August 31, 2014


August 31, 2014
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church
Parish Office Hours
Thurs, & Friday (effective August 1, 2011)
9am to Noon; 1:15 to 5:00 PM; 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9am to Noon; 1:15 to 5:00 PM
Saturday - 9:00 AM to Noon; 1:00 to 5:00 PM
Sunday - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
The Lord’s Day: Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 7:00, 9:00, 10:30, 12 Noon & 5:00 PM
Holy Days
Pray with the Parish
Rosary - Prayed daily after the 9 AM Mass
Eucharistic Adoration - Mondays (except holidays),
2:00 to 6:45 PM
Nocturnal Adoration & Devotion to the Sacred Heart 7:30 to 8:30 PM on First Fridays.
Our Lady of Fatima Devotion
The 1st Saturday of each month will be
devoted to Our Lady of Fatima. The devotion
will include 8am Mass, Novena to Fatima / the
Rosary, Confessions after Mass and fellowship
in Carew Hall at 9am.
Our Lady came to Fatima with a message from God to every man, woman, and child of our century. Our Lady of Fatima promised that the whole world would be in peace, and
that many souls would go to Heaven if Her requests were
listened to and obeyed. Please join us in this devotion.
7:00 AM & 9:00 AM,
8:00 AM Saturday
As announced in Bulletin
Monday 2:00 to 6:45 PM
First Friday 7:30 to 8:30 PM
Mon., Wed., and Fri. after the 7:00 AM & the 9:00 AM Mass.
Saturday after the 8:00 AM Mass and 4:00 to 4:45 and also upon
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
takes place every Monday
(except holidays)
from 2-6:45 PM
And on each First Friday from
7:30- 8:30PM
Please come and spend some quiet
time with the Blessed Sacrament
St Joseph’s Parish Monthly Recollection
On the First Friday of every month, at 7:30 PM, we hold our Monthly Parish Recollection. This is an hour of prayer, of recollection before our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament - whose Sacred Heart is the source of immense
charity and generous love. The foundation of this prayer is God’s presence in our souls as Creator, Preserver, and
Author of Graces (“in Him we live, and move, and are” Acts 17:28). God is our Father, and our Friend and is our
sweet Guest. We must acknowledge the realization of this great truth: God is in each of us, our soul is His Temple.
This prayer of recollection includes the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction, Praying of the
Psalms, Silence, Gospel Reading and a Talk /Reflection on the following topics: The Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude. The Theological Virtues of faith, hope and love. The gifts of the Holy
Spirit; wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.
Every soul, hungry & thirsty for God, is invited to this holy hour every First Friday of the month to
adore, venerate & contemplate the Sacred Heart of Jesus, & to have a quiet dialogue with God.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Jeremiah cries out that God seduced him for the faith,
he cannot avoid preaching. Saint Paul urges the
Romans to not be shaped by the culture and make
themselves the sacrifice they offer in everything they
do. In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus predicts his passion
and calls the disciples to commit completely to God,
even if it means martyrdom.
Altar Bread & Wine
In Honor of
Fr. Michael Maffeo
Requested by
Ann Festa & RCIA
Many parishioners support St Joseph’s
in the weekly collection and in other ways
but are not listed in our census. We would
like to serve you better and make sure that
you are given proper credit for your
donations. If you do not receive mail from us,
you are probably not in our census.
Please send us the following information
and we will send you a census card.
City, State, Zip:____________________________________
Phone:_________________ Cellphone:_________________
Would you like to receive contribution envelopes? _______
Would you like to contribute weekly or monthly? _______
Can you share your time or talent with our parish? ______
What would you like to do? _________________________
When is the best time to contact you? _________________
Please drop in the collection basket or bring to the office or mail to
St. Joseph R.C. Church, 45 Church St, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Page 3
Sunday, August 31 (Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time)
7:00 Cornelius J. Dunleavy req. by Loving Wife Anne
7:00 Dec’d. Mbrs. of the Cooper Family req. by Loving Family
9:00 Joseph Michael Cosentino req. by Loving Parents
9:00 Robert Berge req. by Top Notch Chimney
10:30 Frances Martorano req. by Robert & Irene Zelma
10:30 Claire McQuillan req. by Bob Wengler
12:00 Florence Reale req. by The Balestrieri Family
12:00 Santina Milazzo req. by The Garofalo Family
5:00 Eugene Hempler req. by The Zilinskas Family
5:00 Peter Taormina req. by Cathy & Jim Foy
Monday, Sept. 1 (Labor Day)
7:00 For the People of the Parish
9:00 John Mawn req. by The Mawn Family
9:00 Charles Fish req. by Ann Festa & Joseph Gillin
Tuesday, Sept. 2
7:00 Jim Vann req. by Loving Family
9:00 James Vann req. by Annie & John Schaefer
9:00 Helen Kwiathouski req. by Loving Family
Wednesday, Sept. 3
7:00 John Mentel req. by Ed Woltering
9:00 Godofredo Alcantara req. by Loving Wife & Son
9:00 Frank Dell’Aglio IV (LIVING) req. by Dcn. Frank Dell’Aglio
Thursday, Sept. 4
7:00 Erma Nostro req. by The Giel Family
9:00 Agnes Ischia req. by Walter & Mary Ann Rogers
9:00 Ed Szurley req. by Debra Lyon & Family
Friday, Sept. 5
7:00 John Ogden req. by Martin DeBobes
9:00 Diane Bergamino req. by Loving Family
9:00 Kathleen Carosella req. by The Chief & Supervisors CBP
Saturday, Sept. 6
8:00 Angelo & Theresa DeFilippo req. by Marie DeFilippo
8:00 Antonio Polcini req. by Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Paolucci
Anticipated Mass for Sunday
Paul Corrigan req. by Loving Parents
Gennaro Maddaluno req. by Sal & Debbie Maddaluno
Sunday, Sept. 7 (Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Intentions of the Celebrant
John & Mary Biglin req. by Loving Family
Regina Barrowclough req. by Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Boglino Sr.
10:30 Iris & Francis McQuillan req. by Claire
10:30 Angela Vitello req. by The Heilemann Family
10:30 Claire & Jim McQuillan req. by Loving Family
12:00 Arthur Licata req. by The Balestrieri Family
12:00 Dominick Gallo req. by The Sabourin Family
5:00 Jerzy Karasiew req. by The Pinzone & Marton Families
5:00 Antionette Denish req. by Judy Moore
St Joseph School Scholarship Fund
Please pray for all of our kids - DAILY!
A recent study claims that it will cost about
$245,340 to raise a child up to age 18! YIKES!
That is a lot of money. Of course there are variables
in this study. But it is an expensive proposition. It
gets a lot more expensive when you send your child
to Catholic Schools. I’m sure there are sacrifices
made in order to pay tuition for a Catholic education
but it is still an expensive proposition.
I attended Catholic Grammar School until
completing 6th grade. That was when they started
to charge tuition (which probably amounted to
somewhere between $50 - $100 per child per year).
Prior to that we had a simple book bill that was
probably about $5 per student per year. I learned
when I got older that those book bills made my
mother cry because my parents had trouble covering
even that! When tuition came along we had no
choice but to go to public school.
We found out after leaving the school that there
were some scholarships and financial assistance
available but by the time we learned this we were
already in class in our new school.
Today parents who send their child to St. Joseph
School pay tuition of $4,467 per child per year!
This is a challenge for many of our school families.
There is an African saying that “It takes a village to
raise a child.” Fr. Mike has a saying too: “Let us
build the City of God!”
I hope we understand that building the City of God
is not about buildings but about people and
relationships - it is about building disciples! Our
school builds disciples but we need the entire
village of St. Joseph Parish to help us in this work!
Please be part of our Scholarship Fund!
We would love to help families to pay their tuition
so their children can stay in our school.
 Tuition is $446.70 per month for a ten month
school year. Can you sponsor one month for
one child?
 Tuition is $111.68 per week. Can you sponsor
one week for one child?
Your gifts (and the recipients) remain anonymous.
But the seeds of faith that you plant through your
gift will bear fruit in the lives of our children at least
100 fold! I already made my donation. Can you?
Please send checks to St Joseph Parish
45 Church Street, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Put “Scholarship Fund” in the memo line!
Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and
sisters you do for me. (Mt 25:40)
Let’s get back to this idea of building disciples! A
large percentage of our children at St. Joe’s go to
public school. We are called to help build them into
disciples too!
Our new School Principal, Mr. Kuntzler and our
new Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Trezza
are committed to working together for all of our
kids so that we can do the work of helping them to
grow as disciples of Jesus. They need your help and
cooperation in this challenging yet invigorating
Please add the children of our parish and all of their
teachers to your daily prayers.
 Pray that the teachers love them effectively.
 Pray that the children can “translate” the
experience of love they get from their teachers
into an understanding of God’s love for them!
 Pray that parents grow in their understanding of
the fact that they too are teachers by their words
and actions.
 Pray that more families will hunger for real
experiences of God’s love in the Sacramental
life of the Church.
 Pray that our ministers can give them good
experiences of God’s love poured out in the
Sacraments and in all of our communal
 Pray especially for our teens. Yes they face
many temptations from the world. But they also
face challenges from within - hormones. During
adolescence “cool” often becomes more
important than “right” because of hormones.
 Pray that our teens will understand that they can
be cool and do the right thing, but it takes work.
 Pray that they accept the challenge of doing this
work and living an authentic Christian lifestyle.
We all see at Christmas and other big celebrations
that there are many in our community who, for
some reason do not see the value of being part of
our community at prayer on a regular basis.
 Pray for them today and every day between now
and Christmas, that they will be open to God’s
love incarnate in Jesus and in the Sacramental
life of this community of faith.
 Pray also for all of us - that we will offer
nothing but love and welcome to our brothers
and sisters who we encounter only once in a
while in our celebrations - who knows, maybe
our love and welcome is all the invitation they
need to grow as disciples in the City of God!
Pray for the Sick
Lynn Abe-Zaid
Frank Ambrosio
Philip Ambrosio
Jeffrey Bratisax
Janet Belz
MaryAnn Bonitz
Louise Cipolla
Martin Condit
Cathy Conolly
Eileen Cross
Michael D’Orio
Michael DePinto
Gina DiCanio
Joanne DiGiorgio
Barbara DiGirolomo
Rita Diubaldo
Baptist Eichelsdorfer
Sharon T. Eichler
Lois & Michael Emma
Philip & Sally Enright
Philip Fava
Amelia Fava
Mary & Frank Ferrigno
Robert Filce
Stu Fishkin
Roseanne Gabriel
Patricia Geiser
Loretta Gerstner
Kim Hanson
David Hoffman Sr.
Jasper Indelicato
Margaret Indelicato
Richard Jankay
Thomas Jankay
Emily Jensen
Kevin Krivacsy
MaryJo L’Anbrose
Linda Langhorn
Alfred LaRocca
Kevin Latini
Ida Lucivero
Vito Lucivero
Agnes Ludwigson
Carolyn Martins
Andrea Maloney
Philip Masi
Maureen Melchiona
Eugene Merkle
Dana Monteanu
Olsin O’Donnell
Joanora O’Donnell
Joseph Olivieri
Helen Onufrak
Anna Pepe
Barbara Petersen
Dorothy Pistritto
Donna Marie Priolo
Kathleen Purcaro
Nicole Ramaglia
Evelyn Rosario
Victoria Rosenblum
Angela Russo
Mary Ann Russo
Ann Sabourin
Dawn Saporito
Linda Savage
Denise Savage Harper
Joan Scanlon
Ben Scannella
Maryann Schaudel
Janrt Shapiro
Jamie Smith
Michele Smith
Reno Staffa
Dennis Staufenberg
Abe Stegman
Angela Stoner
Arlene Strong
Matthew Swenson
Robert Torres
Richard Troiano
LLoyd Turnier
Regina Turnier
Peter Wrins
Joseph Yasso
Name of person who is ill
Person making this request:
Relationship to ill person
(Friends can be placed on the silent prayer list only)
Pray for Our Troops
PFC Eric Lange, USMC
SGT Deborah Alfieri
SGT Matthew Altonji
SPC Andrew Altonji
LCPL Matthew Balestrieri, USMC
TSGT Louis Barletta
LT Michael-Jon Bonacorsa
LCPL John Brown
PFC Justin Browne
LTCOL James Cersosimo
CPL Glenn Clacher
SPC Thomas E. Corcoran
SPC Jason Crawford
CPT Edward Cuevas
PFC John B Cuneo
CPT Ryan Delaney
TSGT Timothy Dermody
SGT Stephen DiGirolamo
SSGT Tony Elliott
LT Kelly Fletcher
SPC Adam Franciosa
CPT Mark Gillman
CPL RJ Hartmann
MAJ Sean P Kilkenny
CW2 Steven Knight
LCPL William Langdon
SPC Christopher Leone
SGT Wade Lynch
MAJ Kevin McCue
PVT Thomas B McGinn
SGT Patrick McNally
PFC William Meyer
CPL Brian G Meyer
CPO Gregory Migliore
SGT Glenn Miller
LT Heather Miras
SPC4 George Monica
SPC4 John Monica
SGT Daniel Montville
GYSGT Brian Moran, USMC
LTCOL Gregory Mueller, USMC
LCPL Thomas Napolitano
LCPL Michael Napolitano
PVT Todd Nelson
LCPL James Neubauer
SGT Brian Pacell
CPT Stephen Bartoszak
PFC Matthew Pandolfi
LCPL Kevin J. Uffmann Marine
SFC James Munro Army
CPT Michael Parisi
2LT Anthony Parisi
MAJ Paul E Pinaud
CTR2 Matthew Pistritto
LT David A Rewkowski
SGT Edwin Rivera, II
SGT Anthony M Sbrocco, USMC
SSGT Jason Schiavo
LCPL W. Mason Shehan
SSGT Timothy McGoyne
SPC James Stanek
EO3 Taylor Taranto
MM3 Gregory Taranto
PFC Greg Terrish
SGT Jason Tulowitzki
SGT John Thomas Vogt
CPL Brandon Waldon
SGT Randolph Weaver
MSTR Robert Casey
ILT Richard Lutz
SPC Darian L. Clark/Army
SAMN Bill Ried
CPL Michael Casonova
SPEC4 David Cooper
ENS Michael Cristiano, USN
SGT Brian P. O’Leary
PFC Gregory Caplan
MPS Timothy Caplan
E6PO1 Gerard McGarrity
LT John Cox II
PFC Nicholas Barbieri
LCPL Jim A. Mock
SGT Maj. John A. Krumholz
LCPL Joseph R. DeGroot, USMC
RCT Dustin A. Whitton, USMC
SPC Peter Reilly
SMAN T.J. Waldhauser, US Navy
LCPL Brian Kolarik, USMC
PVT Chris Dorn, Army
SSGT Ray C. Sigman ll
CPL Sean Rainone, USMC
SGT Thomas Lupo
SSGT Mike Hengerle, USMC
SPC Anthony Lupo US Army
Kelly R. Denimarck ENS Navy
SFC James Munro Army
CPL Kristen M. Saporito USMC
Captain Sean Lavigne USAF
LCPL Daniel Pfeifer USMC
MSGT Thomas J. Valentino USAF
CSM Lawrence Doughterty, USArmy
PFC Thomas Conran USArmy
SRA Matthew Maisano USAF
SPJonathan G. Romano USANG
PFC Daniel R. Hayes USMC
PFC Allecia N. Ahearn USMC
Lt. James Ciccarello USARMY
Sal Evangelista, US ARMY
Nick Vicale SFC ARMY
RCT. Michael A. Davison USMC
Name, Rank and Branch of Service
Person making this request
Relationship to Soldier
(Friends can be placed on the silent prayer list only)
our deceased soldiers and all of our deceased relatives and friends.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen
Page 6
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Respect Life
Weekly Offering
About Safe Haven Laws
Each state has a law in place to allow an unharmed infant to be
relinquished to the proper authorities, no questions asked. The
National Safe Haven Alliance works with states to promote these
laws and increase public awareness that options exist. Together,
the Alliance and states work together to save the lives of innocent
infants and to protect the lives of their mothers.
Since the first safe-haven law was enacted in Texas in 1999, all
U.S. states, as well as the District of Columbia, have passed safe
-haven legislation, and every state has reported lives saved
through the existence of these laws. Due to less-than-perfectreporting methods, we are unsure of the exact number but know
that in the past decade, these laws have saved well over 1,000
The Problem
The late 1990s had a surge in infant abandonments, many
resulting in the death of these innocent babies. In response to
these incidents, a movement erupted to allow parents to
relinquish custody of unharmed newborn infants without fear of
prosecution. At the time, parents risked criminal prosecution for
neglect or abandonment.
The Solution
"Baby Safe Haven" laws or infant abandonment laws were
created to remove the potential for prosecution so long as
children were given unharmed and given to proper authorities.
Since the first law was adopted in Texas in 1999, each state
across the US has enacted a Safe Haven law. While each state's
law is different, they all ensure the safety of newborn infants and
the protection of parents who decide to properly relinquish their
Safe Haven laws have been remarkably successful.
Unfortunately, babies are still illegally and unsafely abandoned, in
part because women do not know that they have another option.
It is important that these laws are widely promoted and that
women in need are informed that they are not alone.
Safe havens in the State of New York is any responsible
person willing to receive a newborn unharmed within 5 days
and call the appropriate authority (911) for medical treatment
and transportation to a hospital.
OR You may bring your newborn to any fire station, police station,
hospital or call 1-877-796-HOPE (4673).
For additional/information,
Fiscal Year Beginning 9/1/2013 - 8/31/14
Sunday, August 24, 2014 Offering
(Includes Faith Direct ($1,962)
Last Year
Assumption Collection 2014
Poor Box Last Week
*Pay Down Debt Donations
This Month $ 6,313
Total Funds
Less Payments made to RVC 375,000
Fund Balance $18,433
RVC Loan
Less Payment
*Includes Faith Direct Collections for August
(68 Participating Households)
If you missed last week , please try to
make it up this week. Thank you.
Envelope users : Please enter the amount of your donation on
the envelope in the space provided. This will be a big help to
us when counting the collection. Also, it is not necessary to
tape or staple the envelope closed. Your help is appreciated.
Thank you,
Deacon Mike DeBellis
Thank you and God Bless You Always,
Fr. Mike
- Attention All Volunteers Our fall VIRTUS workshop, Protecting God's
Children for Adults, will be held on Saturday,
September 13, 2014, at 1:00 pm in Carew Hall.
Online signup for the workshop is required.
Visit online and click on "Registration" to sign-up.
If you do not have computer access or have difficulty using the
site, contact the rectory office at 588-8456 for assistance.
All volunteers and employees are required to complete VIRTUS Youth
Protection Training. There is no cost to you, but it does involve giving up
a couple of hours of your time. While for some an ongoing online followup is expected, you only need to take this workshop once. (If you have
taken VIRTUS before, you need not do it again.) VIRTUS training is
an essential way for all of us to help maintain a safe-haven for
our children and those who need our vigilant protection.
Page 7
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church
Religious Education
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
9:00 Am - 3:00 PM
St. Joseph School
We’re busy getting things ready for another wonderful year
with your children. Anyone that has not yet registered is
urged to do so as soon as possible. Registration forms are
available in the office, on line at or in
the Rectory. Please register as soon as possible to be
assured of the time and day that is most convenient for
We have a Sunday School program that begins on
September 28th and is held in Carew Hall each Sunday
during the 10:30am Mass. It is for children ages 3, 4 and 5.
You may call the Religious Education office for registration
Catechist Workshop will take place on Saturday,
September 13th from 10-12 in Carew Hall. Virtus training
will take place following the workshop at 1PM for those
volunteers who may need it. There will be a second
workshop offered on Monday, September 15th at 7:30pm
in the gym for any catechist unable to make Saturday’s
Confirmation Corner
Confirmation Prep classes begin Tuesday,
September10th. They start at 7:00pm in
Carew Hall. All registered candidates
should have received a letter containing
important information and dates for
Faith On Tap
An opportunity for young Adult Catholics to get together
casually and discuss their faith. All Young Adults – you are
invited to join us for our next Faith on Tap …
Monday, September 22
Talk begins at 7:30 …. Doors open at 7:00
come early, get something to eat or drink!
Bishop Nelson J. Perez, Auxiliary Bishop,Diocese
of Rockville Centre
Joy of the Gospel
“The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who
encounter Jesus” – Pope Francis
Where: Molly Malone’s – 124 Maple Avenue, Bay Shore NY
Important Message for Those Who Attend
Daily Mass at 9:00 AM!
St Joseph School will begin this week. As you know,
mass is an important part of the weekly schedule for
our students.
This year we are going back to an old tradition:
On Tuesdays our mass will be at 8:45. The students
of St Joseph School will be there to pray with our
weekday assembly!
This will begin on Tuesday, September 9!
Thank you to everyone for your cooperation with this
schedule change as we work together to build the City
of God with our children!
We are all responsible for the safety of children and
vulnerable adults!
If you suspect mistreatment of a child or vulnerable adult
by any member of the Clergy, Church Employee or
Volunteer~ Phone the Hotline to make a report.
All appropriate steps will be taken to protect the
reputation and privacy of those involved: the person
making the complaint, the victim and the accused.
For more information on the Charter for the Protection of
Children/Young People visit the Diocesan Website and click
on Protecting God’s Children Tab.
Calendar Club 2014
Congratulations to our Winners.
Thank you for your generous support!
Maureen & John
Dianna Dunbar
Joseph Olivieri
Sue Keller
Joseph & Fran
Gilda Johnson
Frank Gulotta
Rick & Pat
Lawrence & Vivian
Jerome Magluilo
Marie & Roger
Mr. & Mrs. E.
Tom Fawcett
Dolores Lingner
Susan Eilers
Thomas Cusanelli
Walter & Maxine
Thomas & Marie
Mike Keller
Mike DeBellis
Attention All Parish and School Volunteers— Our fall VIRTUS workshop, Protecting God's
Children for Adults, will be held on Saturday, September 13, 2014, at 1:00 pm in Carew Hall. Online
signup for the workshop is required. Visit online and click on "Registration" to sign-up. If you do not
have computer access or have difficulty using the site, contact the rectory office at 588-8456 for assistance.
All volunteers and employees are required to complete VIRTUS Youth Protection Training. There is no cost to you, but it
does involve giving up a couple of hours of your time. While for some an ongoing online follow-up is expected, you only
need to take this workshop once. VIRTUS training is an essential way for all of us to help maintain a safe-haven for our
children and all those who need our vigilant protection.
Banns of Marriage
(Second Time)
Stacie Kane of St. Joseph’s and
David Seiler of St. Joseph’s
Nicole Dias of St. Joseph’s and
Nicolas Dattilo of St. Joseph’s
Danielle Groneman of St. Joseph’s and
Brian Osiupowich of St. Elizabeth’s
Giovanni Joseph Accardi
Lucas Tyler Antelo
Aubrey Olivia Devlin
Abigail Grace Lawrence
Jean Omar Marcia-Joachim
Justin Maurice Marcia-Joachim
Kadaj Anthony Marcia-Joachim
Luciana Theresa DeFlumeri
Cassandra Lily Perrott
2014 Catholic Ministry Appeal Update
Goal: $107,800
# of Pledges: 368 (7,260 reg. families)
Pledged: $90,171 (as of 08/12/14)
“Who do you say that I am?”
Do we believe that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the living God?
Do we hear His commandments?
If so, do we respond positively by the way we live our lives and how we treat others?
The Catholic Ministries Appeal offers us an opportunity to fulfill God’s call to discipleship.
One of the major components of the Catholic Ministries Appeal is Catholic Charities. Your
donations are put into action: feeding God’s people and taking care of their needs when they
are unable to do it themselves. Your donation also supports faith formation of children and
young people. In addition, your donation will help us to reach our goal and when we reach our
goal in full payment, we receive a 20% rebate (over $20,000) to help Build the City of God
here in our own parish. If we surpass the goal, we will receive 80% of any paid pledges over
the goal! As you can see, the Catholic Ministries Appeal is vitally important to funding the
ministries at Saint Joseph Church as well as those sponsored throughout the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
For your convenience, pledge envelopes are available on the window sills around the church.
Thank you for supporting our 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal.
The Catholic Committee on Scouting is
offering Religious Emblems Counselor
Training for the Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius
15, here at St. Joseph’s Church,
Ronkonkoma. Training will be held in
Rectory Basement Meeting Room “B” at
7:00 p.m. There is NO CHARGE for the training. Bring a
notebook, pen and enthusiasm. Upon completion of this
training, counselors will receive a TRAINED certificate from the
Diocese of Rockville Centre. There will be additional trainings
throughout the year. Check our website for updates. Please pre-register so that we bring enough
training materials for all participants. To register for Ad Altare
Dei training contact: Jim Lynch at To
register for Pope Pius XII training contact: Mary Scotti at
Important Message for those
who attend Daily Mass at 9 am!
St Joseph School will begin this week. As you
know, mass is an important part of the weekly
schedule for our students.
This year we are going back to an old tradition:
On Tuesdays our mass will be at 8:45. The
students of St Joseph School will be there to pray
with our weekday assembly!
This will begin on Tuesday, September 9!
Thank you to everyone for your cooperation with
this schedule change as we work together to build
the City of God with our children!
Outreach Resources
Emergency Resources
Response of Suffolk County
Crisis Hotline
631-751-7620 or 631-751-7500 (hotline 24 hrs./7 days)
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk—VIBS
Domestic/date violence, rape, sexual assault, & elder abuse
631-360-3730 or 631-360-3606 (24 hrs. hotline for domestic
violence and rape) or
Family Resources/Support Groups
Child Care Council of Suffolk
Family Service League of Suffolk County
Hope House Ministries
Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence
631-666-8833 (hotline)
Islip Town Teen Parent Resource Center
The Retreat
Domestic Violence
631-329-2200 (hotline 24hrs/7 days shelter)
Suffolk County Department of Health Services
Project Hope Mothers’ Group
631-853-3035 (call for locations)
Brighter Tomorrows
Domestic Violence
Hotline (631)395-1800
Haven House/Bridges
Islip Hotline
Crisis Hotline: 631-277-4700
Alcoholics Anonymous
Runaway Hotline
631-549-8700, 1-800-621-4000
Gamblers Anonymous
American Red Cross, Suffolk County Chapter
Narcotics Anonymous
Child Abuse
1-800-342-3720 (24-Hr.)
HIV and Aids Teen Hotline
1-800-440-TEEN (fri./Sat. 6:30PM to Midnight)
Child Health Plus Information and Referral
1-800-522-5006 (24 Hr.)
Parish Outreach
Life Center of L.I. - Pregnancy Care
Birthright of Nassau/Suffolk
Al-Anon Suffolk County
St. Joseph Parish Outreach Center
e-mail —
Parish Outreach
Parish Outreach is in dire
need of School Supplies.
Pens, Pencils, Loose leaf
Paper, Notebooks, Glue Sticks, Crayons,
Backpacks, Binders, Rulers and any other
types of school supplies. If you can help
please drop off to our Outreach Office or the
Parish Rectory.
website —
Through your generosity we
were able to help more than
142 people throughout the
month of July. In these
tough economic times we
are seeing people of
increasing need. On their
behalf, we thank you for
sharing your own limited
resources with your brothers
and sisters. "Whenever
you did it for the least of
my people, you did it for
Speak with a music minister after Mass and find out how to join.
This Ministry is made up of parishioners who
volunteer their time in assisting families of the
recently deceased. Members of the ministry
meet with families at the rectory prior to the
funeral mass. They help the families choose
hymns and scriptural readings from a prepared
list. Ministers also prepare a short biography of
the deceased so that the priest can personalize
his homily. Ministers then attend the funeral
Mass, which is scheduled Monday through
Saturday mornings. No experience
necessary and training will be provided. If you
are interested, please call the rectory at 631588-8456 and the Ministry Coordinator will get
back to you.
To parishioners of Confirmation age or higher:
Do you feel reasonably comfortable addressing large
Do you speak and read clearly – with confidence,
strength, passion, and certain knowledge of what you
speak or say?
Do you feel a calling – a vocation – to become God's
instrument in proclaiming His Word to His people?
Do you believe you can truly bring Scripture alive to the
listener; and are you willing to spend a half-hour or
more in practice (before each assignment) to assure a
smooth, effective, and vibrant proclamation?
If your answer to all of the above is "Yes," then your parish needs
On an evening in mid-September, a two-hour Lector Training
session will be held in the rectory.
Interested? Call Greg Walsh at 585-4524.
Baptismal Ministry
Join us in this joy-filled ministry that welcomes our tiniest
new Catholics and their families to the Celebration of the
Sacrament of Baptism. Every few weeks we need about an
hour of your time to help the priest or deacon prepare for
the celebration and to welcome and guide our families to
and through the celebration. If you love babies and like to
meet happy people and welcome them to our parish, this is
for YOU!
Please call 588-8456
for more information.
St Joseph
Catholic Seniors
Psst! The word is out! St.
Joseph Catholic Seniors
are seeking new members
to join us on the 2nd and
4th Tuesday of each
month. Meetings are held at the St. Regis
Knights of Columbus on Pond Rd. at 11 am.
Stop by and be our guest for a cup of coffee or
tea or call Arlene at 648-3582 if you have any
Page 13
Cub Scout Pack 272
Boy Scout Troop 272
Every Sunday at 5:00 PM, St. Joseph’s Parish offers an upbeat experience of celebrating Mass designed especially for
youth and their families.
Everyone in Grades 7-12 is invited to participate.
We’re looking for: Lectors Ushers Musicians/Singers Altar
Servers, Eucharistic Ministers (Eucharistic ministers must be
over 18)
For more information about joining Youth in Ministry, contact or call the rectory.
CYO Sport Programs
Intramural (Coed, ages 4-16):
Gene 588-1879
Travel * (Boys)
Vinny 467-3651
Girls Intramural
Debbie 467-6174
Clinic Division (Coed Grades K-2) Henry 467-6091
Boys Intramural(Grades 3-12)
Henry 467-6091
Vinny 467-3651
Boys & Girls, Grades K-8
Soccer :
Intramural Boys & Girls(ages 3-13 ) Joe 737-6299
Travel (LIJSL):
Rob 721-8831
Dennis 467-6174
*Must register for the intramural program as well
Interested in joining Venturing?
Want to enroll your son in
Cub Scouting or Boy Scouting?
Send an e-mail from your
Smartphone or Blackberry
while it’s on your mind to
You can scan us!
St. Joseph’s Cub Scout Pack 272 and Boy Scout Troop 272
have fun, exciting, educational, character building programs for boys, age 7 through 17 (first Grade and up).
For more information or to enroll your child,
contact Dr. Louis Scotti at 656-8428
or e-mail
Pack, Troop, and Crew 272 have
a YEAR-ROUND scouting program.
Venturing Events
In Carew Hall after 5:00 PM Mass
Venturing is open to men and women
age 14 through 20 who have graduated
from 8th Grade. This year's crew plan
is jam packed with interesting and fun activities here
at St. Joseph's and "off-campus" as well.
Come down to our meeting and check it out.
Visit our next meeting:
Sunday, August 31st Tonight
Sunday, Sept. 7th
phone: Advisor Mike Keller (631) 467-6468
What did you do this weekend?
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Psalm 62:7
Page 14
Courtesy Announcements
Charismatic Prayer Meeting - at Our Lady of the Island Shrine the fourth Wednesday of each
month from 7- 9PM. Praise, worship & teaching. Contact the Shrine at 631-325-0661 for info.
Free Food for NY Seniors - The C.S.F.P. funded by USDA NYSDOH, and administered by
Catholic Charities is offering free food for 6 to 12 months post partum women, children from the
age of 5 up to their sixth birthday, and seniors age 60 and over, who are income-eligible. Gross
monthly income for seniors: Single Senior $1,174 or less or Senior Couple $1,579 or less. For
further information, and income guidelines for women & children in Nassau or Suffolk, please
call 631-491-4166 or 631-491-4156.
Meals-On-Wheels - Lake Nutrition Meals-on-Wheels provides food to elderly & homebound Monday thru Friday, two
meals a day. Hot meals & cold meals are available for a charge of $6 for both meals. Call 467-8948 for information.
Professional Therapy - provided by NYS licensed therapists, are available to our parish & 148 other parishes. It is
provided by the Catholic Counseling Center which is independent of & not controlled or supervised by the parish or
diocese. Most insurance policies are honored. For information & appointment, call Dr. Giuliani at 243-2503 or visit our
website at
The Diocese of Rockville Centre
Golden Wedding Liturgy
Honoring Couples Married Fifty Years or More
This fall, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at
liturgies on Sunday, September 21st at the Church of Christ the King in Commack
and on Sunday, October 5th at the Church of St. Rose of Lima in Massapequa. Both liturgies will begin at 2:30
pm. Couples may register for ONE liturgy. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at the
rectory. Registration must be received by the Office of Worship by Sept. 3rd for the September 21st liturgy and
by September 17th for the October 5th liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the spring for those
who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions you may call 516-678-5800, extension 207.
Come Pray with the The St. Joseph’s Men’s Prayer
We meet every Tuesday evening in The Church at
7:30pm and pray The Rosary followed in the
Vestibule by Coffee, Donuts and a lot of fellowship.
Join with fellow Catholic men and pray, relax and
talk. It’s new, It’s Fun and It’s exciting. Come give it
a try! No Commitment! No pressure! Plenty of
Camaraderie! See You Tuesday!