pdf Version - Knox-Corinthian Masonic Lodge


pdf Version - Knox-Corinthian Masonic Lodge
We are updating our Cornerstone e-newsletter to a monthly issue. This new format will allow us to bring you the most up to
date content in a timely manner, that you can access on your mobile device or computer. We would appreciate your feedback.
Please respond to this email with your thoughts for improvements. We want this to be a valuable resource and believe this
is a step in the right direction. Remember that Freemasonry is more than ever a way of life. It affords all who live their
obligation, an inspiring path to light. Without your involvement, you will simply not shine as bright.
Knox Happenings
Many thanks to WM Barney Grossman for his year in the East. Each year at this
time, every Lodge in Texas must conduct their Installation of Officer’s for the
ensuing Masonic Year. This year, there are 833 Blue Lodges, or “Craft Lodges”,
consisting of over 78,000 Master Masons.
Knox-Corinthian holds its Installation of Officers at 11:00 am, on July 14,
at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, followed by the Knox
Quarterly Luncheon.
Learn more at http://www.knoxcorinthian.org
July Stated Meeting
Knox- Corinthian will hold its July meeting Tuesday, July 21. Our catered lunch
now starts at 11AM, to allow extra time for fellowship and informal meetings. The
Senior Steward, Matt Ferguson, has a craving for Sammy’s Barbecue and thought
others might as well, so we’ll have a great meal. Stated meeting at 12:00. We begin
a new Masonic year with another slate of great officers and lots of ambitious
goals and enthusiasm. Congratulations to new WM David Dean.
Masonic Education-Harold Collum
The Language of Freemasonry: Whence Came We, and Whither Are We Traveling?
One of the aspects of Freemasonry that is curious and enjoyable is the “old-timey”
language that is used in the rituals and ceremonies of the Craft. This language style has
been preserved in Masonic Lodges throughout the English-speaking world over the
For the upcoming Masonic Year, we will be focusing on many of the deep and
profound phrases which are to be found in the lexicon of Freemasonry. Many of these
phrases are woven into our common, everyday language that is used by both Masons
and non-Masons alike.
The very first question of almost every Masonic catechism, in every Masonic
jurisdiction in the world, is “Whence came you?” This question is one of identification,
and is followed by “Where are you going?”, which is a question of purpose. In July’s
meeting we will spend a few minutes talking about where we are from, and then in
August we will follow that up with a discussion of where we are going. This seems to
me to be a great place to start as we begin a new Masonic Year, with a new Master of
the Lodge, and his officers to assist him in leading our Lodge. So Mote It Be!
New Master Masons
WOW, what an awesome day for Daniel Massey and Daniel Sucato, M.D., M.S. What a great day for KnoxCorinthian Masonic Lodge!!! Back to back fantastic degrees. Brother Michael Keener said it best, “I have never
been prouder to be a mason than today, for having Daniel Massey, former TSRHC patient and Dr. Daniel
Sucato, TSRHC Chief of Staff, become Master Masons. Great fellowship and fraternity!!!
Grand Lodge Happenings
The Grand Master has designed emblems for 2015, that demonstrate his belief that
we as Freemasons should teach and practice Freemasonry in our daily lives. We stood
at the door of Freemasonry as a candidate searching for light and upon entry we
obligated ourselves to be practitioners of the principles of Freemasonry.
Freemasonry is not a destination but a journey whereby we perfect our practice
through the continual study of its principles.
Learn more at: http://www.grandlodgeoftexas.org
Dallas SR Happenings
Please be reminded of the Fall Reunion which will be in honor of the Texas Scottish
Rite Hospital: The Officers, Trustees, Physicians, Volunteers and Employees. Of
course, it is all about the patients at the “jewel” of Freemasonry. A better honoree
will not be found for the Valley’s 400th Reunion. Since 1922, TSRHC has been
permanently connected to the Scottish Rite. There will be a special luncheon on Day
#3, October 17th. For more information go to: http://www.dallasscottishrite.org
TSRHC Happenings
A number of years ago, a family motivated by gratitude for the treatment
their daughter received at Scottish Rite Hospital started a small event that
grew to what is now the hospital’s signature event, Treasure Street. On
October 15, we will celebrate the event’s 20th anniversary.
Learn more at http://www.tsrhc.org
Member Profile - Burrel Poston
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Both my sons asked me to be their best man in their wedding. PRICELESS.
If you could go back in time, where would you go and why?
To be the catcher in one of Nolan Ryan’s no-hitters.
If you were trapped on an island, what book would you like to have?
The Match: The Day the Game of Golf Changed Forever.
What is your greatest fear?
Losing my sense of humor
What is your favorite food?
Bar B Que
Which talent would you most like to have?
To be a talented chef and create great gourmet meals
What is your most treasured possession?
My Wilson A2000 baseball glove that is 40 years old.
Upcoming Masonic Events
Knox-Corinthian Golf Tournament, Mon., Sep. 21; TPC Craig Ranch
Scottish Rite Fall Reunion Day One, Sat., Sep. 26; Scottish Rite Cathedral
Scottish Rite Fall Reunion Day Two, Sat., Oct. 3; Scottish Rite Cathedral
Scottish Rite Fall Reunion Day Three, Sat., Oct. 17; Scottish Rite Cathedral
Knox Quarterly Luncheon , Nov. 3; TSRHC
Grand Lodge of Texas, Annual Communication, Dec. 3-5; Waco, Tx.
Upcoming TSRHC Events
Summer Colors Art Auction, Thurs., July 30; TSRHC
Treasure Street, Thurs., Oct. 15; TSRHC
Dallas Sporting Clayshoot, Oct. 31; Elm Fork Shotgun Sports
Dallas Marathon, Sun., Dec. 13
We’d like to hear from you. Please let us know if you’ve received this newsletter or if you need to
update your contact information. Send email to Mark Bateman at
Also, go to the Knox facebook page and website for more information about other lodge
activities and opportunities by clicking on the links below.
If you have content to add, please let us know.