September 27, 2015


September 27, 2015
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church
Let us build the City of God!
Our Mission:
By our loving service and works of mercy, we invite
every person to know Jesus Christ, present in the Word
and the breaking of the Bread, so that all may accept
his gift of salvation.
Our Vision (Shepherd’s Inn Soup Kitchen):
The workers at Shepherd’s INN soup Kitchen address the
issue of the hungry on Long Island. All our guests are
treated with dignity and respect. We believe everyone that
comes to our kitchen is a guest and as such all guests are
fed with a no questions asked policy.
Come pray with us!
Saturday: 5:00pm
7:00, 9:00, 10:30, Noon, & 5:00 PM
Weekdays: 7:00 & 9:00 AM* Saturday 8:00AM
*During School year Tuesday mass is at 8:45AM
Eucharistic Adoration:
Mondays 2:00 - 7:00 PM (except holidays)
First Friday 7:30 - 8:30 PM Holy Hour
Rosary: Daily after 9:00 Mass
Reconciliation: Mon, Wed, Fri: after morning mass
Sat: after 8:00 AM mass and 4:00 - 4:45 PM
Rev. Michael J Rieder, Pastor
Rev. Gil Lap
Rev. Belevendiram Rathinam (Fr Bala)
Rev. Juniper J. Thomas (retired)
Dcn. James Altonji
Dcn. Michael DeBellis
Dcn. Frank Dell’Aglio
Dcn. Michael Devenney
Dcn. William Dobbins
Dcn. Joseph Dougherty (retired)
St Joseph Rectory Office
45 Church Street Ronkonkoma NY 11779
588-8456 Fax 471-2569
Religious Education
35 Church Street 981-1805
Director: Mrs. Maryanne Trezza
Parish Outreach
2855 Pond Rd
Director: Mrs. Anne Kelly
St Joseph School
25 Church Street 588-4760
Principal: Mr. Richard Kuntzler
September 27, 2015 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Serving Your Sacramental Needs
The Sacrament of Baptism
The Sacrament is celebrated on Sundays at 1:30
PM. Parents, please call the parish office to arrange
a meeting with one of our priests or deacons to
begin to make arrangements.
The Sacrament of Eucharist
See front cover for mass times. If you are sick for
an extended period of time or are homebound,
please contact the parish office to arrange to have
someone bring Communion to you.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
School aged children can prepare for this Sacrament
by contacting our religious Education office. Adults
or older teens who have yet to be Confirmed should
contact the Parish Office
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
As listed on front cover or call rectory for an
appointment with one of our priests.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
This Sacrament is for the living. We celebrate this
Sacrament each Spring and Fall for those who are
chronically ill, advanced in age, or who are about to
undergo surgery or hospitalization. We can arrange
the Sacrament at other times by calling the Parish
Emergencies: call the office to ar r ange a visit
from a priest.
Nighttime emergencies
(631) 538-7219
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Bride or Groom please call the office at least six
months before your desired wedding date to begin
preparations for marriage. Please make contact with
the parish before making other wedding day plans!
The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Anyone who is feeling called to service in the
church as a priest deacon or in consecrated religious
life should contact the parish office to speak to one
of the priests or deacons for guidance.
Interested in possibly becoming Catholic?
Please contact the rectory to arrange a meeting to
discuss your questions. We have regular classes to
help people learn about the faith and decide if
becoming Catholic is what you and God want for
you right now. This whole process of inquiry and
potential conversion is called RCIA—The Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults.
We will respect your personal journey with God!
Prayer and Devotion Opportunities
Our Lady of Fatima Devotion
Our Lady came to Fatima with a message from God
to every man, woman and child. She promised that
the whole world would be at peace, and that many
souls would go to heaven if her requests were
listened to and obeyed.
In response to her requests, the First Saturday of
each month is devoted to Our Lady of Fatima. This
devotion includes 8:00 AM mass, a novena to Our
Lady of Fatima, the Rosary, the opportunity to
celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and
fellowship in Carew hall at 9:00 AM.
All are welcome at this devotion.
Spend Some Time in Prayer Before the
Blessed Sacrament
Our church opens at 6:30 AM and remains open
throughout the day for anyone who wants to make a
prayerful visit. Please come and have some quiet
time with God in the midst of our busy (and
sometimes loud) world.
We have times set aside when Our Lord, present
in the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the altar
for your prayer.
Monday Exposition and Benediction
Every Monday afternoon the Blessed Sacrament is
exposed from 2:00 PM until 7:00 PM. This
opportunity for prayer ends with Benediction
beginning at about 6:45 PM and ending at 7:00 PM
You can come at any time for any length of time to
join in this quiet, reflective prayer time.
Make an appointment to spend time with Jesus!
First Friday Holy Hour
Every First Friday of the month we have a Holy
Hour before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. This
communal prayer begins at 7:30 PM and run until
8:30 PM, closing with Benediction.
St Joseph Men’s Prayer Group
We meet every Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM in the
Church where we pray the Rosary.
Afterward we move to the main vestibule for coffee,
donuts and fellowship.
This is a great opportunity to be strengthened in
your commitment as a Catholic man just by
spending time with others like you!
See you Tuesday!
September 27, 2015
Additional Parish and School Contact
Parish Website:
School Website:
E-mail addresses
Rel. Ed. Office:
Rel. Ed. Director:
Parish Trustees
Robert Koepper
Walter Poggi
Business Manager
Deacon Michael DeBellis
Music Ministry
Michael Keller, Director
Ann DeBellis, 9:00 Choir
Rectory Hours
Monday thru Friday 9:00 - 5:00 (closed for lunch
12:00 - 1:15)
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 (closed for lunch 12:00 - 1:15)
Sunday 9:00 - 12:00
Altar Bread & Wine
In memory of
Maureen Melchiona
Requested by
Millie & Tom
The first reading from Numbers recounts the Spirit of
God settling the elders. They begin to prophesy.
Moses states his desire that all of Israel become
Prophets. The second reading warns the wealthy that
the Lord has heard the cry of those they treated
unjustly. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches that no one
can work a mighty deed in his name and then speak
badly about him. He says: He who is not against us
is for us.
Mass Intentions for the Week
Sunday, Sept. 27 (26th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
7:00 Cornelius J. Dunleavy (Happy Anniversary) (Loving
Wife Anne), Patrick Michael Sweeney (Fred &
MaryAnn Drew)
9:00 Joseph Onufrak (Loving Wife & Family), Dec’d.
Mbrs. Of St. Regis K of C & Columbiettes
10:30 Claire & Jim McQuillan (Loving Family), Millicent
Mancaruso (John, Jean, Les, Cindy & Joe)
12:00 Mary Jo L’Ambrose (Connie Staffa & Nick), Isabel
Torres (Phyllis Rifkin)
5:00 Antoinette Prato (Mrs. Marilyn Berscak), Vincent
Festa (Ann Festa)
Monday, Sept. 28
7:00 Al Vigliotti (Joseph Xiuping Nicosia), Joan Rall
(LIVING) (Joanie, Albie & JoAnn Rall)
Eileen Stewart (Kevin Stewart), Marie Mawn
(Anne & Joe DiNero)
Tuesday, Sept. 29
7:00 Al Vigliotti (Tom Caminiti), Evan Smith (Jean
Francesca Gallo (Janine & Dan Ferri)
Wednesday, Sept. 30
7:00 The Family of Al Vigliotti (Rose Barry)
9:00 Jennifer & Agnes Ludwigson (LIVING) (Ed
Ludwigson), Anthony Milone (Loving Aunt Josie)
Thursday, Oct. 1
7:00 Gerda Milin (Carol Michaels), Lisa Ascolesi
(Eleanor & Paul Domico)
9:00 Donald Olsen (Tom & Elba Lopez), John Young
(Eileen & Tom McManus)
Friday, Oct. 2
7:00 For the People of the Parish
9:00 Claire McQuillan (Loving Family), Ourania Pallace
(Beloved Children)
Saturday, Oct. 3
Angelo & Theresa DeFilippo (Marie DeFilippo),
William Arabio (Loving Family)
Godofredo Alcantara (Loving Wife & Son),
Ourania Pallace (Loving Husband)
Sun. Oct. 4 (27th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
7:00 James J. Heiman (Loving Sister Helen), Cornelius
J. Dunleavy (Loving Wife Anne)
9:00 Eileen Mungavin (Gil & Rosemary Balkam),
Michael Heuler (Top Notch Chimney)
10:30 Diane Young (Frances H. Keller), Frank Woods
(Catherine & Norm West)
12:00 Carmela Serravillo (Santo & Lucy Arnone), Matty
Gay (Maryann Kennedy & Family)
5:00 Larry Jenna (Joe & Joyce Ando), Jose Sanabria
Rodriguez (Alex & Linda Mavrovich)
Blessing of Pets!
Scrip Program
We know your
pets want to
come with you to church - they want to come with you
Sunday October 4 is the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, so
you can bring your pets to church that day to be blessed!
Don’t’ bring them to mass - that might be too distracting.
But after the noon mass, get your pets and come to
St Joseph Rectory Front Lawn
At 1:30 PM for our
Blessing of Pets!
We look forward to hearing them all singing (or
howling) God’s praise!
All kinds of pets are welcome!
A Scout is Reverent
Last Sunday was the Diocesan Catholic Scouting
Convocation at St Agnes Cathedral.
One Scout from Troop 272 earned his Ad Altare Dei
Sean Temme.
The Ad Altare Dei program is focused on the
Sacraments of the Church and the work involved in
earning this emblem takes the better part of a year!
Seven Scouts from our Venturing Crew 272 received
their Pope Pius XII Emblems:
Evan McAteer
Kristopher Kilkenny
Caitlin Hayes
Ryan Hayes
Vanessa Pham
Tara Hayes
Emily Webb
Pope Pius XII is Catholic Scouting's church-related
ministries and vocation program. The program deals
with different life choices (single, married, religious,
ordained), occupations and ministries in the church as
calls from God. It includes youth led discussions on
current issues facing the church and society, which are
normally included as part of a Pius XII retreat or day of
Also Matthew Aleixo has been awarded the Bishop’s
Emblem in recognition of his outstanding service to the
Catholic Scouts of our Diocese and Venturing Crew 272
Congratulations to all awardees
We mentioned in last week’s bulletin that our scrip
program has become less and less of an effective
fundraiser because these gift cards are available in so
many retail stores.
Again we want to thank everyone who, for many years
supported our parish through this program, either by
buying or by selling these gift cards!
We still have a pretty decent inventory of gift cards
available. Stop by the rectory and ask.
Also, you can still make special orders. So if you are
planning to give gift cards for Christmas, stop by the
rectory and ask about buying them through us. We
would be very willing to help you and very grateful that
you still want to help us in this way.
Camp Hope Day
October 4, 2015
A day to help children 5 - 17 who are grieving the loss of
a loved one. Day includes sharing, remembering and
commemorating in a nurturing and playful environment.
Parents drop off children in the morning, share a light
breakfast, then rejoin the camp at 3:00 to share in
closing activities and ceremonies. The camp runs from
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Lunch is included.
Camp is held in Bayport at Camp Edy.
There is no charge for the day but registration is
required. Please call Laura Phillips at 687-2960 to
register or for more information.
Day of Prayer and Reflection
Saturday October 17
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM in Carew Hall
Our speaker will be Fr. Glen Sudano of the
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.
Day will consist of two talks, exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament, the opportunity for Sacramental
Reconciliation and will close with mass.
A freewill offering will be taken
Lunch will be provided so you must RSVP so we can
plan appropriately.
Contact Gerry Devenney
(631) 553-5566
Monthly Holy Hours for Vocations
At St Ignatius Loyola Parish
129 Broadway, Hicksville
October 16
November 20 January 15
February 19 March 18
April 15
Youth Social
Doors open at 7:00 PM
Open to all ages 13+
You are invited to explore the benefits of a
Catholic high School Education
Open House Schedule:
Please feel free to visit our schools during the times and dates listed below
Sun 9/27
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Holy Trinity Diocesan HS
Sat 10/3
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sacred Heart Academy
Kellenberg Memorial HS
Chaminade HS
Sun 10/4
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
St Anthony’s HS
Sun 10/18
10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
St John the Baptist Diocesan HS
St Mary’s HS
Sat 10/24
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
McGann-Mercy Diocesan HS
If you cannot make an open house and are interested in seeing a specific school,
call the school to arrange a visit
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Respect Life
Weekly Offering
The birth of a child is an occasion for rejoicing, but it’s
nearly anticlimactic when considered in light of the baby’s
growth and development in the mother’s womb.
Case in point: An unborn baby experiences the rapid eye
movement sleep of dreams. During REM sleep, the baby’s
eyes move back and forth, just as an adult’s eyes do;
A baby can move fifty times or more each hour, flexing
and extending is body, moving its head, face and limbs, and
A baby can listen, learn, and remember: Studies show
newborns respond differently to their mother’s voices compared with others, and they prefer their mother’s voice as it
would sound through amniotic fluid;
Newborns also respond with a calmer heart rate when
read a story they heard often in the womb – it sounds familiar.
Day 1:
3 weeks:
6 weeks:
8 weeks:
9 weeks:
Fertilization. A unique human life begins.
Heart beats with baby’s own blood.
Brainwaves detected.
Baby is kicking; fingerprints form.
Baby can hear, turn head, and frown, hiccup, and
react to loud noises.
11 weeks: All bodily systems are functioning. Baby can
grasp, yawn, suck, and swallow as well as feel
and smell.
12 weeks: Bodily parts that enable pain sensation are in
13 to 15 weeks: A baby’s taste buds resemble a mature
adult’s. The baby tastes the flavors of its
mother’s meals through the amniotic fluid.
20 weeks: Baby can recognize its mother’s voice.
21 weeks: Babies born at this stage are sometimes saved.
28 weeks: Baby breathes amniotic fluid, move and kicks.
34 weeks: Baby opens and closes eyes.
38-40 weeks: Birth of the baby.
It’s worth noting that the Catholic Church teaches
today what it has for two thousand years; that human life begins at conception, and that any deliberate participation in the killing of that defenseless life is a sin.
(Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2270-2275)
Amy Welborn, Our Sunday Visitor, Inc, 2003
Fiscal Year Beginning 9/1/2015 - 8/31/16
Sunday Sept. 20, 2015 Offering
(Includes Faith Direct ($3016)
Last Year
Poor Box Last Week
Education Collection
DRVC St. Pius X Collection
*Pay Down Debt Donations
This Month $ 5,838
Total Funds
Less Payments made to RVC 470,000
Fund Balance $22,881
RVC Loan
Less Payment
*Includes Faith Direct Collections for August
(64 Participating Households)
If you missed last week , please try to make it up this
week. Thank you.
Envelope users : Please enter the amount of your donation
on the envelope in the space provided. This will be a big
help to us when counting the collection. Also, it is not
necessary to tape or staple the envelope closed. Your help
is appreciated.
Thank you, Deacon Mike DeBellis
Thank you and God Bless You Always,
Fr. Mike
Pray for the Sick
Lynn Abe-Zaid
Frank Ambrosio
Philip Ambrosio
Ginny Amita
Karen Balezos
Olivia Bender
Anthony Bernardo
Janet Belz
Marybelle Berge
Mary Ann Bonitz
Lucy Brancaccio
Michael Carbuccia
Moises Carbuccia
Martin Condit
Cathy Connolly
Eileen Cross
Rick Crotta
Joanne DeBellis
Michael DePinto
Christine DiFilippo
Rita Diubaldo
William Doyle
Maria Duerr
Sharon T. Eichler
Lois & Michael Emma
Donna Evers
Jason Falco
Louis Fava
Helen Fenyak
Mary & Frank Ferrigno
Robert Filce
Charles Anthony Fuchs
Roseanne Gabriel
Louise Gagliardi
Patricia Geiser
Nick Gerbino
Loretta Gerstner
Laura Greger
Ronnie Hanson
Jasper & Margaret Indelicato
Richard & Thomas Jankay
Joseph Karpf
Linda Keller
Alfred LaRocca
Rachel Laskowski
Kevin Latini
Melissa Lipani
Grace Loud
Louis Lopez
Ida Lucivero
Vito Lucivero
Agnes Ludwigson
Carolyn Martins
Andrea Maloney
Sal Maraviglia
Molly McClure
Christie Merkle
John Merkle
Carol Meyer
Marge Morelli
Helen Moser
Joseph Nicosia
Frank Nostro
Katie O’Hara
Maria O’Halloran
Joan Ockovic
Joseph Olivieri
Helen Onufrak
Anna Pepe
Hennie Perez
Barbara Petersen
William Pfister
Dorothy Pistritto
Joan Plouffe
Nicole Ramaglia
Connie Rinaldi
Ruby Rivera
Victoria Rosenblum
Angela Russo
Mary Ann Russo
Theresa Ryan
Ann Sabourin
Norma Salazar
Dawn Saporito
Denise Savage Harper
Ben Scannella
Krista & Nancy Schramm
Janet Shapiro
Robert Sokol
Jamie Smith
Michele Smith
Abe Stegman
Angela Stoner
Matthew Swenson
Orazio Troiano
Theresa Troiano
Richard Tizzard
Analea Torborg
Richard Troiano
Lloyd Turnier
Regina Turnier
William Vallar Jr.
Thomas Valentino
Peter Wrins
Joseph Yasso
Richard Zwirblis
Pray for Our Troops
PFC Eric Lange, USMC
SGT Deborah Alfieri
SGT Matthew Altonji
SPC Andrew Altonji
CPL Matthew Balestrieri, USMC
TSGT Louis Barletta
LT Michael-Jon Bonacorsa
LCPL John Brown
PFC Justin Browne
LTCOL James Cersosimo
CPL Glenn Clacher
SPC Thomas E. Corcoran
SPC Jason Crawford
CPT Edward Cuevas
PFC John B Cuneo
CPT Ryan Delaney
TSGT Timothy Dermody
SGT Stephen DiGirolamo
SSGT Tony Elliott
LT Kelly Fletcher
SPC Adam Franciosa
CPT Mark Gillman
CPL RJ Hartmann
MAJ Sean P Kilkenny
CW2 Steven Knight
LCPL William Langdon
SPC Christopher Leone
SGT Wade Lynch
MAJ Kevin McCue
PVT Thomas B McGinn
SGT Patrick McNally
PFC William Meyer
CPL Brian G Meyer
CPO Gregory Migliore
SGT Glenn Miller
LT Heather Miras
SPC4 George Monica
SPC4 John Monica
SGT Daniel Montville
GYSGT Brian Moran, USMC
LTCOL Gregory Mueller, USMC
LCPL Thomas Napolitano
LCPL Michael Napolitano
LCPL James Neubauer
SGT Brian Pacell
CPT Stephen Bartoszak
PFC Matthew Pandolfi
SFC James Munro Army
CPT Michael Parisi
2LT Anthony Parisi
MAJ Paul E Pinaud
CTR2 Matthew Pistritto
LT David A Rewkowski
SGT Edwin Rivera, II
SGT Anthony M Sbrocco, USMC
SSGT Jason Schiavo
LCPL W. Mason Shehan
SSGT Timothy McGoyne
SPC James Stanek
EO3 Taylor Taranto
MM3 Gregory Taranto
PFC Greg Terrish
SGT Jason Tulowitzki
SGT John Thomas Vogt
CPL Brandon Waldon
SGT Randolph Weaver
MSTR Robert Casey
ILT Richard Lutz
SPC Darian L. Clark/Army
SAMN Bill Ried
CPL Michael Casonova
SPEC4 David Cooper
Michael Cristiano LTJG
SGT Brian P. O’Leary
PFC Gregory Caplan
MPS Timothy Caplan
E6PO1 Gerard McGarrity
PFC Nicholas Barbieri
LCPL Jim A. Mock
SGT Maj. John A. Krumholz
LCPL Joseph R. DeGroot, USMC
RCT Dustin A. Whitton, USMC
SPC Peter Reilly
SMAN T.J. Waldhauser, US Navy
LCPL Brian Kolarik, USMC
PVT Chris Dorn, Army
SSGT Ray C. Sigman ll
SGT Sean Rainone, USMC
SGT Thomas Lupo
SSGT Mike Hengerle, USMC
Kelly R. Denimarck ENS Navy
SFC James Munro Army
CPL Kristen M. Saporito USMC
Captain Sean Lavigne USAF
LCPL Daniel Pfeifer USMC
MSGT Thomas J. Valentino USAF
CSM Lawrence Doughterty, USArmy
PFC Thomas Conran USArmy
SRA Matthew Maisano USAF
SPJonathan G. Romano USANG
PFC Daniel R. Hayes USMC
PFC Allecia N. Ahearn USMC
Lt. James Ciccarello US ARMY
Sal Evangelista, US ARMY
Nick Vicale SFC ARMY
LCPL Michael A. Davison USMC
CAPT. Glenn Miller
Joseph Scotti E2
Eli Matthew Berg US ARMY
Louis Russo, George Ragotte, Madeleine Adams, Kari Burns
our deceased soldiers and all of our deceased relatives and friends.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen
St Joseph Alumna Lives a
Dreams as She Follows God’s
Fr. Mike, are you going to see Pope Francis? I’ve
been asked that question many times in the past few
weeks. I’ve told everyone that I called and invited
him over for a barbeque but he’s just too busy! The
truth is, I can’t stand mobs so I am passing on this
But a member of our parish family is getting a front
row seat to see our good friend Francis when he
comes to New York City. Hope Mueller, a graduate
of St. Joseph School is now serving as principal of
St Ann School on E 110th Street in NYC.
First of all, thank you Hope for living God’s dream for you so well by serving the
children and families of this school. We pray that the lessons you learned at St Joseph
School serve you well in this wonderful ministry!
Principal Mueller and five 3rd and 4th graders will meet Pope Francis Friday September
25. The students will tell His Holiness Pope Francis about the community service
projects in which students participate throughout the year, including those done in
anticipation of His historic visit.
This is a wonderful opportunity and I am sure it will
touch the hearts of Hope and her students in a lasting
But more important than a few moments with Pope
Francis is the foundation in the faith that is given to
these students through their Catholic education.
The proof of that is in how Hope is living that faith
that was nurtured right here at St Joseph School.
God really does have dreams for each one of us! St
Joseph School helps our students to discover and live
those dreams as active members of the church. We
are proud of Hope and all our students and alumni!
Maybe you would like your children to Live God’s
Dreams as students of St Joseph School. Check out
our website: or call us at
(631) 588-4760 . We would live to help your children
Live God’s Dreams!
Hope Mueller, & student with Katie Kurik
COACH KEITH 631-463-9339
COACH MIKE 631-275-5361
CONFIRAMTION CANDIDATES -We are pleased to announce that Bishop Murphy will
confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on October 29th.
Reminder of Upcoming events before Confirmation…
Monday, 9/28/15, Multiplication of Fishes & Loaves, 7:30pm, Church
Monday, 10/5/15, Candidate Family Mass; (candidate, sponsor and
parent attend), 7:30pm Church. At this Mass, the Confirmation
Candidate presents their letter to Fr. Mike.
Friday, 10/16/15, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, 7:30PM Church
Thursday, 10/22/15, Rehearsal, 7:30pm for the 10:00am Mass
(attend at your appointed time)
Monday, 10/26/15, Rehearsal, 7:30pm for the 1:30pm Mass
(attend at the appointed time)
Class assignment letters were mailed home to all registered students. Please check you mail
for details.
Time is running out for registering and getting the best choice for class day and time. In order for your child to be eligible for classroom instruction you must register no later than September 30, 2015. Please do not hesitate to register if you are experiencing financial difficulty. Feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns. The office is open Monday through
Yarn Crafters News
Layla Julianna Aghabekian
Lily Ariana Badum
Kenzlie James Durkin
Isabella Noel Muens
Sienna Skye Suridis
Laila Anne Toal
Caroline Linda Wood
2016 Mass Book
is Open
Do you enjoy crocheting or knitting? If you
would be able to give a few hours per week
to help create an item to donate for a charitable cause, come to the Yarn Crafting Croup which
meets on Monday afternoons (2:00 - 4:00 PM) in Carew
Some of our recently completed projects included caps
for chemotherapy patients; items to the children’s oncology unit at Stony Brook; lap blankets for the veteran’s hospital, and baby items donated to the Crisis Pregnancy
If you would like to be part of this ongoing endeavor,
please call Virginia Catalano, 631-724-8586 for complete
Thank you and God bless you.
2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal
“Be men and women who bring the
light of hope to others.”
- Pope Francis
During this special time that we are honored to welcome the Holy Father, Pope
Francis to New York, please consider hearing His call, to be men and women
who bring the light of hope to others, by making a gift to the 2015 Catholic
Ministries Appeal.
We are often asked, “Who does the Appeal serve?”
Where you find people in need, you will find our Church responding and we are
able to do this because of your support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal.
100% of every dollar donated to the Catholic Ministries Appeal goes to support
our Long Island community with programs and services that provide:
 Affordable and safe housing for seniors, and adults
with disabilities.
 Food programs for seniors and low income families.
 Assistance through Outreach programs at our local
 Chemical dependence services and day treatment
 Prison Ministry.
 Comfort to the sick and dying.
Every dollar you contribute helps ensure that our ministries bring the light of
hope to thousands of people in need every year.
Please consider donating to the Appeal and making a difference in
someone’s life. Thank you!
Hey Kids
Do you think church is boring sometimes?
Do you want to learn more so it won’t be as boring?
Do you want to be more involved in Sunday mass?
Do you like to help out sometimes?
Are you in 4th Grade (or higher)?
Then maybe you are a perfect person to be an Altar Server!
Beginning in late September we will be holding training & practice sessions for new altar
There are 4 sessions scheduled, and you’ll need to attend at least 3 of these. We realize
everyone is busy so we wanted to provide you and your parents with some flexibility (but you
are more than welcome to attend all of them!)
We will meet in the Church at 5pm for each session, and will cover the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of an
altar server’s role, and how it all fits into the whole mass
Here are the dates:
Thursday October 1
Thursday October 8
Thursday October 15
Thursday October 22
Can’t make it? That’s ok -- We are planning more training sessions in the spring
Think about it!
Ask your parents about it!
Ask your friends and classmates to join you!
Any boy or girl who has received first Communion and is in the 4th grade or higher is
welcomed to attend!
The more the merrier!
“Let us build the City of God!”
Kids, you are part of us and we have work to do!
Experienced Servers – Interested in sharing your experience and
knowledge? Please join us to assist in the training
Our parish is looking forward to your services!
Respect Life Sunday
Diapers for Babies
October 3rd & 4th 2015
St. Joseph Parish Outreach will be the recipient of all donations of diapers, blankets, onesies, etc. Diapers needed
are size: newborn, 3,4,5, and urgently needed size 6. Used baby clothing is appreciated and can be delivered to Parish Outreach on days and hours the office is
open. Call 631-981-6888.
Thank you for all your past and present generosity.
America Needs Fatima’s
Public Rosary Rally
Saturday, October 10, 2015
12:00 PM
St Patrick’s Church
280 E. Main St. (near road)
Smithtown, NY
For our Country—For the World. All are Welcomed
(Bring Lawn Chair)
Parish Outreach
Parish Outreach is in dire need of donations of
toiletries. Shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, tissues,
combs, brushes, toothbrushes, soap, toilet paper. If
you can help, please drop off to our Outreach Office
or to the Rectory.
Interested in joining Venturing?
Want to enroll your son in
Cub Scouting or Boy Scouting?
Send an e-mail from your
Smartphone or Blackberry
while it’s on your mind to
You can scan us!
Coming Soon to a Pew Near You:
This hardcover hymnal will help our parish in many ways:
It will look better than softcover books that can get kind of crumpled looking after a few
It helps us to care for our environment - we are no longer adding old booklets to the landfill
four times a year.
We will save money by not having to pay for new booklets every year.
This book will serve us in much the same way as before:
It comes from the same music publisher so the songs we know will be in it.
We will still have the Sunday readings in this book.
Here’s how you can help us in this transition:
We are asking parishioners to memorialize books by making a $25 offering per memorial.
A label noting the memorial will be placed in the inside cover of each book.
This memorial will connect our celebration with the eternal celebration in heaven!
Journeysongs will be part of our celebrations starting on the First Sunday of Advent. (November 29)
Interested in seeing a copy of Journeysongs? — There is a copy on the organ, or ask Mike Keller.
Please return this form in an envelope with your memorial donation to the Rectory, in the collection basket, or by mail.
St. Joseph R.C. Church - HYMNAL, 45 Church Street, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779-3301
A label indicating your memorial request will be placed on the front inside cover of a Journeysongs hymnal.
Name of Donor:_________________________________________Telephone Number:_________________________________
Address, City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________
Please indicate the names of the remembered and select a memorial phrase for each hymnal you memorialize.
Memorial ‘A’ — “In Loving Memory of [name]”
Memorial ‘B’ — “Sing Praise to God with [name] and All of the Saints in Heaven.”
Please List Names of Remembered and Memorial Phrase Selected (‘A’ or ‘B’ — one phrase per hymnal)
________________________________________________________________ ______
________________________________________________________________ ______
________________________________________________________________ ______
________________________________________________________________ ______
If you have more than 4 memorial requests, please write them on a separate sheet of paper.
Please, please, please print clearly.
Please remit your donation with this request.
Number of Hymnals to be memorialized _____ X $25 each = Donation Amount Enclosed ________
St. Joseph R.C. Church
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Backwards Money Drawing
SATURDAY, November 28, 2015
Carew Hall - Doors open at 6 PM
$10,000.00 GRAND PRIZE
(Last ticket drawn—Winner need not be present)
LAST TICKET DRAWN——$10,000.00—–—WOW!
Backwards Money Drawing Ticket Order
Food - Drink - Prizes
Ticket stub entitles 2 people admission to the party.
NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________
PHONE # ______________________Parish ID#________
Complete this form and return it to St. Joseph’s Church 45 Church St. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779.
A numbered ticket stub will be returned to you upon receipt of this form and $100.00 donation.
Please enclose your donation with this order. Thank You.
0 1 2
Outreach Resources
Emergency Resources
Response of Suffolk County
Crisis Hotline
631-751-7620 or 631-751-7500 (hotline 24 hrs./7 days)
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk—VIBS
Domestic/date violence, rape, sexual assault, & elder
631-360-3730 or 631-360-3606 (24 hrs. hotline for domestic violence and rape) or
Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence
631-666-8833 (hotline)
Family Resources/Support Groups
Child Care Council of Suffolk
Family Service League of Suffolk County
Hope House Ministries
Islip Town Teen Parent Resource Center
The Retreat
Domestic Violence
631-329-2200 (hotline 24hrs/7 days shelter)
Suffolk County Department of Health Services
Project Hope Mothers’ Group
631-853-3035 (call for locations)
Brighter Tomorrows
Domestic Violence
Hotline (631)395-1800
Haven House/Bridges
Islip Hotline
Crisis Hotline: 631-277-4700
Alcoholics Anonymous
Runaway Hotline
631-549-8700, 1-800-621-4000
Gamblers Anonymous
American Red Cross, Suffolk County Chapter
Narcotics Anonymous
Child Abuse
1-800-342-3720 (24-Hr.)
HIV and Aids Teen Hotline
1-800-440-TEEN (fri./Sat. 6:30PM to Midnight)
Child Health Plus Information and Referral
1-800-522-5006 (24 Hr.)
Court St. Joseph Catholic Daughters
90th Anniversary Celebration
October 3, 2015
Mass 1PM (outside)
Beach Club Estate
161 Rose Dr.
Lake Ronkonkoma
Luncheon to Follow - Cost $40 - All Welcome
Call Janet Lamm 588-4437
Life Center of L.I. - Pregnancy Care
Birthright of Nassau/Suffolk
Al-Anon Suffolk County
Parish Outreach
St. Joseph Parish Outreach
e-mail —
website —
Through your generosity we
were able to help more than 254
people throughout the month of
economic times we are seeing
people of increasing need. On
their behalf, we thank you for sharing your own limited
resources with your brothers and sisters. "Whenever
you did it for the least of my people, you did it for me."
Cub Scout Pack 272
Boy Scout Troop 272
St. Joseph’s Cub Scout Pack 272 and Boy Scout Troop 272
have fun, exciting, educational, character building programs for boys, age 7 through 17 (first Grade and up).
For more information or to enroll your child,
contact Dr. Louis Scotti at 656-8428
or e-mail
Pack, Troop, and Crew 272 have
a YEAR-ROUND scouting program.
CYO Sport Programs
Intramural (Coed, ages 4-16):
Travel * (Boys)
Clinic Division (Coed Grades K-2) Henry
Boys Grades 3-12)
Boys & Girls, Grades K-8
Jerry 585-4048
Soccer :
Intramural Boys & Girls(ages 3-13) Joe 585-0748
Travel (LIJSL):
Dennis 467-6174
*Must register for the intramural program as well
Name of person who is ill
Person making this request:
Relationship to ill person
(Friends can be placed on the silent prayer list only)
Name, Rank and Branch of Service
Person making this request
Relationship to Soldier
(Friends can be placed on the silent prayer list only)
Venturing Events
In Carew Hall after 5:00 PM Mass
Venturing is open to men and women
age 14 through 20 who have graduated
from 8th Grade. This year's crew plan
is jam packed with interesting and fun activities here
at St. Joseph's and "off-campus" as well.
Come down to our meeting and check it out.
Visit our next meeting:
Sept. 27th Tonight
Oct. 5th
phone: Advisor Mike Keller (631) 467-6468
What did you do this weekend?
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Psalm 62:7
Courtesy Announcements
Charismatic Prayer Meeting - at Our Lady of the Island Shrine
the fourth Wednesday of each month from 7- 9PM. Praise,
worship & teaching. Contact the Shrine at 631-325-0661 for info.
Free Food for NY Seniors - The C.S.F.P. funded by USDA
NYSDOH, and administered by Catholic Charities is offering free
food for 6 to 12 months post partum women, children from the age of 5 up to their
sixth birthday, and seniors age 60 and over, who are income-eligible. Gross
monthly income for seniors: Single Senior $1,174 or less or Senior Couple $1,579
or less. For further information, and income guidelines for women & children in
Nassau or Suffolk, please call 631-491-4166 or 631-491-4156.
Professional Therapy - provided by NYS licensed therapists, are available to our
parish & 148 other parishes. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center
which is independent of & not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese.
Most insurance policies are honored. For information & appointment, call Dr.
Giuliani at 243-2503 or visit our website at
Calendar Club 2015
Congratulations to our Winners.
Thank you for your generous support!
Gilda Johnson
John Mahon
Evelyn Batt
Ray & MaryAlice
Joseph Messina
Mary & Lou Scotti
Rick & Pat Alvanos
Judy & Al
Joseph Messina
Diane Thure
Mr. & Mrs. R.
John Mahon
Gilda Johnson
Mitchel Merida
Tom Fawcett
John Hoffman
Marjorie Cecere
Mike Keller
Rosalie & Ken
John Hoffman
Lenore & Ernie
Frank & Maureen
Anne Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Roger
Susan Eilers

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