May 10, 2015 - Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Catherine of Siena
May 10, 2015 - Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Catherine of Siena
THE CHURCH OF ST. VINCENT FERRER Served by the Dominican Friars 869 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10065 May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter ANNOUNCEMENTS The 2015 Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. If you have not made your pledge to the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal, it is not too late! You can pledge your gift now and make payments in the coming months. You can also make your gift online at To date, we have received $124,678.00 toward our parish goal of $133,500.00. Just $8,822.00 to go! Mother’s Day Mass Remembrance. Envelopes are available at the entrances of the church to remember our living and deceased loved ones in a Novena of Masses beginning on Mothers’s Day, May 10th. Music For Ascension Thursday. Music for this Thursday, May 14th, Ascension Thursday, Choral Mass at 6:00 PM, will include Prelude music: Prayer Of Christ Ascending Toward His Father (L'Ascension) - Messiaen; Anthems: O Clap Your Hands - Vaughan Williams; Ascendit Deus - Philips; Ordinary: Missa Ascendens Christus Victoria; Antiphon: Regina Caeli; Postlude: Toccata for Organ by John Weaver. Second Collection Next Weekend: May 16-17. We are seeking alms in a second collection next weekend to help us reduce the parish’s operating deficit. Thank you for your support. Food Sunday Next Weekend: May 16-17. Members of the Social Concerns Committee will be at the doors of the Church next weekend to collect food and/or monetary donations for the New York Common Pantry. Your gifts of food and money help feed over 1500 families dependent on the Pantry for food for themselves and their children. May’s special request: Brown rice, canned tuna/salmon/chicken, and whole wheat pasta. DIRECTORY Telephone: (212) 744-2080 Fax: (212) 327-3011 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 9 am - 7 pm Saturday: 10 am - 1 pm CHURCH HOURS Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 6:30 pm Saturday & Sunday: 7:30 am - 7 pm MASS Sunday: 8 am, 10 am (sung), 12 pm (solemn), 5:30 pm Monday - Friday: 8 am, 12:10 pm, 6 pm Saturday: 8 am, 5:30 pm (Sunday vigil - sung) RECONCILIATION Monday - Friday: 5:20 - 5:50 pm Wednesday: 7:45 - 8:30 pm Saturday: 4:30 - 5:30 pm Or by appointment. LITURGY OF THE HOURS Morning Prayer: 7:40 am (Monday - Friday) Office of Readings & Vespers: 5:30 pm (Monday - Friday) Night Prayer: 8:30 pm (Wednesday) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesday: 7:30 - 9 pm 7:30 Exposition & Preaching 8:30 Night Prayer (Compline) 8:45 Benediction BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS Please call the parish office to schedule. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Available after Sunday Masses or by appointment with Fr. Walter or Fr. John Chrysostom. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS DOMINICAN THIRD ORDER The Dominican Third Order (Lay Fraternity) meets in the Parish Center on the third Thursday of each month from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. All are welcome. HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE The Hospitality Committee plans and hosts numerous parish social events throughout the year, from monthly coffee hours after the 12 noon Mass, a parish Mardi Gras party, and much more. Call the parish office for more information. LEGION OF MARY The Legion works in union with Mary to evangelize the world and win it over to Jesus and His Church. All are invited. Meetings are held each Tuesday in the Parish Center, at 6:00 pm. Contact Joshua at 570-772-1333. SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE The Social Concerns Committee provides support services for the homeless and poor. Among other commitments, the committee hosts weekly bingo games and holiday parties for the women living at the Park Avenue Armory Women’s Shelter and collects money and food each month for the New York Common Pantry. Call the parish office for more information. ST. VINCENT FERRER CHORALE The choir provides a varied repertoire of classical sacred music for the weekly 12:00 noon Mass each Sunday and for the various holy days throughout the liturgical year, as well as concerts. For more information, contact Dr. Mark Bani: or (212) 744-2080, ext. 16. Also, see our website: VISITATION CIRCLE “VC” is a group of single, divorced, and widowed women who come together for prayer, fellowship (manifested through various social and cultural events), and to offer mutual support to one another. Call the parish office for more information. REGISTRATION Please register as a member of our parish if this is where you regularly attend church. Registration forms are available in the parish office. Offering envelopes come with registration, and using them enables us to give you a report of your contributions for tax purposes. Having your name in our records is the only way we have of certifying that you are a practicing Catholic, as we have to do for people who are being asked to serve as sponsors of Baptism or Confirmation. DOMINICAN FRIARS Fr. Walter C. Wagner, O.P., Pastor Fr. John Chrysostom Kozlowski, O.P., Parochial Vicar Bro. Damian McCarthy, O.P., Sacristan Rev. Bro. John Devaney, O.P., Transitional Deacon The Order of Preachers was founded by St. Dominic in 1216 to preach the Truth for the salvation of souls. STAFF Deacon John Powers Deacon Richard Cheu, Business Manager Mrs. Patricia Keegan, Secretary Ms. Yvonne Scally, Receptionist Mr. Tony Hicks, Church Custodian Dr. Mark Bani, Music Director Ms. Mary Schwarz, Adult Education Mrs. Dolores Getcher, Child Education EDUCATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN Tuition for the year for all levels: $250 (includes books). For more information and/or registration for classes beginning in September 2014, please contact Mrs. Dolores Getcher at 212-861-2566. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR ADULTS For those interested in becoming Catholic or need Confirmation, classes are held on Sundays at 4:00 PM. For information, call Mary Schwarz at 212-734-9758 or email PARISH STUDY On most Tuesdays of the parish year (September - May), adult faith formation classes are offered either in the form of a Bible study or as an exploration of some relevant aspect of the Catholic faith. More information will be available in the bulletin as the time for class approaches. BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS A Baptism class will be held on the second Friday of each month at 6:30 PM, from September to May, for all parents preparing for the Baptism of their child. Baptism classes will resume in September 2015. ST. VINCENT FERRER HIGH SCHOOL Sr. Gail Morgan, OP, Principal (212) 535-4680・ The Churchof SaintVincent Ferrer May ro, 2ors Sixth Sundav of Easter / B Prelude: Pridre i. Notre Dame (Suite Gothique) - L6on Bo€llmann (t862-fi97) Entrance Hymn: #547 &Vorship) - Praise To The Lord, The Almighty The Order ofthe Mass: Ky"i. and Gloria: Mass in Bt Major - Charles Villiers Stanford (t852-t924) Liarrgyof the'W'ord First Reading: Acts ro: z5-26, j4-3j, 44-48 Responsorial Psalrn z # 5 4 OVorsh tp) Second Reading: rJohn 4:7-ro Gospel Acclamationz # z7 g (V'orship) Gospel:John ry: 9-r7 B Homily Profession of Faith General Intercessions Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory Hymn (5:3o & ro,oo): #S6g fiVorsbip) - Come, My \Vay, MyTruth, My Life OffertoryAnthem (rz:oo): Ave Maria - Joseph Bonnet (t884-t944) (vs' I and 3) Hail,Mary,fullofgrace! TheLordiswithyou. Blessedareyouarnongwomen,andblessedisthefruitofyourwomb,Jesus' Uotv Marv, Mothe'r of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. (Luke r: Maiii (r +ql), G i ralomo'S avonarola) 28, 4z; Esposizione sopra t'Aie Sanbtus: Mass in Bl Major - Charles Villiers Stanford M as s (Rom an Mis s a /), Thk d e ditiori Memorial Acclamatioir: Plainchant Concluding Doxology and Arnen Comrnunion Rite The Our Father Agnus Dei: Mass in Bl Major - Charles Villiers Stanford ComrnunionAnthem (rz:oo): Set Me As A Seal Upon Thine Heart - Sir $Tilliam \Valton (r9oz-r983) Elizabeth Sniffen, soprano Patrick Ireland, tenor Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm. For love is strong as death. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the flbods drown it. Set me as aieal upon thine heart. For love ii strong as death. (Song of Songs A' e-7) HymnofThanksgiving: #6or (Vorship Fraver after Comrnunion Beloved, Let Us Love Concluding Rite Blessine and Dismissal Antiph6n: Resina Caeli (Page 3r, Liturgical Music booklet) Postlude: Meiuet gothique TSi;tt Gothillue) - Leon Bo6llmann Father \XZalter \7agner, O.P., Pastor Brother Damian McCarthy, O.P. The St. Vincent Ferrer Chorale and Soioists Mark Bani, D.M.A., Director of Music and Organist Father John Chrysostom Kozlowski, O.P. Rev. Bro.John Maria Devaney, O,P. Deacon Tohn M. Powers The Church of St. Vincent Ferrer Ascension Thursiln$ W14,20i5 Solemn Mass folloruecl by a ffarf,sRa Farry iw t%se Cfuwrch Eiall w'ine, cheese, sand.,uiches, dessert, E coffee PLewse cw\!"t\ae priory offdce rat 212-744-2fi8fi Free r.udlt afferdwg. if Sgaw plarc to attesed. THIS WEEK MASS INTENTIONS LECTORS Saturday, May 9 8:00 Livia Gnesda (d) 5:30 Jack, Natalie, Marie & Francis Egan O’Brien (d) Saturday, May 9 5:30 Janet Ozarchuk Sunday, May 10 8:00 Living Members of the Mullen Family 10:00 People of the Parish 12:10 Star Sharbel (d) 5:30 Rev. Hugh Halton, O.P. (d) Monday, May 11 8:00 William & Rose Marotti (d) 12:10 In Thanksgiving 6:00 Catherine & Patrick McGlade (d) Tuesday, May 12 8:00 Missions in Eastern Africa and Vice-Province of Pakistan 12:10 Janina Pieczara (d) 6:00 Living & Deceased Members of the Deeney and McGinness Families Wednesday, May 13 8:00 Deceased of the Parish and the Order 12:10 Darren DiVincent (d) 6:00 Salvatore & Joan M. Carvo (d) Thursday, May 14 8:00 Thomas Brennan (d) 12:10 People of the Parish 6:00 Willie Wattford (d) Friday, May 15 8:00 Deceased Members of the Kirby Family 12:10 Jeanne Gorski (d) 6:00 Bert Wolff (d) Saturday, May 16 8:00 Francesca Gioia (d) 5:30 Mark Flesher (d) PARISH PRAYER LIST For the sick: Rev. Chris Johnson, O.P., Willie Phillips, Anthony Mondola, Coleen E. Maguire, Sr. Timothy Goettesheim, O.P., Anne Brown, Maria Wittlin, Joseph Wittlin, Agnes Sales, Mrs. Hayes Salaverry, Stephen Copeman, Margot Uszakiewicz, Hoyt Deering Ventrella Giulia, Maria Camasta, Elisabeth Kieselstein-Cord, Carlos Fuente, Sr., Kendra Seth, Frederick John Jenks, Raymond Hicks, Sarah McDermott, and Rev. Bruce Williams, O.P. For the deceased: Gregory Bruno, Pat Cruz, Robert Chamine, Sally Bedford, Sumintra Budra, Betsy von Furstenberg, Mary BirchReynardson, Angelica Rostaing, and Claudia Corradini. Sunday, May 10 8:00 Sr. Martha Kunesh, OP 10:00 Sylvie Repeczky 12:00 Ashley Rose 5:30 Donna Morrell Pinney EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Saturday, May 9 5:30 Asst. Priest / S. Pannozzo Sunday, May 10 8:00 A. Brancaccio 10:00 Asst. Priest / D. Getcher 12:00 Deacon Powers / T. Marrone / J. Brownell 5:30 Asst Priest / M. E. Foye / L. Miranda SANCTUARY LAMPS Maria Luisa Barahona (d) Ramon & Fernando Gonzalez (l) Jack Ryan Keegan Edward C. Perry (d) Robert J. Schwede (d) Special Intention Intention of Donor SANCTUARY MADONNA Jackie Piraquive (l) The seven-day candles, which burn in the lamps before the tabernacle and before the Madonna at the entrance of the sanctuary are available for an offering of $15 each. These lamps are both an act of devotion and a source of beauty in our church. SUNDAY OFFERING Attendance: 808 Collection: $12,603.00 Average contribution per person: $15.60 The Church in Central & Eastern Europe: $3,274.00 Average contribution per person: $4.05 RECEIVING THE BULLETIN Parishioners who are unable to come to church are being sent the Sunday Bulletin by the Hospitality Committee. If you know of someone who would like to receive the Sunday Bulletin each week, please call the church office and give their name and address to the receptionist. - The Funeral Chapel Frank E. Campbell 1076 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10028 2r2-288-3s00 Traditional Values, Elegance and Integrity Owned by a subsidiary of Service Corp. Intemational 1929 Allen Pkwy Houston. TX 77019 113-522-5141 0ror MHTTo JFK $45.''l MHTTo LGA 539-'" MHTTo EWR $45.'il pa lpallimo @ hrr ludnsq ldredin llss 'Wagruer)3 iupport Your fturch & lulblln. lrue polesiond 212-aAa-OOOO emil[ d Nunsns & dedgn & nry olgname@rspa] Mnorcll PnnsoNxu, AcnNcv, INc. Quality Healthcare For Over 40 Years R.N.'s, L.P.N.'s, H.H.A.'s, P.C.A.'s, N.A.'s (212)838-5930-1 F:ax(212)833-0883 E.87th St. New York. 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