USDTA TODAY Fall/Winter 2011 45th Annual Spring Meeting Kiawah Island Resort, South Carolina April 22-28, 2012 Located on a beautiful barrier island just a few miles from historic Charleston, South Carolina lies Kiawah Island Golf Resort, the Official Golf & Tennis Resort at Kiawah Island. Endless possibilities await our guests to our island resort. Experience for yourself why readers of Golf World Magazine voted Kiawah Island Golf Resort "#1 Resort in the U.S." While golf figures prominently at Kiawah, additional forms of recreation reach the same high standards of excellence. Currently ranked as the No. 1 tennis resort in the world by and a member of TENNIS magazine’s “50 Best U.S. Tennis Resorts, ”Kiawah’s tennis program offers a wide variety of tennis activities, services and tournaments. Our 10-mile long private Atlantic Ocean beach is one of the Travel Channel’s “Top 10 Beaches in America.” An extensive series of nature programs, which range from easygoing birding tours to marsh creek kayak expeditions, offer incomparable opportunities to explore the island’s fascinating flora and fauna. The meeting at Shadow Mountain Resort was one of the best meetings I have attended. We had a week of great speakers who educated us on periodontal endoscopy, remineralization, obesity, and composite restorations. The USDTA defeated the AMTA again, winning 13-9 in the Davis Cup matches overall! It was a great afternoon of tennis and fellowship. It was especially great to see so many families come with their children to play together in the pool and on the tennis courts. Next year will be our 45th Anniversary, and I am excited about our upcoming venues. Kiawah Island Golf Resort, South Carolina will be April 22-28, 2012, and The Lodge and Ventana Canyon, Arizona, November 4-10, 2012. We have great speakers for both meetings. Check the website for updates after the new year! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or Cori Lee, the Executive Director at Sincerely, John Cross, DDS President, USDTA Shadow Mountain is always a winner! John Kwan, DDS opened the USDTA Fall meeting on Monday November 7th with a great lecture on a variety of procedures he performs in his dental practice. He showed slides and video of many interesting procedures including periodontal procedures utilizing endoscopy to perform microsurgery. Perhaps the biggest departure from our traditional periodontal teaching is Dr. Kwan’s strong belief that cementum need not be heavily scaled and hand instrumentation in general should be minimal. Using the endoscope with ultrasonics should provide terrific results. (M. Belby) Kristy Menage Bernie, RDH, BS presented a fast paced, although slightly confusing session on the latest advancements in Caries prevention and management. She reviewed the concept of CAMBRA which is a systematic method of risk assessment of the decay potential for patients of all ages. She offered the idea that if we start the patient with the concepts of Look good, Smell good and Comfort we can get the patient's attention so that they will accept the health benefits of a disease free mouth. She discussed Breath X and Tongue scraping for the Smell good aspect, Aggressive whitening with sensitivity protection for the Look good part and Calcium Phosphate Systems for the desensitizing comfort aspect. She introduced the new Sonicare Air Flosser with enthusiasm that many participants had not seen before, Rocelle had one and was very excited about it. A lot of the time was spent on the transition that is occurring from Fluoride rinses and foams to new Varnish applications. Both fluorides and Chlorhexidine can be applied in this manner more efficiently than previous systems that most of us were using. Kristy also presented new products such as Trident with Recaldent, Sensodyne with Novamin, Vanish Varnish and Nite white with ACP. Finally she showed how fullmouth perio treatment needed to be completed in a timely manner or the untreated side would reinfect the completed side. Kristy provided a tremendous amount of material, but was hard to follow at times. (A. Biggs) He then covered repairing porcelain fractures using pink opaque as a masking agent. Several cases were shown of diastema closure using hybrids and microfills. Incisal edge reinforcement was shown on lower anterior teeth, as well as gingival replication and full bonded crowns. We also saw cases where pink opaque was used to mask severely discolored teeth which were then veneered with composite material. He finished with Cosmedent's RSVP temporary veneer system. (M. Sweeney) Send in your dues! Please remember to send in your membership dues for 2012. A late fee is incurred after March 15th. Pay online Calendar of Events for 2012 Midwinter Meeting Feb. 23-25 45th Spring Meeting April 22-28 Kiawah Island Golf Resort, SC CDA Anaheim May 3-5 ADA San Francisco Oct 18-21 45th Fall Meeting Nov. 4-10 The Lodge at Ventana Canyon, AZ Dr. Scott Kahan, a faculty member at Johns Hopkins University and Director of the upcoming Center for Weight and Health in Washington, DC, delivered a presentation entitled "Obesity: New Thoughts on an Old Disease." In this talk Dr. Kahan described the key drivers of the obesity epidemic, the public health measures necessary to quell the rising rates of obesity and obesity-related chronic diseases, and the need for a new type of healthcare professional - an obesity medicine specialist. Robert Mopper from Cosmedent presented on composite materials available in today's market. Microfills, hybrids, and nano-hybrids have differing properties and therefore different indications for usage. He showed numerous clinical cases where combinations of these materials were used to achieve success. Questions? Contact Cori Lee, Executive Director at or call 800-445-2524 Thank you to the following corporate sponsors for helping make our fall meeting a huge success! The meeting at Shadow Mountain was one to remember. We had the largest attendance in a long time with 5 new members! Thank you everyone for joining us in the desert. We are looking forward to seeing you at another meeting soon! John & Colette Carrels Aberdeen, SD Greg & Vicki Everson Sisters, OR Brian & Sheryl Seaholm Tillamook, OR Janet Refoa & Paul Aslan Beverly Hills, CA Scott & Susan Nicholson Albany, OR The lectures were fabulous throughout the week. The highlight was when the American Medical Tennis Association came for a joint CE course and a day of competitive tennis. The Davis Cup event came with great weather, and good tennis throughout the day. Shadow Mountain served up a filling lunch and in the end, medals were handed out to all the participants for a day of education, exercise, and camaraderie! Mark Sweeney gave another great concert with his guitar and songs. In the end, the dentists won 13-9! Stay tuned for the next Davis Cup Event!! At the Shadow Mountain meeting we were fortunate to have Sonicare and Maui Jim donate gift certificates to our winners. Sonicare donated gift certificates for the new Air Flosser, and Maui Jim donated gift certificates for any pair of sunglasses! Thank you so much!! Kiawah Island Golf Resort – Come join the fun!! Streamlining Charitable Dentistry The Supportful Foundation is a charitable organization which promotes healthy living by facilitating programs and services that improve the well-being of individuals and communities. One of the premier programs offered by the Supportful Foundation helps people who cannot afford the costs of dental treatments while removing the burden of restoration costs for charitable dentists. It is called the Dental-ful Program and it is a dynamic network which connects underserved individuals with compassionate dentists, laboratories, suppliers, and organizations. The Sanctuary How Does the Dental-ful Program Work? Kamp Kiawah Dentists receive free, or discounted restorations, from dental laboratories who sponsor the Supportful Foundation. To receive restorations for charitable dental work, a dentist (or patient) fills out the Application for Charitable Dental Restorations and sends it to the Supportful Foundation. With a generous approval process, the dentist receives free, or discounted, restorations and then installs them into the mouth of the patient in need. Through the Supportful Foundation there will be thousands of disadvantaged people who become empowered to smile more often while managing their oral health needs. We hope to build bridges of compassion with many dentists around the nation as we support their charitable efforts. For more information, or to learn about overseas volunteering opportunities, contact David J. Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Supportful Foundation at (510) 689-8669 or (Supportful is a non-profit organization. The USDTA has offered to advertise to help benefit more across the country.) Ocean Course Hole #17 Speakers for Kiawah Island April 22-28, 2012 William Gianni, DDS is a unique blend of clinical pioneer, technological innovator and passionate educator on numerous aspects of dentistry. He was among the first dentists to incorporate numerous technologies, materials and methods into a highly successful general practice. Dr. Gianni is a former cofounder of a laser company which was acquired by Discus Dental/Philips and he is currently the cofounder of Kainos Dental Technologies, Inc., a dental laboratory for the 21st Century. He has achieved educator and advanced proficiency status by the Academy of Laser Dentistry, and a former faculty member at the premier educational institutes of PAC-live and the Las Vegas Institute. Dr. Gianni and his technological developments have been featured on national and international media, such as “ABC World news Tonight,” and “The Doctors.” In addition he has published peer review articles and research reports on lasers and implants. His unique experiences have gained him the reputation of being a lifelong student and authority of information that can be trusted for reliable technologies, materials and implementation methods. Thomas E. Dudney DMD, a 1977 graduate of the University of Alabama, School of Dentistry, has maintained a patient-centered private practice in Alabaster for 26 years with focus on aesthetic and restorative dentistry. Dr. Dudney recently added a Vestavia Hills location within A Medi-Day Spa dedicated to his aesthetic practice. He has served as the Clinical Director for the Aesthetic Advantage hands-on programs taught by Dr. Larry Rosenthal at New York University, the Eastman Dental Clinic in London, and senior instructor and lecturer with Aesthetic Advantage in West Palm Beach. He is presently the Program Director for the Frontier Dental Laboratory’s Northern California Institute of Cosmetic Dentistry in San Francisco. In addition to teaching and lecturing, Dr. Dudney has authored several articles on aesthetic dentistry. Renee Marks has delivered continuing education workshops as well as successfully worked inside practices with scores of dentists from coast to coast. With the unique talent and experience to guide doctors and teams in both clinical and practice management strategies, she has guided them in all phases of consulting, including successful practice transitions. Renee combines an RDH from the University of Pittsburgh; over 25 years of experience in the profession, including 10 years as a management consultant with a Masters Degree in Training from The Pennsylvania State University to ensure the changes you envision for your practice are implemented at the highest level. George Warga, DDS, George Warga graduated from theUniversity of Illinois College of Dentistry in 1985. He is a member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, Academy of Pankey Scholars, Academy of General Dentistry, ADA, Chicago Dental Society, and Illinois State Dental Society. Recognized as a Top 40 Dentist by Chicago Magazine. George serves on the Lead Faculty at the world renowned L.D. Pankey Institute for post-graduate advanced dental education. He is an AGD accredited speaker and founder of AGD/PACE approved Lifetime Functional Restorations and Aesthetics. Lectures on and teaches comprehensive dentistry to numerous dental organizations and study clubs. He organized and founded study clubs in Chicago, Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis. He has a private practice in Chicago’s North Shore suburb of Winnetka, Illinois with an emphasis on prosthetics, implants, esthetics, and occlusal function. Some hobbies include: family, coaching, travel, golf, platform tennis, softball, skiing, basketball, tennis, fishing, camping. The Officers John Cross, DDS ◦ President Irvine, CA Rick Fox, DDS ◦ Vice President Caledonia, Ontario Canada Andy Biggs, DMD ◦ Secretary/Treasurer Spokane, WA The Executive Director Board Members: David Christensen, Rick Fox, Craig Mukai, Mike Belby, John Cross, Noushin Morshed, Andy Biggs, Jeff Wallace, Bob Kaspers Not pictured: Vernon Dommu Cori Lee, RDH San Jose, CA The Board of Directors Mike Belby, DDS Belvidere, NJ David Christensen, DDS Clearfield, UT Vernon Dommu, DMD Trumbull, CT Robert Kaspers, DDS Immediate Past President Northbrook, IL Past Presidents: Bill Parker, Mark Sweeney, Jack Lynch, Jeff Wallace, John Fong, Lance Turner, Mani Morshed, Dennis Dierenfield, Doug Collins, Hanna Hoesli, Lucian Kahan Noushin Morshed, DDS Los Angeles, CA Craig Mukai, DDS San Francisco, CA Jeff Wallace, DDS Townshend, VT FAGD/MAGD Credit 6.1.2010 to 5.31.2013 Everyone was a winner at Shadow Mountain! We hope you will come join us to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the USDTA. A special gift will be given to all past presidents in the fall meeting at the Lodge at Ventana Canyon. See you at Kiawah Island in April!! The jacuzzi was a meeting spot after all the matches were done. We were blessed to have Hilda, Hanna, and Karin Hoesli join us for Friday’s Award Dinner. Hanna completed stem cell treatment 2 days prior!! Yes, she does have a red wig on… you know what they say about red heads! One of our newest members!
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