founders - Community Foundation of the Ozarks
founders - Community Foundation of the Ozarks
PHILANTHROPY Compassion FOUNDERS FUTURE HEARLD AMBLER CONNECTING CHARLES FULLER COLLABORATION C . WA L L A C E FAMILY WA LT E R INVESTMENTS SCHOLARSHIPS JA M E S S. YOUTH B U C K N ER , J R. 1973 Generosity COOVER YEP FH RAELDL ENDOWMENT A F F I LI AT E S SOLUTIONS COMMUNITY BETTERMENT PASSIONFocus FUTURE GIVING ANNE CASE DRUMMOND DONORS GARY FUNK OZARKS J O H N FOUNDERS G A R R I S O N GRANTS H O R AC E Thank You H A S E LT I N E B R I A N RURAL SCHOOLS F O G L E Donors Partnerships R O G E R YOUTH FUTURE GRANTS FOCUS RESOURCES C A R N A H A N TO SOLUTIONS S T E WA R D SH I P R . B A R N E S L E A R N I N G W H I T LO C K ARTS GIVING HOMETOWNS BEQUESTS J A N CULTURE H O R TO N YEP CULTURE TRUST GA RY LEGACY AGENCIES LI P SCO M B VINCENT TYNDALL Future PURPOSE GRANTMAKING Affiliates HUMANITARIANS E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 7 3 Letter from the Chair & FY13 Action Plan .................................. 3 Board of Directors .............................. 4 Committee Members .......................... 5 Founders Fund ..................................... 6 Professional Advisors ....................... 8 Legacy Society ................................... 10 Legacy Funds......................................... 11 New Funds ............................................ 12 Funders Forum .................................... 17 Scholarships ......................................... 18 2012 Humanitarian ............................. 19 Metro Springfield Grants ............... 20 Rural Schools Partnership & Placeworks Art Initiative ............... 22 Transfer of Wealth ............................ 24 Coover Grants ..................................... 26 Previously Established Funds ....... 27 Youth Empowerment Project ........ 31 Agency Partner Funds ..................... 32 Cause Momentum ............................. 39 40th Anniversary .............................. 40 Financials ............................................. 42 Regional Affiliates ............................ 44 Staff & Contact Information ......... 92 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI The Community Foundation of the Ozarks is a public charitable foundation serving the area of the state south of the Missouri River. The Foundation’s mission is to enhance the quality of life in our region through resource development, community grantmaking, collaboration, and public leadership. The CFO’s areas of focus include: • Affiliate Foundations across the service region • Agency Partner program • Arts & Culture • Donor Services • Grantmaking • Mission-Related Investing • Professional Advisors Council • Public Leadership • Rural Schools Partnership • Scholarships • Youth Empowerment Project The 2013 Annual Report was created by Aaron J. Scott and produced by members of the CFO staff. 2 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Letter from the Chair I am a transplant to the Ozarks. $225 million in 2013. More important I first learned about the Community Foundation than the assets, the CFO has made about $150 million in grants and disof the Ozarks when former president Jan Hor- tributions to accomplish a variety of ton and former board chair Rob Baird asked if initiatives: Helping older adults stay my students could help the CFO discover what in their homes by supporting organizations that offer transportation, the most pressing needs were for older adults home repair, and other services; in Greene County so that the CFO’s grants to providing scholarships for college older adults would be used most effectively. students; providing gifts to schools to do such things as support librarTo complete this project, my graduate applied re- ies and purchase materials for needy search class members interviewed older adults kids; and giving help to organizaand their caregivers, conducted numerous fo- tions that address the most pressing health and human service needs in cus group interviews, and made recommenda- the community. Within that $150 tions for how the CFO’s resources could be used million, the CFO’s 44 regional affilibest. The report didn’t just sit on a shelf some- ate foundations have returned more than $63.2 million to their commuwhere — the CFO actually used the information nities — an impressive accomplishment, indeed. to rewrite its criteria for the older adult grants. In addition, as demonstrated by the work of my students on behalf of older The more I learned about the CFO, the adults, the resources the CFO returns to the more impressed I became with the dedication community are not just monetary. The CFO is a of the staff, the commitment of the board, and connector, actively seeking to connect commuthe organization’s genuine desire to improve nity members’ expertise to address the needs the well being of the community. And the CFO has enhanced life in this com- of the community. It takes every single one of us to do that — to offer our time, talent, and munity, for 40 years now. Assets have grown tangible resources to keep the Ozarks vibrant, from an initial $1,500 in 1973 to more than a place where we all want to live. This year, as we reflect on our 40th year of service to our community, our focus is on the future. We will continue to seek out ways to help, to enhance, to strengthen. The CFO represents Ozarkers giving to other Ozarkers. That’s one of the reasons I’m proud to call myself an Ozarker and why I am honored to serve such a worthy organization as the CFO. —Gloria Galanes Chair F Y 1 3 AC T I O N P L A N R E V I E W Donor Initiative Review grantmaking policy and process The existing CFO staff was re-organized over the past year to create a two-person Donor Relations team to work with existing donors and engage new donors through education, outreach and integration into the CFO’s programming and committees. An ad hoc Board committee reviewed the grantmaking process and recommended several allocation changes along with several new categories for grants. Ozarks Empowerment Project, Year 2 Three existing staff members re-organized and established a structure to interact with each affiliate at least four times a year. They also started an e-letter for fundraising ideas and a training program for affiliate boards. Systematic development of affiliate support The second year of The Learning Community offered training for 15 more nonprofit agencies. Cause Momentum launched its “beta” phase, and quarterly training opportunities were offered to Agency Partners. Celebrate 40th anniversary Board development and engagement An ad hoc Board committee created a Board Roles and Responsibilities document. Anniversary activities included an opening reception for past board members, a community open house, the annual donor dinner, and the publication of “Passion & Purpose,” a book chronicling the CFO’s first 40 years. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 3 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Board of Directors FISCAL YEAR 2014 Dr. Gloria Galanes Chair, Springfield Richard Cavender Vice Chair, Rolla Shari Hoffman Treasurer, Springfield Roger D. (Dusty) Shaw, Jr. Secretary, Thomasville Karen Miller Executive Committee, Ozark Mark Nelson Executive Committee, Springfield Jami S. Peebles Executive Committee, Springfield Margie Berry Forsyth Dr. Chris Craig Springfield Brian Fogle CFO President Robert Foster Marshfield Dr. Judith Gonzalez Springfield Brian Hammons Stockton Randy Howard Aurora Bill Lee Carthage Stephanie Stenger Montgomery Springfield Ron Penney Springfield Gary Powell Springfield Sandra Thomason Clinton Robin Walker Monett Jill Reynolds Chair Emeritus, Springfield Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten Springfield 4 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Committee Members The CFO appreciates the volunteers who provide leadership for its grantmaking, policy and financial operations. Acceptance/Legal Committee Grant Review Committee Cliff Brown, Chair John Carnahan, III Mark L. McQueary Thomas Peebles Dwight Rahmeyer D. Patrick Sweeney Doug Nickell, legal counsel Staff: Brian Fogle Stephanie Stenger Montgomery, Chair Peg Carolla Jill Reynolds Maura Taylor Doug Thornsberry Staff: Randy Russell Audit/Operations Committee Kevin Ausburn, Chair Jan Baumgartner Gary Burgess Ken Carter Gary Garwitz Shari Hoffman Bill Miller Staff: Susanne Gray Agency Partners Endowment Building Grants Committee Margie Berry, Chair Zach Adams Mike Brothers Stephanie Brown Judy Brunner Arlen Diamond Staff: Bridget Dierks Coover Regional Grant Committee Jill Reynolds, Chair Richard Cavender Rob Foster Brian Hammons Randy Howard Karen Miller Roger D. (Dusty) Shaw, Jr. Sue Sickles Sandra Thomason Staff: Randy Russell Governance Jill Reynolds, Chair Sally Baird Gloria Galanes David Pointer Staff: Brian Fogle Greene County Senior Issues Panel Thelma Ness, Chair Mary Fry Carl Keiser Denny Pilant Jay Rippee Krissy Sinor Ed Smith Staff: Randy Russell Investment Advisory Board Mark Nelson, Chair Tom Carlson James Leon Combs John Cooper Donald Davis Bill Hardie Ken Homan Jeff Layman Bill Miller Anita Oplotnik Lori Smith Stephen Smith Doug Thornsberry Robin Walker Gary Wortman Staff: Susanne Gray Metro Springfield Community Innovation Grant Committee Bud Greve, Chair Tyler Buzbee Mike Kromrey Tim Rosenbury Emmett Sawyer Lisa Slavens Margo Spilde Staff: Randy Russell Metro Springfield Community Response Challenge Grant Committee Ron Ponds Richard Russell Staff: Randy Russell Stephanie Stenger Montgomery, Chair Robert Carolla Carol Cruise Tom DenOuden Debbie Shantz David Yaktine Staff: Randy Russell Regional Committee Metro Springfield Early Childhood Grant Committee Erica Harris, Chair Dot Atkinson Ashley French Kristal Glenn Missy Riley Staff: Randy Russell Mission-Related Investment Committee Mark E. Nelson, Chair Sally Baird Tom Finnie Bill Lee David Pointer Jeff Schrag Doug Thornsberry Doug Nickell, legal counsel Staff: Brian Fogle, Susanne Gray Ozarks Charitable Real Estate Foundation Jill Reynolds, Chair Chuck Bailey Brian Fogle Gloria Galanes Dave Murray Keith Roberts Roger D. (Dusty) Shaw, Jr. Staff: Bridget Dierks Performance Achievement Grant Committee Jami S. Peebles, Chair Lindsey Neddenriep Margie Berry, Chair Richard Cavender Rob Foster Brian Hammons Randy Howard Bill Lee Karen Miller Roger D. (Dusty) Shaw, Jr. Sandra Thomason Robin Walker Staff: Michael Chatman Rural Schools Place-Based Grant Committee Jill Reynolds, Chair Judy Brunner Ron Giedd Leah Hamilton Lindsay Haymes Emmett Sawyer Staff: Julie Leeth Scholarship Committee Robert Foster, Chair Hearld Ambler Kirsten Brallier Karen Miller Carol Pyles Kathy Sheppard Rosalyn Thomas Staff: Judith Billings Springfield-Greene County Education Grants Committee Jana Bachus Julie Brown Lisa Spragg Staff: Randy Russell Ripley Butler Clay Grants Committee Emily Fox Gloria Galanes Tom Russo Staff: Randy Russell ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 5 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Founders Fund The Community Foundation’s Founders Fund members directly support the operations of the CFO. This was formerly called sustaining membership, but was renamed in honor of the founders as part of the CFO’s 40th anniversary celebration. Our ability to serve donors, communities, schools, and public-service organizations in our region is enhanced by these tax-deductible contributions. We thank those who have made these gifts during the 2013 fiscal year. $5,000 and Over Leadership Louis L. and Julia Dorothy Coover Foundation The Whitlock Company Sedora Trust - Managed by Central Trust and Investment Company $2,500 Benefactor Gary Lipscomb Springfield Business Journal Missouri Foundation for Health David Zamierowski $1,000 Sustainer Rob and Sally Baird James Leon and Dot Combs Gannett Foundation - The Matching Gift Center Linda and Jerry Jared William W. Miller John and Culah Nixon Linda Ramey-Greiwe Tom and Marsha Slaight Sandra Thomason Gary and Norma Wortman Vencil and Frances Bixler Ginny Fuldner John L. Harlin Med-Pay Inc James and Cathy Moore Charlie and Mary Beth O’Reilly Jill and Brad Reynolds SRC Holdings Corporation Doug Thornsberry Clifford S. Brown Charles Fuller, Jr. Jack Herschend Scott and Kathy Miller Mark and Lori Nelson Eric K. Peterson Roger D. (Dusty) Shaw, Jr. Lezah and Ron Stenger Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten John and Cathy Youngblood $500 Friend Hearld and Marjorie Ambler Connelly Plumbing Company Ron and Cyndi Douglas Great Southern Bank Ronald and Lou Thelen Kemp Evelyn Mangan Ron and Gwen Ponds Jim and Margie Berry W. Robert Corley Brian and Renee Fogle Shari and Clint Hoffman Dr. Charlie and Melissa Mace Stephanie Stenger Montgomery Edwin (Ned) T. Reynolds Jeanne Toombs Bill J. Burgess Create Foundation Gary and Jana Funk IDF Scholarship Fund Bryan Magers Tom and Jami Peebles Jewell Schweitzer $250 Supporter ADF Scholarship Fund Nancy Aton Ken and Pat Carter Gary V. Garwitz Brian and Kim Hammons Jan Horton Lathrop and Gage Susan and Curtis Lemmon Advocates for a Healthy Community, Inc Judy Beisner Richard Cavender John and Susan Gentry Vera Hardin Ruth O. Kelley Julie and Bruce Leeth Dr. Robert and Rosemary Magee James and Janet Anderson Richard and Kathy Brodbeck Greg DeLong Stephen and Susanne Gray Doyle and Sherry Hill Kelly and Louise Knauer Matt and Nichole Lemmon Mark McQueary 6 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS FOUNDERS FUND $250 Supporter Joan and Jim Moseley Dennis Newkirk Leslie Ann Peck, CLU Mr. and Mrs. William C. Putnam, Jr. Mark Ringenberg Troy and Marguerite Spilde Mike Stevens and Kate Baird Vincent and Constance Tyndall Joyce and Wallace Munden Todd and Betty Parnell Steve and Raeanne Presley Jerry Quinn Dennis and Kathy Sheppard Springfield First Community Bank Dr. William and Maura Taylor Lynn and Jeff Tynes Maggie Wilcox Dana Nelson Al and Phyllis Patterson Lois L. Puchta Paul and Carol Reinert David and Anne Smid Kate L. Starkey Ron and Sue Carrol Terry Pat Walker $100 Contributor Jodie Adams William A. Bauer Carl Buxton Don and Caryl Chaney Janetta Cox Mr. and Mrs. Don Dailey Gerald Ebker Robert S. Foster Lynn Gabbert Dr. Judith and Samuel Gonzalez Barbara Cook Hall Billy and Carolin Hixon Sally L. Hubbard The Ruth I. Kolpin Foundation Dr. Gene H. Leroux Dr. Hal Lurie Mary Lou Martin Clarence McElroy Margo Murray Harrison and Thelma Neff Eve Payne Alex and Cathy Primm Donald M. Rogers Sir John and Mary Frances Ruzicka Carol and Richard Silvey Janet and Yates Trotter Sue and Joe Webb Robert S. Wheeler Virgil V. Anderson and Leslie Gratzmaker Dan and Zoann Beckner Allen Casey Michael Chatman Chris and Victoria Craig Bridget and Andy Dierks Tom Finnie Friends of the Zoo Dr. Gloria Galanes and Noah Karrasch John Gulick Fred and Laquita Hall Mitch and Jennifer Holmes Doug and Kristi Kenney Debbie Lager Richard and Faye Loeb Mace’s Supermarkets Brianne and Andrew McCormick Karen Miller NAACP - Springfield MO Branch Ginny Norman Bill and Marie Prater Rick’s Automotive Robert E. Roundtree Ira Satterfield Ted A. Smith Truman Lake Community Foundation Natalie Wehrman Helen Murray White Tink and Jan Woolsey Robert Anderson James and Marilyn Buchholz David and Ann Catlin Church Army USA Branson Michael M. Cunniff Kerry D. Douglas Forum Dental Charitable Fund Royce and Rita Fugate Jo Gardner GYN Cancers Alliance Faunlee and Fred Harle Randy and Melissa Howard Joe and Clejo King Sharyn and William Lee Dr. Robin and Mary Luke Dr. Arthur Mallory Elwin D. McCurry Matthew and Stacy Miller James and Vicky Naber J. Richard Owensby Ed and Barbara Pratt Roberts, McKenzie, Mangan and Cummings Randy Russell Joseph and Silvia Sheppard Mark and Katie Struckhoff Beth and Chris Walker Alice and Charles Wells Linda Wollard $50 Steward Jackie and Linda Barger Bob Bohl D & M Accounting Service Gary and Kay Forest Mary Jane and Larry Grinstead June and Sam Hamra Dan and Beth Hersh Joy and Carol Kallmeyer Travis Liles Sue Obert Larry Shellhorn Dianne Stapleton U.S. Bancorp Foundation Cathy Wells James and Judith Billings Erin Blaszak Cedar Ridge Church Bill Compere Michelle Ducre Rodney Dwyer Pat Funk Greene County Republican Central Committee Cassie Halfmann Allen and Terry Hampton Shea Harrison Robert Henson Harold F. John Connie and John Johnson Robert and Barbara Kipfer Merna Leisure Pearl and Larry Linke Paul and Linda Montgomery Ozark Regional Library/Reading Express Program Susie Pointer Winter Skelton Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce State Farm Insurance Company Becky Thomas US Bank - National Association Dennis Watz David Wiley Thomas and Sandra Womack Gerry and Neal Wass ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 7 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Professional Advisors Council The Community Foundation of the Ozarks wants to thank the members of our Professional Advisors Council who offer estate planning, financial and investment services. This Council provides leadership in promoting planned charitable gifts to organizations and communities in our region. We share a common vision that planned charitable giving will keep vital capital in our communities and create significant future financial support for charitable causes. We appreciate your service and commitment. David Appleby Attorney at Law, PC Ozark Rhonda Christopher BKD Wealth Advisors Springfield Dan Guy D & M Accounting Service Forsyth Steven Kamienski Central Trust & Investment Springfield Stan Arnoldy Edward Jones Springfield Joe Cleveland Central Trust & Investment Springfield Fred L. Hall Hall, Ansley, Rodgers & Sweeney Springfield Kent Kehr Kehr & Associates, P.C. St. Louis Martha Atkisson Central Trust & Investment Springfield Gretchen Cliburn BKD, LLP Springfield Art Haseltine Springer & Haseltine Springfield Emily Kembell Carnahan, Evans, Cantwell & Brown, P.C. Springfield Darwin Bickford LIS Group Ozark Christena Silvey Coleman Attorney West Plains Doug Hauser US Bank - Private Client Group Joplin Laura Kiesel The Commerce Trust Company Springfield Becky Bonner Central Trust & Investment Springfield John Courtney Attorney Springfield Pauline Hoffman Central Trust & Investment Springfield Douglas D. Lee Carnahan, Evans, Cantwell & Brown, P.C. Springfield Newt Brill Brill & Wagoner West Plains Greg DeLong Edward D. Jones Springfield Shari Hoffman BKD Wealth Advisors Springfield Jeremy Loftin Central Trust & Investment Springfield James R. Brock UMB Asset Management Springfield Kerry D. Douglas Douglas, Haun, & Heidemann, P.C. Bolivar Mitch Holmes Edward Jones Branson Brenda Logsdon, CPA The Whitlock Company Springfield Cliff Brown Carnahan, Evans, Cantwell & Brown, P.C. Springfield Chris Dumm The Elder Law Center, LLC Joplin Diane Homan Central Trust & Investment Springfield Jim Lumpe Central Trust & Investment Springfield Julie T. Brown Carnahan, Evans, Cantwell & Brown, P.C. Springfield Frank Dunaway III Compensation & Benefit Systems Carthage Ken Homan Central Trust & Investment Springfield Randolph Maness Maness & Miller Doniphan Janet K. Brown Brown & Burns, LLC Poplar Bluff Landon Fletcher First State Bank of Purdy Cassville Barbara Houser KPM Springfield Evelyn Mangan Evelyn Gwin Mangan, P.C. Springfield Jeffrey W. Brummet Stifel, Nicolaus, & Company, Inc. Rolla Trenny Garrett Central Trust & Investment Osage Beach Jennifer Huckfeldt Carnahan, Evans, Cantwell & Brown, P.C. Springfield Mary Lou Martin Law Office of Mary Lou Martin, P.C. Springfield A. Kay Burk The Commerce Trust Company Springfield Gary V. Garwitz BKD, LLP Springfield Adrienne Jackson Arvest Bank Joplin Andrea McKinney Central Trust & Investment Springfield Charles C. Cantrell Cantrell & Oberzalek Mountain View Eric Griessel Wealth Partners, LLC Springfield Rick Jackson Jackson & Jackson CPAs Springfield James F. McLeod Lathrop & Gage LLP Springfield Kevin Checkett Checkett & Pauly Carthage Renee Gross Central Trust & Investment Springfield James B. Johnson US Bank Springfield Mark McQueary Neale & Newman, LLP Springfield 8 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS COUNCIL Bill W. Miller Kirkpatrick, Philips & Miller CPAs Springfield Candice Reed The Commerce Trust Company Springfield Dean W. Young Heim, Young and Associates Springfield Rod Miller Cetera Financial Specialists Springfield Jill Reynolds The Commerce Trust Company Springfield Patrice A. Moore Roberts, McKenzie, Mangan & Cummings Springfield Michael Richardson Richardson Financial Joplin COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE HERMANN AREA PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS COUNCIL R. Mark Morris Hlavacek, Morris, McIntyre, Yates & Danielson, PC Springfield Dennis Newkirk Newkirk & Company Branson Doug Nickell Lathrop & Gage LLP Springfield Chris Ollis US Bank, The Private Client Group Springfield J. Richard Owensby Neale & Newman, LLP Springfield Timothy Parrish Trust Company of the Ozarks Springfield Jami S. Peebles Central Trust & Investment Springfield Thomas D. Peebles, Jr. Carnahan, Evans, Cantwell & Brown, P.C. Springfield Bill Perkins Perkins Law Office Thayer John T. Piatchek Piatchek & Associates, Inc. Springfield Mark W. Pickens Farmers Insurance Group Springfield David Pointer Pointer Law Office, PC Gainesville Gary A. Powell Husch Blackwell Springfield Chester (Ed) Pratt Pratt, Mitchell & Company, CPAs Salem Carol Pyles Fair Grove Dwight E. Rahmeyer Trust Company of the Ozarks Springfield Donald M. Rogers Aviva Life Dadeville Richard Russell, JD, CPA Husch Blackwell Springfield Randy Saul BKD Wealth Advisors Springfield Stanley J. Schmidt Schmidt Associates, PC Carthage Steve Schneider, Jr. New York Life Insurance Company Springfield Don Althauser Randy Eikermann Eikermann Vollmar & Co. LLC Sam Frink Joy Haeffner Washington Matthew Haeffner Robert Henson Jim Holland Raylene Hollrah American Family Insurance Michael R. Mundwiller Glenn Warnebold Jerry Sitton State Farm Insurance Joplin Jane Sligar New York Life Insurance Company Monett Lori Smith Wells Fargo Advisors Joplin Drew Spencer The Commerce Trust Company Springfield Dan Stanley Edward Jones Joplin Dianne Stapleton US Bank, The Private Client Group Springfield Patrick Sweeney Hall, Ansley, Rodgers & Sweeney Springfield Steve Vaught Trust Company of the Ozarks Springfield Jim Wheeler Edward Jones Monett Gabrielle J. White McKay & White, LLC Springfield David L. Yaktine Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Springfield ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 9 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Legacy Society Members Legacy Society members have committed a charitable gift to one or more of their interests as part of their estate plan. Mrs. Oscar Acton* Jennifer Ailor Jim & Janet Anderson Anonymous Nancy Aton Sally A. Baird Paul O. Barker Dan C. Beckner and Zoann Beckner Dr.* & Mrs. Don Beisner Vencil J. Bixler and Frances B. Bixler Joyce Blades Charlotte Bostwick* Dr. & Mrs. William V. Brell John* & Barbara Brockschmidt Bart Brown & Doug Hutchcraft Julie T. Brown Mary E. Brunner Mr.* & Mrs. Jerome A. Caplan Thomas J. Carlson Robert & Margaret Carolla—Robert L. Carolla and Margaret Bess Carolla Charitable Remainder Trust Ken Carter Karen & Larry Catt Alys L. Clevenger* Mr. & Mrs. Ashley E. Coats James Leon & Dorothy Combs Harry Cooper John Cooper Mr. & Mrs. John Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Cribbs* Mel & Berta* Davis Anne Drummond* Charles T. Dulin Harry and Betty Ebe Elwyn and Blanche Edge* William C. & Dorothy L. Evers Tom Finnie Fern Freese* Norene Fronabarger Gloria J. Galanes J.W. and Kirsten Gibbs Gene Grady* Stephen and Susanne Gray Dr. Kathleen Griesemer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gunter Chet* & Vera Hardin Walter and Melissa Heinle Susie Henry Ray & Kay Hilton* Sally L. Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Larry Humphrey Dr. James E. Jameson Dr. Charles & Connie Jobe Carol Jones Mimi Kauffman Dr. & Mrs. Houston C. Ker Betty H. King* Paul & Charlene Koch Louise Knauer Keith & Randy LaFerriere Bruce & Julie Leeth Rev. (Dr.) Dorsey E. Levell Mrs. Emil Lorz Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Low Harold H. Lurie, M.D. Jack Willard Magness Ervin and Eleanor Maiefski E. A. Martin, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Don Martin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. Mitchell Lahna Mueller Lawrence P. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Max Murphy Mark & Lori Nelson Ron A. Neville Doug & Rae Nickell David & Lisa Officer Ronald A. & Karen E. Ollis Charlie & Mary Beth O’Reilly Dr. Nancy D. O’Reilly Todd & Betty Parnell Tom & Jami Peebles Dr.* & Mrs. Burl Z. Pfander Mr.* & Mrs. G. Clair Plank Mr. & Mrs. Arl W. Poindexter, Jr. Ronald Ponds B. G. & Marie C. Prater Tom & Kimberley Prater Cathy & Alex Primm Clark & Collene Rand Louise Randolph* Mr. & Mrs. Herschel Reed Paul & Carol Reinert Jill & Brad Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Rice, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arlie Rogers Ida Rolf* Randy Russell Elizabeth A. Schatz Steve Schneider Jr. Stephen and Helen Sedora* Mary Ann Sharp Clif & Gail Smart Neil & Beverly Stenger Harold & Helen Stoneman* Henry Straus* Geneva Stuetzer* Dr. William & Maura Taylor D. Virginia Thomas Doug Thornsberry David* & Jeanne Toombs Kathleen A. Travers James Earl & Candace M. Trogolo Mrs. Bryan M. Van Hook Wanda L. Van Ness & Velma Meals Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Waight Pat Walker Mr. Jerry Watley Ella Wetherel* William T. White* Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Wilkins Glen Wisdom* Betty Young Tab and Cynthia Zuch Stand Up for the Arts Rob Baird & Sally A. Baird David & Susan Belcher Roseann Bentley William Brandon Bowman Katie Cornwell Beth Domann Vickie Giesen Gloria J. Galanes Jan Horton Leah Hamilton Morey Mechlin Derek R. Munson Jane Munson-Berg Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Debra Russo Ron Spigelman (Springfield Symphony) Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten Aurora Area Community Foundation Brian & Reneé Fogle Bolivar Area Community Foundation Price Baker Walden James A. York Marshfield Area Community Foundation Caroline Ames Adam Blanch Rob Foster Steve and Harriett Freeman Anita Hunter Nicholas W. Inman L. Fay King Meramec Regional Community Foundation Richard and Jeanne Cavender Lucia Flaim Carthage Community Foundation Kevin & Sandi Checkett Robert & Rebecca Copeland Frank S. Dunaway, III Virginia Esterly* Ed & Tonya Freund Trust Kenneth Johnson Don & Gloria LaFerla Samuel R. Morrow, Jr.* Marilyn R. Nicholas* Mr. & Mrs. William C. Putnam Ruth I. Rubison Dr.* and Mrs.* W. Russell Smith Monett Area Community Foundation Mike Brownsberger Gloria June Curbow* Mark Nelson Community Foundation of Southwest Missouri, Inc. Michelle Ducre Lisa Knutzen Steve Lawver (Carl Junction Community Center) Ann Leach Marty & Lori Smith Nixa Community Foundation Mitch Callicott Mr. and Mrs. Jess Graham* Sharon Whitehill Gray Jane Kennon* Betty Ann Rogers* Mark Sellenriek Chris & Regina Thomas Finley River Community Foundation Dr. Cindy Baker Jackie Barger Margie Beadles Brian Cathey Clifton and Carole Collins Elise Crain Janis Creek Susan Haralson Joseph L. LaBarge, Jr. Matt & Nichole Lemmon Karen Miller Randy Mitchum John Nixon Mark & Sarah Orr Kathryn Owens Bill & Debbie Phillips Dale & Rachel Robertson Tom & Patti Tobin John D. Torgerson Mark A. Woods Ozark County Community Foundation Margo Murray David & Michelle Pointer Community Foundation of the Hermann Area, Inc. Lois Puchta Houston Community Foundation Bridget & Andy Dierks Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation Anonymous Mount Vernon Area Community Foundation John L. Hayes* & Susanne M. Sickles Winter Skelton Republic Community Foundation John L. Hayes* & Susanne M. Sickles Jane Gray Smith Greater Seymour Area Foundation Anonymous Ron Giedd Stockton Community Foundation Gary & Jana Funk Brian & Kim Hammons Table Rock Lake Community Foundation Nita Jane Ayres Jack & Sherry Herschend John & Connie Johnson Taney County Community Foundation Iva M. Awberry* James & Margie King Berry William & Sylvia Cornette LaVaughn M. Fuqua-Mathiesen Doug & Gina Jordan Continued on next page 10 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Legacy Funds The following funds were established by bequest to the Community Foundation of the Ozarks or one of its affiliates: Dorothy Ruth Acton Charitable Fund Beisner/Eason Scholarship and the Beisner/Eason Mathematics/ Science Curriculum Enhancement Fund Carol Blackburn Charitable Fund Carol Blackburn Charitable Fund #2 John L. Bostwick Fund John and Barbara Brooks Fund Jessie J. Burroway Charitable Fund William H. Calhoun and Mary Helen Calhoun Endowment Fund Carla M. Calvin Endowment Fund for the Springfield Symphony Camp Arrowhead Staff Scholarship Fund Marie Carlisle Fund Alys Clevenger Fund Collins Family Fund Richard Cribbs Endowment Fund Paul W. Cox and Ida Kathleen Cox Charitable Trust Pete Davis Family Fund Roberta Bartley Olive Decatur Fund Helen M. Delano Fund Anne Case Drummond Endowment Fund Austin Dunham, Noel Keller and Earl Benfield Fund Elwyn and Blanche Edge Fund William H. Epperson Charitable Fund William E. Eslick Fund Linwood M. Faraday and Helen M. Faraday Fund C.V. Freese and Fern K. Freese Memorial Charitable Fund C.V. Freese and Fern K. Freese Memorial Charitable Fund 2 Agnes Grady Fund James and Ethel E. Grigg Christmas Fund The Ethel T. Grigg Memorial Fund Gravelle and Harris Scholarship Fund Thomas Halbert Scholarship Fund Warren S. and Mary Ina Hampton Fund Mary Hendrix Fund Ira and Matilda Hentschel Fund Marion Bissett Hoblit Scholarship Fund Julia A. Hood Fund Hutchens Family Fund Bervil Ivy and Betty J. Ivy Designated Endowment Fund Harry S. Jewell, Charles McGregor and John McGregor Memorial Endowment Fund William Karchmer Administrative Endowment Ray D. Kelly and Leona C. Kelly Fund The J. Laurence Lee Memorial Fund Christine A. Loetel Residential Fund Christine A. Loetel Scholarship Fund The Captain Andrew W. Long, Jr. Scholarship Fund Marie Rosalie Maser and John Maser Memorial Fund Edward A. and Mildred T. Martz and Louise A. Timmer Fund William N. Maughs Fund Esther Sands McGuire Fund Musgrave Fund O’Day Family Mausoleum Maintenance Fund AEola O’Harn Fund John F. Parker and Daughter, Patricia K. Parker, Fund Hazel and Christine Pauly Fund Pugsley Administrative Endowment Dorothy Burgin Quigley Fund Ernest “Jim” Randolph and Louise Randolph Designated Fund Lloyd and Marceleta Ray Fund Mary R. Rigney General Endowment Fund Ida Rolf Fund Jessie M. Ross Fund Nell Sewell Charitable Fund Edith M. Short Fund Mary Irma Stevenson Fund A. P. and Faye Stone Fund A. P. Stone, Jr. Administrative Endowment Harold and Helen Stoneman Drury Scholarship Fund Henry J. and Lucille J. Straus Scholarship Fund Edward and Geneva Stuetzer Fund The Kirby Taylor Fund Jane Ullman Fund Chesley and Flora Lea Wallis Scholarship Fund Ella E. Wetherel Charitable Fund William T. White Springfield Symphony Fund Glen W. Wisdom Scholarship and Award Fund Jean Cossey Woodruff Performing Arts Fund Jean Cossey Woodruff Fund William J. and Jessie Lee Woody Trust for the Humane Care of Animals The H. Garrett and Marion M. Wright Fund Hollis Marjorie Gurley Young Fund in Memory of Alva E. and Inez Gurley Aurora Area Community Foundation Laverta Arnhart Jones Scholarship Fund Mt. Vernon Area Community Foundation Olivia, Betty and J.R. Moody Fund Carthage Community Foundation ALS (Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis) Organization Fund Carthage Historic Preservation Fund Guthrie Gilmore Fund The Henrietta Hedge Memorial Fund The Hough Fund Missouri Botanical Garden Fund Dorthadean Moorman Memorial Fund Jean S. Morrow and Samuel R. Morrow Jr. Memorial Fund Earl & Marilyn Nicholas Charitable Fund Earl & Marilyn Nicholas Endowment Fund Dr. W. Russell Smith Family Foundation Fund Southwest Baptist University Endowment Fund John and Nancy Williams Life Estate Fund Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation Wayde C. and Marie Carlisle Memorial Scholarship Fund The Barker Shannon Scholarship Fund Cassville Community Foundation Olin J. Brattin Scholarship Fund DACO Community Foundation Johnny E. Tubaugh Scholarship Fund Dent County Community Foundation Craig Family Donor Advised Fund Eldon Community Foundation Dr. Fred Enloe Dental Scholarship Fund Lockwood Community Foundation Johnny E. Tubaugh Scholarship Fund Marshfield Area Community Foundation Retha Stone Baker & William G. Baker Children’s Dental Care Fund Retha Stone Baker & William G. Baker Webster County Historical Society Fund The Steve W. Freeman and Harriett J. Freeman Fund Nixa Community Foundation Jess J. Graham Fund Austin and Leona Dunham Fund Betty Ann Rogers Community Fund Greater Seymour Area Foundation Ruby Knutson and Esther Miles Fund Table Rock Lake Community Foundation Charlotte Bostwick Endowment Fund Depriest Endowment for the TriLakes Humane Society Fund Community Foundation of Taney County J. Kenneth and Iva M. Awberry Scholarship Fund Carol Blackburn Branson High School Scholarship Fund Robinson Blessings Fund Nora Slusher Scholarship Fund Tri-Lakes Community Hospice Fund Herb and Maxine Trimble Scholarship Fund Charles and Helen Winston Scholarship Fund Truman Lake Community Foundation John & Betty Brecht Endowment Fund for the United Methodist Church, Clinton, Mo John & Betty Brecht Endowment Fund for Clinton Arts Council Robert W. Kelsay Scholarship Fund Wrigley Fund Community Foundation of West Plains, Inc. Robert Jennings Smith Scholarship Fund Monett Community Foundation John C. Bounous Fund Tom & Mary Del Clark Memorial Fund Gloria June Curbow Charitable Remainder Trust Legacy Society Members, continued from previous page Valle Schools, Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Mildred & Leona Hoffman Truman Lake Community Foundation Berry & Judy Beebe John* & Betty Brecht J.C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Thomason Robert Wheeler Community Foundation of West Plains, Inc. Richard & Carol Silvey Gene & Marcy Weinbeck * Deceased ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 11 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI New Funds The following funds were established with the Community Foundation of the Ozarks during the 2013 fiscal year ending June 30. Funds established before July 1, 2012 are listed in the Previously Established Funds section beginning on page 27. Funds established with the CFO’s regional affiliate foundations during the 2013 fiscal year are included in the affiliate section beginning on page 44, along with the funds previously established with the affiliates. Hamra Family Foundation—Established by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hamra to assist their personal charitable giving. AGENCY PARTNERS CORPORATE GRANTMAKING Integrity Home Care & Hospice Charitable Foundation—Established for Integrity Home Care & Hospice to support its favorite charitable organizations. DESIGNATED Bervil Ivy and Betty J. Ivy Designated Fund—Established to evenly support Help Give Hope, Ozarks Technical Community College and Humane Society of Southwest Missouri. Friends of the Birch Tree Public Library Fund—Established by Ray Williams to support the work of the Birch Tree Public Library. ARTS Out of the Box Ministry Fund—Established by John Vaughan, Mark Crabtree, Phillip Wright and James Dauber to support future ministry endeavors of Phillip Wright. Ernest “Jim” Randolph and Louise Randolph Designated Fund—Established by bequest from Louise Randolph to benefit First and Calvary Presbyterian Church and the Kansas Masonic Home Endowment Association for the benefit of the Albert Pike Lodge Restricted Fund. Westport Kids Compassion Fund— Established by Jeremiah Yamdogo to support the children who attend Westport School in Springfield. DONOR ADVISED Kyela Student Foundation Fund—Established by Allison Yoakam and Margeaux Loeb to support scholarships to send students in Kyela, Tanzania, to high school. Cephas M. and Annie W. Close Trust Fund—Established by C. Major Close and Ruth Ann Pennell to continue their family’s legacy. Carla M. Calvin Endowment Fund for the Springfield Symphony—Established to support the Springfield Symphony. Springfield Sister Cities Association Presidents Fund—Established to hold long-term monies for the Sister Cities organization. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Consumer Credit Counseling of Springfield, Missouri, Inc. Fund—Established to support the mission of providing credit counseling. Eleven Point Valley Community Center Fund—Established to hold monies for the center. Giving Meter Fund—Established by the Urban Districts Alliance to hold funds from the giving meters placed around downtown Springfield. Larussa Trust Endowment Fund—Established to support the Friends of the Garden. Sensory Garden Fund—Established by the Friends of the Garden. 12 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS NEW FUNDS SSC Home Field Advantage Fund—Established by the Springfield Soccer Club to assist with its capital campaign. EDUCATION Calton Green Athletics Fund—Established by the Conway School Foundation. Foundation for Springfield Public Schools: Central High School Class of 1946 Scholarship Fund—Established by and in honor of the Class of 1946 of Central High School to be awarded to a deserving Central High School graduate. Class of 1967 Reunion Fund—Established by and in honor of the Class of 1967 to be used to benefit Parkview High School. International Baccalaureate Program Fund—Established by the Schneider Foundation to assist the SPS International Baccalaureate Programs in grades K-12 with supplies, equipment, student, or classroom expenses. Dr. Sally Johnson Scholarship Annual Fund—Established in memory of Dr. Sally Johnson to assist and motivate outstanding students to continue their education. Ken Beaver Memorial Scholarship Fund—Established in memory of Ken Beaver to assist a deserving Jarrett student with financial assistance. Lambert Memorial Scholarships—Established in honor and memory of Grayson Michael Lambert and McKinley Rae Lambert to help further the education of a Glendale High School student. Lippelman Family Scholarship Fund—Established by the Lippelman Family to assist Kickapoo High School students in continuing their education. SPS Safety and Security Fund—This fund was established to assist the Springfield Public Schools with security updates as needed. Hartville Dual Credit Fund—Established by the Hartville R-II School District. Ozarks Literacy Council Metro Springfield Challenge Grant Fund—Established to hold the monies for the Community Response Challenge Grant for FY13. Missouri Colleges Fund—Established to assist the Missouri Colleges Fund with its mission to help educate students in member private liberal arts colleges and universities. Logan-Rogersville Educational Foundation: CATS Operating Fund—Established to assist with the immediate needs of the CATS (Curriculum for Academically Talented Students) program. LR PTA Operating Fund—Established for the PTA’s projects and programs. LR Band Student Fundraising Account—Established to assist the immediate needs of the band program. LR Booster Club Operating Fund—Established to assist the Booster Club’s projects and programs. LR Wildcat Walkway Operating Fund—Established to support efforts to build a walkway at the high school. Jerry Walters Technology Scholarship Fund—Established by the Willow Springs School Foundation. Waynesville Career Center Fund—Established to assist the Career Center’s programs. Waynesville R-VI School District Foundation Fund—Established to support the projects and programs of the Waynesville School District. Three Rivers Endowment Trust: Anonymous Scholarship Fund Florina Carlstrom Scholarship Fund Ally Grace Daughhetee Memorial Scholarship Fund Etta Stephenson Horizon Scholarship Norma Hufstedler Endowed Scholarship Fund William and Martha Mallard Scholarship Fund Three Rivers Endowment Fund Sarah White Memorial Scholarship Fund— Established by the Three Rivers Endowment Trust to provide scholarships. OTC Foundation: Reliable Toyota Lexus Scion Automotive Scholarship Fund—Established to benefit students in the Automotive Technology or Auto Collision Repair Technology program. William N. Bunselmeyer Memorial Scholarship Fund—Established to benefit students with financial need and who are enrolled in the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning program. Russell “Kelly” Campbell Memorial Scholarship Fund—Established in memory of Russell “Kelly” Campbell, a long-time OTC instructor in the Networking Technology program, for students pursuing a Networking Technology degree. John Lambert Scholarship Fund—Established in memory of John Lambert, who was a member of the OTC Foundation Board of Directors, for students who are current residents of the OTC Service Area and demonstrate financial need. Reliable BMW/Audi Springfield Automotive Scholarship Fund—Established to assist students in the Automotive Technology, Auto Collision ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 13 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI NEW FUNDS Repair Technology or Diesel Technology programs. Ralph and Helen Ramsey Memorial Scholarship Fund—Established to help students with financial need who are enrolled in the Construction Technology and/or Drafting and Design programs. Frank Shepard Study Abroad Scholarship Fund—Established in memory of Frank Shepard, the long-time dean of the general education at OTC and a proponent of international studies, for students who participate in the OTC Study Abroad program. SOCIAL SERVICES Watershed Committee of the Ozarks Long Term Fund—Established to hold longer-term monies for the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks. Watershed Committee of the Ozarks Metro Springfield Challenge Grant Fund—Established to hold the monies for the Community Response Challenge Grant for FY13. Arc of the Ozarks Metro Springfield Challenge Grant Fund Safe to Sleep Metro Springfield Challenge Grant Fund ENVIRONMENT & ANIMALS FAITH 50th Anniversary Campaign Fund—Established by the Missouri Prairie Foundation. Linden Trial 50th Anniversary Fund—Established to honor Linden Trial and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Missouri Prairie Foundation. Farmers Market of the Ozarks Fund—Established to support the market as a place to shop for locally raised, grown, and hand-crafted regional products. Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri Fund—Established to support Catholic Charities’ work to improve the lives of the vulnerable. John Calvin Presbytery Fund—Established to help the Presbytery serve all member congregations. HEALTH Bothwell Women’s Health Fund—Established by The Bothwell Regional Health Center Foundation. Sigma House Metro Springfield Challenge Grant Fund These three funds were established to hold the monies for the Community Response Challenge Grants for FY13. Convoy of Hope Fund—Established to assist Convoy in achieving its “driving passion to feed the world.” Harmony House Capital Campaign Fund—Established to hold monies for Harmony House’s capital campaign. New Springfield Association for the Blind Short Term Fund—Established to assist the newly formed organization. Ozarks Food Harvest TANF 2012 Fund—Established to hold operating funds for the Food Bank. Healthy Nevada Fund—Established to assist Healthy Nevada as it works to cut costs and improve quality and access for rural healthcare. Friends of the Eleven Point Fund—Established to support activities of the Friends of the Eleven Point. Southwest Missouri Office on Aging Foundation Short Term Fund—Established to hold more immediate monies. Southwest Missouri Office on Aging Foundation Long Term Fund—Established as an endowment fund to help with its long-term sustainability. 14 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS NEW FUNDS YOUTH Boys & Girls Town Metro Springfield Challenge Grant Fund FAMILY & COMMUNITY Megan Cramer Memorial Fund—Established to allow Megan’s parents, Carter and Genny, and her sister, Stephanie, to honor her memory and legacy. Ambassadors for Children Metro Springfield Challenge Grant Fund Boys & Girls Club of Springfield Metro Springfield Challenge Grant Fund These three funds were established to hold the monies for the Community Response Challenge Grants for FY13. Every Child Initiative Fund—Established to support the new Every Child Promise initiative in Springfield. Grayson-McKinley Memorial Foundation—Established by Georgia Marshall and Kent Fahnholz to honor Grayson’s and McKinley’s legacies. Jack and Judy Hadsall Charitable Foundation—Established to assist the Hadsalls with their charitable giving. James and Catherine Moore Fund—Established to allow Mr. and Mrs. Moore to streamline their charitable giving. Care to Learn—Ozark Endowment Fund—Established to provide longterm and permanent support for the Care to Learn Ozark program. Care to Learn—Ozark Intermediate Fund—Established to continue to support the health, hunger and hygiene of Ozark students. Children Taking A Stand Fund—Established to help abused children. Conway Youth Empowerment Fund—Established to benefit youth programming in Conway. Dade County Feeding Program Fund—Established to help provide food to children in the summer months. Homegrown Food Hub Fund—Established by Ryan and Amanda Owen to support the local food movement. Lloyd and Marceleta Ray Charitable Fund—Established by bequest to support programs that benefit the elderly population in Greene County. Reynolds Family Fund—Established by Brad and Jill Reynolds to assist with their family’s charitable giving. Girls on the Run of Southwest Missouri Fund—Established to hold monies to help teach life skills through conversation and running lessons. Good Samaritan Short Term Fund—Established to support the mission and work of the Good Samaritan Boys Ranch. Spilde Family Foundation—Established by Troy and Marguerite Spilde to assist with their personal giving. Logan Ruth SMA Foundation—Established by Brett and Tia Ruth in memory and honor of their son, Logan, to support families dealing with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. GIVING CIRCLE FIELD OF INTEREST Kidz’n Power of the Ozarks Capacity Building Fund—Established to help provide child and parent education for child safety and abduction awareness, bully prevention and importance of fitness to live more productively. Care to Learn Metro Springfield Challenge Grant Fund—Established to hold monies for the Community Response Challenge Grant for FY13. Care to Learn—Union Star Fund—Established to assist with emergency health, hunger and hygiene needs of children in the Union Star School District. ETHIC Charitable Fund—Established by Nikki Shah and Kameron Haake with a group of students at Greenwood High School to support a teen student organization to raise funds for quarterly charitable projects. Joyce Kennedy Memorial Education Fund—Established by Barbara Nyden, Mary Beth Shannon and friends to honor their friend and make grants for educational purposes in Wright and Texas counties. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 15 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI NEW FUNDS Kiwanis Club of Ozark Empire Shoe Bank Fund—Established by the Kiwanis Club to support its shoe bank program. The Network Charitable Fund—Established to allow The Network, a program of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, to assist area nonprofits. SCHOLARSHIP: Jim, to further the education of those who have been involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters. WHS Alumni Association Scholarship Fund—Established by Charlene Nalley and the Waynesville Alumni Association for seniors from Waynesville High School who have attended at least two years and are pursuing post-secondary education. WHS Alumni Association—Dial Family Scholarship Fund—Established by Charlene Nalley and the Waynesville Alumni Association to honor the Dial family and their legacy. UNRESTRICTED: Dr. Paul A. and Louise M. Brenner Scholarship Fund—Established by the Gasconade County R-2 Schools in Owensville. Cantley English and Math Scholarship Fund—Established by the Gasconade County R-2 Schools in Owensville. Kyle Curtis Dicken Memorial Scholarship Fund—Established by Wanda and Curtis Dicken. Hearld and Marjorie Ambler Generous Community Fund—Established to support the Generous Community Initiative as the CFO celebrates its 40th anniversary. Paul W. Cox and Ida Kathleen Cox Charitable Trust—Established by bequest as an unrestricted endowment. Generous Community Fund—Established to hold the monies generated by the Generous Community campaign. Richard E. Dorr Memorial Scholarship Fund— Established by Barbara Dorr in memory of her husband, Richard, a long-time attorney and judge in Springfield. It will award to a 2nd- or 3rd-year law school student who graduated from Springfield or Jefferson City high schools. Purdy Alumni Association Scholarship Fund—Established to assist students graduating from Purdy High School. James Sutliff Legacy Scholarship to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks—Established by Lila Ashlock, in memory of her late husband, 16 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Funders Focus on Children Area philanthropists gather quarterly to learn about community issues. Coordinator Christian Mechlin, left, explains how community school concepts are working at Robberson Elementary. The BKD Foundation’s $6,000 matching grant is presented to David Taylor, left, of the Musgrave Foundation, and Winter Skelton, CFO, by BKD representatives Sally Phillips, Brian Hickman, and Shari Hoffman, who is also a CFO board member. A s a group of Springfield area philanthropists stood in the hallway of Robberson Elementary School, kids darted past them in and out of the lunch room as if illustrating both the challenges and rewards Community School Coordinator Christian Mechlin was explaining. Of those kids, more than 90 percent qualify for free or reduced lunches, mostly free. Many face challenging circumstances at home with food, income or housing insecurity. But the school itself is a lively hub of learning and after-school activities for the students, their parents and the surrounding north Springfield neighborhood, thanks to Robberson’s status as Springfield’s first community school. That’s why it was valuable for the philanthropists attending the CFO’s quarterly Funders Forum to see firsthand what’s happening at Robberson, which needs additional support to fulfill its vision for the community school concepts. The CFO convenes the area’s largest private foundations and other philanthropic organizations for these quarterly meetings for learning, discussion and ultimately support for issues of common interest to the group. The group’s first joint effort was starting a program called “Healthy Half Pints,” which provides an afternoon milk break to kids at several Springfield elementary schools. After a small-scale pilot program during the 2011–12 second semester, the Funders Forum expanded the program in 2012–13 to more schools by making a $50,000 donation to Springfield Public Schools. The donation was made possible by a $25,000 challenge grant from the Musgrave Foundation that was matched dollar for dollar by several private and family foundations and individual donors. Healthy Half Pints offers an afternoon milk break to kindergarten and first graders, some of whom eat lunch as early as 10:30 a.m. The schools have at least 50 percent of their students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, but did not have an afternoon snack program. The project has been successful in keeping kids attentive and ready to learn. The afternoon milk break also provides additional nutri- tion for kids who may return to food-insecure homes after school. “Ensuring that students make it through the day without the distraction of hunger maximizes opportunities for teaching and learning,” SPS Superintendent Dr. Norm Ridder said. The BKD Foundation donated $6,000 to support the Musgrave Challenge grant. “BKD prides itself on being a good corporate citizen,” Managing Partner John Wanamaker said. “We receive a lot of requests for support and try to help when we can. In this case, it’s hard to say no to a healthy afternoon snack for children in need. And, because you had a funding match, it made it an even better fit to leverage the dollars to go farther and serve more children.” ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 17 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI MAKING THE Grade CFO’s donor-supported scholarship funds aid students in pursuing higher education. T he Community Foundation of the Ozarks’ scholarship program continues to grow, with 619 students receiving $965,943 from CFO’s approximately 350 named funds in FY13, representing a 7 percent increase in distributions from the previous year. The scholarships helped students from across southwest Missouri attend some 97 institutions of higher learning in Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma, as well as other colleges/universities: Boston, Brigham Young, Columbia (NYC), Drake, NYU, Pepperdine, Rhodes, MIT, Rochester Institute of Technology; and vocational programs at Missouri Welding, South Central Career Center, Midwest Technical Institute and the School of Automotive Machinists. The CFO’s searchable online scholarship directory can be found at The scholarships will be updated for 2014 on Feb. 3, with deadlines for the upcoming fall semester beginning March 7. For more information, contact Judy Billings, the CFO’s Scholarships Coordinator, at (417) 864-6199, or Here are comments from some of the students who received CFO-administered scholarships during FY13: “Dear Richard and Jeanne Cavender: Thank you so much for your generosity. Also, thank you for coming to the awards ceremony at my school. It meant so much to me. I promise to work extremely hard to achieve my goal of a career as a computer detective, serving the public. Thank you again: You’ve helped me greatly.” —EMMA SCHIERMEIR, Maries County R-1 Schools “I am honored to be the recipient of the John and Lela Owen Scholarship. It is very rewarding to have been chosen for a scholarship that is tied to a family with such a history in Warsaw, and in education as well. The generosity of those involved with this scholarship will go to help me further my education and I greatly appreciate the assistance.” “I love that this scholarship is awarded to local students, giving them the financial assistance necessary to compete on an even keel with other students! This scholarship has helped me to focus on my studies rather than focusing on how to pay my school bill! Thank you for the generosity and the great opportunity!” —MERYSKA TAYLOR, Springfield —STERLING KARR, Warsaw RECIPIENT OF THE THOMAS RECIPIENT OF THE JOHN AND HALBERT SCHOLARSHIP LELA OWEN SCHOLARSHIP “I cannot express how grateful I am for this scholarship. I have always dreamed of attending a private, Christian university, and with the generosity of donors this was possible.” —HALEY WILLIS, Republic “I would really like to thank the donors of this scholarship. I know that it is within God’s plan for me to attend a private Christian University, and your generosity has helped with that expense. I am extremely excited to begin class, and I thank you so much for your help!” —HANNAH WILLIS, Republic BOTH HANNAH AND HALEY RECEIVED THE LESLIE RAYBOURN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AND THE SILENT SERVANT SCHOLARSHIP “It’s not cheap to attend a private university full-time, but I was completely set on attending Drury. I don’t come from a wealthy family, so to make my dreams a reality, I applied for every scholarship available. I was ecstatic when I found out I had been chosen as the recipient of both of these awards. Through the generosity of these scholarships, as well as the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, I was able to pay for my tuition in full.” “It is a great honor to be awarded the Straus Scholarship, and I thank you for this opportunity. The funding from the scholarship will help to relieve the financial burden of college and allow me to instead focus on academics. In the fall, I plan on majoring in engineering at MIT, and this scholarship will be a tremendous help toward my education. Once again, THANK YOU for this award, and I am forever grateful for your support.” —CHRISTOPHER COOK, Marionville —JOSHUA BORN, Neosho RECIPIENT OF THE LAVERTA ARNHART RECIPIENT OF THE HENRY J. AND JONES SCHOLARSHIP AND THE JOHN LUCILLE J. STRAUS SCHOLARSHIP AND BETTY MORRIS SCHOLARSHIP “I was honored to learn that I had been selected to receive a renewal of the Hearld and Marge Ambler Scholarship. It is greatly appreciated and will continue to help cover school costs as the scholarship I received last year did. I am graduating on May 17 with my Bachelor’s in Accounting. I will further my education to achieve a Masters in Accountancy degree, which I will begin this summer. During this time I will keep working at City Utilities … the scholarship allows me to continue with my education without taking out any loans.” RECIPIENT OF RICHARD AND —MEGAN BOIN, Missouri State University, JEANNE CAVENDER SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT OF HEARLD AND MARGE AMBLER SCHOLARSHIP 18 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Humanitarian 2012 Randy Russell puts his heart into the arts. I f a major arts or cultural event is taking place in Springfield, it’s likely that Randy Russell is there somewhere. He might be taking tickets before performances at the Springfield Little Theatre. Or staffing a booth for the Imagination Library at ArtsFest, the community’s largest annual event, which he helped run in its early years. An accomplished artist himself, he might be donating a piece of work for a charity event, like this year’s Price Cutter Charity Championship. For many years, he organized a horde of first graders for a parade to open the Japanese Fall Festival for the Springfield Sister Cities Association. For all of these reasons, as well as his career of commitment to arts in education, Russell was named the 2012 Humanitarian, the 23rd year the community has honored people whose lives are motivated by providing service to others. The Humanitarian is selected annually by a committee organized by the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce. The 2012 committee was comprised of: John Wilson, chair; Janet Dankert, Dan Friberg, Tom Slaight, Dr. Robert Spence, Rev. Mark Struckhoff and John Twitty. In introducing Russell and citing multiple examples of his service to the arts and arts education, Morey Mechlin, executive director of Care to Learn, paid tribute to his work after some good-natured ribbing. “Thank you for being an inspiration to me, the 642 women of the Junior League of Springfield, and our community,” she said. Russell, a senior program officer at the CFO, donated his $3,000 cash award to the Arts in Education Endowment Fund to benefit children well into the future. He credited local artist Bill Armstrong for steering him into education early in his career. He also thanked Mrs. Schweitzer for her foresight 23 years ago to acknowledge the work of service and philanthropy in the community. “Many, many good things happen through the work of donors,” he said. The Junior League of Springfield nominated Randy Russell, center, for the 2012 Humanitarian Award. At the December luncheon, he was joined by, from left: 2012 JLS President Pam Leggett-Lutes, Morey Mechlin, FY13 CFO Board Chair Jill Reynolds, Humanitarian founder Jewell Thompson Schweitzer and Mary Kromrey. 23 Years of Humanitarians 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Randy Russell Roseann Bentley Doug Pitt Roger D. (Dusty) Shaw, Jr., and William Shaw Bill Stalnaker Marie Prater Pat Walker Bill & Virginia Darr Dr. Judith Gonzalez Wade E. Palmer Dr. John Bentley Harold Bengsch 2000 Judge Thomas Mountjoy 1999 Paul & Cyndy Teas 1998 John Harp 1997 Dr. Jim Blaine 1996 E.E. “Johnny” Johnson 1995 Rev. Dorsey Levell 1994 Linda Duncan and Janie Brunette 1993 Leonard Spellman 1992 Calvin Allen 1991 Sister Lorraine Biebel 1990 Mary Beth O’Reilly ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 19 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Metro Springfield Grants Support Wide-Ranging Needs T he Metropolitan Springfield grantmaking cycles awarded $324,709.12 to nonprofit agencies to address community red-flag issues, support early childhood initiatives, foster innovation and the arts, and improve the quality of life for senior citizens. Those funds leveraged an additional $125,000 in matching funds from the Community Response Challenge Grants. COMMUNITY RESPONSE CHALLENGE GRANTS This 1:1 matching grant cycle supports existing programs that address the “red-flag” issues identified in the Community Focus Report for Springfield-Greene County. The $125,000 in grants were awarded to: The Child Advocacy Center—$9,500 to conduct forensic interviews with possible child-abuse victims. The Arc of the Ozarks—$7,500 for its Norton Home for long-term care for medically fragile individuals with disabilities. CASA of Southwest Missouri—$9,500 for recruiting, training and supporting community volunteers interested in becoming children’s advocates in court. Boys and Girls Town of Missouri— $7,500 for residential and short-term wrap-around services for children and families. Council of Churches of the Ozarks Ambassadors for Children—$9,500 for clothing, hygiene and health-care products for foster children. Council of Churches of the Ozarks Safe to Sleep—$2,500 for costs associated with hotel vouchers for families facing domestic violence. Boys & Girls Club of Springfield— $9,500 for its health and wellness program for members. The Victim Center—$9,500 to address the traumatic effects of violent crime on adults and children. Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Ozarks, Inc.—$9,500 for specialized dental equipment and supplies for the Tooth Truck. PHOTO COURTESY BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF SPRINGFIELD Watershed Committee of the Ozarks— $5,000 for high-efficiency toilets to reduce residential water use through the WaterWise program. Care to Learn—$7,500 for health, hunger and hygiene supplies to provide for children’s needs. Sigma House of Springfield—$2,000 for materials and expenses for counselor training. Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks— $8,500 to help support an additional northside case manager. The Kitchen, Inc.—$8,500 to expand partnerships with nurses, physician’s assistants and the Murney Clinic. Ozarks Literacy Council—$9,500 for supplies for six instructional training sessions. Harmony House—$9,500 to help support 833 safe bednights for survivors of domestic violence. A young member of the Boys & Girls Club of Springfield gets his ears checked as part of the club’s health and wellness program. support the Project Construct learning model. Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation Head Start—$13,750 to improve early childhood education and Kindergarten readiness through the use of DIAL-4 diagnostic kits. Community Partnership of the Ozarks— $8,000 for the Strengthening Families Program to help families internalize protective factors that lessen child abuse. Lighthouse Child and Family Development—$6,000 to provide case management, family education and low-cost quality child care for highneed families. Springfield-Greene County Library District—$7,050 to help establish the “Destination for Literacy” Program to increase Kindergarten readiness. EARLY CHILDHOOD The CFO awarded $50,000 for projects focusing on early childhood issues. The grants were awarded to: Friends of Operation US—$9,200 to support the Hatching Project’s strategies to reduce abuse and neglect of young children. Ozarks Literacy Council—$4,000 to improve Kindergarten readiness through pre-literacy training and tutoring. University Child Care Center—$2,000 for teacher training and materials to CFO Board member Stephanie Stenger Montgomery presents an Early Childhood grant to Friends of Operation US representatives Jennifer Baker, Joan Whitaker and Conrad Griggs. 20 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS METRO SPRINGFIELD GRANTS COMMUNITY INNOVATION Grants totaling $50,000 were awarded to proposals that demonstrate innovative strategies and partnerships to address community needs: Springfield Victory Mission—$8,000 to leverage donated services for the construction of a commercial greenhouse. Ozark Greenways—$9,300 to expand the Jordan Creek Greenway Trail by transforming vacated railyard space into greenspace. The Partnership for Sustainability at Drury University—$6,000 to develop community-scale composting by connecting institutions to farmers. Community Partnership of the Ozarks—$7,000 to increase access and reduce barriers to affordable housing for low-income families. Springfield Urban Agriculture Coalition and The Kitchen, Inc.—$7,000 to support sustainable locally sourced food production at Springfield Public School sites. Farmers Market of the Ozarks—$6,450 to provide healthy food options for low-income individuals through education, scholarship programs and food-stamp assistance. The Kitchen, Inc.—$6,250 to help the at-risk, homeless youth clients of Rare Breed move into a transitional housing program. SENIOR ISSUES The CFO partners with the Greene County Senior Services’ Tax Fund Board to combine public funds and private philanthropic dollars toward the mutual goal of improving health, nutrition and quality of life for Greene County residents ages 60 and above. Grants totaling $80,109 were awarded to: ARC of the Ozarks—$15,000 for services for clients in the day habilitation support programming. Ash Grove Food Pantry—$2,400 for food, storage equipment and distribution to meet the food needs of seniors. Ash Grove Sunshine Center—$25,919.12 for its senior outreach programming. CoxHealth Foundation—$14,040 for Lifeline monitoring service for clients who become incapacitated. CoxHealth Foundation—$12,750 for SRO Lyric Theatre presented selections from the original “Farmer’s Market the Musical” at the popular Operazzi series in April. nursing assessments to determine patient ability and develop care plans. Ozarks Public Television/Missouri State University—$10,000 support to produce informational programming directed toward issues facing seniors. ARTS & CULTURE These grants are made possible by field-of-interest funds designated for arts and culture and discretionary grantmaking funds. Three “transformative” grants were awarded to help emerging arts groups with budgets of less than $150,000: The Boys Choir of Springfield—$4,000 to help the group present concerts to full audiences. The Drury University Civic Orchestra—$4,000 to expand its young artists regional competition. The Mid-America Singers—$1,000 to supplement a previous transformative grant to help build attendance. book performances at the museum’s auditorium. The SRO Lyric Theatre—$600 to produce its popular “Operazzi” series. The Springfield Regional Arts Council—$1,500 to produce the “Speaking of the Arts” professional development workshops. The Springfield Regional Arts Council—$1,500 to research and archive the collaborative efforts that created The Creamery Arts Center. Urban Districts Alliance—$1,000 to hold a song contest for the First Night event. The following groups have received grants for special projects or programs: American Guild of Organists local chapter—$1,500 to help host a three-day conference of organists. Moxie Cinema—$1,500 to fund its Legomation workshops on stop-motion animation. The MSU College of Arts and Letters—$1,500 to support its third annual jazz festival. Springfield Little Theatre and the Springfield Art Museum—$1,500 to ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 21 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Placeworks Incorporates Art into Rural School Curriculums Ozarks Teacher Corps, South-Central Student Leadership Initiative continue to facilitate growth of future rural leaders. I n its third year, the Placeworks Arts Initiative was able to significantly expand on its mission of offering arts-focused, crosscurricular lessons to Ozarks schools. Three new teaching artists came on board, bringing with them an array of areas of expertise. Teaching artists Julie Taylor Jones, Rachel Jamieson and Philip Dickey joined original teaching artist Kate Baird to expand Placeworks offerings for the visual arts and branching out into music and performing arts. These new teachers allowed Placeworks, established by the Rural Schools Partnership and the Ed and Virginia Heer Family Foundation Fund, to expand its reach to 350 students in six districts during the 2012–13 school year, with plans to expand to more than 800 students in 11 districts in 2013–14. Placeworks also provided seven field trips for various districts, including trips to the Southwest Center for Independent Living, Missouri Institute of Natural Science (Riverbluff Cave), the Springfield Art Museum, and Bakers Creek in Mansfield. “Thanks to the continued assistance and vision of the Rural Schools Partnership and other local partnerships, Placeworks will continue to grow and serve as a much-needed centralized arts outreach effort for rural schools in the southwest Missouri region,” Julie Taylor Jones said. “Through Placeworks, students are able to make connections with curriculum artistically Students from Glenwood Elementary in West Plains work on their self-portraits—made with all-natural materials including spices, dried herbs, clay, lentils and more—during a Placeworks session focusing on Native American culture. The newest members of the Ozark Teacher Corps are: Emily Bohannon, Adrian; Angelia Wade, Willow Springs; Rachel Ramsey, Mountain Grove; Kimberly Miller, Shell Knob. Back row: Garrett Cornman, Marshfield; Courtney Beagle, Cassville; Rachel Dutton, Willard. Not pictured: Krista Poole, Galena; and Amanda Seale, Norwood. and through real life hands-on opportunities that might not otherwise occur in an everyday school setting.” Ozarks Teacher Corps The fourth class of the Ozarks Teacher Corps was introduced in Thomasville at the annual Rural Schools Rendezvous. These students are part of a two-year cohort and will receive a $4,000 scholarship for each of their last two years of college. In return for the scholarships, the students commit to teaching for at least three years in a rural school. The students also will serve as teacher interns and explore rural education issues as part of their studies. Since graduating its first class in spring 2011, 30 out of 31 eligible students have been placed, a success rate of 96 percent. With this year’s new class, the OTC will have 50 aspiring teachers who have gone through or are currently participating in the program. South-Central Student Leadership Initiative The Rural Schools Partnership also continued its South-Central Student Leadership 22 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS R U R A L S C H O O L S PA R T N E R S H I P Rural Schools Partnership Supports Student-Led Programs Funds dedicated to rural development help students better their schools, communities. T wo grant cycles for 2012–13 supported place-based projects for members of the Rural Schools Partnership. The CFO, in partnership with The Commerce Trust Company, awarded $70,000 through the Louis L. and Julia Dorothy Coover Grantmaking Program at the May 2 Rural Schools Rendezvous in Thomasville. The recipients were: Stockton elementary and middle school students, under the leadership of teacher and coach T. Jay Sanderson, were the recipients of a $1,500 Student Conservation Grant to help build an education trail near the school, in partnership with the Stockton Trails Initiative Coalition and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The trail will include tree and plant identification and be available for class time use and field trips. Aurora Youth Empowerment Project—$2,500 to help fight the growing poverty problem in Aurora and Lawrence County. Clinton Christian Academy—$9,162 to help fund Project Conserve, through which students take a hands-on role in environmental education and sustainSTUDENT ability practices. CONSERVATION GLADE (Green Leadership Academy GRANTS for Diverse Ecosystems) and LoganRogersville R-II Schools—$9,250 to The $7,960 awarded for Student Conservation bring effective environmental educaGrants in November 2012 was made possible tion strategies to area schools and by the CFO’s Rural Schools Conservation Fund. train teachers to recruit and mentor These grants prioritize student-led environmental GLADE students. and conservation efforts that better their schools Placeworks Arts Initiative—$30,000 to and community. expand into more schools and offer Stockton Elementary and Middle new programming—including, for the School— $1,500 to develop a quarfirst time this fall, musical and theater ter-mile education trail in partnership arts projects. with the Stockton Trails Initiative Reeds Spring R-IV School Foundation— Coalition and the U.S. Army Corps of $9,695 to expand the district’s In-VesEngineers. sel Food Waste Composting Program. Republic Middle School— Willard R-II School District—$9,393 for $1,500 to create an outdoor learning technology and transportation costs environment at the school, which will associated with natural resource be maintained by Republic Middle studies and expanding the school’s School student organizations. 21st Century School initiative. Initiative, graduating seven students from the south-central region of Missouri and beginning a new year with a new class. The SouthCentral Student Leadership initiative is designed to build leadership skills in rural high school students and instill in them a sense of pride in place. Eleven districts currently participate in the initiative, which was developed in collaboration with MSU-West Plains and Missouri State’s Rural Education Center. Willow Springs Elementary—$1,200 for an extension of a Placeworks grant. Funds will be used to build raised beds and buy seeds and plants for an outdoor garden project. Purdy High School Youth Empowerment and Leadership Project— $1,260 for the purchase of 750-gallon, UV-stabilized, green plastic storage tanks for the purpose of extending the garden project begun in 2011. Hollister STAR Alternative School— $1,500 to help complete the renovation of a former swamp area into an outdoor classroom called Tiger Springs. Bakersfield High School FFA—$1,000 to help build and maintain three concrete bins for composting old plants from the greenhouse, landscape trimmings, leaves and cafeteria vegetable waste. 2013 SCSLI graduate Brittany Strong, of Dora, receives her certificate of completion from CFO President Brian Fogle at a February graduation ceremony in West Plains. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 23 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI THE SOLUTION PHOTO COURTESY SPRINGFIELD-GREENE COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT Before she died in 2010, Kay Finnie enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren, including Warren and Reese. Her husband, Tom, established a Dogwood Grove at Nathanael Greene Park in southwest Springfield as a legacy to her love of the spring bloomers. T PHOTO COURTESY TOM FINNIE By the numbers: Estimates for how the transfer of wealth could impact both Missouri and the Ozarks region over the next 10 and 50 years. OZARKS MISSOURI 2010 Current Net worth $162.03 billion $517 billion 10-year Transfer of Wealth 10-year capture of 5 percent 5 percent annual payout Transfer of Wealth Translates to Community Betterment. $47.2 billion $2.3 billion $118 million 50-year Transfer of Wealth $565.2 billion 50-year capture of 5 percent $28.2 billion 5 percent annual payout $1.4 billion $134.9 billion $6.7 billion $337 million $1.5 trillion $75.5 billion $3.8 billion hanks to the late Arthur Tesar’s decision to leave a portion of his estate for a scholarship fund, John Gray became the first member of his family to graduate from college. Thanks to retired Springfield City Manager Tom Finnie’s decision to honor his late wife, Kay, visitors to Nathanael Greene Park in southwest Springfield will enjoy a grove of Kay’s favorite dogwood trees for many years to come. Both men participated in a transfer of wealth, not just to their heirs or to the IRS, but to better their communities. Their contributions were highlighted with the CFO’s introduction of the statewide Transfer of Wealth study prepared for the Alliance of Missouri Community Foundations, thanks to a matching grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The nation as a whole is experiencing the largest intergenerational transfer of wealth in history, as members of the greatest generation and baby boomers decide how to leave the estates they built largely after America’s postWorld War II boom. Imagine taking the generous acts of people like Arthur Tesar and Tom Finnie and multiplying that by millions. That’s the impact the Transfer of Wealth Study could make for Mis- 24 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS THE 5% SOLUTION John Gray, a recipient of the Arthur G. Tesar Scholarship, works as a credit-review specialist for U.S. Bank in downtown Springfield. Gray, who grew up in the Norwood community in Wright County. “I knew from a very young age I wanted to attend college, but the chances of that were always slim due to my family’s socioeconomic circumstances,” Gray said at the event to release the Transfer of Wealth Study in June. inherit the money may not choose to support souri, if more residents subscribe to “The 5 He received a four-year, $5,000 Arthur G. their hometown churches or charities as their Solution.” The theme urges Missourians to Tesar scholarship to attend Missouri State Uniparents did. consider leaving 5 percent of their estates to versity. After graduation, his first job in bank“If we don’t use this historic opportunity to charitable causes to benefit their communiing took him to Charlotte, N.C. encourage the people who built our communities ties, after they take care of their families and “In fact, this gift and the connections that to help sustain them for the generations that folthe IRS. I made in receiving it are a major part of why low, we stand to lose resources that will never be If Ozarkers did that, it could mean an addiI’ve returned to the Ozarks to continue to purreplaced,” Fogle says. “Keeping wealth achieved tional $118 million a year for charitable causes sue my career in banking,” he explained. “Charin the Ozarks for the future benefit of the Ozarks in 10 years; or a staggering $1.4 billion a year lotte, N.C., is a wonderful place to live, but my fits well with our culture of self reliance.” in 50 years. connections with those in the Ozarks are ones And then there are the reasons like John There are several reasons this study is so imwithstanding a lifetime. We in portant at this point in time, CFO this community understand the President Brian Fogle stresses in For more information: need for hard work and an educapresentations about the transfer tion to better ourselves and ultiof wealth. Philanthropic fundTo learn more about the transfer of wealth study, or review mately better the community in ing takes on greater influence as the actual study, visit: which we live. traditional funding sources have A short video on “The 5% Solution” is available at: “Beyond the formal ‘educadecreased, particularly since the tional’ benefits I received by this Great Recession. And demographscholarship, I’ve been given the ics are changing: America is more Anyone interested in scheduling a presentation on the chance to build a beautiful life mobile and more young adults Transfer of Wealth Study can contact CFO President Brian that I can be proud of and absochoose to move away from their Fogle at (417) 864-6199 or lutely love.” hometowns. Those children who ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 25 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Coover Grants Target Rural Poverty Julia Dorothy Coover’s generosity surpasses $3.6 million in grantmaking with 2013 Rural Poverty grant round. T he CFO, in partnership with The Commerce Trust Company, awarded $200,000 in grants to 16 agencies that tackle regional poverty issues across southern Missouri. These grants are made possible through the generosity of the late Julia Dorothy Coover, who worked for Commerce Bank for 30 years. She established the Louis L. and Julia Dorothy Coover Charitable Foundation in 1992 to honor her husband’s memory. In 2013, the Coover Charitable Foundation surpassed $3.6 million in grantmaking across the Ozarks since its founding. The grants were awarded to: Gift of Hope—$10,000 for the purchase of groceries for Taney County families. Sustainable Communities/Small Farms Network—$14,150 for ramps, cabinets, plumbing, electrical work, plus labor costs and utility coverage for rural residents. Skaggs Foundation—$14,500 for operational expenses, room rentals, food, YMCA memberships and medical lab costs for Taney and Stone County residents. The Independent Living Center, Inc.—$9,500 for a commercial freezer, one year of food expenses, cleaning supplies and toiletries for the organization’s service region. Boys and Girls Club of the Ozarks—$19,950 for scholarships for 133 free/reduced lunch-qualified children at the Branson unit. Ozarks Food Harvest—$20,000 for food and operational expenses, delivery/storage costs and administrative expenses to help rural residents. Representatives from 16 regional nonprofit agencies accepted Coover Regional Poverty grants at a February ceremony at The Commerce Trust Company in Springfield. South Central Child Advocacy Center—$15,200 for employee travel expenses between locations, operational expenses and utilities. MERS/Missouri Goodwill Industries—$17,500 for food costs, operational expenses, delivery/storage expenses and a nutritional specialist and materials to help rural residents. Healthy Community Jordan Valley—$8,850 for hygiene kits for children, educational materials, medical supplies and mobile training units. Hickory County Community Action Education—$10,000 for operational expenses, food costs and utilities to help meet nutritional, educational and financial needs. OACAC—$12,000 for training materials and supplies for the REALL simulation experience to support graduation persistence in Christian, Dade, Dallas, Lawrence, Polk and Webster counties. Least of These, Inc.—$20,000 to support food and hygiene programs for residents in need in Christian County. Protect Every Pet, Inc.—$1,000 to reduce the number of unwanted kittens and puppies through low-cost neutering for low- or no-income families. Dade County Health Department—$8,000 for lab costs and prescription assistance to support public health and safety programs. Ozarks Resource Group—$8,000 for lab costs and prescription assistance for medically underserved families. Ozarks Family YMCA—$11,350 for computer equipment and materials to train high-quality teen workers in high-need counties. 26 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Previously Established Funds The following funds were established with the Community Foundation of the Ozarks before the start of the 2013 fiscal year, which began on July 1, 2012. A list of the funds established during the 2013 fiscal year begins on page 12. Funds established with the CFO’s 44 regional affiliate foundations prior to the 2013 fiscal year are listed in the affiliate section, beginning on page 44. ADMINISTRATIVE ENDOWMENT This type of fund supports the mission of Community Foundation of the Ozarks. Administrative Endowment Fund Administrative Support Fund Dr. Thomas E. and Mary M. Ashley Administrative Endowment Fund Rob and Sally Baird Administrative Endowment Fund Boatmen’s National Bank Administrative Endowment Fund Peter and Kay Charles Administrative Endowment Fund Harry Cooper Administrative Endowment Fund Flavius and Frances Freeman Administrative Endowment Fund Foster Manufacturing Administrative Endowment Fund Lewis G. & Harriett Hutchens Administrative Endowment Fund William Karchmer Administrative Endowment Fund Linder and Mary Link Administrative Endowment Fund Meek Administrative Endowment Fund Pugsley Administrative Endowment Fund Jewell Thompson Schweitzer Administrative Endowment Fund Smith-Glynn-Callaway Administrative Endowment Fund A.P. Stone, Jr. Administrative Endowment Fund ANNUITY A charitable remainder annuity trust or unitrust provides a donor with lifetime income while making a charitable gift of the remainder at the end of the donor’s lifetime. A charitable gift annuity provides a donor with lifetime income while making a current charitable gift. Robert and Margaret Carolla Fund (Charitable Gift Annuity) The Ruth E. Carter and Lorraine A. Gjerness Charitable Remainder Unitrust Larry and Joan Carter Charitable Remainder Unitrust Raymond and Joyce Carter Charitable Remainder Unitrust Hoffman Charitable Remainder Unitrust Mimi Kauffman Charitable Trust Betty H. King Charitable Remainder Trust RDW Family and Community Fund (Charitable Gift Annuity) William and Marilyn Wright Donor Advised Fund (Charitable Gift Annuity) CORPORATE These are donor-advised funds that facilitate a company’s charitable giving goals. Askinosie Chocolate University Fund Carnahan, Evans, Cantwell & Brown Corporate Grantmaking Fund Springfield Cares Scholarship Fund DESIGNATED This type of fund restricts the annual earnings to a specific charitable entity, providing a permanent source of funds for that agency. Dorothy Ruth Acton Charitable Fund Association for Women in Communications Leadership Fund Fannie K. Baldwin (Posey) Memorial Garden Fund Roberta Bartley & Olive Decatur Fund David O. and Susan B. Belcher Charitable Fund David and Susan Belcher Young Arts Scholarship Beisner/Eason Scholarship & the Beisner/Eason Mathematics/Science Curriculum Enhancement Fund John D. Bentley Fund of the Jordan Valley Community Health Center The Bethany Fund Brain Injury Association of Missouri, Inc. Southwest Missouri Chapter Endowment Fund Norma L. Bugg Fund for Children Jessie J. Burroway Charitable Fund William H. Calhoun and Mary Helen Calhoun Endowment Fund Camp Barnabas Maintenance Endowment Fund Caplan Autism Resource and Education Fund Marie Carlisle Fund Norma A. Carolla Scholarship Fund for Hospice Nurses Nancy K. Hopkins and John M. Carnahan III Endowment Fund for Dickerson Park Zoo Truman Carter Fund CFO Building Fund Childhood in Its Landscape Fund Church Army USA Branson MO Designated Fund College Quest Foundation Collins Family Fund Harry Cooper Memorial Fund #2 Cooper Park Endowment Fund James H. Cosgrove and Patricia A. Cosgrove Fund Billy Coyle Leadership Fund Kenneth and Marilyn Crumpley Fund Jack and Helen Curtis Fund Iris D. Darnell (Su Estes) Charitable Fund Pete Davis Family Fund Austin Dunham, Noel Keller and Earl Benfield Fund Elwyn and Blanche Edge Fund Empowered Girls Fund Fallen Soldier Fund Linwood M. Faraday and the Helen M. Faraday Fund Founding Director Fund Established in Honor of Jan Horton C.V. Freese and Fern K. Freese Memorial Charitable Fund Vera M. Gardner and Grace E. Dean Fund for the Humane Care of Animals Gerald Elementary School Endowment Fund James and Ethel Grigg Christmas Fund Ethel T. Grigg Memorial Fund George L. and Alma L. Hall Fund Sam Farris Hamra Community Center Capacity Building Fund The Harmony House Fund John Linden Hayes Fund Healthy Half Pints Fund Ira and Matilda Hentschel Fund #1 Kay Hilton Memorial Fund Ray and Kay Hilton Fund Historic Town Center Ash Grove Fund History Museum of Springfield-Greene County Fund for Exhibits in memory of Lester E. & Mildred Lee Cox and Lester L. Cox Julia A. Hood Fund The Indigent Burial and Funeral Fund Richard and Shirley Jay Memorial Fund Bingham Johnson Family Foundation Fund Esther S. Karchmer Memorial Chair (Springfield Symphony) Keisker Memorial Library Fund Robert C. and Jeanne Strauss Kramer Camp, Cultural Arts and Educational Youth Scholarship Fund LaFerriere Family Fund Dotty and Bruce Lemmon Family Fund Sterling and Delores Macer Fund E. A. Martin and Mrs. Ida M. Martin Fund Mac and Helen McCartney Fund Mid-Missouri Financial Literacy Fund Moore Cemetery Fund Morrisville Cemetery Preservation Fund #1 Morrisville Cemetery Preservation Fund #2 NAACP Education and Scholarship Fund George and Winifred Nixon Fund for the Springfield Opera O’Day Family Mausoleum Maintenance Fund AEola O’Harn Fund Ozarks Carbon Exchange Fund Palen Music Endowment for the Arts Fund John F. Parker and Daughter, Patricia K. Parker, Fund Parkview Class of 1974 in Memory of Tim O’Brien Partnership for Sustainability Fund Carolyn A. Penner Charitable Fund Pennies for Passes Fund Jake R. Piatchek Endowment Fund The Queen City Civic Fund Dorothy Burgin Quigley Fund ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 27 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI P R E V I O U S LY E S T A B L I S H E D F U N D S Rainy Day Fund The Mary R. Rigney Designated Fund Rogersville Youth Gardening Project Fund Rotary Club of Springfield North—“Making Dreams Real” Fund Rural Schools Conservation Fund Rural Schools Partnership Capacity Building Fund The Jewell Thompson Schweitzer Humanitarian Award Fund School Supplies for Joplin Kids Fund Susanne M. Sickles and John L. Hayes Fund HFLCS Animal Relief Fund Southwest Missouri Humane Society, Inc. Designated Fund Established by the Reverend Carol A. Walker Southwest Missouri Swimming Advisory Board Fund Springfield Animal Advocacy Foundation Frank and Lillie Steury Endowment Fund Stewardship Ozarks Capacity Building Fund A.P. Stone, Jr. and Faye L. Stone Fund Student Leadership Project of South Central MO Fund Edward and Geneva Stuetzer Fund Thomasville Place Based Education Fund Bryan Yancey Toombs, Bryan Charles Toombs, Lynne Toombs Datema Memorial Fund Robert L. Toombs Memorial Fund TrailSpring Fund William M. “Joe Bill” Turner Memorial Endowment Fund Kevin Umlauf Foundation Fund VC+ Fund The Charles L. Weaver, DDS and Dorothy Weaver Memorial Orthodontic Fund Welsch Family Prairie Memorial Fund William T. White Springfield Symphony Fund William J. and Jessie Lee Woody Trust for the Humane Care of Animals DONOR ADVISED These funds allow Donor Advisors to make charitable grant recommendations to the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. Donor Advisors may use a wide range of CFO resources in their philanthropic work. These funds require a minimum of $25,000 and feature an endowment component. Anonymous Donor-Advised Fund Ray F. Aton Memorial Fund/Springfield Area Arts Council Capacity Building Fund Rebecca J. Bach and Robert M. Bach Foundation The Thomas H. and Josephine Baird Memorial Fund Barnett Family Charitable Foundation Fund Judith A. Beisner Donor Advised Fund Vencil J. Bixler and Frances B. Bixler Charitable Foundation Bloomsdale Catholic Foundation Bonebrake Family Donor Advised Fund Emily Carlile Fund Robert and Margaret Carolla Fund Collins Family Fund Cook Family Donor Advised Fund The Cooper Foundation Donor Advised Fund Courtney Family Foundation The Daily Events Fund Deigratia (By the Grace of God) Donor Advised Fund William H. Epperson Charitable Fund Ferguson Family Fund Ferrell-Duncan Clinic Fund Thomas and Kay Finnie Fund Kathleen Poirot Griesemer Charitable Fund Warren S. and Mary Ina Hampton Fund Hardie Family Charitable Fund Harlin Family Foundation Fund Ed and Virginia Heer Family Foundation Fund Peter and JoDee Herschend Donor Advised Fund Hood Family Donor Advised Fund Sally Lynn Hubbard Environmental Donor Advised Fund Johnson Family Fund Jacqueline Joan (Moore) King Donor Advised Fund Michele Ann (Moore) Krantz Donor Advised Fund Cathryn Cox Lipscomb and Jack E. Lipscomb Fund Maiefski Family Memorial Fund Donald G. and Ruth D. Martin Foundation The Martin Family Foundation Edward A. and Mildred T. Martz and Louise A. Timmer Fund The Terry O. and Mary Kay Meek Fund Milne Family Fund Robert John Moore Donor Advised Fund Dr. Deborah Jean Moore-Lai Donor Advised Fund David James Moore Donor Advised Fund Roy and Lola Nelson Charitable Fund Ron and Cathy Neville Donor Advised Fund O’Reilly Family Foundation Fund Ollis Family Foundation Fund Pendleton Family Foundation Perisseuo Donor Advised Fund Prater Family Fund The Rice Family Foundation Robert E. Roundtree Fund Errett Sechler Foundation Fund Mercedes Freeman Smith Education Fund Smith-Glynn-Callaway Medical Foundation Fund in Memory of Dr. Daniel Layton Yancey Smith-Glynn-Callaway Medical Foundation Fund The Lezah Stenger Foundation Fund Summers Family Fund Turner Family Charitable Fund Constance and Vincent Tyndall Donor Advised Fund Woods Family Charitable Fund Tal and Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten Family Foundation Fund William and Marilyn Wright Donor Advised Fund FAMILY AND COMMUNITY FUNDS These smaller, donor-advised funds allow families to make charitable gifts through the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. These non-endowed funds provide a wonderful opportunity for families who want to engage in meaningful acts of philanthropy. The minimum for this type of fund is $2,500. Jodie Adams “Go For It” Fund Bixler Foundation Brallier Family Fund Brown Family Fund John and Mary Cooper Charitable Fund Sherrill Brooke Charitable Fund Continuation of Giving Fund Denali Charitable Trust Mick Denniston Community Fund Diamond Family Fund Ron and Cyndi Douglas Foundation D.W. Family Foundation Fund Barbara Anne Houston Dillard Fund Robert W. Duncan Family and Community Fund Fogle Family Fund From Above Foundation Gray Family Fund Helping As You Can Fund Kelly and Louise Knauer Fund The La Boda Fund Moore Charitable Fund Doug and Rae Nickell Family Fund The Nifty Sixty Family and Community Fund Squires/Parnell Family Fund Peebles Family Fund Penney Charitable Fund Donna Powers Family Fund RDW Family and Community Fund Raymond Ricketts Memorial Fund The Running Jenny Fund Leo and Helen Saye Memorial Fund Susanne M. Sickles Family and Community Fund Charles R. Slavens Family and Community Fund Phillip W. Steele Memorial Fund Anna Grace Summers Foundation Tucker/McCormick Family Fund Joe and Traci Turner Family Fund Twitty Charitable Fund William M. Tynes Memorial Charitable Fund Rich and Teresa Wallace Donor Advised Fund Wheeler Family Fund Lloyd R. Young Memorial Good Community Fund FIELD OF INTEREST A field-of-interest fund in the area of one’s greatest concern, such as education or the arts, provides direction to the Board of Directors without naming specific non-profit agencies. A preference may be stated for an agency known to be offering appropriate services. This fund’s wisdom lies with the flexibility it permits for the future. Elese Tagge Anthony Education Fund Arts in Education Endowment Fund Ray F. Aton Memorial Patronage Initiative for the Arts Capacity Building Fund Billings Youth Empowerment Fund Carol Blackburn Charitable Fund #2 John L. Bostwick Fund Brell Family Charitable Fund John and Barbara Brooks Fund Loren and Mary E. Brunner Endowment Fund Burn Survivors Foundation of Southwest Missouri Fund Jerry & Tac Caplan Midlife Initiative Fund Care to Learn—Clever Fund Care to Learn Endowment Fund Care to Learn—Fordland Fund Care to Learn Performance Fund Care to Learn—Rogersville Fund Care to Learn—Springfield Fund Care to Learn—Willard Fund Martha R. Caywood Fund for the Arts Caplan Family Holocaust Fund Lennie Cloud Fund for the Hearing Impaired Community Development Fund - A Field of Interest Capacity Building Fund Jack and Helen Curtis - Field of Interest Fund Helen M. Delano Fund Brian Robert Duncan Children and Teens Fund The Ellis Fund The Ellis Endowment Fund William E. Eslick Fund Fair Grove Youth Empowerment Fund Founders Park Fund C.V. Freese and Fern K. Freese Memorial Charitable Fund Gose Family Fund Agnes Grady Fund Greater Jordan Valley Park Development Fund Greater Springfield Cultural Investment Fund Harwitt House Fund Robert C. and Jeanne Strauss Kramer Holocaust Education Fund Hutchcraft/Brown Fund of the Community Foundation iBody Charitable Fund Harry S. Jewell, Charles McGregor and John McGregor Memorial Endowment Fund Nathan Karchmer Racial and 28 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS P R E V I O U S LY E S T A B L I S H E D F U N D S Religious Tolerance Fund Lending a Hand Cancer Fund Joseph B. and Helene L. Liebman Fund for Stroke Victims Christine A. Loetel Residential Fund Leona B. Mackler Fund Malta Bend Youth Empowerment Fund Esther Sands McGuire Fund Miller and Sanford Educational Enhancement Fund MS Wellness Fund established by Janie Brunette RN MSN and Linda L. Duncan Connie Wible Murray Fund Musgrave Fund Ralph and James Nattinger Fund Norwood Youth Empowerment Fund The Tim O’Brien Memorial Fund Hazel and Christine Pauly Fund Placeworks Project Fund John, Beth and Jack Raidel Fund The Reach Effect Foundation Ida Rolf Fund Nell Sewell Charitable Fund Edith M. Short Fund Senior Dreams Fund Smart Family Charitable Fund Jessie C. Smith and Jan M. Atwell Fund Lindsay Austin Smith Community Crisis Fund Southern Missouri Emergency Communications Fund Springfield City Council Association Community Fund Springfield-Greene County Civility Fund Springfield Tree City USA Fund John J. Stamatis Memorial Fund St. James Youth Empowerment Fund Mary Lorraine Altwater Sutkus Charitable Fund Teacher Education Alliance UCM Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise Fund Bonnie Elaine Van Benthusen Fund Dr. Ambrose T. Walker and Rev. Carol Walker Fund Rich and Teresa Wallace Benevolence Fund Wally and Libby Walter Fund Bobbie L. Wilson Memorial Fund Jean Cossey Woodruff Performing Arts Fund Jean Cossey Woodruff Fund David B. Woodruff Children’s Fund Wounded War Veterans Fund Hollis Marjorie Gurley Young Fund in Memory of Alva E. and Inez Gurley Youth Empowerment Project Fund Youth Empowerment Project of Sherwood Fund GIVING CIRCLE This type of fund is for groups of people with a shared passion for a particular interest or like-minded charitable goals. Action Above Words Foundation The Brotherhood Fund of Masons Casino Night Fund The Do Something Fund Kiwanis Club of Ozark Empire Disaster Fund Ozark Culture Center Rotaract Club of Springfield Fund Rotary Club of Springfield North Capacity Building Fund Rotary Club of Springfield Southeast Fund Sunrise Rotary Charitable Fund YEP for Life Fund PHILANTHROPY INITIATIVE These funds were established to support the Foundation’s $3 million Philanthropy Initiative launched in 2000. Kathleen Poirot Griesemer Philanthropy Initiative Fund (grantmaking) Ira and Matilda Hentschel Fund Hutchens Family Fund Charlie & Mary Beth O’Reilly Philanthropy Initiative Fund (grantmaking) Philanthropy Initiative Fund Jane Ullman Fund Ella E. Wetherel Charitable Fund SCHOLARSHIP A type of designated fund that provides donors, organizations, universities or companies the opportunity to offer financial support to students. ADF Scholarship Fund Aggregate Industry—University of MO-Rolla Scholarship Foundation, Inc., Capacity Building Fund Clyde R. Alleman Memorial Scholarship Fund Calvin L. Allen Minority Scholarship Fund Hearld and Marge Ambler Scholarship Fund John D. Ashcroft SMBA Scholarship Dr. Thomas E. and Mary M. Ashley Scholarship Fund Anita Barnes Memorial Scholarship The Sarah Beisner Memorial Scholarship Fund The Chris Bell Memorial Scholarship Fund Judy Breeding Accounting Scholarship Fund Camp Arrowhead Staff Scholarship Fund Mayor Thomas J. Carlson Internship Fund Lewis E. and Wilma Childress Scholarship Fund Diane and Peter Christodoulou Memorial Scholarship Fund Community Foundation Memorial Scholarship Fund Barbara Ann Houston Dillard Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Duncan Memorial Fund The Dustin Scholarship Fund Eagle Spirit Scholarship Fund EHS Scholarship Fund Shelby Estep Memorial FFA Scholarship Fund Fair Play Alumni Association Scholarship Fund FITCO Scholarship Fund William M. Francis and Margaret E. Francis Memorial Scholarship Fund Gerald Community Foundation Scholarship Fund Gerald School Penny Fair Scholarship Fund Greg Germany Scholarship Fund Andy Gott Memorial Scholarship Fund Gravelle and Harris Scholarship Fund Thomas Halbert Scholarship Fund Harlan/Hardin Memorial Scholarship Fund Benny Hensley Scholarship Fund Marion Bissett Hoblit Scholarship Fund Mabel Moore Housley Memorial Scholarship Fund Edna Mae Hammack Keisker Memorial Scholarship Fund Jesse Harden Combat Soldier College Tuition Fund Dorothy Chestnut Harman Elementary Education Fund Kirk Haseltine Memorial Scholarship Fund Thea Jo Herron Memorial Scholarship Fund IDF Scholarship Fund Jacoby Scholarship Norma Lea and Doc John Fund Bill Keesling Scholarship Fund Ruth Olesen Kelley Fund Dr. Houston C. Ker and Vera E. Ker Educational Scholarship Fund Kiwanis Club of Ozark Empire Endowed Scholarship Christine A. Loetel Scholarship Fund Lister Scholarship Endowment Fund of the Rotary Club of Springfield Donald Watts Littrell Community Leadership Award Fund Logan-Rogersville Alumni Scholarship Fund The Captain Andrew W. Long, Jr. Scholarship Fund Mark’s Memorial Scholarship Fund Robert and Virginia Martin Scholarship/ Teacher Award Fund Missouri Epsilon Scholarship Fund John and Betty Morris Scholarship Fund Morrisville Academic Scholarship #1 Ozark Foster/Alternative Care Higher Education Fund The Greater Ozarks Chapter of the National Association of Orthopedic Nurses, #144 Scholarship Fund Earl K. Nau Ozark Empire Fair Memorial Scholarship Fund Wayne Rader Scholarship Fund James P. Robinson Scholarship Fund RSVG Scholarship Fund Jeffery David Ruwwe Memorial Scholarship Fund James H. Saunders and Edith LeDue Saunders Scholarship Fund, a subfund of the SmithGlynn-Callaway Medical Foundation Fund Leo and Helen Saye Memorial Scholarship Virginia Shean Memorial Scholarship Fund Scholarship Reserve Fund Dr. Fred Carl and Jewell N. Schweitzer Scholarship Fund Senior High School Class of 1948 Scholarship Fund in Honor of Frederick M. & Ramona Frazier McQueary Smith-Glynn-Callaway Foundation Scholarship Fund in Honor of Dr. Stanley Peterson St. John’s School of Nursing Alumni Scholarship Fund Southwest Missouri Public Relations Society of America’s Dr. Joe McAdoo Memorial Scholarship Fund Springfield Contractors Association Scholarship Fund Harold and Helen Stoneman Drury Scholarship Fund Henry J. and Lucille J. Straus Scholarship Fund Henry Joseph Struck Memorial Scholarship Fund Sullivan Class of 1954 Scholarship Fund Sullivan Class of 1949 Scholarship Fund Arthur G. Tesar Scholarship Fund Thomas G. Tucker Scholarship Capacity Building Fund Kevin Umlauf Foundation Scholarship Fund Chesley and Flora Lea Wallis Scholarship Fund Dr. William M. Walker Memorial Medical Scholarship Fund Harlan Wehrman Scholarship Fund Wheeler Family Scholarship Fund Gabe Wilson, Charlie Phillips and Scott Bruenger Fund The Frank E. Wilkins Memorial Trust Glen W. Wisdom Scholarship and Award Fund H. Garrett Wright Scholarship Fund SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION In lieu of creating a private foundation or a fund within the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, a donor can establish a supporting organization. A supporting organization is a separate legal entity with its own board of directors, including appointees from the Community Foundation, and its own grantmaking program. The Lezah Stenger Foundation Ozarks Charitable Real Estate Foundation Community Foundation of the Ozarks Stock Trust ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 29 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI P R E V I O U S LY E S T A B L I S H E D F U N D S UNRESTRICTED These funds provide valuable resources for community grantmaking programs. Unrestricted funds generally allow the Foundation to address future needs. Carol Blackburn Charitable Fund #1 Alys L. Clevenger Fund Community Foundation Staff Appreciation Fund Harry Cooper Memorial Fund #1 The T. A. and J. A. Caplan Fund James K. and Jettie M. Cook Fund Louis L. Coover and Julia Dorothy Coover Charitable Foundation Capacity Building Fund Max and Fern DeForest Fund Anne Case Drummond Endowment Fund Fund for the Future Fund for Springfield Marian and Maxell George Fund Gerald Community Foundation Grantmaking Fund Mary Hendrix Fund Ira and Matilda Hentschel #2 Charles L. Jobe Family Fund Ray D. Kelly and Leona C. Kelly Fund Nathan & Esther Karchmer Fund Lachmund Fund The J. Laurence Lee Memorial Fund Marie Rosalie Maser and John Maser Memorial Fund Lawrence M. and Fay B. Ollis Fund Mary R. Rigney General Endowment Fund Jessie M. Ross Fund Susanne M. Sickles and John L. Hayes Fund Shannon County Community Grantmaking Fund Mary Irma Stevenson Fund The Kirby Taylor Fund US Bank Unrestricted Fund Ella E. Wetherel Charitable Fund Richard and Virginia Wilkinson Fund Mary E. Wilson Home Memorial Fund The H. Garrett and Marion M. Wright Fund Donor Services The CFO’s Donor Services department has developed a new brochure to explain the types of funds that can be opened at the CFO and the services offered to donors. For a copy of the brochure, or more information about existing donor funds or starting a new fund, please contact: Winter Skelton Development Operations Officer; (417) 864-6199 Julie Leeth Executive Vice President; (417) 864-6199 30 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS A VOICE FOR h t u o Y Youth Empowerment Project chapters make their communities better places. T he Youth Empowerment Project continues to change the lives of youth and the communities where they live. The 2012– 13 school year was one of the busiest yet for many of the 38 YEP chapters spread across the CFO’s service region. Here are a few snapshots that highlight just what these young philanthropists are doing to make life in their home towns better. Keep up to date at Fundraisers and fun activities for students are popular ways for YEP chapters to make themselves visible in their schools. The chapter at Ozark High School, one of the largest and busiest of the bunch, once again held its annual fall talent show fundraiser in October 2012, making grants to youth projects totaling $1,180. In October 2012, 19 chapters (including the one from Conway, pictured) met for the annual YEP Conference at Drury University in Springfield. The keynote was delivered by then-Springfield Regional Arts Council Executive Director Leah Hamilton. Students later broke into small focus sessions to talk about best practices for grantmaking, fundraising, and other key components of running an effective chapter. The Springfield YEP undertook a major effort in producing the Ozarks Photovoice Project. The students were charged with capturing photographs of things that they like and dislike about Springfield; things that both make them want to stay and things that might make them want to leave. The resulting slideshow was presented to city leaders, the Chamber of Commerce, the CFO board and other organizations in an effort to make youth perspectives known to today’s leaders. One result: Springfield City Manager Greg Burris formed a youth task force to provide a voice for young people on civic issues. The primary goal of YEP chapters continues to be making a difference in their home towns. The Skyline R-II Middle School chapter, new in 2012–13, had success with a school food drive, which helped feed hungry Douglas County families. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 31 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Agency Partner Funds Agency Partners work with the Community Foundation of the Ozarks and its affiliates to enhance sustainability, promote planned giving and collaborate in our regional effort to enrich and better the lives of people and communities throughout the Ozarks. For more information about the opportunities offered through CFO’s Agency Partner program, please contact us or visit us on the Web at The Agency Partner Funds listed below were established before the 2013 fiscal year. A list and description of new Agency Partner funds can be found in the new funds section on page 12 and in the affiliates section beginning on page 44. ARTS Art Feeds Fund Art Feeds Endowment Fund Arts in Education Endowment Fund Arts on the Avenue, Inc. Fund Benton County Arts Fund Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield “Power of Music” Fund Carthage Arts Council Fund Chamber Orchestra of the Ozarks Endowment Fund Children’s Choir of Southwest Missouri Fund Clinton Area Arts Foundation Fund The Creamery Arts Center Endowment Fund Dallas County Arts Council Fund El Dorado Springs Performing Arts Capital Fund Eldon Area Community Theater Fund The Eldon Friends of Music Fund Gillioz Theatre Endowment Fund Save the Gillioz Fund Hickory County Cultural Arts Fund History Museum Fine Arts Endowment Fund Lighthouse Children’s Theatre Fund Lockwood Cultural Arts Council Fund Marshfield Performing Arts Society Fund Missouri Film Alliance of Springfield Fund Moxie Cinema Fund Nixa Area Arts Council Fund Nixa Area Arts Council Capacity Fund Ozark Festival Orchestra Fund Ozarks Public Television Cultural Arts Fund Patrons of the Arts Fund Reynolds Family Arts & Education Fund Salem Arts Council Fund Seymour Area Arts Council Building FundBuilding Cultural Arts in Seymour Seymour Area Arts Council Fund Springfield Sister Cities Association: Sister Cities Association Performing and Cultural Arts Fund Springfield Sister Cities Association Capacity Building Fund Springfield Sister Cities Association President’s Fund Southwest Missouri Museum Associates Endowment Fund Southwest Missouri Arts Council Endowment Fund Springfield Ballet: Springfield Ballet Endowment Fund Springfield Ballet Missouri Cultural Trust Fund Springfield Ballet General Fund Springfield Ballet’s Legacy Scholarship Fund Springfield Little Theatre Cultural Trust Fund Springfield Little Theatre Endowment Fund Springfield Mid-America Singers Endowment Fund Springfield Regional Arts Council Fund Springfield Regional Arts Council Cultural Trust Fund Springfield Regional Opera Endowment Fund SRO Young Artist Endowment Fund Springfield Symphony: Springfield Symphony Association Endowment Fund Springfield Symphony Cultural Trust Fund Springfield Symphony Music Education Trust Fund Springfield Visual Arts Alliance Endowment Fund Stone’s Throw Theater Henry Heckert Memorial Endowment Fund Walnut Street Theatre Capacity Building Fund Willow Springs Arts Council Fund The Christine N. Steele Fund for the Willow Springs Arts Council James Thompson Memorial Scholarship Fund (Writers Hall of Fame of America) Writers Hall of Fame of America Endowment Fund COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Brush and Palette Club Cemetery Restoration Fund Rotunda Capital Fund (of Brush and Palette Club) Campaign for the Community Fund Carl Junction Police Department/ Shop with a Cop Fund Carthage Area United Way Legacy Fund City of Carl Junction Capacity Building Fund City of Neosho: Hugh Robinson Memorial Airport Endowment Fund Big Spring Park Endowment Fund Neosho City Employees Good Neighbor Fund City of Republic Parks and Recreation Capacity Building Fund City of Republic Parks and Recreation Endowment Fund Clinton Main Street Partnership Fund The Community Center Foundation of Ste. Genevieve County, Inc. The Community Center Foundation of Ste. Genevieve County Special Fund CMD Support Services Fund The Community Partnership Fund (Rolla) Community Partnership of the Ozarks Capacity Building Fund Community Partnership of the Ozarks Endowment Fund Cuba Development Group Fund Downtown Houston, Inc. Fund Downtown West Plains, Inc. Fund Economic Development Fund Foothill Families Fund Freedom and Fireworks Fund Friends of the Branson Dog Park Fund Founders Park Fund Anne Drummond/Friends of the Garden Endowment Fund Friends of the Garden Growth and Maintenance Fund Grant Beach Community Garden Fund Grupo Latinoamericano Endowment Fund Habitat Springfield Capacity Building Fund Howell County Extension Council Development Fund Howell County Extension Council Endowment Fund Jasper County Public Administrator’s Guardian Fund Joplin Tornado First Response Fund Junior League of Springfield, Missouri, Inc., Donor Restricted Fund Junior League of Springfield, Missouri, Inc. Revocable Board/Designated Fund Junior League of Springfield Irrevocable CFO Fund Laurie/Sunrise Beach Rotary Westlake Aquatic Center Fund Laurie/Sunrise Beach Rotary Westlake Aquatic Center Endowment Fund Leadership Springfield Fund Donald Watts Littrell Community Leadership Award Fund (MO Community Development Society) Marshfield Community Center Endowment Fund Marshfield Community Center Fund Meramec Regional Planning Commission Capacity Fund Mid-Town Neighborhood Association Endowment Fund Nevada-Vernon County P.R.I.D.E. Foundation: Nevada-Vernon County P.R.I.D.E. Foundation Capacity Building Fund Nevada-Vernon County P.R.I.D.E. Foundation Bushwhacker Days Fund Nevada-Vernon County P.R.I.D.E. Foundation Capacity Building Scholarship Fund Nixa Azalea Festival Fund Nixa Fire District/Local 3904 Nixa Shop Fund Nixa Police Officers Association Fund Orear Endowment Fund (Pettis County United Way) Owensville Park Board Capacity Building Fund Frances Pringle 4-H Capacity Building Fund of the Webster County Extension Council Frances Pringle Capacity Building Fund of the Webster County Extension Council Polk County Extension Council Capacity Building Fund Polk County Fair Association Derald Isdell Memorial Fund Project CoRE Fund 32 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS AG E N C Y PA R T N E R F U N D S Redings Mill Volunteer Fire Protection Endowment Fund Rogersville Community Betterment Association Fund South Central Ozark Council of Governments (SCOCOG) Fund Spring City Revitalization Group Fund Springfield Community Sports Development Program Fund Springfield-Greene County Emergency Management Education Fund Springfield-Greene County Parks: Friends of the Springfield-Greene County Parks Fund Springfield-Greene County Parks Century Fund Springfield-Greene County Parks Century Endowment Fund Springfield-Greene County Parks Edible Garden Outdoor Classroom Kitchen Fund Southeast Rotary Don’t Meth With Us Fund Ten Thousand Villages, Springfield Mo., Inc. Fund United Way of the Ozarks, Inc. Endowment Fund United Way of the Ozarks Reserve Fund University Extension - Shannon County Leadership Development Fund University of Missouri Extension Council—Henry County Endowment Fund Vichy Fire Department Fund EDUCATION All Aboard Learning Center: All Aboard Learning Center Building Fund All Aboard Learning Center Fund All Aboard NAP Account Alton Public School Foundation: Alton Junior and Senior High Athletic Fund Alton Junior and Senior High Music Fund Alton Public Schools Foundation Agriculture Fund Alton Public School Foundation Fund Alton Public School Foundation Unrestricted Fund Alton Public School Foundation Scholarship Fund Alton Schools Academic Endowment Fund Alton School Projects Fund Justin Crews Memorial Scholarship Fund Norman Mills Memorial Scholarship Fund Luie and Anna Roberts Endowed Scholarship Fund Rosa Leah Spencer Memorial Scholarship Fund Larry Wallace Endowed Scholarship Fund Ava Public Schools Foundation: Ava Alumni Yeoman Scholarship Fund Ava Public Schools Foundation Fund Ava Public Schools Foundation Endowment Fund Mandy Hampton Memorial Scholarship Tracy Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund Bakersfield School Foundation Fund Bakersfield School Foundation Endowment Fund Billings Education Foundation Fund Billings Education Endowment Fund Bolivar Care to Learn Endowment Fund Bolivar School Alumni Association Capacity Building Fund Bolivar Technical Institute: Bolivar Technical Institute Capacity Building Fund Bolivar Technical Institute Endowment Fund Bolivar Technical Institute Scholarship Fund Bradleyville Education Foundation: Bradleyville Foundation Fund Bradleyville Foundation for Learning Fund Bradleyville Scholarship Fund Lonnie Combs Memorial Scholarship Fund The Endowment Fund for Bradleyville Schools Branson R-4 Education Foundation Endowment Fund Branson R-4 Education Foundation Fund The Lisa Buckner Educational Endowment Fund Cape Girardeau Public School Foundation General Fund Carl Junction Educational Foundation Fund Carl Junction Educational Foundation Endowment Fund Cents of Pride Fund Chadwick School Foundation Fund Education Foundation for Clinton Students: Burnsides Scholarship Fund Stephens Scholarship Fund Stephens/Hendrich/ARCO Educator of the Year Fund Clinton Christian Academy Endowment Fund College Heights Christian School Endowment Fund Conway School Foundation: Billy Coyle Leadership Fund Conway Schools Continued Commitment Fund Conway Schools Extracurricular Fund Conway School Foundation Future Fund Conway School Foundation Endowment Fund Rob Summers Memorial Fund Crawford County R-2 Schools Foundation Inc./Steelville Scholarship Fund Crawford County R-I School Foundation: Crawford County R-1 School Foundation Fund Crawford County R-1 School PTO Fund Crawford County R-1 School Foundation Scholarship Fund Crest Ridge RVII School District Foundation: Brant Family Scholarship Fund Crest Ridge High School Art Department Fund Crest Ridge Drama Program Fund Crest Ridge Football Stadium Fund Crest Ridge Music and Band Program Fund Crest Ridge Project Grad Fund Dolly Parton Reading Imagination Fund Jacoby Scholarship Fund Vern Meinders Scholarship Fund Shanks Family Scholarship Fund Discovery Center Conservation Education Fund Discovery Center of Springfield Endowment Fund Doniphan R-1 Fund Dora R-III School Foundation: Dora Baseball - Athletics Fund Dora R-III School Foundation Academic Endowment Fund Dora R-III School Foundation Fund Dora R-III School Foundation Endowment Fund Eldon Public Schools Endowment Fund East Newton R-6 Charitable Foundation Fund Bettering Eminence Schools for Tomorrow: BEST Capacity Building Fund BEST: Campus Improvements Fund BEST: Library Fund BEST: Technology Fund BEST: Vocational Education Fund EHS Scholarship Fund Wayne Rader Scholarship Fund Fairview R-11 School Foundation Fund Fairview R-11 School Foundation Endowment Fund Forest Alumni Relief Fund Forsyth R-III School Foundation Fund Forsyth R-III School Foundation Endowment Fund Foundation for Fair Grove Public Schools: Foundation for Fair Grove Public Schools Fund Foundation for Fair Grove Public Schools Scholarship Fund Fair Grove Foundation Granting Dreams Fund Gainesville R-5 School Foundation: Gainesville Academic Grant Fund Gainesville R-5 School Foundation Fund Gainesville R-5 School Foundation Endowment Fund Gasconade County R-1 Alumni Association: Bearcat Alumni Scholarship Fund Community Foundation Dual Credit Fund (Hermann) Gasconade County R-1 Alumni Association Fund Gasconade County R-1 Scholarship Fund Girls Night Out Fund Glenwood School Foundation: Glenwood R-VIII School Art Department Fund Glenwood School Foundation Fund Glenwood School Foundation Endowment Fund Hartville R-II School District: Eagle Spirit Scholarship Fund Hartville FFA Fund Hartville Fine Arts Fund Hartville Teacher’s Support Fund Hartville School Foundation Fund Darryl Hunter Scholarship Fund RSVG Scholarship Fund Hollister Schools Foundation: Hollister Schools Foundation Fund Skyler Sanders Scholarship Fund Houn Dawg Education Endowment Fund Houston Alumni Fund Houston R-1 Educational Foundation: Anonymous Unrestricted Grantmaking Fund Boesl-Gentry Memorial Scholarship Fund Mark Fockler Visual Arts Scholarship Fund Houston R-1 Educational Foundation Fund Houston R-1 Educational Foundation Endowment Fund Houston R-1 High School Gym Fund Houston R-1 Speech and Debate Fund Houston R-1 Vocal Music Program Fund Howell Valley School Foundation Fund Howell Valley School Foundation Endowment Fund Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research Capacity Building Fund Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research Endowment Fund Joplin R-VIII School Foundation Fund Joplin Schools Recovery Fund Kaeding-Winter Scholarship Fund (Maries County R-II School District) Lake West Christian Academy Fund Lakeland R-III Foundation Fund Lakeland Scholarship Fund Leeton Bulldog Express Fund Lockwood Community Foundation Academic Fund Lockwood Public Schools Foundation Unrestricted Endowment Fund Logan-Rogersville Educational Foundation: Hollis Owen and Polly Anna Buzbee Endowment Fund CATS (Curriculum for Academically Talented Students) Program Fund ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 33 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI AG E N C Y PA R T N E R F U N D S Friends of L-R Swimming Fund Logan-Rogersville Alumni Scholarship Fund Logan-Rogersville Booster Club Endowment Fund Logan-Rogersville Educational Foundation Capacity Building Fund Logan-Rogersville Educational Foundation Endowment Fund Logan-Rogersville High School Vocal and Theater Department Endowment Fund Logan-Rogersville Marching Band and Jazz Band Fund Logan-Rogersville PTA Endowment Fund Logan Rogersville—Portrait Display Fund LREF School and Community Involvement Scholarship LRHS Project Graduation 2013 Fund LRHS Project Graduation 2014 Fund LRHS Project Graduation 2015 Fund LRHS Project Graduation 2016 Fund LRHS Project Graduation 2017 Fund LRHS Project Graduation 2018 Fund Logan-Rogersville Youth Empowerment Program Fund Seymour Bank Business Endowment Fund Jay Underwood Memorial Endowment Fund Why Wait Vision Committee Fund Marion C. Early Education Foundation Capacity Building Fund Marion C. Early Education Foundation Endowment Fund Miller County MU Alumni Association Capacity Building Fund MLPA Scholarship Foundation Fund Monett Cub Fund Mountain Grove R-III Schools Foundation Endowment Fund Mtn. Grove Schools Closet Fund Dr. Robert J. Murney Endowment Fund Nixa Education Foundation: Bob and Mea Childers Scholarship Fund Nixa Education Foundation Fund Nixa Education Foundation Endowment Fund Nixa Education Foundation Legacy Fund Linda Noble Memorial Fund Jackie Johns Memorial Scholarship Fund OTC Foundation: Charles Banta Sr. Scholarship Fund Bob and Susan Beine Scholarship Fund Dolores and Alden Brooks Memorial Fund Frances Collins Memorial Scholarship Fund Dental Hygiene Scholarship Fund Dental Programs Scholarship Fund Linda Gingry Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund The Judge Russell Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund Sam F. and June S. Hamra Scholarship Fund Hartmann Foundation Construction Scholarship Fund Rick and Karen Hughlett Scholarship Fund Carol Jones Scholarship Fund Larson Family Scholarship Fund Dean Lewis, Anna Mae Lewis and David Dean Lewis Endowed Scholarship Fund Matt McKinsey Memorial Scholarship for Students with Special Needs Nina Myers Memorial Scholarship Fund Charlie and Mary Beth O’Reilly Scholarship Fund OTC Foundation Scholarship Fund #2 OTC Foundation Designated Endowment Fund OTC Foundation Restricted Fund OTC Foundation Scholarship Endowment Fund OTC Foundation Unrestricted Fund Ozarks Antique Auto Club Scholarship Fund Staff Association Scholarship Fund Southwest Missouri Code Officials Scholarship Fund Richard Glenn Staats Endowment Fund Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Scholarship Fund Transportation Training Institute Scholarship Fund Trustees Scholarship Fund Ozark Adventures Fund Ozarks Technical Community College Investment Fund Ozark R-6 School District Capacity Building Fund Charles & Louise Nisen Ozarks Literacy Council Endowment Fund Ozarks Women Association Fund Pierce City R-VI School: Pierce City R-VI School Capacity Building Fund Pierce City R-VI School Scholarship Endowment Fund Pierce City R-VI School Endowment Fund Poplar Bluff Public School Foundation: Auxiliary of Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center Endowment Fund Kent Chronister Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Michael D. Laseter Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund Margie J. Miller Endowment Fund Poplar Bluff Public School Foundation Capacity Building Fund Mary Lynn Wolpers Scholarship Endowment Fund Reeds Spring R-IV School Foundation: Jan Kirsch Scholarship Fund Reeds Spring R-IV School Foundation Fund Reeds Spring R-IV School Foundation Endowment Fund Reeds Spring R-IV School Foundation Scholarship Fund Chris Stabo Scholarship Fund Richards R-5 School Foundation: Richards R-5 Academics Fund Richards R-5 Athletics Fund Richards R-5 Early Childhood Fund Richards R-5 Fine Arts Fund Richards R-5 School Foundation Fund Richards R-5 School Foundation Endowment Fund Richards R-5 Technology Fund Rivendale Extension Services Endowment Fund Rural School and Community Trust i3 Fund Rural School and Community Trust: An Operating Fund Salem Public School Foundation: Chilton Oil Scholarship Fund Salem School Twelfth Tiger Fund Salem Public Schools Foundation Fund Salem Public Schools Foundation Endowment Fund Salem Schools Project Graduation Fund Salem Schools Parent Teacher Organization Fund Salem Schools Volleyball Fund Shewmaker Performing Arts Center Technology Enhancement Fund (Dallas County R-1) Skyline R-II School Foundation Fund Skyline R-II School Foundation Endowment Fund Dr. OE and Eloise H. Sloan Memorial Scholarship Fund Southwest Baptist University Organizational Endowment Fund Sparta R-III School Foundation Fund Sparta R-III School Foundation Endowment Fund Foundation for Springfield Public Schools: John Alford Memorial Math Scholarship for Central High School The Virgil Anderson Jr. and Leslie Gritzmaker Endowment Athletes of HHS Class of 1961 Scholarship Leo F. Baron Memorial Scholarship Ida Carol Rohrbach Barry Scholarship Margery Laker Bates Scholarship B.E.S.T. Scholarship Back to School with the Foundation Coach Jim Ball Memorial Scholarship Barber Memorial Scholarship Howard Bell Scholarship Fund Connie Bilyeu Vocal Music Scholarship Marguerite Bingham Scholarship Sharon Bossi Scholarship Stephen and Linda Paganini Brite Annual & Endowed Funds for the Visual and Performance Arts Linda Paganini Brite and Stephen Brite Annual & Endowed Funds for WINGS at Phelps Center for the Gifted Brandy Boucher Memorial/ Competitive Edge Scholarship William Brandon Bowman CHS Foreign Languages Scholarship Evan David Brewer Memorial Scholarship Mary Brightwell Memorial Scholarship Les Brock Memorial Scholarship Buffington Scholarship Dale Burns Endowed Fund Bus Transportation Fund Joe Cain Memorial Scholarship Sally & Dean Carter Scholarship Central Class of 2011 Scholarship Central Scholarship Central High School Band Fund Central High School Debate Fund Central High School Heritage Foundation Scholarship Central High School Staff Scholarship Libbia Chappell Endowment CHS Class of 1938 Scholarship CHS National Forensic League Scholarship Chiefs Endowment Fund City Utilities Science Class of 1921 G. Pearson Ward Scholarship Coats for Kids The Colonel’s Scholarship Edward Corrigan Scholarship Cronin Scholarship Lee H. Cruse Scholarship Fund Sarah Leigh Day Memorial Scholarship Debate Fund David E. Doss Memorial Scholarship Dunlop Scholarship Betty Lee Dunham “Keep Looking Up” Scholarship Falcon Fund Foundation for Springfield Public Schools Fund Foundation for Springfield Schools Endowment Fund Wayne French Scholarship Friends of Central Fund FSPS Awareness Fund Gigg Scholarship William B. & Jean Gist Scholarship Glendale Baseball Fund Glendale High School Students Memorial Scholarship Glendale HPER facility Jerry Gregg Memorial Scholarship Hall Scholarship Charles R. Hall Memorial Scholarship Sharon M. Hardecke Scholarship Hargis Scholarship Hope Elsie Harris Memorial Scholarship Bill Hawkins Scholarship Hayter Scholarship Healthy Place to Play Fund Paula K. Henbest Scholarship Highlander Fund Hillcrest Fund Kimberlea Alexander Horn Memorial Scholarship 34 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS AG E N C Y PA R T N E R F U N D S Dr. H. Lee Hoover Memorial Scholarship Mildred Riley Hulse Foreign Languages Scholarship IB Diploma Program Scholarship Fund Hattie Colleen Ummel James Endowed Scholarship Jarrett Site Council Fund JJ Memorial Scholarship for Teachers Johnson Scholarship Jones Scholarship Kickapoo Baseball Field Fund Kickapoo High School Lady Chiefs Booster Club Scholarship Kids First Fund Clark Kynion Scholarship The Leadership Fund Linda Luke Librarian Fund Jayne Manley Endowment Fund Ralph K. Manley Endowment for Parkview Scott Matthews Fund McCarty Scholarship McCormick Scholarship McGregor Student Fund Velma Counts McMillen Endowed Fund Miscellaneous Fund Neville Scholarship The Next Step Endowed Scholarship Leigh and Matt Nye Fund Anna O’Brien Scholarship John Obirek Memorial Scholarship Palmer Scholarship Parkview High Soccer Field Fund Parkview Theater Endowment Fund Coach Jim Pearson Scholarship Marilyn Gugel Pfeiffer Scholarship Stephanie Thurman Phillips Scholarship Fund Ernie Pratt Memorial Scholarship Project Graduation Reading Round-Up Endowment Fund Reed Academy’s Real-World Economy Endowment Remember Pepperdine Scholarship Remember Pipkin Endowment Marjorie Pottenger-Rook Spirit Award Scholarship Robert Rotenberry Memorial Scholarship Run for the Kids Fund Matt Ruthrauff Memorial Scholarship Edward Rykowski Memorial Scholarship KHS Coach Sue Schuble Scholarship Senior High School Class of 1930 Scholarship Senior High School Class of 1933 Scholarship Shady Dell Fund Springfield MSTA Scholarship Board of Education Springfield MSTA Scholarship J.E. Kuklenski Springfield Police Reserves Fogle Scholarship Springfield Police Reserves Scholarship Springfield Police Reserves Wagner Scholarship Springfield Youth Symphony Endowed Fund SPS Technology Fund Steve Smay Endowed Scholarship Fund Spellman Scholarship Kipper Dale Smart Scholarship Springfield Public Schools Temporary Fund SPS Marketing Fund Stenger-Hickory Hills Fund Zack and Tricia Stenger Scholarship Haley Stevens Memorial Scholarship H.P. Study Scholarship John J. Sweeney Memorial Scholarship Teacher Appreciation Banquet Andrea Teel Scholarship Fund Doris Thompson Memorial Scholarship Truancy Court Fund Turner Family Fund Underprivileged Children’s Fund Unrestricted—Undesignated Viking Endowment Fund Margaret E. Waespe Memorial Scholarship Patsy Wagner Scholarship Madeline Webb Memorial Fund Ferne Westbrooke Scholarship Jeff Wester Scholarship Fund Whiteaker Scholarship Williams Scholarship Wings Endowment Fund Wings Lampe Endowment Fund Stewart Wood Hall of Fame Scholarship Writing Scholarship Young Librarian Scholarship St. James Schools Enhancement Endowment Fund STARS (Studying, Teaching, and Returning Service) Foundation Fund Sugarloaf Community and Education Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation: Ted and Cleva Sell Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation Abbott Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation Korth Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation Miller Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation General Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation Special Projects Fund Streck Educational Foundation Fund Sullivan School Foundation: Alicia Key Scholarship Harry Johanning Scholarship Kiwanis Scholarship Kristy Koch Memorial Award Fund James and Virginia McIntosh Scholarship Fund Mini Picasso Leadership Scholarship Fund Jahn Peterson Scholarship Sullivan Class of 1949 Scholarship Fund Sullivan Class of 1954 Scholarship Fund Sullivan Community Recreation Facility Fund Sullivan Schools Alumni Association Scholarship Sullivan School District Memorial Plaza Fund Sullivan School Foundation Fund Sullivan School Foundation Endowment Fund Sullivan Trophy Fund Bernard Schmidt Scholarship Dr. James C. Thornsberry Scholarship Fund Summit Preparatory School: The Summit Preparatory School Annual Fund The Summit Preparatory School Capital Fund Summit School Financial Aid Fund Texas County Technical Institute Capacity Building Fund Texas County Technical Institute Endowment Fund Thayer Art Department Fund Three Rivers Endowment Trust: Harry and Ida Blue Scholarship Fund Ally Grace Daughhetee Memorial Scholarship Fund James Kimbrow Scholarship Fund DeDe Lawson Memorial Scholarship Fund Orville and Thelma McManus Memorial Scholarship Fund Don Metz Scholarship Fund Leonard Query Scholarship Fund Richard Thomas Scholarship Fund Valle Schools Foundation: Excellence in Reading Instruction Fund Valle Athletic Fund Valle Music and Arts Fund Valle Schools Academic Enrichment Fund Valle Schools Foundation, Inc. Capacity Building Fund Valle Schools Foundation Warrior Fund Valle Technology Fund Valley Springs Foundation Fund Warsaw Education Foundation: Grace J. Alverson Memorial Scholarship Warsaw Community Project Fund Warsaw Education Foundation Fund Warsaw Education Foundation Endowment Fund Weaubleau School District: Dale Joseph and Rheva Allen Blackwell Business Scholarship Fund Bob Stokes/Bob Krasser Memorial Scholarship Fund West Plains Educational Foundation: Bank of America Fund EMH at West Plains High School Fund John H. McFarland Fund Tom Gatewood Memorial Literacy Fund Gatewood Award Fund Julie McGoldrick Scholarship Fund Riverways Trust Practical Nursing South Central Career Center Fund West Plains Agriculture-Science Building Fund West Plains Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund West Plains R-7 Educational Foundation Endowment Fund West Plains R-7 Educational Foundation General Fund West Plains R-7 Culinary Arts Fund West Plains R-7 Band Fund Willard Educational Endowment Fund Willow Springs Educational Foundation: Willow Springs School Foundation Fund Willow Springs School Foundation Endowment Fund Willow Springs Gymnasium Renovation Fund ENVIRONMENT & ANIMALS Bryant Watershed Education Capacity Building Fund Peter Callaway Endowment Fund (for Bryant Watershed) Clinton Animal Rescue Endeavor Capacity Building Fund Crossroads Pet Breeders Charitable Fund Dallas County Pet Outreach Program Fund FOZ (Friends of the Zoo) Educational Endowment Fund Friends of Animals Humane Society, Inc. Fund Friends of the Galloway Creek Nature Park Fund Graydon Springs Outdoor Legacy Fund Greater Ozarks Audubon Society Endowment Fund GLADE Fund (Greater Ozarks Audubon Society) Greene County Farmland Preservation Council Fund Hidden Waters Nature Park: Callaway Historic Cabin Fund Hidden Waters Nature Park Fund Hidden Waters Nature Park Capacity Building Fund James River Basin Partnership Capacity Building Fund James River Basin Partnership Endowment Fund Kindred Spirits Pet Therapy Fund Joann E. Landers Feline Endowment Fund (for the Dickerson Park Zoo) Missouri Association of RC & D Councils Fund Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation: Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation Capacity Fund Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation Fund Missouri Conservation Heritage ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 35 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI AG E N C Y PA R T N E R F U N D S Foundation Grant Fund Missouri Environmental Education Association Endowment Fund Missouri Prairie Foundation: Missouri Prairie Foundation Land Acquisition Fund Missouri Prairie Foundation Endowment Fund Missouri Prairie Foundation Stewardship Fund Prairie Gardens Honoring William and Joyce Davit Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation Heritage League Fund Ozark Greenways Endowment Fund Ozark Greenways Endowment Fund #2 Ozark Parks Fund Ozark Regional Land Trust: ORLT Cash Account ORLT Operating Endowment Fund ORLT Operating Endowment Fund 2 Ozark Regional Land Trust Stewardship Fund Ozark Regional Land Trust Stewardship Endowment Fund People for Animal Welfare Services Endowment Fund Polk County Trail Maintenance Endowment Fund The Nelson Rolf Animal Shelter Endowment Fund Southwest Missouri Humane Society Endowment Fund Southwest Missouri Resource Conservation and Development Endowment Fund Springfield Urban Agriculture Coalition Fund The Animal Shelter of Texas County Fund TASTC Endowment Fund Trees for Joplin Fund (Southwest Missouri RC&D) Tumbling Creek Cave Foundation Capacity Building Fund Tumbling Creek Cave Foundation Endowment Fund Upper White River Basin Foundation Endowment Fund Upper White River Basin Foundation Capacity Building Fund Watershed Committee of the Ozarks: Fredrick Memorial Scholarship Fund (Watershed Committee of the Ozarks) Watershed Center at Valley Water Mill Campaign Fund Watershed Committee of the Ozarks Endowment Fund Wildcat Glades Conservation and Audubon Center Fund Wonders of Wildlife Endowment Fund Wonders of Wildlife Stewardship Ozarks Endowment Fund FAITH BASED 1:27 Missions Project Fund 4 County Food and Thrift Fund Abundance Ministries Fund Bolivar Area Ministerial Alliance Capacity Building Fund Bolivar Area Ministerial Alliance Endowment Fund Brentwood Christian Church: Brentwood Christian Church Capacity Building Fund Crabb Memorial Fund Handley Memorial Fund Kincaid Memorial Fund Memorials - Other Fund Renovation Fund Roofing Fund Special Designated Fund Transportation Fund Christ Episcopal Church Foundation Fund Clinton First Baptist Church Endowment Fund #2 Community Presbyterian Endowment Fund The FOUNDATION: The Council of Churches of the Ozarks: Bradshaw Summit Scholarship Fund THE FOUNDATION: The Council of Churches of the Ozarks Fund The Lurvey Fund Council of Churches of the Ozarks: Council of Churches Investment Fund Council of Churches Investment Fund I Council of Churches Investment Fund II Everyday Blessings Fund Fair Grove United Methodist Church—Burnie and Emma Belle Huff Fund First Baptist Church of Mt. Vernon Endowment Fund First Baptist Church of Mt. Vernon Fund First Christian Church of Gainesville Capacity Building Fund First Unitarian Universalist Church of Springfield, Missouri Endowment Fund First United Methodist of Monett Fund Flood Youth Ministry Capacity Building Fund Frances L. McConkey Manse Capacity Building Fund Grace Episcopal Church: Episcopal Youth Group of Carthage Endowment Fund Grace Episcopal Church Endowment Richard T. Mansfield Memorial Fund, a capacity building fund for Grace Episcopal Church Happy Hollow Bible Camp Capacity Building Fund Happy Hollow Bible Camp Endowment Fund Helping Hands of the Ozarks Fund Ozark Presbyterian Church: Madeline Endicott Memorial Fund Ozark Presbyterian Church Capital Improvement Fund Ozark Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund Ozarks Christian Academy Fund The Perpetual Ministries Fund of the Clinton United Methodist Church Rocky Mount Baptist Church Building Fund Rocky Mount Baptist Church Fund Stockton United Methodist Church Endowment Fund Southwest Missouri Lutheran High School Fund United Ministries in Higher Education Permanent Endowment Fund Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of West Plains Fund Wesley United Methodist Church: Wesley United Methodist Church Endowment Fund Wesley United Methodist Church Endowment Fund in memory of Joseph F. and Berniece L. Jirousek Wesley United Methodist Church Endowment Fund in Memory of Homer H. & Inez I. Bowman Wesley United Methodist Church Endowment Fund in Memory of Eva Cleo Homan Moore and Lynn Riley Moore Wesley United Methodist Memorial Fund Zion Lutheran Church Ministerial Scholarship Fund Zion Lutheran Church Ministerial Scholarship Endowment Fund HEALTH Benton County Hospice Fund Benton County Hospice Endowment Fund Bothwell Regional Health Center Foundation: Bothwell Regional Health Center Foundation Operational Fund Cancer and Cardiovascular Campaign Fund Cayme Callis Gaspard Fund Gene Loveall Cancer Services Fund Pat Gaunt Nursing Education Fund Frances Loveall Stroke Recovery Fund Medical/Clinical Education Scholarship Fund Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks: BCFO Laclede County Fund BCFO Planned Giving Endowment—O’Reilly Gift Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks Endowment Fund Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks Fund Henry County Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks Capacity Building Fund Cabool Development Foundation, Inc. Fund CBCO Building Fund CBCO Capacity Building Fund Cedar County Memorial Hospital Fund Children’s Smile Center: Children’s Smile Center Fund: Finley River Children’s Smile Center Fund: Nixa Children’s Smile Center Fund: Table Rock Lake Community Alliance for Compassionate Care at the End of Life Fund Community Alliance Compassion Place Fund Community Hospices of America Foundation: Community Hospices of America Foundation Fund Julian G. and Virginia C. Star Memorial Fund Tri-Lakes Community Hospices Fund Dallas County Health Foundation Fund Doula Foundation of Mid-America Fund Doula Foundation Ginny Ross Fund Family Institute of the Ozarks (FIO) Fund Family Institute of the Ozarks Endowment Fund Fordland Clinic: Fordland Clinic Special Projects Fund Fordland Clinic Endowment Fund Dr. Tommy Macdonnell Scholarship Fund Friends of Ste. Genevieve County Memorial Hospital Fund Golden Valley Memorial Hospital Foundation Fund Greene County Medical Society Alliance Health Projects Endowment Fund GYN Cancers Alliance Capacity Building Fund Healthcare PSI Fund Hermann Area District Hospital Auxiliary Fund Hospice Foundation of the Ozarks Fund Iron County Hospital Foundation Fund Joy Lamberson-Klock New Hope Endowment Fund McCune-Brooks Health Care Foundation Fund Midwest Behavioral Healthcare Management, Inc. Capacity Building Fund Missouri Medical Assistance Program Fund Ozarks Counseling Center Endowment Fund Ozarks Health Advocacy Foundation Ozarks Medical Center Capacity Building Fund Ozarks Medical Center Foundation: Boyce and Bynum Pathology Laboratory Endowment Fund Newt Brill Endowment Fund Dr. Jeffry A. Farrow, CSW Endowment Fund Graham O’Neal Endowment Fund OMC Capital Improvement Fund 36 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS AG E N C Y PA R T N E R F U N D S OMC Foundation Cancer Patient Emergency Fund OMC Foundation Cancer Treatment Center Fund OMC Foundation Riverways Hospice Fund Ozarks Medical Center Foundation Capacity Building Fund Ozarks Medical Center Foundation Education Fund Ozarks Medical Center Foundation Endowment Fund Dr. Joe Sellers Fund Parkinson’s Group of the Ozarks Endowment Fund Ronald McDonald House of the Ozarks Fund Skaggs TEPCOR Clinical Scholarship Capacity Building Fund Springfield-Greene County Regional Health Commission Fund St. John’s Health System Fund St. Luke’s Nursing Center Capacity Building Fund St. Luke’s Nursing Center Endowment Fund Stockton Nursing Home Fund Teach to Inspire Fund Texas County Memorial Hospital Healthcare Foundation: TCMH Healthcare Foundation - Dr. Eugene Charles Honeywell Memorial Scholarship Fund Texas County Memorial Hospital (TCMH) Healthcare Foundation Fund Texas County Memorial Hospital (TCMH) Healthcare Foundation Endowment Fund Texas County Memorial Hospital (TCMH) Healthcare Foundation Hospice of Care Fund TCMH Healthcare Foundation - Dr. Joe L. & Judith T. Spears Memorial Scholarship Fund West Plains Christian Clinic Fund HISTORY Benton County Museum Fund Bonebrake Center of Nature and History Endowment Fund Butler County Historical Society Fund Carthage Historic Preservation Society Capacity Building Fund Cedar County Historical Society Endowment Fund Christian County Historical Society Fund Christian County Historical Society Endowment Fund Dent County Museum Capacity Building Fund Dent County Museum Endowment Fund Deutschheim Association Fund Downtown Heritage Center Campaign Fund Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve Educational Research Award Scholarship Fund Friends of Gray/Campbell Farmstead Endowment Fund Greene County Historical Society Endowment Fund E.L. “Bob” Harlin and Vesta Harlin Charitable Trust Fund (for Harlin Museum) Harlin Museum Endowment Fund Henry County Historical Society/ Dorman House Fund Henry County Historical Society Endowment Fund Historic Preservation Fund Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund History Museum Building Fund History Museum for Springfield-Greene County Capacity Building Fund Rayo Howard Capacity Building Fund for the Christian County Historical Society Johnson County Historical Society Capacity Building Fund Johnson County Historical Society Endowment Fund Liberty School at Gray/Campbell Farmstead Fund Missouri Sports Hall of Fame Endowment Fund Newburg Houston House Fund North Ward Museum Endowment Fund Ozark County Historium, Inc. Building Fund Polk County Genealogical Society Capacity Building Fund Polk County Genealogical Society Endowment Fund Ste. Genevieve Memorial Cemetery Preservation Endowment Fund Laura Ingalls Wilder Foundation Capacity Building Fund Laura Ingalls Wilder Foundation Endowment Fund Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield Foundation Capacity Building Fund Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield Foundation Endowment Fund Wright County Historical Society Endowment Fund LIBRARY Carthage Library Development Foundation Endowment Fund Cedar County Library District Stockton Building Fund Cole Camp Library Capacity Building Fund Forsyth Library Capacity Building Fund Forsyth Library Memorial Endowment Fund Friends of the Mountain View Library Endowment Fund Friends of the Library, Inc., Stockton, Missouri Fund Friends of the Poplar Bluff Public Library Fund Gerald Area Library Endowment Fund Kimberling Area Library Cultural Arts Endowment Fund Kimberling Area Library Endowment Fund Literacy Coalition of Southwest Missouri Fund Ozark Regional Library/Reading Express Program Fund Polk County Library Endowment Fund Polk County Library Capacity Building Fund Springfield-Greene County Library: Friends of the Library Fund Dr. G.B. Lemmon, Sr. Fund for Nonfiction Annie Busch Fund for Early Literacy The Springfield-Greene County Library Foundation: Brentwood Branch Library Fund Springfield-Greene County Library Foundation Cultural Arts Endowment Fund Springfield-Greene County Library Foundation Fund Friends of the Springfield-Greene County Library District Endowment Fund Willard Branch Library Fund Vivian Stuber Memorial Library Endowment Fund Vivian Stuber Memorial Library Fund Trails Regional Library District: Regional Library Concordia Fund Regional Library General Fund Regional Library Warrensburg Fund West Plains Public Library Foundation Capacity Building Fund SOCIAL SERVICES AO Capacity Building Fund Arc of the Ozarks - Monett Fund Bolivar Salvation Army Fund Butler County Community Resource Council Capacity Building Fund Butler County Council on Aging Fund CACO - Bennett/Huffmaster Fund Care Connection for Aging Services: Friends of the Butler Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Friends of the Butler Senior Center Endowment Fund Care Connection for Aging Services Capacity Building Fund Care Connection for Aging Services Endowment Fund Carroll County Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Carroll County Senior Center Endowment Fund* Carroll County Senior Center Fund Clinton Senior Center Service Board Operations Fund Cole Camp Senior Center Building and Equipment Capacity Building Fund Concordia Senior Center Capacity Building Fund United Seniors, Inc. of El Dorado Springs Fund United Seniors, Inc. of El Dorado Endowment Fund Friends of the Warsaw Senior Center Fund Hickory County Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Higginsville Senior Center Endowment Fund Higginsville Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Kern Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Kern Senior Center Home Delivered Meals Endowment Fund Margaret Gray Lexington Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Margaret Gray Lexington Senior Center Endowment Fund Odessa Senior Center Home Delivered Meals Fund Osceola Senior Center Fund Sedalia Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Stockton Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Warrensburg Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Warrensburg Senior Center Endowment Fund Warrensburg Senior Center Special Projects Fund Warsaw Senior Center Capacity Building Fund Windsor Senior Center Service Board Operations Fund Carthage Crisis Center, Inc. Capacity Building Fund Carthage Crisis Center Endowment Fund Carthage Crisis Center, Inc. Repair and Replacement Fund The Carthage Crosslines Fund CASA of Southwest Missouri Foundation Cassville Senior Center Endowment Fund Cassville Senior Center Foundation The Central Link Fund Child Advocacy Center: CAC Intermediate Fund CAC Long-Term Fund CAC Short-Term Fund Child Advocacy Center Building Fund Shae Ruark Memorial Endowment Fund Christian Associates Capacity Building Fund Christian Associates Endowment Fund Christian County Domestic Violence Fund Citizens Against Domestic Violence Fund Community Support Services of Missouri Endowment Fund Community Support Services of Missouri Fund Isabel’s House Crisis Nursery of the Ozarks: Crisis Nursery of the Ozarks, Inc. Capacity Building Fund Isabel’s House—Endowment Fund Developmental Center of the Ozarks Endowment Fund Dignity Now Endowment Fund El Dorado Springs Special Olympics Capacity Building Fund Fair Acres Family YMCA, Inc. Fund Family Violence Center Capacity Building Fund ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 37 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI AG E N C Y PA R T N E R F U N D S Family Violence Center Fund Friday Backpacks for Cuba Fund Giggle Box Project Fund H. Garrett Wright Scholarship Fund (Kiwanis Foundation of Downtown Springfield) Help Give Hope Endowment Fund Help Give Hope Fund Hope Alliance Fund Hope for Tomorrow Fund H.O.P.E. Inc Capacity Fund Bill and Betty Kimberling Scholarship Fund (for NAMI) The Kitchen: The Kitchen Capacity Building Fund The Kitchen Endowment Fund The Kitchen Clinic Fund Korth Center Senior Meals Fund Lake Area Helping Hands HS Fund Least of These: Least of These Building Fund Least of These Capacity Fund Least of These Endowment Fund LifeChoices Endowment Fund LifeHouse Capacity Building Fund Literacy Council of Clinton Fund Lost and Found: Lost and Found Endowment Fund Lost and Found Fund Lost & Found Reserve Fund Marshall Senior Center Fund Marie G. Lurvey Fund for Crosslines Mid-Ozarks Casa Fund Missouri State Highway Patrol Benevolent Fund, Inc. (THE MASTERS) Oakwood Life Sharing Services, Inc. Fund Our House Foundation Fund Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation Endowment Fund Ozarks Community Journalism Foundation Fund Ozarks Food Harvest: Ozarks Food Harvest Capital Campaign Fund Ozarks Food Harvest General Operating Fund Ozarks Food Harvest TANF Fund Ozarks Regional YMCA: Roy Blunt YMCA of Bolivar Endowment Fund Bolivar Area YMCA Capacity Building Fund Ozarks Regional YMCA Irrevocable Fund Ozarks Regional YMCA Endowment Fund Ozark Mountain Family YMCA Fund Monett Area YMCA Endowment Fund Springfield Workshop Foundation, Inc., Fund St. James Caring Center Endowment Fund Stockton Christmas Baskets Fund Teen Challenge International Neosho Mo Sustainability Fund Tiger Tasters Fund Tri County Pregnancy Resource Center Fund Victim Center Endowment Fund Webster County Victim Assistance Program Fund West Vue: West Vue, Inc. Capacity Building Fund West Vue, Inc. Endowment Fund Woman on the Move Fund Women In Need Endowment Fund Women In Need Fund Wonderland Camp Capacity Building Fund YOUTH Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks: Big Brothers/Big Sisters Endowment Fund Big Brothers/Big Sisters Endowment Fund #2 Big Brothers Big Sisters—Monett Fund The Bolivar Optimists Endowment Fund The Bolivar Optimists Fund Boys & Girls Club of Poplar Bluff, Inc. Capacity Building Fund Boys & Girls Club of the Ozarks Fund Boys & Girls Club of West Plains Fund Camp Arrowhead Endowment Fund Camp Fire Boys and Girls Ozark Council Endowment Fund Cape Arrowhead, Inc. Fund The Commons Youth Building Fund Community LOVE for Kids Fund El Do Youth, Inc. Fund Eldon Boy Scout Troop 14 Fund Eldon Boy Scout Troop 14 Endowment Fund Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland Council of Mtn. View Endowment Fund Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland Endowment Fund Good Samaritan Boys Ranch Endowment Fund Houston Optimists Club Fund Junior Achievement Adventure Capital Fund Lives Under Construction Designated Fund Lives Under Construction Operating Account Mountain Grove Boy Scout Troop 50 Fund Polk County K-Life Capacity Building Fund West Plains Soccer Association, Inc. Fund Whetstone Boys Ranch Capacity Building Fund Youth of the Ozarks Fund People Helping People Fund Polk County House of Hope Fund Rainbow Network Medical Program Fund Russell House Foundation Fund SAMA Food Pantry Fund Sauer Family Fund for Education Selah Place of Oregon County Fund Selah Place of Oregon County Endowment Fund The Senior Center Fund Sigma House Endowment Fund SEMO Area Agency on Aging Endowment Fund Southwest Special Care Homes Fund Southwest Special Care Homes Endowment Fund Springfield Association for the Blind Organizational Endowment Fund Springfield Community Center Minority Foundation Capacity Building Fund Springfield Host Lions Club Endowment Fund Springfield Sertoma Club Endowment Fund 38 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS FOR ALL The past year saw the launch of the CFO’s innovative crowdfunding website,, and projects are already moving forward all across the Ozarks. The Community Foundation of the Hermann Area, Inc., is one of the busiest among the CFO affiliates on a day-to-day basis. The Foundation’s major initiative is the Hermann Area Crusade Against Cancer, which seeks to make daily life a little easier and a little more affordable for cancer patients. Such ongoing fundraising can be difficult, particularly for a volunteer board and such an ever-present issue like cancer. So in early 2013, the board took a new tact on the problem: They went to the masses via the CFO’s Cause Momentum crowdfunding website. Hermann’s goal was modest, but just as important as multi-thousand dollar projects. They sought $500 to purchase gas cards to help patients with the expense of driving back and forth to St. Louis or Columbia for treatments. Titled “Driving to the Cure,” the foundation secured dollar-for-dollar matching donations from two local businesses, making the project’s total take $1,500. With the extra $1,000 as leverage, the project succeeded in just over three weeks, making it the fastest Cause Momentum project to reach its project goal to date. The Hermann effort — quick, attainable, and with local matches as leverage — was just one example of Cause Momentum being put to its best use, as a tool for nonprofits to maximize their fundraising abilities. Here are a couple other examples of Cause Momentum at work in the community: Pure Water… Brick by Brick On the other end of the project-size spectrum is the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks, which began a project on March 1 as part of Cause Momentum’s official launch. “Brick by Brick” was a $12,000 effort to fund water sampling, water-saver kits and field trips to the Watershed center. The Watershed Committee used one of Cause Momentum’s more clever innovations, the “incentives” feature, to entice donors. For a $200 donation, donors received a brick, engraved with their name, permanently embedded in the walkway at the C.W. Titus Innovation Center. Higher amounts included a logo added to the brick and even access to use the C.W. Titus center for a company or family event. A project of this size required staff, including director Mike Kromrey, to pave the way with the Committee’s major donors, as well as its board, showing the ability of Cause Momentum to serve as a platform for a larger effort that mobilizes an organization’s donor base. In all, 49 people contributed to the project, which raised a total of $12,136 and crossed its goal on the final day. Give Kids Safer Root Canals The CF of HA supports Crusade for Cancer activities to improve life for cancer patients in its region. One more example of Cause Momentum’s usefulness: The super-specific need that doesn’t fit in an organization’s budget. The About Cause Momentum During the 2013 fiscal year, 21 projects were launched on Twelve were successful, for a funding percentage of 60 percent, which is well above the average for similar national crowdfunding sites, many of them for-profit efforts. In all, $48,354 was pledged to those 21 projects. If you are a nonprofit Agency Partner, a school partner, or an affiliate of the CFO, you are eligible to participate in Cause Momentum. Projects last a maximum of 45 days, all dollar levels are possible, and donors immediately receive a tax acknowledgement, via e-mail, from the CFO. Please contact Matt Lemmon,, or Bridget Dierks, to inquire about starting a project, or learn more at Children’s Smile Center — a free dental clinic for kids with locations in Christian, Stone and Lawrence counties — needed $800 for an Apex Locator. The piece of dental equipment sounds complicated, but the attraction is not: It makes it easier and safer to perform root-canal procedures on young children. Executive Director Jackie Barger took part in Cause Momentum’s Alpha phase, which launched in August 2012. Within a few weeks he had the $800, and within a few more weeks, children’s root canals were easier and safer for the Smile Center’s crew of pro bono dentists. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 39 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI C F O F I R S T S F I R S T G R A N T: C H I L D R E N ’ S P E T T I N G ZO O AT D I C K E R S O N PA R K ZO O, J U N E 1 9 7 5 · F I R S T J U LY 1 9 7 6 · F I R S T $ 1 M I L L I O N I N A S S E T S : J A N U A R Y 1 9 8 6 · F I R S T E M P LOY E E : J A N H O R TO N , O C TO B E R 1 9 8 8 · I N A S S E T S : S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 2 · F I R S T A F F I L I AT E : N I X A C O M M U N I T Y F O U N DAT I O N , N OV E M B E R 1 9 9 3 · F I R S T Mayor Bob Stephens, center, presented a proclamation at an open house for the CFO’s anniversary, which was attended by Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce President Jim Anderson, left, and Missouri State University President Clif Smart. Jewell Thompson Schweitzer, founder of the Humanitarian award, shares a laugh with CFO staff member Randy Russell. 1973 MILESTONES IN THE UNFOLDING HANDHELD MOBILE GREAT “BATTLE OF 1973 CONNECTING PASSION TO PURPOSE FOR 40 YEARS O n June 18, 1973, the Skylab I astronauts became the world’s longestflying space travelers. President Richard Nixon and Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev began summit talks that day to work jointly on world peace. Reports of traffic crashes across the region filled the two Springfield newspapers. “High Plains Drifter” was playing at Century 21 on the east side of the still-new Battlefield Mall. The economy was approaching a shambles. The inflation rate would hit nearly 6.2 percent by year’s end. The stock market had started tanking in January en route to a two-year bear market ranked as the 7th worst in history for the New York Stock Exchange. In October 1973, OPEC initiated an oil embargo against the United States for re-supplying Israel with arms after it was attacked on its high holy day of Yom Kippur. The nation’s political situation was just as bad in June 1973. A month earlier, the Watergate hearings had opened with live daily broadcasts on the four TV networks. Vice President Spiro Agnew would resign in October, less than a year before President Nixon left office in disgrace. Despite all that, or perhaps as one local line of defense, then-Springfield Mayor Jim Payne asked a group of attorneys and financial advisors from the Greene County Estate Planning Council to look into establishing a Community Trust. That was in January 1973; on June 18, the organizational documents were filed with the Missouri Secretary of State’s office and the new community foundation was created. Forty years later, the OPEC energy crisis has evolved into a full-fledged energy conservation movement amid debates about new sources of oil exploration. Our democracy is not imperiled by scandal, but gridlocked by brinks- PRESIDENT NIXON WAS INAUGURATED FOR A SECOND TERM. · THE SIGNING OF THE WATERGATE SCANDAL. · GEORGE STEINBRENNER HEADED A 12-PERSON SYNDICATE TO PHONE CALL. · THE WORLD TRADE CENTER OFFICIALLY OPENED IN NEW YORK CITY. · THE SEXES” TENNIS MATCH. · THE MILLER BREWING COMPANY INTRODUCED “LITE BEER” 40 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 7 3 E N D OW M E N T F U N D : H A R R Y C O O P E R M E M O R I A L F U N D, J U N E 1 9 7 5 · F I R S T B E Q U E S T: J O H N L . B O S T W I C K F U N D, F I R S T D O N O R A DV I S E D F U N D : T H E T E R R Y O. A N D M A RY K AY M E E K F U N D, F E B R UA RY 1 9 9 0 · F I R S T $ 5 M I L L I O N P R O F E S S I O N A L A DV I S O R S C O U N C I L : 2 0 07 · F I R S T $ 1 0 0 M I L L I O N I N G R A N T S A N D D I S T R I B U T I O N S : M A R C H 2 0 1 1 CFO Founders Hearld Ambler, Fred Hall and Vincent Tyndall, seated, attended a reception for the founders and past board members to kick off the anniversary year. Ozarks author and folklorist Marideth Sisco spoke about the power of philanthropy at the CFO’s annual donor dinner in June. manship. Ozarks roads seem much safer from traffic calamities, but our children are casualties of poverty and domestic violence. Our region remains blessed with abundant natural resources, but our area code is a national nickname for cocaine’s trashy cousin, methamphetamine. Through it all, though, what is now the Community Foundation of the Ozarks has encouraged a culture of generosity that makes it the 9th busiest community foundation in the nation based on the number of gifts processed annually. As the 65th largest community foundation, being the 9th busiest speaks volumes about the Ozarks. People here aren’t the richest, but they are generous, even if it’s $5 or $10 at a time. Philanthropy fits our culture of independence and self reliance. Those initial assets of $1,500 in 1973 grew to $225 million by 2013. Over 40 years, the CFO has expanded beyond Springfield into the fabric of communities across the region through 44 affiliate foundations and nearly 500 nonprofit partners. Thanks to donors who value education, students received nearly $1 million in scholarships this year alone. Major programs and initiatives have raised many millions for children’s services, poverty-related issues, environmental stewardship, arts programs, rural teacher training, and disaster recovery. A strong community foundation is an anchor of any community. It fills gaps, builds bridges, convenes opinion, gathers facts, and meets needs. It is a sign that a community cares about itself and one another. Through the power of legacy gifts and endowments, it will help create solutions in 40 more years to problems that don’t even exist today. The 11 founders, working with the civic leaders of the time, exercised a vision and perseverance that has withstood the CFO’s coming of age. It’s up to us, all of us, to continue to reach as we stand on the shoulders of those giants. CFO Founders C. Wallace Walter, Chair Hearld R. Ambler James S. Buckner, Jr. John Carnahan, Jr. Charles A. Fuller Roger Garrison Fred L. Hall Horace Haseltine Gary Lipscomb Donald E. Roper Vincent Tyndall PARIS PEACE ACCORD ENDED U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN VIETNAM. · VICE PRESIDENT SPIRO AGNEW RESIGNED PURCHASE THE NEW YORK YANKEES FOR $10 MILLION. · MOTOROLA’S MARTIN COOPER MADE THE FIRST SECRETARIAT WON HORSE RACING’S TRIPLE CROWN. · BILLIE JEAN KING DEFEATED BOBBY RIGGS IN THE IN THE UNITED STATES. · LARRY PAGE AND SERGEY BRIN, THE CO-FOUNDERS OF GOOGLE, WERE BOTH BORN. SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA.COM ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 41 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Financial Statement Contributions and increases in assets from all funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 were more than $37.5 million. Grants and distributions from all funds, including agency funds, for the year totaled more than $22.3 million. Community Foundation of the Ozarks, Inc. Statement of Financial Position ASSETS June 30, 2013 Current assets: Cash and temporary cash investment Total current assets Investments: Diversified investment pool Other investments Supporting organization Total investments Other assets: Contributions receivable Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $442,118 at 2013 and $385,576 at 2012 Cash surrender value of life insurance policies Other Total other assets Total assets: Regional Community Foundation Assets listed by Agreement Combined Total Assets: 2012 $40,880,287 40,880,287 $34,483,709 34,483,709 145,280,420 23,160,460 9,093,894 177,534,774 125,779,518 20,546,848 9,092,466 155,418,832 756,874 752,160 1,249,314 1,860,912 1,100 3,868,200 $222,283,261 3,004,522 $225,287,783 1,303,099 1,935,695 1,100 3,992,054 $193,894,595 3,004,522 $196,899,117 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS June 30, 2013 Current liabilities: Current portion of annuities payable Loans payable Total current liabilities Other liabilities: Annuities payable Agency funds Total other liabilities Net assets: Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets: Regional Community Foundation Assets listed by Agreement Combined total liabilities and net assets: 2012 $58,639 20,209 78,848 $66,242 276,319 342,561 451,829 60,592,792 61,044,621 505,713 50,468,976 50,974,689 7,583,596 86,486,816 67,089,380 161,159,792 $222,283,261 3,004,522 $225,287,783 6,508,060 72,491,966 63,577,319 142,577,345 $193,894,595 3,004,522 $196,899,117 42 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T Community Foundation of the Ozarks, Inc. Schedule of Combined Foundation and Agency Funds Activity Support and revenue: Contributions Investment income Management fee revenue Net realized gain on investment transactions Net unrealized gain (loss) on investments Other revenues Annuity actuarial adjustments Total support and revenue Expenses: Grants Fund administrative fees Cash value life insurance premium expense Interest expense Other fund expenses Management and general Total expenses Increase in available funds Reclassifications Total Fund Balance, beginning of year Total Fund Balance, end of year Year ended June 30, 2013 Foundation Agency Funds Funds Total Year ended June 30, 2012 Foundation Agency Funds Funds Total $21,195,653 2,375,727 1,599,084 $16,437,683 837,731 0 $37,633,336 3,213,458 1,599,084 $22,744,988 2,080,050 1,336,659 $18,460,285 659,892 0 $41,205,273 2,739,942 1,336,659 1,076,503 219,828 1,296,331 2,861,833 696,433 3,558,266 9,390,989 7,541 (3,818) 35,641,679 2,306,232 0 0 19,801,474 11,697,221 7,541 (3,818) 55,443,153 (7,025,046) 0 28,078 22,026,562 (1,548,229) 0 0 18,268,381 (8,573,275) 0 28,078 40,294,943 13,277,600 1,360,484 9,053,661 433,495 22,331,261 1,793,979 12,546,539 1,202,801 7,734,563 307,978 20,281,102 1,510,779 129,757 5,430 461,349 1,840,247 17,074,867 0 5,200 169,667 0 9,662,023 129,757 10,630 631,016 1,840,247 26,736,890 14,915 19,481 427,314 1,607,223 15,818,273 0 6,810 39,148 0 8,088,499 14,915 26,291 466,462 1,607,223 23,906,772 18,566,812 10,139,451 28,706,263 6,208,289 10,179,882 16,388,171 15,635 (15,635) 0 110,756 (110,756) 0 142,577,345 50,468,976 193,046,321 136,258,300 40,399,850 176,658,150 $60,592,792 $221,752,584 $142,577,345 $161,159,792 ASSETS OF THE FOUNDATION $50,468,976 $193,046,321 The financial statements of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, Inc., for the years ended June 30, 2013 and 2012, have been audited by The Whitlock Company, Certified Public Accountants. Copies of the unqualified report are available for review at the Foundation’s office. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 43 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI FOUNDATION Affiliates For two decades, the Community Foundation of the Ozarks has grown its affiliate network across southern Missouri. Starting with the Nixa Community Foundation in 1993, these volunteer organizations now cover 44 towns, counties and regions, from the Mississippi River to the Kansas border, from wine country to Arkansas. The CFO’s affiliate and regional fund assets surpassed $100 million in FY13, doing immeasurable good for these towns and their citizens. Alton Community Foundation ..................................................... 46 Aurora Area Community Foundation ........................................ 47 Benton County Community Foundation ................................. 48 Bolivar Area Community Foundation ....................................... 49 Bourbon Community Foundation .............................................. 50 Carthage Community Foundation ............................................... 51 Cassville Community Foundation ............................................... 53 Crawford County Foundation, Inc. ............................................ 54 DACO Community Foundation ..................................................... 55 Dallas County Community Foundation ..................................... 56 Dent County Community Foundation ....................................... 56 Douglas County Community Foundation ................................ 57 Eldon Community Foundation ..................................................... 58 El Dorado Springs Community Foundation ............................ 59 Finley River Community Foundation ........................................ 60 Community Foundation of the Hermann Area, Inc. ............ 62 Hickory County Community Improvement Foundation .... 63 Houston Community Foundation ................................................ 63 Jacks Fork Community Foundation .......................................... 64 Community Foundation of the Lake .......................................... 65 Lockwood Community Foundation ........................................... 66 Marshfield Area Community Foundation ................................. 67 Meramec Regional Community Foundation ........................... 68 Monett Area Community Foundation ....................................... 69 Mount Vernon Area Community Foundation ........................ 70 Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation ....................... 71 Neosho Area Community Foundation ...................................... 72 Nixa Community Foundation ........................................................ 73 Ozark County Community Foundation ..................................... 75 Ozark Foothills Regional Community Foundation .............. 76 Republic Community Foundation ............................................... 77 Ripley County Community Foundation .................................... 78 St. James Area Community Foundation .................................. 78 Ste. Genevieve County Community Foundation .................. 79 Sarcoxie Community Foundation ............................................... 80 Greater Seymour Area Foundation ............................................. 81 Community Foundation of Southwest Missouri, Inc. .......... 82 Stockton Community Foundation .............................................. 84 Table Rock Lake Community Foundation ................................ 85 Community Foundation of Taney County ................................ 86 Truman Lake Community Foundation ....................................... 87 Community Foundation of West Plains, Inc. .......................... 89 Willard Children’s Charitable Foundation .............................. 90 Willow Springs Community Foundation ................................... 91 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Alton C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Brenda J. Ledgerwood, President Saundra Dorris, Secretary Joe Crider, Treasurer Eric Allen Diana Clary Annie Whitten For more information: Contact Brenda Ledgerwood, (417) 270-0805; or bledgerwood@yahoo. com. On the Web: www. Established: Aug. 17, 2007 Address: HC 64 Box 25A, Alton, MO 65606 FY13 Contributions: $27,623 FY13 Distributions: $32,850 Distributions since Inception: $129,010 Total Assets: $241,583 Brenda Ledgerwood ACF President The Alton Community Foundation worked in 2013 to increase awareness of the foundation in Alton. In December, 25 residents attended a Foundation-sponsored meeting to IDENTIFY AND DISCUSS COMMUNITY NEEDS. Plans were put in motion to hold a major fundraiser in September of 2014, a “BEATLESFEST” to celebrate the Fab Four’s visit to the Alton area in 1964. The foundation’s grantmaking included $200 to a local agency’s MISSION:MATTHEW 25 FOOD PANTRY for muchneeded shelving, and to the Alton School Foundation to assist high school graduates who are FIRSTGENERATION COLLEGE ENROLLEES. Patrick Ledgerwood and Rev. Charles Trantham, representatives of FAITH, INC., carry supplies at the Mission:Matthew 25 Food Pantry. The shelving in this storage room, which has served up to 78 workingpoor families in Alton and Oregon family in a single day, was purchased with a $200 grant from the Alton Community Foundation, via Victory Free Will Baptist Church. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Alton Community Foundation Capacity Building Fund— Established to support the work of the Alton Community Foundation. Alton Public Schools Foundation Agriculture Fund—Established to support the school district’s agriculture programs. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Alton Public School Foundation: Alton Junior and Senior High Athletic Fund Alton Junior and Senior High Music Fund Alton Public School Foundation Fund Alton Public School Foundation Unrestricted Fund Alton Public School Foundation Scholarship Fund Alton Schools Academic Endowment Fund Alton School Projects Fund Justin Crews Memorial Scholarship Fund Leon DuBois Memorial Scholarship Fund Norman Mills Memorial Scholarship Fund Luie and Anna Roberts Scholarship Fund Larry Wallace Endowed Scholarship Fund Wendell P. and Rebecca Williams Family Endowed Scholarship Alton Community Grantmaking Fund Couch Youth Empowerment Fund Oregon County Literacy Fund Oregon County Food Pantry—Alton Hunger Challenge Fund Oregon County Food Pantry—Thayer Hunger Challenge Fund Selah Place of Oregon County Fund Selah Place of Oregon County Endowment Fund Rich and Teresa Wallace Scholarship Fund COMMUNITY GRANTS Alton Public School Foundation, $120 Victory Free Will Baptist Church, $200 46 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Aurora Area C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Scott R. Pettit, President Linda Cook Jim Ferguson Randy Howard Jack Muench Debbie Stanley Joe Woodcock NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Children’s Smile Center Fund: Aurora—Established to support Children’s Smile Center at an added location in Aurora. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Aurora Area Community Foundation Administrative Fund Aurora Area Unrestricted Community Grantmaking Fund Aurora Community Theatre Memorial Scholarship Fund* Aurora Police Department Support Fund Aurora Trails Fund Aurora Youth Empowerment Fund J.K. Burney Scholarship Fund* Ed Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund* James D. and Mary L. Crafton Endowment Fund* Harvest Food Pantry Hunger Challenge Fund Houn Dawg Education Endowment Fund Houn Dawg Scholarship Fund Laverta Arnhart Jones Scholarship Fund John J. Lee Memorial Fund Mary Freda O’Connell Fund for Woodsland Cemetery J.D. and Carol Ann Pilkenton Fund Tri-County Pregnancy Resource Center Fund United Commercial Travelers #632 of Aurora, Missouri Fund* Verona Baptist Church Hunger Challenge Fund * Established as at-large funds of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks LEGACY SOCIETY Brian & Renee Fogle COMMUNITY GRANTS YEP Grant: Aurora R-8 School District, $200 Verona R-VII, education programs, $2,000 Verona R-VII, Parents as Teachers/DARE, $1,000 For the Kids, $500 New Veteran’s Memorial, $500 Aurora Trails Fund, $1,094 Aurora R-8 School District, $75 Aurora R-8 School District, Bright Futures, $500 Aurora R-8 School District, early childhood reading program, $500 Aurora R-8 School District, Dawggie Bag Program, $500 Heifer International, Main Street Aurora, $900 Aurora Youth Empowerment Fund, $75 FY13 Contributions: $103,111 FY13 Distributions: $119,819 Distributions since Inception: $464,429 Total Assets: $2,721,577 Scott R. Pettit AACF President In January the AACF awarded $6,000 IN COMMUNITY GRANTS TO 10 LOCAL NOT-FOR-PROFITS, and also hosted or sponsored a number of events, including a donor reception in October and fundraisers for both the AURORA TRAILS fund and the LOCAL YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROJECT CHAPTER. The main goal for AACF this coming year is to get the word out to potential donors to include a local fund in their estate plan. The generosity of the community has been humbling, and is truly a blessing for an area considered by many standards as being poor. With this money IT IS OUR DUTY TO REINVEST IN THE COMMUNITY. A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S The Aurora Youth Empowerment Project chapter received a $2,500 Coover Place-Based Education grant in May at the Rural Schools Rendezvous in Thomasville. The grant will expand the chapter’s programs to help fight the growing poverty problem in Aurora and Lawrence County. The YEP chapter also held a chili lunch fundraiser in early April, which was supported by the Aurora Area Community Foundation. Seven graduating seniors were awarded scholarships via AACF funds at a May 2, 2013 ceremony at Aurora High School. For more information: Contact Scott R. Pettit at (417) 678-2187; or On the Web: www. Established: Sept. 11, 2006 Address: P.O. Box 148, Aurora, MO 65605 ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 47 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Benton County A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Ethan Newman, President Jim White, Vice President Tracy Spry, Treasurer Lisa Farwig, Secretary Suzie Brodersen Cheryl Petersen Willie Salley Shannon Smith Paula Spring For more information: Contact Ethan Newman at (660) 223-2387; or ethan@ On the Web: www. Established: August 1999 Address: P.O. Box 1412, Warsaw, MO 65355 FY13 Contributions: $46,531 FY13 Distributions: $23,489 Distributions since Inception: $418,426 Total Assets: $620,773 Ethan Newman BCCF President The Benton County Community Foundation was proud to host the 2nd annual BENTON COUNTY WINE STROLL fundraiser. Despite a rainy day, we were able to attract 480 PARTICIPANTS to downtown Warsaw and raised more than $4,000 for our grantmaking fund. We would love to add another signature event in the fall, as well as continue to raise awareness of the foundation, in order to increase our endowment funds. A $600 community grant to the Benton County Historical Society was one of five given out in FY13 by the Benton County Community Foundation. “I am especially proud of our board, they are very focused and excited to make a difference in our Community,” said first-year board president Ethan Newman. “I’m also very proud of our community of people that have such a giving heart, and happy for those that are able to benefit from those individuals.” NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Bibb Benton County Museum Matching Development Fund—Established to give Jon Frederick Bibb the flexibility to assist the Benton County Museum through a matching grant. Book and Home Visiting Supplies Fund—Established by Parents as Teachers to support its work. Spencer Burke Memorial Scholarship Fund— Established by Spencer Burke’s family to honor Spencer and support Warsaw High School graduates. Cole Camp Community Center Fund—Established by the Community Center to hold short-term monies. Community Project Fund— Established to support the work of the Parents as Teachers program of the Warsaw Schools. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS BDL Scholarship Fund Benton County Arts Fund Benton County Community Foundation Administrative Endowment Fund Benton County Endowment Fund Benton County Hospice Endowment Fund Benton County Hospice Fund Benton County Museum Fund Bill and Debbie Bunch Fund Cole Camp Library Capacity Building Fund Cole Camp Senior Center Building & Equipment Capacity Building Fund* Glenn Coffey Memorial Scholarship Fund The Eaton Family Fund Friends of the Warsaw Senior Center Fund* Hill Family Community Fund Kinkead Family Scholarship John and Lela Owen Educational Scholarship Fund Harold C. and Mabel Hackler Price Scholarship Fund Warsaw Education Foundation: Grace J. Alverson Memorial Scholarship Warsaw Community Project Fund Warsaw Education Foundation Fund Warsaw Education Foundation Endowment Fund Warsaw Health Care Community Council Fund Warsaw School Alumni Association Warsaw Senior Center Capacity Building Fund* Warsaw Youth Empowerment Program Capacity Building Fund Mahlon K. White Fund * A subfund of Care Connection for Aging Services COMMUNITY GRANTS Kaysinger Bluff Pioneer Heritage Association, $500 Benton County Human Services Council, Smart Start, $1,000 Warsaw Senior Center, Miles for Meals, $1,000 Cole Camp Senior Center, Miles for Meals, $1,000 Benton County Historical Society, $600 48 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Bolivar Area C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Kelly Parson, President Lindsey Godfrey, Vice President Neal DeShazo, Treasurer Debbie McQuay, Secretary Dan Bunch Kevin Cribbs Shane Dublin Dorothy Isdell Lou Thelen Kemp Betty Lemmons On the Web: www. Established: April 4, 2003 Address: P.O. Box 996 Bolivar, MO 65613 FY13 Contributions: $221,133 FY13 Distributions: $106,709 Distributions since inception: $1,248,700 Total Assets: $1,608,181 For more information: Contact Kelly Parson, (417) 326-5201; or kparson@midmobank. com. Kelly Parson A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S The Bolivar Area Community Foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary in January 2013 by awarding $9,000 in community grants during the Bolivar Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual banquet. The BACF also recognized a group of teachers who helped establish the BACF in 2003, along with late president Don Wollard (who had a bench placed and dedicated in his honor prior to the Chamber banquet). Pictured, left to right: Donna Parminter, Elizabeth Pace, Grace Pursley, Billie Hutcheson, and the late June York’s husband, Jim York. BACF President NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Paul & Brenda Long Family Fund*—Established by Paul & Brenda Long to assist their family with charitable giving. Donald and Cheryl Sliffe Family Fund—Established by Donald and Cheryl Sliffe to assist with their personal giving. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS 1st Assembly of God Church Capacity Building Fund Abundance Ministries Fund Roy Blunt YMCA of Bolivar Endowment Fund Bolivar Area Community Foundation Grantmaking Fund Bolivar Area Community Foundation Administrative Fund Bolivar Care to Learn Endowment Fund Bolivar Salvation Army Fund Bolivar Area YMCA Capacity Building Fund Bolivar Area Ministerial Alliance Endowment Fund Bolivar Area Ministerial Alliance Capacity Building Fund Bolivar School Alumni Association Capacity Building Fund Bolivar Optimists Club Endowment Fund Bolivar Optimists Club Fund Bolivar Technical Institute Capacity Building Fund Bolivar Technical Institute Endowment Fund Bolivar Technical Institute Scholarship Fund Care to Learn—Bolivar Fund Crossroads Pet Breeders Charitable Fund D.A.R.E. Scholarship Fund Henry and Mary DeShazo Family and Community Fund Neal & Laura DeShazo Family and Community Fund Marion C. Early Education Foundation Capacity Building Fund Marion C. Early Education Foundation Endowment Fund Family Institute of the Ozarks Endowment Fund Family Institute of the Ozarks (FIO) Fund Halfway R-III Academic Enrichment Fund Halfway Youth Empowerment Fund Hickory Grove Cemetery Endowment Fund Hickory Grove Cemetery Association Benson Euliss Fund Hickory Grove Cemetery Association RF Anderson Memorial Fund Hope for Tomorrow Fund Russ & Betty Lemons Family and Community Fund Jesse and Elsie Lower Memorial Scholarship Fund Ronald and Lou Thelen Kemp Family and Community Fund Coach Charles “Hoss” McCallister Memorial Scholarship Fund Mt. Olive Cemetery Association Fund North Ward Museum Endowment Fund John Playter Rotary Park Fund Polk County Extension Council Capacity Building Fund Polk County Fair Association Derald Isdell Memorial Fund Polk County Genealogical Society Capacity Building Fund The Bolivar Area Community Foundation’s role is to serve as a nonprofit public service organization that serves people of the area with a common goal: IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN POLK COUNTY. The year’s biggest area of work was to INCREASE OUR GRANTMAKING FUND in order to better help organizations serve the community. Year after year, our board continues to work diligently to raise matching funds for the hungry. The BACF again raised MORE THAN $10,000, which was MATCHED WITH $10,000 from the Walmart Foundation, the single largest fundraiser for the area food pantry. Continued on next page ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 49 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Bourbon A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Mary Heywood, President Alice Bremer Randy Bremer Barbara Condren Jerry Crump Mike Delashmit Carol Hofstetter Jim Smith Becky Turner For more information: Contact Mary Heywood at (573) 732-4655; or marydheywood@ On the Web: www. Established: Oct. 3, 2003 Address: P.O. Box 865 or 101 E. Pine, Bourbon, MO 65441 FY13 Contributions: $6,842 FY13 Distributions: $4,788 Distributions since Inception: $39,282 Total Assets: $85,166 Mary Heywood BCF President Continued from previous page Polk County Genealogical Society Endowment Fund Polk County House of Hope Fund Polk County K-Life Capacity Building Fund Polk County Library Capacity Building Fund Polk County Library Endowment Fund Polk County Trail Maintenance Endowment Fund The Jack Reynolds Learn to Fly Scholarship Fund Salvation Army - Bolivar Hunger PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Bourbon Community Foundation Administrative Fund Bourbon Community Foundation Fund Crawford County R-1 School Foundation Fund Crawford County R-1 School PTO Fund Crawford County R-1 School Foundation Scholarship Fund Mid-Ozarks CASA Fund* COMMUNITY GRANTS Bourbon Community Center, $1,000 * Also a component fund of the Crawford County Foundation, Inc. In November, the Bourbon Community Foundation HOSTED AN INFORMATIONAL DINNER for the community, with CFO president Brian Fogle as the guest speaker. The public education will continue during the FY14 fiscal year, when WE PLAN TO HOST A FUNDRAISING INSTITUTE for our local nonprofits. The Bourbon Community Foundation also made a $1,000 GRANT to the Bourbon Community Center in FY13. Challenge Fund Salvation Army—Springfield Designated Fund Southwest Baptist University Organizational Endowment Fund Walnut Street Theatre Capacity Building Fund Sandra York Woods Family Fund James A. York Fund James A. York Family and Community Fund June York Memorial Fund Zion Lutheran Church Ministerial Scholarship Fund Zion Lutheran Church Ministerial Scholarship Endowment Fund LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Price Baker Walden James A. York COMMUNITY GRANTS Care to Learn—Bolivar grants for student needs, $16,515 Community Connections, banners for Bolivar light posts, $1,000 Bolivar R-I School District, Reading is Fundamental, $1,000 Keeling Foundation for Kids, Inc., instruments for Humansville students, $1,000 Ozark Greenways, $600 Polk County Christian Social Ministries, Share Your Christmas, $2,000 Newborns In Need, $1,000 Sacred Heart Catholic Church, $400 Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc., $1,000 Young Life—Bolivar, $1,000 *Also a component fund of the Stockton Community Foundation 50 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Carthage C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Advisory Board Bill Lee Bill Putnam In FY13 the Carthage Community Foundation granted some $26,500 to more than a dozen organizations, including the City of Carthage, Fair Acres Family YMCA, Community Clinic of Joplin, Missouri Southern State University, the Carthage R-9 School District and many more. The checks were awarded on June 11 during the Carthage Chamber of Commerce’s quarterly luncheon. Since the CCF’s inception in 1999, Carthage funds have distributed more than $4.6 million back into the Carthage and Jasper County communities. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Patrick and Julia Scott Family and Community Fund—Established by Patrick and Julia Scott to assist with their personal giving. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS ALS Organization Fund George and Geraldine Beimdiek Memorial Fund Steve and Mary Jean Beimdiek Family and Community Fund Curtis Rex Carter Science Scholarship Fund Carthage Arts Council Fund Carthage Area United Way Legacy Fund The Carthage Crosslines Fund The Carthage Fund Carthage Community Foundation Operating Endowment Fund Carthage Community Foundation Capacity Building Fund Carthage Crisis Center Endowment Fund Carthage Crisis Center, Inc. Capacity Building Fund Carthage Crisis Center, Inc. Repair and Replacement Fund Carthage Historic Preservation Capacity Building Fund Carthage Historic Preservation Fund Carthage Library Development Foundation Endowment Fund Carthage Public Library Fund Carthage Rotary Club Charitable Fund Carthage Rotary Scholarship Carthage Youth Empowerment Program Capacity Building Fund City of Carthage Beautification Fund Colossians 3:17 Fund The W. Robert Corley Fund Fair Acres Family YMCA, Inc. Fund Freund Charitable Remainder Trust Fund Guthrie Gilmore Fund Gregg and Sheila Galbraith Donor Advised Fund Grace Episcopal Church: Episcopal Youth Group of Carthage Endowment Fund Grace Episcopal Church Endowment Fund Richard T. Mansfield Memorial Fund, a capacity building fund for Grace Episcopal Church Hall of Carthage Heroes Fund The Henrietta Hedge Memorial Fund The Hough Fund Jasper County 1895 Courthouse Preservation Fund For more information: Contact Carthage Community Foundation at (417) 359-5534; or On the Web: www. Established: May 24, 1999 Address: 211 W. 4th St., Ste. 11, Carthage, MO 64836 FY13 Contributions: $215,866 FY13 Distributions: $344,248 Distributions since Inception: $4,643,365 Total Assets: $6,176,842 Don LaFerla A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Don LaFerla, President Stan Schmidt, Vice President Travis Almandinger Chuck Bryant Kevin Checkett Frank Dunaway Carolyn Phelps Lee Pound Miriam Putnam Danny Ross Patrick Scott Jim Woestman CCF President Jasper County Courthouse Capacity Building Fund Doris & Ken Johnson Memorial Fund L & P Partners Helping Partners Fund Leggett & Platt, Incorporated Donor Advised Fund The Vivian León Fund for the Musical Arts created by the Missouri Southern International Piano Competition McCune-Brooks Health Care Foundation Fund Missouri Botanical Gardens Fund Dorthadean Moorman Memorial Fund Jean S. Morrow and Samuel R. Morrow, Jr. Memorial Fund Earl & Marilyn Nicholas Charitable Fund Earl & Marilyn Nicholas Endowment Fund Quigley Jasper County Christian Athlete Scholarship Fund The John O. Phelps and Carolyn B. Phelps Charitable Fund Dr. W. Russell Smith Family Foundation Fund Southwest Baptist University Endowment Fund St. Luke’s Nursing Center Capacity Building Fund St. Luke’s Nursing Center It has been an exciting year for the Carthage Community Foundation, which included a very successful spring grant round that helped MORE THAN A DOZEN AGENCIES in the Carthage and Jasper County area. We anticipate next spring’s grant round should be the largest we’ve ever done, over and above the $26,500 we gave out in FY13. The CCF has also started its effort to convene a PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS COUNCIL, a network of Carthage-based attorneys and financial experts who will help citizens with their charitable decision-making. Continued on next page ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 51 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Carthage C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S A longtime goal of the Carthage Community Foundation, and founding member Bill Putnam in particular, came to fruition in FY13 with the establishment of the Hall of Carthage Heroes. The local “hall of fame” for civic and athletic natives who went on to great feats, at home or elsewhere, is housed at the Fair Acres Family YMCA and inducted its first 18 members in late 2012, thanks in large part to the Steadley Trust, a local foundation with ties to the CCF. Continued from previous page Endowment Fund Stone’s Throw Theater Henry Heckert Memorial Endowment Fund J. Ross and Maryetta E. White Memorial Fund Mark and Stephanie Williams Family and Community Fund LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Kevin & Sandi Checkett Robert & Rebecca Copeland Frank S. Dunaway, III Virginia Esterly (deceased) Ed & Tonya Freund Trust Kenneth Johnson Don & Gloria LaFerla Samuel R. Morrow, Jr. (deceased) Marilyn R. Nicholas (deceased) Mr. & Mrs. William C. Putnam Ruth I. Rubison Dr. and Mrs. W. Russell Smith (deceased) COMMUNITY GRANTS Pro Musica, Vivian Leon grant for arts and education programs, $6,000 Hurricane Sandy relief, $1,000 City of Carthage, public beautification, $3,000 Fair Acres Family YMCA, Inc., $2,500 Carthage R-9 School Foundation, $1,300 Carthage R-9 School District, $1,700 Lafayette House, $700 City of Carthage, historic preservation, $575 Carthage Humane Society, $2,000 Community Clinic of Joplin, $1,800 Heart of the Ozarks Junior Golf Foundation, education programs, $1,750 Alliance of Southwest Missouri, $2,250 Children’s Haven of Southwest Missouri, $1,300 City of Carthage, environmental conservation, $750 Salvation Army—Carthage, $1,875 Carthage Youth Empowerment Project Fund, $500 Missouri Southern State University, arts and culture programs, $3,500 52 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Cassville C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N NEW FUND ESTABLISHED J.B. Nations and Verna Mae Nations Memorial Fund—Established by the Nations sisters in memory of their parents, J.B. and Verna Mae. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Olin J. Brattin Scholarship Fund Cassville Community 2000 Fund Cassville Community Foundation Administrative Fund Cassville Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Cassville School District Educational Endowment Fund Cassville Senior Center Foundation Cassville Senior Center Endowment Fund Cassville United Methodist Hunger Challenge Fund Dorris Lorayne Sims Easley Scholarship Fund Ellis Charitable Fund Ray and Wilma Skelton Legacy Scholarship Fund For more information: Contact Landon Fletcher at (417) 847-6623; or e-mail On the Web: www. Established: Nov. 15, 2004 Address: P.O. Box 624, Cassville, MO 65625 FY13 Contributions: $52,914 FY13 Distributions: $65,284 Distributions since Inception: $152,874 Total Assets: $526,957 COMMUNITY GRANTS Arc of the Ozarks, $325 Cassville R-IV School District, lice removal kit, $500 Cassville R-IV School District, education program, $675 Cassville Fire Protection District, $750 Cassville Senior Center, Meals on Wheels, $750 Cassville United Methodist Church, food pantry, $750 Cassville YMCA, $400 Kornerstone, Inc., supplies for teen moms, $350 Landon Fletcher CCF President A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S The Cassville Education Fund’s annual Trivia Night fundraiser, held in early March, raised $1,580 for the fund, a permanent endowment for the educational needs of Cassville schools and students. The winning team, named Extra PHOTO COURTESY CASSVILLE DEMOCRAT Credit, hailed from Crowder College. The Cassville Education Fund is a component of the Cassville Community Foundation. Board of Governors: Landon Fletcher, President Mindi Artherton, Secretary Dan Angel Dennis Baker Mary Cupps Gary Fields Jerry Marple Mike McCracken Angela Seymour During the fiscal year, the Cassville Community Foundation was extremely proud to open the J.B. NATIONS AND VERNA MAE NATIONS MEMORIAL FUND, which was created by the couple’s family to help better the area. We would encourage anyone with any interest in SETTING UP THEIR OWN FUND to contact us. The local foundation is for the benefit of everyone. IT’S YOUR FOUNDATION. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 53 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Crawford County A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S F O U N D AT I O N , I N C . Board of Governors: Kathy Lasley, President Sean Siebert, Vice President Mardy Leathers, 2nd Vice President Rachel Andreasson, Secretary Amy Mitchell, Treasurer Jim Barnett Dennis Bell Tina McGinnis Jason Mehl Kelli Rapp Kim Robinson Shirley Rutz Lisa Storz Lynn Wallis Dave Workman For more information: Contact Ronda Cook, (573) 885-2277, ext. 1601; or RCook@ On the Web: www. Established: 2001 Address: P.O. Box 244, Cuba, MO 65453 FY13 Contributions: $808,658 FY13 Distributions: $157,971 Distributions since Inception: $1,196,355 Total Assets: $2,251,871 Kathy Lasley CCF President The Crawford County Foundation EXTENDED ITS REACH INTO CUBA and the surrounding area in 2013. For the first time last fall we hosted the annual “ROUTE 66 MURAL CITY 5K FUN RUN,” benefitting the ALL ABOARD LEARNING CENTER, during Cuba’s October Fest. In an effort to refine our mission, we also held TWO BOARD WORKSHOPS; Carol Silvey hosted a strategic planning session for the board in late 2012, which was followed by a board training with CFO President Brian Fogle in February 2013. In September 2012, the Crawford County Foundation, Inc., made a $2,500 grant to fund four “Welcome to Cuba” signs, which have been erected at all four major entrances to Cuba, the county seat of Crawford County. Other major CCF grants on the year included $940 to the All Aboard Learning Center, the foundation-operated early childhood center, $3,000 to the Bourbon Community Center, and a $500 scholarship for a graduating senior at each of the four high schools in the CCF’s coverage area (Bourbon, Sullivan, Steelville and Cuba). NEW FUND ESTABLISHED MBHF Community Assisting Medical Patients Fund— Established by the Missouri Baptist Hospital Foundation/ Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital for the CAMP program. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS All Aboard Learning Center Building Fund All Aboard Learning Center Fund All Aboard NAP Account Andreasson Family Fund Cuba Development Group Fund Crawford County Foundation Administrative Fund Crawford County Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Crawford County R-2 Schools Foundation Inc./Steelville Scholarship Fund Cuba War Memorial Fund Friday Backpacks for Cuba Fund Mary B. Miller Scholarship Fund Ed Mitchell Memorial Scholarship Fund Mid-Ozarks CASA Fund* Bill Wallis Charitable Foundation Bill Wallis Scholarship Wildcat Field of Pride Fund * Also a component fund of the Bourbon Community Foundation. COMMUNITY GRANTS Viva Cuba, Inc., $2,500 All Aboard Learning Center, $940 Bourbon Community Center, $3,000 Sullivan School District, scholarship, $500 Crawford County R-I School District, scholarship, $500 Crawford County R-II Schools, scholarship, $500 Crawford County R-2 Schools Foundation Inc./Steelville Scholarship Fund, $500 54 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS DACO C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Dade County Improvement Group Fund—Established to support activities and projects aimed at improving communities within Dade County. Brown Bag Buddy Program Fund Crowder College-Greenfield Location Education Fund DACO Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Dade County Victim Service Center Fund Dadeville Youth Empowerment Project Fund Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship Fund Landreth Scholarship Fund The Silvester and Evelyn Leonard Scholarship OACAC-Dade County (DACO) Hunger Challenge Fund Andrew Maxwell Memorial Fund Johnny E. Tubaugh Scholarship Fund OACAC Dade County Community Building Fund—Established to support the OACAC-Dade County Neighborhood Center as it raises funds for its building. For more information: Contact David Cramer at (417) 875-5296; or dcramer@therisingstar. com. On the Web: www. Established: Aug. 15, 2006 Address: 307 N. Grand, Greenfield, MO 65661 FY13 Contributions: $12,340 FY13 Distributions: $14,473 Distributions since Inception: $59,490 Total Assets: $342,279 David Cramer DACO CF President A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S The OACAC - Dade County Community Building Fund was one of two funds opened during FY13 with the DACO Community Foundation. The proceeds will help the OACAC - Dade County Neighborhood Center raise funds to purchase its facility, in which it is currently leasing space from Main Street Baptist Church. The year also saw the opening of the Crowder College campus in Greenfield, facilitated in part by the DACO Community Foundation, and the continuation of the Dade County Hunger Challenge. Board of Governors: David Cramer, President Don Nevell, VicePresident Renee Meents, Treasurer Dave Walters, Secretary Pamela Allen Chuck Daniel Jeff Davis Marlene DeClue Randy Meents Kim Morrison Jack Pugh Larry Wheeler Debbie Worthington LEGACY SOCIETY Silvester Leonard COMMUNITY GRANTS Hunger programs for kids, $845 In FY13 the DACO Community Foundation HELD A GOLF TOURNAMENT, which was a big success in raising money for our match in the DADE COUNTY HUNGER CHALLENGE. We’ve raised our goal for FY14 to $3,000 for our portion of the match. We were also A MAJOR PLAYER IN STARTING A SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM FOR YOUTH in Dade County. We feel DACO has become the go-to organization for information and help in organizing nonprofit activity, as well as development and growth opportunities for our county. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 55 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Dallas County C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Bill Monday, President Mary Lou Beckner Janice Bramwell Jim Hamilton Arthur Mallory Elwin D. McCurry Barbara Weaver Pyatt For more information: Contact Bill Monday at (417) 345-2251. On the Web: www. Established: Oct. 28, 1998 Address: P.O. Box 85, Buffalo, MO 65622 FY13 Contributions: $5,500 FY13 Distributions: $9,700 Distributions since Inception: $158,460 Total Assets: $345,068 Bill Monday One of the highlights of the 2012–13 school year in Buffalo was a rousing Veterans Day ceremony celebrating the men and women in the community who served in the armed forces. The hour-long presentation featured music by the school band and choir, multimedia presentations featuring thank yous to and photos of the veterans. As part of the celebration, Matt Brunner’s history class shot and developed a series of portraits of local veterans, some of them majestic and some of them quirky, which were blown up and hung in the halls of the school. The project was facilitated by the Placeworks Art Initiative, a program of the Rural Schools Partnership, which visits rural schools and incorporates art into cross-curricular lessons. DCCF President PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS DCCF grants included $1,000 in support of the SOUTHWEST MISSOURI CELTIC HERITAGE FESTIVAL AND HIGHLAND GAMES, which brings thousands of people from across the U.S. We will also continue to fund the ROTARY CLUB’S DICTIONARY PROGRAM. Buffalo Rotary Club Davis and Mallory Memorial Fund Buffalo Rotary Club Davis and Mallory Memorial Scholarship Fund Buffalo Youth Empowerment Program Fund Dallas County Arts Council Fund Dallas County Community Foundation Administrative Fund Dallas County Fund Dallas County Health Foundation Fund Dallas County Pet Outreach Program Fund Heart to Heart Hunger Challenge Fund Kenneth Nyberg Memorial Scholarship Fund Prairie Chapel United Methodist Hunger Challenge Fund Dale and Deborah Redd Scholarship Fund Shewmaker Performing Arts Center Technology Enhancement Fund Larry A. Weaver, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund COMMUNITY GRANTS Buffalo Rotary Club, Davis and Mallory Memorial Scholarships, $1,500 Dallas County Betterment Association, Celtic Festival, $1,000 Dallas County Betterment Association, emergency response unit, $4,000 Dallas County Betterment Association, Downtown Association Art Walk, $500 Dent County C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Dr. Bernie Sirois, President Sherry Lea, Vice President Ray Walden, Treasurer Molly Zettel, Secretary Mike Condray Marsha Odom Genie Zakrzewski On the Web: Established: Dec. 22, 1999 Address: 504 N. Washington St., Salem, MO 65560 For more information: Contact Dr. Bernie Sirois at (573) 247-6793; or Dr. Bernie Sirois DCCF President FY13 Contributions: $2,845 FY13 Distributions: $77,400 Distributions since Inception: $667,649 Total Assets: $2,056,595 PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Bonebrake Center of Nature and History Endowment Fund Craig Family Donor Advised Fund The F. Joe Crosswhite Math & Science Award Fund Dent County Community Foundation Fund Dent County Museum Capacity Building Fund Dent County Museum Endowment Fund Luke 10:37 Fund Salem Arts Council Fund Salem Public Schools Foundation: Chilton Oil Scholarship Fund Salem School Twelfth Tiger Fund Salem Public Schools Foundation Fund Salem Public Schools Foundation Endowment Fund Salem Schools Project Graduation Fund Salem Schools Parent Teacher Organization Fund Salem Schools Volleyball Fund Shepards Nook Lifeway Center Hunger Challenge Fund South Central Missouri Polled Hereford Association Endowed Scholarship Fund Dorman L. Steelman Memorial Scholarship Fund Whitmire Family Fund 56 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Douglas County C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N For more information: Contact Nancy Hawk at (417) 683-9104. On the Web: www. Established: July 3, 2003 Address: P.O. Box 1073, Ava, MO 65608 FY13 Contributions: $6,405 FY13 Distributions: $31,318 Distributions since Inception: $218,599 Total Assets: $525,080 Nancy Hawk DCCF President PHOTO COURTESY DOUGLAS COUNTY HERALD In the wake of government budget cuts, the Douglas County Community Foundation continued its support for Ava and Douglas County residents by making a $2,000 grant to the Douglas County Council on Aging, just one of more than a dozen community grants made in 2013–14. The help for seniors comes in smaller ways, too: Following the DCCF-sponsored chamber luncheon, the food was taken to local seniors in need. In its 10 years of existence, the Douglas County Community Foundation has distributed more than $218,000 back into the surrounding area. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Ava Animal Shelter Building Fund Ava Public Schools Foundation: Ava Alumni Yeoman Scholarship Fund Ava Public Schools Foundation Endowment Fund Ava Public Schools Foundation Fund Mandy Hampton Memorial Scholarship Tracy Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund Foundation Endowment Fund Douglas County Cultural Arts Fund Douglas County MFP Hunger Challenge Fund Douglas County Sesquicentennial Fund Douglas County Youth Philanthropy Fund Skyline R-II School Foundation Fund Skyline R-II School Foundation Endowment Fund Skyline R-II Youth Empowerment Fund COMMUNITY GRANTS Herman E. Davis Memorial Endowment Fund Douglas County Community Foundation Administrative Fund Douglas County Community Foundation Capacity Building Fund Douglas County Community Douglas County Fair Board, $1,000 Ava Art Guild, $2,000 American Legion Post #112 - Douglas County, Memorial Day flags, $1,000 44th Judicial Circuit Drug Court, $2,000 Ava R-1 School District, character-building program, $500 Skyline School Foundation Fund, Imagination Library, $2,000 Ava Animal Welfare League, Jr., $1,000 Douglas County Community Health Assessment Resource Team, $2,000 Heart of the Hills Food Harvest, $1,000 Options Pregnancy Clinic of Ava, $2,000 University of Missouri Extension Center- Douglas County, $100 Ava R-1 School District, $2,000 Ava Victory Academy, $1,500 Douglas County Council on Aging, $2,000 Ava Victory Academy, $75 Ava Lion’s Club, $50 The Douglas County Community Foundation celebrated its 10TH ANNIVERSARY in 2013, and did so by continuing its decadelong focus on helping the people of Ava and Douglas County. The year started with the continuation of the DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR. With the help of grants issued in FY2012, the fair went off for the 75TH CONSECUTIVE YEAR in July 2012, which was a wonderful thing for the community. The DCCF continued to support agencies in the area, making more than $20,000 IN COMMUNITY GRANTS to agencies ranging from Ozarks Food Harvest, to the 44th Judicial Circuit Drug Court, to the local American Legion for Memorial Day flags. A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Nancy Hawk, President Janice Lorrain, Vice President Betty Ridenour, Treasurer Dianne Shay, Secretary Craig Carter Angela Collins Jennifer Horn Danny Letsinger ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 57 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Eldon A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Matt Davis, President John Beard Ed & Linda Bierbower Wayne Boatman Dennis Bond Chalee Crouch Anne Graves Mike Holland Trevor Vernon Rene Ward For more information: Contact Matt Davis at (573) 392-8000; or Matt_Davis@mail. On the Web: www. Established: Feb. 23, 2005 Address: 112 S. Pine, Eldon, MO 65026 FY13 Contributions: $149,131 FY13 Distributions: $51,588 Distributions since Inception: $695,810 Total Assets: $866,211 Matt Davis Among the grants made this year was a $600 grant to the Eldon Garden Club, which began work this summer on the third phase of a butterfly garden at the city’s Blue Star Memorial (pictured). It’s a wheelchair-accessible garden with parking spaces nearby. Its plants, such as Catmint and Verbena, attract butterflies, and the garden includes informational plaques about the insects. The Garden Club was among 20 agencies to benefit from ECF grants in FY13. The foundation continues to be a major PHOTO COURTESY THE ELDON ADVERTISER supporter of the Eldon Mustang Packs backpack program, as well as the Eldon Community Betterment Association. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED ECF President In an economic climate where the difference between survival and disappearance for a non-profit can be just a few thousand dollars, a community foundation can be a savior. FY13 ECF grants went to programs like Eldon Upper Elementary for its annual BACKTO-SCHOOL FAIR, which wound up drawing more than 300 people. The Eldon Parents and Teachers Organization said the event COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED WITHOUT THE SUPPORT OF THE ECF. Another grant went to the MILLER COUNTY FAIR to help with facility upgrades. The fair supports hundreds of kids every year and this grant will continue to help more kids. Eldon R-1 Alumni Fund—Established to support projects and programs of the alumni, including a possible alumni magazine. Fresh Starts Fund—Established by the Eldon School District to support the Fresh Starts program to provide clothing for children in need. Linda and Deborah Pyle Memorial Scholarship Fund—Established by E.J. Pyle in memory and honor of his daughters who both graduated from Eldon High School. It will award to a student with financial need. Kids Matter Fund—Established by the Eldon Area Community Betterment Association to help address the needs of children in Miller County. Rails to Trails Fund—Established by the Eldon Area Community Betterment Association to assist with trail renovation and maintenance. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS John J. and Patricia A. Caine Family Fund Citizens Against Domestic Violence Fund Ray and Rosetta Doerhoff Scholarship Fund Eldon Administrative Endowment Fund Eldon Area Community Theater Fund Eldon Boy Scout Troop 14 Fund Eldon Boy Scout Troop 14 Endowment Fund Eldon Community Foundation Capacity Building Fund Eldon Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Eldon High School Youth Empowerment Project Fund Eldon Public Schools Endowment Fund Eldon FFA Alumni Association Fund Eldon FFA Alumni Association Scholarship Fund The Eldon Friends of Music Fund Dr. Fred Enloe Dental Scholarship Fund Friends of Animals Humane Society, Inc. Fund Friends of Math and Science for Eldon High School Fund Geraldine Haldiman Scholarship Fund Kent Kehr Fund for Eldon Miller County MU Alumni Association Capacity Building Fund Mustang Packs Fund Olean Jaycees Charitable Fund Rocky Mount Baptist Church Fund Rocky Mount Baptist Church Building Fund Rural Community Development Family and Community Fund St. Elizabeth Foundation Van Landuyt-Weil Scholarship Fund Donald & Phoebe Williams Nursing Scholarship Fund Wonderland Camp Capacity Building Fund COMMUNITY GRANTS Mustang Packs Fund, $1,000 Services for Independent Living, $250 Eldon R-1 School District, $500 Sacred Heart Catholic Church, $2,000 Blue Moon Animal Sanctuary, $100 Habitat for Humanity, $100 Citizens Against Domestic Violence, $100 Kids’ Harbor, Inc., $100 Lake Area Helping Hands Homeless Shelter, $100 Lake Area Community Orchestra, $300 Eldon Area Community Betterment Association, health and human services, $4,371 Eldon First Assembly of God, $328 Gateway Industries, $750 Greater Lake Area Chorale, $500 Medical Missions for Christ, $750 Eldon Area Community Theater, $600 Miller County Health Center, $200 Fresh Starts Fund, $250 Eldon R-1 School District, $100 Eldon Area Chamber of Commerce, $375 58 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS El Dorado Springs C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS * A sub-fund of Care Connection for Aging Services. COMMUNITY GRANTS El Dorado Springs R-2 Schools, $2,180 El Dorado Christian School, $238 Wings Refuge - Arc of Hope, $698 Church of Christ Food Pantry, $806 United Seniors, Inc. of El Dorado Springs, $2,280 Reynolds Family Arts & Education Fund, $1,000 Salvation Army, $250 Heart to Heart International, $500 Food for the Poor, Inc., $250 Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, $500 Catholic Relief Services, $500 Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, $250 Rainbow Network, $125 Oxfam America, $125 Grinnell College, $500 Board of Governors: Kay Forest, President Jack Reynolds Dennis Daugherty Cathy Frier Bill Rabe Pauline Simone For more information: Contact Kay Forest at (417) 876-5851; or On the Web: www.cfozarks. org/el-dorado-springs Established: May 22, 2001 Address: 309 East Hospital Road, El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 FY13 Contributions: $13,519 FY13 Distributions: $14,136 Distributions since Inception: $312,077 Total Assets: $354,740 Kay Forest EDSCF President In FY13, the El Dorado Springs Community Foundation continued to work toward its goal of PROVIDING EDUCATION ABOUT PHILANTHROPY to the community, and connecting members of the community with resources to accomplish their goals. We are extremely proud to be able to provide SUBSTANTIAL FUNDS FOR LOCAL PROJECTS, and to know that we will be able to continue to do so year after year. We look forward to working more closely with CFO staff to inform our civic groups and nonprofits about what we can provide, and help BUILD A STRONGER FOUNDATION PRESENCE IN THE COMMUNITY. A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Bender Family Capacity Building Fund Bender Family Trust Donor Advised Fund Doc and Bonnie Bender Scholarship Fund Bulldog Educational Trust Scholarship Fund Bulldog Educational Trust Fund Cedar County Memorial Hospital Fund Economic Development Fund El Do Youth Incorporated Fund El Dorado Springs Academic Enhancement Fund El Dorado Springs Administrative Endowment Fund El Dorado Springs Church of Christ Hunger Challenge Fund El Dorado Springs Community Foundation Unrestricted Fund El Dorado Springs Special Olympics Capacity Building Fund Elton P. Evans Fund Force for Good Fund Lighthouse Children’s Theatre Fund Dorothy Pope Nursing Scholarship Fund Reynolds Family Arts & Education Fund Spring City Revitalization Group Fund St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church, El Dorado Springs Fund United Seniors, Inc. of El Dorado Springs Fund* United Seniors, Inc. of El Dorado Springs Endowment Fund * ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 59 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Finley River A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Janis Creek, President Jackie Barger Margie Beadles Elise Crain Susan Haralson Jana Humble Karen Miller Randy Mitchum John Nixon Debbie Phillips Rachel Robertson For more information: Contact Janis Creek, (417) 224-0346; or On the Web: www. Established: May 17, 2001 Address: P.O. Box 1176, Ozark, MO 65721 FY13 Contributions: $560,725 FY13 Distributions: $240,364 Distributions since inception: $949,911 Total Assets: $1,653,822 Janis Creek FRCF President In FY 2013, the FRCF made $6,200 IN GRANTS to five local nonprofits, and also distributed $13,400 IN SCHOLARSHIPS. At the annual Ozark Community Awards Banquet, hosted by the Ozark Chamber of Commerce, the FRCF presented the ANNUAL FINLEY AWARDS to school and community leaders, and raised MORE THAN $8,000 VIA AN AUCTION, split between the Foundation and the Chamber. The Finley River Community Foundation’s role is to introduce the “first step to making a difference” in the community. THAT STEP IS CARING; about your neighbors, your community, its future and the future of those in it. The Finley River Community Foundation Board of Governors presented grants to Christian County agencies in spring 2013 in a ceremony held on the historic Ozark square. The FRCF made more than $6,200 in community grants 2013, in addition to scholarships, and since its inception in 2001 has distributed almost $1 million back into Ozark and eastern Christian County communities. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED County Officer Support Team (COST) Fund—Established to support the unfunded needs of the Christian County Sheriff ’s Department and surrounding city/town police departments. Equi-Librium Therapy Center Fund—Established to provide exceptional, accredited equine therapy services to improve the quality of life for those in the Ozarks. Friends of the Christian County Library Fund—Established to assist the Christian County Library and/or the Friends of the Christian County Library. H.A.Y. Foundation Fund—Established by Dave and Amy Koenigsfield for the H.A.Y. Foundation, which uses equine therapy to help at-risk children. Chlorene Hedgpeth Fund—Established to honor Chlorene’s long-lasting impact on the Ozark community. Lemmon Family Charitable Fund—Established by Susan Lemmon to assist her family with their giving. MRTF Endowment Fund—Established by The Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation to hold long-term monies. John and Culah Nixon Family Foundation—Established by John and Culah Nixon to assist with their family’s giving. Their daughter, Laura, is the successor advisor. Ozark Day of Prayer Fund—Established to assist with the community event and will grant additional monies to charitable projects and programs in the Ozark area. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS E. Dean and Mary Adams Fund Ryan Capps Memorial Scholarship Fund Care to Learn—Ozark Fund Children’s Smile Center Fund: Finley River Christian County Child Welfare Advisory Committee Fund Christian County Domestic Violence Fund* Christian County Historical Society Endowment Fund Christian County Historical Society Fund City of Ozark Employees Fund Clifton and Carole Collins Fund The Cornerstone Capacity Building Fund Cosmopolitan Club of Ozark GFWC Fund Bill Cox Memorial Scholarship Fund M. Elise Crain Fund Exchange Bank Scholarship Fund Finley River Administrative Endowment Fund Finley River Community Foundation Unrestricted Fund Friends of the Christian County Museum Fund Neal and Betty Grubaugh Scholarship Fund for History Majors Bill Hanks and Wilbur Wilson 60 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS OHS Scholarship Fund Helen Hawkins Scholarship Fund Daniel F. Hedgpeth Memorial Fund Helping Hands of the Ozarks Fund Highlandville-Spokane Athletic Fund Rayo Howard Capacity Building Fund for the Christian County Historical Society Lauren’s Lamb Foundation Least of These Hunger Challenge Fund Steven Lorenz Memorial Fund Dennis Miller Memorial Fund Neighbors Helping Neighbors Fund Nixon Family and Community Fund Mark & Sarah Orr Family Fund Ozark Bank Fund Ozark Boosters Club Fund Ozark Class of 2012 Project Graduation Fund Ozark Class of 2013 Project Graduation Fund Ozark Class of 2014 Project Graduation Fund Ozark High School Alumni Scholarship Fund Ozark Parks Fund A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S The Finley River Community Foundation’s student scholarship reception has become an annual tradition, allowing scholarship donors to meet with the Ozark High School seniors who are chosen for the awards. The FRCF gave more than $13,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors for the 2013–14 school year, and has awarded more than $130,000 since 2002. Capacity Building Fund Youth Empowerment Project of Ozark Endowment Fund Ozark Presbyterian Church: Madeline Endicott Memorial Fund Ozark Presbyterian Church Capital Improvement Fund Ozark Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund * Also a component fund of the Nixa Community Foundation Ozark School Museum Fund Ozark School District Foundation Fund Phillips Family Fund Josephine Plummer Memorial Scholarship Fund Riverside Bridge Fund Sandy Russell Memorial Scholarship for Ozark Public Schools Fund Sparta R-III School Foundation Fund Sparta R-III School Foundation Endowment Fund The Matthew P. Stoelb Continuing the Journey Scholarship Fund Women In Need Endowment Fund Women In Need Fund Youth Empowerment Project of Ozark Dr. Cindy Baker Jackie Barger Margie Beadles Brian Cathey Clifton & Carole Collins Elise Crain Janis Creek Susan Haralson Joseph L. LaBarge, Jr. Matt & Nichole Lemmon Karen Miller Randy Mitchum John Nixon Mark & Sarah Orr Kathryn Owens Bill & Debbie Phillips LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Dale & Rachel Robertson Tom & Patti Tobin John D. Torgerson Mark A. Woods COMMUNITY GRANTS Care to Learn—Ozarks grants for student needs, $151,654 Care to Learn—Ozark, $800 Christian County Family Crisis Center, $3,000 Equi-Librium Therapy Center, $500 Sparta R-III School District, $150 Women In Need, $1,106 YEPO Grants: Student Council, $400 Care to Learn—Ozark backpack program, $200 Ipourlife, $200 Ozark Junior High School Science Olympiad, $200 Little Shoots Nursery vegetable dehydrator, $80 Ozark North Elementary School, magnet boards, $100 ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 61 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F T H E A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Hermann Area, Inc. Board of Governors: James A. Holland, President Bart Toedtmann, Vice President Paula Pierce, Secretary Muriel Brison, Treasurer Bob Bohl Gerry Ebker Dustin Kallmeyer Jane Meyer Steve Mueller Chris Neale Lois Puchta Glenn Warnebold For more information: Contact Jim Holland at (573) 486-3508; or On the Web: www. Established: June 6, 2005 Address: P.O. BOX 62 Hermann, MO 65041 FY13 Contributions: $746,832 FY13 Distributions: $152,559 Distributions since Inception: $487,574 Total Assets: $1,054,882 Jim Holland CF of the Hermann Area President In 2013, the Community Foundation of the Hermann Area successfully reached its goal of $500,000 IN CONTRIBUTIONS AND $1 MILLION IN TOTAL ASSETS, with a goal of $1.5 million in total assets by July 2016. We also helped with the completion of the GERALD ENGEMANN MEMORIAL GARDEN and established goals of opening at least two new funds and securing two new Legacy gifts per year. We were also proud to make nearly $40,000 in distributions to our CRUSADE FOR CANCER FUND, and $2,500 to the LOCAL BACKPACK PROGRAM. The Hermann Brush & Palette Club, an agency partner of the Community Foundation of the Hermann Area, Inc., and spearheaded by board member Lois Puchta, has taken on the extensive task of refurbishing the city’s historic cemeteries, in addition to other local beautification projects. The cemetery effort was the focus of a Cause Momentum crowdfunding project in early 2013. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Bearcat Alumni Scholarship Fund—Established by The Gasconade County R-1 Alumni Association. Children’s Backpack Fund— Established to support the backpack food program through the Herman Food Pantry. Children’s Emergency Fund— Established to support emergency needs of children in the school district. Gerald Engemann Memorial Fund—Established by the CF of the Hermann Area to help improve Hermann, while honoring Mr. Engemann. Homer Fahrner Alumni Scholarship Fund— Established by the Gasconade County R-1 School District. Gasconade County Historical Society Foundation Fund— Established by the Gasconade County Historical Society to help preserve the history of the area. Hermann Area Community Development Fund— Established to support community development enhancement projects with distributions to qualifying entities. Hermann Food Pantry Fund—Established to distribute back to the food pantry. Historic Hermann, Inc. Fund— Established to hold monies to help the organization preserve and interpret the collective heritage of Hermann and its environs. Peoples Savings Bank Scholarship Fund— Established by Peoples Savings Bank of Hermann to distribute to Gasconade County R-1 Schools, Montgomery County R-2 Schools, New Haven Schools and Francis Howell High School. Austin Van Booven Memorial Scholarship Fund— Established by the Gasconade County R-1 School District to honor Austin. Amanda Witthaus Memorial Scholarship Fund— Established by the Gasconade County R-1 School District to honor Amanda. Youth SHARE, Inc. Fund— Established to promote service, health, achievement, recreation and education. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Blue and White Fund Brush and Palette Club Cemetery Restoration Fund Community Foundation Dual Credit Scholarship Fund Community Foundation of the Hermann Area Administrative Fund Crusade Against Cancer Capacity Building Fund Crusade Against Cancer Endowment Fund Deutschheim Association Fund Gasconade County R-1 Alumni Association Fund Gasconade County R-1 Scholarship Fund Hermann Area Community Grant Making Endowment Fund Hermann Area District Hospital Auxiliary Fund Hermann Area Recreation Complex Fund Rotunda Capital Fund Streck Educational Foundation Fund Wyatt’s Fund LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Lois Puchta COMMUNITY GRANTS Services for cancer patients, $36,354 Gasconade County R-1 School District, Music Department trailer, $1,000 Gasconade County R-1 School District, assistance with golf tournament, $2,349 Gerald Engemann Memorial Fund, $2,250 Hermann Families in Action, $500 City of Hermann, $1,000 62 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Hickory County C O M M U N I T Y I M P R O V E M E N T F O U N D AT I O N Scholarship Fund Donnie Vaughn Memorial FFA Scholarship Fund PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Addie Longshaw Fund for Continuing Education Scholarship Fund Dale Joseph and Rheva Allen Blackwell Business Scholarship Fund FOCUS Fund Hickory County Administrative Endowment Fund Hickory County Cultural Arts Fund Marion and Mae John Memorial Scholarship Fund* Bob Stokes/Bob Krasser Memorial * This fund was previously established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. COMMUNITY GRANTS Friends of Weaubleau Park, $2,500 Hickory County CARES, $2,500 Southwest Missouri Area Coalition, $7,935 Board of Governors: John Kelly, Chairman Debbie Smith, Vice Chairman Stacy Coulsell, Secretary Dawn Vader, Treasurer For more information: Contact John Kelly, (417) 327-6076; or transitionshospice1@ John Kelly On the Web: www. hickory-county Established: Dec. 11, 1999 Address: Transitions Hospice attn: John Kelly, 315 A S. Main St., Bolivar, MO 65613 FY13 Contributions: $5,000 FY13 Distributions: $18,023 Distributions since Inception: $88,591 Total Assets: $173,273 HCCIF Chairman In an effort to improve the health and well-being of the residents of Hickory County, the HCCIF held a number of fundraisers in FY13, including a 5K RACE, a GOLF TOURNAMENT and a DINNER THEATER. We also started the HICKORY COUNTY FAIR, which we look forward to supporting and helping grow. We were also able to make donations to the FFA FIRE-RESCUE and the LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT, for car seats. A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Hickory County CARES was one of three Hickory County Community Improvement Foundation grant recipients in FY13. In addition to the $2,500 award from the HCCIF, Hickory County CARES also received a $10,000 grant from the Louis L. and Julia Dorothy Coover Charitable Foundation as part of the 2013 Coover Regional Poverty grant awards. The grant, funded through a partnership between the CFO and The Commerce Trust Company, will help Hickory County CARES with operational expenses, food costs and utilities to help Hickory County residents with nutritional, educational and financial needs. Houston C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Anonymous Unrestricted Grantmaking Fund Downtown Houston, Inc. Fund Houston Alumni Fund Houston Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Houston R-1 Educational Foundation: George and Nancy Boesl Memorial Scholarship Fund Mark Fockler Visual Arts Scholarship Fund Houston R-1 Educational Foundation Endowment Fund Houston R-1 Educational Foundation Fund Houston R-1 High School Gym Fund Houston R-1 Vocal Music Program Fund Houston R-1 Speech and Debate Fund Houston Optimist Club Fund TASTC Endowment Fund TCMH Healthcare Foundation: TCMH Healthcare Foundation—Dr. Eugene Charles Honeywell Memorial Scholarship Fund Texas County Memorial Hospital Healthcare Foundation Fund Texas County Memorial Hospital Healthcare Foundation Endowment Fund Texas County Memorial Hospital Healthcare Foundation Hospice of Care Fund TCMH Healthcare Foundation—Dr. Joe L. & Judith T. Spears Memorial Scholarship Fund Texas County Hunger Walk Fund Texas County Food Pantry Hunger Challenge Fund Texas County Technical Institute Capacity Building Fund* Texas County Technical Institute Endowment Fund* Texas County Technical Institute Scholarship Fund* The Animal Shelter of Texas County Fund Ruby Vickers Nursing Scholarship Fund Board of Governors: Janet Pelaquin, President Ron Reed, Vice President Amber Dailing, Secretary David Hall, Treasurer Jay Gentry Sharon Horbyk Joe Richardson Don Shelhammer For more information: Contact Janet Pelaquin at (417) 967-6811. On the Web: www. Established: April 24, 2006 Address: 300 E. Chestnut St., Houston, MO 65483 FY13 Contributions: $44,292 FY13 Distributions: $129,265 Distributions since Inception: $175,890 Total Assets: $306,076 * Previously established with the Community Foundation of the Ozarks LEGACY SOCIETY Bridget & Andy Dierks ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 63 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Jacks Fork C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Charles C. Cantrell, President Betty Hockman, Treasurer Robert L. Miller Russ Schierling Jon Smith Jack Toll For more information: Contact Charles Cantrell at (417) 934-2226; or mvlaw@ On the Web: www. Established: June 23, 2004 Address: P.O. Box 1030, Mountain View, MO 65548 FY13 Contributions: $28,297 FY13 Distributions: $25,811 Distributions since Inception: $237,313 Total Assets: $197,558 Charles Cantrell JFCF President In FY13, the Jacks Fork Community Foundation continued to support the MOUNTAIN VIEW FAMILY YOUTH CENTER, which always manages to get by on a shoestring. One fund we worked to set up, which came about in early FY14, was the MOUNTAIN VIEW DOLLY PARTON IMAGINATION LIBRARY, which has had some success getting kids signed up. We feel it’s very worthwhile project, not only for the kids, but to the people who will be spending time reading to them. The Mountain View Community Garden, supported in large part by the Mountain View Community Garden Fund with the Jacks Fork Community Foundation, continues to be a key focus and source of pride for Mountain View’s citizens and the area gardening community. “I think our community garden would compare favorably to any community garden anywhere, from the maintenance to the level of interest, to the appearance and quantity of the produce,” said JFCF President Charles Cantrell. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS FEED Hunger Challenge Fund Friends of the Mountain View Library Endowment Fund MSHP Sergeant C. Dewayne Graham Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Jacks Fork Community Foundation Administrative Fund Jacks Fork Community Foundation Capacity Building Fund Jacks Fork Community Foundation Grant Making Fund Liberty Band Fund Mountain View Community Garden Fund MVBT (Mountain View-Birch Tree) Back to School Fair Fund Rotary Club of Mountain View Nature Park Endowment Fund The Mtn. View Tennis Courts Fund COMMUNITY GRANTS Mountain View Family Youth Center, $17,481 64 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F The Lake NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Kids’ Harbor, Inc. Fund— Established to assist this child advocacy center that serves the Lake of the Ozarks area, Fort Leonard Wood and surrounding areas. Manning Revocable Trust Fund—Established by F. Howard and Mary Manning to support their charitable giving. Share the Harvest Food Pantry Fund—Established to support the work of the food pantry. Mark & Marsha Schoeneman Fund—Established to assist Mark and Marsha with their charitable giving. Westlake Medical Center Fund—Established to support the work of the medical center in Laurie. Jim and Laura Simpson Family Foundation Totes for Tatas Fund Woman on the Move Fund PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS * Established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks The Central Link Fund Community Foundation of the Lake Capacity Fund Community Foundation of the Lake Grantmaking Fund Forget Me Not Fund Heart of the Ozarks PBW Fund Johnson Family Donor Advised Fund* Lake Area Helping Hands HS Fund Charitable Fund Lake West Christian Academy Fund John H. and Ruby M. Laurie Charitable Fund* Laurie/Sunrise Beach Rotary Westlake Aquatic Center Fund Laurie/Sunrise Beach Rotary Westlake Aquatic Center Endowment Fund Medical Transportation Management Charitable Fund Austin Nelson Memorial Scholarship Fund RE/MAX Lake of the Ozarks Charitable Foundation Marvin and Lucile Silliman Family Foundation COMMUNITY GRANTS Westlake Medical Center, $1,000 Medical Missions for Christ, $1,000 Westlake Aquatic Center (Laurie/ Sunrise Beach Rotary), $1,500 Lighthouse Mission, $2,000 Lake Area Helping Hands Homeless Shelter, $2,000 Lake Area Big Brothers/Big Sisters, $1,500 Camdenton Senior Center, $2,500 Camdenton R-III School District, $1,000 Kids’ Harbor, Inc., $2,000 Camden County Child Advocacy Council, $2,000 Eldon Area Community Betterment Association, Rock Island trail project, $1,000 Blue Moon Animal Sanctuary, $100 Lake of the Ozarks Habitat for Humanity, $100 Citizens Against Domestic Violence, $100 Kids’ Harbor, Inc., $100 Lake Area Helping Hands Homeless Shelter, $100 For more information: Contact Marvin Silliman, (573) 374-7128; or On the Web: Established: Aug. 3, 2009 Address: P.O. Box 1413, Lake Ozark, MO 65049 FY13 Contributions: $141,938 FY13 Distributions: $100,707 Distributions since inception: $198,552 Total Assets: $538,665 Marvin Silliman CF of the Lake President A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S The Community Foundation of the Lake set a foundation high in FY13, making more than $100,000 in distributions back into the Lake-area community. These dollars are raised through careful cultivation of interested donors, as well as events, including the successful annual Champagne Campaign. Pictured, board members (from left) Tony Reahr and Melissa Carroll present a matching grant check to Annette Gilbert and Kim Spangler of Woman 2 Woman. Board of Governors: Marvin Silliman, President Trenny Garrett, Past President Melissa Carroll, Vice President Mac MacNally, Treasurer Betty Coleman Carolyn Davenroy Dick Doherty Janice Gentile Lynn C. Griswold Amy Hernandez Mary Manning Mitchell Mills Steve Naught Tony Reahr The Community Foundation of the Lake gave out A RECORD AMOUNT OF GRANTS during the 2013 fiscal year. The foundation has a focus on MATCHING INDIVIDUAL DONORS WITH NONPROFITS WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS, keeping money local and building endowments that can help the community grow forever. The CF of the Lake also has put an emphasis on supporting challenge grant programs, helping Woman 2 Woman and Share the Harvest Food Pantry through $10,000 MATCHING GRANTS. Additionally, $17,000 was given out at the Convention and Visitors Bureau’s annual dinner. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 65 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Lockwood C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Fred Lemons, President, & LaRue Lemons Larry & Marsha Allen Clark & Beverly Blackwell Orval & Donna Cooper Sheldon Easson Mike & Renee Galer Roger & Ella Whaley For more information: Contact Fred Lemons at (417) 232-4597. On the Web: www. Established: Feb. 25, 1998 Address: P.O. Box 1, Lockwood, MO 65682 FY13 Contributions: $15,077 FY13 Distributions: $10,945 Distributions since Inception: $720,492 Total Assets: $1,325,409 Fred Lemons LCF President In 2013 the Lockwood Community Foundation continued to provide support to the Lockwood community’s BACKPACK PROGRAM, run through the Immanuel Lutheran Church food pantry, as well as providing support to the LOCKWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY. In the coming year we look forward to being involved, along with the Chamber of Commerce, in SPRUCING UP LOCKWOOD’S MAIN STREET; Arvest Bank has already helped with the costs for new lighting. In spring 2013, the Lockwood Community Foundation invited foundation board members and community leaders to its annual dinner to recognize the work of the foundation and fire up the board and volunteers. The Lockwood Community Foundation celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2013, with more than $700,000 distributed back into the small Dade County community since its founding. NEW FUND ESTABLISHED Lockwood Backpack Fund—Established to support the evening and weekend backpack food program for the Lockwood School District. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Fred and LaRue Lemons Family Charitable Fund Lockwood Community Foundation Academic Fund Lockwood Community Foundation Administrative Fund Lockwood Community Development Fund Lockwood Cultural Arts Council Fund Lockwood Fund Lockwood Public Schools Foundation Unrestricted Endowment Fund Lockwood Skate Park Fund Lockwood Youth Empowerment Program Capacity Building Fund OACAC-Dade County (Lockwood) Hunger Challenge Fund The Schilling Scholarship Fund Johnny E. Tubaugh Scholarship Fund COMMUNITY GRANTS Lockwood Public Library, $412.50 Immanuel Lutheran Church, food pantry program, $2,000 66 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Marshfield Area C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Elkland Christian Church Fund— Established to support the activities of the Elkland Christian Church. The Steve W. Freeman and Harriett J. Freeman Fund— Established to support nonprofit organizations that provide spay or neuter and early alteration services to dogs, cats, puppies and kittens in Southwest Missouri. Friends of the Pool, MT Fund— Established by Jack Isenberger to support the rehabilitation of the Marshfield City Pool. RD & Marjorie Hjelmeng Family Fund—Established by Marjorie Hjelmeng and her daughter, Connie Johnson, in celebration of Mrs. Hjelmeng’s 95th birthday. Marshfield Senior Center Endowment Fund— Established to hold long-term monies for the Marshfield Senior Center. Marshfield Senior Center Building Fund—Established by the Marshfield Senior Center to support its building. Rogersville Branch Library Fund— Established by the Webster County Library to benefit the Rogersville branch from a bequest. TLC Student Fund—Established to assist TLC to help meet the needs of children. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Retha Stone Baker and William G. Baker Children’s Dental Care Fund* Retha Stone Baker and William G. Baker Webster County Historical Society Fund* Callaway Historic Cabin Fund The Dickey Administrative Endowment Fund The Dickey Fund Friends of Del Massey Fund John and Anne Foster Family Fund Kathryn Garst Gray and Henry E. Gray Scholarship Fund in loving memory of Lester and Nanalee Garst Greenwood Community Club Fund Hidden Waters Nature Park Capacity Building Fund* Hidden Waters Nature Park Fund Edwin Hubble Statue Fund Kurt Mikal Luebbert Memorial Fund MACF Capacity to Share Fund Marshfield Area Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Marshfield Cherry Blossom Festival Fund Marshfield Community Center Fund Marshfield Community Center Endowment Fund Marshfield Performing Arts Society Fund Board of Governors: Rob Foster, President Leon Cruywagen, Vice President Anne Foster, Treasurer Kimberly Clark, Secretary Robert Boggs John Dickey Barbara Herren Sue Minor Chuck Replogle The H. Lyman Mooney Music Scholarship Fund Vivian Stuber Memorial Library Endowment Fund Vivian Stuber Memorial Library Fund Webster County Victim Assistance Program Fund * Established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Caroline Ames Adam Blanch Rob Foster Steve and Harriett Freeman Anita Hunter Nicholas W. Inman L. Fay King COMMUNITY GRANTS Dental services for children, $4,345 Niangua Free Will Baptist Church, $200 Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation, $1,000 Webster County Victims Assistance Shelter Program, $1,000 Marshfield R-1 School District, $500 Marshfield Christian School, $500 University of Missouri Extension Webster County, $1,000 Elkland Christian Church Fund, challenge grant, $3,000 Greenwood Community Club Fund, challenge grant, $1,000 Advisory Board: Dan Beckner Danielle Boggs Pete Cordova Kelly Cruywagen Kay Daniel Anita Hunter Tracy Gray Gary Gray Gary Griffen Elizabeth Hill Greg Hill Dale Keenan Danny O’Neal Helen Phillips Teresa Reiser Jane Robertson Alex Ruth Vicki Shalloup Leslie Thomas Robin White Darcy Whitehurst For more information: Contact Rob Foster at (417) 270-2935; or On the Web: www. Established: June 3, 2005 Address: P.O. Box 427, Marshfield, MO 65706 FY13 Contributions: $393,173 FY13 Distributions: $36,704 Distributions since Inception: $386,068 Total Assets: $794,402 A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S The Marshfield Area Community Foundation’s signature event, Boots, Bands & Barbecue, was held once again in September 2012, raising more than $20,600 for the MACF’s grantmaking fund. The evening featured a silent auction, barbecue dinner, music by the Mark Chapman Band and the presentation of $12,000 in community grants. Board president Rob Foster says the MACF is working with the local Rotary Club on a new fundraiser, set for early 2014. Rob Foster MACF President We are very pleased to partner with non-profits working to serve the needs of MARSHFIELD, ELKLAND, AND NORTHVIEW. This year we plan to present the TRANSFER OF WEALTH STUDY to citizens, and increase collaborative efforts to better the quality of life in Marshfield. This year, there were several outgoing board members who were part of the MACF’s establishment. With considerable appreciation, we recognize Anita Hunter, Fay King, Caroline Ames and Vicki Shalloup for THEIR DEDICATION. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 67 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Meramec Regional A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Wayne Parry, Chairman Vicki Nelson, Secretary/ Treasurer Mardy Leathers, Vice Chairman Laura Antolak Gary Brown Donald Claycomb Mike Condray Doug Dunlap Marilyn Odle Bonnie Prigge John Robinson On the Web: www. Established: June 4, 2010 Address: 4 Industrial Drive, St. James, MO 65559 FY13 Contributions: $116,521 FY13 Distributions: $347,863 Distributions since inception: $483,731 Total Assets: $464,790 For more information: Contact the Meramec Regional Planning Commission at (573) 265-2993; or bprigge@ Wayne Parry MRCF Chairman The Meramec Regional Community Foundation continues to work toward its goal of DEVELOPING A PERPETUAL LEGACY for our region by identifying the needs in our communities and the opportunities to enhance the quality of life. Being a relatively new foundation, we were pleased to ADD SEVERAL FUNDS, and now have a total of 24 funds benefiting the Meramec Region. We set goals for the coming year of ADDING MORE AGENCY PARTNERS TO OUR UMBRELLA and to work with more school districts in the region to assist with needed resources. The Maries County R-2 Schools Foundation Committee, above, is in the process of forming a school foundation under the MRCF umbrella. This group also served as the selection committee for two Belle High School scholarship funds distributed via the MRCF in spring 2013 (Kaeding-Winter and Belle Lions-Dave Sassmann). In April, the MRCF awarded the Maries County R-2 Schools Parents-Teachers Organization a small grant to collaborate with the R-2 Schools Foundation Committee to host a September 2013 kick-off meeting. The goal of the meeting was to introduce the group to the Belle-Bland community, provide information on the benefits of school foundations and encourage the establishment of other scholarship funds to benefit Belle High School graduating seniors. NEWLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Belle Lions Club Memorial Scholarship Fund in memory of David R. Sassmann Fund—Established to award to a graduating senior from Maries R-II Belle High School. Cole-Mahan Scholarship Fund—Established by Virginia Mahan to assist students from Pulaski County pursuing higher education, with a preference for those who have one parent serving or honorably discharged from the U.S. armed services. Bluebird Gardens Charitable Fund Richard and Jeanne Cavender Scholarship for Public Service The Community Partnership Fund Forum Dental Charitable Fund Jean Henry Fund H.O.P.E. Inc Capacity Fund Hope Alliance Fund Kaeding-Winter Scholarship Fund Meramec Regional Community Foundation Community Grantmaking Fund Meramec Regional Community Foundation Capacity Building Fund Meramec Regional Planning Commission Capacity Fund Missouri Medical Assistance Program Fund Newburg Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Newburg Houston House Fund Owensville Area Capacity Building Fund Linda Clift Memorial Fund—Established by CASA of South Central Missouri to honor Linda in support of its mission. Shirley Andrew Memorial Fund—Established by CASA of South Central Missouri to honor Shirley in support of its mission. The Claude & Irene Morgan Scholarship Fund—Established by William Morgan to assist a collegebound senior graduating from Waynesville High School. Owensville Area Endowment Fund Owensville Park Board Capacity Building Fund Ozark Actors Theatre Endowment Fund Vichy Fire Department Fund LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Richard and Jeanne Cavender Lucia Flaim COMMUNITY GRANTS Helping Hands Outreach Center, Operation Christmas, $500 Gasconade R-II (Owensville) School District, $400 Mid-Missouri Outdoor Dream Inc., $500 Gasconade R-II (Owensville) School District, Project Graduation, $500 Gasconade R-II (Owensville) School District, Positive Behavior Support Team, $500 Maries County R-II PTO, $250 CASA of South Central Missouri, $250 Potosi United Methodist Church food pantry, $250 Owensville Area Capacity Building Fund, $250 Dixon R-1 School District, high school FCCLA, $300 68 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Monett Area C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Members of the Monett Area Community Foundation board present a $46,716 check to the Clark Community Mental Health Center. Made possible via the Tom and Mary Dell Clark Memorial Fund, the gift will help the CCMHC enhance its new facilities. Overall, the MACF made more than $68,000 in community grants during FY13. NEW FUND ESTABLISHED Sinclair and Jane Rogers Scholarship Fund— Established to assist Monett High School graduates pursuing a major and career in Business and/or Media Arts. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Howard and Dorothy Anderson Education Assistance Fund Arc of the Ozarks—Monett Fund Big Brothers Big Sisters—Monett Fund John C. Bounous Fund Priscilla Bradford Scholarship Fund CACO—Bennett/Huffmaster Fund Tom and Mary Dell Clark Memorial Fund* Selina Craig Memorial Scholarship Fund Gloria June Curbow Charitable Remainder Trust EFCO Rep Scholarship Fund Freedom and Fireworks Fund First United Methodist of Monett Fund IDF (Monett) Scholarship Fund Kaiser Family Foundation Kelley Family Charitable Fund Dayton and Pearl Mackey Fund (a designated fund for Camp Barnabas) Kenneth and Mary McShane Fund Berniece Medlin Scholarship Fund Monett Administrative Fund Monett Area YMCA Endowment Fund Monett Booster Club Scholarship Fund Monett Business and Professional Women Fund Monett Community Fund Monett Cub Fund Monett Elementary School Hunger Challenge Fund Monett Youth Empowerment Project Capacity Building Fund Andrew R. Norton Memorial Scholarship Fund Marcus O’Hara Spirit Scholarship Fund Ozark Festival Orchestra Fund The Patriot Family Capacity Building Scholarship Fund Pierce City R-VI Schools: Pierce City R-VI School Capacity Building Fund Pierce City R-VI School Endowment Fund Pierce City R-VI School Scholarship Endowment Fund Purdy Recycling Project Youth Empowerment Fund Purdy Renewal Project Fund Karen Sligar Memorial Scholarship Fund Southwest Missouri Lutheran High School Fund Van Eaton Family Foundation Wallace Family Foundation Donor Advised Fund *Established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Mike Brownsberger Gloria June Curbow (deceased) Mark Nelson COMMUNITY GRANTS Purdy Renewal Project, $2,704 Monett Community Outreach, $1,000 Ozark Festival Orchestra, $2,500 Miracle Recreation, $4,850 Monett Area YMCA, $5,000 Purdy Recycling Project, YEP Program, $500 Clark Community Mental Health Center, $46,716 City of Monett, $3,000 Purdy YEP Grant: Purdy Renewal Project, $2,000 For more information: Contact Mike Gollhofer, (417) 235-6652; or mgollhofer@jackhenry. com. On the Web: www. Established: Sept. 3, 1998 Address: P.O. Box 229, Monett, MO 65708 FY13 Contributions: $240,389 FY13 Distributions: $127,010 Distributions since inception: $1,213,568 Total Assets: $1,514,293 Mike Gollhofer MACF President A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Mike Gollhofer, President Mark Kaiser, Vice President Don Weber, Treasurer Brad Hanson, Secretary Regina Bowsher Mike Brownsberger Phyllis Garrett Gale Huffmaster Suzette Huntress Mark Nelson Ryan Nestleroad Jane Rogers Jeff Scott Robin Walker In FY 2013, the Monett Area Community Foundation was able to touch many lives via significant grant dollars. In addition to a major grant to the CLARK COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, for the first time we were able to award not one but TWO $4,000 BOUNOUS SCHOLARSHIPS. It is the MISSION OF THE MACF TO SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS that are dedicated to improving services, facilities, programs and assistance to Monett and the surrounding area. We seek to be a tax-exempt vehicle for people of all financial means who wish to contribute money or property to the foundation and make a lasting difference. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 69 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Mount Vernon Area C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Brian Daugherty, President Ruth Childers Charlotte Cole Steve Fairchild Jenny Force Sherry Rouner Nancy Smith-Leach Tom Wilks For more information: Contact Brian Daugherty at (417) 466-2163. On the Web: www. Established: March 16, 2005 Address: P.O. Box 228, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712 FY13 Contributions: $31,878 FY13 Distributions: $34,158 Distributions since Inception: $919,792 Total Assets: $994,219 Brian Daugherty MVACF President The Mount Vernon Area Community Foundation continues to fund its operations primarily through the operation of the Mt. Vernon and Aurora branches of the Lawrence County License Bureau. This year, COMMUNITY GRANTS TOTALING $6,000 were made to a number of local programs including the ST. SUSANNE’S CATHOLIC CHURCH FOOD PANTRY, the REGIONAL ARTS COUNCIL— which has a youth troupe and utilizes the local community center — and EMERGENCY SERVICES FOR CHILDREN, which we’ve supported the last several years. The MVACF strives to make Mount Vernon a better place to live for all of its residents. One of the funds opened in FY13 with the Mount Vernon Area Community Foundation was the Mt. Vernon Stadium Fund, which will hold donations to assist in building a new athletic facility (above) at Mt. Vernon High School. The football field, stadium and track, currently under construction, will be home to the Moutaineers’ junior high and high school football and track squads beginning in 2014. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Lawrence County Historical Society, Inc. Adamson Cabin Fund—Established to support the continued restoration and maintenance of the Adamson Cabin. Mt. Vernon Stadium Fund— Established to hold monies to build a new stadium at the Mt. Vernon High School. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS First Baptist Church of Mt. Vernon Endowment Fund First Baptist Church of Mt. Vernon Fund Olivia, Betty and JR Moody Fund* Mt. Vernon Area Community Foundation Administrative Fund Mount Vernon Area Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Ann and Doug Sickles Memorial Scholarship Fund St. Susanne’s Catholic Church Hunger Challenge Fund Lorraine A. Sutkus and Nancy Weisacosky Scholarship and Teacher Award Fund* COMMUNITY GRANTS Lawrence County Sheriff ’s Department, Victim Advocate Program, $350 St. Susanne’s Catholic Church, food pantry, $350 Mt. Vernon Community Betterment, Regional Arts Council, $1,000 Emergency Services for Children, $1,000 First United Methodist Church Mt. Vernon, backpack program, $1,000 First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Vernon, diaper pantry, $1,000 *Established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS John L. Hayes (deceased) and Susanne M. Sickles Winter Skelton 70 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Mountain Grove Area C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Back to School Fair-Wright County Fund The Morgan and Henry Brown Memorial Scholarship Jamie Byrd Scholarship Capacity Building Fund Calvary Love Temple Center Hunger Challenge Fund Wayde C. and Marie Carlisle Memorial Scholarship Fund* Carl and Pauline Kemper Memorial Fund Mountain Grove Alumni Association Fund Mountain Grove Alumni Association Scholarship Fund Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation Administrative Endowment Fund Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation Bricks & Mortar Fund Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation Education Fund Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation Grant Making Endowment Fund Mountain Grove Boy Scout Troop 50 Fund Mountain Grove Capacity Building Unrestricted Fund Mountain Grove R-III Schools Foundation Endowment Fund Mountain Grove Senior Center Fund Mtn. Grove Schools Closet Fund Clyde Rowen Scholarship Fund The Barker Shannon Scholarship Fund Joe Richard Sneiderman Art Scholarship Fund Evelyn Byrd Struble Memorial Music Fund Joe and Emma Todd Memorial Fund Jay Ward Youth Athletics Fund World War I Memorial Restoration Fund Wright County Historical Society Endowment Fund Wright County Scholarship Program Fund * Established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. LEGACY SOCIETY Anonymous COMMUNITY GRANTS Unique Services Inc., trailer for sheltered workshop, $3,000 Ozarks Family YMCA, treadmills in Mtn. Grove and Cabool, $1,500 Missouri State University, $1,500 Mountain Grove Central Arts Council, $1,500 Mountain Grove Central Business District - Downtown Association, $1,250 Mountain Grove Senior Center Fund, matching grant, $1,000 For more Information: Contact Glenn Kemper at (417) 926-5840; or gkemper@centurytel. net. On the Web: www. mountaingrove Established: Feb. 24, 2005 Address: P.O. Box 404, Mountain Grove, MO 65711 FY13 Contributions: $11,775 FY13 Distributions: $39,753 Distributions since Inception: $385,709 Total Assets: $453,832 Dr. David Barbe A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S The Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation’s annual Boot Scootin’ Barbeque event, held in November 2012, raises sponsorship dollars for the organization. The western-themed event, which featured live music, a steak-and-potatoes “chow line” and wines from a nearby vineyard, also served as a showcase for almost $9,000 in community grants to six agencies. Jumping further into event hosting, the MGACF introduced a summer golf tournament and mixer event, which was held for the first time in summer 2013. “This year’s event brought even more attention to the great work we are doing in the Mountain Grove area,” MGACF President Dr. David Barbe said. “Both the amount of the grants and the impact on the communities we serve continue to increase.” Board of Governors: Dr. David Barbe, MD, President Bridget Williams, Vice President Robin Allen, Secretary Glenn Kemper, Treasurer Dr. David Gourley, DVM Jim Gunnels Vallie Hoerning Mike Housley Jay Loveland Steve Moody Kim Norris Carla Roberts MGACF President The Mountain Grove Area Community Foundation continues to break new ground. We have started working more directly with the MOUNTAIN GROVE PUBLIC SCHOOLS to bring the benefits of CFO programs like the YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROJECT to our area. Getting STUDENTS INVOLVED IN PHILANTHROPY and community service develops values and habits that benefit the students, schools and communities now and for years to come. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 71 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Neosho Area A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Blake Hierholzer, President Jason Stipp, Vice President/Treasurer Deanna McClelland, Secretary Rick Callis Holly Mitchell Clark Rhoades David Sims For more information: Contact Blake Hierholzer at (417) 451-2345; or bthierho@ On the Web: www. Established: March 16, 2011 Address: 312 S. Wood St., Neosho, MO 64850 FY13 Contributions: $15,000 FY13 Distributions: $38,857 Distributions since Inception: $47,966 Total Assets: $95,582 Blake Hierholzer NACF President The Neosho Area Community Foundation continued to grow its presence in Neosho and Newton County this year with the opening of the 1842 FUND with the Neosho R-V School Foundation, which evolved from our existing local relationships, as well as a community grant to the NEWTON COUNTY FOOD BASKET BRIGADE. We also began to lay the groundwork for a relationship with our AREA PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS and to assist local nonprofits in capacity-building projects. In April 2013, the Neosho Area Community Foundation and the Neosho R-V Charitable Foundation joined to establish the 1842 Fund, which will help the Foundation in its efforts to supplement the activities of the Neosho R-5 School District through an endowment fund. The fund makes the school foundation an official member of the Rural Schools Partnership, and eligible for grants and benefits of that program. NEWLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS 1842 Fund—Established by the Neosho R-5 Charitable Foundation to assist with needs of the school district. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Help Center Hunger Challenge Fund Neosho City Employees Good Neighbor Fund* Neosho Area Community Grantmaking Fund Hugh Robinson Memorial Airport Endowment Fund* Teen Challenge International Neosho Mo Sustainability Fund COMMUNITY GRANTS Newton County Food Basket Brigade Inc., $500 * Established as at-large funds of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. Big Spring Park Endowment Fund* Buwalda-Smith Fund 72 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Nixa C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Chris Thomas, Vice President Leigh Hall, Secretary/ Treasurer Mitch Callicott Hattie Carter Janice White Sharon Whitehill Gray Linda Whiting FY13 Contributions: $229,696 FY13 Distributions: $190,977 Distributions since Inception: $1,209,738 Total Assets: $2,195,764 Kevin Cheffey The Nixa Community Foundation, which is celebrating its 20th year as CFO’s original affiliate in 2013, made more than 20 community grants during the 2013 fiscal year. One recipient was the Nixa Azalea Festival Association, which received $1,200 as it broke ground on a new garden in late 2012. The Nixa Azalea Festival was also the recipient of one of the Foundation’s “Xtra Mile Awards” in early FY14. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Tracy Anderson Memorial Fund Glenn and Irene Ball Fund Bricks & Mortar Fund Callicott Family Fund Care to Learn-Nixa Fund Nixa Alumni Century of Learning Fund C.W. Carter Family Fund Children’s Smile Center Fund: Nixa Christian County Domestic Violence Fund** Christian County Homeless Alliance Fund Christian County Optimists Club Charitable Fund Dorinda’s Dream Fund* Austin and Leona Dunham Fund Jess J. Graham Fund* Frank Harding Memorial Fund Claude E. and Etta Grace Hilton Fund* Least of These Building Fund Least of These Endowment Fund Least of These Capacity Fund Mack Road Memorial Fund Kevin “Cub” Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund McCroskey Family Fund Denzil Morris Family Athletic Scholarship Fund Doug Nimmo Scholarship Fund Nixa Area Arts Council Fund Nixa Area Arts Council Capacity Fund Nixa Azalea Festival Fund Nixa City Employees Fund Nixa Community Foundation Administrative Fund Nixa Education Foundation: Bob and Mea Childers Scholarship Fund Jackie Johns Memorial Scholarship Fund Nixa Education Foundation Legacy Fund Nixa Education Foundation Endowment Fund Nixa Education Foundation Fund Linda Noble Memorial Fund Nixa Fire District/Local 3904 Nixa Shop Fund Nixa Fire District/Local 3904 Nixa Shop Unrestricted Fund The Nixa Fund Nixa Police Officers Association Fund Nixa Rotary Park Fund Nixa School District Teachers & Employees Fund Nixa Skate Park Fund Nixa Sucker Days/Rex Harp Scholarship Fund Nixa Veterans’ Memorial Fund Nixa Youth Empowerment Project Capacity Building Fund Ozark Bank Fund Betty Ann Rogers Community Fund Shaffer & Hines Corporate NCF Past President A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Advisory Board: Ryan Bowling Phil Brucks Kevin Cheffey Dwight Glenn Paul Johns Marc Truby Kathy Whitworth For more information: Contact the Nixa Community Foundation at (417) 725-1545; or On the Web: www. Established: Nov. 18, 1993 Address: Mail—P.O. Box 1821, Nixa, Mo 65714 Physical—566 W. Mt. Vernon, Nixa, MO 65714 Note: Cheffey served through FY13; A replacement had not been named at press time. Unrestricted Fund Edna B. Wasson Family Fund Pansy Wasson Memorial Fund Shane Whitehill Family Memorial Fund * Established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks ** Also a component fund of the Finley River Community Foundation LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Mitch Callicott Mr. and Mrs. Jess Graham (deceased) Sharon Whitehill Gray Jane Kennon (deceased) Betty Ann Rogers (deceased) Mark Sellenriek Chris & Regina Thomas COMMUNITY GRANTS Homeless Alliance services, $587 Care to Learn-Nixa grants for student needs, $46,857 Neighbors Helping Neighbors Fund, $120 Christian County Emergency Management, weather radios, $1,200 Children’s Smile Center, $2,500 The Nixa Community Foundation board has worked hard to continue to make the NCF a goto resource for people when they have an opportunity to give, or do something for the community. We’ve also been proud of our XTRA MILE AWARD, which is given quarterly to a citizen who goes above and beyond for Nixa. Finally we CONTINUE TO MAKE SIGNIFICANT GRANTS to help the people and schools of Nixa with important needs. We are also proud this year to be celebrating our 20TH ANNIVERSARY as the first CFO affiliate, established in 1993. Continued on next page ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 73 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Nixa C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Continued from previous page A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Least of These, $2,500 Christian County Family Crisis Center, $2,500 Champion Athletes of the Ozarks, $1,900 Over the years the Nixa Community Foundation has shown significant support for the hungry residents of Nixa and the surrounding area. This was exhibited in part by a $2,500 grant in December 2012 to Least of These, a county-wide food pantry. Since its inception, the NCF has distributed more than $1.2 million back into the Nixa community. Nixa Azalea Festival Assoc. Inc., $1,200 OACAC Christian County Neighborhood Center, Back to School Fair, $1,500 Boy Scouts of America—Nixa, $600 The Child Advocacy Center, $3,600 Nixa Police Department, $1,492 Mathews Elementary School, literacy task carts, $694 Summit Intermediate School, science materials, $1,168 High Pointe Elementary, technology needs, $1,945 Nixa Junior High School, educational supplies and programs, $6,544 Nixa High School, pianos and student managed store, $7,300 Nixa R-II School District, Safety Team Program, $3,270 Bricks & Mortar Fund, $1,743 Women In Need, $644 Affiliates travel near and far I n an effort to encourage regional leaders to learn from each other and share best practices, the CFO holds an annual spring conference in Springfield for affiliate board members, and then a series of fall meetings across the region for smaller groups to meet closer to their own areas. The spring 2013 conference focused on the “State of the Rural Union” with a keynote panel focusing on how community foundations can provide leadership on local issues. Dr. Mary Simon Leuci, assistant dean in the College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Missouri, above right, encouraged the affiliate leaders to use data, frank assessments of the community’s capacity and discipline to stay the course – but not to underestimate the power of determination and passion among residents who want their communities to thrive. An afternoon conference session featured a panel on best practices in fundraising events with, from left: Caroline Ames, then president of the Marshfield Area Community Foundation, Suzie Brodersen, then president of the Benton County Community Foundation, and Brenda Ledgerwood, president of the Alton Community Foundation. The fall 2012 regional meetings took place in Branson, Sarcoxie, Rolla, West Plains and Stockton, where CFO Executive Vice President Julie Leeth, right, recognized outgoing Stockton Community Foundation President Ginger Hendrickson. 74 · A N N U A L R E P O R T F Y 2 0 1 3 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Ozark County C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N For more information: Contact Kerrie Zubrod at (417) 679-3321; or kerrie.zubrod@ On the Web: www. Established: Jan 23, 2003 Address: P.O. Box 68, Gainesville, MO 65655 FY13 Contributions: $54,027 FY13 Distributions: $32,689 Distributions since Inception: $321,614 Total Assets: $732,658 Kerrie Zubrod OCCF President A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Kerrie Zubrod, President Karen Brantingham, Secretary Jessica Blackburn, Treasurer Pamela Cramm Sue Ann Jones Steve Rackley Paul Wade The Gainesville Youth Empowerment Project, comprised of students from Gainesville Junior High School and led by advisor Michelle Pointer, continues to be one of the most active in all of the Ozarks. A major initiative of the group is the Gainesville backpack program. The chapter meets every Thursday after school to pack weekend backpacks for foodinsecure students. It also makes significant grants to local organizations. In 2013, the YEP gave more than $450 to Gainesville Elementary School for band uniforms and technology needs. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Dr. Don Hamby Teacher Recruitment Fund Dora High School Girls Basketball Fund Dora Pre-K - 12 Academic Fund Dora Imagination Library Fund Dora General Athletics Fund—Established by the Dora R-III School Foundation PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Matt Abraham Memorial Scholarship Fund Bakersfield School Foundation Fund Bakersfield School Foundation Endowment Fund Benton and Genelle Breeding Scholarship Fund Benton and Genelle Breeding Family Fund Brixey and Rockbridge Fire Department Fund First Christian Church of Gainesville Capacity Building Fund Verne and Verla Cubbage Scholarship Fund Dora R-III School Foundation: Dora Baseball-Athletics Fund Dora R-III School Foundation Fund Dora R-III School Foundation Endowment Fund Dora R-III School Foundation Academic Endowment Fund Grant A. Finley Memorial Scholarship Fund Gainesville Industrial Development Donor Advised Fund Gainesville R-5 School Foundation: Gainesville Academic Grant Fund Gainesville R-5 School Foundation Fund Gainesville R-5 School Foundation Endowment Fund GHS Alumni Scholarship Fund Harlin Family Memorial Fund for First Christian Church of Gainesville Rodger Neil Hickerson, Jr. Golf Fund Rodger Neil Hickerson, Jr. Golf Endowment Fund Hootin’ and Hollerin’ Days Scholarship Fund Dave Jones Youth Outdoor Fund Mearle and Stella Luna Scholarship Fund McGinnis Family Fund Murray Scholarship Fund Ozark County Community Foundation Administrative Endowment Fund Ozark County Community Foundation Capacity Building Fund Ozark County Community Foundation Endowment Fund Ozark County Historium, Inc., Building Fund Ozark County Hunger Challenge Fund Ozark County YEP Fund Ozark County YEP Temporary Fund Pointer Law Office Community Support Fund Pontiac Fireworks Fund Ruby Robins Trust for Preservation of Local History Fund Rosa Leah Spencer Memorial Scholarship Fund Roxena Stith Endowment Fund Kaleb Tanner High Memorial Scholarship LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Margo Murray David & Michelle Pointer COMMUNITY GRANTS Local historical preservation efforts, $400 First Christian Church of Gainesville, toy drive, $1,091 YEP Grant: Gainesville Elementary School, sound equipment, $298 YEP Grant: Gainesville Elementary School, band uniforms, $180 ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 75 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Ozark Foothills A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S R E G I O N A L C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Dr. Mike Redlich, Chairman Greg Kirk, Vice Chairman Sis. Anne Francioni, Secretary Kevin Anderson Janet Brown Karen Crook Russell French Eric Fuchs Chris Hon Don Scowden Glen Sedrick Diane Silman Susan Skaggs For more information: Contact Felicity Brady at (573) 785-6402; or On the Web: www. ozarkfoothills Established: Sept. 20, 2011 Address: 3019 Fair St., Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 FY13 Contributions: $38,567 FY13 Distributions: $8,306 Distributions since Inception: $25,136 Total Assets: $459,542 Dr. Mike Redlich OFRCF Chairman Ozark Foothills Regional Community Foundation has been WORKING DILIGENTLY TO GROW OUR ASSETS and means by which we can better serve the fine citizens of the region. We have ADDED SEVERAL FUNDS TO OUR PORTFOLIO, participated in many of the fine training opportunities offered by Community Foundation of the Ozarks, and are PLANNING OUR FIRST COMMUNITY EVENT. The Poplar Bluff Historic Depot Restoration Corp. opened a fund with the Ozark Foothills Regional Community Foundation during FY13 to assist with the restoration of the historic Poplar Bluff train depot. Once a significant stop on the rail trip west, as well as a key supply stop during World War II, the building still is a functioning depot, serving more than 5,000 Amtrak riders daily. To help raise funds for the restoration, the Ozark Foothills Regional Community Foundation helped the Restoration Corp. set up a 45-day project on the CFO’s Cause Momentum crowdfunding site. In just over six weeks, more than $2,500 was raised to assist with the refurbishment of the depot’s Grand Staircase. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Big Springs Resource Conservation and Development Fund— Established by Ozark Foothills Regional Community Foundation for scholarships. Boys & Girls Club of Poplar Bluff, Inc., Capacity Building Fund Butler County Community Foundation Capacity Building Fund Butler County Community Foundation Endowment Fund Butler County Community Resource Council Capacity Building Fund Butler County Council on Aging Fund Butler County Historical Society Fund Cape Arrowhead, Inc. Fund Foothill Families Fund Friends of the Poplar Bluff Public Library Fund Hogg Family Fund Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research Capacity Building Fund Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research Endowment Fund Ripley Butler Clay Fund* Poplar Bluff Historic Depot Restoration Fund— Established to hold monies for the Poplar Bluff Historic Depot Restoration Corp. Whole Kids Outreach Fund— Established to assist Whole Kids Outreach in addressing the unmet health and wellness needs of children living in rural poverty. Ripley County Chamber of Commerce Fund Share at Storks Landing Fund Poplar Bluff Public School Foundation: Auxiliary of Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center Endowment Fund Kent Chronister Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Michael D. Laseter Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund Margie J. Miller Endowment Fund Poplar Bluff Public School Foundation Capacity Building Fund Mary Lynn Wolpers Scholarship Endowment Fund * Also a component fund of the Ripley County Community Foundation 76 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Republic C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N For more information: Contact Joshua Mathews at (417) 7660318; or republic On the Web: www. Established: Nov. 19, 2004 Address: P.O. Box 899 Republic, MO 65738 FY13 Contributions: $201,889 FY13 Distributions: $36,350 Distributions since Inception: $182,631 Total Assets: $517,328 Joshua Mathews A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Joshua Mathews, President Jason Fronabarger, Vice President Jennafer Mayfield, Secretary Marcia Preston, Treasurer David Brazeal Justin Hart Gina Mansker Cyndy Muench Lea Ann Nacy Chance Wistrom RCF President The Republic Community Foundation made more than $30,000 in distributions in FY13, including a $1,000 grant to the Community Kitchen Fund to help feed the city’s hungry. The grants, presented at the annual volunteer banquet in April, included the foundation’s largest single grant to date: $3,000 to support the Tiger Totes backpack program. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED All Because of Him Foundation For His Glory Foundation Blue Duck Foundation In Jesus’ Name Foundation Liberty Foundation—Established by the Thompson family to teach their children about charitable giving while simplifying their giving. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Lt. Col. John Michael Armstrong Memorial Scholarship Fund Care to Learn—Republic Fund City of Republic Parks and Recreation Capacity Building Fund City of Republic Parks and Recreation Endowment Fund The Community Kitchen Fund Gift of Caring Fund Joe King Memorial Scholarship Fund People Helping People Fund Leslie Raybourn Memorial Scholarship Fund Republic Community Foundation Administrative Endowment Fund Republic Community Grant Making Endowment Fund Republic High School Alumni Fund Republic Rural Schools Arts Fund Republic School Volunteers Fund Republic Veterans’ Memorial Fund Silent Servant Scholarship Fund Jane Gray Smith Charitable Fund Ronnie Smith Employee Endowment Fund Walter L. Smith Memorial Charitable Fund The Glenda D. Swift Education for Success Fund Mary Ann White Memorial Scholarship Fund LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS: John L. Hayes (deceased) and Susanne M. Sickles Jane Gray Smith COMMUNITY GRANTS Care to Learn—Republic grants for student needs, $20,665 Republic R-III Schools, $2,000 Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield—NPS, $500 People Helping People, Tiger Totes, $3,000 Republic R-III Schools, $1,899 The Community Kitchen Fund, $1,000 Republic Pregnancy Resource Center, $200 Republic R-III Schools, music education, $700 Republic Historical Society, $200 This year the Republic Community Foundation saw growth in nearly every way. OUR BOARD EXPANDED and we introduced committees, helping us do things more efficiently and effectively. We launched a REPUBLIC COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP FORUM that meets monthly to discuss local, school and nonprofit issues. In April we were able to grant out more money than ever before. We are thrilled to honor volunteers for their outstanding service, as well as the VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR award. I love that we get to honor these people for their often silent work in Republic. It really is a joyful experience! ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 77 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Ripley County A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Randolph Maness, President Charles R. Bowman Barbara Brummit Pat Griffin Ken Kane Bill Kennon Gene H. Leroux Sam Price Dorothy Rice Paul Ripley George Samuel Stan Schultz Diane Silman For more information: Contact Randolph Maness at (573) 9963814. On the Web: www. Established: June 26, 2006 Address: 118 WashingtonManess Building, Doniphan, MO 63935 FY13 Contributions: $5,000 FY13 Distributions: $1,000 Distributions since Inception: $10,253 Total Assets: $52,384 In June 2013, the Ripley Butler Clay Fund Grant for the Arts was awarded to four artists from southeast Missouri. Acknowledging the importance of the arts in every community, this field-of-interest fund is designed to promote the visual arts in Ripley, Butler and Clay counties by awarding $2,500 to an artist who exhibits potential and/or is an established artist. The grants, earmarked for the FY14 fiscal year, went to four artists, including Doniphan’s Rosemary Claus-Gray, whose work is shown at right. Other awardees included Amy Walden, Jay Malone and David Fielding. Applications to the fund are accepted on an ongoing basis; you can learn more at PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Doniphan R-1 Fund Ripley Butler Clay Fund* Ripley County Community Foundation Capacity Building Fund Ripley County Community Foundation Endowment Fund *Also a component fund of the Ozark Foothills Regional Community Foundation. St. James Area C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Jessica Roy, President Amy Hitch, Vice President Errica Hartley, Marketing Jenna Davis, Treasurer Randi Hemme, Secretary Leann Adams Rodney Barnett Jeff Davis Dan Freitas John Hartley Chuck Hitch Abbi Plummer Beth Roberts Jeff Smallwood Benjamin Verkamp For more information: Contact Jenna Davis (573) 265-0664; or e-mail stjamescfo@ On the Web: www. Established: May 13, 2003 Address: 17015 CR 1020, St. James, MO 65559 FY13 Contributions: $20,301 FY13 Distributions: $600 Distributions since Inception: $96,176 Total Assets: $84,458 Jessica Roy SJACF President The St. James Area Community Foundation held its first-annual Caddy Shack Fall Classic in September 2012 at the St. James Golf Club, bringing in $5,000 and more than 22 teams of three golfers each to participate. Proceeds went to the foundation’s grantmaking fund. The second annual Caddy Shack Fall Classic was held in October 2013. Pictured: SJACF board members Jessica Roy, Errica Hartley, Jenna Davis, Beth Roberts and Amy Hitch. The St. James Community Foundation continued to hold events to increase its grantmaking capacity. The NEW YEAR’S MASQUERADE BALL was held for the second consecutive year, as well as the SJACF’s FIRST-EVER GOLF TOURNAMENT. This year, the board began working with Rolla Technical Institute, a local school of design, on the RENOVATION PLANS FOR THE ST. JAMES COMMUNITY HALL, the foundation’s major community betterment initiative. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Terri L. Bruner Music Scholarship Fund Community Hall Renovation Fund St. James Area Capacity Building Fund St. James Area Community Foundation Grantmaking Fund St. James Caring Center Endowment Fund St. James Memorial Endowment Fund St. James Schools Enhancement Endowment Fund 78 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Ste. Genevieve County C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N For more information: Contact Ste. Genevieve County Community Foundation, P.O. Box 247, Ste. Genevieve, MO, 63670. On the Web: www. stegenevieve Established: April 4, 2003 Address: P.O. Box 247, Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670 FY13 Contributions: $300,000 FY13 Distributions: $254,567 Distributions since Inception: $2,221,423 Total Assets: $788,056 Sandra Cabot SGCCF President PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS The Ferry Landing & River Beautification Fund Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve Educational Research Award Scholarship Fund Kent Kehr Administrative Operations Endowment Fund Ozark Regional Library/Reading Express Program Fund Ann Murray Schaefer Memorial Fund Ste. Genevieve Community Fund Ste. Genevieve County Community Development Fund Ste. Genevieve County Community Development Endowment Fund Ste. Genevieve County Community Foundation Scholarship Fund Ste. Genevieve County Community Grant Making Endowment Fund Ste. Genevieve Memorial Cemetery Preservation Endowment Fund COMMUNITY GRANTS Ste. Genevieve Downtown Renewal Project, downtown flags, $900 Ste. Genevieve Lions Charitable Foundation, $12,888 City of St. Mary, police vests, $753 City of Ste. Genevieve, $4,800 Ste. Genevieve Lions Charitable Foundation, $1,800 Ste. Genevieve Community Services Forum, Holiday Christmas Festival, $2,873 City of Ste. Genevieve Police Department, $3,200 City of Ste. Genevieve Fire Department, $5,000 Ste. Genevieve County Board for the Developmentally Disabled, $10,000 Ste. Genevieve Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society, food pantry and utilities, $12,000 St. Elizabeth Day Care, $600 Ste. Genevieve County Firefighters Association, $42,860 Ste. Genevieve Co. Sheltered Workshop, $4,000 Ste. Genevieve Parish, $7,500 City of Ste. Genevieve Police Department, $4,796 Ste. Genevieve Community Services Forum, Drug TakeBack equipment, $5,300 Ste. Genevieve Community Services Forum, Young Mothers Project, $3,000 City of St. Mary Volunteer Fire Department, $2,395 Ste. Genevieve County Nutrition Center, $5,000 Bloomsdale Volunteer Fire Department, $4,000 Ste. Genevieve Community Services Forum, VFW Post 2210, $15,000 Ste. Genevieve Community Services Forum, Knight of Columbus, $10,000 City of St. Mary, water chlorination, $15,000 Ozora Community Fire Protection Association, $5,500 Ste. Genevieve Community Services Forum, Bloomsdale Knights of Columbus, $5,000 Ste. Genevieve Area Center for Life, $10,000 Goose Creek Lake Fire Department, $3,500 Ste. Genevieve County Health Department, $2,500 Valle Schools, security cameras, $5,000 Ste. Genevieve County Health Department, First Responder Immunization, $1,000 Ste. Genevieve Community Access Television, $5,000 Ste. Genevieve Lions Charitable Foundation, $1,800 City of Ste. Genevieve, $10,000 Junior Achievement of Southeast Missouri, $2,000 Ste. Genevieve Community Services Forum, $2,500 Ste. Genevieve County Community Center, $3,500 Ste. Genevieve Convention Visitor Bureau, $1,200 A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S SGCCF board member Tom Keim (left) and president Sandra Cabot (right) present a $3,500 grant to Brad Arnold and Joanne Luttrell of the Ste. Genevieve County Community Center. The grant allowed the purchase of a new laptop and Tek-Pac presentation equipment for the community center’s meeting room. “Most of our direct grants have been to support causes and events that help build up the community, ranging from needs-based programs, civic programs, local scholarships and development programs,” Cabot said. “The intent of all of these actions is to help strengthen our community and make it an even better place to live. That is the legacy we hope to have and I know all of our board members feel strongly about this.” Board of Governors: Sandra Cabot, President Dr. Lesa Klein, Vice President Bob Mueller, Secretary Chris Kertz, Treasurer Dick Greminger Don Heil, Jr. Ron Inman Tom Keim Russ Loida Rod Scherer With a motto of “Working together to build a brighter future,” the Ste. Genevieve County Community Foundation celebrated its 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY in 2013. We held a SPECIAL LUNCHEON PROGRAM co-hosted by the community foundation board and the Chamber of Commerce, reviewed some highlights of the Ste. Genevieve County Community Foundation’s work, and shared the range of GRANT PROGRAMS, SCHOLARSHIPS, AND COMMUNITY BETTERMENT PROJECTS that have been supported over the years, as well as the options for financial contributions which help make these efforts possible. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 79 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Sarcoxie C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Gary Turner, President Gaye Lynne Dawson, Treasurer Judy Patrick, Secretary Johnny Hankins Debbie Royce For more information: Contact Gary Turner at (417) 825-3036; or turner.gary.69@gmail. com. On the Web: www. Established: Sept. 7, 2011 Address: P.O. Box 77, Sarcoxie, MO 64862 FY13 Contributions: $61,925 FY13 Distributions: $1,000 Distributions since Inception: $2,348 Total Assets: $98,473 Gary Turner SCF President With nearly two full years under our belt, I feel that the community foundation conversation in Sarcoxie is moving forward. We’re involved in A LOT OF DIFFERENT PROJECTS WITH THE SCHOOLS that we are looking forward to, and we were fortunate enough to get AN ADDITIONAL $50,000 FOR OUR ENDOWMENT FUND through the Stebbins Trust, which will benefit the community in giving out grants. The Inch-at-a-Time Fund was the brainchild of Dr. Debbie Royce, SCF board member and president of the Sarcoxie Schools Foundation. Through this program, local businesses and citizens are urged to purchase an inch of the new Sarcoxie football field (the total price divided by the inches on the football field) to help renovate the district’s antiquated stadium. A corporate sponsor was found for the donated scoreboard, above, with the proceeds going to the Inch at a Time Fund. By mid-fall, the fund contained nearly $70,000. The Sarcoxie Schools Foundation also laid the ground work for the Step-Up Fund, finalized just after the new fiscal year, to help high school students with necessary expenses in times of crisis in exchange for volunteer contributions to the community. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Inch At A Time—Established by the Sarcoxie Schools Foundation to build a new football field and track. Sarcoxie Alumni Scholarship Fund—Established by the Sarcoxie Schools Foundation to award to graduating seniors based on academic achievement and extracurricular activities. Sarcoxie Schools Foundation Fund—Established by the Sarcoxie Schools Foundation to help support the school district. COMMUNITY GRANTS Freedom Christian Fellowship Church, outreach, $500 Freedom Christian Fellowship Church, Sarcoxie Cemetery, $500 PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Sarcoxie Community Foundation Grantmaking Fund Sarcoxie Youth Empowerment Fund 80 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Greater Seymour A R E A F O U N D AT I O N NEW FUND ESTABLISHED Seymour Community Betterment Fund—Established by the Greater Seymour Area Foundation to enhance the quality of life in Seymour. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Jackie Dale Blankenship Memorial Scholarship Fund Blaine A. Childress Scholarship Fund* Blaine A. Childress Seymour, Missouri, Library Cultural Arts Fund* Mattie E. Childress Memorial Fund* Robert B. Childress Memorial Fund* Fordland Clinic: Fordland Clinic Endowment Fund Fordland Clinic Special Projects Fund Dr. Tommy Macdonnell Scholarship Fund The Fordland Imagination Library Fund Fordland Youth Gardening Project Fund Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Giedd President Emeritus Fund Greater Seymour Area Fund GSAF Administrative Fund GSAF Administrative Endowment Fund Jerry and Carol Kleier Family and Community Fund Ruby Knutson and Esther Miles Fund* Lone Star Freewill Baptist Church Scholarship Fund Sue (Coutchie) Loughrige Scholarship Fund Mansfield/Norwood Community Fund Mansfield Youth Gardening Project Fund Frances Pringle Capacity Building Fund of the Webster County Extension Council Frances Pringle 4-H Capacity Building Fund of the Webster County Extension Council Seymour Area Arts Council Fund Seymour Area Arts Council Building Fund—Building Cultural Arts in Seymour Seymour FFA Alumni Association Activities Fund Seymour FFA Leadership Development Activities Fund in honor of Gerald Rudolph, Frank Ipock and Kevin Lynn Rudolph Seymour Elite YEP Endowment Fund The Seymour Dolly Parton Imagination Library Fund Seymour Historical Preservation Society Fund Seymour Pals Fund in memory of Michael Wayne Barlow Seymour Pharmacy Corporate Grantmaking Fund Seymour Senior Quality of Life Fund Seymour Youth Empowerment Capacity Building Fund Seymour Youth Gardening Project Fund The Silvey Cemetery Fund Southern Webster County Food Pantry Hunger Challenge Fund Dan & Nancy Underwood Family and Community Fund *Established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Anonymous Ron Giedd COMMUNITY GRANTS Dollywood Foundation, books and postage for Seymour Imagination Library, $1,729 Seymour Senior Citizens Center, $2,500 Seymour Senior Citizens Center, $1,500 American Legion Boys State of Missouri, $400 YMCA Seymour, $416 Seymour Head Start, $687 Seymour Area Arts Council, $1,000 Seymour R-2 School District, DARE Program, $500 Seymour R-2 School District, accelerated reading, $1,000 Seymour R-2 School District, Art Club, $378 Seymour R-2 School District, FCCLA, $525 Friends of the Seymour Community Library, $600 Southern Webster County Pantry—King’s Food Pantry, $544 Webster County Hope Center, $1,000 Seymour R-2 School District, American Legion, $350 City of Seymour, $2,500 Mansfield R-IV School District, $423 Newborns in Need, $310 Norwood Community Volunteer Fire Department, $458 Seymour YEP Grants: Ozarks Family YMCA, $150 Seymour FCCLA backpack program, $150 YMCA Seymour sensory table, $250 Seymour Dolly Parton Imagination Library, $300 Friends of the Seymour Community Library, $100 Board of Governors: Charles Haywood, President Janice Blankenship, Past President Ron Giedd, President Emeritus Marilyn Mingus, Treasurer Rachel Hoagland Roller, Secretary Lee Binley Dusty Capon Helen Lamb Carolyn Leonard Renne Wallace For more information: Contact Charles Haywood, (417) 3439171; or chaywood@ On the Web: www. Established: Aug. 13, 1998 Address: P.O. Box 456, Seymour, MO 65746 FY 13 Contributions: $15,498 FY 13 Distributions: $47,222 Distributions since inception: $529,848 Total Assets: $1,516,159 Janice Blankenship GSAF Past President Note: Blankenship served through FY13; Charlie Haywood took over as President in August 2013. A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S The Seymour Senior Citizens Center continued to be a major beneficiary of the Greater Seymour Area Foundation’s grantmaking program, including this grant presentation, right. For years, the GSAF has helped the center keep a supply of dietary supplements, and this year helped supply gifts for the center’s bingo games. Other GSAF activities included giving socks and throws to residents of Glenwood Health Center at Christmas and providing support for the local Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Additionally, the Seymour Youth Empowerment Project made almost $1,000 in grants last year. The Greater Seymour Area Foundation continues to play a significant role in community betterment in Seymour. The year was marked by another SUCCESSFUL LIVE AND SILENT AUCTION, which increased grantmaking abilities. We helped the SEYMOUR SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER and Seymour’s DOLLY PARTON IMAGINATION LIBRARY, which requires a lot of dollars each month and must be self-sustaining. The GSAF also received an anonymous, UNRESTRICTED GIFT OF $10,000 during FY13. We were very surprised and grateful. We’d never had such a large donation and it was surely appreciated. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 81 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Southwest Missouri, Inc. Board of Governors: Stephanie Howard, President Don Gould, Vice President Lisa Knutzen, Secretary Adrienne Jackson, Treasurer/Secretary Jeremy Brown Nancy Good Mike Gray Doug Hauser Bo Lee Chunk Neale Rob O’Brian Dan Stanley Gil Stevens For more information: Contact the CFSWMO at (417) 206-0087. On the Web: Established: Dec. 16, 2009 Address: 3510 E. 3rd St., Joplin, MO 64801 FY13 Contributions: $1,641,257 FY13 Distributions: $2,315,571 Distributions since Inception*: $6,116,590 Total Assets: $7,620,172 Stephanie Howard CFSWMO President The Community Foundation of Southwest Missouri has worked diligently on ensuring that the JOPLIN TORNADO RECOVERY FUND monies have been spent wisely and with the biggest impact to our community and continue to work to ENSURE THAT THE BIGGEST NEEDS ARE IDENTIFIED AND MET. We are pleased that we have been able to help Joplin and its residents REBUILD AND RECOVER in so many different ways since the May 22, 2011 tornado, and will continue to do so. * Does not include Carthage Community Foundation funds previously reported as part of CFSWMO The Community Foundation of Southwest Missouri made two major Joplin Recovery Fund grants to the Joplin Daybreak Rotary Foundation to help establish the Will Norton Miracle Field and Playground. The first was a $20,000 grant in November 2012, followed by $25,000 in matching funds the following spring. Named for the Joplin High School graduate who was killed in the May 22, 2011 EF-5 tornado, the Miracle Field and Playground will allow children with disabilities to take part in sports and outdoor recreation. NEWLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Be a Blessing Memorial Fund—Established by Michelle Ducre as part of her estate/legacy gift. Friends of Joplin High School Fund—Established by Steve Jaccaud and Tyler Jaccaud. Joplin South Middle School Youth Empowerment Fund— Established to support youthoriented projects in the Joplin area. recovery and rebuilding systems, mainly through residential housing. Brooke H. Russell Memorial Fund—Established by Kevin and Julissa Russell to honor their daughter’s memory. Saint Paul United Methodist Church Endowment Fund— Established to support the work of the church. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Joplin Tomorrow Fund— Established to support longrange planning for Joplin. Rebuild Joplin Fund— Established to assist Rebuild Joplin as it provides long-term Able Mfg Employee Benevolence Fund Art Feeds Fund Art Feeds Endowment Fund Jerry and Sharon Berkstresser Fund Beshore Family Foundation Kelly Jo Brookshire One Love Fund Browne Family Foundation Cable One Joplin Tornado Relief Fund Carl Junction Educational Foundation Fund Carl Junction Educational Foundation Endowment Fund Carl Junction High School Youth Empowerment Fund Carl Junction Police Department/ Shop with a Cop Fund City of Carl Junction Capacity Building Fund City Pointe Beauty Academy Charitable Fund College Heights Christian School Endowment Fund Community Foundation of Southwest Missouri Capacity Fund Community Support Services of Missouri Fund Community Support Services of Missouri Endowment Fund Crosslines—Joplin Hunger Challenge Fund Crosslines—McDonald County Hunger Challenge Fund EaglePicher Employee Tornado Relief Fund Empire District Employee Assistance Fund Girls Night Out Fund Blake Hierholzer Family Fund Ike’s Family and Community Fund Jasper Products-Stremicks Heritage Foods Employee Benefit Fund Jasper County Public Administrator’s Guardian Fund Joplin R-VIII School Foundation Fund 82 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Joplin Recovery Fund Joplin Schools Recovery Fund Joplin Tornado First Response Fund Joplin Tree Relief Fund Kansas City Chiefs Joplin Recovery Fund Lamar Good Samaritan Hunger Challenge The Duane and Edith Lawellin Legacy Fund of Southwest Missouri LifeChoices Endowment Fund Charlotte Lowry Foundation Lovely Ladies Legacy Fund McAuley High School Youth Empowerment Fund Midcon Cables Company Employee Relief Fund Mt. Hope Historical Preservation Society Newspapers in Education Scholarship Fund Will Norton Memorial Scholarship Fund P and T Foundation Philippians 4:19 Fund Project JOMO Fund Realtors’ Benevolence Fund Redings Mill Volunteer Fire Protection Endowment Fund Southwest Missouri Arts Council Endowment Fund Tri State Motor Transit Co. Employees Benevolence Fund Wildcat Glades Conservation and Audubon Center Fund LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Michelle Ducre Lisa Knutzen Steve Lawver (Carl Junction Community Center) Ann Leach Marty & Lori Smith A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S In May, the Community Foundation of Southwest Missouri sponsored guest speaker Peter Kageyama, author of the book “For the Love of Cities,” at the first For the Love of Joplin event, which brought community leaders and residents together to celebrate the town and build a better future. Pictured, from left: CFSWMO board members Lisa Knutzen and Stephanie Howard; Kageyama; Citizens Advisory Recovery Team Chair Jane Cage; Nancy Good, The Title Place; and Don Stanley, Edward Jones. COMMUNITY GRANTS Benevolence Funds: Expenses for tornado and emergency needs, $53,631 Camp Noah, $11,500 Joplin Family Worship Center, transportation for tornado survivors, $25,000 Arc of the Ozarks, housing for disabled clients, $100,000 Joplin Area Habitat for Humanity, storm shelters, $62,500 St. Bernard Project/Rebuild Joplin, home repairs, $125,000 Art Feeds, therapeutic art kits, $25,000 Duenweg Fire Dept, $9,000 Daybreak Rotary Foundation, Miracle Field baseball field, $20,000 Southern Missouri Emergency Communications Fund, $20,000 Southwest Missouri Arthritis Association, Inc., $8,408 Boys & Girls Club of Southwest Missouri, van, $22,755 Joplin Long Term Recovery Committee, Rebuild Joplin housing grant, $500,000 Community Support Services, $670 Daybreak Rotary Foundation, Miracle Field matching grant, $25,000 Rebuild Joplin, tools for residential rebuilding, $23,000 Rebuild Joplin, housing grant, $500,000 Generations Free Will Baptist Church, matching grant for building campaign, $50,000 Peace Lutheran Church, $25,000 Sextant Marketing Group, $1,500 Missouri Southern State University, $120 Joplin R-VIII School Foundation, $50,000 ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 83 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Stockton A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Marilyn Ellis, President Kathie Rieder, Vice President Shannon Snow, Secretary Larry Shellhorn, Treasurer Rod Hendricks William Jenkins Peter Lee Marvin Manring For more information: Contact Marilyn Ellis at (417) 276-5794. On the Web: www. Established: May 2, 2002 Address: P.O. Box 220, Stockton, MO 65785 FY13 Contributions: $118,207 FY13 Distributions: $30,718 Distributions since Inception: $323,954 Total Assets: $843,203 Marilyn Elllis During FY13, the Stockton community put the finishing touches on a system of walking, biking and equestrian trails surrounding Lake Stockton through the Stockton Trails Initiative Coalition. The trails were dedicated early in FY14, one of them bearing the name of former Stockton Community Foundation president Ginger Hendrickson and her husband, Bob. The projects were helped in large part though a STIC fund, as well as grants from the SCF, the Rural Schools Partnership, and the Stockton Teen Empowerment Project. NEWLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS SCF President This year the Stockton Community Foundation celebrated its 10TH ANNIVERSARY with the community via the first ever DAM RUN, a 5/10K fun run held at the Stockton Lake Dam, a community picnic and a float in the annual Black Walnut Festival parade. The board also started a self-evaluation process, and set to work revising and organizing the foundation’s bylaws and purposes. A major gift for the year came in the form of the $60,000 LARRY L. JONES SCHOLARSHIP FUND, which will award to Stockton graduates attending Missouri Southern State University. The SCF will continue to work to help educate its fundholders so they can grow their funds, and to work with churches to establish more family and endowment funds. Courtney Lee Gant Anti-Bullying Memorial Scholarship Fund—Established by Phil and Lisa Gardner to honor Courtney and award to a Stockton student pursuing a degree in Fine Arts. Larry L. Jones Scholarship Fund—Established by The Stockton Public Schools Foundation to award to Stockton graduates attending Missouri Southern State University. *Paul & Brenda Long Family Fund—Established by Paul & Brenda Long to assist their family with charitable giving. Violet Chapter 480 OES Fund—Established by the Stockton Public Schools Foundation and the Stockton School District for scholarships. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Cedar County Historical Society Endowment Fund Hammons Products Company Fund Hammons Products Company Benevolence Fund Korth Center Senior Meals Fund Rieder Family Fund SAMA Food Pantry Fund Skaggs/Exxon Mobil Administrative Endowment Fund Stockton Christmas Baskets Fund Stockton Community Foundation Grantmaking Fund Stockton Community Leadership Development Fund Stockton Lake Conservation Fund Stockton Lions Community Fund Stockton Nursing Home Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation: Ted and Cleva Sell Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation Abbott Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation General Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation Korth Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation Miller Scholarship Fund Stockton Public Schools Foundation Special Projects Fund Stockton Rebuilding Fund Stockton Revolving Loan Fund Stockton Senior Center Capacity Building Fund* Stockton Teen Empowerment Program Grant Fund Stockton Teen Empowerment Program Endowment Fund Stockton Trails Initiative Coalition Fund Stockton United Methodist Church Endowment Fund Tiger Tasters Fund * A subfund of Care Connection for Aging Services LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Gary and Jana Funk Brian and Kim Hammons COMMUNITY GRANTS Stockton Teen Empowerment Program Grant Fund, $210 Stockton R-I Public Schools, STEP, $95.30 Stockton Trails Initiative needs, $495 Stockton Trails Initiative Coalition Fund, $600 Stockton R-I Public Schools, special education classroom, $600 Stockton R-I Public Schools, accelerated reading program, $750 Stockton R-I Public Schools, Title 1 reading program, $300 Stockton R-I Public Schools, Parents as Teachers, $450 Stockton Area Ministerial Alliance, $300 Prairie Mountain, $911 Stockton United Methodist Church, Tiger Tasters program, $400 BO Tam Service, environmental project, $1,040 *Also a component fund of the Bolivar Area Community Foundation 84 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Table Rock Lake C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Ozarks Women Association Fund** Community Foundation of Taney County Care to Give Fund—Established by Jackson and Susan Luker to assist with their personal giving. Depriest Endowment for the Tri-Lake Humane Society Fund—Established through an estate left to the Tri-Lakes Humane Society. Reeds Spring R-IV School Foundation: Jan Kirsch Scholarship Fund Reeds Spring R-IV School Foundation Fund Reeds Spring R-IV School Foundation Endowment Fund Reeds Spring R-IV School Foundation Scholarship Fund Reeds Spring Youth Empowerment Fund Chris Stabo Scholarship Fund LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Nita Jane Ayres Donor Advised Fund Charlotte Bostwick Endowment Fund* Boys & Girls Club of the Ozarks Fund** Children’s Smile Center Fund: Table Rock Lake Galena Vision of Hope Fund Jack Herschend Donor Advised Fund Neighbors and Friends of Table Rock Lake, Inc. Fund North Stone County Food Pantry Hunger Challenge Fund The Senior Center Fund Andrea Standlee Memorial Fund Table Rock Lake Community Foundation Administrative Fund Table Rock Lake Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Tri Lakes Board of Realtors Good Neighbor Fund** * Established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks ** Also a component fund of the Nita Jane Ayres Jack & Sherry Herschend John & Connie Johnson COMMUNITY GRANTS Reeds Spring R-IV School District, hat project/ defibrillator, $300 Reeds Spring R-IV School District, special ed business project, $300 Southern Stone County Fire Protection District Auxiliary, $300 Central Crossing Fire Protection District, $2,000 Children’s Smile Center, $3,000 Galena Vision of Hope, $815 Lives Under Construction Boys Ranch, $2,000 OACAC, preschool development screenings, $2,300 Stone County Council on Aging, $2,463 Reeds Spring R-IV School District, $330 University of Missouri Extension—Stone County Center, $188 Board of Governors: Jim Holt, President Nita Jane Ayres, Vice President Leasa Brosseau, Secretary John Coonrod, Treasurer Melissa Jacobson Connie Johnson John Johnson John Moore Lisa Rau Jim Riddle For more information: Contact Jim Holt at (417) 272-8171, ext. 1295; or jholt@wolves. On the Web: tablerock lakecommunity Established: March 31, 2004 Address: 20277 State Highway 413, Reeds Spring, MO 65737 FY13 Contributions: $2,491,134 FY13 Distributions: $814,127 Distributions since Inception: $3,206,773 Total Assets: $4,203,420 Jim Holt A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Reeds Spring R-IV students in kindergarten through 12th grade raise money through the school district’s “Helping Hats” program. By paying $1, students are allowed to wear hats during the school day on a designated Friday of each month. The money raised is donated to various charitable organizations. Under the leadership of then-middle schooler Sophia Greenwalt, the program has partnered with local businesses to match the students’ donations, raising nearly $30,000. Pictured, Sophia, center, and Eric Simkins, a local insurance agent who matched the grant, left, present a check benefitting a local animal shelter during the first semester of the 2012-13 school year to Reeds Spring Middle School Assistant Principal Andrea Chavez (with Elvis). TRLCF President The Table Rock Lake Community Foundation in 2013 continued to support non-profit agencies, and sought to contact key stakeholders to spread the word about the TRLCF and encourage the establishment of new accounts. We granted APPROXIMATELY $13,000 to benefit various nonprofits throughout our area. Our foundation was especially proud to be able to assist GALENA VISION OF HOPE as it improves that community by providing the paint for their project. Working with the STONE COUNTY DRUG COURT PROGRAM, several individuals provided the manpower and a number of homes received fresh coats of paint. ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 85 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Taney County Board of Governors: Mike Gailey, President Brian Atchley Brent Blevins Mike Booth Stephen Critchfield Rick Davis Halley Fleming Mitch Holmes Bill Jones Dennis Newkirk Brad Swofford Chris Willard For more information: Contact Mike Gailey, (417) 5467114; or mgailey@ On the Web: Established: April 23, 2002 Address: P.O. Box 805, Forsyth, MO 65653 FY13 Contributions: $1,436,429 FY13 Distributions: $316,782 Distributions since Inception: $1,374,780 Total Assets: $5,240,959 Mike Gailey CF of TC President NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED The Community Foundation of Taney County made a $500 grant to the Hollister High School Youth Empowerment Project chapter, the first $500 seed grant promised to any YEP chapter started in Taney County. Pictured (front row, left to right): Jacque Flanagan, Alyssa Scull, Racheal Boyne, Celia Hall. (Back row, left to right): Brielle Caudill, Kristen Kennedy, Lexi Hebert, Andy Bleil, CF of TC President Mike Gailey, CF of TC Past President Doug Jordan, Shelby Ballard, Jordan Pierce. A major initiative this year was to increase area schools’ involvement with the YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROJECT, as well as to grow the foundation’s unrestricted grantmaking fund. Another major success was the follow-through of the BRANSON AREA TORNADO RELIEF FUND and meeting the needs following the Leap Day 2012 tornadoes. allow Rotary members to support projects. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Boys & Girls Club of the Ozarks Heritage Club Fund— Established to assist the Club with long- term needs. Christian Action Ministries Endowment Fund— Established to assist CAM with its mission. Cox Medical Center Branson Scholarship Fund— Established by the Skaggs Foundation to benefit nursing and allied health scholarships for Stone and Taney county residents and employees and children of hospital employees. Kirbyville R-VI School Foundation Capacity Fund—Established to support the project and programs of the Kirbyville School District. Kirbyville R-VI School Foundation Endowment Fund—Established to support the long-term needs of the school district. Robinson Blessings Fund— Established by Ken and Georganne Robinson as part of their estate plan. Rotary Club of Hollister Charity Fund—Established as a giving circle to Administrative Endowment Fund J. Kenneth Awbery and Iva M. Awbery Scholarship Fund James & Margie King Berry Fund for Taney County Youth Carol Blackburn Branson High School Scholarship Fund Boys & Girls Club of the Ozarks Fund* Branson Cares Fund Branson Tornado Relief and Recovery Fund Bradleyville School Foundation: Bradleyville Foundation for Learning Fund The Endowment Fund for Bradleyville Schools Bradleyville Foundation Fund Bradleyville Scholarship Fund Branson Area Community Grantmaking Fund Branson R-4 Education Foundation Endowment Fund Branson R-4 Education Foundation Fund CAM-Forsyth (My Neighbor’s Pantry) Hunger Challenge Fund Christian Action Ministries Hunger Challenge Fund Lonnie Combs Memorial Scholarship Fund James Leon and Dorothy Combs Fund Community Presbyterian Endowment Fund Cornette Family Fund Dignity Now Endowment Fund Flood Youth Ministry Capacity Building Fund Forsyth Community Foundation Grantmaking Fund Forsyth Library Capacity Building Fund Forsyth Library Memorial Endowment Fund Forsyth R-III School Foundation Fund Forsyth R-III School Foundation Endowment Fund Friends of the Branson Dog Park Fund Chad A. Fuqua Memorial Fund Vera Hardin Charitable Fund Hollister Schools Foundation Fund Hollister Youth Empowerment Fund Jim Langham Rotary Professional Development Fund Dr. Mary King Long Scholarship Fund The Kirby Foundation Fund Frances L. McConkey Manse Capacity Building Fund Tony Orlando Foundation Tony Orlando Foundation Veterans’ Fund Ozark Adventures Fund Ozark Mountain Family YMCA Fund Ozarks Women Association Fund* Rockaway Beach Unrestricted Fund Skyler Sanders Scholarship Fund Skaggs Foundation Supporting Fund Nora Slusher Scholarship Fund Tri-Lakes Board of Realtors Good Neighbor Fund* Tri-Lakes Community Hospices Fund Herb and Maxine Trimble Scholarship Fund Charles and Helen Winston Scholarship Fund D & J Woolery Foundation Libby Wrona, Forsyth, Missouri, Library Fund * Also a component fund of the Table Rock Lake Community Foundation LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Iva M. Awberry (deceased) James & Margie King Berry William & Sylvia Cornette LaVaughn M. Fuqua-Mathiesen Doug & Gina Jordan COMMUNITY GRANTS Jesus Was Homeless Inc., meals for homeless, $375 Tantone Industries Inc., recycling project, $625 OACAC of Taney County, COAD for tornado relief, $9,303 Hollister Youth Empowerment Fund, $500 Hollister R-5 School District, special education, $500 Hollister R-5 School District, $400 Boys and Girls Club of Forsyth, $340 First Baptist Church of Forsyth, $340 Forsyth Library, $600 Christian Action Ministries, $811 Women’s Crisis Center, $1,409 Equi-Librium Therapy Center, $1,000 Gift of Hope, $1,000 Services for Independent Living, $500 86 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Truman Lake C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Virgil and Patsy Beaty Scholarship Fund— Established by Virgil and Patsy Beaty to award to a graduate of Lakeland High School in Deepwater, who demonstrates financial need with first preference for a recipient in a technical field such as engineering, math, science or a trade school. Clinton Scout Center Endowment Fund— Established to provide grants for the operations and maintenance of the Clinton Scout Center Gifford Scholarship Fund— Established by Jerry Gifford, in conjunction with the Lakeland Viking Fund, to further the higher education of a Lakeland High School graduating senior. Landaker Perpetual Care Fund— Established by Virgil Beaty and the Landaker Cemetery Association to preserve and beautify the Landaker cemetery in Lowry City. Peggy Poague Bollin United Methodist Church Endowment Fund— Established to distribute to the United Methodist Church of Clinton and be added to the Haysler Allen Poague Scholarship Fund. Pauline Schenewark Wheeler Endowment Fund— Established by the People for Animal Welfare Services of Clinton with a bequest PAWS received. Twin Lakes Hospice Fund— Established to support the work of the Clinton area hospice. Windsor High School Master Scholarship Endowment Fund, Inc.: James O. Fetters Scholarship Fund—Recipient must have attended four semesters at Windsor High School and be in the top 50 percent of his/ her graduating class. Genevieve Davis Scholarship Fund—This scholarship is based on need. George H. and Louise Zimmerman Scholarship Fund—Recipient must attend University of Missouri, and does not necessarily have to be a freshman. Michael Willhite Scholarship Fund—First preference for recipient going into automotive vo-tech, second preference for another vo-tech program, or at the MSEF’s discretion. WHS Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund WHS Class of 1946 Scholarship Fund—Recipient must have attended four semesters at Windsor High School and be in the top 50 percent of his/ her graduating class. Pauline Wheeler/Vera Wall Scholarship Fund—Recipient must be a member of the First Baptist Church. Gene Schell/Diane Johnson Scholarship Fund—Recipient must have attended four semesters at Windsor High School and be in the top 50 percent of his/her graduating class. Mary (Hughes) Boney Scholarship Fund—First preference for recipient going into history studies, second an education major, and then at MSEF’s discretion. For more information: Contact Randy Shipman at (660) 8904150; or rburlshipman@ On the Web: Established: May 15, 2000 Address: P.O. Box 463, Clinton, MO 64735 FY13 Contributions: $731,882 FY13 Distributions: $87,852 Distributions since Inception: $2,697,311 Total Assets: $4,012,618 Dr. Randy B. Shipman A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S In its effort to continually improve the quality of life in Clinton and Henry County, the TLCF made more than $87,000 in grants and distributions in 2013, including a $1,000 grant to Clinton High School to help fund its Project Prom, which helps seniors by holding safe, drug- and alcohol-free events on Prom Night. Other TLCF grantees — one round given in the fall and another in the spring — included the schools’ CAPS geocaching project, Living Waters Ranch, the Sherwood Cass after-school study program, and many others. Board of Governors: Randy Shipman, President Robert Wheeler, Vice President Kathy Garnett, Secretary Lynn Gabbert, Treasurer Kathy Hill, Historian Jim Cook Matthew Cox Gary Groff Bruce Hadley Bryan Himes Leigh Paul Matt Perry J.C. Smith Sandie Sorbo Nina Summers Sandra Thomason Julius Wall TLCF President The Truman Lake Community Foundation reached a major milestone in 2013, surpassing the $4 MILLION MARK in total assets. We also took a major step in raising awareness for endowment funds by offering a $1,000 CHALLENGE GRANT to any individual or agency to set up a $10,000 ENDOWMENT FUND with the TLCF. Four such funds were opened, and the program continues. We were also able to establish an agency partner fund for the WINDSOR HIGH SCHOOL MASTER ENDOWMENT FUND, which was one of our most notable accomplishments. Continued on next page ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 87 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Truman Lake C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Continued from previous page Lukas Bay/Ryan McColgin Scholarship Fund—Recipient must have lettered in at least one sport and maintained a B average during high school. James B. Wilson Scholarship Fund—This scholarship is based on need. Elsie Cooper Scholarship Fund—Recipient must have attended four semesters at Windsor High School and be in the top 50 percent of his/her graduating class. Paul Cisel Scholarship Fund—Recipient must have attended four semesters at Windsor High School and be in the top 50 percent of his/her graduating class. Brandon United Methodist Church Scholarship Fund—Preference for recipient going into a healthrelated field and/or working with children with disabilities. Scott and Lucile Feaster Sappington Scholarship Fund—Awarded to the recipient who has shown most academic improvement during high school. Louise Rhodes Scholarship Fund—First preference for a recipient pursuing a communications arts major, second preference an education major and then left to MSEF’s discretion. David Powell Scholarship Fund—The recipient is chosen based on grades in math classes, ACT or SAT score and citizenship. Mary Lou Merryfield Scholarship fund—The recipient should be pursuing a career in pharmacy and maintaining a B average. Margaret Merryfield Scholarship Fund—Awarded to a recipient pursuing a music major that maintained a B average. Nathan Lindsey Scholarship Fund—First preference for an elementary education major, then any education student, then at MSEF’s discretion. Joann Lindsey Scholarship Fund Martha James Scholarship Fund—Recipient must be pursuing a degree in education. Dorothy Ivey (Mrs. Jack) Scholarship Fund—First preference to a student pursuing a degree in optometry, then a religion major, then a UMC member, then at MSEF’s discretion. Pauline Irvine Scholarship Fund—Recipient must have attended four semesters at Windsor High School and be in the top 50 percent of his/her graduating class. Henry “Dutch” Ira Scholarship Fund—Recipient must have been involved in sports. Jeff Fosnow Scholarship Fund—Recipient to be pursuing a degree in education and needs financial assistance. Fred Frye Scholarship Fund—Recipient must have attended four semesters at Windsor High School and be in the top 50 percent of his/her graduating class. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Anonymous Fund John & Betty Brecht Endowment Fund for United Methodist Church, Clinton John & Betty Brecht Endowment Fund for Clinton Arts Council Wayne L. Briggs Memorial Scholarship Fund John B. Browning Fund Bill J. and Patricia A. Burgess Fund Clinton Animal Rescue Endeavor Capacity Building Fund Clinton Area Arts Foundation Fund Clinton Christian Academy Endowment Fund The Clinton Christian Academy Gymnasium Fund Clinton First Baptist Church Endowment Fund #2 Clinton Industrial Development Corporation Fund Clinton Main Street Partnership Fund Clinton Memorial Camp Fund Clinton Senior Center Service Board Operations Fund Clinton Youth Empowerment Program Fund Clinton Youth Empowerment Program Endowment Fund Bob & Ginnie Cook Family Foundation Community Memorial Fund Dody/Young Scholarship Fund Education Foundation for Clinton Schools: Burnsides Scholarship Fund Stephens/Hendrich/ARCO Educator of the Year Fund Stephens Scholarship Fund KCP&L Fund Douglas and Kristi Kenney Family and Community Fund First Baptist Church Fund Gabby Girls Scholarship Fund Golden Valley Memorial Hospital Foundation Fund Heard-Wetzel Fund Henry County Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks Capacity Building Fund Henry County Historical Society Endowment Fund Henry County Historical Society Children’s Corner and Theatre Fund Henry County Historical Society/ Dorman House Fund Henry County Soldiers Memorial Maintenance Fund Lovella Hilty Memorial Scholarship Fund Earl N. Hutcherson Expo Center Memorial Fund Elizabeth A. Hutcherson United Methodist Endowment Fund Elizabeth A. Hutcherson Scholarship Fund Denver W. & Marjorie J. Johnson Fund Robert W. Kelsay Scholarship Fund Sara Jane and Anthony J. Komer Family and Community Fund Tony Komer Foundation Lakeland R-III Foundation Fund Lakeland Scholarship Fund Lakeland Viking Alumni Scholarship Fund Leeton Bulldog Express Fund Literacy Council of Clinton Fund Thomas W. McNutt Family & Community Fund Terry and Deborah Mitchel Scholarship Fund People for Animal Welfare Services Endowment Fund The Perpetual Ministries Fund of the Clinton United Methodist Church Prevention Services for Youth Fund Quality of Life Endowment Fund Ronda Seaton, DVM, Memorial Scholarship Fund Scott R. Shoemaker Memorial Scholarship Fund Skidmore Foundation Fund Samuel A. Sloan, Evelyn Sloan and Beulah Sloan McCoy Scholarship Fund Sandra E. & Douglas L. Thomason Family Fund Truman Lake Community Foundation Unrestricted Fund Truman Lake Community Foundation Administrative Fund Union State Bank and Trust Fund University of Missouri Extension Council-Henry County Endowment Fund Julius F. and Sally Wall Fund Windsor Senior Center Service Board Operations Fund Ollie and Doreen E. Whitt Memorial Scholarship Fund Wrigley Fund LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Berry & Judy Beebe John (deceased) & Betty Brecht J.C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Thomason Robert S. Wheeler COMMUNITY GRANTS Atchison Monuments, soldiers’ memorial, $90 Sherwood Cass R-VIII School District, Wellness committee, $1,000 Clinton School District #124, Intermediate school, $704 Henry County Prosecutor, Victim Advocate support, $300 Clinton School District #124, first-grade iPad, $717 Parents as Teachers - Clinton Schools, $1,085 Henry County Historical Museum, artwork preservation, $1,000 Appleton City R-II School District, Booster Club for football field, $2,500 Neighbors Helping Teachers, $390 Windsor Chamber of Commerce, Farrington Park improvements, $750 Sherwood Cass R-VIII School District, after-school study program, $1,950 Living Waters Ranch, Christmas from the Heart, $200 Living Waters Ranch, Prom-a-Palooza, $200 Leesville R-9 School District, field trip, $500 Clinton School District #124, Henry Elementary, $200 Gifford Scholarship Fund, $1,000 Peggy Poague Bollin United Methodist Church Endowment Fund, challenge fund, $1,000 Clinton Scout Center Endowment Fund, challenge grant, $1,000 Lowry City Community Betterment, $2,500 Clinton School District #124, $3,190 Red Star Intertribal Gourd Dance Society, $1,000 Living Waters Ranch, $2,000 Golden Valley Door of Hope, $1,500 City of Windsor, Missouri, $500 Clinton Scout Center, Inc., $1,500 Henry Elementary School, $250 Holy Rosary Catholic Church, $250 88 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F West Plains, Inc. NEW FUNDS ESTABLISHED Joe Paul Evans Recognition Fund—Established by the City of West Plains to honor the late mayor, Joe Paul Evans. Jobs Through Education Inc. Fund—Established to provide low-interest loans to students attending vocational and technical training. Charles and Robin Morgan Family and Community Fund— Established to simplify Charles and Robin’s giving. Coach Bill Sharp Scholarship Fund—Established by the Richards R-5 Foundation to honor the coach. Don Warden Park Fund— Established to support the work of the Don Warden Park and West Plains Community Garden. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Arts on Avenue, Inc., Fund Bakersfield Youth Empowerment Fund Becoming Your Best Fund The Bell-Garrison Family and Community Fund Boys & Girls Club of West Plains Fund Peter Callaway Endowment Fund Shane Alan Cameron Memorial Scholarship Fund The Cathy Sue Fund Community Foundation of West Plains Administrative Endowment Fund Community Foundation of West Plains Administrative Fund Doug Darr Memorial Scholarship Fund* Stephen A. Douglass Scholarship Fund Downtown West Plains, Inc. Fund Joe Paul Evans Community Endowment Fund Everyday Blessings Fund Fairview R-11 School Foundation Fund Fairview R-11 School Foundation Endowment Fund Five Loaves and Two Fishes Hunger Challenge Fund Friends of the Galloway Creek Nature Park Fund Glenwood School Foundation: Glenwood School Foundation Fund Glenwood School Foundation Endowment Fund Glenwood R-VIII School Art Department Fund E.L. “Bob” Harlin and Vesta Harlin Charitable Trust Fund Harlin Museum Endowment Fund Howell County Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team Fund Howell County Extension Council Development Fund Howell County Extension Council Endowment Fund Howell Valley School Foundation Endowment Fund Howell Valley School Foundation Fund Trish Kissiar Knight Hall of Fame Volleyball Endowed Scholarship Fund The Lions Field Improvement Fund Jeanne McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship Fund Oakwood Life Sharing Services, Inc. Fund Ozarks Christian Academy Fund Richards R-5 School Foundation: Richards R-5 School Foundation Endowment Fund Richards R-5 School Foundation Fund Richard R-5 Technology Fund Richards R-5 Fine Arts Fund Richards R-5 Early Childhood Center Fund Richards R-5 Academics Fund Richards R-5 Athletics Fund Rotary Backpack Program Fund Scenic Rivers Hut Fund Scenic Rivers Hut Endowment Fund Sky Fire 4th of July Fireworks Robert Jennings Smith Scholarship Fund South Central Ozark Council of Governments Fund Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of West Plains Fund West Plains Capacity Building Fund West Plains Community Grant Making Endowment Fund West Plains Soccer Association, Inc. Fund Whetstone Boys Ranch Capacity Building Fund For more information: Contact Joanne Wix at (417) 256-4433; or On the Web: www. Established: March 31, 2004 Address: 401 Jefferson, West Plains, MO 65775 FY13 Contributions: $333,037 FY13 Distributions: $122,628 Distributions since inception: $413,762 Total Assets: $1,045,036 Brenda Malkowski CF of WP Past President Note: Malkowski served through FY13; Troy Bass took over as President in September 2013. A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S In January 2013, the Community Foundation of West Plains, Inc. made a vital $2,500 grant to the Boys & Girls Club of the Greater West Plains Area. The PHOTO COURTESY WEST PLAINS DAILY QUILL club, the first in Missouri’s south-central region, held its grand opening in early September. The grant was just one of three awarded by the CF of WP board in 2013. They also granted to the Missouri State University – West Plains Tuttle Amphitheater project and awarded an anonymous donor’s gift to the Good Samaritan Center. Board of Governors: Troy Bass, President Brenda Malkowski, Vice President Nathan Cropper, Treasurer Joanne Wix, Secretary Kevin Gleghorn Joe Kammerer Wayne Kaufman Robin Morgan R.A. Pendergrass Gay Watson One of the major achievements of the Community Foundation of West Plains was its major support this past year of the new BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF THE GREATER WEST PLAINS AREA, which opened in 2013 and is providing a wonderful new service for the residents of West Plains. In all, the CF of WP distributed MORE THAN $120,000 back into the West Plains and Howell County communities during FY13, and held a big SCAVENGER HUNT FUNDRAISER in the fall. Continued on next page ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 89 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Willard A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S C H I L D R E N ’ S C H A R I TA B L E F O U N D AT I O N Board of Governors: Rick Stenberg, President Allison Greenwade, Vice President Jeff Baker, Treasurer Chet Cornelison Ron Crighton Delores Denmore Rene Flatness Jacque Gray Brooke Jarvis Matt Kelly Caryn McDonnell Chad Woolsey On the Web: www. Established: Aug. 24, 2005 Address: 460 Kime St., attn. Tammy Connor, Willard Schools, Willard, MO 65781 FY13 Contributions: $68,791 FY13 Distributions: $42,760 Distributions since Inception: $226,083 Total Assets: $351,280 For more information: Contact Rick Stenberg at (417) 880-0807 Rick Stenberg WCCF President The Willard Children’s Charitable Foundation continues to support the students of Willard through scholarships and our endowed health and dental fund, through which we work hand-in-hand with CARE TO LEARN OF WILLARD. We were very pleased this year to open the $20,000 PAUL AND ROSA NELSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND, an endowment that will help Willard students for years to come. Continued from previous page West Plains R-7 Education Foundation: Bank of America Fund EMH at West Plains High School Fund Tom Gatewood Memorial Literacy Fund Gatewood Award Fund John H. McFarland Fund Julie McGoldrick Scholarship Fund Riverways Trust Practical Nursing Willard Public Schools received a $9,393 Coover Place-Based Education Grant at the Thomasville Rural Schools Rendezvous. The grant was made to help pay for technology and transportation costs associated with natural resource and conservation studies, and also to support the 21st Century School Initiative, which seeks to expand students’ use of technology in a substantive way. Above, Willard Associate Superintendent Stewart Pratt accepts the Coover award from Jill Reynolds, Vice President of The Commerce Trust Company. NEW FUND ESTABLISHED Paul and Rosa Nelson Scholarship Fund— Established to award to Willard High School graduating seniors. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Conco Charitable Fund John Oscar Farmer Family Scholarship Fund South Central Career Center Fund West Plains Agriculture-Science Building Fund West Plains R-7 Band Fund West Plains R-7 Culinary Arts Fund West Plains R-7 Educational Foundation Endowment Fund West Plains R-7 Educational Foundation General Fund Dr. Mildred Fortner Scholarship Fund Helping Hooves Fund Nicholas David Rader Memorial Fund James B. Staley Scholarship Fund Willard Branch Library Fund Willard Charitable Foundation Administrative Fund Willard Charitable Foundation Capacity Building Fund Willard Charitable Foundation Scholarship Fund Willard Children’s Health and Dental Fund Women with Heart Fund * Established as an at-large fund of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Willard Children’s Health and Dental Endowment Fund Willard Community Grantmaking Endowment Fund Willard Educational Endowment Fund COMMUNITY GRANTS Signage for Willard Schools, $1,000 Willard Children’s Health and Dental Fund, $14,758 Willard R-II School District, $2,500 COMMUNITY GRANTS MSU-West Plains Campus, $150 Samaritan Outreach Center, $100 Boys & Girls Club of the West Plains Area, $2,500 Richard & Carol Silvey Gene and Marci Weinbeck West Plains Cares Fund West Plains Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund West Plains Christian Clinic Fund West Plains Fund for Joplin Recovery 90 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS Willow Springs C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N For more information: Contact Lea Ann Christopher at (417) 2420137; or leaannchris@ On the Web: www. Established: March 15, 2001 Address: 203 N. Walnut St., Willow Springs, MO 65793 FY13 Contributions: $1,310 FY13 Distributions: $9,700 Distributions since Inception: $574,867 Total Assets: $2,631,464 Phill Knott WSCF President The historic Ferguson Building in downtown Willow Springs was built in 1893. The Willow Springs Community Foundation purchased the building in 2003, and then spent nearly a decade refurbishing it and restoring it to its original luster, even adding back the original “Horses and Buggies” sign painted on the exterior. The building is now a busy community hub under the operation of the WSCF, which also assisted in the renovation of the nearby Star Theater. NEW FUND ESTABLISHED Willow Springs Back to School Fair Fund—Established by the Willow Springs Rotary Club to provide school supplies to those in need. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED FUNDS Willow Springs Youth Empowerment Fund Sadie Ruth Ferguson Fund Mildred Ann Groves Childress Memorial Fund* Hometown Pride Fund Norman Family Fund Christine N. Steele Fund for the Willow Springs Arts Council Willow Springs Arts Council Fund Willow Springs Community Foundation Community Development Fund Willow Springs School Foundation: Margaret Eidson Fugate Class of 1931 Scholarship Fund Willow Springs School Foundation Fund Willow Springs Gymnasium Renovation Fund A F F I L I AT E F O U N D AT I O N S Board of Governors: Phill Knott, President Joan Bailey Russell, Vice President Carol Ann Richardson, Secretary Jamie Ogden, Treasurer Tona Bowen Hubert Reaves Sandy Smith Troy Yonker Lou Wehmer The opening of the renovated FERGUSON BUILDING has exceeded our expectations. The space is USED BY MEMBERS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COMMUNITY, including events like weddings and presentations. There is a COMPUTER LAB on the first floor, with experts available from time to time to help with everything from the very basics to creating a Web page. *Established as an at-large fund with the Community Foundation of the Ozarks Willow Springs C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 · 91 Investment RESOURCES PHILANTHROPY G E N E R O S I T Y Donors FOUNDERS COMPASSION Collaboration S O O Z A R K S LEADERSHIP Focus PARTNERSHIPS I N V E S T M E N T RESOURCES P H I L A N T H R O P Y GENEROSI Stay in touch with the CFO We look forward to communicating with you throughout the year—here’s how you can access information about the CFO. Call us: (417) 864-6199—Springfield (417) 256-4725—West Plains (417) 206-0087 —Joplin Fax: (417) 864-8344 Main Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8960 · Springfield, MO 65801 Physical Addresses: 425 E. Trafficway · Springfield, MO 65806 27 Court Square · West Plains, MO 65775 3510 E. 3rd St. · Joplin, MO 64801 General e-mail: Receive e-mail updates: Philanthropist newsletter—publishes first Wednesday of the month with general news for donors, agency partners, affiliates, and schools. Rural Schools Partnership newsletter— publishes bi-weekly for RSP members and others interested in rural education issues. To subscribe to either e-letter, contact Matt Lemmon at: Donate online for one-time or recurring gifts:—Please be sure to note the intended fund in the “fund/program” box. On the Web:—Youth Empowerment Project website—Arts & Culture— Public radio “Making a Difference Where You Live” series CFO STAFF Judith Billings Scholarship Coordinator Cassie Halfmann Finance Assistant Brianne McCormick Director of Finance Michael Chatman Senior Vice President of Philanthropy Beth Hersh Office Manager Randy Russell Senior Program Officer Louise Knauer Senior Vice President of Communications & Marketing Carol Silvey Senior Associate for Advancement, SouthCentral Regional Office Julie Leeth, Ed.D. Executive Vice President/ RSP Coordinator Winter Skelton Development Operations Officer Bridget Dierks Director of Nonprofit Services Brian Fogle President and CEO Susanne Gray Chief Financial Officer Matt Lemmon Communications Specialist Kate Starkey Finance Administrator Travis Liles West Region Manager 92 · ANNUAL REPORT FY2013 H R O P Y GENEROSITY D O N O R S Compassion COLLABORATION GIVING C O M M U N I T Y B E T T E R M E N T re ENDOWMENT SCHOLARSHIPS AFFILIATES O Z A R K S Leadership F O C U S PARTNERSHIPS FOUNDERS C F OZ A R KS .O R G