Effectiveness in curing difficult diseases
Effectiveness in curing difficult diseases
DAI DOAI{ EET Ttre Central organilstion the Vietnarnsac Natioragl Froat Editor Laryer Nguyen Buu Tbs No 11 Fros 13 to 1913/1999 TBE NEURO REFLEX THERAPY UAS CONTINUOUSLY PEBTC}BUED EFFECTIVENESS IN CUBING DIFFICUI,T DISEASES Phyglcicn Yu Cong ThuYst ro by le. co m by Le T hi Th u Cu c Vice - cbal.rnan of Thaag Loag Cl'ub On 26 Feb 1993, at Thang Long CIubr the gealth Depertrnent of Thang Long Club coordlnatlnS si-th tbs. Pbyricol 108 cagicd out a Triatnsnt Depertnent of tttlttary HoePi.tal tha 3 yc$ worhrhop <la P$liainsry rs:ultr aftsr ln northern Tbcrapy the Nauro Bsflex w€rg 40 raPrGsgntstiver loplcscirtlng-in-irr" tbcre rorkshopr p"1"i"".r. and seny citlog, provlnct.! Ha Noit Hrl crpltcl p""g fros thc -crty HoN3 cr;b); x"q r1l tPrsf . Bui cbul,Prof id;t iu""r 2 lncluding Profaraers-l . club)' iriil- (n"ii"Jl--poonrir 'nela of Physiea!' DePartnont of 'Mllltarv Ou"nf Xuan Damr 108, and prof. Phsn Gia Vanr Heid iorplt"f -of eurgery docto$ 9 , 2 108 ) llospitel r llllltary DrF$tncn3 "t other of nembers pliif"f.nr rud 5 Galenlc Physlcleae, and iii,U" xho used to study sedictac et Tbgng Long CLub. 8y tbe end of L989, Thang Long club has received Dq' NSuJea Vln lutroductlon {procction} and observatlons of, 3ad , otbrr Trin!Prof. Huo"g, Htntstir ef Healthr of Ncuro -Pheo thcrapy &eflar rasuits doctorr on tha flrgt end Clty HCM ts Cuc ihu Thl_ Lc -rrvrrrl fipi"r""t.a Ui-Urt. -cf Vf.t X.t. thr;1g Lora €1ub brr pnovlnorr fn'ttiJ-SoutU . -OuonS Xuen Der tbat tbcr rould llkc f te A;.;e-rl*t-prii. cour8os or tc Tbl Tbu cuc to orSanlss tralal'llg halp ur3,phyrli]""r, of Thasg ocnberr .ad A"fonlc fbfilctln: doatorr, to" eitallish perforsLaS- {centerg I L;il-ai;b, ;a;iian.ousfy, :of dunbnesg, deafa€3'r bliadncsst patiente Ne u rt.ilone shere pol!o.,. can be sured' Tbe first reEuLts nGrvoua dleorder-l -'i1i".py bas $o!qe def ined auccess ' Tbe shor tbat, th; baged oB tbe tbeory of of the ther&Py is'tbe'condltloned Juatiflcetion reflcx asd paplor, e Bussisn Scleotist; on on the affectiag ncl\tea the 1qagter f,unctions of, the'central Club Daag gul (ilars Bg"l f,a), Chu Prof,. Uody activities rbat paoprcgra!' Hoa Btnh retired 13d ag;i phong Crtvt, have and Cuc Tbu 1.ht LC !lrs. invl.ted Blnh IIaaIth Cf'"U can and Tberapy tbe of docto$ r{bo U""" fulty knosledge tra'iulag thelr for olburs to cosnus1eata the Therapy €0tlt3€3 r -partiJipeats 1l -tbeae trainlng coutrseg Uptotlot''accordiagtotbePrcliginaryatetigtl.cal oe o.ritl tbe data been eured 43c of anounte to 2.000 and tbe pJi."tr *lo l.t" oYGr 10.000 gerson$' tbat the Ecalth -xlsb Tbe delegetes of thls gorEshoP the theraPy a8 of valuo {u. j xlalrtry rouli-deternine sldsly to aln tt ".it condunicate toon as posaibl. and alLo*'to th;G dls€8eee That ts good ct bslp plty patlents o*"""Ji. for bclltb ectivltieg'