Current Newsletter - Valley of Everett
Current Newsletter - Valley of Everett
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Robert (Bob) C. Dearborn 32°, KCCH, Secretary 220 Olympic Blvd Everett, WA 98203 (425) 337-6982 Ill. Carl Smith, 33° Personal Representative of the S.G.I G. (360) 387-4357 Volume 24 Orient of Washington - Valley of Everett March 2015 Issue 03 THE RITE BULLETIN From The Personal Representative Ill. Bro. Carl Smith, 33° From the Personal Representative Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal Today’s the Day the Sun will Rise, As it did the Year Before. To Cast it’s Rays on Frozen Skies, And to Renew the world once More. It should come as no Surprise, Amidst Man in All his Strife. This would be the day we Share, To Celebrate the Gift of Life. Upon reading this poem, I thought to myself how appropriate it was when writing about our Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal, the Mystic Banquet, and the Extinguishing and Relighting of the lights. In its simplest form it is our celebration of the gift of life. Quoting now from the “Forms and Traditions” of the Scottish Rite, “The Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal, including the Mystic Banquet, is not a religious observance. It is neither the Feast of the Passover nor a Sacrament of Holy Communion, although it commemorates the spirit of both days.” Our Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal as its presented today is separated into four distinct parts. They are as follows; Remembrance of Recently Deceased Brethren, The Mystic Banquet, The Tenebrae, or Extinguishing of the Lights, and Fiat Lux, or Relighting the Lights. The remembrance of recently deceased Brethren is for the Knights of Rose Croix to remember those that have passed to that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. It is here that we each, in our own way, celebrate their lives and the contribution their life gave to this world. Continued on page two . From the Personal Representative Continued from page one The Mystic Banquet is not itself a religious ceremony, however to our Jewish Brothers, it signifies the Feast of the Passover, commemorating Jehovah’s passing over the Israelites houses while passing through the houses of the Egyptians to destroy the firstborn of each household. To our Christian Brothers, it signifies the Last Supper Jesus had with his Disciples after which followed his crucifixion and resurrection. In the Tenebrae, or Extinguishing of the Lights, we witness each light, one by one, fade into the darkness. As the darkness gathers in the world hope fades, and fear assumes its place. Fear of no Salvation and no rekindling of life, fear of death. Then Fiat Lux, one light appears, followed by another, then another. Light pushes back the darkness. Faith and Hope returns and life is again rekindled. Again quoting from “Forms and Traditions” the “Tenebrae asserts in candle, wax, and flame the simple truth that Faith, Hope and Charity will never die. Dark- From the Secretary SCOTTISH RITE HAS TALENT By Robert C. Dearborn,32°, KCCH Ill Charrison received the attached letter says and thought I would share it with all of you Brethren who have a special talent: "The holidays are here and a spirit of friendly competition is in the air!" This letter has the info needed for you if you are interested in participating. This is a nationwide contest. Have you got the talent; are you a musician, magician, dancer, ventriloquist, etc? Scottish Rite is having a competition on May 16th, 2015. A good example is: Allen Lowe and his band. Submissions are due no later than March 1, 2015 if you'd like to give it a try - and we'd really root for you to win I know that Seattle and Tacoma are putting a real effort to get some of their numerous members to win this - doesn't that just get in your craw? The Everett Valley needs your skills to participate and win for us! Seriously, if you have some talent and would like to give it a wing - why not try out for this! Get a hold of Supreme at the 'Scottish Rite has talent' web page. . Brethren, We will be purchasing our new home soon: Jim Hamlin 32 KCCH has volunteered to gather any requests or needs that we will have/need to incorporate into the new building. The building is a church in it's present configuration and will need changes to truly be a Scottish Rite Temple, We want to do it right the 1st time (and not have to redo's, etc). Jim has included some of the ideas that have been brought up. There are some areas that need to be fixed and/or expanded - we know about them. We do have an architect lined up - we are not looking for any volunteers to do this work. It is going to be YOUR SCOTTISH RITE TEMPLE - this is the time for any input. Yours in better Scottish rite Masonry Bob D ness must yield to light, Tyranny will fall to freedom. Order and truth will ever conquer chaos and error.” As Scottish Rite Masons, and Knights of the Rose Croix, we are obligated on this special day, to break bread with other Knights of the Rose Croix in memory of those that have come before. If not possible to do so in person, then to do so at least in spirit. On Friday, March 20th, Everett Valley will share this special day with each other, and in spirit with thousands of Scottish Rite Masons throughout the world. We thank each of you for sharing this time with us in our celebration of life. The “Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal” is open to all Brothers, their families and friends. The evening will begin with a punch bowl at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 7:00 p.m. The ceremony will then be performed by a team of Rose Croix Brethren after dinner. The program will conclude with the traditional Mystic Banquet. Please give Bro Terry Grove 32°, at or email him at: to make reservations, if you have not already signed-up, so that proper preparations can be made. Charge for the dinner will be $12.00. Carl B. Smith, 33°, Personal Representative SCOTTISH RITE: NORTH & SOUTH Submitted by Terry Groves, 32° Here in Washington, we all know the Scottish Rite as one of two branches of degree Masonry a member of the “Blue Lodge” can aspire to. (The other being the York Rite.) But really, there are two separate organizations of the Scottish Rite , the Southern Jurisdiction and the Northern Jurisdiction. Only the Southern Jurisdiction practices in the West. There are 15 states and 109 Valleys within the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America. The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction specifically covers the 15 states east of the Mississippi River and north of the Mason-Dixon Line and the Ohio River, including Delaware. Its headquarters is in Lexington, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. The Northern Scottish Rite was established in 1813 following a schism within the original Scottish Rite body. The Southern Jurisdiction is not as much “southern” as it is “national,” practicing throughout the United States. It's headquarters are in Charleston, South Carolina - their Supreme Council was established on May 31st, 1801. The Scottish Rite - House of the Temple is situated in Washington, DC. 2 0 1 5 Degree Schedule Director of Works – Walt Moody 33° Class Marshall – Terry Grove 32° Assistant Class Marshall – Dan Chadrow 32° 425-743-1575 425-610-4561 425-337-2350 14th Degree 15th Degree 18th Degree 21st Degree 25th Degree 26th Degree Scheduled 04-10-15 Scheduled 04-17-15 Scheduled 04-24-15 Scheduled 05-08-15 Scheduled 05-15-15 To be Scheduled 29th Degree To Be Scheduled To Be Scheduled 30th Degree To Be Scheduled 32nd Degree Degrees shown in red are the mandatory degrees and must be viewed From the Almoner's desk Kenneth Cage, 32º If you know of anyone who is ill, in a nursing home or hospital please let me know so I can send them a card or pay them a visit. May God bless you and be with you 360-659-5808 or email me at: Washington Masonic Charities assists Masons, their widows and wives navigate stages of aging. Our staff understand that many people prefer to age in their own home but face issues beyond their control that make it difficult for them to age independently and with dignity. Call us at 253-442-2505 to learn how we can help you or your loved one address a current need or prepare for the next stage of aging. The members of the Valley of Everett extend to all the Brethren listed be March a very Happy Birthday John R Bellmore Bruce E Biddlecome Ralph L Brigman Henry C Brown James F Davidson Timothy J Guernsey Jack Harris Robert E King Francisco W Lalas Leo A Latlip Robert G Little Thomas A Mead Dwight W Needham Donald W Newquist Brian E O'dell Ronald D. Quinto Jason P. Rivers Chester A Simcoe Dale K Thayer William R H Wade Bertum Williams Dennis C Withers Robert M Wright St. Patrick's Day and Freemasonry by Steven L. Harrison, 33°, PM, FMLR Every school kid learns March 17 Freemasons?" About twenty years later, during the is the day we celebrate the life and deeds of Maewyn Succat, the second French-Indian War, a young Masonic Bishop of Ireland, who is better known Colonel recognized the morale among as Ireland's Patron Saint, St. Pat- his troops was low and decided they rick. Those same school kids also needed what today we would call some learn Patrick's great triumph was chas- "down time." It was March, at the end ing the snakes out of Ireland. It's true, of a long, brutal winter and many of the there are no snakes in Ireland; how- troops were Irish. It didn't take the ever, that's more likely because there Colonel long to figure out the best day have never been any snakes on the iso- to declare a general holiday would be lated island. Captured and taken into slavery as a youth, Maewyn, St. Patrick's day. Several years later, that same Freemason, now a gen- a.k.a. Patrick, escaped to the European mainland. While a eral in the American Revolution, faced a very similar slave he had converted from paganism to Christianity, and problem. Billeted at Morristown, New Jersey, his troops once on the continent, he sought refuge at Marmoutier were discouraged after a long winter of devastating fight- Abbey, a French monastery. There, he accepted his call- ing and losses. On top of that, the preceding winter of ing, which was to convert other pagans to Christian- 1779-80 was brutally cold. That General, George Wash- ity. With that, he returned to Ireland and became very ington, again had many Irish troops under his command successful at making those conversions. In a manner of and once again he saw the opportunity of celebrating St. speaking, the "serpents" he figuratively chased from Ire- Patrick's Day to boost morale. With that, Washington is- land were the pagan Druids, not actual reptiles. sued the order giving his troops their first day off in over After a successful ministry, Patrick retired to County two years, “The General directs that all fatigue and work- Down, where he died on March 17, 461 A.D. Although ing parties cease for to-morrow the SEVENTEENTH in- never officially canonized by the Catholic Church he is, in stant, a day held in particular regard by the people of fact, recognized as a saint; and today we celebrate the [Ireland].” Feast of St. Patrick, or St. Patrick's Day, on the anniver- The respite from the ravages of war and winter went over sary of his death. well with the troops, some of whom were said to celebrate However, even in Ireland prior to the late 18th century, with a "hogshead of rum." Washington is credited with St. Patrick's Day was not that big of a deal. The same was establishing the first instances of a secular celebration of true in North America, where the churches in Boston, St. Patrick's day, a tradition which caught on and has with its large Irish population, didn't recognize the day grown to become a major event today, with the hogshead until 1737. of rum long replaced by freely flowing green beer. Reprinted from Midnight Freemason "So, what," you may ask, "does this have to do with the Washington Masonic Charities – Community Outreach Program Update Masons caring for Masons, their wives, and widows as they age has been a long and important tradition of Freemasonry. Washington Masonic Charities (WMC) invests in youth and education, provides comfort and support for aging adults and those in need, and preserves and shares the Masonic heritage of Washington State. WMC’s Community Outreach Program replaced the Masonic Retirement Center of Washington’s Masonic Outreach Service in October of 2014. New staff have joined WMC to provide positive energy for an effective, and relevant service that meets the needs of the Masonic community. Community Outreach Program Purpose The Community Outreach Program’s purpose is to help individuals stay at home as long as they can by providing information and support. When the time comes, staff are available to individuals find the right path to make the transition into a higher level of care, and to provide limited financial assistance through our emergency needs service. Services Provided Information & Referral – staff are available assist individuals in identifying resources available to them in their community including care providers, housing options, support groups, nutrition and more. Assessment & Evaluation – Staff can visit individuals to assess and evaluate their physical, financial, and social needs to make recommendations. Care Planning & In Home Visits– Based on assessment, staff will prepare recommendations for individuals and assist to coordinate services or provide services where applicable. When possible, our staff will visit people in their homes on a regular basis. Financial Benefits Application Assistance – Staff can assist in the preparation of benefits and entitlement applications for qualified individuals. Emergency Needs – Washington Masonic Charities can assist with one time emergency needs requests. We do this in coordination with their local lodge and Grand Lodge. Services are provided at no cost, but we do suggest a donation for assessment & evaluation, care planning, and benefits assistance services. What Happened to the Masonic Retirement Center? The Masonic Retirement Center of Washington (MRC) has been closed to residents for several years. Changes in the building codes, costs for construction to meet those new requirements, and ongoing operational costs led the Grand Lodge of Washington to make the decision to close the facility. The MRC is owned by the Grand Lodge. The disposition of proceeds from any future sale of the MRC will be decided upon by the Grand Lodge. Contact Information Washington Masonic Charities Community Outreach Program 4970 Bridgeport Way W. University Place, WA 98467 (253) 442-2505 (select option 8 to speak with one of our Community Outreach Staff) 1 (844) 288-3531 Toll Free Ken Gibson Byron Cregeur Andrea Hall Marcia Washburn Monica Bradley WA. Masonic Charities Executive Director Community Outreach Program Director Supervising Case Manager Case Manager Administrative Assistant Valley of Everett COMING EVENTS Ceremony of remembrance Friday, March 20, 2015 At the Everett Masonic Center 6:30 PM Punch Bowl 7:00 PM Dinner Members, Ladies and Guests are Cordially invited to attend Mother’s day brunch Let us all Celebrate all our Moms Sunday, May 10, 2015 At the Location to be Announced 10:00 AM—1:00 PM Members, Ladies and Guest are Cordially invited to attend Valley of Everet t Calendar of Events Reserve Friday Evenings for your Scottish Rite Mar 08 Mar 13 Mar 20 Sunday Friday Friday Mar 27 Friday 2:00 PM Executive Council Meeting Dark—District 9 Grand Lodge Meeting Chapter of Rose Croix—Ceremony of Remembrance—6:30 PM Punch Bowl 7:00 PM Buffet Dinner Council of Kadosh—6:30 PM Buffet— Confer 13th Degree+\ Apr 05 Apr 10 Apr 17 Apr 24 Sunday Friday Friday Friday 2:00 PM Executive Council Meeting Lodge of Perfection—Confer 14th Degree– 6:30 PM Buffet Chapter of Rose Croix—Confer 15th Degree– 6:30 PM Buffet Council of Kadosh, Confer 18th Degree– 6:30 PM Buffet DISTRICT EIGHT MASONIC HAPPENINGS March 2015 3 Tuesday 7 4 Saturday Wednesday 9 10 11 12 17 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday 18 Wednesday 24 26 Tuesday Thursday 7:00PM 6:30 PM 8:00 AM 7:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 6:00PM 6;30 PM Sultan Monroe 160 Crystal 122 Peninsular 95 Alpha 212 Centennial 25 Everett 137 Damascus 199 Arlington 129 Peninsular 95 Sultan Monroe 160 Crystal 122 Alpha 212 Centennial 25 Damascus 199 Peninsular 95 Stated Meeting—6:00 PM Dinner Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner SLOC Meeting Stated Meeting Stated Meeting Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner Stated Meeting—6:00 PM Dinner Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner Stated Meeting Stated Meeting Stated Meeting—6:30 PM Dinner Special Communication—6:30 PM Dinner DISTRICT NINE MASONIC HAPPENINGS March 2015 Date Day Time Lodge Event 3 5 11 12 17 19 24 25 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Mount Baker 36 Burlington-United 93 Fidalgo 77 Camanio 19 Whidby Island 15 Garfield 41 Langley 218 Fidalgo 77 6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting 6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting 6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting 6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting 6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting1 6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting 6:30 P M Dinner—Stated Meeting District 9 Leadership Association Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Note: Brethren take the time to visit your local Blue Lodges and share with them the opportunities that are available to them in the Valley of Everett Scottish Rite F&AM Scottish Rite Bodies 220 Olympic Blvd Everett, WA 98203 March 2015 Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage paid Mt Vernon, WA Permit No. 147 What is Scottish Rite? Although there is no higher degree than that of Master Mason, the 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite serve to enrich the philosophy of the Symbolic Lodge. A Mason who chooses to further his Masonic experience by becoming a 32° Scottish Rite Mason will be expanding upon the fundamental principles of Freemasonry. The moral and ethical lessons will allow him to be constantly reminded of his duty to God, Family, Country, and Fellow Man. IN THIS ISSUE DATES TO REMEMBER From the Personal Rep From the Secretary “Truth be Told” Februarys Birthdays “Simplicity,” by Dewey Wollstein Rite Care “Sydneys Remarkable Journey” Upcoming Events Scottish Rite Has Talent Valley of Everett Public Relations by Greg Outman “Mentoring”, Cary Cope Washington Masonic Charity Community Outreach Program “Planting and Growing.” Article by David R. Ritchie Visit the Everett Valley web site. It is located at: Friday, March 20, 2015 Valley of Everett Ceremony of Remembrance 6:30 Punch Bowl 7:00 PM Dinner At the Everett Masonic Center Everett, Washington Members, Ladies and Guest are cordially invited to attend Sunday, May 10, 2015 Valley of Everett Annual Mothers Day Brunch 10:00 AM—1:00 PM Valley of Everett Contact List Carl Smith, 33º, Personal Rep of the S.G.I.G. Telephone: (360) 387-4357 Email: Robert (Bob) C. Dearborn 32º, KCCH, Secretary Telephone: 1-425-337-6982 Email: Kenneth Cage, 32º Almoner Telephone: 360-659-5808 Email: Location to be determined Members, Ladies and Guest are cordially invited to attend Ladies Free Kenneth Thompson, 32º, KCCH, Editor Telephone: 425-344-4477 Email: