State Tidelands Grant
State Tidelands Grant
Appendix I StateTidelanclsGrant t4s ST.ôfT'?ES OF C;trtIF'OR:YT.{ RF {ot eourtÍu which any p€rçouis conviiítu¿of operarina a lsotoÈ{ehieie while under the iuflnence of intoiicarin[ 1u. r's*iin*"rääã there be no lic*n*c f any operetor,sor cBauneur'ü.lrceflse cBauneur'ü lrcetlse beld",Þ beld,'ty.q1ch personand the cûur¿shall tbe,r¡¡qgn.f.orwqrd s¿i¿iìèoqseto the denarrn¡eaÉ. l+y (d) l.Iothingin thÌs se ohnose.oo suspensionor revoea,tion rity öf thi'ir *ectioaprig,r'tothe emsadmenl *'' ';" t' i': " 802 .CH.A"PTEB 'chxptar An aetta dme¡dSsetionI of 6,1?of' the sioiiu¡uot ' 1^9!!,relltìngta tídelandss¡ã, j*rs submerged,Iãnd,s rn ,San 0årlspo Countg, , ...., ' br Govocfloo[..1iil] tennroçd ':'. å,'llbfllt"o*"n ; . ' a . , , the peapl'a of thøstataoî caliÍor''ìad,a'enú.t ac foll,oass! - -srcnou 1. s¿etÍsn1 of thapter 64? of the $tatuts of l9ã5 is amendedt¡ reed¡ Section1. Thereis Ilarbor Disrrict,herein divisionof the'Slateo the right, title, and interestr fornia by virtue of its soverei marsh,tÍdelandE, submeraed la¡Iandsdæmib'ed ss fsiloïvË: r ly:rrlgryithia the t¡act bor¡nded ini of intersectÍonof the O"fl. ;cifisOceaneud the mostsor¡th. enasN 600W o Lg,$?r..w I , ÈotL* inters Éd ariug fi¡. glo cert at Point Sas tg?ees,I niuutar, 3?.Zgsecoads :ees,45 rninutes, 35,êSeæond¡ of Oldinary Ëish .W THr' EE æ - - ç F r . - - . f - - rE¡¡¡n$aE lJutÁrLìreek" -üiutri'cäræd"tlg"'snd.cËssory, h the prrpuues nne* *ud and ripon the eryüss ueådi" !o¡, tcilowing, ta-wit: T957REGULAN SESSION 949 (a) TI¡at said,la¡ds shall be used by said distriot,, and ite ent, improvonent aud conduot lo¡t or aviation facilities, and ,nce Énd operatíon thereon of rays and other utilitiæ, struc_ nqcess,sry or coavenientfor the lmeuts of commercea¡d nsviet and retain rents from such includirg thosecert¿in leases :nia aud port San I¡uis Tr¿us_ l, 19, 195I, ¿ularneurledlfa¡ch etweenthe lH','*'.1 (b) That said_lands shall be substantiallyimprovedby said ilistrict within 10 yean of the .ñiio, d.ii;räñi, acrwitbour alweysrem¿iu av¿il¿blefor sistentwith the tn¡sü r¡nder --. lands,and the Stateof Cali. åliii#Ttrrä'flH"ui: :est of saiclclistriçt i¡ a¡d to ¡Il ccsse¿nd sdd l¡ncls ghgll lilities for any üte or sersice ;" 8T.{TUçP¡¡ ÕF CAI¡IFONNIA it connection therewÍthshall evsr be made,sutborizedo¡ per. Eítted by said dist¡ict or its successors. prqvereutr ta.kenor the d,auages"to ¡aqh i¡teregt. ''Seo.2. This act ¡hall beeome operativeNovember21,1957. SSAPTEB 303 \ . ' \ , act to øm¿nil,Sectíon28128of thc Goaer¡mentQld,e,r¿lat- ìno to comn¿ícatío¡ fa¡ trufti" ,^1""t i¡ coniti¿t of the [.typrorcd bt Govcñor lr(ey t, 19õ?, Fllcd wlth¡rt ot Strtr !{rt t,19F?.1 \ TIr.cpaopløof t Ssorro¡t1. Sureqdedto read: toteof CeIífornioih e¡actasf olhws: ...f 29128 of 'dhe GovernmeutCode ir 28128. In a countyof lh€ táeaty+ightb clssstbe following shall recciveaseompensstion the tþem by iaw or by virtua of theìr, ç the following surns: auditor, The si¡ thoos¡nil bu¡d¡ed doilars($6,600) "(a) ' I I'ye8r. (b) fhe district etto'ne¡ uine dollars($9,000)s year. Ee shall devoto'híseriim tlme ofice boursto the work.of tbe couutyr,'and from eu.gaging Stat¿and ir pro privatewonk)nthi" in private.wo$ offica oSc-a hou¡s, houra, TLis TÈir doe" ryiihin ! Preciude.hifrom co¡tinurtg'or concludingany prirato in whíc,hhe \. BPPe Bppe to ukirg åHnå offce. õffce. ' (c for rll strvices required\! hiln sr gupå mpå_. ûve hu¡drcd hu¡drcd doìlols.($4,5dSg dolla¡i ($4,5d\p year a¿d hi.s_ac¡ual erperyes Ãecesssf,ill i¡cu¡rai i¡ the perforq. auce of crunty bu¡ineas çithín the county, not tÐ e¡ceid -2 SenateBiIi No, 331 I CEAPTETù647 An ' act conueyíngcertaintíd,clands, Iand,stying unrl,erinlnnd nou.isøbre títatãri,,io j-;;:d ,;;rflr;1;;d:;, situoteøt son ly& Fqv.on¿ SanLuis'Creek,to ítt,eport SänLuís Eørbo' ønd,,à^^rr* and,the Qþtrigt,in furtlt*anceof nauigøtíon fulrcries,onq-proaid,ing' tíe goaemtnint, managernent for ønd,controt,tlúreof, rcíeiaing rígíús the ßtøte. .to lAnnroËedrbv.o'ovq3".lr1rîi"ir¿i,rÍrr¡I1"o*t* lhe-peopleof the Bføt¿of californíod,oenactosf oüows grà the Port Saa I¡uis [ied"districtr" a politÍcalsubra'ia, and to its successors, all_ ow the State of CfllilIntf, in and to ail lands,salt tds,aad swa¡npand,ovetflowed, lay lying betweenthe line of Pacific Oce¿nand.a line par-' rly tü,erefromthree 'nilæ aud lrtain lighthouse, with latitud,e is north longitude and, 120d.e- ) 'grees'45 miuutes point 37 secondswest, at saî lruis ¿t th; westcrlyend,of S¿nLruisBay degrees,.no minuteswestthe¡e: te -ofCalifornia,ertendinginto ¡ due south, togetherrrith ail d.lands,and svamp âud over-l l¡eek. district, and,ìts successors, íu s a¡d upon tho erpresscondiluäa Uy said.dístrict, snd its nt, improvementand. couduct . lort Jrge rays ü,ece,tsâry or convenieatfor the -g* pronotÍop,eud aûcommodatiou and navigatiouby of commeree ¿ir asweil asby'wate!,anðfor the aonqtmctioa, m¿inteuancs. rbuililingsandpubiicparksand pcreatjo¡r¿lpuiposes,and saÍd public use$and pur¡osesand r¿rfthereof,lor limited periods eorsÍsteut Icars), for purBoses t tandsars held by the St¿teof and,,navi. renentsof com¡aerce Lecta¡d, ret¿Ín rents from ssch lease.s, franc,hises privileges and includias thosecertainlesses (1) between the Stateof Califor:niaaad.Port SanLuis T¡ansportationCompan a¡ ame¡dedMarch 26,196{(P. IL,C, Stateof California andtheUnionOil datedlrebnrary28, 194f (Ltease 875/PC-93.9),auð (A) betweentbe St¿teof Californiaand CatiforniaPaßkingCorporationand C¿¡ra¿l fr,tgãl (P. & A.644.L), . Ca"pingCompan¡dsted,Septembe¡ (b) Th¿tsaid.laudsshallbos¡rbstantially inBroved, by said districtvithh 10yearsof ths eËectiysd¿te.ofthÍs ¿ctwitù,out e¡Fenseto the Statæ,anð shall ahraysrem¿i¡,availablefor pubiic usefor all purposescouÃisteut rritb the t¡r¡st under which the St¿teholdsrovereígu, lsrd$ and,the St¿teof CaIifornia shallbaveat all ti¡nesthe dght to use,without charge, all wharyes,d,ocþ piers,rlÍpE gmy!, s¡rd,otherimprovem,ents facilities cqnÂtrqc,ted ol said laÉds,or arly part thereof, ' and yessel for a¡ry or other rrat¿rcraft or aircraft, or raílroad, omed or operated. by tå,eSt¿t¡ of Cs.lifo¡xtiå. If the St¿te Ï¡andsCommuesion cleterniuestbst the dietrict hasfaüeddur. I ¡evert and,væt in the StEte. (a) ThaüÍn the na¡sg66.' harbor, or of sny of the utj #"äË shåll everbomad.e,authorized, or per- . mifted by s¡íit district or itE srssêtsore. (f,) tt'er¡ is herebyreservad,howsver,in t!,e peopleof tbe Ëtateof Cs,líforaiathe Êbsolut€risht to Êshi¡r ihe çsters of seidhå¡borwith tbe right of cqnreüientaceesE to n¡id wateru -g_ I over said lauds for said purposes togetherwith the riebt of navigation. d ¿ud rosarrred, to iUE State of cribeda_ragrantedsubjeetto the e¡pre$¡reservation and conditiontuatiÉõ-btat ,¡i aui timein the fuü¡reu¡esaidiands;;-*îïifr;" "t for rhereof highway purposes,ritboui .*" districf its c or private rpon rhep¡operry rfu:itil ä; ¡ensationshall be madetó the valueof his ioterestia the ingesto suchÍateresL o t 3696 , STATUIESOF IgE{ I ch.l0gl necessery to retire the bonds.Th tbe bondsshall not e¡ceed the u reisedûom a¡r¡rr¡alassessïnents over B0years. o^ã,*, A¡ act relating urgency d NavigatiooCo¿r, *¿ aã",,irù-th-; [Approvedby GovernorScpæmbcrll, l98l. Flled wirh ltocr¿taryof St¡te Scptembcrlg lgg{.1 The pæple 9f the State of calífomia do enacta¡ follows: SECTION l. Code, to reaù Section60t16is addedto the Ha¡borsand Navigation rcr provision of thír putt, the Port grate,ibelf only and not prrnrant ;iHiï;'m;i"itH"nü3Ël -cr¡¡rent defined i¡ section 798.4 of the Gvil code, mtil tbe uobilehome ¡esidence.No crurent 'J;'l"if,:*'åffiffimS 'ent occupa[t" meû¡s any individual occrrpyinga mobilehomeasa residencein tU" Port SenLu¡ Trailet Park on the effuetived¿te of rhis section lrfething in th¡s section shall be co¡stn¡d to afrect a ctuæût occupant'!nght to file ¿ slnim againqta local public ageñy es .: providedirr Section905of the Govärnnent Codel frfsrhingi¡ tbb sectionsballbe conskr¡edto allow the r¡seof t'rde or SanIrris H$bor District in rnia Constitutio¡or wítb the public trrrst ¡ J t0 05 sír,rnnEs oFuB{ CIr"1082l SEC.¿ the I.egislÂtr¡¡eherebyfuds and declare¡th¿t this act, t ¡d! IIE¡bor DigFicL ír uecessary i¡gn'ithin tbet dist¡i¿tTbedistrict r lcase frr the qeradon of ^ rk Ír occupiedby nany long-tfme, to avoiddispl¡cingtbose eseússry It rs,tùerefore,berebydeclsrcdtb¿t a generallaw cannot peñ¡orut. Ëemadeapplicablewithin t¡ri nean¡ngof Secdón16of Àrticle tV eadtbst the engctnentofsectÍon6ff16 of tbeCalÍfumiaConstÍ,tr¡Ëon of tbe lls¡bon ¡ud NevígationCodeasa speeiall¡w s! providedin fur tbe soluËonof problens erÍstÍngv¡ithin tbe tbis actÍs necessary T Port San uir lfu¡bor District. the thirt iato i-'qedi¿te efiecLTbe faßs crnst ln order to resolvermique condiËonsrpilhin tbe Port Sa¡tIn¡is Ila¡bor District and to avãid täo disnrption and displacementof loug-timeelderþ reddentsof the district,it ls nececsary th^t this act nle efrectí'rl"'edi¡tely. or.,*ã't* by GovcnrotScpmbcr tg lgt¿ retrr!' of Srrt¡ SGPt¡abGUL fS Ile pple of the ú &IÍfo¡¡ia, do SECTIONt. IteD (Chaprer218,Statrrresof the BudgetAct of 19&4 ul )' to t79ù108{û6-For local Pa¡laandRecregtÍon, couut fo¡ C,aoital ' Schedule (t) City 'asfollows: Department of the SpecialAc- of S¡ßfe- lltstory sEC.¿ mediate the gI5,0m act fu aq urgenc? statr¡te necesssr rtion of the gublíc peace,heslth, or of Article fV of the Constitution and' the ímwithin into R CTBOUNDARY EnlargedSan Luis Obispo Area R R M rìr hrÉsÉ ¡¡l D E S I G N G R O U P Son Lilt Obíspo . Oakdale sibÉo4ùrìhüeqol lune 10, 2(Xl3 v o_ t