Spring 2012 - Dallas Scottish Rite


Spring 2012 - Dallas Scottish Rite
Due to the increased costs of mailing and the continued
challenges of communicating with our members, we are
asking every member to update his personal information.
This can be done either online through the website
www.DallasScottishRite.org or by filling out the data
sheet below and mailing it to:
Dallas Scottish Rite, 500 South Harwood St.,
Dallas, Texas 75201-6210.
The Dallas Scottish Rite News
The Dallas Scottish Rite News is published by the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
Valley of Dallas, 500 South Harwood Street, Dallas
Texas 75201. POSTMASTER: Send address changes
Harwood Street Dallas Texas 75201-6210.
[214-748-9196] email: www.dallasscottishrite.org
Herbert Buchanan 'Buck' Howard, 32o KCCH,
Personal Representative of the Sovereign Grand
Inspector General and Chairman of the Executive
Committee, Valley of Dallas; John M. Marshall, 33o IGH,
Venerable Master Dallas Lodge of Perfection (4o-14o);
David W. Palmlund, III, 32o KCCH,
Wise Master, Dallas Chapter of Rose Croix(15o-18o);
France E. "Skip" Smith, 32o KCCH
Commander, Dallas Council of Kadosh (19o-30o);
and Richard S. Lissauer, 32o KCCH, Master of
Kadosh, Dallas Consistory, and Masters of the
Royal Secret (31o-32o)
Editor; H. Buck Howard, Assistant Editor
Jerry R. McNair, to whom all letters pertaining to the
business of the Rite should be addressed at:
500 South Harwood Street, Dallas Texas 75201-6210.
Mike Kent, Digital Product Manager
John Yates, Production Designer
Gerald Peck, Associate Editor
Harold Collum, Copy Editor
To make the update on line, go to
Point to "Member Directory" on the menu bar, then click
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Insert your last name, first name,
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This will take you to a screen with your current data.
Make any changes, being sure that all the data
is correct then click on “SUBMIT”.
That is all there is to it.
Last Name:_____________________________________
First Name:__________________________________
Middle Name:________________________________
Preferred First Name:____________________________
Mailing Name:__________________________________
Mail Address:________________________________
State:_________________, Zip:_____________________
Valley Membership _______________________________
Date Of Birth: __________________________________
STATED MEETINGS: Third Monday of each month
at 7:00 p.m.
Home Phone:___________________________________
EDUCATION EVENINGS. Fourth Tuesdays of each
month at 6:30 p.m.
Cell Phone:_____________________________________
Find us on
Work Phone: ___________________________________
Wife Name:____________________________________
Lodge Name & #________________________________
Lodge City:_____________________________________
From The Chairman
I am quite proud to be a Mason – especially a Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Dallas. I know that
you have been asked why you are a Mason. The answers given certainly range from the simple to the
complex: from education, to fellowship, to having life long friends from all walks of life, to the great
charity work, and so on. May I suggest that a common element for each of us lies in the concept of
Inspiration – that within each of us is a desire for joy, for rich and uplifting experiences, for a better
understanding of mankind, for helping make the world a better place, and for receiving priceless
lessons which we can take home and use every day.
How about this small lesson: “Reason and Nature demonstrate that G-D is Infinite, and that HIS
attributes are Infinite in Perfection”.
Of course you recall this very small but special statement from the 18th degree. Illustrious Brother Wallace Finfrock, 33 IGH, has recently
retired as degree master of the 18th degree after more than 25 years of participation. Knowing and working with Brother Finfrock has
given me the kind of inspiration that I have come to expect from the Valley of Dallas. I am proud to have worked with Brother Finfrock on
that team, and I know that this is the type of feeling all Scottish Rite Masons can receive by participating in any number of activities in
our Valley. There are countless other wonderful and inspiring leaders in our Valley. Be sure to thank them for their “labors in our quarry”
and for what they mean to you!
Here are a few other reminders about YOUR Valley:
Our Valley does the finest degree work around, has the most delicious meals in Texas Freemasonry, enjoys a membership which is
larger than any other, has education as a primary theme, promotes charity through all its activities, has interesting and beneficial stated
meetings which are well-planned and never too long, enjoys the benefits of occupying the beautiful Cathedral on Harwood Street in
downtown Dallas, and more…….
I say more because we should all be reminded that the real strength of our Valley is the depth and breadth of our membership. This
membership extends from downtown Dallas to far North Dallas, to the communities surrounding Dallas proper, to the farthest reaches
of East Texas, Grayson County, Lamar County, Ellis County, Rusk County, Wichita Falls and everywhere in between. You can learn more
about this by checking out the membership article in this newsletter by your new Membership Chairman Bob Moore, 32o KCCH. Bob is
already hard at work contacting existing committee members and organizing various meetings in our territories to support and serve our
members everywhere.
The education programs for our Valley are amazing. Check that article out. The talented men on the Education Committee are dedicated
to bringing you outstanding lecturers using the “Socratic” method of involving all who desire to contribute. I have not regretted attending
a single meeting. Think: Fourth Tuesday evenings!
Our Orient Convocation at the end of this month is a very important event. If you have never attended one of these, then you simply cannot
understand this comment. Ask any one of us who has attended and you will get the clear message: This is the very best opportunity you
will have to meet Scottish Rite Masons from across the Orient of Texas and hear from such SR leaders as Sovereign Grand Commander
Ronnie Seale, Texas’ own Brent Morris, Rex Hutchins and other leaders. Check out the full page ad in this newsletter. Again, you will not
regret attending this event in Waco.
I cannot close without mentioning the just-completed annual Robert Burns night hosted by our Knights of St. Andrew. It was a huge
success. All-time records, measured by attendance and net revenues for charity, were broken. Most importantly, a good time was had by
all. Thank you Dallas KOSA (and your ladies) for your preparation, hard work and performances!
It is never too late to talk to your friends about joining the Dallas Valley Scottish Rite. Our Summer Reunion is July 21st.
In closing, I hope that you take pride in your membership.
The Scottish Rite is an everlasting experience.
Tableau of Officers for 2012
Dallas Lodge of Perfection
Ineffable Degrees
4o to 14o
Venerable Master . ....................... John M. Marshall, 33o IGH
Senior Warden ................................ T. Burrel Poston, 33o IGH
Junior Warden ....................... Richard L. Johnson, 32o KCCH
Orator ........................................... Bob W. Moore, 32o KCCH
Living Past Venerable Masters
John McClellan Marshall, 33o IGH
Venerable Master
Dispensation Granted January 20, 1897
Permanent Charter Granted October 20, 1897
Leonard Philip Harvey, 33o IGH
J. Roland Jeter, 32o KCCH
Jerry Nelson Kirby, 33o IGH
Douglas A. Kowalski, 33o IGH
James D. Nyfeler,Sr., 32o KCCH
M. Boyd Patterson, Jr., 33o IGH
Lester Robert Smith, 33o IGH
Michael L. Wiggins, 33o IGH
Lawrence Abraham Winkle, 33o IGH
John Robert Wright, Jr., 33o IGH
Gregory Douglas Adkins, 32o KCCH
M. Douglas Adkins, 33o SGIG
Fred Edwin Allen, 33o G.C.
Zola Bernard Blicker, 33o IGH
Russell Clay Brown, 33o IGH
Herbert Buchanan Howard, 32o KCCH
Charles Irvin Bukin, 33o IGH
Robert Lionel Dillard, III, 33o IGH
Furman Harold Entz, 33o IGH
Glynn Stephens Gregory, 33o IGH
Dallas Chapter of Rose Croix
Historical and Religious Degrees
15o to 18o
Living Past Wise Masters
David W. Palmlund, III, 32o KCCH
Wise Master
Dispensation Granted April 11, 1901
Permanent Charter Granted October 25, 1901
Wise Master ..................... David W. Palmlund, III, 32o KCCH
Senior Warden ................... Daniel B. Pearson, III, 32o KCCH
Junior Warden..................... Michael L. Reynolds, 32o KCCH
Orator ......................................... Kevin K. Main, 32o KCCH
William Luther Berryman, Jr., 33o IGH
Roger Thomas Canard, 32o KCCH
J. Sydney Carnes, 33o IGH
William Harold Collum, Jr., 32o KCCH
Richard Edwin Davies, Sr., 33o IGH
David Benton Dibrell, 33o IGH
Wallace P. Finfrock, 33o IGH
Max F. Gilley, 33o IGH
Milburn Ray Gravley, 33o IGH
Larry Van Hall, 33o IGH
Thomas Graves Keithly, 33o IGH
Charles Earl McKay, 33o IGH
Elmer Murphey, III, 33o IGH
Michael R. Pappas, 33o IGH
Lawrence D. Ravert, 33o IGH
Jessie G. Richardson, 33o IGH
Jimmy L. Sandifer, 33o IGH
Malcolm L. Shaw, 33o IGH
Edis Ray Sluder, 33o IGH
Matthew B. Strickland, 33o IGH
Allen H. Tuell, 33o IGH
Dallas Council of Kadosh
Philosophical and Chivalric Degrees
19o to 30o
Commander .................... Francis E. "Skip" Smith, 32o KCCH
1st Lt. Commander .............. Thomas M.Tomlinson, 32o KCCH
2nd Lt. Commander . ............ Lawrence P. Sweeney, 32o KCCH
Chancellor............................ Robert G. Umphress, 32o KCCH
Orator ................................ Matthew A. Ferguson, 32o KCCH
Living Past Commanders
Francis E. "Skip" Smith, 32o KCCH
Dispensation Granted October 4, 1902
Permanent Charter Granted October 20, 1903
Gary Dwane Dixon, 32o KCCH
Harvey Smith Dorman, 33o IGH
Herb Garon, Jr., 33o IGH
Harold Scott Kite, 32o KCCH
Douglas Allan Lord, 33o IGH
Robert Allen McCrummen, 32o KCCH
Wendell Paul Miller, 33o IGH
J. C. Montgomery, Jr., 33o G.C.
Plez Avery Transou, 33o IGH
John Erwin Adams, 33o IGH
Frank W. Amadon, III, 33o IGH
Eddie Jacquith Baker, 33o IGH
Lee Strong Bane, 33o IGH
Joe R. Bennett, 33o IGH
Don Ray Chaney, 33o IGH
Carroll Cameron Coker, 33o IGH
Noel Hastings Coward, 32o KCCH
Billy Ray Dickey, 33o IGH
Dallas Consistory
Ceremonial and Official Degrees
31o to 32o
Master of Kadosh . ................. Richard S. Lissauer, 32o KCCH
Prior . ......................................... David M. Baskin, 32o KCCH
Preceptor ................................. David K. Raucher, 32o KCCH
Chancellor............................... Matthew T. Cason, 32o KCCH
Minister of State ........................... Grady J. Smith, 32o KCCH
Living Past Master of Kadosh
Richard S. Lissauer, 32o KCCH
Master of Kadosh
Dispensation Granted December 18, 1903
Permanent Chater Granted October 17, 1905
James Paul Adcock, 33o IGH
Herman Houston Bennett, Jr., 33o IGH
James Floyd Brumit, Jr., 33o IGH
James Roy Elliott, 33o IGH
James Robert Hurt, 33o IGH
Robert R. Jensen, 32o KCCH
David Burton Kirk, 32o KCCH
William Donald Pardue, 33o IGH
Jack Dean Patterson, 33o IGH
Martin Sylvester Reese, 33o IGH
Craig Anderson Sutton, 32o KCCH
Donald Harry Swango, 33o IGH
Dan W. Turner, 32o KCCH
Robert Lee Walker, 33o IGH
Robert Henry Waters, 33o IGH
John J. Wilson, 32o KCCH
Robert Burns Night
Eric Bailey, General Secretary Jerry McNair
and Venerable Master John Marshall
Fran and Daniel Pearson, III with daughter Laura
Alia and Bob Kalian
Bill Decker, Darrell Hefley, Norm Stuart and Joe Hocker
Dallas Highland Dancers
Judy and Bob Bull
Sandy and Jerry McNair
Grady Smith and Chris Elliott
Charles McKay
Robert and Judy Jensen
John and Deborah Wilson
Carol and Darrell Hefley
Leslie and Scott Brosi
Richard and Melissa Hudman
Jim Fulcher
Knights of St. Andrew
Dan Hill, 32o Worthy Master
There is something about this time of year that
causes the Scottish Rite Mason to remember and
adore the national poet of Scotland, Robert Burns.
The lingering sound of the bagpipe and the sounds of merriment still linger in halls of the Dallas Scottish Rite Cathedral
after our January tribute to Robert Burns, celebrating his birthday.
The Dallas KOSA sponsored dinner achieved a record attendance of 172 people enjoying this year’s event. Donations for
the event were also at record levels. This year the KOSA was able to donate $4000.00 to the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital
and $4000.00 to the Dallas Scottish Rite Library and Museum., Inc.
We would like to especially thank the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for providing valuable support for the event. We could
not have made this event possible without the support and hard work of the many volunteers and sponsors that helped
make the event a success. Diane Moore worked on the event for over a year to make it a success. Past Worthy Master
Bob Moore and Diane have truly set the bar high for next year’s event!
The Dallas Knights of St. Andrew congratulate the 7 members that have received the Rank and Decoration of K.C.C.H. We
will look forward to the continued guidance of those Emeritus members as we continue to grow the organization. We are
happy to announce 8 new Knights and more joining with each reunion.
For those unfamiliar with the Knights of St. Andrew, we are a Black Hat Service organization made up of 32 Degree Scottish
Rite Masons of the Valley of Dallas. We serve as ambassadors of the Scottish Rite and perform numerous functions
including color guard ceremonies for the Valley. We are happy to assist at other functions upon request.
Please visit our new website for more information about our organization and how togetherwe can help make our Valley a
greater success:
From the Secretary’s Desk
2012 is well underway in the Valley of Dallas with various meetings, our spring reunion already concluded, and a tremendous amount of activity here in your Temple. We have welcomed 28 members
into our Fraternity this spring. Please make them feel welcome and a part of a larger Masonic experience by extending your hand in friendship. Have you asked someone to join the Scottish Rite Lately?
It’s up to you and all members of this Valley: ask a Blue Lodge brother to take that next step in their
Masonic search and journey.
Continue your own personal development with the Master Craftsman programs I & II available from your Valley or go
online and order via the Supreme Council website. You can learn at your own pace and obtain a better understanding of
the 29 Scottish Rite degrees and their meanings. The search for more light begins with you.
Coming in April is the Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal which you will want to attend – a moving ceremony
where we take the time to remember those who are no longer with us and renew ourselves in friendship and brotherly
love. Please attend if possible – this is your Valley; its success depends on your participation.
We have many more activities yet to come in the remainder of this year. Get engaged, do something, join one of the
organizations, take a part in one of the degrees, attend the stated meetings, visit and see what’s going on during Scottish Rite education night. If you are not active – and want to be – call me; we can find you a place to help yourself, while
helping our Fraternity.
SCOTTISH RITE! At our March 27, 2012 meeting, Brother Justin R. Glosson
will present a musical program that will thoroughly explore
the unique role that Music plays within the intellectual, philoby: Harold Collum, Co-Chairman Education Committee
sophical, and esoteric framework of Freemasonry. Brother
Glosson is an accomplished pianist, organist, composer, imPlease join us every 4th Tuesday of the month, for our Scot- provisational musician, and music theorist. He is a Graduate
tish Rite University Symposium lecture series! We eat at 6:30 Instruction Assistant for Texas State University, and he has
in the Heritage Lounge downstairs, and begin the program at played with several orchestras, ensembles, and bands, and
7:00 in the main auditorium, ending at8:15 pm.
also as a soloist. He presently serves as the Musician for
San Marcos Lodge No. 342 in San Marcos, Texas. Since beBrother John Crouch has finished his two-part presentation coming a Freemason, Brother Glosson has delivered lectures
on the topic of “Rosicrucianism & Freemasonry”, tracing the to a wide range of Masonic and professional audiences. You
influence and relationship of Rosicrucianism to the develop- won’t want to miss this special presentation – and rememment of Speculative Freemasonry. ber to Bring a Brother Master Mason!
From the Venerable Master
John McClellan Marshall, 33o IGH
We often hear that “Masonry cannot make a bad man good, but it can make a good man better.”
In the 38 years since my reception at the door of Masonry, it has been my observation that more
than one good man has indeed become a better man in part because of his association with our
It is not that Masonry operates overtly on the personality of its members.
On the contrary, the influence of Masonry can be compared to the action of yeast in the making of bread. Many of us
have watched as our grandmothers or mothers or spouses mixed flour and water along with some other ingredients, and
last of all they added yeast just before they began to knead the bread and let it rise. That is how a Mason is made. We
learned the basics of life from our parents and grandparents, and when we entered the door of Masonry it was as if the
yeast had been added to the loaf.
More to the point, hopefully what we have become by our exposure to the principles of Freemasonry are men who are
better enabled to become better men. In that process, we are, by definition, better husbands and fathers, better business
partners, and better public servants than we could have been before. The question then becomes, “Why should we join
the Scottish Rite?” The answer comes from the degrees that we participate in.
Just as our Blue Lodge lessons taught us the virtues of self-discipline and discretion, so the Scottish Rite teaches us the
intrinsic value of leading a life that strives to achieve the highest morality of which we are capable, or put more simply
doing the right thing. This is not to suggest that merely because we have passed through the Lodge of Perfection that
we are perfect. Far from it. What is true, though, is that we know where we should go and how we should strive to get
there. In the movie “Scent of a Woman”, Al Pacino’s character says that when he had come to crossroads in his life, he
always knew which way was the right way to go, but he had never chosen it, because it was too hard. The Scottish Rite
doesn’t make that path any easier, but it does help us choose the right way.
Go, now, my brothers, and become the yeast that changes the loaf of this world for the better.
Richard Lissauer, Royce Reynolds, Bill Cox and John Wilson
Master of Kadosh Richard Lissauer, Commander Francis "Skip" Smith,
Wise Master David Palmlund, III and Venerable Master John Marshall
Chairman Buck Howard receiving a check from Northern
Star Lodge, for the Dallas Scottish Rite. Presented by Robert Umphress, Worshipful Master of Northern Star Lodge
and Chancellor of The Dallas Council of Kadosh.
Dallas Scottish Rite Prelate, Tim R. Zoltowski and General Secretary Jerry R. McNair
Receiving Brother James Biggs, Sr. in celebration of his 109th birthday: RW Elmer Murphey III, PGM,
RW, Jerry Martin GSW, RW Mike Gower, PGM, Grand Master James Brumit, Jr, RW Leonard P. Harvey,
PGM, RW Walt Rogers, DGM RW Tommy Guest, Grand Secretary.
19th Degree, Alfred Bell, William Waller, Degree Master Tim Zoltowski, Candadate Jimmy Hanks,
Richard Johnson, Bill Carpenter and Kevin Main
14th Degree, Mike Parham, Stephen Heisz, Degree master Jimmy Heisz, Paul
Casey and Bob Moore
5th Degree, Robert Bates, Karlan Fairchild, Degree Master Larry Fairchild,
Candadate Delayne Reamsbottom and Joe Allen
Reunion No. 390 Honoring Brother
James Martin Payne, 33o IGH
Don Bean
Brian Brody
Manuel Caballero
Jeff Cole
Lee Coleman
Brian Brown
Dennis Burns
Robert Craft
Tim Crittienden
(Courtesy for Houston)
Anthony Deprez
Carl Elling
Jimmy Lee Hanks
Jeffrey Hershberger
Hunter Jackson
Samuel Jones
Chris Knox
Kacy McCarroll
Troy Messick, III
Jim Norman
Zach O'Reilly
Philip Radeke
Delayne Reamsbottom
Jimmy Renfroe
Michael Shepard
Cliff Smith
Rudy Walker
Brian Williams
Daniel Williams
Maurice Williams
The James Martin Payne Reunion
His passion was to help others, which led to a lifelong commitment to Masonic work. He was
a Past Master of Zavala Lodge No. 1059; Past DDGM of the Grand Lodge of Texas; York Rite
Council, Chapter, & Commandery; Past Director of Hella Shrine stage crew; 33º IGH of the
Scottish Rite; and Past Sovereign of the Red Cross of Constantine. He was also an active
member of the Alpha Class of Lakeside Baptist Church.
Fred Allen, 33o Grand Cross and wife Francine with
Sovereign Grand Inspector General Doug Adkins, 33o
David Payne (center) with (LtoR) Stage Crew chairman, James Murray and Rick Mick,
Co-Chairman Eddie Baker and David Jones
7th Degree
Burt Ramsey, Degree Master Bo Blankenmeister, Bob Smith and Fred Silver
Devil's of the 18th degree team Aaron Conway, Steve Rankin and Bob Bull
29th Degree John Wilson, Derrell Hefley, Tim Zoltowski, Candidate Delayne Reamsbottom Degree Master Harold
Collum, Richard Linden, Lawrence Sweeney, Jimmy Walters, Dave Palmlund, Steve Rankin, Jim Drennan, Jerry McNair,
Robert Vivona and Randy Martin
Mike Posey, Chairman of the Lighting Committee and Bob Wilson
The Always Amazing Zola!
Photograph Committee, Chairman Miguel Granados (center) with (back LtoR)
Tommy Tomlinson, Larry Lane and Charles Bearden
Auditorium Committee, (LtoR 1st row) Fred Silver, Tim Browning, John Hayes
and Bob McReynolds (LtoR 2nd row) Jerry Pate, Chairman Ray Hargis and Dallas Owns,
(back row) Ralph Choate, Loy Hall, Pete Diehl and Mark Mueller
Up on the cat walk: Derek Gracy and John Cox
Harold Collum, Master of Kadosh and 32nd Degree Team in all its Majesty!
John Wright in the 31st Degree
The wonderful Tommy Tomlinson Minister of State in the 32nd Degree
Venerable Master Dallas Lodge of Perfection John
McClellan Marshall
Valley Membership
Valley Membership
we need an effective, energized organization on
By: Bob Moore Membership,
32 Chairman
the ground in the field. We cannot do it from the Scottish
By: Bob
The Dallas Scottish
has two principle areas
focus:We need individual Lodge Ambassadors, who can
Rite of
• First- the support of current membership of the Valley.
communicate with their respective members, by providing
-the business
of recruiting
new Scottish
Rite members.
The Dallas
Rite Membership
has two
information about the Scottish Rite and relaying questions
To be
organization, we need to do both equally well. We need to sustain our current membership base, and we also
and concerns to their respective area or district membership
have to
add new
to the inevitable
of members.
•Firstthe support
of members
the currentdue
of the loss
and/or to the Scottish Rite Club in
The Mission Statement of the Dallas Scottish Rite Membership Committee
as follows:
•Second -the business of recruiting new Scottish Rite
the area. We need Blue Lodge Ambassadors who can explain
“It is a Mission
of the Valley of Dallas membership to provide a solid link to all Valley members and their Blue Lodges so that all member
and theMasons
for the
concerns can
and addressed,
new and existing
To and
be successful
as be
an identified
we need toand
joining to existing and newly raised Master Masons, providing
Scottish Rite.
equally well. We need to sustain our current membership
a pipeline for new Valley members. If every Blue Lodge in the
is a network
we alsoforhave
to constantly
new members
dueof local Scottish Rite Clubs, area representatives, and individual Blue
two additional
Rite members
Lodge “ambassadors”. Each of these is to function with direct, responsive
active links
to the Valley
and the
to the inevitable loss of members.
the result would be 500 new members a year. That is enough
Valley Executive Officers.
The Mission Statement of the Dallas Scottish Rite
not only
our current
but to
The Valley of Dallas is committed to using all resources available to to
and educate
our existing
memMembership Committee reads as follows:
“It isStatements
the Mission are
of the
of Dallas
2012: and for the Valley of Dallas, it can be a dauntMission
to write.
on a mission
is the for
to all Valley
their of the Membership Committee. Indeed, it is the mission of EACH
ing to
Note athat
the Mission
is not
limited and
to members
•The Valley will host several “Called Meetings” of the
Blue Lodges,
so that
all member
to participate
in this
mission.needs and concerns can be
Coordinate Bodies outside of Dallas and in our footprint.
and of
an let’s
to We have roughly 6,000 members, most of who live in the Dallas
So, identified
for purposes
our map.
These meetings will not interfere with our normal Stated
Masons intoDallas.
the Scottish
and new
the 41
41 counties cover an
area of on
square miles
(a 100
radius circle)
3rd Mondays
and are
now.or if
you The
like big
this isfor19,200,000
a bigmission
area even
standards. There are 250 Blue Lodges in these 41 counties.
is by
a TexasThey
will include traveling teams of elective officers of the
For network
organization on the ground in the
of local Scottish Rite Clubs, area representatives,
Bodies effective,
and Executive
cannot doBlue
it from
Scottish Rite office.
with their
of need
is to
Valley will alsowho
dinner meetings
as guests
members, both providing information about the Scottish Rite and relaying questions and concerns to their respective area or district
function with direct, responsive and active links to the Valley
in several craft lodges located where we do not have
membership committee representatives and/or to the Scottish Rite Club in the area. We need Blue Lodge ambassadors who can explain
Membership Committee and the Valley Executive Officers.
nearby and
the benefits of Scottish Rite membership and the process for joining to existing
Master Masons, providing a pipeline
will travel
and meet
with small
of be
for new
Blue Lodge
the Valley
recruited two•The
the result
The Valley
of Dallas If isevery
to in
all available
interest and to hear from
new members
a year.support,
That isinform
to not
only sustain
our currentValley
grow their
the Valley.
to contact,
our existing
them about the needs of their area. We acknowledge that
and new members.”
of ourofmembers
location These
to location.
• The Valley will host several “Called Meetings” of the Coordinate the
Dallas and
in from
our footprint.
Mission Statements are easy to write. Acting on a mission
will not interfere with our normal Stated Meetings on 3rd Mondays and•areThe
They will
will alsonow.
to of
statement is the challenge, and for the Valley of Dallas, it can
elective officers of the Bodies and Executive Officers.
locations away from the Dallas Scottish Rite Cathedral for
be a The
the dinner
is not in several craft lodges located where we do not have nearby Scottish
Valley task.
will alsoNote
as guests
the purpose of education and demonstration of our “work”
Clubs. to members of the Membership Committee. Indeed, it
in tiled environments with our members. These are not
is theThe
in this
to and to
with small
of Valley members to solicit their interest and to hear from them about the
believe the performances (and the
needs of their area. We acknowledge that the needs of our members vary“Reunions”,
from locationbutto we
So, for purposes of examining our own Valley, let’s review our
comes Cathedral
with them)forwill
• The Valley will also transport several degree teams to locations away
from the
Current situation. We have roughly 6,000 members, most of
to not
a greater interest
our Valley.
and demonstration of our “work” in tiled environments with our members.members
These are
but we inbelieve
the performances
(and the education that comes with them) will inspire our non local members
take a greater
our Valley.
If you aretointerested
in becoming
of our committee,
Dallas. These 41 counties cover an area of 30,000 square
If you are interested in becoming a member of our committee, either either
as a Blue
as a Blue Lodge Ambassador or as an Area Representative,
contact me directly. My Scottish rite e-mail address is:
please contact me directly. My Scottish rite e-mail address is:
is 19,200,000 acres, a big area
by Texas
My even
cell phone
is 214-534-6444. With a strong organization in the field, membership can
Bob.moore@dallasscottishrite.org. My cell phone number
There areits250
Blue Lodges in these 41 counties.
is 214-534-6444. With a strong organization in the field,
For Membership to be effective and fulfill the Mission membership can accomplish its mission.
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
To Begin Accepting Reimbursement
Hospital maintains mission and commitment to treat children, regardless of the family’s ability to pay
(DALLAS – March 1, 2012) – Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (TSRHC) announced this week that its Board of Trustees has
authorized the hospital to begin billing for patient care. The decision to accept reimbursement, which was carefully reached by members
of the hospital’s Board of Trustees, is part of an effort to ensure that a strong plan is in place to protect and sustain the hospital’s 90-year
legacy of delivering premier patient care to children throughout Texas.
“After a comprehensive and thorough evaluation of the hospital’s current practice in this changing economic and healthcare environment,
and recognizing that more than 90 percent of TSRHC patient families have some form of health care coverage/medical insurance, the
TSRHC Board of Trustees concluded that implementing a new business model was necessary and appropriate,” said Bob Walker,
President and Chief Executive Officer of TSRHC. “Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children will continue to operate as we have in the
past, by providing medical care based solely on what is best for the child, while treating the whole child — physically and emotionally
— using a collaborative approach.”
TSRHC will accept payment from insurance companies, government programs, including Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance
Programs (CHIPs) and from patient families. Co-payments and deductibles will be billed for those patient families with commercial
insurance. The hospital will perpetuate its mission of providing care to patients regardless of a family’s ability to pay, through a financial
assistance program. Families that meet the eligibility criteria may be eligible for free or discounted care.
“As a former patient, I can tell you the hospital changed my life,” said Lyndon L. Olson, Jr., Chairman of the TSRHC Board of Trustees.
“The hospital has always provided the highest quality treatment regardless of the family’s ability to pay. Our commitment to quality care
and the total hospital experience is at the core of our mission and has always been our highest priority. That will not change.”
Olson added, “We’ve been evaluating and developing the reimbursement process for more than two years. TSRHC patient families, staff
and necessary parties will be fully informed about how the transition will affect them.”
About Texas Scottish Rite
Hospital for Children:
For the past 90 years, physicians at TSRHC have treated
thousands of Texas children with a wide range of orthopaedic
conditions. Since its inception in 1921, the hospital has treated
more than 210,000 children, and in 2011 the hospital had more
than 40,000 outpatient clinic visits.
TSRHC is one of the nation's leading pediatric centers for the
treatment of orthopaedic conditions, including scoliosis, clubfoot,
congenital dislocated hip, Legg-Perthes, limb-length differences
and hand conditions, in addition to certain orthopaedic-related
neurological disorders and learning disorders, such as dyslexia.
TSRHC treats Texas children from birth up to 18 years of age
and, since 1921, has relied on the generosity of individuals,
organizations, foundations and corporations to continue its
In addition to patient care, the hospital strives to improve the
care of children worldwide through innovative research and
teaching programs. The Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Center for
Musculoskeletal Research consists of five Centers of Excellence
supported by the hospital’s research divisions and core facilities.
Contact: Mark Bateman
(214) 559-7652
Neil Devroy
(214) 559-7653
Northeast Corner
It all started in the northeast corner of a room in the lodge.
I am sure you all remember your entered apprentice
degree. For some of you, it may have been recent; for
others, it may have been decades ago. One of the first
lessons of Masonry we were taught in that northeast
corner was the importance of charity.
and Museum, and General Secretary Jerry McNair, by
Worshipful Master Lawrence Sweeney, 32°, KCCH, and
the golf and raffle committee members. The second
check, also in the amount of $24,000, was presented to
Robert Walker, 33°, President and CEO of Texas Scottish
Rite Hospital for Children, and Mark Bateman, 32°.
Knox-Corinthian Lodge No. 851 regularly practices the Our Lodge and Brethren enjoy these opportunities to
principle of charity as do many other Blue Lodge Masons reach out to the community and raise funds for these two
and Scottish Rite Masons.
wonderful organizations. There are many Brethren who
Last year, on September 19th, Knox-Corinthian Lodge held worked very hard in planning, fundraising and rounding
its Sixth Annual Masonic Charity Golf Tournament at TPC up sponsors, gifts and selling raffle tickets. At this time,
Craig Ranch benefiting Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for I would like to give special thanks and recognition to two
Children and the Dallas Scottish Rite Library and Museum. of these individuals, Burrel Poston, 33°, IGH, and Kim
It was a beautiful day for golf. The sun was out, there was Howard, 32°. It is with dedication and true love for our
not a cloud in the sky and it was another great day for fraternity that we all work in the quarries and share the
our Lodge as well as the Scottish Rite. We had over 100 fruits of our labors with others; evoking that lesson we
golfers participate in the golf tournament, silent auction learned in the northeast corner. Please check out our
website for photos and more information on this year's
and awards ceremony.
and past tournaments. The website has been created by
In conjunction with our golf tournament, each year we
Craig Sutton, 32°, KCCH, at www.knoxcorinthian.org.
also sponsor a raffle as part of our charitable fundraising
activities. Matt Ferguson, 32°, KCCH, was the chair for Article submitted by Jeff Haven, 33°, IGH, PM Knoxthis event. Last year, we sold raffle tickets for $10 each Corinthian Lodge No. 851, and KnoxGolf Tournament
for a chance to win the following prizes:
We recently presented the funds
raised from these events at the
Scottish Rite Cathedral. The first
check, in the amount of $24,000,
was presented to Herbert B. (Buck)
Howard, 32°, KCCH, Chairman of
the Dallas Scottish Rite Library
Kim Howard, Burrel Poston, Jeff Haven, Buck Howard, Lawrence Sweeney, Jerry McNair, Kenton Aurand and Matt Ferguson
Kim Howard, Burrel Poston, Jeff Haven, Robert Walker, Mark Bateman, Lawrence Sweeney, Kenton Aurand and Matt Ferguson
Sample of Badges that are Available
Fill out Information and bring or send to:
Dallas Scottish Rite, 500 S. Harwood St., Dallas TX 75201-6210
Rebuilding the Temple
The House of the Temple, our magnificent headquarters
of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern
Jurisdiction, is rapidly approaching its 100th anniversary.
Designed by famed American architect John Russell Pope,
inaugurated with solemn Masonic ceremonies in 1911,
and completed in 1915 in the heart of Washington, D.C.,
the building rivals many other monuments and historic
landmarks of the nation’s capital. It has been called “a
marvel of architecture,” “a wonder in stone,” and “the spirit
of the Scottish Rite captured for a moment in time.”
temperature or humidity, the possibility of mold growing on
these old books is a real threat, which demands immediate
action. Temporary measures have been taken until all the
old pipes can be removed and replaced (a very costly and
time-consuming process).
It is a time for action. Necessary and long overdue
alterations must be made to the Temple in order to ensure
the preservation of our Masonic history and the promotion
of Freemasonry to future generations. A multi-year
campaign to raise the necessary funds to complete the
It is not unexpected then that this almost 100-year old rebuilding and refurbishing has begun. I am proud to be
structure requires extensive updates of utility systems, a part of the Rebuilding the Temple Campaign, and I am
elevators, entrances, and fire safety measures to comply asking for your considered participation. A more detailed
with today’s codes and for the safety and comfort of description of the Campaign follows.
employees and visitors. More serious and more immediate
is the deterioration of parts of the building, making many Sincerely and fraternally,
Jim Nyfeler, 32oK. C. C. H.
areas unsafe or no longer weather
- proof. A four-year long program
of inspection and investigation
of the building from Roof to subbasement has thoroughly identified
and documented what is needed
to bring it into compliance with
today’s building and fire codes and
to prepare it for the next 100 years.
As an example of the issues we
face, about three years ago, one
of the water pipes burst in the
ceiling of the Special Collections
vault causing some water damage
and possible mold to several
of the volumes. Once there is
water damage, or even change in
The House of the Temple
Officers Serving All Bodies
The new Honors Roster Book
is available in the office to
Honor members only
Price is $20.00.
Jerry R. McNair, 32o KCCH - General Secretary
Lawrence A. Winkle, 33° IGH - Treasurer
Samuel D. Tiner, 32° KCCH - Almoner
Timothy R. Zoltowski, 32o - Prelate
Eric D. Stuyvesant, 32o - Master of Ceremonies
James E. Fulcher, 32o - Expert
W. H. "Rick" Mozeley, 32o - Assistant Expert
Barry Boyd, 32o - Captain of the Host
Robert F. Bull, 32o - Equerry
E.J. James, 32o - Chamberlain
Joseph L. McBain, 32o - Tiler
Miguel A. Granados, Jr., 32o - Valley Photographer
Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Presort Standard
U.S. Postage
500 South Harwood Street
Dallas, TX 75201-6210
Permit No. 253
Dallas, Texas
Dallas Scottish Rite Schedule of Events
March 24 - Regional Scottish Rite leadership conference St Louis
March 27 - Scottish Rite University Symposium 6:30 p.m.
March 30, 31 April 1, - Orient Convocation in Waco
April 11 - MWSA Lamar Awards Banquet
April 16 - Ceremony of Remembrance & Renewal 6:30 p.m.
April 25 - Grand Master's Official visit to 14th MWSA - Hella
May 2 - Dallas Scottish Rite Scholarship Banquet
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
May 21 - Stated Meeting ( Dinner ) 6:30 p.m.
May 22 - Scottish Rite University Symposium 6:30 p.m.
June 18 - Stated Meeting ( Dinner ) 6:30 p.m.
June 26 - Scottish Rite University Symposium 6:30 p.m.
July 16 - Stated Meeting ( Dinner ) 6:30 p.m.
July 21 - Summer Reunion
July 24 - Scottish Rite University Symposium 6:30 p.m.
September 5 - JROTC Banquet
September 13 - Rite Care Biennial Conference
Valley Office Staff
General Secretary Jerry R. McNair
Vanessa Palmer x 100 Melissa Scott x 103
Jamie Marshall x 107
Miguel Granados x 106
Mike Kent x 118
Hours: 9-12 , 1-5 Monday-Friday