FY2012-2013 - Common Ground
FY2012-2013 - Common Ground
Crafting brighter futures… Annual Report 2012-13 Self-determination The right of individuals to have full power over their own lives, regardless of the presence of illness or disability. It encompasses concepts such as free will, civil and human rights, freedom of choice, independence, self-direction and individual responsibility. Common Ground is a nonprofit agency dedicated to helping people move from crisis to hope. For more than 40 years, the agency has provided the tools – our 24-hour Resource and Crisis Helpline, youth and family services, emergency psychiatric services and other programs throughout Oakland and, most recently, Genesee County – that empower individuals to craft their own lives and futures in their own way. Our programs and services are a lifeline for runaway and homeless youths, families in crisis, victims of crime, people with mental illness and others in critical situations. With an annual operating budget of more than $12 million, Common Ground serves more than 70,000 individuals each year. The agency is supported in part by state and federal grants, contracts, individual and corporate contributions, foundation grants, special events, the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority, Genesee Health System and United Way for Southeastern Michigan. Most of our services are free of charge and 93% of funds we receive go to direct service. Dear Friends, It gives us great pleasure to send you this Annual Report for fiscal year 2012-13. In the past year we have experienced exciting opportunities as well as challenges. We moved our crisis related services into a newly refurbished building on the Oakland County Complex in Pontiac, where people we serve now receive treatment in a brighter, more welcoming, safe environment. We became one of four agencies in Southeastern Michigan that came together to form the Runaway and Homeless Youth Regional Alliance to help young people Tony Rothschild in crisis; and due to the success of our Crisis Chat/Text program, we have been President/ChiefExecutiveOfficer notified that we have been chosen by Crisis Text Line, Inc., a national organization, to participate in its texting program, which is expanding services to selected cities across the country. Although mental health budgets continue to shrink, we are optimistic about the future. Since the passage of the Affordable Healthcare Act, we have seen mental health issues rise to the national forefront and parity between physical and mental health is now mandated. Many challenges do remain both locally and across the country, as we see more young people struggling with mental health issues and more adults and families struggling to manage the stress in their lives. That’s why Common Ground is so grateful for your support, because it allows us to continue to be there Donald Campbell BoardChair for people when they need us. Thank you for helping Common Ground help people move from crisis to hope! Sincerely, Tony Rothschild President/ChiefExecutiveOfficer Donald Campbell BoardChair 1 Divided into three distinct impact areas… Common Ground’s programs and services Respond to Crisis, Provide Safety and Advocacy and Build Communities of Support. With passionate caring and concern, professional counseling and collaboration with other agencies and organizations, we help people move from crisis to hope. Last year, Common Ground helped more than 70,000 people move from crisis to hope. Common Ground Responds to Crisis Last year we helped a total of 61,700 individuals and families with our crisis related services. “When I came to Common Ground, everything changed for the better!” • 24-Hour Resource and Crisis Helpline (800-231-1127)* Immediate help to individuals, families and friends of people in crisis and access to adults and children seeking mental health assessments. Trained crisis interventionists are available to receive crisis calls, chats and texts to offer confidential support and resources. The Crisis Chat/Text program can be accessed by texting 248-809-5550 or by visiting www.commongroundhelps.org weekdays 4 -10 p.m. • Oakland Assessment and Crisis Intervention Services (OACIS)* Recovery oriented face to face assessment, crisis intervention, and stabilization services for all Oakland County residents, including children. Focuses on problem solving and assertive crisis resolution strategies tailored to each person’s specific needs. • ACCESS* Provides free eligibility determination screenings for people with developmental disabilities, children with emotional disturbances and adults with mental illness. ACCESS screenings are provided over the phone or on a walk-in basis, for entry into the public specialty mental health system through Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA). ACCESS also provides referrals for non-OCCMHA services for anyone in Michigan. 2 • Oakland Crisis Intervention and Recovery Team (OCIRT)* Provides recovery-oriented, trauma-informed crisis intervention to those requiring/desiring additional supports between the crisis and the onset of treatment. • Genesee County Crisis Intervention and Recovery Team (CIRT)** Provides recovery-oriented mobile crisis intervention to people where they are, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The team serves those experiencing a mental health crisis, helping to de-escalate the crisis situation and link the individual or family to services that will meet their needs. Service is provided to all who are experiencing a mental health crisis in Genesee County, regardless of income, insurance or permanent residence. “This program made me grow up. I take things more seriously now. I used to be that immature kid who liked to joke around but now I’m focused on where I want to go in life.” • CommunityLiaisonTeam-OaklandCounty*A multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals with a wide range of experience and expertise imbedded within prominent community agencies to ensure the identification and prompt treatment of individuals requiring mental health services in Oakland County. Community Liaison Team members are currently based at the 51st District Court, Oakland County Community Corrections, 6th District Court, Department of Human Services (DHS) Pontiac Office, any Oakland County hospital with patients requiring an ATR or Kevin’s Law determination and Oakland Integrated Health Network (OIHN) Family Medicine clinic. • Utilization Review* Manages episodes of acute care (e.g. hospital, crisis residential, etc.), authorizes continued stay and coordinates discharge planning. • Legal Clinic*** On a first come, first served basis, volunteer attorneys provide free legal advice, referrals, and counseling to people with legal concerns that range from child custody and divorce to finance-related issues. • Street Outreach Program*** Connects with homeless and at-risk youth living on the street. Case management and referral services are provided by counselors and peer mentors to youth on the streets, at home, in school, police stations and medical facilities. Outpatient case management, including interpersonal and recreational groups, are provided as well as a refuge from the streets for youth ages 12-22. * fundedbyOaklandCountyCommunityMentalHealthAuthority ** FundedbyGeneseeHealthSystem *** Programfallsinto(2)serviceareas Common Ground Provides Safety and Advocacy Last year we provided a safe place and advocated for a total of 3,573 teens, adults and victims of crime. • Victim Assistance Program Provides 24-hour access to counselors and advocates for victims of crime, domestic and sexual abuse, and workplace violence. Assistance includes on-site advocacy, death notification, personal protection order assistance and victim accompaniment to hospitals, police stations and court rooms. “Common Ground gave me hope and made me feel like a person.” 3 • Crisis Residential Unit* Provides short-term voluntary psychiatric care for adults that includes medical supervision, nursing and discharge planning. The unit also provides crisis stabilization services to voluntary patients referred by OACIS as an alternative to inpatient hospitalization or as a step-down from an inpatient unit. These services are designed to support stabilization, reduce symptoms, restore function and prevent additional functional impairment, with the goal of transitioning to a less-restrictive level of care. • The Sanctuary, a free and safe 24-hour shelter, provides three-week voluntary residential counseling to runaways and youths in crisis between the ages of 10 and 17, with the goal of reuniting them with their families. “When I talked to someone at Common Ground, I felt something I had never felt before from someone listening to my story: compassion!” • A Step Forward is a safe and home-like transitional living shelter for homeless youths ages 16-20, who are seeking self-sufficiency. The program provides counseling, job training, career development, educational assistance, financial subsidies and medical assistance for up to 21 months. • Graduated Apartment Program (GAP) provides subsidized apartment living for people ages 18-23 for up to two years, with the goal of independent living. Services provided include skill development, case management, peer mentoring, graduated monitoring/supervision and 24-hour staff availability. • Counseling Program Offers out-patient and in-home counseling for individuals and families with 10-17 year-olds for up to three months, with the goal of helping families draw on their own resources and abilities to get through a crisis. *fundedbyOaklandCountyCommunityMentalHealthAuthority Common Ground Builds Communities of Support Last year we helped 8,396 victims of crime, survivors of suicide, survivors of homicide, youths, teen girls and parents by providing counseling and support groups designed to educate and aid them in the healing process. • Survivors of Suicide Support Group is an open support group for people who have lost a loved one due to suicide. A six-week, closed support group is offered three times per year. A children’s and teen’s group is also offered. • Survivors of Homicide Support Group is a bi-monthly 12-week support group for people who have lost a loved one due to homicide or drunk driving. • Growth and Healing Support Group provides support for young women ages 14-17 who have been victims of sexual assault and/or abuse. • Teen Girl Empowerment Group provides support for young women ages 14-17, covering a range of topics and assisting with concerns and issues. • Love & Logic Support Group is a six-week program for parents of teens and pre-teens that combines discussion, video, support and guest speakers. • SayYes Theatre Troupe is a prevention-based theater program comprised of trained Peer Mentors, ages 15-25. The group presents live performances on issues facing children, teens, young adults and families. Topics include peer pressure, bullying, teasing, substance abuse, dating violence, conflict resolution, stress and others. 4 Talented Former GAP Participant Uses Art, Music for Self-Expression Martin Jones has a contagious smile, though some may think he has little to smile about. At age 5, he began losing family members. Now at age 24, his grandparents, parents and sister are deceased and he is on his own with no close family. But Martin is trying not to let his situation get him down. He is thankful for all the support he has received, feels optimistic about his future and is serious about his art and music. “Music is my sanctuary,” he explains, flashing that smile. “And when I create a painting or sculpture, it makes me feel soulful because every artist has got to have some soul! I also love to sing and act.” After losing his mother at age 14, Martin finished high school in 2008, but living with his father didn’t work out. “I didn’t want to deal with the abuse and neglect from my father anymore, so after hearing about it from a friend, I went to live at Covenant House.” (Covenant House is a non-profit organization that provides shelter to homeless, runaway and at-risk youth ages 13-22). After aging out of Covenant House, Martin came to Common Ground’s GAP program where he began learning to be independent. “I learned life skills to live on my own and got treatment for the trauma that happened to me when I was 4 years old.” Common Ground also introduced Martin to Art Therapy, where art therapists Margaret Sans-Goldstein and Kristen Lambert recognized his talent for drawing and painting. They encouraged him to check out The Art Experience in Pontiac, which is a place to explore creativity in many different forms. He began going to the Art Experience regularly and as a result, was awarded the Katie Serewicz Artist’s Scholarship. One of Martin’s favorite ways to express himself is painting portraits of entertainers who perform the music he loves. His works bare striking resemblance to singers Tina Turner, Anita Baker, Mary J. Blige and others. He created a one-man art show of his paintings and Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA) recently featured the exhibit at its headquarters in Auburn Hills. Surrounded by his work, Martin likes to express himself by painting portraits of the entertainers he loves. Continuing to face challenges, Martin has aged out of the GAP Program and is now looking for a permanent place to live and a job to support himself. His story is evolving and doesn’t fit into a “lived happily ever after” scenario. Yet, he is hopeful about his future and determined to reach his full potential. Martin credits Common Ground with preparing him for the next phase of his life, which is to live as an independent adult. He knows there will still be problems, but he’s up for the challenge. “Because of Common Ground, I have made a good transition to a mature person. I was blessed to find them.” “Music is the driving force for him, it reminds him of his family and is a comfort for him,” Lambert said. “He’s a really talented young man who hasn’t had an easy life. He just needs a break.” 5 Passionate Supporters Praise Agency’s Work in the Community; See Need for Expansion Deborah and Jerome Moceri are longtime Common Ground supporters. Deborah, a master’s level psychologist and licensed professional counselor, has been referring people to Common Ground since 1991. Jerome, who runs a family-owned, affordable housing business, joined Common Ground’s Advisory Board at his wife’s suggestion in 2004, shortly after they were married. The couple strongly believes in Common Ground’s mission and the work it does in the community. When Jerome toured the Sanctuary with Board of Trustees member Kay White and Common Ground CEO Tony Rothschild a few years back, he was very impressed by the diversity of the young people in the program and the goal of reunifying families where possible. “There is a focus to give troubled kids that temporary separation from parents that they may need to bring the family together and if it doesn’t work, teach them life skills. So it’s a lesson of how not to become a burden but how to stand on their own two feet and give back. That’s what impressed me about the Sanctuary program and its sister programs.” Jerome and Deborah Moceri are longtime Common Ground supporters and are committed to the agency’s mission. They have a special passion for programs that help our community’s youth. Deborah has and continues to use Common Ground as a resource in her profession. She believes the agency’s work is important for all ages. “Since 1994 I have physically brought adults in to Common Ground for psychiatric evaluation and if it weren’t for this developed rapport, the people would not have gotten the assistance they needed. I have also utilized Common Ground for after-hours crisis intervention for children of all ages so I don’t think it’s an agency geared toward only one specific age group – and that’s why I think it’s great.” It’s obvious the Moceris have a passion for the work that Common Ground does, and both would like to see services and programs reach a larger audience. Jerome is especially passionate about youth programs. He’d like to see our youth programs expanded and more homes like The Sanctuary added. “I was so impressed with the Sanctuary and other youth programming that I could see where other pockets of Oakland County could benefit from the same type of approach.” Deborah would like to see more coordination of services between community service agencies. “Because the dollars are becoming thinner and thinner, I think there should be more 6 collaboration between agencies so that there is no duplication of services and the dollars are well spent,” she explained. When asked what they would tell someone who is considering volunteering at Common Ground, the couple had similar answers. “Common Ground has helped so many people and they continue to help people every day,” Deborah said. “I would tell them that there comes a time when all of us need help and to know that you can pick up the phone and call them anytime – that’s a gift!” “I’d say call them yourself, see what they have to offer,” Jerome said. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve given out that phone number to people!” According to Common Ground’s director of Advancement and Donor Relations Cheryl Rossman, the Moceris are not afraid to put their passion for Common Ground into action. “Jerome and Deborah’s enthusiasm for our mission and passion for our services positions them to be natural Common Ground ambassadors. The two are always looking for ways to open doors for Common Ground in the community.” In fact, the Moceri family hosted a special Legacy of Hope Harvest Celebration event for Common Ground at the Moceri companies’ Kingsridge model home in Oakland Township recently, where the Moceri companies arranged to have a chef prepare gourmet pizza in the home’s outdoor brick oven. “It was one of our best events,” said Rossman. “Guests felt at home and conversations flowed well past the event ending time,” she added. Jerome has even been telling people to put Common Ground’s crisis phone number into their cell phones. “Whomever I’m with – business associates, employees or friends, I tell them to get their phone handy because I have an important phone number for them to add to their contacts. I describe the mission of Common Ground and how one day they may need help and everyone has had a positive reaction. In fact, the number one response is: cool!” Common Ground’s Legal Clinic A History of Community Support By John Kuzmich, Legal Services manager From its early days on Park Street in downtown Birmingham in 1970, Common Ground has maintained a reputation as a place where anyone in need can find someone to listen or lend a helping hand. The history of the agency as a provider of crisis intervention services is well-told, and much of its success can be directly attributed to the broad array of services it offers. Common Ground’s legal clinic is one of those services. Norman Olshansky was Common Ground’s first full-time administrator. He recalled the need for this service arose due to high call volumes from people looking for legal assistance. As a result, local attorneys were recruited to staff the phone lines at Common Ground on Tuesday evenings. Soon it became apparent that people should have the opportunity to speak with an attorney face-to-face. Early legal clinic volunteer Paul Tessler was one of a small group of attorneys who were the first to see people on a walk-in basis in 1971. “People were just amazed that they could talk to a lawyer,” Tessler said. During that same year Common Ground relocated to 279 S. Woodward Avenue. On Tuesday nights from 8-10 p.m., an average of two to three volunteer attorneys would meet with four to eight people at the clinic. Attorney Larry Pepper, who volunteered at the legal clinic from the late 1970s to the mid-1980s, recalled those staffing the help lines were always available to provide crisis counseling for someone he was assisting. He felt this was particularly helpful to a clinic attendee because it could provide the support that only a crisis intervention agency could provide. This remains one of the hallmarks of the legal clinic. Over the years, the legal clinic moved right along with the agency and during the 1980s operated out of Common Ground’s facility at 1090 S. Adams Rd. During this time, attorney Marcia Femrite became involved in the legal clinic. Femrite believed it was important for legal professionals to give back. She remained a legal clinic volunteer for more than a dozen years. continued on page 8 7 Common Ground’s Legal Clinic continued from page 7 The mid-1990s were a little tumultuous for the legal clinic. From 1989 until about 1995, it operated out of Common Ground’s facility at 751 Hendrie in Royal Oak. During this time, attorney Daniel Findling was an active volunteer. Findling valued being a volunteer and felt it sharpened his analytical skills. Between 1995 and 2000, the clinic moved to an offsite location at Oakland Family Services in Berkley, where attorneys like Resa Jannett, Micheal Kilpatrick, and Bob Beardslee helped keep it going. Now retired, Paul Tessler remembers his experience as a Common Ground Legal Clinic volunteer: “The thing that stuck with me is the personal satisfaction of the people we served.” The Tuesday evening clinic is currently located in Common Ground’s Administration Building at 1410 S. Telegraph Rd. It experienced rapid growth under the leadership of Tony Rothschild, Jim Perlaki and the first full-time Legal Services manager, Cheryl Rossman. From 1999 to 2012, the number of consultations attorneys provided increased from less than 200 to more than 1,500 per year. A Thursday clinic located at the Oakland County Law Library was added in 2010 under the direction of Legal Services manager Holli Wallace. Operating for more than 40 years, Common Ground’s legal clinic continues to serve the public through the dedication of its volunteer attorneys. As of fiscal year 2012-2013, the clinic can count on support from more than two dozen licensed attorneys and approximately a dozen additional volunteers including paralegals and other professionals. In Memoriam This story is dedicated to the efforts of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of attorneys who have lent a sharp mind and open heart to those who have sought help from the legal clinic over the past 40 years. One of those attorneys was Holli Wallace, who passed away in October 2013. Holli served as Common Ground’s Legal Services manager from 2010-2012. A committed advocate for access to legal services for those who are unable to afford them, Holli’s compassionate spirit will continue to serve as an inspiration to all who had the privilege of knowing her. Holli Wallace with her young sons 8 2012-13 Financials Common Ground would not exist without the community support it has depended on for more than 40 years. That support has allowed us to provide services throughout Oakland County and beyond and we are very grateful. We receive funding from a variety of sources including government contracts, Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority, Genesee Health System, United Way for Southeastern Michigan, and contributions from foundations, corporations, organizations and individuals. With your continued support, Common Ground will continue to grow and thrive – and most important – continue to help people move from crisis to hope, now and into the future. We invite you to visit Common Ground to see that your support is truly making a difference. Contact Cheryl Rossman, director of Advancement and Donor Relations, at 248-451-3732 to schedule a visit. Expenses Responding to Crisis Dollars 8,535,307 65.71% 3,364,643 25.91% 64,637 0.50% Management and General 800,084 6.16% Fundraising 150,821 1.16% 72,425 0.56% $ 12,987,917 100.00% Providing Safety and Support Community Education/Outreach Increase in Net Assets TOTAL Revenue Government Grants Public Support Business Income TOTAL $ Percentage Dollars Percentage $ 11,988,365 92.30% 943,991 7.27% 55,561 0.43% $ 12,987,917 100.00% 9 Third Legacy of Hope Breakfast Helps to Build Passion for Common Ground’s Mission Common Ground’s third Legacy of Hope Breakfast last September welcomed more than 250 guests who got the opportunity to experience the impact the agency has made in the community. The one-hour program was filled with first-hand accounts from individuals and families who Common Ground has assisted, and a video was shown that featured real stories about some of the real people that have been helped. The breakfast theme, “Seeds of Growth,” explored ways Common Ground can extend the reach of its message of helping people move from crisis to hope. One of the ways identified is the agency’s ongoing efforts to educate the community about mental health by facilitating Mental Health First Aid sessions. Becoming a Common Ground volunteer and/or financial supporter were also highlighted as ways to help extend the agency’s message and reach. Legacy Society Patterson and Bryant Healthcare Solutions Legacy Partners Heather Rae Rita Margherio John and Julie Roberts Mind Over Matter Cheryl Rossman Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. Tony Rothschild and Mona Scott Legacy Leaders Christine and Dennis Ruen Maggie Allesee Debbie and Richard Astrein Tom and Carol Beeler The City of Birmingham Donald and Susan Campbell The Chadwick Group P.C. Howard and Judith Christie William Cousins Lorrie D’Angelo Jane Dallas Dean P. Darby Marjorie Decapite Gary Dembs and Jan Weiss Dembs Dr. Shari and Eric Dobrusin Debbie and John M. Erb The Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation Fred Fechheimer Myron Frasier Dr. Howard and Pola Friedman The Harold and Marion Gordon Family Jeanne P. Hackett Sylvia and Edward Hagenlocker Many guests were motivated by the heartfelt stories and compelling presentation to make a financial commitment to Common Ground. Some guests even made pledges that permitted them to become Common Ground Sustainers (Sustainers commit to support and safeguard Common Ground’s most vulnerable programs with a gift at any level per year for a minimum of five years) or Legacy Society members (Legacy Society members commit to make positive change in people’s lives and their communities with a minimum gift of $1,000 per year for a minimum of five years). In fact, a total of 14 individuals and couples were propelled by passion for our mission to join the Legacy Society at the breakfast. But whether it was becoming a volunteer, giving a one-time donation or making a pledge for continued support, Common Ground values any and all contributions and is grateful for the community’s support in helping plant the seeds that move people from crisis to hope. To find out more about becoming a Legacy Society member, call 248-451-3732. 10 Ann Hartzell-Kneen Sandy and Michael Hermanoff Robert and Diane Horstman Connie and Len Johnston Dr. Paula Jorné Ellen Kock, PhD James Kohlenberg, M.D. Vickie and Rhein Krigner Mr. Reuben Levy LymTal International Inc. Steven and Sara Majoros Mike and Cathy McNamara Mara McNeill The Honorable Fred Mester Jerry and Deborah Moceri Mr. and Mrs. Neill Murphy Scott Murphy Tom and Lisa Nardone Jim and Cindy Scoggin Michael and Karen Valentino Kay White Michael and Gail Whitty The World Heritage Foundation Sustainers Maria Abrahamsen Mr. Howard and Nina B. Abrams David and Anne Alden Don Ambrose Mrs. Teresa Arbenowske Ms. Debra Ann Ball Nanci and John Ballantyne Ms. Amanda Bleasbois Mr. John Boes Boisvenu & Company PC Matthew and Kathryn Bressette Ms. Veronica Brown Robert and Margaret Burch Ms. Harriet Cammock Amy Casai Gerald and Jillian Cavellier Carol Chambers, PhD Ms. Kristen Cometto Rebecca Cox Rik Cryderman Mr. Kent Dickerson Mary Cay Dietz and Peter Van Hull Ms. Margo Eby Ms. Ruth Evens Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Gleeson, II Barbara and Brad Hackel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hammond Rita Patel and Alan Haras Reggie Harrison Eugene and Donna Hartwig Neil Hitz Rochelle Hurt Lenda and Reginald Jackson Carol and Mitch A. Klein Susan Deutch Konop Adrienne and Greg Kozlowski Dee Saunders and Alexandra Lane Dr. Joan Lanier Fred Leeb Support 2012-2013 The following list reflects donations received from October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013. We make every attempt to provide an accurate list. We regret any errors or omissions. Lehto Lovett Family Terri Lessnau Carol Litka Richard Danto and Christine Lustig Main Street Bank Martha Manting Alan and Dorie Marshall Upton Pearce and Laurie Marshall Businesses and Corporations Accent On Art Art Van Community Initiatives Bank of America Matching Gifts The Baskin Law Firm Beaumont Health System Belcan Corporation James Mazzola Belle Tire Curt McAllister Birmingham Seal Coat David G. Wurtz and Sharon R. McMurray Blue Care Network Thomas McNamara BodyMind Network Center, PLLC Gary and Teresa Meerschaert Bowyer and Midtgard, PC Joan Morehead Bromley/Chapin Design, Inc. Ms. Susan O’Brien Steve and Judy Overstreet Roberta Patt James and Susan Perlaki Polk and Associates PLC Gary and Cynthia Pozolo Brown & Brown Insurance Button’s Rent-It Chandler Bujold & Chandler, PLC Commerce Family Denistry, PC Costco Wholesale Corporation Detroit Kid City McLaren Oakland Ethel and James Flinn Foundation McKeen & Associates Mercantile Bank of Michigan Rochelle & Randolph Forester Foundation Meritor Wabco JP Morgan Chase Foundation Michigan Guild of Artists and Artisans Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Moceri Development Corporation Murphy Law, PLLC National Safe Place, Inc. Neuman Anderson P.C. Kemp Klein Umphrey Endelman & May Foundation Knudsen Family Fund Marshall Mathers Foundation Paletz Law Firm, PC The June and Cecil McDole Charitable Fund Pitler Family Law and Mediation PC Oneill Foundation Polk and Associates PLC Michael and Peggy Pitt Charitable Trust Royal Oak Lions Charities, Inc Rubin & Rubin, PLLC Schellenberg-Young Seaver Title Agency & Greco Title Agency Sherbow & Associates, P.L.C. Steinhardt Pesick & Cohen Donald E. and Joanne Petersen Fund Thomas R. and Priscilla A. Ricketts Wetsman Foundation The Young Foundation The Dirt Label Strobl & Sharp PC Tag Sports LLC Muncipalities Norma Regenold Donald E. McGinnis, JR, J.D., P.C. Attorney at Law Target Bloomfield Hills Store Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds Shelley and Jeff Roberts Eddy’s Landscaping, LLC THC Investors LP - Townsend Hotel City of Farmington Hills Mr. Ray Rogers Empowerment Professional PC United Healthcare Services, Inc. The City of Birmingham Fitness Driven Personal Training Studio UPS Genisys Credit Union Walmart - Troy Civic Groups Go Comedy! Improv Theater, LLC Williams, Williams, Rattner & Plunkett Hertz, Schram PC Wines For Humanity American Association of University Women Mr. Rick Puchalski Deborah Ross Barbara Hillman Rubiner Ms. Deborah N Rubyan Raquel Rudder Ms. Julia Saville Robert and Mary Scharff William and Judith Schramm Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss Foundations K.D. & CO. Talbert & Leota Abrams Foundation Kalpa Systems Bank of America Charitable Foundation Mayna Schumacher Kemp Klein Douglas Wright and Maureen Shannon Kroger Advertising Dept. Mrs. Barbara J. Shreve The Law Firm of John F. Schaefer Ms. Nicole Sherard-Freeman The Law Offices of Donald E. McGinnis, Jr., J.D., Jacqueline Smith Craig and Janna Snyder Vivian Steinhilper Colette and Tom Stimmell Jeanne Susalla Ms. Elaine Torossian Law Offices of Barbara B. Smith PLLC Law Offices of Miriam Z. Wolock PLLC Liberty Bar Lippit O’Keefe, PLLC Lipson, Neilson, Cole, Seltzer & Garin, P.C. LM2, LLC Lisa and Mark Turbeville Loomis, Sayles & Company, LLC Vedanta Shala LLC DBA Hamsa Yoga Macy’s East Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Berkley High School Birmingham High School Hockey Association Ceramics Comummunity Network @ OCC Communications Workers of America Federated Campaign Stewards Ferndale Middle School Ferndale/Berkley LA #1402 VFQ Give A Christmas Year-A-Round Hazel Park Dance Teams Heart of West Michigan United Way International Order of Rainbow for Girls Keller Elementary Kroger Community Rewards Lathrup Village Women’s Club Jon and Kathy Walgren 11 Individuals Theresa Bush A Denise Abrash Paula Butler E Tina Easley Barb Bytnar Dan Eckman Christine Allen Trina Eddy Howard Altman C Holly Calligan Judy Anderson Julie Candler Alice Ehrinpreis Andrew Angel Samantha and Brendan Canfield Margaret and Bob Eidson Kristen Angelico Rebecca Dudash and John Canzano Cindy and Wayne Elliot Timothy and Barbara Anness Benjamin Carpenter David and Kathlyn Elsila Royal Oak Woman’s Club Anonymous James Carpenter Jeremy Erber Schwab Charitable Fund Jennifer Applebee Nadya Cherup June Everett The Lamphere Schools Civic Groups– continued Marian High School Members Give American Express Merck Partnership for Giving Michigan Network for Youth and Families MissionFish Oakland University Student Campus Organic Farm Ann and Richard Edwards Michele Arkin Ansam Chika The Miah Mile Luke Armstrong Suzanne Clark F Darlene Faber Troy Women’s Charitable Association Craig and Maria Arnold Rob Clementz Gene and Rickey Faermark Brad Asher Dennis Cline Maria Falealo B Nancy Brigham and Stephen Babson Kathy Coburn Dana and Howard Feldman Steven and Susan Cohen Helen and Charles Feldman William and Tracy Baisden Sheldon Cohn Joshua Feldman David Baker Deborah Collins Mynan and Sam Feldman James and Martha Balmer III Laura Collins James Ferguson Dora Baltrusaitis Mark Conti Neil and Nancy Ferguson VFW Acorn Post #1669 Gerard and Michele Baltrusaitis Fred Conway Irene and Richard Fernandes Wylie E. Groves High Jason Bassin Gerald and Jane Conway Steven Fladger Xemplar Club of Farmington and Farmington Hills Irene Basso Bonnie Cooper Fred Fleischer Gary and Ruth Bedard Kathleen Courtright Richard and Linda Flynn Ann and Royce Benjamin Susan Culver Dennis and Peggy Frank John and Darlene Berent Joseph Cunningham Jim Lamoureux and Kathleen Fulgenzi Gail and Larry Berkove Robert Cunningham Patrick Fuller Taylor Bette Stephanie Curry Gerald Bettis Phillip Beuckelaere D Robert Dalley G Steven Gabelmann Jeffry Blackman Namir and Eman Daman James Gage Betty Blair Stephanie Davoe Anthony Gajewski Steven Blair Perry Decoveny Marsha and Gerald Garavaglia Gary Bloom Karen Delhey Mark and Carol Gardner Cherie Bluth Dawn Demick Yolanda Garfield Hope Lutheran Church Andrew and Larysa Blysniuk Sharla and Jason Desentz Marie Gemmel Nativity Episcopal Suzanne Bolton Mac Deuparo Kelli and Patrick George North Congregational Church David and Rachel Boudreau Debra Meier and Brian Dietz Thomas George Robert and Hilary Bradley Evanne Dietz Deborah and Richard Gibbs Grace Breznau Margaret Dimond Brian Giles Tiombe Briggs Marsha Dixson John Giudici Julia Brinkmann Mary Ellen Dohrs Kathy Gleason Ona Brizgys Claudia Donnellen Derrick Glencer Trevor Brooks Rita Battocletti and Joe Donovan Sriakhil Gogineni Elaine Brown Rosemary Doyle Arnold and Judith Goldman Maria Brummel Sherry Drew Martha Goldman Arnold Budin Diogenes Duarte Kenneth Gordon Sarah Budreau Dr. Mohanpal and Seema Dulai Stephanie Gordon Maria Bugelli Jill and Brian Dunphy Susan and Robert Gordon Shirley and Michael Bujold Joanna Dziekan Henry Gornbein Richard and Gayle Burstein Ronald and Margaret Dziurlikowski Susan Grady United Way For Southeastern Michigan United Way of Greater Milwaukee United Way of Greater Portland United Way of Metropolitan Dallas University of Michigan – Procurement Services Faith/Religious Birmingham Unitarian Church Alliance Cherry Hill Baptist Church The Congregational Church of Birmingham Christ Church Cranbrook Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church Clawson United Methodist Church First United Methodist Church Birmingham Highland Community Church Christ the Redeemer-Social Justice Committee St. Johns Episcopal Church St. Andrew Catholic Church St. Daniel Catholic Community Staff St. Daniel Church St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church St. Stephens Episcopal Church United Methodist Chruch of Lake Orion Jeanne and Michael Gaffney Christine and John Graham 12 Kathleen Graham Patrick and Mary Manfield Charles Grant Gerard Mantese John and Janet Grant Roxann Marchesi Charmayne Gray Elizabeth Marshall Maureen and John Greco Ellen Marshall Nancy Gregorich Sharon Martin George Gregory Christopher Mazur Jeffrey Griffith Susan and Michael McCarty Edwin Grix Pamela McCord Andrew Grove Deborah McKelvy David and Dottie Gubow Jaime McKennon Laila Guessous Lawrence and Patricia McLaughlin Janet Gumenick Julie McManus H Cheryl and Colin Haffey Patricia Jochim Suzanne Krempa Margery and William Johnston Joyce and Jonathan Krumpe Gerald and Ann Jones Andrea Kurzynski Andrew Jordan Tim and Pat Joy L Gloria Labuda Richard Judy Jeremy LaCroix Melvin Hampton Rosemary Juracek Lewis and Shelley Lake Gina Harder K Kristin Kadau Doug Lalone Davisha Kapur Kristen Lambert Robert Karbel Kevin Lambrecht Gabriel and Rachel Karp Lawrence Larson Marlene Karp Anthony and Nancy Lee Sheila Kasselman Keith Lepard Helene Katz Barry and Sheila Levine Katie Katz S. Daniel Levit Martin and Helen Katz Lisa Levy Pat Katzer Barbara Lewis Vivienne and Raymond Kell Amber Liangis Carole and Norb Keller William and Jean Lichtenberg Joel and Betsy Kellman Kim and Glenn Liebowitz Dolores and Ronald Kennis Jeff Lincoln Barbara Killinger John and Marilyn Lines Thomas and Kathryn Klingler Roberta Litwin Kevin Klott Robert Livingston Carolyn and Charles Knakal Donna Lober Jennifer Knecht Deborah Lobring William and Jill Knight Marilyn and David Lochner Robert Knoll Dr. Jeff and Leslie London Jerry and Sharon Knoppow Chelsea Long Elaine Koblin Annette Longtine David Komorek Margaret Lowe Mark and Terrie Kopson Betty Lowenthal Scott Koree Jennifer Lynn Matt Kosel Gail and Kevin Haffey Sara Hagopian Deborah Hall Barbara Halpern Jacqueline Hamill Marcia Harrington David Harrison Barbara Harte Stephen Hatfield Judy Hayes Judi Helm Adam Herzog Mark and Nanci Hester David and Jean Heym Judith Hicks Rhonda Jenkins-Hicks and Michael Hicks Suzanne Hicks Velma and Clettis Hite Christina Hoard Tonya Hodges Karin Hoffecker Helen Holmes Mark Honeyman Ann Howard Ellen Humenny Justin and Anne Hunwick Amy Hurley Terry Hurley I Janet and Thomas Ivinson J Gilda and John Jacobs Joan Lambert Janet Jacobs-Walt Gigi Koury M Michael and Susan Madison Scott Janssen Kevin and Danielle Kovachevich Ben and Shirley Magder Lillian Jenkins Mary Kramer Talika Mahan Sondra Jenkins Amanda Krause Dr. Charles and Rhonda Main Barbara McNeil Andrew Meadow Suzanne Medici Allab and Linda Mellis Susanne Melms Peter Mendler Lance and Rosalyn Mermell Chester and Susan Mienaltowski Michael and Candice Mihalich Steve and Susan Mitchell Mr. Monsour Heather Moore Kay and James Morandini Muriel Moray Beth Morrison Michael Moulton Diane Defrancis Munn Nusrat and Max Muqtadir Matthew Murphy Patrick and Marie Murray Ursula Murray Linda Myers Rosemary and Mark Myers N Mickey Nagler Gary Negrich Lawrence and Margaret Nelson Lindsey Nicholas Paul and Susan Nickels Joel Nosanchuk Jennifer Nuss Dean John R. Nussbaumer O Patricia and Richard Obad Jill Oberlee Andrew Offenbacher Tina Topalian and Maury Okun Jacqueline and David Ong Sharon and Gary Oppenheim Kathryn Ossian 13 Staff M. Madeleine Seguin Carlene VanVoorhies Jeff Sharpe Bruce VanVoorhis P Dennis Parrott Allen and Maureen Sheahan Shawn Vasquez Usha Ari Alison Shefferly Rebecca Vlasic Sharon R. Bowman Debra Parshall-Hull Jacob and Lillian Sherbin Mark and Diane Voight Josh Brewer Dawn Parra Margaret Shimkus Barbara Shooltz W Chelsey Walker Barbara Broesamle Dr. Leon and Linda Pedell Joshua Perlman Barbara Logan and Francis Shor Kathleen Walsh Rosemary J. Chisholm Mark Petryna Lewis and Beverly Siegel Judy Warren Angela Clauson The Honorable Elizabeth Pezzetti Kathryn Simon Michael Wasielewski Jennifer Cummings Irene Piccone Edward and Helen Sing Michael Wasserman Patrice Edwards Jennifer Pierson Maggie Sitar Diane Wayne Oneil Franso Terry Piper Marie Slotnick Dennis and Susan Weinand Dana Fuller Joyce and D. David Pippel Corinne and Ronald Sorey Lora Weingarden Angela Griffith Victoria Plane William Spern Mary Ann and Danny Weingarden Gregory Hancock Meri Pohutsky Howard Splete Nancy Weingarten Mary Katherine Hancock Lois and Irvin Poston Joyce Spurlock Dr. Harold Weiss Loma Harrington Darren Proctor John Stadnicar Duane Welch Larissa Heap Gregory and Deanna Prost Richard and Amy Stanfield Richard Welch Malcolm R. Hohmann Renee Puz Diane Starr Sue Welch Julie Hudson East Julio and Carole Puzzuoli Irene Stein Stephen Welsh Jen James R Richard Rabbideau Linda Stenz The Welch Family Trust Ericka Jelinski John Stibich Dionne Wemple Anna Jo Kitchen Joseph Racey Kate Stocker Deborah Werner Ruth Koppen Ellen Raugust Robert and Treger Strasberg Sherri Werner John Kuzmich Debbie Reardon Kathleen Straus William Westervelt John Ludwig Ronald and Nancy Rechter Robert Strong Wilmot Wheeler Galen Martin Dennis and Karen Recknagel Jonah and Marisa Stutz Andrew Whitaker Lois and Richard Martin Charles Otis and Jeffrey Reider Kirk Sundling Bert Whitehead Tasia Moore Thelma and John Riccardo Deborah Swanson Richard Whiteman Stephanie Norris Deborah Richardson Dr. Nicholas Szluha Patricia Wildes Elisabeth Payne David R. Permaloff Anthony and Susan Rizzo T Trisha Teckenbrock Drs. Todd and Sook Wilkinson Carla Willett Joani Roberts Jade and Gary Robb Laura Tengler Daniel and Christine Winans Farrah Roumaya Kent Roberts Sandra Terry Patricia and Mark Wisniewski Joseph Rusher Doris Roeder Madeline Tew Ilene Wolff Michelle Sanders Ronald and Sharon Rose Maureen Thomas Christopher Woodring Margaret Sands-Goldstein Mark Rosens Pamela Thompson David Worton Michael D. Schroeder Marcia Ross Richard Thornton Mary and Gerald Wyke Coleen Sootsman-Eicher Karl Rossman Barbara and John Tierney Sarah R. Sporny Thomas Rubel Norman Horowitz and Robert Tomasik Y Maria and Kim Yamasaki Deborah Rubyan Jane Toney Stephanie Yashinsky Colleen and Sean Sylvester David and Susan Rugenstein Jeanne Towar Larry and Carol Young Mark and Abbey Werder S Amy Saari Byron Trerice Marc Wiliford Rebecca Tron Z Anne Zakrzewski Robert Sachs Linda and W.A. Tuomaala Susie Zaks Cynthia Young Janine Sadaj Susan Typinski Douglas and Diane Zande Mary Ellen Sanko V Noelle Vallee John and Kathleen Zappitell Melani Saunders Maria Schrems Tom and Cindy Van Dusen David Zimmerman Robert and Linnea Schulz Bruce Van Hoorhis Leonard Zucker Randy Seamans Bill VanHemert Individuals – continued Linda Rizk and Cherie Godfrey 14 Paula Zimmer Amiel Amrit Phyllis Burleigh Amy L. Stiener Heather Lee Willis In Honor/Memory of… In Memory of Megan Abbott Roxann Marchesi In Memory of Irwin Alterman Gary Dembs and Jan Weiss Dembs In Honor of Richard Astrein Dr. Charles and Rhonda Main In Honor of Joe and Rita Battocletti Ann and Royce Benjamin In Memory of Brandon Beaver Maureen Thomas In Memory of Andrew Booms Andrew Whitaker In Memory of Bernard Brizgys Ona Brizgys In Memory of Stanley Brown Dr. Harold Weiss Dennis and Peggy Frank Judy Hayes Adam Herzog Gilda and John Jacobs Susan Deutch Konop Allab and Linda Mellis Richard Rabbideau Ronald and Sharon Rose Robert Sachs Mark and Diane Voight Sue Welch The Welch Family Trust In Memory of James Holmes Kay White In Memory of Beth Hurley Terry Hurley In Memory of Sara Bujold Shirley and Michael Bujold In Honor of Alan Kanter and Helen Lubaway’s Wedding Kim and Glenn Liebowitz In Honor of Don Campbell Matthew and Kathryn Bressette In Honor of Marlene Karp Gerald and Ann Jones In Honor of Andrew Chamberlin David Komorek In Honor of Cecelia Kelley The Honorable Elizabeth Pezzetti As a tribute to Jesus Christ Dennis and Susan Weinand In Memory of William Kessler Tina Easley In Memory of Ernie Cooper Bonnie Cooper In Memory of Judy N. Larson Lawrence Larson In Memory of Kenneth Corley Pat Katzer In Honor of Amelia Lehto Connie and Len Johnston In Honor of Crisis Workers at the Crisis Telephone Line Mark and Abbey Werder In Memory of Gregoire Lesperance Mary Ann and Danny Weingarden In Honor of Joe Donovan Rita Battocletti Ellen Marshall Kay White In Memory of Ashley Dowser Michael and Gail Whitty In Memory of Will Elizondo Wayne and Cindy Larry and Carol Young In Memory of Fred Erb Kay White In Memory of Kenneth Golla Kathryn Simon In Memory of Michael Goulette John and Maureen Greco In Memory of Cullen Haffey Dora Baltrusaitis Gerard and Michele Baltrusaitis Patrick Fuller Jeanne and Michael Gaffney Gail and Kevin Haffey In Memory of Jeremiah A. Hargett The Miah Mile In Honor of Colin Harrison Rosemary Chisholm In Memory of Rosemary Holland Anonymous Sharla and Jason Desentz Alice Ehrinpreis In Honor of Dalila Majagic Cheryl Rossman In Honor of Sarah Majoros Tina Topalian and Maury Okun In Honor of Katie Malone Cheryl Rossman In Memory of Corey McCourt Brad Asher Gary and Ruth Bedard Cherie Bluth Dennis Cline Perry Decoveny Jeremy Erber Joshua Feldman Irene and Richard Fernandes Marsha and Gerald Garavaglia Amber Liangis Donna Lober The June and Cecil McDole Charitable Fund Lindsey Nicholas Sharon and Gary Oppenheim Joshua Perlman Deborah Richardson Randy Seamans Diane Starr Kirk Sundling Trisha Teckenbrock Michael Wasserman Andrew Whitaker In Memory of Arvie McNamara Thomas McNamara In Memory of Jane and Chester Mienaltowski Susan and Chester Mienaltowski In Memory of Curtis Mueller Barbara Killinger In Memory of Stan O’Kane Mary Ann and Danny Weingarden In Memory of George Orley Anonymous Sherri Werner In Honor of Tony Rothschild Lawrence and Margaret Nelson Michael and Gail Whitty In Honor of Sasha James Rothschild Marks Arnold Budin Kathleen and Jim Fulgenzi In Memory of Sandy Hook Victims Stephanie Curry In Memory of Leroy Sims Eric Dobrusin In Memory of Wallace Singler Anonymous In Memory of Jessica Smelser Tonya Hodges In Honor of Sara Stein Cheryl Rossman In Memory of Dan Stover Mary Ann and Danny Weingarden Linda Rizk and Cherie Godfrey In Honor of Suicide Prevention Week Linda Rizk and Cherie Godfrey In Honor of Lisa Turbeville Mark and Abbey Werder In Memory of Rebekah Warnick Andrew Offenbacher In Memory of Gabriel Werba Nanci and John Ballantyne Taylor Bette Barb Bytnar Laura Collins Gary Dembs and Jan Weiss Dembs Helen and Charles Feldman Dana and Howard Feldman Mynan and Sam Feldman Robert Karbel Mary Kramer Steve Mitchell Janine Sadaj Kay White In Honor of Kay White Helen Holmes Michael and Gail Whitty In Memory of Shaun Wilson Go Comedy! Improv Theater, LLC In Memory of Robin Wisniewski Patricia and Mark Wisniewski 15 2012-2013 Volunteers Anne Krcatovich Maria Accavitti Ian Coote Regina Goshorn Jonny Agius Adrianna Coronado Emily Graham Kathryn Lambert Alexandra Albers Brenann Couturier Charmayne Gray Anne Alden Rebecca Cox Stephen Greenhalgh Katie Amann Meshach Crane Janelle Grigaitis Keith Arbenowske Cameron Crawford-Mook Andrea Grima Richard Astrein Michelle Crossley Jerome Gropman Tamika Auger Jennifer Cummings Joseph Gruner Emily Babcock Amanda Delannoy Jessica Guerra Umang Badhwar Gary Dembs Janet Gumenick Janell Bahoura Bobbie Desmarais Karen Halberg Brian Bailey-Meadows Don Desnoyers Nicholas Hall Christie Ball Patricia Deyoe Audrey Hamilton Dalia Barghouty Kate Diehl Rania Hannan Brian Base Desaraye Diggs Stephanie Harbin Lydia Bates Mark Divitto Brittany Harris Christine Bauder Eric Dobrusin Pete Hartman Jovan Bayne Krystina Doss Kirsti Hart-Negrich Mohamad Bazzi Jacqueline Drake Eric Hawkins Ora Beal Denise Dupree Matt Hayes Ellen Bean Brian Dupuis Heriberto Hernandez Justine Beauvais Floyd East Nicole Hess Ikhlas Beyah Shanice Echols Lora Hipple Barbara Biggs Angie Eddy Bob Horstman Sherri Bishop Chelsea Edwards Sheri Houghland Lisa Black Danielle Edwards Rachel Hughes Lindsey Blakely Ralph Engle Chris Hurst Jack Blaylock Mary Ericson Jennifer Hurtt Kate Blizinski Louis Ezenabo Allison Ickes Margo Bloomfield Mary Fairman Carol Irby Lorene Boettcher Sean Falahee Francine Jackson Joe Boone Kat Farley Sharinese Jackson Dominique Boyd Fred Fechheimer Eric Jackym Lyndon Boyd Megan Finn Ngina James Sierra Bradford Emily Fioravante Ashley Jenkins Sarah Bradley Jonni Foksinski Latina Johnson Amanda Breasbois Alex Fontana Jennifer Jones Brandon Bremer Michelle Fouracre Shayla Jones Julia Brinkman Myron Frasier Paula Jorne’ Jeremy Brown Elizabeth Frazier Sue Ann Kainz Kaitlin Brown Elizabeth Frederick Dylan Kanaan Jacquelyn Buffo Troy Frisby Sarah Kanter Emily Burdgick Chelsea Fulks Marlene Karp Mike Byrne Nicole Gabriel Manjula Kaza Don Campbell Terry Gahman Askshay Keerthy Kerry Carroll Cora Garth Sarah Kesler Kera Carter Faith Gaudaen Lynda Ketteman John Cashen Krystal Gaudet Suzanne Kiczek Veronica Cetnar Sarah Gehani Brianne Kiesgen Dina Chapman Charles Gehringer Patrice Knox Judy Christie Lauren Ghersi Ellen Kock Debra Coburn Ivory Gibson Karen Koenig Carmen Cochran Karen Gilbert James Kohlenberg Mandy Cochran Arianna Goodman Merdijana Kovacevic Dana Collins Lisa Gooel Chase Kowalski 16 Amanda Krigner Laura Kubit Lenore Lambert Trina Lang Michele Legleitner Jerica Lenker Danielle Lepine Tricia Lewis Justina Ligori Marty Lisiecki David Lutz Sara Majoros Melissa Mandl-Mase Holly Markham Laurie Marshall Sharon Martin James Mazzola Cassandra McCallister Dan McCarthy Kathy McCarthy Lauren McGaw Gale McGregor Alexandra McKenna Sharon McMurray Cathy McNamara Mara McNeill Theresa Meerschaert Rishub Mehta Melody Mercer Susanne Meredith Christine Miller Glenn Mohney Shannon Momany Michelle Monforton Janet Montgomery Jennifer Mossman Katherine Mozel Meghan Mullins Kayleigh Murphy Rosemary Myers Heidi Naasko Matt Nash Nathan Neibauer Ann Neilson Cathy Nelson Melissa Nestico Eric Norat Lynn Norwood William Nurmi Frank O’Donnell Kelsey Olewski Davisha Outen Darrel Palmer Christina Palmeri Maggie Panos Kristin Parent Rita Patel Gillian Spitzley Chelsea Patton Britton Stebbins Pam Perry Ken Stein Steven Peters Amanda Sternitzky Cherie Peterson Harmony Stewart Carissa Pintar Colette Stimmell Victoria Plane Nate Stone Sheila Plecha Amy Szymanski Angela Porter Katrina Taylor Erika Posey Tenisha Taylor Gwen Prais Amor Tillman William Quinby Tiffany Toft Evelyn Redmond Rick Trabulsy Tamika Reeves Marissa Trevino Ashley Reid Saurabh Trivedi E. Jeromey Richardson Diane Tunison Gary Robb Willie Twymon Courtney Roberts Katharine Vallerand Brooke Rockentine Mandie VanWyk Judy Rosenberg Michele Varaby Robin Rousson Rochelle Vendittelli Carly Rouston Kristine Vichinsky Christine Ruen Jeff Vogel Alison Rule Timera Waddell Meghan Rutkowski Kathy Walgren Hannah Sanday Alexa Walker Peter Sapienza Brendette Walker Al Sasson Jenna Walker Stephen Schere Marilyn Walker Wendy Schroll Brenda Washington Mayna Schumacher Angelique Watson Mona Scott Rashaunda Weaver Ursula Seals Kathleen Weingarden Carl Sears Karen Wentz Alexia Sebastian Kay White Ferrari Serrette Gail Whitty Christina Shabo Janessa Wicks Sufia Shajiuddin Patricia Widman Matt Shell Dareth Wilson Michal Shlom Derrick Winke Barbara Shooltz Doug Wright Amy Smith Matthew Yeager Andrew Smith Dale Young Lauri Smith Mark Zacks Ed Snyder Susie Zaks Sara Sollena Trevor Zamborsky Annmarie Solomon Carrie Zanoni Lenette Spencer Dan Zolkower 2012-13 Board of Trustees Officers Members Don Campbell Richard Astrein Rebecca Cox Eric Dobrusin Fred Fechheimer Myron Frasier Bob Horstman Paula Jorne’ Dr. James Kohlenberg Board Chair Cathy McNamara Chair-Elect Judy Christie Secretary Laurie Marshall Treasurer Gary Dembs Sharon McMurray Mara McNeill Rita Patel Al Sasson Colette Stimmell Kathy Walgren Kay White Doug Wright Immediate Past Chair 2012-13 Advisory Board Maggie Allesee Sheriff Michael Bouchard Edith S. Briskin Jerry Cavallier Joe Donovan John Erb Maxine Frankel Eugene Hartwig Howard Hertz Helen Holmes Sheila Kasselman Rita Margherio Hon. Fred Mester Jerry Moceri Hubert Price John Roberts Shelley Roberts Hon. Edward Sosnick Current Leadership Tony Rothschild Curtis Cooper Vickie Krigner Lenda Jackson President/Chief Executive Officer Vice President Business Operations Heather Rae Vice President Programs and Services Howard Friedman, M.D. Director of Medical Services Director of Information Technology Director of Communications Oneil Franso Director of Human Resources Marc Wiliford Director of Finance Aimee Nimeh Director of Quality Improvement Photos: Pages 2, 3, 4, 11 & 16 courtesy of Jacob Giampa Pages 10 & 13 courtesy of Patrick Gloria James A. Perlaki Director of Runaway and Homeless Youth Services Veronica Brown Director of Health Information, Chief HIPPA Privacy Officer Cheryl Rossman Director of Advancement and Donor Relations Mat Owens Director of OACIS Locations Administration Mental Health Services Shelter-Based Services 1410 S. Telegraph Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 Business Line: 248-456-8150 24-HourResource andCrisisHelpline 800-231-1127 SanctuaryYouthShelter 1222 South Washington Royal Oak, MI 48067 248-547-2260 ResourceandCrisisCenter 1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Bldg. 32E Pontiac, MI 48341 800-231-1127 CrisisIntervention &RecoveryTeam(CIRT) 1063 Professional Dr. Suite D-4 Flint, MI 48532 810-496-4935 AStepForwardand GraduatedApartmentProgram 1228 South Washington Royal Oak, MI 48067 248-399-9795
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