The Prognostic Role of Subsequent Atrial Tachycardias Occurring
The Prognostic Role of Subsequent Atrial Tachycardias Occurring
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 The Prognostic Role of Subsequent Atrial Tachycardias Occurring during Ablation of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: A Prospective Randomized Trial Running title: Rostock et al.; Role of ATs in AF mechanisms Thomas Rostock, MD1,2; Tushar V. Salukhe, MRCP, MD, MD2,3; Boris A. Hoffmann, MD2; Daniel Steven, MD2; Imke Berner, MD2; Kai Müllerleile, MD2; Cathrin Theis, MD1,2; Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 Step St epha ep hann Wi ha Will Willems, llem ll ems, em s, MD MD2 Karsten Bock, MD1,2; Helge Servatius, MD2; Arian Sultan, MD2; Stephan 1 II. Medical Medi d ca di call Clinic, C in Cl nic ic, Department of Electrop Electrophysiology, phy hysiology, Univers University rsit si y Medical Center, Center Johannes es G es Gutenberg-University, utenbe beerg-U University, Mainz; 2Univer University rsiity Hospitall Ep E Eppendorf, pendorf, University He Heart e Department ooff El lec e tr trop ophy op hysi siol iol ologgy, Hamburg, Ham mbuurg, Germany; G rm Ge r an ny; 3R Royal oyall Brompton B om Br mpt pton on Hospital, Hos ospii Center, De Electrophysiology, Royal Brompton Brompton andd Harefield Harreffield dN NHS HS Fou Foundation unddationn T Trust rus ustt an us aand nd Na Nation National nal H Heart eart L Lung ung Ins un Institute, Institu stiitu Imperial Impe Im perial pe all C College olle ol l gee L London, ondo on don, do n, U United n te ni tedd Ki K Kingdom ngdo ng dom do m Correspondence: ndence nden nd ence ce:: Thomas Rostock, MD II. Medical Clinic Department of Electrophysiology University Medical Center Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Langenbeckstr. 1 D-55131 Mainz, Germany Tel: +49 6131 177218 Fax: +49 6131 175534 E-mail: Journal Subject Codes: [5] Arrhythmias, clinical electrophysiology, drugs; [22] Ablation/ICD/Surgery 1 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 Abstract: Background - The role of subsequent atrial tachycardias (AT) in the context of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) remains undetermined. This study evaluated the prognostic role of subsequent ATs for arrhythmia recurrences following catheter ablation of persistent AF. Methods and Results - A total of 110 patients with persistent AF (63±9 y, 22 female, 61 longlasting persistent AF) underwent pulmonary vein isolation followed by electrogram-guided ablation. After AF terminated to AT, patients were separated by the randomization protocol to receive either direct cardioversion (group A) or further ablation of subsequent ATs to sinus Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 rhythm (SR) (group B). After a mean follow-up (FU) of 20.1±13.3 months after the first procedure, significantly more group B patients were in SR as compared ed to ppatients atie at ient ie ntss in ggroup nt rooupp A (30 (57%) vs. 18 (34%), p=0.02). Moreover, recurrences of AF were significantly igniffic ican antl an tlyy le tl less ss ffrequent r qu re of group B tha than hann in ha n group gro roupp A patients (10 (19%) vs. 26 (49%), p=0.001). p=0..001) 1)). After the last procedure proced d (FU 34.0±6.4 AF 6.4 months), significantly sign gnif iffic ican antl an tlyy more tl mo ore group groupp B patients patieent n s were w ree free we freee of A F ass ccompared o paareed to om patients of group p=0.01). grou gr oupp A (49 ou (449 (92%) (92% %) vs. 399 (74%), (744%), p= =0.01). The h pproportion he ro ropo port rtion tion of of AT AT recurrences recu c rren cu encess ddid id not differ between ween tthe h two he woo ggroups roup ups afterr th up the first andd fina final nall pr na pprocedure. oced edure. The ed hee stronge strongest gest ppredictor ge redictor for an arrhythmiaa free survival endpoint al aafter fftter a si single ingl gle pr gl pprocedure oced dure was ra randomization ndomi d izattio on to tthe he pprocedural rocedu d ra rall en eendp dpp of termination tion ti on to to SR R by by elimination ellim i in inat atio i n off subsequent subbse sequ quen entt ATs ATs (p=0.004). ((pp=00.0004 04). ). Conclusions - Catheter ablation of subsequent ATs increases freedom from AF but not AT, suggesting a contributing role of subsequent ATs in the mechanisms of persistent AF. Clinical Trial Registration - URL: Unique identifier: NCT01896570. Key word: atrial fibrillation, atrial tachycardia, catheter ablation, arrhythmia 2 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 Introduction With an increasing complexity of catheter ablation techniques for the treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF), subsequent atrial tachycardias (AT) have evolved as an important arrhythmia in terms of mechanistic cause, prognostic relevance and treatment strategies1-6. While arrhythmia recurrences after pulmonary vein (PV) isolation as the sole procedural strategy predominantly consist of AF, subsequent ATs represent approximately half of all recurrences following extensive biatrial substrate ablation1-4,7-9. Therefore, a pro-arrhythmogenic Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 consequence of the ablation procedure itself by creating the basis for zones of slow con conduction ndu ducc or enhanced electrical automaticity has been proposed to cause these ATs100. However, Howe Ho weve ver, r, a bod oddy off evidence ody evi v de dennce emerges demonstratin ng that subsequent subsequuent ATs ATs appear as a resul l of a cumulatingg body demonstrating result substrate transformation ransformation ra ansformation too th the he inca incapability cappabiiliity ca y tto o ma maintain aintaain ffibrillatory i ri ib rilllatooryy act activity tivvity ty and a hi hierarchic hierarchical ierrarcchic 11-13 1 -13 o off the on the arrhythmia arrhhyth thmia i 11 . Ne Nevertheless, Neverthe hele he less le ss, th ss the he pr prog prognostic ogno og nost no sti st tic rrole o e off sub ol subsequent bse seqqu quentt AT A ATss organization occurring after a termi termination inatio io on off ppersistent ersis i te t nt AF A ffor or the llong-term ongg te t rm outco outcome c mee hhas as nott bbeen eenn de ddetermined term m thus far. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of sequential ablation of subsequent ATs occurring after termination of persistent AF on the outcome and potential consequences on the type of arrhythmia recurrences during follow-up. Methods Study population The patients were selected using the following inclusion criteria: persistent AF lasting for a minimum duration of 1 month before the procedure, a history of at least 1 attempt at electrical cardioversion, AF refractory to antiarrhythmic drug therapy and no previous ablation procedure. Long-standing persistent AF was defined as arrhythmia duration of at least 12 months. The study 3 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 was approved by the institutional review board and ethics committee. All patients provided written informed consent. Patients were enrolled at the University Heart Centre Hamburg between June 25, 2009 and October 13, 2010. Study design The patients were randomized before the procedure into one of the study arms. In all patients, a stepwise ablation procedure was performed consisting of PV isolation as the first step followed by electrogram-based ablation of the left atrium (LA), coronary sinus (CS) and the right atrium Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 (RA) as required. The endpoint of electrogram-based ablation was termination either mination of AF ei ith theer with conversion to an AT or directly to sinus rhythm (SR). Atrial tachycardia was diaa w as ddefined effin efi ined d ass an an organized atri with endocardial monomorphic Paatrial iall ac aactivity cti tiivi vitty wi w th a consistent endocardi d all activation se di ssequence quuen ence and monomorph waves. If the terminated directly ablation, he ppatient atient termi minattedd di ireectly y iinto ntto SR R during durrin ing electrogram-based e ec el e trogra ram-bbased ra d ablat attio on, tthe he procedure was without ablation randomization started w comp ccompleted co omp mpletedd with ith thout ab abla latti la ti ooff AT tion ATs. Th The ra rand n om nd omizzat atiion protocol protoc ocol oc ol was st tartted d after AF termination with cardioverted a ation wiithh conversion conv nvversiion to AT. AT In group groupp A patients, patie i ntts, AT AT was w s electrically wa elec el e tr t icallly car rdi diov ovvertee without specific AT ecific ifiic mapping if pii and ndd ablation blati tio off A T and d PV iisolation lati ti was as confirmed fi ed d or completed lettedd if necessary during SR. No further ablation was performed. In group B patients, all subsequent ATs were targeted for ablation until SR was achieved. Ablation procedures The following catheters were introduced via a femoral vein access: (1) A steerable decapolar catheter (InquiryTM, IBI, Irvine Biomedical, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) was positioned within the CS; (2) a circumferential decapolar diagnostic catheter (Lasso, Biosense-Webster, Diamond Bar, CA, USA) for mapping of the PVs; (3) a non-steerable quadripolar diagnostic catheter (InquiryTM, IBI, Irvine Biomedical, Inc., Irvine, CA, USA) was placed in the right atrial appendage; and (4) a 3.5 mm externally irrigated-tip ablation catheter (Thermocool, Biosense- 4 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 Webster, Diamond Bar, CA, USA). Access to LA was achieved by a single transseptal puncture with the two catheters placed into the left atrium via the same puncture. A single bolus of 50 IU/kg body weight heparin was administered after transseptal puncture. The activated clotting time was assessed every 30 minutes and maintained within a range of 250-350 seconds. In all study patients, the stepwise ablation approach with the desired procedural endpoint of AF termination was used. The ablation protocol performed as standard at our institution has been described previously in detail2,9. Electrical isolation of the PVs was the first step in all Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 procedures. PV isolation was defined by elimination or dissociation off PV potentials p tentials recorded po rec eccor ord on the Lasso catheter. After complete electrical PV isolation, mapping and ablation was d ab bla l tion tiion w as rroutinely ouuti tinn continued in i the the LA. LA. A For Forr the the purpose of AF cycle le leng length n th (AFCL) me ng m measurement, asuurement, the Lasso as catheter was the After as pplaced as laced in th he LA A aappendage. ppen endage en ge. Af A terr an an initial ini nitial al assessment asssessm ment off AF AF behavior beha h vi ha v or (local (lo ocall AFCL within h the hin th he LA, LA CS C andd RA RA and an nd AFCL AFCL CL gradient gra radi ra d entt between di b tw be tweeen ch chambers), ham a be b rs), el elec electrogram-guided ectrogram-guii ec ablation targeting rg tiingg specific rge spe p ciifi ficc electrogram electrog l gram pa ppatterns tterns andd el electrogram lectrogr g am bbehaviors e av eh vio ors was pperformed, erfo form fo rmed, rm consisting off contin continuous nti tin o s electrical lecttrii l acti activity, ti iitt hi high high-frequency gh h ffreq r enc complex comple le fractionated fr ti atted d acti activity, cti ti it llo locally short AFCL or intermittent local burst activity, temporal activation gradient between the distal and proximal bipoles of the roving ablation catheter and local spreading of centrifugal activation. Ablation of the CS was performed when the LA AFCL became longer than the local AFCL in the CS. Mapping and ablation using the same criteria was continued in the right atrium (RA) if AF did not terminate during LA and CS ablation. Mapping of ATs was performed using conventional techniques6,14. In case of macroreentrant ATs, linear ablation was performed and the endpoint of bidirectional block was assessed and confirmed by differential pacing maneuvers after restoration of SR. Focal ATs were mapped by assessing the earliest endocardial activation in relation to P-wave onset or, if P-wave 5 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 onset could not be clearly identified, to a fixed intracardiac electrogram. After AT termination, no attempt at arrhythmia re-induction was performed. Ablation was performed with a maximum power output of 30 W using an irrigation rate of 10 – 30 ml/min (0.9% saline infused with the CoolFlow Pump, Biosense Webster) for the PVs, 35 W and an irrigation rate between 30 – 60 ml/min in the LA, and up to 30 W in the RA. RF current was applied within the CS with a maximum of 25 W and a manually adjusted irrigation rate to keep the tip-temperature below 42 °C. Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 Follow-up All patients were seen regularly every 3 months in our outpatient clinic. Before c. Be efo fore re vvisits, isit isit its, s, tthe he patients received Holter-ECGs. detailed patients’ c ve ceive vedd att lleast eastt ttwo ea wo separate 24 hour Holt ter-ECGs. A det e aileed history of the patie symptoms suggestive was taken. sugggestive forr potential poteentiall arrhythmia arrhhythm ytt mia recurrences reccurre rrences es w as tak aken. In ak n ccase ase off uundocumented ndoocum umen um n symptoms suspicious additional suspi pici pi ciou ci iou ous u for arrhythmia arrhhythm th ia recurrences, recurreenc n es es, do ddocumentation cume ment me n at nt atio ion by io b add dddit i iona nall Tele-ECG na Tele l -EC ECG EC G recordings was pperformed. symptomatic erfo f rmed ed d. A ddocumented ocumented d sym y pt ptomatic or asymptomatic asym y pt ptomat atic at i arrhythmia ic arrhhyt ythhmiaa episode episodd ep lasting > 300 seconds ds was as defined defi fi d as recurrence. rec rrence An initial banking period of 3 months was accepted. During the blanking period, antiarrhythmic drug treatment was continued at the discretion of the operator. All antiarrhythmic drugs (excluding betablocker for the treatment of hypertension) were ceased after the blanking period. Patients with an arrhythmia recurrence after the blanking period were offered and scheduled for a redo procedure. Ablation approach of repeat procedures As the first step, electrical conduction of the PVs were assessed using a circumferential mapping catheter and re-isolation was performed. If AF persisted, electrogram-guided ablation was performed with the same techniques as described for the index procedure. Mapping and ablation 6 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 of AT were also performed using the techniques described above. The procedural endpoint was termination of AF and/or AT upon achievement of SR in all patients regardless to the initial randomization protocol. Statistical analysis All continuous variables are reported as mean r SD and/or medians with ranges, while categorical variables were summarized as proportions. Categorical variables were compared using the chi-square-test. Comparison between groups were performed with either Student`s tDownloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 test or the chi-square-test. For non-normally distributed variables, the Mann-Wh Mann-Whitney W ittneyy U te tes test s was used. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically ally significant sig igni nifi fica cant nt difference. dif iffe ferr fe On the basis clinical assumed SUREDELOLW\RIIRUĮHUURUDQGD i of is of our our cl liniccal experience, we assume ed a SUREDELOLW\ \RI IRUĮHUURUDQGD SUREDELOLW\RIIRUȕHUURUȕ-1 0.85). With rate \ RI \RI RIIRUȕHUUURUUȕ-11 = 0.8 85).. W itth an expected ex xpect cted ct ed d rat te of tthe hee aarrhythmia-free rrrhyth hmiaa-freee ssurvival u of 0.6 (Group A), calculated sample size patients. On o B) aand oup ndd 0.33 ((Group Gr Group A) ), we cal lcula latedd a sampl le si ize off 1100 00 patie i nt ie nts. O n the h assumptionn of an overall number 110 ll rate of loss to follow-upp of 10%, %,, we included inclluded d a total numbe berr of be o 11 patients in both Kaplan-Meier b h groups. Time Ti to arrhythmia h h i recurrence was estimated i d using i the h K l M method and compared by the log-rank test. Multivariate analysis by means of a logistic regression model and stepwise backward selection was performed to identify significant and independent predictors of arrhythmia recurrence. Independent variables were chosen when a p < 0.10 emerged on univariate analysis. Variables in the initial model for arrhythmia recurrence included the procedural endpoint (randomization group), age, male sex, history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, amiodarone treatment, LA diameter, and left ventricular ejection fraction, time of continuous AF and baseline AFCL in LAA, RAA and CS, respectively. The 95% confidence limits of correlation coefficients were determined by Fisher’s r-to-z transformation. Statistical analysis was performed with a statistical 7 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 software package (SPSS, version 21, IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Results Patient characteristics A total number of 110 patients with persistent (n = 49, 45%) and long-standing persistent (n = 61, 55%) AF were included. The mean age was 63 ± 9 years and 22 patients were female. The patients were in continuous persistent AF for 25 ± 30 months (median: 12, range: 1 – 120). FiftyDownloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 five patients were randomized to a procedural endpoint of cardioversion after AF termination with conversion to AT (group A) and 55 patients were randomly assigned group ned d tto o gr grou oupp B we ou were ree the targeted endpoint ndpoint ndpoin int nt was wass achievement wa acchi h evement of SR by ablation ablatio on of all subsequent subsequen nt ATs. The baseline characteristics patients groups One-third patients tics of patient ti ntss in nt n bboth othh gr ot gro oups p are re ddemonstrated em monsstrrateed in n table tab blee 11.. O nee-t - hi h rdd ooff pa pati tien ti ents en t were on amiodarone flecainide dronedarone. rone ron ne (n = 338, 8, 35%), 35% %), ) 8 (7%) (7% 7% %) on o fle leecaain i id idee orr ppropafenone r pa ro p fe f no none nee aand nd 2 ((2%) 2%)) on ddronedar 2% roone neda d r da Overall, 366 (33%) patients control (33% 3%)) pa 3% pati tien ti ents en ts received rec ecei eive ei vedd be ve bbetablocker taabl b oc ocke keer fo for or ei eith either ther th er vventricular e tr en tric i ul ic u ar rrate atee co at cont ntro nt roll or ttreatment ro treatm reaatm of re hypertension. oon.. on Procedural results In all patients, the procedure was started in spontaneous AF. The first step of ablation, PV isolation, resulted in AF termination in 8 (7%) patients (3 in group A and 5 in group B). Termination of AF occurred with a mean of 3.4 ± 0.7 PVs isolated and with conversion directly into SR in all of these patients. The remaining 102 patients underwent electrogram-based ablation of the atrial substrate. In 11 (10%) patients, AF terminated during ablation directly into SR (7 during LA ablation and 4 during RA ablation). Sites of AF termination were located in the LA, CS and RA in 72%, 8% and 19%, respectively. Termination of AF was not achieved by PVI and biatrial defragmentation in 22 (20%) patients and electrical cardioversion was required to restore SR (figure 1). 8 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 In group A patients, SR was achieved in all patients by electrical cardioversion. In patients of group B, a total number of 83 AT occurred after AF termination (2.3 ± 0.8 ATs per patient). Seventy-four (89%) ATs were successfully terminated to SR by ablation. In 2 patients, the mechanism of the first AT occurring after AF termination could not be identified and the patients were cardioverted. In another 5 patients, the procedure was not continued after elimination of at least 2 subsequent ATs due to prolonged procedure durations and the final AT was terminated by cardioversion. Procedural data of patients in both groups are demonstrated in Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 table 2. Clinical outcome after ablation One hundred patients analysis. patients followe si ed sixx pa pati t en ti entss were were eligible for outcomee an nalysis. Three e pat atie at i nts were lost to fol l up and 1 patient months ablation atieent died 16 m at onnth hs after affteer ab blatioon ddue ue too malignancy. maali l gn gnan ncy y. Alll rremaining ema mainin ng patients p tiientts pa completed a fol follow-up months after study inclusion. llo low w-upp off att le lleast ast 244 m onth hs af afte er st tuddy in incl c us cl usiio ion. Rhythm Outcome after first ablation O aft f err fir ft i stt abl blattio bl i n After a mean follow-up 20.1 13.3 significantly an ffollo oll llo p off 220 0 1 ± 13 3 months th aft after fter tthe he ffirst irstt ablation blati tio procedure, proced ed d re significant ignifi ifi ntt more group B patients were in SR as compared to patients in group A (30 (57%) vs. 18 (34%), p=0.02). Moreover, recurrences of AF were significantly less frequent of group B than in group A patients (10 (19%) vs. 26 (49%), p=0.001). The exact numbers of rhythm outcomes after a single procedure are demonstrated in figure 2 and 3. The Kaplan-Meier arrhythmia free survival estimation showed a trend towards a better outcome in group B patients as compared to patients of group A without reaching statistical significance (figure 4a). However, freedom from AF survival estimation revealed a significantly better outcome for patients of group B than group A patients (p=0.005, figure 4b). 9 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 Rhythm outcome after last ablation The mean follow-up time for patients with multiple procedures was 34.0 ± 6.4 months. The mean number of procedures was similar in group A and B patients (1.7 ± 0.7 vs. 1.8 ± 0.7, p=0.857; figure 3). Ultimately, significantly more group B patients were free of AF after the last procedure as compared to patients of group A (49 (92%) vs. 39 (74%), p=0.01; figure 5). The arrhythmia free survival estimation after the last procedure again revealed a more favorable outcome in group B patients, however failing to achieve statistical significance (figure 6a). Nevertheless, Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 freedom from AF was significantly higher in group B as compared to ggroup (p=0.016, roupp A ppatients atients (p (p= =0 figure 6b). Predictorss for procedural or p roce ro c du ce dura ral success ra Patient characteristics baseline AFCL were evaluated araccteristics as presented ar pressennted d iinn table taable 1 and an nd ba ase seline ne A FCL Lw eree eva valluated va e inn uunied ni-- aand ndd multivariate adjustment ventricular ejection t regression te reg gre ress ssi ss sion analysis. anallys ysiis. Even Eveen after ad adju ju justme ntt ffor or hhigher ighher le ig lleft f ventric ft icul ic u ar eje ul j ctio ti n fraction and remained d a llonger onge g r ba bbaseline seeliine A AFCL FCL FC L iin n the h rig right ighht ig ht atri atrium, ium, rand randomization domiza z tiionn tto o gr ggroup oupp B re rema remaine maine a ma strong predictor arrhythmia 3). dictor di ctt off arrh rhh tthmia hmiia free f ssurvival r i all ((table tabl bl 3) Adverse events In the study patients, no major complications occurred including cardiac tamponade, phrenic nerve injury, stroke or atria-esophageal fistula. In three patients, groin hematoma occurred after the ablation procedure, one of them requiring blood transfusion. Discussion Main findings This prospective randomized study revealed the following data on the prognostic role of subsequent ATs occurring after AF termination: First, the elimination of subsequent ATs is associated with a significant decrease in recurrences of AF but not ATs. Second, subsequent ATs 10 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 can be successfully ablated in the majority of patients with an acceptable procedural investment. Third, the strongest predictor for an arrhythmia free survival after a single stepwise ablation procedure was the targeted procedural endpoint of termination to SR by ablation of subsequent ATs. Thus, these data support the hypothesis of the contributing role of subsequent ATs in the mechanisms of persistent AF. Atrial tachycardia substrates in atrial fibrillation Procedural AF termination is most commonly associated with conversion to AT with the Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 majority of them underlying a macro-reentrant mechanism3,4,9,15,16. Conversion nversion of AF too AT AT characteristically occurs after an arrhythmia organization which is represented resen nte t d by by a ccontinuous onti on tinnu ti nu 3 4 13 16 17 increase off th the he AF A AFCL C upp tto CL o a critical level around 2200 00 ms3,4,13,16,17 . The Th he mechanisms and antiarrhythmic hmicc processess bby hm yw which hich h eelectrogram-guided lect ctrrogr gram m-gguide ded ab aablation lattion off AF la F rresults essul u ts inn aarrhythmia rrh rhythm hmiaa hm organization o ye on yet et is is still still not nott completely completel elyy clearr aand el nd is is a crit critical itic it ical ic a ma al m matter ttterr off di discussion. iscusssiion. Re R Recently, centl tly,, two different new e comp ew computational putatio io onall mapp mapping ppin pp i g tech techniques hniqu iq es hhave ave bbeen een iintroduced ntrodu ducedd to mapp andd ab du abla ablate laate m more specifically the the arrhythmia-perpetuating arrh rrhh thmia thmiia perpet ett ating ti atrial triiall substrate s bbstrate sttratt off persistent siistt t AF. AF Th The FI FIRM RM (focal (fo l impulse and rotor modulation) approach is based on multi-spline contact mapping of ratedependent repolarization to assess shortest successive activation times and rate-dependent conduction slowing to identify propagation paths which are depicted in a computational colorcoded map18. In contrast, panoramic mapping is based on non-invasively acquired cardiac surface potentials and unipolar electrograms using a 252-electrode vest placed on the patients’ torso19. Although these two different mapping techniques revealed divergent data in terms of spatiotemporal stability of AF sources, both studies demonstrated multiple (at least 2) rotors or focal activity maintaining the atria in AF20,21. Interestingly, a hierarchical order of simultaneously existing sources seems to define the dynamics and dominance of each element in 11 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 the perpetuation of AF20. Considering that an arrhythmia organizing effect has also been described for left atrial linear ablation12, the following mechanisms may explain the “antifibrillatory” effect of subsequent AT ablation: 1) the focal, rotor or macro-reentrant activity of a subsequent AT may have had an arrhythmogenic role in the persistent AF processes and its elimination potentially decreases the number of residual AF sources. 2) Linear lesions for the treatment of macroreentrant ATs may constrain dominant or preferred wavefront propagation paths of meandering sources of AF with the potential to restrict their spatiotemporal propagation. Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 3) Contiguous lesions for the treatment of multiple subsequent ATs in addition to linearr llesions e es create electrical boundaries in the atria (e.g. inferior LA-CS, LAA-anterior eriorr w wall, alll, in all iinteratrial tera te r tr tria iall ia septum etc.) .) with wiith the the h result ressullt of a substrate compartmentalization compartm men e talization tha that h t pr pre prevents events AF sources too sustain. Improvingg outcomes outc tcom tc omes off persistent om persiisttentt A AF F abla ablation la ati tion o The best endpoint n p int for ndpo f r pe fo per persistent rsis i tent AF AF ablation ab blati tiion critical criiticall to arrhythmia-free arrhy h thmi hy h ia-freee ssurvival urviivall rema remains main ma i s in ,88 contested. B Broadl Broadly, r dl tthe he spectr spectrum ctt m off iinstr instruments tr ments ts consist siistt off PV isolation i lati ti al alone l 77,8 , el electrogramelectrogram l tr guided ablation2 and linear ablation22. The stepwise ablation approach combines these techniques, importantly however, with the endpoint of procedural AF termination16. The predictive value of AF termination appears to depend on the rate AF termination. While studies with a low or moderate AF termination rate (< 35%) did not show a correlation to long-term success23,24, AF termination rates > 50% revealed a significant association to a favorable outcome when the procedural endpoint was achieved9,15,16,25. We believe our study to be the first to demonstrate a significant reduction in AF recurrence after a single procedure when the endpoint of ablation of all subsequent ATs to SR is sought from the outset of persistent AF ablation. With the FIRM ablation approach, AF terminated by a very limited amount of RF 12 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 PHDQ§PLQZLWKFRQYHUVLRQWR$7in one-third of the patients21. Certainly, these more individualized and patient-tailored approaches will enhance our understanding of the mechanisms of persistent AF. However, the impact of subsequent ATs on AF recurrences following such a specified computational-guided mapping approach needs clarity. A similar result as shown in this trial will further substantiate the theory of an important contributory role of subsequent ATs in AF mechanisms. Limitations Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 In the presented study, no significant difference between both groups was observed in te terms erm of recurrences of any atrial tachyarrhythmia after both, the first and last ablat ablation procedure. The tio i n pr proc ocedur ed duree. Th T h study may have haave been beeen uunderpowered nde derpowered to detect a stati de statistically t stiically signifi ti significant ficant ntt ddifference ifference in outcom outcomes between thee tw two wo groups. Conclusions n ns Subsequentt atrial atr t iaal tachycardias tach ta ch hyc ycar a di d as are aree the the predominant preedo d miina nant ntt aarrhythmia rrhy hyth hmi m a re remnant emnan a t af after fte t r AF tterminatio termination. e minaati er to Further ablation aiming at elimination of all subsequent ATs significantly reduces recurrences of AF but not AT. Thus, the results of this study corroborate the hypothesis that subsequent ATs have the potential to contribute to the multifaceted mechanisms of persistent AF. Funding Sources: Dr. TV Salukhe was supported by the British Heart Foundation FS/09/018/26963. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None References: 1. 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Age Female (n, %) Hypertension (n, %) Diabetes mellitus (n, %) Congestive heart failure (n, %) Coronary artery disease (n, %) Amiodarone treatment (n, %) Left atrial size (mm) LVEF (%) Duration of continuous AF (months) Group A 63 ± 10 12 (22) 38 (69) 5 (9) 6 (11) 13 (24) 20 (36) 45 ± 7 58 ± 10 12 (1-120) 16 Group B 64 ± 9 20 (36) 35 (64) 5 (9) 6 (11) 14 (25) 18 (33) 46 ± 6 60 ± 9 13 (1-120) p 0.454 0.095 0.549 1.000 1.000 0.829 0.692 0.675 0.296 0.220 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 Table 2: Comparison of procedural data. Group A Group B p Baseline AFCL (ms) - LAA - RAA - CS 172 ± 27 175 ± 30 170 ± 24 169 ± 28 175 ± 28 168 ± 27 0.715 0.979 0.662 Procedure duration (min) Fluoroscopy time(min) RF time (min) 195 ± 68 53 ± 21 93 ± 37 242 ± 65 66 ± 21 109 ± 33 < 0.001 0.001 0.015 Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 Table 3: Uni- and an nd mu multivariate multiv var a iate regression analysis for or predictors of arrhythmia-free arr rrhythmia-free surviva rr survival aablation laation tii after first abla Baseline Variable Varia Va iable ia p Value Valu luee lu Odds Oddss ratio rattio 95% 95 confidence conffid co i encee interval inttervaal Univariate U Un ivvar aria i tee ppredictor ia redi re d ctor o ooff ar arrhythmia rrhhyt ythm h ia hm i free fre ree su surv survival vivval a Randomization atio at ionn to group gro roup up B 0.033 0.03 0. 0333 03 0.426 0.42 0. 4266 42 0.19 0. 0.194 1944 - 0. 19 0.93 0.933 9333 93 Multivariate M ult ltiivariiatte predictors lt predi dictors t off arrhythmia arrhhyth thmia i free free survival survival i l LVEF Baseline HRA AFCL Randomization to group B 0.029 0.049 0.004 0.933 0.969 0.191 0.878 - 0.993 0.939 - 1.000 0.063 - 0.581 LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction, RAA = right atrial appendage, AFCL = atrial fibrillation cycle length. Figures Legends: Figure 1: Study flowchart with numbers of patients. AT = atrial fibrillation, AF = atrial tachycardia, DC = direct cardioversion, PVI = pulmonary vein isolation, SR = sinus rhythm. 17 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001019 Figure 2: Rhythm outcome after first ablation at a mean follow-up of 20.1 ± 13.3 months. SR = sinus rhythm, AT = atrial tachycardia, AF = atrial fibrillation, DC = direct cardioversion. Figure 3: Rhythm outcome after each ablation procedure. The cumulative outcome after all procedures is demonstrated in the grey bar at the bottom. SR = sinus rhythm, AT = atrial tachycardia, AF = atrial fibrillation. Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 Figure 4A: Kaplan-Meier survival curve after first ablation (patients in n SR vs. no SR); ); B: Kaplan-Meier survival curve after first ablation (patients in AF vs. no AF). AT = atriall ta tachycardia, SR fibrillation. achyc ch hyc y arrdi dia, S R = sinus rhythm, AF = aatrial tria tr i l fibrillation o . on Figure 5: Rhyt R Rhythm thm outcome outcome after aft fter lastt ab ft ablati ablation b ionn aatt a mean ffollow-up ollo ol low lo w-upp off 334.0 4.0 ± 6. 66.4 4 mo months. nths th . SR = sinus rhythm, atrial cardioversion. rhy hyth hy hm, AT = atrial attriiall tachycardia, tach hyc y ardi d a, AF di AF = at rial i l ffibrillation, ib briill llattiioon, DC DC = direct di carrdi diov ovvers Figure 6A: Kaplan-Meier survival curve after last ablation (patients in SR vs. no SR); B: Kaplan-Meier survival curve after last ablation (patients in AF vs. no AF); AT = atrial tachycardia, SR = sinus rhythm, AF = atrial fibrillation. 18 Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 PVI (n = 110) AF (n = 22) Electrogram-guided Ablation SR (n = 8) SR (n = 11) (n = 102) DC C Conversion onversion AT tto oA T ((n n = 69) 69) Group A Group B (n = 35) (n = 34) DC AT ablation SR Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 % Group A (DC for AT) 80 p = 0.02 Group B (AT ablation) 70 p = 0.001 60 57 50 49 40 30 ns p=n s 34 24 20 19 17 10 0 SR AT AF Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 1st procedure (n = 110) SR AT AF (n = 48) (n = 22) (n = 36) 2nd procedure (n = 58) SR AT A AFF no further ablation (n = 24) (n = 14) 14) (n = 20) 0) (n = 14) 3rd 3 rd p procedure rocedure ((n n = 20) 20) SR AT AF no further ablation (n = 8) (n = 8) (n = 4)) (n = 4) 4th procedure (n = 8) SR AT AF (n = 3) (n = 5) (n = 0) SR AT AF (n = 83 / 78%) (n = 5 / 5%) (n = 18 / 17%) Group B (AT ablation) Group B (AT ablation) Group A (DC) Group A (DC) Arrhythmia free survival Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 A p = 0.005 p = 0.075 Follow up (months) Group B (AT ablation) Group A (DC) AF free survival Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 B p = 0.005 p = 0.075 Group B (AT ablation) Group A (DC) Follow up (months) Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 % p = ns 100 Group A (DC for AT) 90 80 70 Group B (AT ablation) 85 72 60 p = 0.018 50 40 p = ns 30 20 2 10 26 7.5 7.5 0 SR AT AF p = 0.125 Arrhythmia free survival Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 A Group B (AT ablation) Group A (DC) Follow up (months) AF free survival Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 B p = 0.016 Group B (AT ablation) Group A (DC) Follow up (months) The Prognostic Role of Subsequent Atrial Tachycardias Occurring during Ablation of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: A Prospective Randomized Trial Thomas Rostock, Tushar V. Salukhe, Boris A. Hoffmann, Daniel Steven, Imke Berner, Kai Müllerleile, Cathrin Theis, Karsten Bock, Helge Servatius, Arian Sultan and Stephan Willems Downloaded from by guest on November 1, 2016 Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. published online October 25, 2013; Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 2013 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1941-3149. Online ISSN: 1941-3084 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. 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