very satisfying to have worked
hard and find that what you
originally thought impossible is
suddenly possible.”
Assessments will take place regularly through the course in a mixture of both homework
tasks and class presentations as well as audio submissions and live performances. The major
requirement for Music Performance is commitment for free periods to be spent developing
coursework and rehearsing.
Progression: This qualification also provides a well-established route into a variety
of specialist Higher Education (HE) courses in this sector, when taken alongside other
qualifications appropriate for the desired course of study.
Physical Education
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: A Level Physical Education is studied over two years. It is split
between a theory element (70%) and a practically assessed element (30%). The
theory section covers 6 areas:
• Technology in Sport
• Applied Anatomy and Exercise Physiology
• Sports Psychology
• Skill Acquisition
• Biomechanics
• Sport and Society
The practical unit runs parallel to the theory where students will be assessed on 1
sport to which they must be playing at a minimum of club level (30%).
Progression: Physical Education combines well with physical and biological sciences
and is an essential subject for many sport related careers including Physiotherapy,
Sports Development, Teaching, Performance and Mechanical Analysis, Sports
Coaching, Sport Journalism and the Fitness and Leisure Industry.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, including
Physical Education, Maths and
Student quote:
“A Level PE is unique. I was not
completely sure of the direction I
wanted to go in beyond college so
studying such a wide range of areas
was a huge factor in me eventually
going on to study Sports Science
and Performance Analysis at The
University of Bath.”
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: Students of A Level Physics will gain an understanding of
the link between theory and experiment and will develop skills in designing and
executing experiments. They’ll also develop an appreciation of the importance
of physics in a social, philosophical, economic and industrial context. Students
are expected to demonstrate and apply knowledge, understanding and skills
developed throughout the course. Students will also be expected to analyse,
interpret and evaluate a range of scientific information, ideas and evidence.
Progression: A Physics qualification opens doors to a variety of jobs and courses.
All the technology that surrounds us is based on the principles of Physics, so if
you are considering working in any area related to technology from Music to
Medicine, or Lasers to Law – studying Physics is an essential first step.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-B, including
Science, English and Mathematics.
Student quote:
“I enjoyed the course although it is
challenging and it is a really good
way of improving your thinking
Product Design: Systems and Control
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: The course will expand on the knowledge and skills founded in GCSE
Systems and Control and Product Design.
The course focuses on delivering design and engineering skills. These skill areas are in the
shape of electronics, mechanisms, pneumatics and product design. Previous projects
have been petrol powered city commuter vehicles, downhill gravity racers for the Red
Bull challenge, land yachts and award winning roll up one man canoes and emission free
solar generators.
Our aim is to (within reason) allow students the chance to build inspiring products learning
valuable design and engineering skills through the process.
Progression: Product Design: Systems and Control combines well with Maths and Physics
for progression to Engineering courses. Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Design Engineering and Product Design degrees will all respect this course. At least a third
of all the students that have taken Product Design: Systems and Control have carried on
to an Engineering degree.
Entry Requirements: GCSE grade
(A*-C) in Systems Control or GCSE
grade (A*-C) in Product Design.
A vital requirement is that the
student has the ability to organise
their personal workload without
Student quote:
“I have had the opportunity to
make fantastic projects that I have
been lucky enough to complete on
a national level and won!!”
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: Psychology is the scientific study of the nature of the human condition.
Today, cutting edge techniques are deployed to shed light on the entire spectrum of
human thought, cognition and behaviour. To succeed, students must be highly numerate
and literate, passionate about science and driven by a desire to understand what makes
us human and what shapes our collective experience.
Progression: During the first year you will learn the principles of experimental design,
research methods and statistics. In addition, you will also consider and evaluate some of
the most important and famous psychological experiments of the 20th Century. You will
learn how phobias develop, why we feel the need to conform, and how our childhood
experiences influence our behaviour in adulthood.
Entry Requirements: A minimum
of Core Science: B, Additional
Science: B, Triple Science: B,
Maths: B and English: B
Student quote:
“This is a totally new subject for
me so it is really interesting. But
because it’s new, you have to be
prepared to work really hard to
do well.”
During year 2 you will further develop your knowledge of the subjects covered during the
first year of the course, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of the key features of
good experimental design and data analysis. In addition you will also develop scientific
writing skills in the form of critical essay writing. The assessment is exam based, with a mixture
of short answer questions and longer essay questions.
Level 3 (BTEC)
Course Description: The BTEC National Extended Certificate in Applied Science covers a
wide range of scientific and vocational aspects including principles and applications of
science, practical scientific procedures and techniques, science investigation skills, and
the Physiology of Human Body Systems. You will complete a variety of assessed pieces
of work on each topic that will enhance both your knowledge and practical laboratory
skills. Assessment over the two years comprises 25% external exam, 33% externally
assessed practical tasks and 42% internally assessed assignments.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*- C, including
English and Maths. Science grades
must be minimum B C for Double
Award or Minimum C C C for Triple
Science Award.
Progression: The National Diploma is an excellent foundation for many careers in science
such as Forensic Scientist, Drug Researcher, Medical Physics Technician, Veterinary Nurse
and many more. In addition, the National Extended Certificate is fully accredited by
UCAS and, therefore, enables students to access a broad range of university courses via
an alternative route to traditional A Level courses.
“This course is exactly what I
expected. The work is challenging
and you learn a lot. I like the way
the assignments are laid out and
how we learn the criteria in lessons
through theory and practical
work. The deadlines we are set are
really helpful in recognising my
achievements throughout the year
rather than all at the end.”
Student quote:
Level 3 (A Level - 2 Year course)
Course Description: Sociology attempts to explain why people think and behave
in the way they do. It does this by examining social relationships, dissecting
social phenomenon and examining the world around us from all perspectives. In Sociology you will learn to analyse many taken-for-granted assumptions that you
hold about the social world. As a result you should reach a fuller understanding about
your social environment, and acquire ideas that may direct your thoughts about the
world we live in.
Sociology is about asking questions, seeking explanations and developing understanding
about how society works. Progression: Sociology A Level is accepted by all universities, colleges and institutes
of Higher Education. Students seeking a career in people-orientated professions or
academic based occupations, such as: Journalism, History, Social Work, Education,
Medicine, Law and Anthropology.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of
5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, minimum
grade at English must be a B. Clarity
of written expression is important
and high literacy levels are vital in
order to have a strong foundation
for the exams you will be sitting.
Sociology is assessed through 3
official examinations only - there is
NO coursework.
Student quotes:
“Sociology has helped me look
at society in a different way, I
examine the world around me
“It helped me choose
which uni course I wanted
to do, it’s amazing.”
Sport - Extended Diploma Performance & Excellence
Level 3 (BTEC)
Course Description: The Diploma and Extended Diploma in Sport are ideal for learners
interested in sport and physical activity. It is an ideal course for those who seek hands on
practical experience and an opportunity to pursue further study or a career in the sports
industry. The units include Exercise and Fitness, Coaching and Leadership, Nutrition and
Studying BTEC Sport is an excellent way to combine both practical and theoretical
aspects of sport. The assessment is predominantly coursework based, with the addition of
one online exam and controlled assessments.
The Diploma is equivalent to 2 A Levels and requires 13 units to be completed. The
Extended Diploma requires 19 units, however this offers a qualification equivalent to the 3
A Levels needed when you apply to college or university. Each unit is completed at Pass,
Merit or Distinction level. All units are then combined to calculate an overall grade.
The course develops key employability skills, public speaking, resilience, problem-solving,
critical thinking, using technology, communicating, working with others, researching and
Diploma is made up of 19 units but offers a qualification that is equivalent to 3 A Levels.
Entry Requirements:
• 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C. You will
need a minimum of a C in GCSE
• A BTEC Level 2 qualification in
Sport or a related vocational
area ideally to Merit standard
• An active interest in sport,
either playing, work experience,
volunteering or leadership
Student quote:
“I really enjoy BTEC Sport. There are
a wide range of units, that have
inspired me to pursue a career
in sport. The feedback on the
coursework helped me achieve
my target and suits my style of
Progression: Students who achieve this qualification will gain access to university and
further training and employment within the sporting sector. The qualification combines
well with Physical Education, Biological Sciences and Psychology. It is an essential
background for many careers, including Physiotherapy, Sports Development, Sports
Coaching, Personal Training, Sport Journalism and the Fitness and Leisure Industry.
Teamwork and Personal Development
Level 2 (BTEC)
Course Description: The BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Teamwork and Personal Development in
the Community is a qualification for learners who are looking to work in the community, as
a volunteer or through employment in uniformed organisations. The Diploma helps boost
learners career prospects by giving them the skills, knowledge and understanding that
employers look for.
Entry Requirements: Suitable
attitude to participate fully in
practical activities and complete
This qualification is designed to give learners the opportunity to:
“This course has given me the
steps I need to start my career
in the public services. I have
developed useful skills and have
grown to become more focused
and motivated to succeed. The
practical lessons are fun.”
• Achieve a nationally-recognised qualification
• Develop personal growth and engagement in learning
• Develop knowledge and skills that are valuable for those working in the community,
including teamwork, leadership and career planning in and outside of the classroom; the
same skills that are valued by employers especially in the uniformed public services sector
This is a one year course studying 7 units, that requires you to present evidence based on
real-life scenarios. The work is completed individually and in groups, to develop teamwork,
leadership and other personal development skills and the work is assessed fully providing
thorough feedback and support to achieve success.
Teamwork is an important aspect in the world of work. Strong teams demonstrate
organisation, discipline and help motivate each other. These are key characteristics of the
students who complete this course, helping them to find employment in the future.
Progression: BTEC Level 3 courses - Diploma or Extended Diploma in Sport, employment in
Public Services Sector, Volunteering and Sports Leadership.
Student quote:
By Mail
Fill out the attached application form and
send to us at:
The Angmering School, Station Road,
Angmering, West Sussex, BN16 4HH
Download Form
Download and fill out the application form
and send to us at:
The Angmering School, Station Road,
Angmering, West Sussex, BN16 4HH
or apply online via the college website.
You will need to bring in copies of your GCSE results if you did not sit your exams
at The Angmering School as confirmation of your results.
Contact Us
The Angmering School
Station Road
West Sussex
BN16 4HH
The School Policies and other
general information can all be
found on the school website.
T: 01903 772351
F: 01903 850752
E: bharrington@theangmeringschool.co.uk
Angmering Rail Station