LP 10 FST 6 2002 Abstract
LP 10 FST 6 2002 Abstract
SA PU T AN AR AJ EL MB PE H NA TA UL LS TA GI DI R NU HI ZA RA H l Pefpusfakaon otns Dan Teknoloql 1100024579 MalovslO (KUSf�M' <:!v \' • 1100024579 DNA using fingerprinting of marble goby, Oxyeleotris marrnoratus RAPD-PCR technique / Leong Lok Ping. PERPUST KOLEJ ---=2..:.1�()30 TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA & TERENGGr-A:;..N::::U:.--_--- Tarikh DI GI TA LS UL TA NA H NU R ZA HI RA H __ SAINS KUALA UNIVERSITI Pemulan Nombor AN aktu an r �n EL AJ AR __..Sd.� =.:..._+_....!.A�hl ! !...l i q c» U t l!4'b '.j 1>1'11\ Tanda PE MB . � :)_f,/O PU , SA T v • I It\ /.( f � 'J!I lAIL [�;;-q _- G· 4-S vllc.((J1 ,� -a - \)...c. ) - JDy� an I c. (:_ ,- - .. " ;�' , DNA FINGERPRINTING OF MA Oxyeleotris I' .... LE '-� ,.-. I ,_.\ :""", J\""'I. � ": .... ......� I,. f1 11 n - "',:_,1"1",1, · .... 1" '- '_ ',(':1 ',,1alc\ISIC H'" , , GOBY, marmoratus USING RAPD-PCR TECHNIQUE By ZA HI RA H , PU SA T PE MB EL AJ AR AN DI GI TA LS UL TA NA H NU R LEONG LOK PING This in submitted is report the requirements for the proj ect Bachelor of Educational Faculty KOLE] fulfilment of partial Degree of Science (Biology) of Science and Technology VERSITI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI VERSITI PUT AYSIA A YSIA 2002 00024579 ("f\ U' • RA H HI ZA R NU H NA TA UL LS TA GI DI AN AR AJ EL MB PE T SA PU .-� _- _- " This report should be cited as: Leong, L.P. 2002. DNA Fingerprinting of Marble " - Goby, Oxyeleotris marmoratus Using Technique. Undergraduate thesis, Bachelor of Educational Science (Biology), Faculty of Science and Technology, Kolej Universiti Sains Dan Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Terengganu. 54p. D-PCR or this be mechanical, reproduced by any of project may photographic, electronic process, or in the form ofphonographic recording, nor may it be stored in No part retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copiedfor public or private use, without written permission from the author and the supervisor ofthe project. a OWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Noraznawati Ismail. Thank you for your caring, supportive and patience supervision. Thank you for all your contribution and advices throughout this project. I grateful to meet Andi, Kak Wan and Awie, for they are always standing by to offer their valuable guidance Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me. I'll remember what you all taught me. am To the Dean, Prof. Azmi, thank you for kindly provided me the fish samples. Johny, helping up with samples collection. HI thank you for RA H To and support. and Kak Ani. TA GI DI AN I would like to thank my family Dad, Mom and little sister LS UL TA NA H NU R ZA My sincere appreciation to Kak Faridah, Azrnan Without their patience and consideration, I won't have been finished with this project. EL AJ AR for their Love, Courage and Support. That's the strength that cheers me up this study. SA T PE MB throughout PU To my beloved friends and 382 housemates know who you are), thank you for being with me, (you sharing all the good and bad times together. Your loyalty made me stronger to face challenges. Though it's really frustrating sometimes, BUT, we all make it through finally! might be neglected their names make this project possible. Thanks to all that I that helped to • • 11 APPROVAL AND CERTIFICATION FO I certify that the report of this fmal year Goby, Oxyeleotris marmoratus Using project entitled 'DNA RAPD-PCR Fingerprinting Technique' by of Marble LEONG LOK PING, • 532 have been read and all the alteration and correction recommended metnc no. Exarniners have been done. This thesis submitted to Department have been for Science accepted as in (Biology) Faculty requirement of Science and Universiti Putra Biological Science, degree of Bachelor Educational Technology, Kolej Universiti Sains Dan Malaysia. H Miss Noraznawati Ismail LS UL TA NA 0 DI GI TA Supervisor Faculty of Science and Technology Kolej Universiti Sains Dan Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia Terengganu AN AR AJ EL MB ..... PE . T ... SA ... PU <9{;j'Od Date:... NU R ZA HI RA H Teknologi Malaysia, fulfilment of the of by Madya Dr. Sayed Zain S. Hassan Head of Department Of Biological Science Faculty of Science and Technology Kolej Universiti Sains Dan Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia Terengganu Prof. ••• III ABST Marble fish important species DNA based on study owing to its study from the goby (Oxyeleofris marmoratusi of the effectiveness that to establish the DNA were Gobiodei. Random large suborder, Chain Reaction Polymerase applied Eleotridae is family to a fingerprinting commercially Amplified Polymorphic D-PCR) technique ( a chosen in this was wide range of organisms. The aim of this of O. marmoratus, to the verify , genetic \ and to variability analyze the Genomic DNA of 20 species. Phenol-Chloroform Protocol of degree samples polymorphism extracted from the muscular tissues was The technique. DNA level marker of this on of DNA purity using from 1.301- samples ranged 1.807, quantitatively estimated from the ratio between the reading of absorbence from 270ng/JlL 685ng/JlL. RA H HI band formed ethidium bromide. A total of 19 primers Quantity of DNA also 0.80/0 on a of DNA (w/v) samples ranged with 60-700/0 GC content were tested from each DNA sample separately. The PCR stained with 0.5Jlg/mL TA then LS amplify fragments in 1.70/0 GI were to electrophoresed (w/v) agarose gel OPA07, OPA09 and OPA20 AJ primers - were chosen for further primers generated a total of 28 loci PE The (fragments) with 91.70/0 polymorphic loci The was similarity 0.400 ± marmoratus. RAPD banding ranged PU (25 fragments) and the SA T study. MB EL ethidium bromide. Three AR AN products ability DI for their UL TA - 0.5Jlg/mL ZA stained with single R gel the appearance of through purity NU agarose observed in UV -Spectrophotometer. The H qualitatively (OD26oI0D28o) NA 260nm and 280nm at index among individuals 0.167. 550bp Further studies needs of conservation and and on this 0.442 was 400bp were species propagation from 1-10 of O. ± fragments 0.123 whereas found to be with 350-1750bp. genetic distance value diagnostic markers of O. should be carried out in order to fulfill the marmoratus • IV . ,. , .... , . - . ., ABSTRAK Ikan Ketutu ikan (Oxyeleotris marmoratus) dalam suborder Pemilihan teknik Amplifikasi Rantai Polimerase telah Gobiodei yang berasal dari famili Eleotridae adalah nilai mempunyai yang spesis kepentingan pcrdagangan. Rawak Polimorfik DNA yang berdasarkan Tindak Balas (RAPD-PCR) dalarn kajian ini disebabkan oleh keberkesanannya ditunjukkan pada banyak organisma. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk yang r memaparkan \ pencapjarian DNA ikan ketutu, O. marmoratus, memeriksa kepelbagaian genetik ini. DNA menganalisa darjah polimorfik pad a tahap penanda DNA spesis 20 contoh ikan diekstrak dari tisu otot ikan didapati berada dalam julat 1.301-1.807. Ia penganggaran nisbah antara bacaan penyerapan kuantitatif 260nm dan 280nm pad a RA H diperhatikan melalui kewujudan jalur-jalur agaros yang telah diwamakan (w/v) gel dengan (OD26010D28o) HI 0.80/0 secara dengan UL LS GI secara DI AR 60-700/0 scbanyak (w/v) gel diuji berasingan. untuk kebolehan Basil peR dilarikan agaros yang diwamakan PE MB etidium bromida. OPA07, OPA09 dan OPA20 telah dipilih untuk dengan kajian T 0.5�glmL 1.7% pada julat 270ngl�L-685ng/�L. EL melalui proses elektroforesis GC DNA ikan mengamplifikasikan fragmen AJ mereka primer dengan kandungan TA Sembilan belas TA NA H etidium bromida. Kuantiti DNA ikan berada dalarn AN 0.5�glmL NU R pada diperolehi ZA yang terbentuk tunggal dalam teknik Fenol-Kloroform. Ketulenan DNA dengan dalam UV -Spektrofotometer. Ketulenan DNA genomik serta PU SA seterusnya. Ketiga-tiga primer menghasilkan jumlah 28 loci dengan 91.70/0 (25 fragmen) daripada IO loci-loci tersebut adalah polimorfik. Jalur-jalur RAPD didapati berjulat fragmen dengan 350-1750bp. Penunjuk adalah 0.442 Diagnostik ± pembiakan O. (Similarity Index) 0.123, manakala nilai Jarak Genetik adalah 0.400 untuk O. marmoratus yang terhadap spesis Kesamaan ini perlu dijalankan diperolehi adalah 550bp untuk memenuhi marmoratus. v dan ± antara I antara individu 0.167. Penanda 400bp. Kajian lanjut keperluan pemuliharaan dan
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