2014 Moooi Book
2014 Moooi Book
20 the unexpected welcome photo Arie Kievit ZMIK JAIME HAYON BERTJAN POT FRESH WEST JURGEN BEY SJOERD VROONLAND RODERICK VOS JOEL DEGERMARK photo R. Stroop JASPER MORRISON STUDIO JOB JOOST VAN BLEISWIJK photo Sarah Jane photo Pedro Pegenaute STEFANO GIOVANNONI MARCEL WANDERS photo Suki Dhanda photo Monica Castiglioni RON GILAD RICHARD HUTTEN photo Erwin Olaf photo Cornelie de Jong NIKA ZUPANC NERI & HU RAIMOND PUTS LORENZA BOZZOLI MAARTEN BAAS photo Valentina Folli photo Rahi Rezvani FRONT PIET BOON EDWARD VAN VLIET ARIHIRO MIYAKE FLOOR LAMPS 046 | 068 | 071 | 073 | 075 | 182 Brave New World Lamp 007 | 099 | 112 | 122 | 165 | 182 Bucket Floor Lamp 022 | 068 | 090 | 093 | 106 | 109| 145 | Construction Lamp 160 | 163 | 169 | 182 175 | 179 | 182 Dandelion Floor Lamp 006 | 105 | 182 Double Shade 139 | 148 | 182 Emperor Floor Lamp 028 | 050 | 054 | 119 | 133 | 182 Farooo 057 | 083 | 183 Horse Lamp 083 | 183 Light Shade Shade Floor Lamp 156 | 183 Lolita Floor Lamp 018 | 086 | 183 Miyake 110 053 | 075 | 172 | 183 Paper Floor Lamp 020 | 084 | 085 | 100 | 183 Random Light LED Floor lamp 028 | 038 | 039 | 053| 129 | 183 Set up Shades 183 Trix SUSPENSION LAMPS Bell Lamp Bucket Lamp Clusterlamp Dandelion Dear Ingo Emperor Hang Heracleum II Heracleum II Small Heracleum The Big O Juuyo Kroon 7 & 11 Light Shade Shade Lolita Long Light Mistral Non Random Oval Light Paper Chandelier Raimond R43 & R61 & R89 Raimond Zafu Raimond R127, R163 & R199 Raimond Dome Random Light Random Light LED 022 | 028 | 030 | 031 | 184 007 | 155 | 184 141 | 184 178 | 184 097 | 146 | 156 | 184 114 | 184 184 021 | 116 | 171 | 184 042 | 043 | 126 | 145 | 184 023 | 025 | 099 | 169 | 185 049 | 060 | 139 | 185 102 | 185 048 | 185 185 185 185 075 | 079 | 134 | 185 185 031 | 061 | 133 | 186 013 | 057 | 068 | 090 | 130 | 156 | 186 186 087 | 186 012 | 067 | 186 035 | 119 | 148 | 150 | 175 | 186 008 | 140 | 186 186 186 187 186 186 121 | 187 187 089 | 090 | 162 | 187 157 | 187 Round Boon Round Light Smoke Chandelier Square Boon Square Light Tub Lamp Tube Valentine Valentine Flat TABLE LAMPS 057 | 141 | 187 187 053 | 142 | 172 | 187 040 | 044 | 063 | 187 058 | 059 | 187 040 | 116 | 135 | 188 068 | 086 | 090 | 136 | 188 061 | 065 | 075 | 166 | 188 101 | 151 | 188 Double Round Light Double Square Light Emperor Table Lamp Kaipo Too Lolita Table Lamp Mask Lamp Miyake 60 Paper Table Lamp Rabbit Lamp SECRETARY Two Tops Secretary Woood 027 | 059 | 092 | 142 | 188 068 | 083 | 090 | 108 | 109 | 136 | 188 SIDE TABLE Chess Table Common Comrades Corks Crochet Table Paper Side Table Pig Table Urban Hike 006 | 150 | 159 | 188 098 | 099 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 141 | 148 | 152 | 188 071 | 135 | 171 | 189 040 | 071 | 189 018 | 022 | 169 | 189 076 | 189 068 | 090 | 173 | 175 | 189 TABLES Container Table ø70 | 70x70 | 80x80 Container Table ø90 | 90x90 Container Table ø120 | 120x120 | ø140 Container Table ø160 | 160x160 | ø180 Container Table 80x180 Container Table New Antiques 5 O’Clock Table 043 | 075 | 102 | 116 | 190 057 | 190 007 | 022 | 190 012 | 190 190 007 | 016 | 126 | 166 | 190 189 Paper Table Two Tops Table 030 | 139 | 189 024 | 189 ACCESSORIES 059 | 099 | 125 | 192 027 | 051 | 092 | 192 027 | 192 099 | 126 | 169 | 192 119 | 192 066 | 193 105 | 193 193 194 020 | 022 | 034 | 079 | 112 | 135 | 152 | 194 010 | 024 | 080 | 081 | 165 | 194 006 | 010 | 020 | 053 | 068 | 080 | 084 | 090 | 101 | 119 | 165 | 172 | 194 081 | 194 Foam Bowl 035 | 194 Frame 194 Frame Mirror 081 | 195 Ming Vase 068 | 195 Paper Mirror 012 | 038 | 122 | 133 | 145 | 195 Paper Screen 081 | 195 Sponge Vase 195 The Killing of the Piggy Bank 006 | 009 | 010 | 011 | Heritage & Oil Pillows 080 | 119 | 152 | 165 | 195 Altdeutsche Clock Big Ben Blow Away Vase Bold Carpet No. 01-12 Carpet No. 14 Carpet No. 15-16 Container Bowl Container Vase Delft Blue Egg Vase Elements CHAIRS 068 | 083 | 090 | 136 | 137 | 139 | 196 Carbon Chair 196 Container Stool 008 | 059 | 142 | 143 | 196 Extension Chair 022 | 026 | 027 | 092 | 196 Golden Chair 007 | 078 | 155 | 196 Gothic Chair 012 | 014 | 079 | 102 | 196 Monster Barstool & Chair 075 | 196 New Antiques Barstool 016 | 030 | 040 | 096 | New Antiques Container Stool 109 | 126 | 197 197 5 O’Clock Chair 057 | 177 | 197 Smoke Dining Chair 131 | 197 Smoke Dining Armchair 024 | 028 | 121 | 158 | 197 V.I.P. Chair ARMCHAIRS Bart Canape Armchair Bart Armchair Bottoni Bottoni Slim Boutique, single seaters Labyrinth Chair Smoke Chair 197 038 | 068 | 175 | 197 197 171 | 198 036 | 054 | 125 | 129 | 198 112 | 118 | 122 | 156 | 198 160 | 161 | 198 SOFAS 198 Bart Canape 053 | 068 | 094 | 090 | 172 | 175 | 198 Bart Sofa & Daybed 040 | 071 | 199 Bart XL Sofa 105 | 156 | 199 Bottoni 199 Bottoni Shelf 199 Bottoni Slim 035 | 199 Boutique, double seaters 035 | 051 | 054 | 061 | 199 | 200 | 201 Boutique triple seaters 198 Boutique footstool 006 | 009 | 010 | 080 | 106 | 119 | 125 | Canvas Sofa 145 | 160 | 163 | 165 | 201s018 | 020 | 046 | 073 | 075 | 084 | 099 | Cloud Sofa 100 | 126 | 133 | 201 089 | 169 | 202 Zliq Island 023 | 025 | 141 | 148 | 201 Zliq Sofa STORAGE Altdeutsche Chest Altdeutsche Cabinet Oblique Paper Buffet Paper Cabinet Paper Cupboard Paper Wardrobe 128 | 179 | 202 127 | 129 | 202 101 | 202 033 | 075 | 090 | 139 | 202 006 | 053 | 064 | 150 | 155 | 166 | 203 028 | 072 | 075 | 121 | 203 030 | 040 | 046 | 073 | 203 007 008 008 006 DOUBLE SHADE CHESS TABLE PAPER CABINET RAL CANVAS SOFA + HERITAGE & OIL PILLOWS ELEMENTS 002 & 007 BUCKET LAMP BUCKET FLOOR LAMP GOTHIC CHAIR CONTAINER TABLE NEW ANTIQUES PAPER CABINET RAL 009 008 CANVAS MARCEL WANDERS 2012 Enjoy the comforts of a cosy lounge & sofa that makes you feel like an expert art lover, sitting on a canvas of hazy dreams. The soft pillows are the paintings produced by the artistic imagination of Marcel Wanders, embodying the dynamic soul of the art that we can admire at the Hermitage & Rijksmuseum. Cherish the elegance of the black and white symphony of graphic motives depicted on the Heritage Pillows, or the luscious richness of the abstract deep red strokes portrayed on the Oil Pillows. The pillows are sold in sets of three. RANDOM LIGHT BLACK EXTENSION CHAIR 011 010 HERITAGE PILLOWS CANVAS SOFA HERITAGE PILLOWS ELEMENTS NO. 2 EGG VASES by Marcel Wanders 2012 013 012 RAIMOND RAIMOND PUTS IN ASSOCIATION WITH OX-ID 2007 The Raimond lamp is based on the pure beauty of mathematics. Its creator, Raimond Puts, has been busy developing the concept of this extraordinary lamp for a great part of his life. RAIMOND DOME MONSTER ARMCHAIR & MONSTER CHAIR CONTAINER TABLE PAPER SCREEN RAL It all started with the discovery of the geometric shape of a football that brought him to consider round shapes formed by triangles. Hundreds of stainless steel strips intersect creating triangles that converge into a perfectly round globe. The poetry of a sphere composed by straight lines. His love for the absolute and fundamental sciences inspired questions that tickled him for years, until the Raimond lamp as we know it was finalized and became part of the Moooi collection in 2009. Authentic and extremely complex at the same time. The Raimond lamp: a perfect sphere of mathematical ingredients punctuated by tiny LED lights. Looking at the lamp feels like staring into the soft glow of a starry night. Into the essence. Raimonds for USA and CA markets have different specifications, for more details please check the product information on www.moooi.com 015 014 MONSTER BARSTOOL LOW & MONSTER BARSTOOL MARCEL WANDERS 2010 DETAIL CLOUD SOFA Heracleum by Bertjan Pot, concept & photography by Marcel Wanders & Erwin Olaf 016 CONTAINER TABLE NEW ANTIQUES & CONTAINER STOOL NEW ANTIQUES MARCEL WANDERS 2011 019 018 MIYA ARIH IRO M IYAKE 2 009 CLOUD SOFA MIYAKE 110 PAPER SIDE TABLE RAL KE 60 & 110 021 020 HERACLEUM II BERTJAN POT, POWERED THROUGH ELECTROSANDWICH® BY MARCEL WANDERS 2010 Decorative LED lamp inspired by the Heracleum plant. The white leaves/lenses ramify from one branch creating a very technical, natural structure. By using the innovative and recently developed electrosandwich technology by Marcel Wanders, Heracleum is very thin and delicate. DELFT BLUE NO. 2 & DELFT BLUE NO. 9.2 RANDOM LED FLOOR LAMP MEDIUM WHITE ELEMENTS NO. 2 CLOUD SOFA 023 022 THE GOLDEN CHAIR CONTAINER TABLE NEW ANTIQUES DELFT BLUE NO. 11 BELL LAMP CONSTRUCTION LAMP L & S PAPER SIDE TABLE RAL DELFT BLUE NO. 9.2 ZLIQ ISLAND PAPER SIDE TABLE RAL DELFT BLUE NO. 6 CONSTRUCTION LAMP M HERACLEUM THE BIG O 025 024 HERACLEUM THE BIG O BERTJAN POT 2012 ZLIQ ISLAND MARCEL WANDERS 2012 They say that no man is an island, but what about enjoying your own private island within the safe walls of home? This new concept is created by two Zliq sofas facing each other, with the addition of an extra component in between. When you have enjoyed enough privacy for the day, you can roll away the in-between module and invite other people to enjoy the treasures of your very own Zliq Island. V.I.P CHAIR TWO TOPS TABLE EGG VASE 027 026 THE GOLDEN CHAIR NIKA ZUPANC 2012 Modest in its form and logical in the choice of materials: this reincarnation of a retro-looking school chair calls for a shiny aureole. With dipping it into gold comes a sublime effect.The restrained thinking behind its design is as far away as possible from the idea of a throne chair, yet its presence has a fairytale quality to it. It is politically incorrect of course, like champagne revolutionarism, but its voice is of the noblest sort: loud silence. BIG BEN TWO TOPS SECRETARY THE GOLDEN CHAIR BLOW AWAY VASE 028 FAROOO BELL LAMPS V.I.P CHAIR PAPER CUPBOARD PATCHWORK SET UP SHADES 031 030 BELL LAMPS MARCEL WANDERS 2013 The bell represents a very early and essential form of communication, generating a welcoming ring that brings people together for festivities and congregations. It has always been a fundamental icon for Marcel Wanders, who, after using its soft shapes for his Personal Editions, now extends it to the Moooi collection by introducing the Bell pendant. The bell-shaped glass shades are decorated with a festive ceramic bow. BELL LAMPS PAPER TABLE PATCHWORK CONTAINER STOOL NEW ANTIQUES PAPER WARDROBE RAL BELL UPLIGHTER 033 032 PAPER BUFFET PATCHWORK STUDIO JOB 2012 Paper Patchwork by Studio Job is a new member of Moooi’s renowned Paper Collection family. Paper Patchwork which is a playful patchwork of sparkling colours combined with the purity of natural wood, like in old fashioned cars or in the patchwork quilts carefully sewed by our favorite aunt. So enjoy mixing & matching them in any kind of interior! To discover all colour and patterns possibilities for this design, please visit our website: www.moooi.com PAPER CHANDELIER XL WITH SHADES 035 034 DELFT BLUE NO. 6 BOUTIQUE DOUBLE SEATER JESTER BOUTIQUE FOOTSTOOL JESTER FRAME RANDOM LIGHT Raimond by Raimond Puts, concept & photography by Marcel Wanders & Erwin Olaf 036 BOUTIQUE MARCEL WANDERS 2010 eyes of strangers 039 038 PAPER SCREEN RAL SET UP SHADES 6 BART ARMCHAIR SET UP SHADES MARCEL WANDERS 1989 Exploring the boundaries within type-forms Marcel Wanders presents the ‘Set Up Shades’ for this intriguing collection. 040 BART SOFA XL MASK LAMP KAIPO TOO CROCHET TABLE PAPER WARDROBE RAL CONTAINER STOOL NEW ANTIQUES 043 042 HERACLEUM II SMALL BERTJAN POT 2012 powered through electrosandwich by Marcel Wanders CONTAINER STOOL NEW ANTIQUES CONTAINER TABLE NEW ANTIQUES HERACLEUM II SMALL 008 045 044 KAIPO TOO, SMOKE DETAIL KAIPO TOO SMOKE 046 CLOUD SOFA BRAVE NEW WORLD PAPER WARDROBE PATCHWORK PAPER TABLE LAMP RAL 049 048 JUUYO BY LORENZA BOZZOLI The two lamps by Lorenza Bozzoli immortalize the soft shapes, graceful prints and vibrant colours that represent the essence of a sensual cultural heritage from the Eastern world: the glamorous, poetic & witty Geisha figures and their earlier predecessors, the Juuyo. Peach Flowers: Soft, delicate peach flowers find their way into the heart of the lamp and steal a part of it to bloom & protect its owner against the forces of evil. They bring renewal, beauty, youth and rebirth to whoever is touched by the lamp’s light. An ancient talisman against darkness… Koi Carp Tattoo: The sweetest, most vibrant koi carp cuts itself a central position in the rounded shapes of the lamp and glides through a stream of flowers, resembling a vivid tattoo and symbolizing courage & the will to achieve great things. One of the most beloved symbols in Japan! LIGHT SHADE SHADE FLOORLAMP LIGHT SHADE SHADE Ø70 JURGEN BEY (DROOG DESIGN) 1999 051 050 FAROOO BIG BEN BOUTIQUE DELFT BLUE JUMPER 053 BART SOFA BART DAYBED SET UP SHADES ELEMENTS 007 ELEMENTS 005 EMPEROR TABLE LAMP ELEMENTS 003 PAPER FLOOR LAMP PAPER CABINET PATCHWORK 055 008 054 DELFT BLUE NO. 6 & DELFT BLUE NO. 9 FAROOO RANDOM LED FLOORALMP MEDIUM WHITE BOUTIQUE ELEMENTS NO. TRIPLE 2 SEATER COF BOUTIQUE CLOUDS SOFA SINGLE SEATER TRAVIS DETAIL VALENTINE FLAT 057 INK AIRBORN SMOKE DINING CHAIR CONTAINER TABLE CONTAINER VASE HORSE LAMP DOUBLE ROUND LIGHT RAIMOND 059 058 who is afraid of pink...? LOLITA TABLE LAMP NIKA ZUPANC 2008 “...My imagination chases female archetypes intentionally. Frivolous, even naïve objects are my favorite victims. And when, during such a process, I manage to be creative in an evidently reserved way, I then touch the purest meaning of my work and frivolity becomes timeless elegance. Lolita is here to play with your emotions. She is here to break your everyday routine.” ALTDEUTSCHE CLOCK TWO TOPS SECRETARY LOLITA TABLE LAMP EXTENSION CHAIR 061 060 DETAIL JUUYO PEACH FLOWERS BOUTIQUE TRIPLE SEATER PAPER CHANDELIER L PAPER TABLE LAMP 063 Egg Geisha, based on the Egg vase by Marcel Wanders, concept & photography by Marcel Wanders & Erwin Olaf KAIPO TOO EDWARD VAN VLIET 2012 After a sparkling youth wrapped in its silver outfit, Kaipo has had all the time to reflect on its deeper meaning. It has matured and developed to the next stage of its life, Kaipo TOO, a grown-up version with the same potential and an evolved insight & sense of self. Its designer, Edward van Vliet, understood this process and provided Kaipo with a dress made of glass, disclosing its pure essence with renewed strength… unafraid of revealing a heart as clear as glass! 065 008 064 PAPER TABLE LAMP PATCHWORK STUDIO JOB 2012 PAPER CABINET PATCHWORK 067 066 FIRMSHIP CARPET STUDIO JOB 2010 “The design of the carpet finds its origin in the nautical iconography. Originally Nynke Tynagel designed the pattern for the facade of a big building at the harbor of Rotterdam. Last year we used it again in the boat and offices we designed for a brand new company called Firmship. As always... Moooi pirate’s keen eyes spot everything and invited us to do a composition for this carpet!” by Job Smeets RAIMOND DOME 79, RAIMOND PUTS 2012 On a warm summer night, when everything is concealed, we stare into the soft glow of the sky, into the essence. Under the starry dome we dream away, seeking answers … loosing ourselves into a galaxy of twinkling spheres, we can easily spot the number one star, the biggest one at the centre of the sky. Raimond Dome brings the poetry of a starry night to our homes, having a powerful lamp right at the centre of its dome-shaped network of twinkling LED lights. This makes it the perfect reading or dining lamp. 068 BART SOFA BART ARMCHAIR URBAN HIKE ELEMENTS 006 ELEMENTS 005 BRAVE NEW WORLD CONSTRUCTION LAMP PAPER MIRROR WOOOD MIYAKE 60 CARBON CHAIR RAIMOND 071 008 BRAVE NEW WORLD LAMP FRESH WEST 2008 The Brave New World Lamp started as a concept piece of random thought-initiated construction. Inspired by the traditional Far Eastern bamboo scaffolding. The Brave New World Lamp was developed without a design or plan in place. However each piece of wood is carefully notched and pegged together to form an integral part of the overall mechanical mechanisme. The limitations of using small pieces of wood to create a large form allowed the design process to be as responsive as possible. Much like a sculptures’ relationship to their material. DETAIL BRAVE NEW WORLD DELFT BLUE NO. 6 & DELFT BLUE NO. 9 RANDOM LED FLOORALMP MEDIUM WHITE ELEMENTS NO. 2 CLOUD SOFA 073 072 PAPER COLLECTION STUDIO JOB Did the idea of paper furniture ever strike your mind? Paper, cardboard and papier-mâché are familiar to all of us. They bring back long-lost memories of kindergarten and our first experiences of making things with our own hands, coloring, cutting, shaping and wrapping like busy bees. We can generate almost anything from a white sheet of paper : from basic shapes and everyday objects to dramatic love letters and life-changing novels. It is a material with infinite potential, waiting for the dreamer to give it a shape. Inspired by classic icons but manufactured like modern day furniture, this cardboard flat pack furniture collection is an ode to a classical style and to a material that makes everything possible. Even hanging your clothes or storing your shoes in a solid piece of furniture made of paper! PAPER CUPBOARD STUDIO JOB 2005 BRAVE NEW WORLD CLOUD SOFA PAPER WARDROBE PATCHWORK 075 PAPER BUFFET PATCHWORK PAPER TABLE LAMP PATCHWORK NON RANDOM CONTAINER TABLE NEW ANTIQUES NEW ANTIQUES BARSTOOL BRAVE NEW WORLD CLOUD SOFA PAPER CUPBOARD PATCHWORK PAPER FLOOR LAMP PATCHWORK 076 PIG TABLE! PIG TABLE FRONT 2006 DETAIL ALTDEUTSCHE PATTERN, STUDIO JOB 079 078 GOTHIC CHAIR STUDIO JOB 2010 “And then, of course, there is Moooi, the eccentric company with which Nynke and I have been fortunate to work with for some years. The Paper collection of 11 products has done well, and we felt it was time to offer a Studio Job chair. I bought a magnificent 16th century style, neo-Gothic chair in an antique shop and put it on the table at Moooi, proposing that this complex handcrafted archetype be produced by the industrial method of rotational moulding. Studio Job drew up a design that acknowledged all the limitations of rotational moulding without sacrificing the character of the original model. The Gothic Chair was born lucky right from the beginning. An affordable and functional archetype for indoors and out, available in a bright spectrum of ten colours.” by Job Smeets MONSTER CHAIR NON RANDOM LIGHT Ø71 DELFT BLUE NO. 6 081 080 EGG VASE, FOAM BOWL, SPONGE VASE & MING VASE MARCEL WANDERS 1997 Vases molded with boiled eggs and rubber condoms. Simple, unexpected everyday elements converge to create beauty. One of the first constructive things that we spontaneously do in life is play. Already at a very young age we start discovering the world around us, challenging our skills and experiencing reality by playing with it. Molding materials with our hands, creating and destroying things with the same fervor of a bunch of restless madmen. As we grow up many of us decide that we have learnt enough and put a stop to the games… Fortunately Marcel Wanders has not put a stop to games and fun so easily. He has actually translated his creative qualities into a profession and, unlike many others, has succeeded to build a great international reputation in the design sector by molding and experimenting, playing with reality and ideas, using his imagination and developing it into a powerful and entertaining creative tool. One day he had the bizarre idea of designing a porcelain accessory in the soft, curvy shape of a pile of eggs. But what kind of object could that become? And how would he give it the desired shape? And at last two brilliant ideas were born: why not boil a bunch of eggs, insert them in rubber condoms for protection and mold the porcelain around them? And why not create a bizarre, soft, resistant egg vase? In the matter of minutes a groundbreaking idea was conceived and soon after the Egg Vase came to life, becoming a part of people’s homes, offices and lives. HERITAGE PILLOWS CANVAS SOFA ELEMENTS 002 EGG VASES BUCKET FLOOR LAMP 083 LIGHT SHADE SHADE FLOOR LAMP WOOOD CARBON CHAIR HORSE LAMP 085 084 RANDOM LIGHT LED FLOOR LAMP S & M ELEMENTS 005 CLOUD SOFA ELEMENTS 002 RANDOM LIGHT LED FLOOR LAMP S & M BERTJAN POT 2010 087 086 MIYAKE 110 MIYAKE 60 RAIMOND VALENTINE Marcel Wanders 2011 ZLIQ Marcel Wanders 2012 089 Random Light by Bertjan Pot, concept & photography by Marcel Wanders & Erwin Olaf 090 CONSTRUCTION LAMP PAPER SIDE TABLE URBAN HIKE PAPER BUFFET RAL VALENTINE ELEMENTS 005 ELEMENTS 006 BART SOFA RAIMOND WOOOD CARBON CHAIR MIYAKE 60 093 092 BIG BEN TWO TOPS SECRETARY THE GOLDEN CHAIR BLOW AWAY VASE SMOKE DINING ARMCHAIR CONSTRUCTION LAMP JOOST VAN BLEISWIJK 2012 Inspired by the vast number of combinations possible with the tools and bolts present in his giant workshop, Joost van Bleiswijk started playing with them and ended up constructing and creating a new, exciting design! The Construction lamp ultimately originates from a bright curiosity combined with expert skills, industrial tools and a touch of playful passion for vintage construction toys. As a result, the lamp’s details and joints take the shape of Victorian cast iron components & become part of a base that resembles a traditional electricity pole. Enjoy a high voltage stream of inventiveness and light! 094 BART DAYBED MOOOI WORKS | BART SCHILDER 2012 Have you ever thought of bringing a touch of grandeur to your home, without conveying the firm austerity of real antiques? The Bart Family collection of sofa`s, armchairs, daybed and canapés is originally inspired by the rounded shapes & sumptuous glory of 18th century Rococo. Moooi works / Bart Schilder reinterprets such splendor, adding genuine pleasure and softness to the classic silhouette by using modern day skills and a timeless eye for detail. Square angles are tempered and smoothed into the round coziness of curved shapes & features for extra comfort. Enjoy ‘rounding’ off your home with the friendly tenderness of the Bart Family components! 097 096 NEW ANTIQUES BARSTOOL & NEW ANTIQUES BARSTOOL LOW MARCEL WANDERS 2012 The New Antiques family is so versatile that it rapidly grows and has generated a charming new family member to introduce during this fervid design season. The Container New Antiques Barstool complements its hard, voluptuous body with the softness of a cosy pillow and the comfort of a relaxing footrest. A vintage blend of antique and new with a hint of flirtatious playfulness! DEAR INGO OBLIQUE SMALL 099 098 COMMON COMRADES NERI & HU 2013 A clever personification of the simplicity of country life, where everybody knows ‘who’ you are and ‘what’ you do, the Common Comrades table family amuses us with its utilitarian simplicity & honest soul. The Seamstress, the Tailor, the Merchant, the Scholar, the Farmer and the Emperor have one thing in common: they are all identified and defined by their function as members of a group, as true comrades. The wooden tables, all a bit different from each other in aspect, work to a common purpose with the same dedication of the people they represent… making a real group effort to bring comfort and style. HERACLEUM THE BIG O BUCKET FLOOR LAMP COMMON COMRADES CLOUD SOFA BIG BOLD ALTDEUTSCHE CLOCK 101 100 RANDOM FLOOR LAMP LED CLOUD SOFA ELEMENTS 002 OBLIQUE BIG MARCEL WANDERS 2002 RABBIT LAMP FRONT 2006 ELEMENTS JAIME HAYON 2007 Inspired originally by the form of a cactus and its modular shape, the various parts of the Elements collection resemble a functional sculpture: as beautiful as the cactus, but extremely versatile in their combinations and use. The initial thought was to design a series of stackable stools in different materials. Then, luckily, a simple question was asked that turned everything around: “why should they all be stools?” This led to a new concept where each piece of the stackable sculpture would have a different use: mirror, table, tray, etc. A variety of colours, materials and finishes were applied to each vertebra making the whole body of the sculpture richer and more flexible. From a cactus to a sculpture of different functional Elements. 103 102 KROON 7 & KROON 11, ZMIK, MATTIAS MOHR & ROLF INTERMÜHLE 2011 Are you looking for a contemporary twist on the classic chandelier? And do you dream of a lighter & more versatile lamp, capable of magically transforming itself? Then Kroon by ZMIK (Mattias Mohr & Rolf Intermühle) is certainly your design charm! The Kroon lamps reinterpret the past glamour and transfer it into present technologies - LED powered light tubes – and into a contemporary & sophisticated star-like silhouette. Their frame glows and breathes at your wish…contracting and expanding like a radiant heartbeat. MONSTER CHAIR 105 008 104 DETAIL KROON 11 BOTTONI DOUBLE SHADE CARPET NO. 15, FATA MORGANA TJ ONE 107 106 CONSTRUCTION LAMP CANVAS SOFA DETAIL CONSTRUCTION LAMP 109 108 WOOOD Marcel Wanders 2010 a personal desk top, a private home office, a sided side table, a fruitbowl for your apples. WOOOD CONTAINER STOOL NEW ANTIQUES CONSTRUCTION LAMP Monster Armchair by Marcel Wanders, concept & photography by Marcel Wanders & Erwin Olaf 008 112 DELFT BLUE NO. 6 & DELFT BLUE NO. 9 RANDOM LED FLOORALMP MEDIUM WHITE LABYRINTH CHAIR, ORIGINAL ELEMENTS DELFT BLUENO. NO.2 6 CLOUDSFLOOR SOFA LAMP BUCKET DELFT BLUE NO. 8 Gothic Chair by Studio Job, concept & photography by Marcel Wanders & Erwin Olaf 114 EMPEROR OBLIQUE SMALL 117 116 CONTAINER TABLE MARCEL WANDERS 2001 The Container Table concept is a fully versatile system that has endless composition possibilities to fit in any space. With combinations to suit your home, office or public space the Container Table can certainly exceed any requirements. HERACLEUM 11 MASK LAMP material: polyethylene (PE), stainless steel inserts and HPL mounting plate the foot must be filled with sand or water to create extra stability, the Container Tops are available in 3 different high quality materials to match your Container Foot, the size of the top defines the size of the foot. 119 118 LABYRINTH CHAIR, Studio Job 2012 Originally designed as an ode to glorious moments, this archetypal chair is endowed with a majestic figure and a strong personality. The sumptuousness of its silhouette is accentuated by the intense vivacity of its colours and prints. Three chairs with individual outfits to ‘accommodate’ different kind of people: green or grey labyrinths for those who are not scared of losing their way in an intricate network of possibilities, or an industrious swarm of insects for those who like to keep busy & always enjoy creating a buzz! Which one is the perfect fit for you? CANVAS SOFA HERITAGE PILLOWS RANDOM LIGHT ELEMENT 007 PAPER SIDE TABLE FAROOO 121 TUB LAMP PAPER CABINET PATCHWORK V.I.P CHAIR 123 122 BUCKET LAMPS STUDIO JOB 2012 PAPER SCREEN PATCHWORK LABYRINTH CHAIR, GREY BUCKET FLOOR LAMP ‘Whoever said that designers cannot be pragmatic? The Bucket lamps and Tub lamp by Studio Job are playful interpretations of pragmatic solutions found to the practical challenges of every day’s life. Buckets and tubs aren’t necessarily just tools used outdoors by workers or farmers and then stored away for the night… They are decorated with luxurious brass and ceramic details to become the true trophies of a public room or the sparkling jewels of an intimate home environment, bringing ‘buckets’ of light and ‘tubs’ of character to any interior. So designers can certainly be pragmatic…just not in the traditional sense of the word!’ 125 124 SEAMSTRESS EMPEROR MERCHANT TAILOR FARMER SCHOLAR COMMON COMRADES NERI & HU 2012 BOUTIQUE SINGLE SEATER COF CORKS COMMON COMRADES ZLIQ SOFA FAUX LEATHER EMPEROR FLOOR LAMP 127 126 Altdeutsche Cabinet STUDIO JOB 2011 HERACLEUM THE BIG O HERACLEUM II SMALL CONTAINER NEW ANTIQUESTABLE & STOOLS ALTDEUTSCHE CLOCK BIG BOLD COMMON COMRADES CLOUD SOFA Inspired by the forgotten atmospheres & decorative character of antique Frankish furniture, Studio Job translate the old German hand-painted pieces into playful and happy designs for today’s interiors. The solid pine wood becomes the canvas for an intricate, hand-finished study of man’s double nature. On the one hand the worker bee, who needs the aid of tools and machines to produce efficiently, and on the other hand the philosopher, who constantly searches for meaning inside himself and in the world around him. Machines, nature, philosophy, life & death smoothly converge in a network of symbolic images, ultimately creating a tightly knit pattern that reproduces the colourful, chaotic and mysterious nature of life. 129 008 128 DETAIL ALTDEUTSCHE CHEST ALTDEUTSCHE CABINET SET UP SHADES BOUTIQUE DELFT BLUE JUMPER 131 130 SMOKE DINING ARMCHAIR MAARTEN BAAS 2010 From the very beginning fire has inspired people with its warm glow and almost living motion, generating fascination and fear, comfort and warmth, passion and pain. It has been associated with emotions, personalities, love and has become part of the language of literature and of the vocabulary & gestures of our daily life. Maarten Baas interpreted his fascination for the element fire with a groundbreaking approach. With the innovative idea of creating furniture furnished with fire. Capturing the burning flames into the solidity of wood. More practically, in the production process wooden pieces of furniture are set to fire and burned. When they become completely black the fire is extinguished and the piece of burned furniture are impregnated with resin to capture the beauty of burned wood. RAIMOND Just like the Phoenix, the Smoke Chairs are reborn from their ashes, gaining new vitality and beauty in a very unusual way. 133 CLOUD SOFA FAROOO PAPER CHANDELIER L PAPER SCREEN RAL 008 135 134 NON RANDOM BERTJAN POT 2007 MASK LAMP CORK DELFT BLUE NO. 9.2 DELFT BLUE NO. 8 137 008 136 CARBON CHAIR WOOOD MIYAKE 60 CARBON CHAIR BERTJAN POT & MARCEL WANDERS 2004 139 JUUYO EMPEROR FLOOR LAMP PAPER TABLE RAL CARBON CHAIR PAPER BUFFET RAL CORKS 141 008 140 DELFT BLUE NO. 6 & DELFT BLUE NO. 9 RANDOM LED FLOORALMP MEDIUM WHITE ELEMENTS LIGHT RANDOM NO. 2 LED CLOUDS POT BERTJAN SOFA2010 ZLIQ SOFA OLD BLUE COMMON COMRADES DOUBLE ROUND LIGHT FRINGE CLUSTERLAMP 143 142 EXTENSION CHAIR SJOERD VROONLAND 2010 EXTENSION CHAIR TWO TOPS SECRETARY EMPEROR TABLE LAMP The ‘extension’ chair is a translation of how a chair is used. Vroonland draws on the manners and customs of how we use a chair, transforming it into a coat hanger seat. What Vroonland intrigues is that technology, craftsmanship, storytelling and the actual physical contact all comes together in this one design: a chair. 145 CONSTRUCTION LAMP CANVAS SOFA PAPER SCREEN RAL ELEMENTS 003 HERACLEUM II Smoker Man based on the Smoke concept by Maarten Baas, concept & photography by Marcel Wanders & Erwin Olaf 146 DEAR INGO RON GILAD 2003 Ron Gilad’s hybrid objects combine material with aesthetic play; they sit on the fat delicious line between the abstract and the functional. Direct the spots in the most functional crooked way or find your optimum balance. 148 COMMON COMRADES ZLIQ SOFA EMPEROR FLOOR LAMP RANDOM LIGHT DELFT BLUE NO. 6 DETAIL EMPEROR 151 150 rabbit lamp FRONT 2006 The Rabbit Lamp is one of a three piece collection of animal furniture which also includes a life-sized Horse Lamp and Pig Table. A perfect guest for a Mad Hatters tea party. PAPER CABINET RAL CHESS TABLE RANDOM LIGHT 153 OIL PILLOWS by Marcel Wanders COMMON COMRADES DELFT BLUE NO. 6 155 DETAIL LABYRINTH PATTERN, STUDIO JOB PAPER CABINET RAL BUCKET SUSPENDED GOTHIC CHAIR 157 156 VALENTINE FLAT MARCEL WANDERS 2012 “A magic mirror and the power of crystals transform a simple shell into an endless light bouquet of flowers” Marcel Wanders After the sparkling excitement of a first date, with its fresh expectations and blossoming bouquet of spring feelings, Valentine slips out of his shiny black outfit and surprises us by wearing a fine golden ring. This unexpected gift bears promises of glorious moments to come… With the warm glow of his florid heart & the sophisticated slenderness of his golden gear, he has become a true knight in shining armor. (available in a golden and a chrome version) Love at first sight blooms and flourishes into an enchanted garden embraced by a bright ray of sun! DEAR INGO DELFT BLUE CHAIR, NO. 6 &ORIGINAL DELFT BLUE NO. 9 LABYRINTH RANDOM LED FLOORALMP MEDIUM WHITE RAIMOND ELEMENTS NO. 2 BOTTONI CLOUDSFLOOR SOFA LAMP LOLITA 159 158 V.I.P. CHAIR MARCEL WANDERS 2000 CHESS TABLE 161 160 THE KILLING OF THE PIGGY BANK SMOKE CHAIR CANVAS SOFA CONSTRUCTION LAMP SMOKE CHAIR MAARTEN BAAS 2002 Furniture finished with fire. The beauty and character of burnt wood is now captured in a long lasting material, creating the strange sensation of burnt furniture. 163 162 VALENTINE MARCEL WANDERS 2011 “A magic mirror and the power of crystals transform a simple shell into an endless light bouquet of flowers”, Marcel Wanders Valentine’s shiny, refined black, white, gold & chrome shell encloses and frames a meadow of light and sparkling glamour. With the style of a precious jewel, Valentine is designed to guard his heart of crystallized flowers, frosted in time. A treasure as perfect and untouchable as lovers‘ memories. As light and revealing as a first date. As exciting as the initial glimpse of a carefully wrapped gift. with valentine it’s love at first sight! CANVAS SOFA CONSTRUCTION LAMP 165 ELEMENTS 007 ELEMENTS 002 CANVAS SOFA HERITAGE PILLOWS BUCKET FLOOR LAMP 167 166 PAPER CABINET RAL CONTAINER TABLE NEW ANTIQUES CONTAINER STOOL NEW ANTIQUES PAPER TABLE LAMP RAL STUDIO JOB 2012 169 168 PAPER TABLE LAMP STUDIO JOB 2005 A sturdy structure wrapped in the visual softness and innocence of paper. PAPER SIDE TABLE RAL BIG BOLD ZLIQ ISLAND CONSTRUCTION LAMP HERACLEUM THE BIG O 171 008 170 BUCKET SUSPENDED DETAIL HERACLEUM II BOTTONI SLIM SINGLE SEATER CORK 173 172 URBANHIKE TABLE MARCEL WANDERS 2012 The Urbanhike Table by Marcel Wanders is a symbol of Moooi’s journey to reach the highest peaks of quality, innovation and style by spreading its designs to the most significant, beautiful cities in the world. Just like the original Alpine mountaineers used to do after climbing a summit, Moooi decorates its hiking cane with tags from all the metropolises that it conquered during its extensive travels. The Urbanhike Table is a playful reminder of the cosmopolitan heart and urban character of Moooi’s designs! ELEMENTS 007 EMPEROR TABLE LAMP BART SOFA ELEMENTS 003 PAPER FLOOR LAMP 175 BART SOFA DANDELION URBANHIKE ELEMENTS 002 BART ARMCHAIR RANDOM LIGHT 177 176 SMOKE DINING CHAIR MAARTEN BAAS 2002 179 178 DANDELION RICHARD HUTTEN 2004 True to its name Dandelion was initially inspired by the plant that creates the famous and poetic ‘dandelion snow’ of fuzzy, cotton-like seeds when a gush of wind blow on it. The lamp transmits an explosive feeling of energy in motion, reaching towards us from its centre. Striking and pure self-generate energy to lighten up and blow away the heaviness of everyday life. DANDELION IS TRULY A BREATH OF FRESH AIR. ALTDEUTSCHE CHEST DANDELION FLOOR LAMP STOP THE BORING BUSINESS! Chess Table by Front, concept & photography by Marcel Wanders & ERwin Olaf 182 183 FLOOR LAMPS 230cm | 90.6” 160cm | 63” 50cm | 19.7” HORSE LAMP 70cm | 27.6” FRONT, 2006 material: PVC/viscose laminate shade, a metal frame structure and polyester Horse colour: black 240cm | 94.5” FRESH WEST, 2008 material: oak frame and cast iron balancing weights 180cm | 70.9” 270cm | 106.3” BRAVE NEW WORLD & BRAVE NEW WORLD XL 52cm | 20.5” 48cm | 18.9” LIGHT SHADE SHADE FLOOR LAMP 187cm | 73.6” 70cm | 27.5” JURGEN BEY (DROOG DESIGN), 1999 material: semi-transparent mirror film shade, metal frame structure and chrome base colour: semi-transparent mirror 46cm | 18.1” STUDIO JOB, 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper and polyurethane (PU) lacquer, solid oak, gold plated steel, porcelain handle colour: solid oak, grey shade 170cm | 66.9” 46cm | 18.1” BUCKET FLOOR LAMP 46cm | 18.1” 48cm | 18.9” 37cm | 14.6” 90 cm | 35.4” 33cm | 13” 73cm | 28.7” 43cm | 16.9” 180cm | 70.9” 110cm | 45.3” 22cm | 8.6” 80cm | 31.5” 194cm | 76.4” 115cm | 45.3” MARCEL WANDERS, 1989 material: PVC/viscose laminate on a metal structure colour: white 30cm | 11.8” 20cm | 7.9” TRIX MARCEL WANDERS, 1998 material: PVCviscose laminate on a metal structure colour: white 122cm | 48” 73cm | 28,7” SET UP SHADES 5, 6 & 7 30cm | 11.8” 240cm | 94,5” 56cm | 22” 40cm | 15.7” 112cm | 44” 112cm | 44” 240cm | 94,5” 187cm | 73,6” 187cm | 73,6” 150cm | 59” 150cm | 59” 45cm | 17,7” 88cm | 34,6” 88cm | 34,6” 64cm | 25” 70cm | 17,5” 70cm | 17,5” 112cm | 44” 36cm | 14,2” 70cm | 17,5” MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: base: fibreglass, shade: PVC/viscose laminate on a metal structure colour: black, red & white 49cm | 19,3” 88cm | 34,6” FAROOO S, M & L 60cm | 23.6” 64cm | 25.2” NERI & HU, 2009 material: bamboo rattan cage shade and glass diffuser, Zamac base with steel frame colour: black RAL 9005 & red RAL 3004 BERTJAN POT, 2001 material: fibreglass soaked in epoxy resin, matt chromed steel base (white), semi gloss black powder, coated base (black), matt aluminium heat sink and opal glas colour: black & white 100cm | 39.4” 116cm | 45.7” 53cm | 20.9” 180cm | 70.9” 160cm | 63” RANDOM LIGHT LED FLOOR LAMP S & M 160cm | 63” 205cm | 80.7” DOUBLE SHADE MARCEL WANDERS, 1998 material: PVC/viscose laminate on metal structure colour: black & white 70cm | 27.6” STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper and polyurethane (PU) lacquer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 60cm | 23.6” EMPEROR FLOOR LAMP 10cm | 3.9” PAPER FLOOR LAMP WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK 50cm | 19.7” 55cm | 21.7” 170cm | 66.9” 80cm | 31.5” RICHARD HUTTEN, 2004 material: laser-cut powder-coated aluminium colour: white RAL 9016 80cm | 31.3” 60cm | 23.6” ARIHIRO MIYAKE, 2009 material: cast metal head, aluminium tube, concrete base colour: white RAL 9016, white concrete 187cm | 73.6” DANDELION FLOOR LAMP 42cm | 16.5” MIYAKE 110 80cm | 31.5” 67cm | 26.4” 87 cm | 34.3” 139 cm | 54.7” 185 cm | 72.8” 50 cm | 19.6” 152cm | 59.8” NIKA ZUPANC, 2008 material: injection moulded ABS shade colour: black, white, pink & grey CONSTRUCTION LAMP S, M & L 78cm | 30.7” LOLITA FLOOR LAMP 67 cm | 26.4” JOOST VAN BLEISWIJK, 2012 material: die cast powdercoated aluminium, wooden version with wood slats colour: matt black & white/wood 37cm | 14.6” 184 185 SUSPENSION LAMPS BELL LAMP & BELL LAMP SMALL 22 cm | 8.6” 14 cm | 5.5” 14 cm | 5.5” HERACLEUM THE BIG O 23 cm | 9” 36 cm | 14.2” MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: glass shade with porcelain bow colour: white or gold bow, transparant, white, amber, green & smoke shade opal glass diffuser 35 cm | 13.8” BUCKET LAMP 23 cm | 13.8” 210 cm | 82.6” BERTJAN POT POWERED THROUGH ELECTROSANDWICH® BY MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: metal wire frame, polycarbonate lenses ultra thin suspension wire colour: copper & nickel 48cm | 18.9” 70cm | 27.5” JUUYO PEACH FLOWERS & KOI CARP TATTOO 24 cm | 9.4” 23 cm | 9” 14 cm | 5.5” LORENZA BOZZOLI, 2012 material: glazed ceramics with decal inside colour: white 46cm | 18.1” 170cm | 66.9” 46cm | 18.1” STUDIO JOB, 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper and polyurethane (PU) lacquer, solid oak, gold plated steel, porcelain handle colour: grey shade 46cm | 18.1” 48cm | 18.9” CLUSTERLAMP 19cm | 7.5” 14cm | 5.5” JOEL DEGERMARK, 2004 material: Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT) colour: white 55cm | 21.7” 30cm - 400cm 11.8” - 157.5” 75cm | 29.5” 75cm | 29.5” 60cm | 23.6” 15cm | 5.9” 6cm | 2.4” 30cm - 400cm 11.8” - 157.5” 10cm | 3.9” 6cm | 2.4” 10cm | 3.9” 19cm | 7.4” 100cm | 39.4” RICHARD HUTTEN, 2004 material: laser-cut powder-coated aluminium colour: white RAL 9016 ZMIK, 2012 material: anodized aluminium and borosilicate glass tubes colour: matt black 55cm | 21.7” DANDELION 170cm | 66.9” 80cm | 31.5” 11cm | 4.3” 75cm | 29.5” KROON 7 & 11 80cm | 31.5” 100cm | 39.4” 80cm | 23.6” 15cm | 5.9” 95cm | 37.4” 70cm | 27.6” 47cm | 18.5” LIGHT SHADE SHADE Ø47, Ø70 & Ø95 37cm | 14.6” LONG LIGHT & OVAL LIGHT 40cm | 15.7” 78cm | 30.7” 61.5cm | 24.2” 65 cm | 25.6” cable length 30cm - 400cm 11.8” - 157.5” BERTJAN POT, 2007 material: fibreglass soaked in epoxy resin, powder coated aluminium cap, reflector: shiny anodized aluminium colour: black & white 20 cm | 7.8” 48 cm | 18.9” 59 cm | 23.2” 48cm | 18.9” 71cm | 28” 70cm | 27.6” NON RANDOM Ø48 & Ø71 53cm | 20.9” 71 cm | 28” 57 cm | 22.4” HERACLEUM II SMALL 72cm | 28.3” 32 cm | 12.6” 54cm | 21.3” BERTJAN POT POWERED THROUGH ELECTROSANDWICH® BY MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: metal wire frame, polycarbonate lenses ultra thin suspension wire colour: copper & nickel MAX 33 MOOOI WORKS, 2010 material: chromed body, wooden blades, PVC/viscose laminate, intricate glass diffuser, reversible wind direction colour: dark brown, white & off white 98 cm | 38.6” 81 cm | 31.9” 46cm | 18.1” MISTRAL BERTJAN POT POWERED THROUGH ELECTROSANDWICH® BY MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: metal wire frame, polycarbonate lenses ultra thin suspension wire colour: copper & nickel 61.5cm | 24.2” 47cm | 18.5” HANG HERACLEUM II 105cm | 41.3” MARCEL WANDERS, 1999 material: PVC/viscose laminate and a metal frame structure colour: black & white 60cm | 23.6” MARCEL WANDERS, 1998 material: PVC/viscose laminate shade and a metal frame structure colour: black & white 105cm | 41.3” 47cm | 18.5” 115cm | 45.3” 73cm | 28.7” 43cm | 16.9” 180cm | 70.9” 64cm | 25.2” 60cm | 23.6” 107 cm | 42.1” 33cm | 13” 152cm | 59.8” NIKA ZUPANC, 2008 material: injection moulded ABS shade colour: black, white, pink & grey 100cm | 39.4” EMPEROR NERI & HU, 2009 material: bamboo rattan cage shade and glass diffuser colour: black RAL 9005 & red RAL 3004 37cm | 14.6” LOLITA 160cm | 63” 53cm | 20.9” 37cm | 14.6” 76cm | 29.9” 50cm | 19.7” RON GILAD, 2003 material: powder coated steel colour: black & white 82cm | 32.3” JURGEN BEY (DROOG DESIGN), 1999 material: semi-transparent mirror film shade, metal frame structure colour: semi-transparent mirror DEAR INGO 76cm | 29.9” min. 80cm max. 240cm | min. 31.5” max. 94.5” 187 186 PAPER CHANDELIER L & XL WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK SMOKE CHANDELIER 55cm | 21.7” 155 cm | 61” 147 cm | 57.9” 135 cm | 53.2” WITH OPTIONAL SHADES TUB LAMP 40 cm | 15.7” 43cm | 16.9” TUBE 61cm | 24” MARCEL WANDERS, 1998 material: PVC/viscose laminate and a metal frame structure, chromed steel pendant colour: white 89cm | 35” RAIMOND R43, R61, R89 RAIMOND PUTS, 2012 | REALISATION BY OX-ID material: stainless ‘spring steel’ VALENTINE & BABY VALENTINE 35,5cm | 14” MARCEL WANDERS, 2011 material: crystal clear blown glass with chromed, gold plated or lacquered shade, transparent cord and steel cable colour: black, chrome, white & gold 75cm | 29.5” RAIMOND ZAFU RAIMOND PUTS, 2012 | REALISATION BY OX-ID material: stainless ‘spring steel’ 65cm | 25.6” 20cm | 7.9” RAIMOND PUTS, 2012 | REALISATION BY OX-ID material: stainless ‘spring steel’ and PMMA 80cm | 31.5” 30cm - 400cm 11.8” - 157.5” RAIMOND DOME 79 135cm | 53.1” 44cm | 17.3” STUDIO JOB, 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper and polyurethane (PU) lacquer, gold plated steel, porcelain handle colour: grey shade 79 cm | 31.1” 21cm | 8.3” 18cm | 7.1” 100cm | 39.4” WITH OPTIONAL SHADES 29,5cm | 11.6” 90 cm | 35.4” 155 cm | 61” 101.5cm | 40” STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper and polyurethane (PU) lacquer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 101.5cm | 40” 65cm | 25.6” MAARTEN BAAS, 2002 material: burnt wood finished with epoxy colour: black 127cm | 50” 163cm | 64.2” 199cm | 78.3” TABLE LAMPS RAIMOND R127, R163 & R199 RAIMOND PUTS, 2012 | REALISATION BY OX-ID material: stainless ‘spring steel’ and PMMA DOUBLE ROUND & DOUBLE SQUARE LIGHT MARCEL WANDERS, 1999 material: PVC/viscose laminate on metal structure colour: black & white 50cm | 19.7” 50cm | 19.7” 66cm | 26” 89cm | 35” 60cm | 23.6” 11cm | 4.3” 61cm | 24” MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: crystal clear blown glass in chromed or gold plated body colour: chrome & gold 66cm | 26” 43cm | 16.9” VALENTINE FLAT 30cm - 400cm 11.8” - 157.5” 30cm | 12” 19cm | 7.5” 53cm | 20.9” RANDOM LIGHT & RANDOM LIGHT LED S, M & L 33cm | 13” 95cm | 37.4” NERI & HU, 2009 material: bamboo rattan cage shade and glass diffuser, Zamac base with steel frame colour: black RAL 9005 & red RAL 3004 64cm | 25.2” 105cm | 41.3” 80cm | 31.5” EMPEROR TABLE LAMP 50cm | 19.7” 90cm | 35.4” ROUND & SQUARE BOON 86 cm | 33.9” 40cm | 15.7” 37cm | 14.6” 43cm | 16.9” 37cm | 14.6” 37cm | 14.6” LOLITA TABLE LAMP NIKA ZUPANC, 2008 material: injection moulded ABS shade colour: black, grey, pink & white 40cm | 15.7” 40cm | 15.7” EDWARD VAN VLIET, 2012 material: mouth blown glass colour: smoke, red-gradient, white-gradient 152cm | 59.8” MARCEL WANDERS, 1998 material: PVC/viscose laminate and a metal frame structure, chromed steel pendant colour: black & white 42cm | 16.5” 45cm | 17.7” ROUND & SQUARE LIGHT KAIPO TOO 45cm | 17.7” PIET BOON, 2002 material: PVC/viscose laminate on metal frame, chromed steel pendant, diffuser: PVC/viscose laminate colour: black & white 39 cm | 15.4” 78cm | 30.7” BERTJAN POT 2001 material: fibreglass soaked in epoxy resin, chromed steel pendant colour: black & white 189 188 CORKS JASPER MORRISON, 2002 material: 100% cork colour: brown 60cm | 23.6” 30cm | 11.8” MARCEL WANDERS, 2001 material: handmade crochet cotton & epoxy resin colour: white PAPER TABLE LAMP WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK PAPER SIDE TABLE WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper and polyurethane (PU) lacquer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper and polyurethane (PU) lacquer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 patchwork #11: RAL 3015 84cm | 33.1” 37cm | 14.6” PIG TABLE 28.5cm | 11.2” 167cm | 65.7” FRONT, 2006 material: Pig: polyester, top: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) colour: black indoor use only 54cm | 21.3” FRONT, 2006 material: PVC/viscose laminate shade, a metal frame structure and polyester Rabbit colour: black SECRETARY 77cm | 30.3” 60cm | 23.6” 44 cm | 17.3” MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: chromed steel, decalized aluminum wood transfer colour: wallnut decal, chrome there are seven different badges included with the table, you can paste them yourself and give the final and personal touch to the Urbanhike table 32cm | 12.6” 16cm | 6.3” 30cm | 11.8” 65cm | 25.6” 120cm | 47.2” 60cm | 23.6” URBANHIKE TWO TOPS SECRETARY MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: solid oak frame with a veneer top colour: natural lacquer, black stained, wenge stained, white wash, red RAL 3020, orange RAL 2004, black RAL 9005, white RAL 9016 additional: Two Tops box is available to purchase separately 40cm | 15.7” 77cm | 30.3” RABBIT LAMP TABLES 40cm | 15,8” TAILOR MERCHANT 40cm | 15,8” 40cm | 15,8” 40cm | 15,8” SCHOLAR 40cm | 15,8” 40cm | 15,8” FARMER 40cm | 15,8” 40cm | 15,8” 40cm | 15,8” 40cm | 15,8” NERI & HU, 2012 material: solid birch colour: red RAL 3003 six different models available SEAMSTRESS 40cm | 15,8” 40cm | 15,8” EMPEROR STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper, polyurethane (PU) and wood veneer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 TWO TOPS TABLE MARCEL WANDERS 2004 material: solid oak frame with a veneer top colour: natural lacquer, black stained, wenge stained, white wash, red RAL 3020, orange RAL 2004, black RAL 9005, white RAL 9016 260cm | 102.4” 74cm | 29.1” 76cm | 29.9” 5 cm | 2” FRONT, 2009 material: internal steel frame, legs are made of solid wood, table top is made of MDF. high gloss lacquer colour: black & white 60 cm | 23.6” 40 cm | 15.7” 240cm | 94.5” 220cm | 86.6” 180cm | 70.9” 78cm | 30.7” CHESS TABLE PAPER TABLE WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK 66cm | 25.9” 90cm | 35.4” SIDE TABLES NIKA ZUPANC, 2010 material: Solid beech frame, MDF top, upholstering composition: 88% PVC compound, 10% PES - fabric, 2% Nano - hightech - compound colour: black stained 100cm | 39.4” 55,5cm | 21.9” 71cm | 27.9” 64cm | 25.2” 78cm | 30.7” 100cm | 39.4” MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: solid beech frame, 3D pressed oak veneer top colour: black stained 74cm | 29.1” WOOOD 80cm | 31.5” 90cm | 35.4” 5 O’CLOCK TABLE 80cm | 31.5” 200cm | 78.7” COMMON COMRADES 60cm | 23.6” 76 cm | 30” ARIHIRO MIYAKE, 2009 material: cast metal base & head, aluminum tube colour: white RAL 9016 CROCHET TABLE 30cm | 11.8” 10cm | 3.9” 80cm | 31.3” 45cm | 17.7” 60cm | 23.6” 42cm | 16.5” MIYAKE 60 110cm | 45.3” 22cm | 8.6” 75cm | 29.5” STEFANO GIOVANNONI, 2010 material: 3D pressed oak veneer, chrome base colour: black stained oak, natural oak, white wash oak 32cm | 12.6” 25cm | 9.8” 19cm | 7.5” 47 cm | 18.5” 32.5cm | 12.8” 34cm | 13.4” MASK LAMP 7030 7132 10030 10632 2X 2X 7030 7132 7043 7143 7056 191 190 CONTAINER TABLE & CONTAINER TABLE NEW ANTIQUES 7156 HPL Ø70 Ø70 70x70 70x70 80x80 80x80 180x80 Ø120 Ø160 120x120 160x160 Ø140 Ø180 Ø120 Ø160 Ø90 90x90 LPL Ø70 Ø70 70x70 70x70 80x80 80x80 180x80 120x120 160x160 Ø140 Ø90 90x90 WOOD Ø70 Ø70 70x70 70x70 80x80 80x80 Ø120 Ø160 180x80 120x120 160x160 Ø90 Ø140 Ø180 Ø120 Ø160 90x90 WOOD Ø70 Ø70 70x70 70x70 80x80 80x80 180x80 CONTAINER TOP HPL 120x120 160x160 Ø140 Ø180 material: HPL top: a flat panel based on thermosetting resins, homogeneously reinforced with woodfibres and manufactured under high pressure and at high temperatures. thickness 12mm | 0.5” colour: black, white, wenge & light grey suitable for outside use Ø90 90x90 CONTAINER TOP LPL 30cm | 11.8” 30cm | 11.8” 43cm | 16.9” 70cm | 27.6” 70cm | 27.6” 70cm | 27.6” MARCEL WANDERS, 2002 material: PE colour: black & white the feet can be filled with water or sand to create extra stability 100cm | 39.4” CONTAINER FOOT 56cm | 22” CONTAINER FOOT NEW ANTIQUES CONTAINER TOP WOOD 32 cm | 12.6” 38 cm | 15” 71 cm | 28” 106 cm | 41.8” MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: PE colour: black, white, brown & grey the feet can be filled with water or sand to create extra stability material: a flat panel based on thermosetting resins, which is pressed under low pressure thickness 25mm | 1” colour: black, white, wenge & light grey 43 cm | 16.9” 56 cm | 22” material: oak veneer thickness 40mm | 1.6” colour: black RAL9005, white RAL9016, red RAL3020, orange RAL2004 wenge, black stained, white wash, natural lacquered 192 193 ACCESSORIES CARPET NO. 06 FOR CARPET NO. 03, 07, 11 SEE WWW.MOOOI.COM STUDIO JOB, 2011 material: solid pine and pine veneer, stained in white colour: stained white, hand painted art work handmade quality spring driven eight day movement, use the included custom Studio Job key to wind up, hourly clock bell chime 135cm | 53.1” 50cm | 19.7” 120cm | 47.2” 55cm | 21.7” 17 cm | 6.7” 52 cm | 20.5” 32 cm | 12.6” BIG BEN CARPET NO. 14 FIRMSHIP STUDIO JOB, 2010 material: printed nylon threads colour: grey & white size: Ø350cm | 137.8” 180 cm | 70.9” MARCEL WANDERS, 2011 material: fibreglass with powder coated aluminum hands colour: white dial, black rim & hands BLOW AWAY VASE CARPET NO. 15 FATA MORGANA TJ MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: printed nylon threads colour: various size: Ø350cm | 137.8” 30.5cm | 12” 32cm | 12.6” 26cm | 10.2” FRONT, 2008 material: porcelain, produced by Royal Delft colour: white & blue 92cm | 36.2” MARCEL WANDERS, 2007 material: PE colour: black & white indoor and outdoor use 20cm | 7.9” 21cm | 8.3” 40cm | 15.7” 71cm | 28” 72cm | 28.3” 2cm | 0.8” 21cm | 8.3” 38cm | 15” RODERICK VOS, 2005 material: powder coated steel colour: black 36cm | 14.2” 76cm | 29.9” CONTAINER BOWL 103cm | 40.6” 21cm | 8.3” 21cm | 8.3” 40cm | 15.7” 92cm | 36.2” 51cm | 20.1” MENORAH BOLD MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: printed nylon threads colour: various size: 300 x 200cm | 118.1” 103cm | 40.6” 76cm | 29.9” 51cm | 20.1” 38cm | 15” RODERICK VOS, 2005 material: powder coated steel colour: black CARPET NO. 16 FATA MORGANA TJ 36cm | 14.2” BIG BOLD MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: printed nylon threads colour: black & white size: 200 x 300cm | 78.7” x 118.1” 78cm | 26.8” 195 cm | 96.8” 190cm | 74.8” ALTDEUTSCHE CLOCK 47cm | 18.5” 92cm | 36.2” 36cm | 14.2” 71cm | 28” CONTAINER BOWL BASE MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: printed nylon threads colour: blue & white size: Ø240cm | 94.5” 47cm | 18.5” 15cm | 5.9” 2cm | 0.8” 20cm | 7.9” 72cm | 28.3” 103cm | 40.6” 21cm | 8.3” 40cm | 15.7” 71cm | 28” MARCEL WANDERS, 2007 material: PE colour: black & white indoor and outdoor use CONTAINER BOWL TOP MARCEL WANDERS, 2007 material: PE colour: black & white indoor and outdoor use 71cm | 28” 71cm | 28” CARPET NO. 12 CONTAINER BOWL + FOOT MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: printed nylon threads colour: brown & white size: 250 x 250cm | 98.4” x 98.4” MARCEL WANDERS, 2007 material: PE colour: black & white indoor and outdoor use 30cm | 11.8” 71cm | 28” 72cm | 28.3” 2cm | 0.8” CARPET NO. 1 21cm | 8.3” RODERICK VOS, 2005 material: powder coated steel colour: black 38cm | 15” LITTLE BOLD 76cm | 29.9” 51cm | 20.1” 30cm | 11.8” 115cm | 45.3” 92cm | 36.2” 90cm | 35.4” 15cm | 5.9” 20cm | 7.9” 2cm | 0.8” 47cm | 18.5” 30cm | 11.8” 119cm | 46.85” 71cm | 28” 72cm | 28.3” 195 194 30cm | 11.8” 30cm | 11.8” 30cm | 11.8” 30cm | 11.8” FRAME MIRROR MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: anodized aluminum, black MDF back panel and glass mirror colour: black anodized 180cm | 70.9” 41cm | 16.1” 111cm | 43.7” 30cm | 11.8” 75cm | 29.5” 20cm | 7.9” 141cm | 55.5” MARCEL WANDERS, 2007 material: PE colour: black & white indoor and outdoor use the feet can be filled with sand to create extra stability 13cm | 5.1” MING VASE 7cm | 2.8” 21cm | 8.3” 5cm | 2” MARCEL WANDERS, 1997 material: unglazed porcelain outside, white glazed inside colour: white 11cm | 4.3” PAPER MIRROR WHITE & RAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9cm | 3.5” 9cm | 3.5” 12 15cm | 5.9” 15cm | 5.9” 10cm | 3.9” 6cm | 2.4” PAPER SCREEN WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK 12.5cm | 4.9” EGG VASE MARCEL WANDERS 1997 material: unglazed porcelain outside, white glazed inside colour: white STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper, polyurethane (PU) and wood veneer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 175cm | 68.9” STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper, polyurethane (PU) and wood veneer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 at more for extra lenght 55cm | 21.7” 180cm | 70.9” MARCEL WANDERS, 2008 material: porcelain, produced by Royal Delft colour: various 85cm | 33.5” 119cm | 46.9” 51cm | 20.1” DELFT BLUE 17cm | 6.7” CONTAINER VASE + FOOT SPONGE VASE 13cm | 5.1” 5cm | 2” 21cm | 8.3” 7cm | 2.8” MARCEL WANDERS, 1997 material: unglazed porcelain outside, white glazed inside colour: white 11cm | 4.3” ELEMENTS 72cm | 28.3” 1 2 3 4 5 THE KILLING OF THE PIGGY BANK 6 7 30cm | 11.8” MARCEL WANDERS, 2009 material: porcelain, produced by Royal Delft colour: white, blue & gold FOAM BOWL 21cm | 8.3” FRONT 5cm | 2” MARCEL WANDERS, 1997 material: porcelain colour: white 161cm | 63.4” BACK 20cm | 7.9” 218cm | 85.8” FRAME MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: extruded and anodized aluminum colour: black anodized connection set can be ordered to connect two frames 30cm | 11.8” 26cm | 10.2” 53cm | 20.9” 36cm | 14.2” 63cm | 24.8” 18cm | 7.1” 52cm | 20.5” 50cm | 19.7” 60cm | 23.6” 50cm | 19.7” 45cm | 17.7” 32cm | 12.6” 40cm | 15.7” 28cm | 11” 30cm | 11.8” 50cm | 19.7” 5cm | 2” JAIME HAYON, 2007 colour 002, 004 & 007: black RAL 9005, white RAL 9016, warm grey RAL 7044 & ocean blue RAL 5020 material 002, 004 & 007: fibreglass (007 with glass top inlay) (004 with glass mirror) material 003: aluminium powder coated | colour 003: white RAL 9016 material 005 & 006: expanded polyproylene (EPP), upholstered with Kvadrat Divina Melange colour 005 & 006: Kvadrat Divina Melange 120 (light grey), 180 (dark grey), 260 (light brown) & 681 (aubergine) material 001 & 006: solid wood colour tray 001 & 006: wenge, black & white HERITAGE & OIL PILLOWS MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: Heritage: 78% cotton, 22% polyamide | Oil: 63% viscose, 28% cotton, 9% polyamide colour: Heritage: black & white | Oil: black, white & red 196 197 CHAIRS 49cm | 19.3” 47cm | 18.5” 44 cm | 17.3” 46cm | 18.1” BERTJAN POT & MARCEL WANDERS, 2004 material: carbon fibre drained in epoxy resin colour: black NEW ANTIQUES CONTAINER STOOL MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: PE colour: grey, black, brown & white 79cm | 31.1” CARBON CHAIR 38 cm | 15” NIKA ZUPANC, 2010 material: solid beech frame and skai leather upholstered seat and back upholstering composition: 88% PVC-compound, 10% PES-fabric, 2% Nano-hightech-compound colour: frame: black stained 42cm | 16.5” 48cm | 19” 44cm | 17.3” MARCEL WANDERS, 2004 material: PE colour: black & white 80cm | 31.5” 30cm | 11.8” 48cm | 19” 5 O’CLOCK CHAIR CONTAINER STOOL 42cm | 16.5” 57cm | 22.4” 51cm | 20.1” MAARTEN BAAS, 2002 material: smoked solid wood, epoxy resin; leather upholstery, naturally fire retardant on fire retardant foam colour: black each piece may differ due to the process used for production 190cm | 74.8” 102cm | 40.2” 95cm | 37.4” 46cm | 18.1” SJOERD VROONLAND, 2010 material: solid beech colour: matt black handbag hanger and standard cap included optional: coat stand & card holder 48cm | 18.9” SMOKE DINING CHAIR 43cm | 17” 106cm | 41.7” EXTENSION CHAIR SMOKE DINING ARMCHAIR V.I.P. CHAIR MARCEL WANDERS, 2000 material: fire retardant foam covered steel frame, nylon wheels suitable for different floortypes colour: available in a variety of colours from the fabric collections: Kvadrat Divina, Divina Melange 46cm | 18.1” 106cm | 41.7” 49 cm | 19.5” 62cm | 24.4” 81cm | 31.9” 46 cm | 18.1” 90 cm | 35.4” 44,5cm | 17.5” 46cm | 18.1” STUDIO JOB, 2010 material: PE, ABS buttons, felt feet colour: light grey, dark grey, blue, brown, white, yellow, orange, pink, red and green colour buttons: light grey, dark grey, blue, white, yellow, red and green **please specify your button colour 62cm | 24.4” 66cm | 26” GOTHIC CHAIR 60 cm | 23.6” 71 cm | 28” 86 cm | 33.9” MAARTEN BAAS, 2002 material: smoked solid wood, epoxy resin; leather upholstery, naturally fire retardant on fire retardant foam colour: black each piece may differ due to the process used for production 37 cm | 14.5” 46 cm | 18” 48 cm | 19” NIKA ZUPANC, 2011 material: synthetic leather, chromed steel frame colour: gold 63 cm | 24.8” GOLDEN CHAIR ARMCHAIRS 40cm | 15.75” 95cm | 37.4” 95cm | 37.4” MOOOI WORKS | BART SCHILDER, 2012 material: wooden frame covered in foam and dacron, the seat cushion is made in foam. material upholstery: see page 205 colour: various, see page 204 42cm | 16.5” 51cm | 20.08” BART ARMCHAIR 65cm | 25.6” 51cm | 20.08” 76cm | 29.9” 66cm | 25,98” 41cm | 16.14” 93cm | 36,61” 41cm | 16.14” MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: fire retardant synthetic leather on foam upholstered steel frame 88% PVC - compound, 12% PES - fabric colour: black Monster Barstools are without embroidery 60cm | 22.8” 40cm | 15.75” 103cm | 40.55” MONSTER BARSTOOL & BARSTOOL LOW 60cm | 23.6” 95cm | 37.4” 47cm | 18.5” MOOOI WORKS | BART SCHILDER, 2012 material: wooden frame covered in foam and dacron, the seat cushion is made in foam. material upholstery: see page 205 colour: various, see page 204 36cm | 14.2” 86cm | 33.9” MARCEL WANDERS, 2002 material: multiple density foam on plywood frame, stainless steel feet. colour: available in a variety of colours from the fabric collections: Kvadrat Divina, Divina Melange, Tonica, Hallingdal or your own (COF) 105cm | 41.3” 62cm | 24.4” BOTTONI SINGLE SEATER 38cm | 15” 36cm | 14.2” 95cm | 37.4” BART CANAPE ARMCHAIR 65cm | 22.8” 40cm | 15.7” 80cm | 32.5” 50cm | 19.7” 80cm | 32.5” 42cm | 16.5” 76cm | 29.9” MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: PE colour: light grey, dark grey, blue, brown, white, yellow, orange, pink, red and green 42cm | 16.5” 66cm | 26” NEW ANTIQUES BARSTOOL & NEW ANTIQUES BARSTOOL LOW 56cm | 22.0” 50cm | 19.7” MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: fire retardant synthetic leather on foam upholstered steel frame 88% PVC - compound, 12% PES - fabric colour: black optional: monster embroidery 40cm | 15.7” MONSTER CHAIR & MONSTER ARMCHAIR 199 198 295cm | 116.1” MARCEL WANDERS, 2002 material: multiple density foam on plywood frame, stainless steel feet. colour: available in a variety of colours from the fabric collections: Kvadrat Divina, Divina Melange, Tonica, Hallingdal or your own (COF) BOTTONI SLIM DOUBLE & TRIPLE SEATER 76cm | 29.9” 86cm | 33.9” BOUTIQUE DOUBLE & TRIPLE SEATER 104cm | 40.9” 80cm | 31.5” 40cm | 15.7” MAARTEN BAAS, 2002 material: wood frame, foam and dacron upholstered on fire retardant foam colour: black each piece may differ due to the process used for production SOFAS MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: seater: steel base construction, CMHR foam upholstered, cover: fabric is teflon treated and has a fire retardant coating BOUTIQUE CHAMELEON DIVINA MELANGE 180 47cm | 18.5” 235cm | 92.5” BOUTIQUE CHAMELEON HALLINGDAL 153 MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 70% new wool, 30% viscose BOUTIQUE COCO 42cm | 16.5” 60cm | 22.8” 65cm | 25.6” 100cm | 39.4” BART SOFA MOOOI WORKS | BART SCHILDER, 2012 material: wooden frame covered in foam and dacron, the seat cushion is made in foam. material upholstery: see page 205 colour: various, see page 204 60cm | 23.6” 100cm | 39.4” 65cm | 25.6” MOOOI WORKS | BART SCHILDER, 2012 material: wooden frame covered in foam and dacron, the seat cushion is made in foam. material upholstery: see page 205 colour: various, see page 204 MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 100% new wool 235cm | 92.5” BART CANAPE MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 14% polyester, 12% linen, 2% polyamide, 35% acryl, 37% viscose 235cm | 92.5” 73cm | 28.7” BOUTIQUE DADDY 42cm | 16.5” 60cm | 22.8” 100cm | 39.4” BART DAYBED MOOOI WORKS | BART SCHILDER, 2012 material: wooden frame covered in foam and dacron, the seat cushion is made in foam. material upholstery: see page 205 colour: various, see page 204 42cm | 16.5” 86cm | 33.9” 141cm | 55.5” MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 19% polyester, 15% linen, 51% polyamide 62cm | 24.4” 195cm | 76.8” 206cm | 81.1” MARCEL WANDERS, 2002 material: multiple density foam on plywood frame, stainless steel feet. colour: available in a variety of colours from the fabric collections: Kvadrat Divina, Divina Melange, Tonica, Hallingdal or your own (COF) 75cm | 29.5” SMOKE CHAIR 68cm | 26.8” 86cm | 33.9” 38cm | 15” 235cm | 92.5” 154cm | 60.6” 62cm | 24.4” 60cm | 23.6” 43cm | 16.9” BOTTONI SHELF TRIPLE SEATER 38cm | 15” 80cm | 31.5” STUDIO JOB, 2012 material: wood frame, foam and dacron upholstered composition: 24% polyethyleen, 47% cotton, 29% linen colour: Insect: black & white, Original; white & green, Grey; white & grey 85cm | 33.5” 100cm | 39.4” LABYRINTH CHAIR MARCEL WANDERS, 2002 material: multiple density foam on plywood frame, stainless steel feet. colour: available in a variety of colours from the fabric collections: Kvadrat Divina, Divina Melange, Tonica, Hallingdal or your own (COF) 220cm | 86.6” 70cm | 61cm | 24” MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: seater: steel base construction, CMHR foam upholstered, cover: fabric is teflon treated and has a fire retardant coating 235cm | 92.5” 86cm | 33.9” 40cm | 15.7” 70cm | 27.6” BOUTIQUE FOOTSTOOL 170cm | 66.9” 86cm | 33.9” 70cm | 27.6” 105cm | 41.3” 40cm | 15.7” 86cm | 33.9” 62cm | 24.4” 61cm | 24” MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: seater: steel base construction, CMHR foam upholstered, cover: fabric is teflon treated and has a fire retardant coating BOTTONI DOUBLE & TRIPLE SEATER 62cm | 24.4” 86cm | 33.9” BOUTIQUE SINGLE SEATER MOOOI WORKS | BART SCHILDER, 2012 material: wooden frame covered in foam and dacron, the seat cushion is made in foam. material upholstery: see page 205 colour: various, see page 204 60cm | 23.6” 62cm | 24.4” 38cm | 15” MARCEL WANDERS, 2002 material: multiple density foam on plywood frame, stainless steel feet. colour: available in a variety of colours from the fabric collections: Kvadrat Divina, Divina Melange, Tonica, Hallingdal or your own (COF) 110cm | 43.3” BART XL SOFA 86cm | 33.9” BOTTONI SLIM SINGLE SEATER 38cm | 15” 76cm | 29.9” 201 200 BOUTIQUE MANGA BOUTIQUE DEER MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 13% polyester, 34% cotton, 15% linen, 35% viscose BOUTIQUE DELFT BLUE JUMPER MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: : 100% new wool, pillow: 100% polyester BOUTIQUE DELFT GREY JUMPER MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: cover: 29% polyester, 71% cotton, cushion: 34% polyester, 46% acryl, 20% viscose pillow: 18% polyester, 46% cotton, 5% polyamide, 31% viscose BOUTIQUE MEDAILLON MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: cover: 16% polyester, 34% cotton, 15% linen, 35% viscose, cushion: 34% polyester, 46% acryl, 20% viscose, pillow: 13% polyester, 34% cotton, 15% linen, 35% viscose BOUTIQUE NEW YORK MARCEL WANDERS, 2010 material: : 100% new wool, pillow: 100% polyester MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 14% polyester, 12% linen, 2% polyamide, 35% acryl, 37% viscose BOUTIQUE DIARY BOUTIQUE SILVER MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 18% polyester, 46% cotton, 35% viscose, 5% polyamide MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 50% polyester, 48% viscose, 2% polyamide BOUTIQUE EASY RIDER BOUTIQUE SOPHY MARCEL WANDERS, 2008 material: 26% polyester, 74% linen MARCEL WANDERS, 2008 material: 55% polyester, 29% linen, 1% polyamide, 15% viscose BOUTIQUE JESTER MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 48% viscose, 50% polyester, 2% polyamide BOUTIQUE FEET Boutique feet, Heels (set of 4), chrome Boutique feet, Pawn (set of 4), black lacquer Boutique feet, Skis (set of 2), chrome Boutique feet, Toes (set of 4), black anodized Boutique feet, Toes (set of 4), chrome HEELS PAWNS SKIS TOES IN BLACK & CHROME MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: steel box frame covered in foam and dacron options upholstery: see page 204 67cm | 26.4” MARCEL WANDERS, 2006 material: 55% polyester, 45% viscose 78cm | 30.7” CANVAS SOFA 40cm | 15.7” BOUTIQUE KIMONO 115cm | 45.3” 260cm | 102.4” MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: The Zliq sofa is constructed from a steel box frame covered in foam and dacron, the seat Zliq is produced with removable covers (please check per category). Pillows are available seperately. options upholstery: see page 204 72cm | 28,4” 270cm | 106.3” 58cm | 22.8” ZLIQ SOFA 100cm | 22.8” MARCEL WANDERS, 2005 material: 100% semi aniline leather colour: arredo leather, brown, black & white 38cm | 15” BOUTIQUE LEATHER 69cm | 27,2” MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: steel frame, moulded foam and dacron upholstered, steel connections material pillows: 35% polyester, 65% viscose options upholstery: see page 204 40cm | 15,7” CLOUD SOFA & CLOUD PILLOW 105cm | 40.9” 230cm | 90,6” BOUTIQUE LACE MARCEL WANDERS, 2006 material: 21% polyester, 27% cotton, 44% linen, 8% viscose 203 202 128cm | 50.4” 61.5cm | 24.2” STORAGE 155cm | 61” 120cm | 47.2” 55cm | 21.7” 195 cm | 96.8” 190cm | 74.8” ALTDEUTSCHE CABINET STUDIO JOB, 2011 material: solid pine and pine veneer, stained white colour: stained white, hand painted art work 52 cm | 20.5” 32 cm | 12.6” OBLIQUE SMALL 135cm | 53.1” 50cm | 19.7” 120cm | 47.2” PAPER RAL COLOURS 286cm | 112.6” OBLIQUE BIG MARCEL WANDERS, 2002 material:solid oak stained and lacquered or beech lacquered colour: black stained, wenge, natural lacquer, white wash, white, red, orange, black 1004 1013 1023 1027 2000 2002 2004 3012 3015 5003 5008 5024 6010 6021 7001 7011 7035 7044 8001 8014 8016 9005 9010 WHITE 165cm | 65” 54cm | 21.3” 90cm | 35.4” STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper, polyurethane (PU) and wood veneer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 patchwork #02: RAL 1004, RAL 2002, RAL 5024, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7035, RAL 8001, RAL 8016, RAL 9010 & oak STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper, polyurethane (PU) and wood veneer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 patchwork #03: RAL 1004, RAL 2002, RAL 5024, RAL 6021, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 8001, RAL 8016, RAL 9010 & oak 210cm | 82.7” 105cm | 41.3” 6cm | 2.4” 75cm | 29.5” 55cm | 21.7” 105cm | 41.3” 6cm | 2.4” MARCEL WANDERS, 2002 material:solid oak stained and lacquered or beech lacquered colour: black stained, wenge, natural lacquer, white wash, white, red, orange, black PAPER BUFFET WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK 144cm | 56.7” PAPER CABINET WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK 238cm | 93.7” 50cm | 19.7” 238cm | 93.7” 135cm | 53.1” 78cm | 26.8” 52 cm | 20.5” 32 cm | 12.6” 68cm | 26.8” STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper, polyurethane (PU) and wood veneer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 patchwork #03: RAL 1004, RAL 2002, RAL 5024, RAL 6021, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 8001, RAL 8016, RAL 9010 & oak 78cm | 26.8” 195 cm | 96.8” STUDIO JOB, 2011 material: solid pine and pine veneer, stained white colour: stained white, hand painted art work 190cm | 74.8” PAPER CABINET WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK ALTDEUTSCHE CHEST 242cm | 95.3” 270cm | 106.3” 90cm | 35.4” STUDIO JOB, 2005 & 2012 material: wood and cardboard, finished with paper, polyurethane (PU) and wood veneer colour: white, RAL 1004, RAL 1013, RAL 1023, RAL 1027, RAL 2000, RAL 2002, RAL 2004, RAL 3012, RAL 3015, RAL 5003, RAL 5008, RAL 5024, RAL 6010, RAL 6021, RAL 7001, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 7044, RAL 8001, RAL 8014, RAL 8016, RAL 9005, RAL 9010 patchwork #03: RAL 1004, RAL 2002, RAL 5024, RAL 6021, RAL 7011, RAL 7035, RAL 8001, RAL 8016, RAL 9010 & oak 58cm | 22.8” MARCEL WANDERS, 2012 material: The Zliq sofa is constructed from a steel box frame covered in foam and dacron, the seat Zliq is produced with removable covers (please check per category). Pillows are available seperately. options upholstery: see page 204 270cm | 106.3” ZLIQ ISLAND PAPER CABINET WHITE, RAL & PATCHWORK 61.5cm | 24.2” 205 204 PAPER PATCHWORK OVERVIEW STUDIO JOB 2012 SEATERS TEXTILES & PATTERNS SAMPLES BOUTIQUE CHAMELEON DM 180 CHAMELEON H 153 COCO DADDY DEER DELFT BLUE JUMPER DELFT GREY JUMPER DIARY EASY RIDER EYES OF STRANGERS JESTER KIMONO LACE LEATHER MANGA MEDAILLON NEW YORK SILVER SOPHY TRAVIS CAP/WHITE MACCHEDIL, SOTTILE MACCHEDIL, GREZZO PAPER CUPBOARD PATCHWORK PAPER CHANDELIER PATCHWORK PAPER TABLE PATCHWORK TWILL SUMMIT UNI CERVINO LEATHER SOFTLINEN PAPER TABLE LAMP PATCHWORK #8 #9 #10 VELOUR BOUCLÉ JACQUARD ANDAZ LABYRINTH, ORIGINAL FAUX JACQUARD FRESCO LABYRINTH, GREY ARREDO LEATHER JACQUARD OLD BLUE LABYRINTH, INSECT PAPER CABINET PATCHWORK PAPER WARDROBE PATCHWORK PAPER BUFFET PATCHWORK PAPER SCREEN PATCHWORK PAPER FLOOR LAMP PATCHWORK PAPER SIDE TABLE PATCHWORK THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION MOOOI BV HEADQUARTERS MINERVUM 7003 4817 ZL BREDA PO BOX 5703 4801 EC BREDA T +31 (0)76 5784444 F +31 (0)76 5710621 INFO@MOOOI.COM SALES@MOOOI.COM (FOR SALES-INFORMATION) WWW.MOOOI.COM ART DIRECTION MARCEL WANDERS DESIRÉE DE JONG BRAND IDENTITY & GRAPHIC DESIGN HANNAH LENGLET TEXTUAL INPUT LAURA RAMOS BELLO - KLUIT MARIKA BOSO PRODUCT CONTENT JAN HAARHUIS ART PHOTOGRAPHY MILAN ERWIN OLAF (FORMA GALLERIA) ART PHOTOGRAPHY LONDON & AMSTERDAM LEVI VAN VELUW PHOTOGRAPHY SALONE DEL MOBILE PRESENTATION, LONDON SHOWROOM, ANDAZ HOTEL & RESIDENTIAL PEER LINDGREEN RESIDENTIAL PRODUCTION CASPER & SUZY VISSERS STYLING SALONE DEL MOBILE PRESENTATION & LONDON SHOWROOM MARTINE DE SCHIPPER MOOOI PRODUCTS PHOTOGRAPHY & SHOWROOM AMSTERDAM NICOLE MARNATI GREY HAIKU PHOTOGRAPHY VALÉRIE VAN DER WAL PRODUCT RENDERINGS GERARD FERNÁNDEZ MANNEQUINS HANS BOODT MANNEQUINS PRINTED BY LECTURIS, THE NETHERLANDS ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN CM & INCHES. WE ADVISE THE USE OF ENERGY SAVING LIGHT BULBS FOR ALL OUR LIGHTING. MOOOI SHOWROOMS AMSTERDAM WESTERSTRAAT 187 1015 MA AMSTERDAM THE NETHERLANDS T +31 (0)20 5287760 LONDON WHITE BUILDING 555, HARROW ROAD W10 4RH LONDON UNITED KINGDOM T +44 (0)208 962 5691 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COPYRIGHT © MOOOI BV, 2014 FOR ALL TEXT, LAYOUT AND IMAGES NO TEXT, LAYOUT OR PICTURES MAY BE USED OR REPRODUCED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES BY THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING DEALERS, RETAILERS, INTERNET SHOPS AND OTHER, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL BY MOOOI BV. THE USE OF TEXT, LAYOUT AND IMAGES OR ITS REPRODUCTION OF SUCH IN PRESS PUBLICATIONS -BOTH WRITTEN AND DIGITAL- IS PERMITTED, UNDER THE CONDITION THAT MOOOI IS CREDITED. www.moooi.com
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