April â June - Los Angeles Scottish Rite
April â June - Los Angeles Scottish Rite
April – JUNE 2015 Volume CI Number 3 DATED MATERIAL JAN 26 III. Russell E. Charvonia, 33°, Grand Master MAR 27 III. S. Brent Morris, 33°, Grand Cross APR 17 III. Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross APR 27 Maru Vezquez, UCLA Associate Professor MAY 15 III. Robert G. Davis, 33°, Grand Cross MAY 22 R.W. Bruce R. Galloway, JGW JUN 12 III. Sean Graystone, 33°, Grand Cross JUN 22 Zhenya Gershman, Getty Museum Historian JUL 10 III. Rex R. Hutchens, 33°, Grand Cross, PGM Los Angeles, CA 90048-5426 AUG 28 6310 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 402 PERIODICAL April – JUNE 2015 2015 SPEAKER SERIES F E AT U R I N G T H E S E NOTEABLE SCHOLARS R.W. John Heisner, SGW SEP 25 Ill. John L. Cooper, III, 33°, PGM OCT 17 Panel: Rex R. Hutchens, Arturo de Hoyos And Sean Graystone Event Information & Speaker Biographies Inside LOS ANGELES EDITOR'S NOTE SCOTTISH RITE SK WESLEY PITTS, 32° KCCH BULLETIN OUR LOS ANGELES CHILDHOOD Language Center and the service it provides is something of which we can all be very proud. Recently, our Board of Directors met with Ill. Ray Godeke, 33°, Executive Vice President & Secretary of the California Scottish Rite Foundation, which oversees all Scottish Rite Language Centers in California, to evaluate our Center's current operations, and to discuss ways that our Center could better serve the greater Los Angeles community. One topic under consideration is the current location of our Language Center. It is a nice facility and has served us well for many years, but there are perhaps better locations, particularly nearer to less affluent neighborhoods where there is greater need for our services. Locations closer to freeways and subway stations might also be advantageous. We are evaluating these possibilities, along with lease rates, to determine if moving our Center would benefit our Center financially while also enhancing the ability to execute its mission. There are other issues that we need to address for our Center's future, including ways to increase contributions — not only from our members, but from the Los Angeles community as well. If you have ideas for improving our Center, the Board would like to hear from you! As Board Chairman, I welcome you to email me at wgp@la-sr.org with your questions or suggestions. ◬ (USPS 319-680) Los Angeles Scottish Rite 6310 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 402 Los Angeles, California, 90048-5426 Official publication of the Los Angeles Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Periodical Class Postage Paid at LOS ANGELES, California and at additional mailing offices. No subscription price Published bi-monthly CHANGE OF ADDRESS Please notify the Secretary's Office of your correct mailing address, including ZIP Code, when moving. POSTMASTER Send address changes to: Los Angeles Scottish Rite 6310 San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 402 Los Angeles, California, 90048-5426 ◬ Ill. RONALD A. SEALE, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander Ill. FRANK LOUI, 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General in California Ill. MICHAEL M. MARSELLOS, 33° G.C. Personal Representative BERNARD A. WOODS, 32° General Secretary S.K. WESLEY G. PITTS, 32° KCCH Editor, L.A.S.R. Bulletin & Website ◬ ALLEGIANCE The bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, sitting in the Valley of Los Angeles, Orient of California, acknowledge the authority and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General, Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon, of the Thirty-third and last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, whose See is at the Grand Orient of Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, now sitting at Washington, D.C., of which Illustrious RONALD A. SEALE, 33°, is Sovereign Grand Commander. Page 2 Los Angeles Scottish Rite Bulletin LASR HOSTS SO. CAL. MEMBERSHIP SEMINAR On February 28th, the Los Angeles Scottish Rite hosted the first Southern California Membership Seminar, prepared and presented by Bro. Ralph Laserna, Chairman of the Orient of California Membership Committee. Present were Scottish Rite Valley representatives, including brothers from the Pasadena, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Springs, San Bernardino and Oxnard Valleys. This was my first assignment as Vice Chairman for Southern Region of California, and I would like to thank Ill. Frank Loui, 33°, S.G.I.G. in California, Ill. Michael Marsellos, 33° GC, Personal Representative, and Brother Ralph Laserna, Chairman of the Orient of California Membership Committee, for helping to make this a successful event. Bro. Laserna is presently working with the California Central Valley Membership Committee Chairman for its seminar scheduled for June. – Bro. Alberto Casanova, 32° CHILDHOOD LANGUAGE CENTER CONTRIBUTORS On behalf of the Board of Directors and Clinicians of our Childhood Language Center, we express our heartfelt thanks to those who help keep our center operating. Dominador De La Cruz, Jr. Laurence Friedman Edward M. Parrott ALMONER DONATIONS William J. Dankers, III Laurence Friedman Edward M. Parrott IN MEMORIAM Gayle E. England, 33˚ Robert W. Thompson, 32˚ Frank R. Miller, 32˚ Clarence E. Welsh, 32˚ Roland L. Ridgway, 32˚ SOFT AND SAFE TO THEE, MY BROTHER, BE THY RESTING PLACE BRIGHT AND GLORIOUS BE THY RISING FROM IT www.la-sr.org Page 11 GUEST SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES FROM THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ILL. MICHAEL M. MARSELLOS, 33° GRAND CROSS SEAN GRAYSTONE, 33°, Grand Cross, is the Superintendant of the House of the Temple of the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. Ill. Graystone is a Past Master of Cerrillos Lodge #19, Santa Fe, New Mexico. He received the Grand Cross, Court of Honor, in 2001. Ill. Graystone is also a Knight York Cross of Honor in the York Right; Honorary Legion of Honor, Demolay International, and has been a member of the National Board of Directors of the Scottish Rite Research Society since 1999. From 2010 to 2013, Ill. Graystone served as Third Acolyte in the Masonic Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis. He is also a member of Les Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte; the Red Cross of Constantine; the Royal Order of Scotland; the Grand College of Rites; the Allied Masonic Degrees; National Sojourners, Kit Carson Chapter #447; the Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle; and the Order of St. Thomas of Acon. In the Scottish Rite, he is a Past Personal Representative of the Deputy, AASR, Valley of Santa Fe, New Mexico; Past Chairman of the New Mexico Scottish Rite Foundation; and Past Chairman of the Historic Temple Preservation Foundation, Santa Fe. He has served the Valley of Santa Fe as Venerable Master, Wise Master, Commander, and Master of Kadosh. In the York Rite, he is Past ME High Priest of Santa Fe Chapter #1, Royal Arch Masons; Past Eminent Commander of Santa Fe Commandery #1, Knights Templar; and Past Illustrious Master, Santa Fe Council #5, Royal and Select Masters. He was also the Charter Secretary of the New Mexico ◬ College, MSRICF. ILL. GRAYSTONE TO SPEAK FRIDAY, JUNE 12 at 7:00 PM See Centerfold For Speaker Series Details Page 10 Los Angeles Scottish Rite Bulletin My brothers, your number one request from our Survey last year was to bring more knowledgeable speakers. In the beginning of this year, we presented you a list of well-known speakers, whom we intended to engage in our program. As you can see on the cover of this Bulletin, we succeeded to line up several of the most renown Masonic scholars, who are presenting different topics each month, followed by Q&A. All our events are open to any one and without any charge, and are well attended, but we would like to see more of our Valley's members benefit from these educational events. My brothers, what we created this year for you, at your request, is very unique. It was not done before, and probably will not be done again, to bring Masonic speakers from all over the Southern Jurisdiction at your request. These are ideal occasions to bring candidates! At the last event we signed a few petitions. I signed two. Please do let us know you are coming, as we offer some free appetizers before the event, it is necessary for everyone to call the office, at least the day before , for us to be able to provide for everyone. My brothers, you had a great Idea, as we implemented it—why don't you take advantage of It and come and collect the fruits of your own idea? These are wonderful evenings, which make everyone leave with a sense of enrichment, true civility and ◬ sincere brotherly love. 4th & 14th Degree CONFERRALS REMEMBRANCE & RENEWAL FRIDAY, APRIL 24 FRIDAY, MAY 22 6:30 ... Registration & Dinner There is still time to bring candidates! STATED MEETING – PAST WISE MASTERS NIGHT – GUEST SPEAKER Contact the office for information. R.W. BRUCE R. GALLOWAY JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN 7:00 ... Degree Conferrals www.la-sr.org Page 3 GUEST SPEAKER ILL. S. BRENT MORRIS, 33° GC On Friday, March 27th, we were honored to welcome Ill. S. Brent Morris, 33° GC, as a special guest speaker (pictured above, front row center). Morris, who is Managing Editor of the Scottish Rite Journal, the largest circulation Masonic magazine in the world, is also a life member and Mackey Scholar of the Scottish Rite Research Society, a Fellow of the Philalethes Society, recipient of the Philalethes Society Certificate of Literature, and an honorary Fellow of the Phylaxis Society. He is also the founding Editor of Heredom, the transactions of the Scottish Rite Research Society, and author of many articles on Freemasonry and numerous books, including Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry and Cornerstones of Freedom. Morris is a member of the Shrine, York Rite, the Red Cross of Constantine, the Royal Order of Scotland, and the Allied Masonic Degrees. Ill. Morris gave a talk on the ◬ timeline of high-degree Masonry. MASTER CRAFTSMAN PROGRAM On Friday, March 20th, the Los Angles Scottish Rite Valley held this year’s first Master Craftsman class. Personal Representative Ill. Michael M. Marsellos, 33° GC, presented study materials to all interested members with the stipulation they complete the program. The attendance and enthusiasm of the men was excellent. The Master Craftsman Program is only an indication of what lies in the future as the Valley works to complete the VMAP requirements. The Los Angeles Scottish Rite Valley is in a regrowth period, and I am honored to serve as the chairperson of the Master Craftsman program. – Bro. Alberto Casanova, 32° Page 4 Los Angeles Scottish Rite Bulletin GUEST SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES Robert G. Davis, 33° Grand Cross, is Executive Secretary of the Guthrie Scottish Rite Bodies in Oklahoma. He is a Past Master of three Masonic lodges, and served as the charter Master of Guildhall Lodge #553, a traditional practices lodge in Oklahoma. He is a KYCH, a 33° Mason, and recipient of the Grand Cross, and has been employed by the Scottish Rite in Oklahoma for 28 years. He is a Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Oklahoma, and is currently serving as the Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. He serves as the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Masonic Charity Foundation. Nationally, he is serving as the Sovereign Grand Master of the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees in the United States; serves on the Education Committee of the York Rite Sovereign College of North America, the Masonic Education and Research Committee and Rituals and Ritualistic Matters Committee of the United Grand Imperial Council of the Red Cross of Constantine, and on the Board of Directors of the Scottish Rite Research Society. He is a Founding Fellow of The Masonic Society, Past President and Fellow of the International Philalethes Society, and editor of the High Council publications of Masonic Rosicrucians. He is currently Sovereign Master of the Nine Muses Council No. 13 in Washington, D.C. Davis has just completed a book on the lineage of American Masonic ritual entitled The Mason’s Words: the History and Evolution of the American Masonic Ritual, and is the author of Understanding Manhood in America: Freemasonry’s enduring Quest for the Mature Masculine, focusing on the fraternal quest for ◬ the ideal in masculinity. ILL. DAVIS TO SPEAK FRIDAY, MAY 15 at 7:00 PM See Centerfold For Speaker Series Details www.la-sr.org Page 9 GUEST SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES CALENDAR APRIL Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross, is the Grand Archivist and Grand Historian of the Supreme Council, 33°, SJ, and Director of the Department of Education and Heritage (overseeing the archives, library and museum) at the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C. He is also Grand Archivist and Chairman of publications of the Grand College of Rites (GCR), a Masonic organization dedicated to the preservation and study of disused Masonic and quasiMasonic rituals, and has edited Collectanea, the GCR's annual transaction since 1994. He manages a collection of over one million documents and photographs, which is one of global Freemasonry's largest private resources. The collection includes original holographs by George Washington, Paul Revere, Lafayette, and other notable Freemasons, as well as a substantial collection of manuscript proceedings, rituals and other rare items. He also assists Masonic organizations by helping provide an archivalquality environment in which valuable records are stored. He also directs and supervises all employees and operations of the Library, Museum, Archives, Educational programs, and Scottish Rite Research Society within the House of the Temple. In 2000 he was one of three people invited to Vatican by the Roman Catholic Church to discuss Masonry. As author, co-author, editor and translator, he has published over 50 Masonic books, whereof the best known are Albert Pike’s Esoterika: Symbolism of the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry (2005), The Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide (2007), and Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma: ◬ Annotated Edition (2011). ILL. DE HOYOS TO SPEAK FRIDAY, APRIL 17 at 7:00 PM See Centerfold For Speaker Series Details Page 8 Los Angeles Scottish Rite Bulletin ◬ MAY APRIL ◬ JUNE MAY (CONT'D) FRIDAY, APRIL 10 6:30 PM FRIDAY, MAY 22 6:30 PM OFFICERS MEETING AMBASSADORS MASTER CRAFTSMAN CLASS 4TH & 14TH DEGREE REHEARSAL Light Dinner Will Be Served stated meeting PAST WISE MASTERS NIGHT REMEMBRANCE & RENEWAL — R.W. Bruce R. Galloway JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN GUEST SPEAKer Followed by Dinner & Program FRIDAY, APRIL 17 7:00 PM SPECIAL GUESt SPEAKER ILL. ARTURO DE HOYOS, 33° GC see Page 8 JUNE FRIDAY, JUNE 12 7:00 PM FRIDAY, APRIL 24 6:30 PM SPECIAL GUESt SPEAKER ILL. SEAN GRAYSTONE, 33° GC see Page 10 CONFERRAL OF THE 4TH & 14TH DEGREES Light Dinner Will Be Served FRIDAY, JUNE 19 6:30 PM MONDAY, APRIL 27 6:30 PM OFFICERS MEETING MASTER CRAFTSMAN CLASS REUNION REHEARSAL Light Dinner Will Be Served stated meeting & SPEAKER Maru Vezquez, UCLA Associate Professor Followed by Dinner & Program MONDAY, JUNE 22 6:30 PM MAY stated meeting & SPEAKER Zhenya Gershman, ART HISTORIAN AT THE Getty Museum AND MASONIC SCHOLAR Followed by Dinner & Program FRIDAY, MAY 8 6:30 PM OFFICERS MEETING Light Dinner Will Be Served FRIDAY, MAY 15 7:00 PM FOR INFO & R E S E R VAT I O N S SPECIAL GUESt SPEAKER ILL. ROBERT G. DAVIS, 33° GC see Page 9 www.la-sr.org CALL (323) 937-2566 Page 5
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