Examples of recent projects - South Somerset District Council
Examples of recent projects - South Somerset District Council
Sout h Som e r se t Mar ke t Tow n s In v e st m e n t Gr oup Projects that the Market Towns Investment Group supported since 2006 are shown below. The themes coming out of the Market Town Community Plans have been predominately Tourism, Economic Development and Community Safety, which have been reflected in the projects chosen. Interpretation Boards (2006 - 2008) This was the first collaborative project completed by the Market Towns Investment Group. Forty-two interpretation boards have been put in place at Chard, Crewkerne, Ilminster, South Petherton, Ilchester, Martock, Somerton, Langport, Castle Cary, Bruton and Wincanton. The boards include a map of the whereabouts of the local services, from post offices to local walks, places of historical interest and museums, along with defining facts and photographs of the towns. The boards are unique to each town, flagging up the quirky sites and popular attractions of the area, like old coaching houses, wineries and lace mills. Ilminster Wincanton Castle Cary artwork Deployable CCTV Camera Protocol (2006 - 2011) This partnership project with Avon and Somerset Police had the overall aim of enhancing the existing Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and monitoring arrangements within the market towns outside of Yeovil in South Somerset. The Funding and Management Protocol was developed to demonstrate a better, more cost effective alternative to fixed cameras in every town. The Market Towns Investment Group purchased CCTV Cameras and Avon and Somerset Police financed their deployment costs. Avon and Somerset Police chose locations for the four deployable CCTV cameras and how they will be monitored. The state-of-the-art devices are placed at locations in and around Bruton, Castle Cary, Chard, Crewkerne, Ilminster, Langport, Martock, Somerton, South Petherton and Wincanton as part of a crime reduction scheme. A hotspot location often changes and in a large area such as South Somerset the ability to put moveable cameras in problem areas provides the police with an invaluable tool to prevent and detect crime. Consultation by beat teams with community groups and other agencies can be used to decide locations for each of the cameras which will ensure they are put up in key areas. Officers will then be able to access the images at any time, 24 hours a day, to identify offenders. Radiolink Schemes (2007 - 2009) The Market Towns Investment Group in partnership with Avon and Somerset Police and the Yeovil Business Crime Reduction Team developed ‘pilot’ Radiolink schemes in Chard, Crewkerne and Ilminster to help reduce antisocial behaviour in the towns. The basic principle involved in a scheme is for Owners/Managers of local businesses to agree to act together to deter those individuals who cause or threaten damage, disorder, violence, commit theft, use or deal in drugs in their premises. Each member of the scheme rents a radio that enables them to communicate with each other and to warn of antisocial behaviour or persistent offenders in their area. Police and Police Community Support Officer’s also carry radios whilst on duty in the town. From the ‘pilot’ it was learned that although there were some successes, they were not sufficient to roll out this scheme further. The Radiolink scheme at Chard is still active. Priority Projects 1 (2006 - 2012) To ensure the individual needs of the market towns were addressed, a priority project funding programme was created for the market town representatives to bid for up to £10,000 for projects that were a priority for their market town. The majority of the applications received were highways related and this resulted in the creation of a delivery partnership between the Market Towns Investment Group and Somerset County Council Highways. At last, this allowed a number of long-standing project ideas to be properly assessed to see if they were feasible. A number were not and these are not listed. The projects completed are listed below: Bruton Castle Cary Chard Crewkerne Ilminster Langport Martock Somerton South Petherton Wincanton - 20mph zone area/traffic calming scheme - Equipment for the Market House, Children’s area slide - Street furniture and lighting enhancement - Declutter Street Furniture Scheme - Repair and renovation of the Market House - Fingerposts, benches and picnic tables at Cocklemoor - Traditional Lighting scheme - Flagstones at Market Place - Mobile floodlights and bus shelter - Moor Lane Pedestrian/Cycle Way Chard – Street Furniture enhancement Crewkerne – Declutter street furniture scheme – removal of obsolete signs and litter bins Langport – Fingerposts and picnic tables at Cocklemoor Martock – Traditional lighting scheme Somerton – Flagstones at Market Place Visitor Audit and Priority Projects 2 (2008 - 2011) This project provided an opportunity for Market Town representatives to work collaboratively to assess the quality of their visitor offer. Each town was assessed by a group of volunteers from the other market towns on the basis of pre-determined questions and an evaluative report was compiled for each town after the visit. A consultant who analysed the results and created an action plan of improvements produced the final report. From the results of the Visitor Audit the Market Town representatives were asked to work up tourism projects, which were of benefit to their market town in order to bid for funding from the Market Towns Investment Group. The projects that are being funded are listed below: Bruton Castle Cary Crewkerne Langport Martock Somerton South Petherton Resurfacing of pavements in the High Street Additional signage on the main roads leading to Castle Cary New fingerpost with fingers plus additional fingers for existing fingerpost Signage to and from Castle Cary Station Park benches for strategic positions in the town Town Map and plan showing businesses in Crewkerne with updatable information and installation of the board A strong pedestrian linkage between Falkland Square and the George Precinct in Crewkerne Sun tube lighting in each of the three areas in the public toilets 3 x 4 armed hanging basket columns with hanging baskets to be erected in the Town Square in Langport Signage to key facilities and attractions Signage to indicate Tourism Office Planters in the car park A vandal proof bench Improve the appearance of a roundabout at Lopen Head Footpath improvements within the parish Bruton – Resurfacing of pavements Castle Cary – New fingerpost Crewkerne – Shoppers board and Pedestrian enhancement scheme between Falkland Square and George Precinct Langport – Hanging basket columns with hanging baskets Martock – New fingerposts Somerton – Planters and Tourist Information Sign South Petherton – Improvements to roundabout at Lopen Priority Projects 3 (2012 - 2015) This project programme provides another opportunity for the market town representatives to look at the priorities that are needed in their towns. Brief details of the projects that were being funded are listed below: Bruton Castle Cary Crewkerne Langport Martock South Petherton Bruton Digital Archive The Bruton Heritage Project aims to develop a digital archive of the economic and social history of Bruton including collected reminiscences from older Bruton residents. Market House improvements. Sensory Garden relocation to the entrance to South Street Car Park to improve the area by means of an enhanced landscaping design, circular bench, new picnic tables and benches, Welcome to Henhayes signage, a path around the recreation ground and additional landscaping and trees. Replacement of and improvements to the Gateway signage at the 3 main entrances of Langport. Safety, security and aesthetic appeal of the main shopping centre and car parking area improvements Planters to create a floral display entrance to the Car Park. Castle Cary – Market House improvements to the entrance area to make access easier and provide a single entrance point for all uses and the provision of an easy access ground floor toilet. Langport Gateway signage Martock - Safety, security and aesthetic appeal of the main shopping centre and car parking area improvements South Somerset Market Towns App (2013) The South Somerset Market Towns App was an idea developed by the Market Towns Investment Group and commissioned by SSDC. The idea was to create a guide for both locals and visitors that could be updated easily in real time, and accessed on the move via smartphone or tablet. Town Councils opted in to be a part of the project and a total of nine market towns are now featured on the App as a result. The Market Towns Investment Group help Market Towns to work together to build better communities, the App project emulates this very ethos. With nine towns working together to promote themselves via an App, something that would not be possible to do alone. Since the release in July 2013 this community led project has had volunteers in each town working to keep all of the information up to date. Portas Programme (2013 - 2015) In 2011 the Government asked Mary Portas to complete an independent review into the future of our High Streets. The Government’s High Street Innovation Fund allowed the Market Towns Investment Group to run a ‘Portas’ Programme to support projects aimed at increasing footfall in the Market Towns High Streets. Bruton Castle Cary Chard Crewkerne Ilminster Langport Martock Somerton Wincanton Riverside Walk Milbrook Gardens Car Park extension Chard Business Start Up (Empty Shop) Town Centre Tree Replacement Theatre in Shops To improve the Wednesday Market Town Centre improvements Langport Market Development Precinct Improvement Project Town Centre Car Park improvements Wincanton Transport Hub Castle Cary - Before and after pictures of Milbrook Gardens Car Park. Chard – Town Centre Tree replacement Chard – Chard Business Start Up Crewkerne – Theatre in Shops Langport – Market Development Somerton – Town Centre improvements For more information about these Market Towns Investment Group projects please contact either: Andrew Gillespie, Area Development Manager – West andrew.gillespie@southsomerset.gov.uk or Nicola Doble, Area Development – West nicola.doble@southsomerset.gov.uk .