sponsor - Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
sponsor - Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 2015 1915 C E N T E NN I A L CEL 10 To mark the 100th anniversary of Reverchon Park, a Centennial Celebration will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2015. Friends of Reverchon Park, the Dallas Park and Recreation Department and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children are looking for partners to help make this historic occasion a huge success! ABOUT THE PARK Reverchon Park enjoys a storied past and has been revitalized in recent years, with more than tens of thousands of Dallas citizens utilizing the park annually. Many community events are held in the park, which has become a destination where groups and families can enjoy recreational activities in a beautiful setting. First called Turtle Creek Park, it was designed in 1915 as Dallas’ Central Park on 36 acres of what was then far North Dallas. The park later expanded to 46 acres and was renamed for botanist Julian Reverchon. In the 1920s, people traveled to the park to experience the healing powers of the Gill Well. In the 1930s, the Works Progress Administration added stonework, including the Iris Bowl and the massive Hillside Terrace that today connects the park to the Katy Trail. Baseball stars Willie Mays, Bob Feller and Bob Lemon once played on the park’s ball field, and hundreds of orthopedic surgeons attending a conference at Scottish Rite Hospital built a playground in a day. A recreation center opened in 1975. COMMUNITY COLLABORATION For 17 years, Friends of Reverchon Park, the Dallas Park and Recreation Department and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children have partnered for the annual Reverchon Roundup community cleanup, with support and participation from sponsors, volunteers and neighbors. By underwriting the Reverchon Park Centennial Celebration, you will be investing in our community and supporting our efforts to preserve this unique and historic park for future generations. www.reverchonparkfriends.com For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please call (214) 559-8541, email events@tsrh.org or visit reverchonparkfriends.com EVENT INFORMATION 1915 2015 C E N T E NN I A L CELEBR ATING 100 YEARS Saturday, September 12, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Centennial Tree Dedication a Bur Oak will be planted in celebration of Reverchon’s 100th anniversary 10:30 a.m. Reverchon Park 3505 Maple Ave | Dallas, Texas 75219 (Intersection of Maple Avenue and Turtle Creek Boulevard) Refreshments generously provided by: 3716 Maple Avenue Please visit reverchonparkfriends.com to learn more information about this event and sponsorship opportunities. Like us on facebook.com/friendsofreverchon www.reverchonparkfriends.com For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please call (214) 559-8541, email events@tsrh.org or visit reverchonparkfriends.com OPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT THE PARK 2015 1915 C E N T E NN I A L CELEBR ATING 100 YEARS As a jewel of the Dallas park system, Reverchon Park is one of the city’s greatest assets, inviting neighborhood residents and people from all over the city to enjoy its beautiful natural setting. From the cozy Iris Bowl to the stunning Hillside Terrace, Reverchon is home to many community activities. Baseball teams play on the park’s diamonds, runners and walkers connect to the adjacent Katy Trail and children and families enjoy its recreation center. Over the past two decades, Reverchon has been revitalized, thanks to the efforts of Friends of Reverchon Park, the Dallas Park and Recreation Department and Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. Among the many ways to support the park is the Reverchon Park Centennial Celebration, as we look for partners to help us mark this historic milestone. This is a wonderful opportunity for your company or organization to gain exposure and support the community. SPONSOR RECOGNITION LEVELS Oak $5,000+ Maple $2,500+ Iris up to $1,000 »» Mention on all media materials »» Recognition on sponsor banner »» Recognition on Friends of Reverchon Park website »» Recognition on sponsor banner »» Recognition on Friends of Reverchon Park website »» Recognition on TSRHC website »» Recognition on Friends of Reverchon Park website »» Recognition on TSRHC website »» Acknowledgment on social media and blog posts »» Recognition on TSRHC website »» Acknowledgment on social media and blog posts »» Acknowledgment on social media and blog posts www.reverchonparkfriends.com For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please call (214) 559-8541, email events@tsrh.org or visit reverchonparkfriends.com SPONSOR AGREEMENT CELEBR ATING 100 YEARS 2015 1915 C E N T E NN I A L SPONSOR RECOGNITION LEVELS Oak $5,000+ Maple $2,500+ Iris up to $1,000 Yes! I/we would like to support the Reverchon Park Centennial Celebration by making a monetary donation. $ Yes! I/we would like to support the Reverchon Park Centennial Celebration by making an in-kind donation. Description: CONTRIBUTOR Estimated value: $ Individual Corporate Foundation Other Individual/Company Name: Primary Contact: Address: City: State: ZIP: Phone: Fax: E-mail: PAYMENT INFORMATION Visa Mastercard American Express Discover Check Name of Cardholder: Card Number: Expiration Date (Month/Year): Security Code (on the back of your credit card): Signature: Please make checks payable to Friends of Reverchon Park, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please return a copy of this form to: Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children - Special Events 2222 Welborn Street, Dallas, Texas 75219 Fax: (214) 559-7657 www.reverchonparkfriends.com For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please call (214) 559-8541, email events@tsrh.org or visit reverchonparkfriends.com
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