Current Newsletter - Valley of Everett


Current Newsletter - Valley of Everett
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Ill. Carl Smith, 33°
Personal Representative
of the S.G.I G.
(360) 387-4357
Robert (Bob) C. Dearborn
32°, KCCH, Secretary
220 Olympic Blvd
Everett, WA 98203
(425) 337-6982
Orient of Washington - Valley of Everett
February 2015
Volume 24
Issue 02
From The Personal Representative
Ill. Bro. Carl Smith, 33°
Parking was a great consideration when selecting
this building. The property
has 56 parking places on site,
some of which are covered.
There is more on-street parking in the area.
Everett Scottish Rite
will soon have a new
home. The Valley is in the
process of purchasing an
existing church building
located just north of downtown Everett (2431 Rucker
Avenue). After some renoThe Valley will once
vation and remodeling it
again celebrate Valentine’s
will be ideal for our purDay with our annual Sweetposes. HURRAY, OUR
heart Dinner on February
13th. So Brethren, treat your
Lady to an evening of good
It sits on a piece of
The future home of the Valley of Everett Scottish Rite Temple
dining, good entertainment,
property 0.34 acres in size.
and good fellowship. A time to socialize around the punch
The building is two stories with approximately 11,700
bowl will begin at 6:30 p.m. with dinner to be served at
square feet of space on two floors. There is seating for
7:00 o’clock. The charge for the dinner will be $10.00 for
about 325 in the main sanctuary. On the main floor there
the Brethren. The Ladies will be guests of the Valley.
are also offices that will accommodate the Valley’s needs.
The lower floor contains spaces for more offices or
storage. There is a kitchen, dining room, and fellowship
hall on the basement floor. On this floor there are also
several spaces for potential renters to keep their parapherCarl B. Smith, 33°, Personal Representative
From the Secretary
By Robert C. Dearborn,32°, KCCH
The members of the Valley
of Everett extend to all the
Brethren listed be February
a very Happy Birthday
From a book that a friend of mine sent - I deleted to book
reference (so no sales pitch).
Just ways to be a good Mason and a good SCOTTISH
John E Aldrich
Bob D
Truth Be Told: 13 Ways to Demonstrate Honesty
Think before you speak.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Bend over backward to communicate in an open and honest fashSimplify your statements so that everyone clearly understands your
Tell it like it is rather than sugarcoating it.
Present both sides of each issue to engender objectivity.
If you have a personal bias or a conflict of interest, make it known.
Tell people the rationale behind your decisions so that your intent is
If something is misinterpreted, quickly correct the record.
10. Don’t shoot the messenger when someone tells you the truth. Thank
them for their honesty and treat the information provided as a gift.
Willingly accept responsibility by admitting a mistake or an error
in judgment — in a timely fashion.
Hold people accountable when their words do not match their ac-
Walter L Bisson
Thomas R Booth
Wayne C Betts
Never compromise your integrity and reputation by associating
yourself with people whose standards of integrity you mistrust.
From the Almoner's desk
Kenneth Cage, 32º
If you know of anyone who is ill, in a nursing home or hospital please
let me know so I can send them a card or pay them a visit. May God
you and be with you 360-659-5808 or email me at:
Will Burge, III
Edward Carlin
Howard T Cromer
Donald L DuBois
Kenneth D Frank
Tony L Gill
Mark D. Goldberg
Eugene N Hasson
Richard L Kerr
Jerry R Kunkle
Theodore E Rupley
Anthony C. Schwab
Alberto P Tcruz
Sydney’s Remarkable Journey
15 years ago, Sydney, was
a little girl whose severe communication delay was being
ineffectively treated. Her parents were discouraged with
her lack of success after 3
years in a public-school
speech therapy program, and
saddened by the frustration
and cruelty she was experiencing at school.
Hope finally came when they were referred to RiteCare where Sydney received the intensive, individualized
speech and language therapy she needed to overcome
these difficulties.
Not only did Sydney overcome....she has thrived!
Sydney graduated from high school as Valedictorian. She
received a National Merit scholarship to Baylor University where she will graduate with a degree in Neuroscience in May. Sydney also serves on the Public Relations
Committee for the Student Foundation for Alumni, where
she travels across Texas giving presentations for Baylor!
In Washington, there are currently 31,000 kids under
the age of 5 suffering in silence, like Sydney did, from a
communication delay. These children are at an increased
risk of falling behind developmentally, academically and
socially. The implications of an untreated speech and language delay are serious and life-long. This growing problem affects every community in our state.
When you send a gift to RiteCare, you are providing
answers, hope and education for kids and their families
when they need it most.
By Dewey Wollstien, PGM, 32°, KCCH
The great things of life are unadorned.
The ages declare the greatness of men who walked
humbly and quietly, and who were so absorbed in a life of
well-doing that they never had an idle moment to reflect
upon history's evaluation.
The tallest monument erected to a false greatness reveals only the monument, while a rough slab, lonely in its
appearance, may loom as an imposing symbol if it bears
the name of one who lived such a life that only time could
transform such an obscure existence into everlasting greatness.
Great truths are expressed in simple words.
Let ceremonies and superstitions enter and the simplicity of Love, the very essence of Religion, is lost. With its
disappearance all semblance of True Religion is gone.
Speak of perfection and infallibility and the human
touch is withdrawn.
Who can point out the great citizens of today?
Are the great of today the ones whose autographs are
sought? No, the great of today are the men whose autographs will be sought by future generations. Today we do
not know their names. And there are untold thousands
whose greatness will never be known by man. They are
the simple, honest men, unknown and unheralded, whose
hearts are attuned to the Great Heart of the Universe.
Ill Charrison received the attached letter says and
thought I would share it with all of you Brethren
who have a special talent: "The holidays are here
and a spirit of friendly competition is in the air!"
This letter has the info needed for you if you are interested in participating. This is a nationwide contest.
Have you got the talent; are you a musician, magician, dancer, ventriloquist, etc? Scottish Rite is having a competition on May 16th, 2015. A good example is: Allen Lowe and his band.
Submissions are due no later than March 1, 2015 if
you'd like to give it a try - and we'd really root for
you to win
I know that Seattle and Tacoma are putting a real
effort to get some of their numerous members to win
this - doesn't that just get in your craw? The Everett
Valley needs your skills to participate and win for us!
Seriously, if you have some talent and would like to
give it a wing - why not try out for this! Get a hold of
Supreme at the 'Scottish Rite has talent' web page. .
As with any new purchase of an older asset, there is a
lot of work to be done. Even leading up to the purchase,
Ill Walt had a huge task in the negotiating of a
For those of you that do not already know me, I am
price beneficial to us, and at his request, I solicited multiBrother Greg Outman, 32°, of the Everett Valley. This
ple bids from contactors in an effort to better negotiate
last year, I had the honorable duty of leading the Valley
as the Venerable Master of the Lodge of Perfection. This with the seller. Well, now that the building is heading for
its closing of the sale to us, a number of the Valleys
duty was very rewarding to me and I want to thank all
Brethren are inquiring regarding different aspects of this
those Brethren who supported my efforts.
new project.
This year however, I have chosen to step back from
And to begin with, there is some general information
joining any of the Lodges of the Valley.
The reason for this is that, as you may already aware, our that I can make available to you now;
Valley is in the process of completing the purchase of a
Regarding the need to relocate;
church, located at 2431 Rucker Ave, Everett WA, and I
will be assisting with this project.
This newly purchased site is to become the new home 1 As many brethren may be aware, the Valley, through no
of the Everett Valley, Orient of Washington, Ancient and fault of its own, was no longer going to be able to call the
Everett Masonic Center its home.
Accepted Scottish Rite, of the Southern Jurisdiction.
I have made myself available to assist Illustrious Walt 2. The PR assigned Ill Walt Moody to locate a new buildMoody and our Illustrious Personal Representative, Carl ing, in the city if possible, and he did.
Smith, in effort to plan, remodel, schedule, and adminis- 3. Ill Walt directed me to obtain bids for the selected site,
trate this new center. As for my qualifications, for the last to assist in the price negotiation, and I did do so.
4. Our Ill PR and Ill Walt had to apply for a zoning
14 years, I have worked with a company called Kidder
Mathews, a commercial real estate entity, within the En- change, from the city of Everett to accommodate our fragineering Section of the Property Management Division, ternal organization, and this was successful.
5. After persevering through several stalls and delays, the
currently, as a Chief Engineer. I have approximately 20
purchase was ultimately ratified and successful.
years in physical plant management, and am a certified
6. Currently, we are in the process of the legal closing of
facilities operator, and commercial maintenance electrithe purchase.
cian. Currently, in this capacity, I administrate physical
maintenance on 41 commercial buildings, totalRegarding the authorization to purchase and finance,
ing approximately 4.1 million square feet.
Now, as you might imagine, the owners of these proper- and the purchase itself;
ties have a very high expectation of performance, both in
1. At a Stated Communication in the Lodge of Perfection,
the improvements made to their properties and
on Dec 13, 2014 the intended purchase of the new buildthe physical maintenance management of them as well.
ing was ratified by the membership.
To be humble, I will just say that my employ2. The Ill PR worked to secure intelligent financing
ment longevity can be directly tied to the
through our investment and banking entities and this creproper performance of these duties.
It is this expertise that I humbly offer my services to our ated a solid financial framework to make funds available,
not only for the purchase, but to insure that all
new endeavor for Everett Valley Scottish Rite. It is also
the necessary improvements occur. I have seen this finanbecause of this, that our Illustrious Personal Representative has appointed me to head up the val- cial model employed by my owners constantly, and it
leys public relations effort, to provide accurate and timely is because of this, that I have managed their solid investinformation to the membership regarding all the processes ments for decades.
that will be involved in making this new site, a beautiful 3. Thus far, indications are that the Valley is proceeding
smoothly towards a close day of approximately the end of
and meaningful home for our valley.
So, from newly appointed Public Relations Contact for February, 2015.
the new Scottish Rite Center, Everett Valley, here it goes;
Fraternal Greetings Valued Brethren,
Continued from Page 5:
Regarding the Valleys direction from here in regards to
construction, moving, and other issues;
1. We are in the process of hiring architects, contractors,
and other professionals needed to remodel our new home.
2. The reconstruction/remodeling will be done
by licensed contractors AND by permit, which will conform to all current building codes. All work will be warranted.
3. Based on the bids we receive, a timetable will be constructed, and I will be able to release information about
4. There will be a "Buy in" component, asked of the brethren. Not every task will require licensed contractor. Clean
up on certain tasks, and well as landscaping and painting, among other projects, will be put out to the membership, to allow them to volunteer. I will be present at every
volunteer effort, more than likely to coordinate and help. I
also have a lot of equipment to lend as well.
5. Please refer all concordant/appendant bodies that have
questions, to me.
Please note: that I will maintain an actual communications log. If questions are asked, they will
be answered as soon as possible and noted in this log as to
what and when.
Brethren, there is no better feeling, than the knowledge,
that your volunteerism will be rewarded with the satisfaction that you have honorably labored to the benefit of all
the current, and more importantly future, members of this
great Valley.
Well, for now, that's about what I have for you. However, in closing, I do have a request;
I will respectfully ask you to direct all questions and/or
comments regarding this project, to me at of 425 647 9106. Most importantly, we are transparent in all communications. I would
ask that in lieu of speculation about the activities regarding
the new building, please just email or call me. That said, I
have the greatest confidence that Ill Walt and of course our
Ill PR Carl Smith, will work with all parties involved, to
create something beautiful, something that will be a lasting
and beautiful legacy, for our honorable and great Fraternity, for the ages to come.
Gregory W Outman 32
Everett Valley, Public Relations
By Cary Cope, 32°
Brethren as a new class is beginning we talk to them
about the importance of attending our
meetings and the required degrees. But lets not forget
the importance for us to be mentors. These are new
Scottish Rite Masons and they, like you if you will remember, do not know or understand their role as a candidate.
I am not certain as how the mentoring has worked in
the past, I can recall that one was not assigned to me as I
went through the degrees, but this is how I intend to approach it. It is our expectation that the members of the
new class will engulf themselves in our degrees, meetings and events. It is my expectation that the first line
signers on the petitions will be the mentors for the members of the new class. That being said please don't back
away from this duty. I feel that you as the mentor should
inform your candidate of the dates and times of our
meetings, degrees and events. See if they would like a
ride to that event, for themselves and partner if applicable, sit with them at dinner, enjoy their company. For
first and foremost, in my humble opinion, this man is
your friend treat him as such. The candidates will have
many questions throughout the year and you should be
available to answer them or direct him to a brother who
can. Riding to and from our meetings and spending
more time with him will allow time for this to happen.
Let us not make the mistake of getting these men to
get involved with us and then showing little or no interest in how they are doing. They are not just numbers to
increase our roles, instead they are brothers and, as I
stated before, friends. Let us make sure that they are
treated as such. If we do this the chances of them becoming Scottish Rite Masons who attend our functions,
I feel, will greatly increase.
Cary Cope 32, KCCH
Why are the degrees called Scottish Rite Degree?
Any connection with Scotland would seem to be vague. The
reason may be that one or two of the degrees were long supposed to have been devised by the Chevalier Andrew Michael
Ramsay, a learned Scotsman, who was tutor to Prince Charles
Edward, the young Pretender. These degrees seem to have
afforded a meeting place for those in exile in France who
were adherents of the Stuarts, and who were plotting for the
restoration of James II and his son to the throne of England.
No degree of the Scottish Rite seems to have ever had its ori-
All Bodies of Scottish Rite Valley of Everett
Personal Representative of Sovereign Grand Inspector General - Carl Smith 33° 360-387-4357
Valley Secretary – Robert Dearborn 32° KCCH
888-530-0816 or 425-337-6982
Treasurer – G. Santy Lascano 32° KCCH
Almoner – Ken Cage 32°
Tyler/Sentinel – Gene McFarlane 32° KCCH
Web Master – Edward Boress 32°
Finance Chairman –Terry Grove 32°
Bulletin Editor – Ken Thompson 32° KCCH
Lodge of Perfection
Venerable Master – James Hamlin 32° KCCH
Senior Warden – Daniel Chadrow 32°
Junior Warden – Dean Bonar 32°
Rose Croix
Wise Master – Paul Steinsick 32°
Senior Warden – Cary Cope 32° KCCH
Junior Warden – Albert Gustafson 32°
Council of Kadosh
Commander – George Foster 32°
1st Lt. Commander – Lee Schuirman 32° KCCH
2nd Lt. Commander – Walt Moody 33°
Master of Kadosh – Terry Grove 32°
Prior – Dennis Withers 32°
Preceptor – David Martin 32°
Chancellor – Michael Tando 32°
Minister of State – Fred Joiner 32° KCCH
2 0 1 5 Degree Schedule
Director of Works – Walt Moody 33°
Class Marshall – Terry Grove 32°
Assistant Class Marshall – Dan Chadrow 32°
9th Degree Master Richard Kovak 33°
10th Degree Master Richard Kovak 33°
12th Degree Master Angel Corpus 32° KCCH CONS
13th Degree Master Bob Dearborn 32° KCCH CONS
14th Degree Master Hernan Divinigracia 33° LOP
15th Degree Master Lee Shuirman 32° KCCH RC
18th Degree Master Jim Larson 33°
21 Degree Master Allen Lowe 33°
25th Degree Master Dennis Withers 32°
26th Degree Master Walter Smith 33°
29th Degree Master Greg Outman 32°
30th Degree Master Cary Cope 32° KCCH KAD
32nd Degree Master David Martin 32°
Scheduled 02-20-15
Scheduled 02-20-15
Scheduled 02-27-15
Scheduled 02-27-15
Scheduled 04-10-15
Scheduled 04-17-15
Scheduled 04-24-15
Scheduled 05-08-15
Scheduled 05-15-15
To be Scheduled
To Be Scheduled
To Be Scheduled
To Be Scheduled
Washington Masonic Charities – Community Outreach Program Update
Masons caring for Masons, their wives, and widows as they age has been a long and important tradition of Freemasonry. Washington Masonic Charities (WMC) invests in youth and education, provides comfort and support for aging adults and those in need, and preserves and shares the Masonic
heritage of Washington State. WMC’s Community Outreach Program replaced the Masonic Retirement Center of Washington’s Masonic Outreach Service in October of 2014. New staff have joined WMC to provide
positive energy for an effective, and relevant service that meets the needs of the Masonic community.
Community Outreach Program Purpose
The Community Outreach Program’s purpose is to help individuals stay at home as long as they can by providing information and support. When the time comes, staff are available to individuals find the right path to make the transition into a higher level of care, and to provide limited financial assistance through our emergency needs service.
Services Provided
Information & Referral – staff are available assist individuals in identifying resources available to them in their
community including care providers, housing options, support groups, nutrition and more.
Assessment & Evaluation – Staff can visit individuals to assess and evaluate their physical, financial, and social
needs to make recommendations.
Care Planning & In Home Visits– Based on assessment, staff will prepare recommendations for individuals and
assist to coordinate services or provide services where applicable. When possible, our staff will visit people in
their homes on a regular basis.
Financial Benefits Application Assistance – Staff can assist in the preparation of benefits and entitlement applications for qualified individuals.
Emergency Needs – Washington Masonic Charities can assist with one time emergency needs requests. We do
this in coordination with their local lodge and Grand Lodge.
Services are provided at no cost, but we do suggest a donation for assessment & evaluation, care planning, and benefits assistance services.
What Happened to the Masonic Retirement Center?
The Masonic Retirement Center of Washington (MRC) has been closed to residents for several years. Changes in the
building codes, costs for construction to meet those new requirements, and ongoing operational costs led the Grand
Lodge of Washington to make the decision to close the facility. The MRC is owned by the Grand Lodge. The disposition of proceeds from any future sale of the MRC will be decided upon by the Grand Lodge.
Contact Information
Washington Masonic Charities
Community Outreach Program
4970 Bridgeport Way W.
University Place, WA 98467
(253) 442-2505 (select option 8 to speak with one of our Community Outreach Staff)
1 (844) 288-3531 Toll Free
Ken Gibson
Byron Cregeur
Andrea Hall
Marcia Washburn
Monica Bradley
WA. Masonic Charities Executive Director
Community Outreach Program Director
Supervising Case Manager
Case Manager
Administrative Assistant
Why Men Love Freemasonry
By Carl Claudy Submitted By Terry Grove
The New Brother sat near the Old Tiler in the anteroom,
crossed his legs and took out his cigar case.
“Have a smoke and unpuzzle me.”
The Old Tiler accepted the proffered cigar with a smile.
“I am often puzzled, too,” he sympathized. “Tell me.”
“I am quite crazy about Masonry. I love it. So do a lot of
other men. And I don’t know why. I can’t find anyone
who will tell me why. Old Tiler, why do men love Masonry?”
The Old Tiler got up and crossed the room to a bookcase,
extracted a volume and returned.
“I read that question in this little book, ‘The Magic of
Freemasonry,’ by Arthur E. Powell. Let me read to you-”
The Old Tiler fluttered the pages. Finding his place he sat
and began:
“Why do men love Masonry? What lure leads them to it?
What spell holds them through the long years? What
strand is it that tugs at our hearts, taut when so many
threads are broken by the rough ways of the world? And
what is it in the wild that calls to the little wild things?
What sacred secret things do the mountains whisper to
the hillman, so silently yet so surely that they can be
heard above the din and clatter of the world? What mystery does the sea tell the sailor; the desert to the Arab; the
arctic ice to the explorer; the stars to the astronomer?
When we have answered these questions mayhap we may
divine the magic of Masonry. Who knows what it is, or
how or why, unless it be the long cable tow of God, running from heart to heart.”
The Old Tiler closed the book and waited.
“The cable tow of God,” repeated the New Mason.
“That's a beautiful phrase.”
“It's more than a phrase, I think,” the Old Tiler answered.
“As I see it, the heart of Freemasonry by which all manner of men are attracted and held, is just that – the longing for communion with the Most High.”
“Oh, you must be mistaken. Men who want God go to
“Do you go to church?” “Er, oh, well, sometimes.” “Yet
you never miss coming to Lodge.” “No, I don’t, but -”
“Never mind the ‘but.’” The Old Tiler smiled: “A lot
of men come to the Lodge who do not find heart’s case in
the church. The Lodge is not a substitute for church.
Masonry is not a religion, although it has religion. If the
church fails, occasionally, it is because all human institutions must fail at times. No minister or church can satisfy
all men. Some men find communion with the Most High
in Masonry a greater satisfaction than in a church. I think
that is the real reason some men love Freemasonry so
“You give me credit with being a lot more religious than
I do,” retorted the New Mason.
“Men are incurably religious,” asserted the Old Tiler.
“Many don’t know it and refuse to call it by that name,
like you, for instance! In a church, men are told various
things about God. In a Lodge they are allowed to tell
themselves what they will. In a church you are taught a
creed, a dogma. In a Lodge there is neither. In a church
you are quiet and respectful and whisper if you speak at
all. It is kept high, unspotted from the world. A Lodge is
more intimate, personal. You can be jolly in a Lodge, except during a degree. Here are just other men, brothers.
They think as we do; they believe in the one God, as we
do. They repeat the same words, think the same Masonic
thoughts, do the same Masonic acts, as we do. We feel at
home with them in consequence,
“Through years of simple, profound degrees, we weave
the Mystic Tie. We cannot say of what it is composed.
We cannot put a name to it. St. Augustine, asked of God,
answered, ‘I know until you ask me – when you ask me, I
do not know.’ In your heart you know, and I know, what
the Mystic Tie is – what Freemasonry is. But you cannot
say it, nor can I. It is too deep for words. It is the reason
we use symbols, for words cannot express it.
“Deep in us is something which understands what brains
cannot think; something which knows what our minds
cannot comprehend. Masonry speaks to that something in
its own language. If we must put it into words, God is the
only syllable which seems to fit. But when we say God
we mean no special deity, but all that is beautiful in life,
in friendship, in charity, in brotherhood.
“So, my brother, there is no reason for you to be puzzled;
no man can answer your puzzle. Freemasonry is loved by
men because it strikes deep into the human heart, and
supplies the answer to the question, the food for the hunger, which the tongue cannot express...
“Unless it is the tongue of a wise, wise Old Tiler,” finished the New Brother thoughtfully. “And thank you. I
am not puzzled now.”
Rose Croix Funeral Service
This service is very beautiful and available to all ; however, Members must make their members of the Scottish Rite
desires known to their families and the Valley. Should you
desire a Rose Croix Funeral Service, when the time comes,
please let your families know now. Ensure that they have the
phone number of our Valley Secretary, Bob Dearborn when
that time does comes. Bob can be reached at 1-425-3376982, toll free or email him at
By David R. Ritchie
We have a very long driveway
and after the first winter the need for
a windbreak was very
A friend of mine offered me all the
maple saplings I could dig. Her yard
was full of them.
She had maple seedlings coming up
around the foundation of her house,
in her flower beds, her
lawn, everywhere. So with visions of
a beautiful tree lined driveway I dug
saplings. I returned
home with more than fifty little trees,
each planted and spaced along the
drive just so. In a
number of years I would have a classic and beautiful tree lined driveway.
The following spring
not one of the little trees leafed out.
Not one. Around one of the little
sticks, though, two irises
came up. Hitch hikers from the flowerbed the sapling had been dug from.
Deep purple with
brilliant yellow centers. A dozen
years later, a mix of trees and brush
line my drive, hardly the
park like tree lined drive I had
planted, but each spring the irises
come up. Now a bed of solid
purple and yellow about six feet by
four foot. I planted trees and got
We do not always get what we
think we plant. As Masons we plant a
lot of seeds, with our
projects, our charities, and our scholarships. We do not always get back
what we think we have
I was visiting at a hospital and
was introduced to the nurse who was
caring for the person I
was there to see. When she found out
I was a Mason she chuckled and said
that she was, "a nurse
today because of the Masons."
Graduating high school the Masons
in her little home town had
given her a scholarship. She was going to become a home-economics
teacher. The scholarship
was given to a student who planned a
career and would return home to better their town. It didn't
take long into the first semester for
her to realize that she didn't want to
teach and she didn't like
school, but she did not want the
scholarship to go to waste. In the second semester she enrolled
in nursing courses and found her true
calling. Her home town didn't have a
hospital and the town
doctor already had a nurse. She
would marry, move to Wisconsin and
today is a cardiac nurse
with more than twenty years of experience. These Brothers planted a
teacher for their home town
and grew a nurse for another state.
Someone who has worked with and
affected the lives and
families of hundreds if not thousands
of people.
In another case I was talking with a
woman who informed me, "My
mother thought the world
of the Masons." This woman now in
her sixties related how her brother
had joined the local
lodge but had never really did much.
Work and family took a lot of his
time but he also had a
wide circle of friends. When his job
transferred him to another state. Mom
worried. "He is not
going to know anyone. What if he
needs help, etc...." In short she did
what moms do, she worried
about her son. Soon after he had arrived at the new job he found that a
couple of the guys he
worked with were Masons. Who, of
course, invited him to lodge. These
Brothers helped him
settle in and friendships ensued. Over
the decades his family grew, he advanced at work, he
became Master of his lodge, and has
formed great friendships. Mom gave
the Masons all the
credit for making her son, welcome
and happy and successful. These
Brothers, who extended the
right hand of friendship, probably
never thought of making an old lady
happy. A lady a thousand
miles away, who they had never met,
whose fears and worries they relieved. These Brothers
were just trying to make the new guy
feel welcome, (and if we are honest,
probably thought great
another young guy to help in lodge).
They planted friendship, which did
grow, but a mother's
comfort grew as well.
It is easy to become discouraged
or feel that our actions are unappreciated. We complain
because we did not receive a thank
you card or our lodge philanthropy
did not make the local
paper. We find ourselves wondering
if it is worth it. My Brothers it is
worth it. Sometimes our
actions go unappreciated, that is a
simple fact of life. Sometimes
though, it takes years for the
good to unfold and the recipient to
see what they were given. Sometimes
the most grateful are
those we never meet. Sometimes the
results are not what we planned on
but even better in a way
we could not have imagined. We do
not give for the thank you and the
accolades. We give
because it makes us feel good and
because someone needed help. We
give because we are good
men. We give because we are Masons.
[From an article in Wisconsin Masonic Journal, January 2014, Grand
Valley of Everett
Annual Sweetheart dinner
Friday, February 13, 2015
At the
Everett Masonic Center
6:30 PM Punch Bowl
7:00 PM Dinner
Members, Ladies and Guest are
Cordially invited to attend
Ceremony of remembrance
Friday, March 20, 2015
At the
Everett Masonic Center
6:30 PM Punch Bowl
7:00 PM Dinner
Members, Ladies and Guest are
Cordially invited to attend
Valley of Everet t Calendar of Events
Reserve Friday Evenings for your Scottish Rite
Feb 08
Feb 13
Feb 20
Feb 27
Mar 08
Mar 13
Mar 20
Mar 27
2:00 PM Executive Council Meeting
Lodge of Perfection— Sweet Heart Dinner -6:30 PM Punch Bowl
7:00 PM Buffet Dinner
Council of Kadosh - 6:30 PM Buffet - Confer 9th & 10th Degree
Consistory - 6:30 PM Buffet - Confer 12th Degree
2:00 PM Executive Council Meeting
Dark—District 9 Grand Lodge Meeting
Chapter of Rose Croix—Ceremony of Remembrance—6:30 PM Punch Bowl
7:00 PM Buffet Dinner
Council of Kadosh—6:30 PM Buffet— Confer 13th Degree
February 2015
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
6;30 PM
Sultan Monroe 160
Crystal 122
Crystal 122
Alpha 212
Centennial 25
Everett 137
Damascus 199
Arlington 129
Peninsular 95
Sultan Monroe 160
Crystal 122
Alpha 212
Centennial 25
Damascus 199
Peninsular 95
Stated Meeting—6:00 PM Dinner
Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner
SLOC Meeting
Stated Meeting
Stated Meeting
Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner
Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner
Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner
Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner
Stated Meeting—6:00 PM Dinner
Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner
Stated Meeting
Stated Meeting
Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner
Special Communication—6:30 PM Dinner
February 2015
Date Day
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Mount Baker 36
Burlington-United 93
Fidalgo 77
Camanio 19
Whidby Island 15
Garfield 41
Langley 218
Fidalgo 77
6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting
6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting
6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting
6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting
6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting1
6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting
6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting
District 9 Leadership Association
Note: Brethren take the time to visit your local Blue Lodges and share with them the opportunities that are available to them in the Valley of Everett Scottish Rite
F&AM Scottish Rite Bodies
220 Olympic Blvd
Everett, WA 98203
February 2015
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage paid
Mt Vernon, WA
Permit No. 147
What is Scottish Rite?
Although there is no higher degree than that of Master Mason, the 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite
serve to enrich the philosophy of the Symbolic Lodge. A Mason who chooses to further his Masonic experience by becoming a
32° Scottish Rite Mason will be expanding upon the fundamental principles of Freemasonry. The moral and ethical lessons will
allow him to be constantly reminded of his duty to God, Family, Country, and Fellow Man.
From the Personal Rep
From the Secretary “Truth be
 Februarys Birthdays
 “Simplicity,” by Dewey Wollstein
 Rite Care “Sydneys Remarkable Journey”
 Upcoming Events
 Scottish Rite Has Talent
 Valley of Everett Public Relations by Greg Outman
 “Mentoring”, Cary Cope
 Washington Masonic Charity Community Outreach Program
 “Planting and Growing.” Article by David R. Ritchie
Visit the Everett Valley web site.
It is located at:
Friday, February 13, 2015
Valley of Everett
Sweetheart Dinner
6:30 Punch Bowl
7:00 PM Dinner
At the
Everett Masonic Center
Everett, Washington
Members, Ladies and Guest
are cordially invited to attend
Friday, March 20, 2015
Valley of Everett
Ceremony of Remembrance
6:30 Punch Bowl
7:00 PM Dinner
At the
Everett Masonic Center
Everett, Washington
Members, Ladies and Guest
are cordially invited to attend
Valley of Everett
Contact List
Carl Smith, 33º,
Personal Rep of the S.G.I.G.
Telephone: (360) 387-4357
Robert (Bob) C. Dearborn
32º, KCCH, Secretary
Telephone: 1-425-337-6982
Kenneth Cage, 32º
Telephone: 360-659-5808
Kenneth Thompson,
32º, KCCH, Editor
Telephone: 425-344-4477