the program
the program
Arrhythmias & Heart Failure: Final Program New Insights & Technological Advances 8th EDITION Palais du Pharo, Marseille, France May 28-30, 2015 Congress directors Fiorenzo Gaita Franck Halimi Jean-François Leclercq André Pisapia Julien Seitz Jérôme Taieb Honorary directors Patrick Attuel Claude Barnay Main sessions in English Conferences & video cases R HYTHM 2015 in Marseille, France is compliant with the Eucomed Code of Ethical Business Practice 15 CME credit hour(s) Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are glad to welcome you to RHYTHM 2015, dedicated to Arrhythmias & Heart Failure, for two days and a half of interactive education. Thursday will be dedicated to New anticoagulants (NOAC), Ablation of atrial fibrillation, and new devices. High level conferences and video cases will accurately illustrate latest advances and tools now available. French speaking cardiologists will benefit from a specific educational program through a satellite session held on Thursday morning. Friday will start with the oral communications. During this educational program, the free papers session will allow physicians to present their work. Then we will be able to follow conferences on ventricular arrhythmias, ablation of classical arrhythmias and channelopathies. Paramedical education is also enlightened on Friday with a French course dedicated to the update of theoretical knowledge and daily practices. On Saturday morning, interesting clinical cases will be presented in a different venue, at the Sofitel Vieux Port. Symposia are also scheduled every day to continue the discussion and present industry results and news in the main room before lunch. Do not miss the chance to attend the official dinner on Thursday evening. You are welcome to register at the desk. Once more, we are pleased to have you for fruitful teaching in the beautiful congress center of Palais du Pharo in Marseille. The RHYTHM Directors Fiorenzo Gaita, Franck Halimi, Jean-François Leclercq, André Pisapia, Julien Seitz & Jérôme Taieb Official dinner | Thursday May 28 - 20:00 Le Solaris Restaurant - Radisson BLU Hotel - Vieux Port, 10 min. walk Scientific committee Fiorenzo Gaita, Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin, Italy Franck Halimi, CMC Parly 2 Le Chesnay, France Jean-François Leclercq, C MC Parly 2, Le Chesnay, France André Pisapia, Hôpital St Joseph, Marseille, France Julien Seitz, Hôpital St Joseph, Marseille, France Jérôme Taieb, CH du Pays d’Aix, Aix-en-Provence, France Jean-Paul Albenque, Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse, France Maurits Allessie, C ardiovascular Research Institute, Maastricht, The Netherlands Martin Borggrefe, Universitätsklinikum, Mannheim, Germany Riccardo Cappato, Center of Clinical Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology, Honorary directors FACULTY Jean-Paul ALBENQUE, Toulouse, France Maurits ALLESSIE, Maastricht, The Netherlands Patrick ATTUEL, Saint-Cloud, France Claude BARNAY, Aix-en-Provence, France Clément BARS, Créteil, France Mohamed BELHAMECHE, Jossigny, France Youssef BEN AMEUR, Tunis, Tunisia Cathy BERTRAND, Le Chesnay, France Martin BORGGREFE, Mannheim, Germany Sok-Sithikun BUN, Monaco Laurence CAMOIN JAU, Marseille, France Rafik CHETTAOUI, Tunis, Tunisia Philippe CHEVALIER, Lyon, France Gian Battista CHIERCHIA, Bruxelles, Belgium Sebastien COMBES, Toulouse, France Christian DE CHILLOU, Nancy, France Arnaud DENIS, Bordeaux, France Tom DE POTTER, Aalst, Belgium Laurent FAUCHIER, Tours, France Ange FERRACCI, Marseille, France Pierre FIORELLO, Le Chesnay, France Frédéric FRANCESCHI, Marseille, France Fiorenzo GAITA, Torino, Italy Estelle GANDJBAKHCH, Paris, France Franck HALIMI, Le Chesnay, France Congress directors Jerôme KALIFA, Ann Arbor, USA Jean-François LECLERCQ, Le Chesnay, France Jean-Yves LE HEUZEY, Paris, France Nicolas LELLOUCHE, Créteil, France Pierpaolo LUPO, Italy, Milan Alice MALTRET, Massy, France Eloi MARIJON, Paris, France Philippe MAURY, Toulouse, France Alexis MECHULAN, Marseille, France Koonlawee NADEMANEE, Inglewood, USA Robert PAP, Szeged, Hungary Michaël PEYROL, Marseille, France Phan Dinh PHONG, Hanoi, Vietnam Christopher PIORKOWSKI, Dresden, Germany André PISAPIA, Marseille, France Hervé POTY, Lyon, France Vincent PROBST, Nantes, France Frédéric SACHER, Bordeaux, France Nadir SAOUDI, Monaco Marco SCAGLIONE, Asti, Italy Julien SEITZ, Marseille, France Jérôme TAIEB, Aix-en-Provence, France Christian VAN DER WERF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Pierre WINUM, Nîmes, France San Donato Milanese, Italy Jean-Pierre Cebron, Nouvelles Cliniques Nantaises, Nantes, France Jean-Yves Le Heuzey, E uropean Hospital Georges Pompidou, Paris, France Hervé Poty, Clinique de La Sauvegarde, Lyon, France Patrick Attuel, CMC Parly 2, Le Chesnay, France Claude Barnay, C H du Pays d’Aix, Aix-en-Provence, France SYNOPTIC THURSDAY MAY 28 FRIDAY MAY 29 MAIN SESSIONS 08:30 08:30 Session francophone Atelier de rythmologie pratique 09:00 10:00 10:30 12:00 Oral communications SESSION PARAMÉDICALE Session francophone Resynchronisation MAIN SESSIONS 09:00 Coffee break in the exhibition hall New anticoagulants Industry symposium 13:00 14:00 MAIN SESSIONS SATURDAY MAY 30 10:30 12:00 Ventricular arrhythmias Clinical cases Fermeture percutanée de l’auricule 12:00 Industry symposium Lunch in the exhibition hall Ablation of atrial fibrillation 15:30 14:00 Ablation of classical arrhythmias L’ablation de FA persistante Coffee break in the exhibition hall 16:00 16:00 Channelopathies Cryoablation de FA New devices 17:30 Awards ceremony Adjournment 18:15 End of the sessions 20:00 Official dinner Adjournment Thursday May 28 08:00 Welcoming coffee « La Major » auditorium - level 2 14:20 - Panoramic non contact mapping of AF substrate, Arnaud Denis 14:30 - Mid-term and long-term ablation results with substrate ablation targeting CFAE, 08:30 I Session francophone : ATELIER de rythmologie pratique Claude Barnay, Ange Ferracci, Michael Peyrol Koonlawee Nademanee 14:40 - Comparison of “nearly-missed” versus “on-target” rotor ablation: are movies of the 08:30 - Comment se passe une ablation en pratique ? Jérôme Taieb 08:42 - Risques de complications des ablations, Jean-Paul Albenque 14:50 - Cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrillation, Gian-Battista Chierchia 08:54 - Faut-il arrêter les anticoagulants avant une ablation ? Rafik Chettaoui 15:00 - Atrial tachycardia ablation from the noncoronary aortic cusp, Robert Pap 09:06 - Rythmologie pédiatrique, Alice Maltret 15:10 09:18 - IRM et prothèses implantables, Pierre Winum 09:30 - Le Holter de longue durée dans les AVCs inexpliqués, Cathy Bertrand 09:42 atrial electrical activation sufficient to tell us where to ablate? Jérôme Kalifa 15:30 I Coffee break in the exhibition hall - Discussion - Discussion 16:00 New devices… Franck Halimi, Tom De Potter 10:00 I Coffee break in the exhibition hall 10:30 I New anticoagulants NOAC … in atrial fibrillation Jérôme Taieb, Youssef Ben Ameur 16:00 - Occlusion of the left atrial appendage, Nicolas Lellouche - Indications, Jean-Yves Le Heuzey 16:10 - With nMARQ™ technology, André Pisapia 16:30 10:30 10:45 - Surveillance and follow-up, Laurent Fauchier 11:00 - What to do in case of hemorragia with NOAC, Laurence Camoin Jau 11:15 - NOAC before, during and after an ablation, Sok-Sithikun Bun … in continuous ECG monitoring 11:30 Round table: practical problems with NOAC 16:40 - New subcutaneous holter recorder, Estelle Gandjbakhch 16:50 - Discussion 12:00 IIndustry symposium Clinical cases battle: from study to practice … in pacing & CRT Franck Halimi 17:00 - Pacemakers without lead, David Castagno - Cryptogenic stroke and AF: which monitoring techniques? Estelle Gandjbakhch 17:10 - Subcutaneous defibrillator, Mohamed Belhameche - AF reduction and cardiac pacing: how about we discuss it again? Alexis Mechulan 17:20 - MRI compatibility for accurate diagnostic examinations of " former " pacemaker and - Inappropriate and unnecessary shocks: how to prevent? Emilie Bastard - Discussion ICD technology, Hussam Ali 17:30 - Multipoint LV pacing in CRT, Alexis Mechulan 17:40 - Individualized LV lead placement – Why and how? Christopher Piorkowski 17:50 - Transvenous lead extraction, Frédéric Franceschi 18:00 13:00 I Lunch in the exhibition hall 14:00 IAblation of atrial fibrillation Patrick Attuel, Maurits Allessie 14:00 - Contact force technology: closing the missing gaps! Franck Halimi 14:10 - Regional high density contact mapping of AF substrate, Clément Bars - Discussion 18:15 I End of the sessions 20:00 IOfficial dinner: Le Solaris Restaurant - Radisson BLU Hotel - Vieux Port Friday May 29 « La Major » auditorium - level 2 08:30 Welcoming coffee 12:00 IIndustry symposium New technologies in complex ablations 09:00 I - Practical cases using Contact Force technology, Bertrand Pierre Oral communications - News in TV ablation, Frédéric Franceschi Jury: Julien Seitz, Franck Halimi - Mediguide: nonfluoroscopic sensor-guided navigation, Christopher Piorkowski - Mechanism of Torsades de pointes Elucidated in Human AV block, Guy Fontaine - Assessment of sinoatrial node function in patients with persistent and long- 13:00 I Lunch in the exhibition hall standing persistent forms of atrial fibrillation after Maze III procedure combined with 14:00 I Ablation of classical arrhythmias Pierre Fiorello, Koonlawee Nademanee mitral valve operation, Aleksei Kulikov - Mid-term outcome after ablation of atrial fibrillation with second-generation cryoballoon; prediction of recurrence, Alexander Berkowitsch 14:00 - How to ablate slow-fast AVNRT, Marco Scaglione - Effects of primary PCI on QTc and QT dispersion in STEMI patients, Ouafa Hamza 14:15 - High density cartography mapping with Confidense, Hervé Poty - Catheter ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: The Vietnam Heart Institute 14:35 - VT ablation integrated imaging with intracardiac ultrasound? Tom De Potter 14:50 - How to ablate atrial tachycardias, Nadir Saoudi 15:05 Experience, Tran Linh Pham - Endo-epicardial ablation of ventricular tachycardia in idiopathic dilated - Discussion cardiomyopathy: a case report, Soufia Naccache - Focal atrial tachycardia originating from the coronary sinus ostium: shall we think 15:30 I Coffee break in the exhibition hall about the mitral annulus, Soufia Naccache 16:00 IChannelopathies Martin Borggreffe, Fiorenzo Gaita 10:00 I Coffee break in the exhibition hall - Long-QT-syndrome, Philippe Maury 16:00 16:15 - CPVT: update on diagnosis and therapy, Christian van der Werf 16:30 - Brugada syndrome: what do we know in 2015? Vincent Probst 10:30 I Ventricular arrhythmias Jean-François Leclercq, Marco Scaglione 10:30 - Sports-related sudden cardiac arrests, Eloi Marijon 16:45 10:42 - Optimal programmation of VT therapies of AICD, Martin Borggreffe 17:00 - Sudden cardiac death in young people with apparently normal heart, 10:54 - Ablation of idiopathic VF, Frédéric Sacher 11:06 - Ablation within the aortic sinus of Valsalva for the treatment of ventricular - Short-QT-syndrome, Carla Giustetto Philippe Chevalier 17:15 - Discussion arrhythmias: role of a surface electrocardiogram algorithm in directing the procedures, Phan Dinh Phong 11:18 - Ablation of ischaemic VTs, Christian De Chillou 11:30 - Ablation in Brugada syndrome, Konlawee Nademanee 11:42 - Discussion 17:30 I Awards ceremony & adjournment Saturday May 30 - Sofitel Vieux Port - Clinical cases session 09:00 I 12:00 - Clinical case, Pierre Fiorello - Sudden death while swimming, Martin Borgreffe - An unusual arrhythmia... Sébastien Combes - Complex ablation and left activation, Jérôme Taieb - Wide complex tachycardia: what is the mechanism? Alexis Mechulan INFORMATION Congress venue: Palais du Pharo 58 Boulevard Charles Livon - 13007 Marseille EXHIBITION HALL PP : 93 x 280 Paramedical room (Friday) T.E Preview T.E : PP: 93 x 210 8 : 9 7 5 20 PP: 93 x 210 21 24 23 22 25 28 26 16 7 15 8 14 9 13 12 PP :+93+93 x 280 imposte 17 6 10 11 Level 2: La Major 40, Quai de Rive Neuve Organization divine [id] agency 17, rue Venture - 13001 Marseille - France Tel. +33 (0)4 91 57 19 60 - Fax +33 (0)4 91 57 19 61 Information & registration desk Thursday May 28: 07.30 - 19.00 Friday May 29: 08.00 - 17.30 General organization Christine ArzouyanTel +33 (0)6 13 960 870 Registration & Accommodation Michèle Caboste Fiona Piovanaccio Managing director Vérane Bergeron MoreauTel +33 (0)6 21 78 87 16 PC PC PC PC PP: 93 x 210 27 20 19 18 PP:+ 113 x 210 imposte 29 30 32 33 36 36, boulevard Charles Livon 31 46, rue Sainte 34 • Ibis Budget Vieux Port • Novotel Vieux Port**** 35 71, boulevard Charles Livon 36, boulevard Charles Livon 2 Cloakroom Exhibition hall 21 3 4 5 •O FFICIAL DINNER Restaurant Le Solaris Radisson BLU Hotel Registration desk 1 6 3 2 8 7 4 9 2 • New Hotel of Marseille**** 4 3 21 20 17 19 18 16 11 12 14 13 15 10 5 22 1 Office Buffet Prise 220 V 16 A • Sofitel Vieux Port***** 1 Buffet 6 HOTELS 10 1:Medtronic 2:Biosense 3: Saint Jude Medical 4: Boston Scientific 5: Boehringer Ingelheim 6: Cook Medical 7: Bayer HealthCare 8:Pfizer 9: Sorin Group 10: Takeda France Exhibition hours Thursday May 28 08.30 - 18.30 Friday May 29 08.30 - 17.00 Acknowledgements Organization divine [id] sarl Vérane Bergeron Moreau & Christine Arzouyan 17, rue Venture 13001 Marseille France Tel. +33 (0)4 91 57 19 60 Fax +33 (0)4 91 57 19 61
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