Bulletin - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Bulletin - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Thomas the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH DOMINUS MEUS ET DEUS MEUS Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he has anointed me To bring glad tidings to the poor. - Luke 4:18a Address: 7377 SW 64th St, Miami, FL 33143 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Phone: 305-665-5600 Fax: 305-662-9034 www.stamiami.org St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Clergy Rev. Alejandro J. Rodríguez Artola - Pastor Rev. Matías A. Hualpa - Parochial Vicar Rev. Anselm Ohanekwu - In Residence Rev. Mr. Carlos M. Pulido - Deacon Rev. Mr. Carlos Charur - Deacon Parish Office Phone: 305-665-5600 Receptionist: Ms. Melissa Aguilar mmaguilar@stamiami.org Religious Education Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation Mrs. Tania Gonzalez Phone: 305-665-6862 tgonzalez@stamiami.org Accounting: Ms. Elizabeth Sanchez esanchez@stamiami.org Ms. Vivian Barrios vbarrios@stamiami.org St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School Principal: Mrs. Lisa Figueredo Assistant Principal: Mrs. Angie Ayan-Novo 7303 SW 64th Street Miami, FL 33143 School Office: 305-661-8591 School Fax: 305-661-2181 Email: school@stamiami.org Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Schedule Sunday Masses: English: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:30pm, 7:00pm Español:1:00pm Saturday Vigil: English: 5:30pm Daily Masses: English: Mon-Fri 8:00am Español: 7:00 pm Daily Rosary: 7:35am Saturday Mass:8:00am School Mass: Wednesday 9:15am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00pm - 5:00pm or by Appointment Sacraments & Religious Education Baptisms: Call Parish Office for more information on requirements, Baptismal Preparation classes, and dates available. Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office for information. 305-665-5600 Religious Education Schedule: Wednesdays 4:00-5:15pm PreK thru 5th Grade Wednesday 7:00-8:00pm Grades 6th Thru Confirmation RCIA Schedule: Tuesdays at 7:00pm (English) Sundays at 11:00am (Español) St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastoral Care for the Sick & Homebound: Notify Parish Office when a parishioner is hospitalized or homebound and unable to attend Mass. An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will assist in bringing the Eucharist to them. Music Ministry Director: Riuben Frometa Please send an email to rfrometa@stamiami.org if you are interested in participating in the choir. Liturgical Ministry Coordinator: Mrs. Tania Gonzalez If you are interested in being a Sacristan, Minister of the Eucharist, Lector, Usher, or Altar Server please call the office at: 305-665-6862 Perpetual Adoration: Chapel is always open! Come and visit Our Lord. If you want to commit to one hour per week please call the office at 305-665-5600. Intercessory Rosary for the Sick of our Parish: You are invited to pray the Rosary for the sick and suffering of our parish every Thursday after the 8:00am Mass. MONDAY February 1, 2016 8:00AM: 7:00PM: +Marlene Miles All souls in purgatory TUESDAY February 2, 2016 8:00AM: 7:00PM: +Susanna Amacio Health of Carmen Hernandez WEDNESDAY February 3, 2016 8:00AM: 7:00PM: +Hari Miguel Cruz Bustillo +Gladys Baeza THURSDAY February 4, 2016 8:00AM: 7:00PM: +Fr. Philip Fabiano ++Jose & Lucila Alarcon FRIDAY February 5, 2016 8:00AM: 7:00PM: +Vida Elisa Mora +Enrique Alberto Noy SATURDAY February 6, 2016 Dear parishioners, come join us at the Missionaries of Charity Shelter, 724 N.W. 17 Street, every 3rd Sunday of the month to cook for and feed the homeless men of Miami. Don’t miss this beautiful opportunity to serve God by serving the poor. The shelter opens for the volunteers at 7:30 am but they don’t start serving food to the homeless until 9:30am. There is a second food service at 10:30 am and a third at 11:30am. Those volunteers that get to the shelter in the morning help prepare and serve the food during the first service. You are welcomed to come at any time or day of the week. The shelter is closed on Thursdays. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Jaime Murati, at: 305-799-9311. Friends of the Missionaries of Charity BlessedTeresaofCalcutta@stamiami.org 8:00AM: 5:30PM: +Julio Ramos +Julio Ramos SUNDAY February 7, 2016 7:30AM: 9:00AM: 11:00AM: 1:00PM: 5:30PM: 7:00PM: Madeline & John Bendick +Carmen Fernandez Special Intention: Eddy Fernandez & Anibal Garcia ++Maria Cardona & Martin Betancourt +Jorge Valle– Riestra +Nelson Cortes Please note that we have openings for Mass Intentions. Please come by the Rectory Office to arrange for a Mass for your deceased loved ones. It is a good and holy virtue to remember and pray for those who are no longer with us. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 6—February 7, 2016 Time Eucharistic Minister Lector Altar Server Sat. 5:30 pm Josefina Quintela Maria Anduiza Francisco Anduiza Kristine Lukasik Jean Harum Nicolas Stolarczyk Marianna Herrera Sun. 7:30am Marisol Menendez Maria DiBernardo Gloria Stephen Lee Williams Rosemary Camus Emiliana Rincon Sun. 9:00am Nancy Carreño Andrea Hurtado Pedro Alfaro Rosemary Alfaro Josephine Mora Carolina Benton Jose Puig Janette Puig Catalina Bauza Ofelia Canals Jośe Canals Vicky Voyer Rosalie Charur Miguel A. Guerra Lucia Marino Eduardo Arthur Ed Croteau Alexandra Belfort Carolina Gentzschein Olga Gentzschein Jaime Murati Annabelle Lamazares Gisselle Lamazares Alfonso Ledo Ana Portela Alyssa Roca Claudia Gonzalez Rafael Hueso, Jr. Aliette Torricella Aidan Hevia Gigi Barquet Sun. 11:00am Sun. 1:00pm Sun. 5:30pm Sun. 7:00PM Abel Batista Noemi Batista Mayra Finalé Carlotica Ledo Pilar Cofiño Luz Maria Cutié Paola Consuegra Juan Quintal VENGAN TODOS A MI Pray for those who are ill: Dana Hernandez Manuel Alvarez Andrew Snyder Jackson Kelly Federico Buendia Natasha Yaciuk Pray for those who have died: +Benjamin Harris +Daisy Garcia +Constance Lyon Misa de sanación celebrada Por el Rev. Padre Alvaro Huertas St. Thomas the Apostle 7303 SW 62 ST. Miami, Fl 33143 ULTIMO JUEVES DEL MES A LAS 7:00PM Para más información: 305-796-0334 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings for the Week Sunday, January 31: Monday, February 1: Tuesday, February 2: Wednesday,February 3: JER 1:4-5, 17-19 PS 71:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 15-17 1 COR 12:31—13:13 LK 4:21-30 2 SM 15:13-14, 30; 16:513 PS 3:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 MK 5:1-20 MAL 3:1-4 PS 24:7, 8, 9, 10 HEB 2:14-18 LK 2:22-40 2 SM 24:2, 9-17 PS 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7 MK 6:1-6 Thursday, February 4: Friday, February 5: Saturday, February 6: Sunday, February 7: 1 KGS 2:1-4, 10-12 1 CHR 29:10, 11AB, 11D12A, 12BCD MK 6:7-13 SIR 47:2-11 PS 18:31, 47 AND 50, 51 MK 6:14-29 1 KGS 3:4-13 PS 119:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 MK 6:30-34 IS 6:1-2A, 3-8 PS 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8 1 COR 15:1-11 LK 5:1-11 Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia We are collecting non-perishable food to give to some of the families in need in our Parish. Please bring your donations to the Church during the week and place them in the boxes located in the vestibule of the Church. Thanks for your generosity!!! Estamos recogiendo alimentos no perecederos para las familias más necesitadas de nuestra parroquia. Por favor, traer las donaciones durante esta semana y colocarlas en las cajas que están en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. ¡Gracias por su generosidad! These are some of the items we also need: Ensure (Shakes or Powder) Enfamil Newborn Baby Formula Gluten free non-perishable food Help support STA the easy way! Box Tops for Education is a nationwide fundraising program sponsored by General Mills that exchanges box tops for cash. This money can then be used to buy equipment, supplies, books, etc. for STA. Just clip the box tops from any specially- marked everyday food products and turn them in to the office. We encourage you to download the App SHOPAROO and help STA earn Cash. We thank the 65 supporters that have joined! Tithing: Give, and it will be given to you. Diesmo: Dad, y os será dado. January 23– January 24, 2016 Saturday Vigil (5:30pm) Sunday (7:30am) Sunday (9:00am) Sunday (11:00am) Sunday (1:00pm) Sunday (5:30pm) Sunday (7:00pm) Second Collection Guadalupe Fund Other Total Sandwich Gang The “Sandwich Gang” meets every Thursday at 6:30pm at the Family Center to prepare sandwiches for the poor. Also, if any family is interested in providing the $3,475.00 $1,005.00 $1,389.00 $3,272.00 $1,790.00 $2,055.00 $1,741.00 $1,860.00 $ 67.38 $ 129.50 —————— $16,783.88 —————— sandwich supplies this Thursday please contact: Barbara Guisasola: 786-402-8512 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Gold and Silver Wedding Anniversary Mass: All husbands and wives married in the Catholic Church celebrating their Silver, Gold or 50 plus wedding anniversary in 2016 are invited to come to a Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday, Feb. 13 to be blessed by Archbishop Thomas Wenski. Couples interested in having their picture taken with Archbishop Wenski should be there at 4 p.m. Mass starts at 5:30 p.m. Couples will sit in a specially designated area in the front pews. All couples should contact their parish to register for the Mass. Charitable Gift Annuities may offer more attractive rates than many CD’s, provide a significant tax deduction, and are excellent ways to help pass on our Catholic heritage. For more information, contact the rectory or call the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110. Las Anualidades de Donaciones Caritativas pueden ofrecer tarifas más atractivas que muchos CD’s, proporcionando una deducción fiscal más significativa, y son excelentes para ayudar a trasmitir nuestro patrimonio católico. Para más información, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas al (305) 762-1110. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ABCD: Give and You Shall Receive Our church is a place to pray, to give thanks, to mourn and to celebrate. A place for us all to unite—in need and abundance—to have mercy, lift each other up and ease pain and suffering. A place people turn to in their time of need. We are all instruments of God’s mercy and peace. Our church, our family uniting to help those in need. Thank you to all who have already generously responded to this year’s ABCD. Your support strengthens the ministries that serve our Archdiocese and allow the Church to form new disciples. As Scriptures remind us, Give and it shall be given to you. Your neighbor needs you. You are the answer to someone’s prayers, and together, we are changing lives. If you have yet to respond to this year’s ABCD, please take a moment to reflect upon the many blessings the Lord has given you and how He is calling you to respond this incredibly important annual campaign. To make a gift, you can obtain a pledge envelope from the parish office or you can make a gift online at www.isupportabcd.org. Let us all unite through our support of this year’s ABCD so that we can be One in Faith, One in Hope and One in Charity. Thank you ABCD: Den y recibirán Nuestra iglesia es un lugar para rezar, dar gracias, lamentarnos y celebrar. Un lugar para que todos —tanto los necesitados como los que disfrutan de abundancia—nos unamos en la misericordia, en sostenernos mutuamente y en aliviarnos el dolor y el sufrimiento. Un lugar al que la gente acude en sus momentos de necesidad. Todos somos instrumentos de la misericordia y la paz de Dios. Nuestra iglesia, nuestra familia, unidas para ayudar a los necesitados. ¡Gracias a todos los que ya han respondido generosamente al ABCD de este año! Su apoyo fortalece los ministerios que sirven a nuestra Arquidiócesis y permiten a la Iglesia formar nuevos discípulos. Como las Escrituras nos recuerdan, Den y recibirán. Su prójimo necesita de usted. Usted es la respuesta a las oraciones de alguien, y juntos, estamos transformando vidas. Si aún no ha respondido al ABCD de este año, por favor, tómese un momento para reflexionar sobre las muchas bendiciones que el Señor le ha dado, y sobre cómo Él le está llamando a responder esta campaña anual, que es increíblemente importante. Para hacer un donativo, usted puede obtener un sobre de compromiso en la oficina de la parroquia, o puede hacer su donación en línea, en www.isupportabcd.org. Unámonos todos a través de nuestro apoyo al ABCD de este año para seguir Unidos en la Fe, Unidos en la Esperanza, Unidos en la Caridad. ¡Gracias! St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA PADRE LARRAÑAGA APRENDE A ORAR, APRENDE A VIVIR En busqueda de una relación mas íntima con el Señor? Inscribete en los Talleres de Oración y Vida que se iniciaran el Miercoles 10 de febrero de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. Durarán 15 semanas. La sesiones son una vez por semana en St. Thomas. Para mas información llamar a Adriana: 786-499-4663. Trae tu Biblia y un cuaderno de notas. JESUS TE ESTA ESPERANDO! TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA PADRE LARRAÑAGA LEARN TO PRAY, LEARN TO LIVE Looking for a close relation with the Lord? Register in this workshop. Classes will start on Wednesday February 10 from: 7:00pm to 9:00pm in Spanish for 15 weeks, once a week. For more information call Adriana at: 786-499-4663 Bring your Bible and a notebook. JESUS IS WAITING! Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time An Emmaus Experience: A Retreat for Women St. Thomas the Apostle is offering the Emmaus Retreat for women of the parish. This retreat is based on the Scripture found in the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35. The main theme of the retreat is to discover or rediscover Jesus in our lives, and the importance of women ministering to women. The retreat is held on our parish grounds at St. Thomas the Apostle. Cost is $125 (includes room, board and program). Register after all Masses through February 21, 2016. For more information, please contact Christina Gomez-Pina at 305-216-2916 or cgomezpina@gmail.com Mass in French On the following date there will be a Mass celebrated in French at 7:00pm in the Church. Saturday Vigil Mass: February 6, 2016 La Messe en Français La Messe se célébrera en Français à 19:00 heures dans l’église les dates suivantes: Samedi Veillée de Masse 6 février 2016 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Join us again at St. Edward for an incredible conference. 19000 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Bulletin - St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Rev. Alejandro J. Rodríguez Artola - Pastor
Rev. Matías A. Hualpa - Parochial Vicar
Rev. Anselm Ohanekwu - In Residence
Rev. Mr. Carlos M. Pulido - Deacon
Rev. Mr. Carlos Charur - Deacon