June 7, 2015 - St. Joseph Church


June 7, 2015 - St. Joseph Church
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church
Let us build the City of God!
Our Mission:
We strive daily to be a community of believers, alive in
Christ. In our diversity and in a spirit of reconciliation, we
journey toward God. Our faith finds expression in worship.
Our live is the center of care for all people. Our hope is
the longed for promise of union with God, and with each
other, as we continue the mission of proclaiming the
Kingdom at St Joseph’s in Ronkonkoma.
Come pray with us!
Saturday: 5:00pm
7:00, 9:00, 10:30, Noon, & 5:00 PM
Weekdays: 7:00 & 9:00 AM* Saturday 8:00AM
*During School year Tuesday mass is at 8:45AM
Eucharistic Adoration:
Mondays 2:00 - 6:45 PM (except holidays)
First Friday 7:30—8:30 PM (Sacred Heart Devotion)
Rosary: Daily after 9:00 Mass
Reconciliation: Mon, Wed, Fri: after morning mass
Sat: after morning mass and 4:00 - 4:45 PM
Rev. Michael J Rieder, Pastor
Rev. Juniper J. Thomas Rev. Henry Leuthardt
Rev. Peter T. Liu (retired)
Dcn. James Altonji Dcn. Joseph Califano
Dcn. Michael DeBellis
Dcn. Frank Dell’Aglio
Dcn. Michael Devenney Dcn. William Dobbins
Dcn. Joseph Dougherty (retired)
St Joseph Rectory Office
45 Church Street 588-8456
Fax 471-2569
Religious Education
35 Church Street 981-1805
Director: Mrs. Maryanne Trezza
Parish Outreach
2855 Pond Rd
Director: Mrs. Anne Kelly
St Joseph School
25 Church Street 588-4760
Principal: Mr. Richard Kuntzler
June 7, 2015 — The Body and Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 — The Body and Blood of Christ
Serving Your Sacramental Needs
Prayer and Devotion Opportunities
The Sacrament of Baptism
Our Lady of Fatima Devotion
The Sacrament is celebrated on Sundays at 1:30 PM.
Parents, please call the parish office to arrange a
meeting with one of our priests or deacons to begin to
make arrangements.
Our Lady came to Fatima with a message from God
to every man, woman and child. She promised that
the whole world would be at peace, and that many
souls would go to heaven if her requests were listened
to and obeyed.
In response to her requests, the First Saturday of each
month is devoted to Our Lady of Fatima. This
devotion includes 8:00 AM mass, a novena to Our
Lady of Fatima, the Rosary, the opportunity to
celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and
fellowship in Carew hall at 9:00 AM.
All are welcome at this devotion.
The Sacrament of Eucharist
See front cover for mass times. If you are sick for an
extended period of time or are homebound, please
contact the parish office to arrange to have someone
bring Communion to you.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
School aged children can prepare for this Sacrament
by contacting our religious Education office. Adults
or older teens who have yet to be Confirmed should
contact the Parish Office
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
As listed on front cover or call rectory for an
appointment with one of our priests.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
This Sacrament is for the living. We celebrate this
Sacrament each Spring and Fall for those who are
chronically ill, advanced in age, or who are about to
undergo surgery or hospitalization. We can arrange
the Sacrament at other times by calling the Parish
Emergencies: call the office to ar r ange a visit fr om
a priest.
Nighttime emergencies
(631) 585-1130
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Bride or Groom please call the office at least six
months before your desired wedding date to begin
preparations for marriage. Please make contact with
the parish before making other wedding day plans!
The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Anyone who is feeling called to service in the church
as a priest deacon or in consecrated religious life
should contact the parish office to speak to one of the
priests or deacons for guidance.
Interested in possibly becoming Catholic?
Please contact the rectory to arrange a meeting to
discuss your questions. We have regular classes to
help people learn about the faith and decide if
becoming Catholic is what you and God want for you
right now. This whole process of inquiry and
potential conversion is called RCIA—The Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults.
We will respect your personal journey with God!
St Joseph Parish Monthly Recollection
On the First Friday of every month, at 7:30 PM we
hold our Monthly Parish Recollection. This is an
hour of prayer (recollection) before our Lord present
in the Blessed Sacrament—whose heart is the source
of immense charity and generous love.
The foundation of this prayer is God’s presence in
our souls as Creator, Preserver, and Author of all
Graces (“In Him we live and move and have our
being.” Acts 17:28). God is our Father and our
Friend and is our sweet Guest.
We are called to acknowledge this great truth: God is
in each of us, our soul is His Temple.
This evening of recollection includes Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament, praying the Psalms, Silence, a
Gospel reading and a reflection on many topics
including: the Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice,
temperance, and fortitude; The Theological Virtues of
faith, hope and love; The gifts of the Holy Spirit:
knowledge, piety and awe & wonder in God’s
presence. The evening ends with Benediction.
Every soul, hungry and thirsty for God, is invited to
this holy hour every First Friday of the month to
adore, venerate and contemplate the Sacred Heart
of Jesus and to have a quiet dialogue with God.
St Joseph Men’s Prayer Group
We meet every Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM in the
Church where we pray the Rosary.
Afterward we move to the main vestibule for coffee,
donuts and fellowship.
This is a great opportunity to be strengthened in your
commitment as a Catholic man just by spending time
with others like you!
See you Tuesday!
June 7, 2015
Additional Parish and School Contact
Parish Website:
School Website:
E-mail addresses
Rel. Ed. Office:
Rel. Ed. Director: Dre@stjoronk.org
Parish Trustees
Robert Koepper
Walter Poggi
Business Manager
Deacon Michael DeBellis
Music Ministry
Michael Keller, Director
Ann DeBellis, 9:00 Choir
Rectory Hours
Monday thru Friday 9:00 - 5:00 (closed for lunch
12:00 - 1:15)
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 (closed for lunch 12:00 - 1:15)
Sunday 9:00 - 12:00
Altar Bread & Wine
In Loving Memory of
Mary Helen Switzer
Requested by
Eileen Kelleher
The people in the first reading wanted to obey
the Lord. Moses sealed this with the covenant
of blood between the Lord and is people. In the
second reading, we hear that the blood of Christ
obtained eternal redemption for humankind.
Jesus reminds us of this in the Gospel as he
celebrates the Passover with his disciples.
Mass Intentions for the Week
Sunday, June 7, 2015 (Corpus Christi)
7:00 James J. Heiman (Loving Sister Helen), Cornelius J.
Dunleavy (Loving Wife Anne)
9:00 Mau Rau (Ann Festa), John & Mary Biglin (Loving
10:30 Lucy & Paul Shadlich (Richard & Janine Hubbard),
Eugene Searles (The Clahane Family)
12:00 Christine Dos Santos (The Crimaudo Family),
George Dulce Sr. (Paula MacBrien)
5:00 Lucy & Paul Shadlich (Janine & Rich Hubbard),
Joseph Shanley (Cecelia McGregor)
Monday, June 8
7:00 Frank Ilardi (Anne & Joe DiNero)
William & Rosemary Hughes (Loving Family),
Dianne Hettrich (Ann Festa)
Tuesday, June 9
7:00 Stephen Cono (Maureen & John Crean)
8:45 Rose Kalish & Connie Covert (Norman & Jean
Kalish & Family), Dorothy Goudie (Ruth Giggons)
Wednesday, June 10
7:00 Joseph Ruperto (Tara McGee)
9:00 Jennie Tierno (Janet Kramer), Jack Proko (Jean,
Norman & Family)
Thursday, June 11
7:00 Debbie Parr Lehr (John Lesko)
9:00 Michael A. Myles (The Myles Family), Valentine
Michael Ly Dang (The Dang Family)
Friday, June 12
7:00 For the People of the Parish
9:00 Frank Del’Aglio Jr. (Dcn. Frank Del’Aglio, Peter
Stefadidis (The Clarry Family), Edward Platt Jr.
(Loving Family)
Saturday, June 13
8:00 Eddie McCann (Kevin Ross)
5:00 Maryanne Olivieri & Police Officer Joseph Olivieri
(Loving Family) Sarah Rivera (The Schwartz Family
Sunday, June 14 (Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time)
7:00 Dorothy Mazzola (Lynda & Ken D’Orio)
9:00 Joseph J. Onufrak (Loving Mother & Family), Mary
LoPinto (Louis Antonucci)
10:30 Ernesto Bonilla (Loving Family), Walter & Arlene
D’Auria (Ed & Vicki Burns)
12:00 Francyne Garza (Loving Family), Marie Keane
(Millie & Tom)
5:00 Salvatore Pellitteri (Loving Mom, Dad & Family),
Dolores E. Forrest (Officers at PPC)
Vacation from Church?
In the May 30 issue of Newsday they asked the
clergy, “Is there benefit to attending services while
on vacation?
Rev Katrina Foster, Lutheran pastor of St Michael’s
church in Amagansett (and a friend of mine) had
this to say: “On vacation my family goes to church
for a few reasons: First, wherever Jesus went, he
worshipped on his holy day. Second, it is great to
experience other worshipping communities. Third,
faith is never on vacation. Worshipping is a way to
give thanks to God for the luxury of a vacation, and
to meet fellow Christians in different settings.”
Fr. Tom Cardone, chaplain of Kellenberg Memorial
High School says, “When we go to church on
vacation, we encounter new people, see new faces
and share in a communion with those with whom
we are unfamiliar. What is the Body of Christ? The
Body of Christ is all of God’s children, and once
again we recall that we belong to a community that
is grater than any of us will ever be.”
I thought about not sharing these reflections because
many can say, of course the clergy would say that,
it’s their job!
But then on Sunday morning I had a wonderful
encounter outside of mass. I felt someone was
quietly waiting to speak to me as I greeted everyone
else. When we spoke she told me of her family’s
experience of Pentecost.
They were away and there was not a Catholic
church near them. She told her family that they
should all pack something red to wear in honor of
the Holy Spirit and they all did. They got a group
shot as a memory of the event but then they sat and
talked about the gift of the Spirit and the meaning
of Pentecost to the church and in their lives.
When they had finished this they all went for a walk
on a beautiful trail near where they were staying and
they prayed the rosary as they walked.
Wow! Talk about keeping Holy the Lord’s day!!
This was a great witness to the value of faith in the
life of every member of this family and of the fact
that they understand that we are the Body of Christ!
Rather than lament or worry that they could not
make it to mass, they chose to invite the Holy Spirit
into their vacation time and together they
proclaimed God’s goodness to one another and
strengthened one another by sharing their prayers
and faith!
God is always with us. We celebrate how we can,
when we can and then we bring our faith to mass!
Thank You!
Actually, this needs to begin with thanks to God.
We had our Parish Golf Outing last Monday (June
1). The weather predictions were horrific but they
got milder as the weekend wore on. Then the
prediction was for a break in the rain in the
afternoon. It happened and most of the Golf outing
was done without rain - Thank You Lord!
Thanks also goes to the wonderful people God sent
to this community. The Golf Outing Committee did
a great job in getting sponsors, prizes, and putting
together a great day! Thank you all!
I am not a big proponent of having honorees at
anything because I think we need to give honor to
God always. But I learned something at this outing.
Sometimes having an honoree is really just a matter
of letting that person’s light shine so others can see
the good they do and give glory to God (cf Mt 5:
16). Our honoree, Kevin Harney is an example of
that. Walter Poggi, the head of the committee read
off some of the things he had learned about Kevin
and then asked me to come up and make some
comments. Honestly, after hearing of his charitable
giving in so many ways over many years, my
comments were simple - WOW!
Kevin spoke for a moment because I put him on the
spot - I asked if he had any advice for this year’s St
Joseph graduates. He said he looks at life like we
look at a headstone; with a beginning date and an
end date. But between them is a dash and we need
to do what we can with our dash. He then told our
grads to always try to do better than yesterday.
Thank you for your advice and your example!
Don’t forget our celebration to thank Fr.
Henry for his service to the people of St
Joseph Parish
On Sunday, June 14
we will celebrate Fr. Henry’s service to our
parish after the 5:00 mass in
Carew Hall.
This celebration is not only a way for us to
thank Fr. Henry; it is a way for us to continue to
Build the City of God
just by being together to celebrate, share
memories and make new friends!
Fr. Henry begins serving in Cure of Ars Parish
in Merrick on Wednesday June 24.
On that same day we welcome Fr. Gil Lap to
St Joseph Parish!
Torn Between Two Lovers? Maybe not!
More Summer Reading Ideas
Last week I was at a conference for preachers for
UNBOUND (the sponsorship organization that
visited our parish last August). I have been a
sponsor with them for about 20 years and while I
worked in McGann-Mercy High School I was able
to preach for them often. My transfer to St. Therese
Parish in Montauk got in the way of continuing to
preach for UNBOUND but they kept me on their
preacher’s rolls hoping that another transfer would
give me a chance to preach for them at least once in
a while. When they heard about my transfer to St
Joseph in Ronkonkoma they started calling
immediately to get me preaching. I did one
assignment in April.
But I have felt like that song from the 70’s “Torn
Between Two Lovers”. I have loved UNBOUND
since the first moment I came into contact with
them. I also love being a parish priest in general
and I am growing in love for this parish in particular
on a daily basis. How can we work on building the
City of God here if I sometimes take a preaching
assignment with UNBOUND?
During the conference I began to realize that the
challenge is really limited to schedules. There are
parish commitments that will always take priority
but there will be times when schedule will allow a
mission preaching assignment.
What I noticed during this conference is that my
work with UNBOUND can actually help with my
parish work. I discovered this as I was taking notes
during the presentations - I had two sets of notes.
One set of notes was just on what was being said so
that I could grow in my understanding of the
realities of the poor who are served by UNBOUND
and the other set of notes was about how I could
apply some of the things I was learning in our
Some of the things I learned will effect the way we
approach working with young people and their
families in our religious education programs.
Some of the things I learned came from the spirit of
Christian love and service that is so pervasive in
every person who works for UNBOUND.
I have already shared some of what I have learned
with the St Joseph School students at our Tuesday
morning mass. I pray that the renewal I experience
every time I am in contact with UNBOUND will
continue to have a positive effect on how I minister
here at St. Joseph Parish.
- Fr. Mike
Last week there was a short list of summer reading
ideas in the bulletin. This week one of the
periodicals I get had a whole insert dedicated to the
subject. All the books are published by Ave Maria
Press. I haven’t read any (yet). The descriptions
printed here are from the publisher. Here are a few
that jumped out at me:
A Catholic Gardener’s Spiritual Almanac by
Margaret Rose Realy. This book offers spiritual
resources and creative projects that connect a love
of gardening with Catholicism. 288 pages $17.95.
The Catholic Guide to Dating After Divorce by Lisa
Duffy. This book combines personal experience,
Church teaching, and more than twenty years of
ministering to those wounded by divorce to offer a
guide that shows how faith can be a catalyst for
healthy dating and lasting relationships. 192 Pages
Arriving at Amen by Leah Libresco. In this book
the author uses the rigorous rationality that defined
her Atheism to tell the story behind her conversion
to Catholicism and to describe the seven forms of
Catholic prayer that guided her to embrace a joyful
life of faith. 192 pages $15.95.
Fly While You Still Have Wings by Joyce Krupp.
In this book the author shares her own grief in the
wake of her mother’s death, offering readers both a
profile of her mother’s resilient spirit and a voice of
compassion for their own experience of loss. 224
pages $16.95.
Like the First Morning by Michael J Ortiz. The
author presents a literary, yet deeply personal
approach to the Morning Offering. The book
reveals the depth of this simple devotion, showing
how a daily offering of prayers, works, joys, and
sufferings renews every aspect of life, and inspires
the reader to live each day with greater
intentionality. 192 pages $15.95.
The Mystical Body of Christ by Fulton J Sheen.
First published in 1935, this book reveals Venerable
Fulton Sheen’s accessibility and theologically astute
teaching style as he writes about the Church as an
extension of the Incarnation. Recent advances in his
cause for canonization make this classic text
especially timely. 352 pages $19.95.
Just as an added bonus, they offer a 25% discount
on your entire order (if you order by June 30). Just
use promo code READ15.
Happy Summer reading to all!
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Weekly Offering
Respect Life
A Pro-Life Victory in the U.S. House of
Representatives! Thanks to the pressure of pro-lifers,
the House of Representatives passed the Pain Capable
Abortion Ban by a vote of 242 to 184! The bill will ban
most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Rep.
Trent Franks [R-AZ] introduced H.R. 36 and 187 House
Members co-sponsored the bill, including Nassau/
Suffolk Representatives Peter King [R-2ndCD] and Lee
Zeldin [R-1stCD]. House Speaker Boehner [R-OH]
stated "H.R. 36 is the most pro-life legislation to ever
come before this body."
Now the fight will continue in the U.S. Senate where
this legislation is sure to face intense opposition from
the abortion lobby.
The bill focuses on the questions: When does an
unborn baby feel pain? and, When can a unborn baby
survive outside the womb? These two questions
continue to stir the conscience of all. In the weeks
prior to the positive vote in the House of
Representatives, pro-life organizations were diligent in
alerting constituents to the importance of contacting
their representatives. This effort will be renewed when
the bill comes to the U.S. Senate.
The New York State Senate and Assembly are
expected to leave Albany by June 17. One pro-abortion
bill has reared its ugly head. Pro-lifers are urged to
contact their NYS Senator and Assembly member
asking they oppose The Healthy Teens Act (Bill S.700Rivera/A.1616-Gottfried.) The New Yorkers for
Constitutional Freedoms' Albany Update, 5/19, article
titled "Planned Parenthood Priority Passes Senate
Committee" states: "Nothing in this bill would prevent
an abortion provider such as Planned Parenthood
from receiving funding to conduct sex education as a
"community-based organization" and using that
opportunity to promote its brand name to New York's
--your Senator_____Legislative Bldg., Albany, NY
Senate Switchboard 518-455-2800
nyssenate.gov – send message/find bill status
--your Assembly Member __________Legislative Bldg.,
Albany, NY 12248 Assembly Switchboard 518-4554100.
Senate/Assembly Bill Status Hotline 800-342-9860.
NYS Legislature proceedings air daily on CableV Ch
Fiscal Year Beginning 9/1/2014 - 8/31/15
Sunday May 31, 2015 Offering
(Includes Faith Direct ($1,633)
Last Year
Poor Box Last Week
*Pay Down Debt Donations
This Month $ 6,407
Total Funds
Less Payments made to RVC 447,500
Fund Balance $21,919
RVC Loan
Less Payment
*Includes Faith Direct Collections for May
(77 Participating Households)
If you missed last week , please try to make it up this
week. Thank you.
Envelope users : Please enter the amount of your donation
on the envelope in the space provided. This will be a big help
to us when counting the collection. Also, it is not necessary
to tape or staple the envelope closed. Your help is
Thank you, Deacon Mike DeBellis
Thank you and God Bless You Always,
Fr. Mike
Pray for the Sick
Lynn Abe-Zaid
Louise Alessandro
Frank Ambrosio
Philip Ambrosio
Olivia Bender
Anthony Bernardo
Janet Belz
Marybelle Berge
Mary Ann Bonitz
Michael Carbuccia
Moises Carbuccia
Elaine Catenaccio
Louise Cipolla
Martin Condit
Cathy Connolly
Eileen Cross
Rick Crotta
Joanne DeBellis
Michael DePinto
Christine DiFilippo
Rita Diubaldo
Eva Dayton
William Doyle
Maria Duerr
Sharon T. Eichler
Lois & Michael Emma
Sally & Phil Enright
Donna Evers
Jason Falco
Philip Fava
Amelia Fava
Helen Fenyak
Mary & Frank Ferrigno
Robert Filce
Roseanne Gabriel
Francesca Gallo
Patricia Geiser
Loretta Gerstner
Laura Greger
Ronnie Hanson
Jasper & Margaret Indelicato
Richard & Thomas Jankay
Joseph Karpf
MaryJo L’Ambrose
Alfred LaRocca
Kevin Latini
Melissa Lipani
Grace Loud
Louis Lopez
Ida Lucivero
Vito Lucivero
Agnes Ludwigson
Carolyn Martins
Pamela Makely
Andrea Maloney
Isabel McAdams
Molly McClure
Maureen Melchiona
Marge Morelli
Helene Nieswandt
Joseph Nicosia
Frank Nostro
Joanora O’Donnell
Joseph Olivieri
Helen Onufrak
Anna Pepe
Barbara Petersen
Dorothy Pistritto
Joan Plouffe
Donna Marie Priolo
Nicole Ramaglia
Barbara Reustle
Connie Rinaldi
Ruby Rivera
Evelyn Rosario
Mary Ann Rossi
Angela Russo
Mary Ann Russo
Theresa Ryan
Ann Sabourin
Norma Salazar
Dawn Saporito
Denise Savage Harper
Ben Scannella
Krista & Nancy Schramm
Nancy Schramm
Maryann Schaudel
Robert Sokol
Jamie Smith
Abe Stegman
Angela Stoner
Matthew Swenson
Richard Tizzard
Analea Torborg
Richard Troiano
Lloyd Turnier
Regina Turnier
Anna Urizzo
William Vallar Jr.
Peter Wrins
Joseph Yasso
Richard Zwirblis
Pray for Our Troops
PFC Eric Lange, USMC
SGT Deborah Alfieri
SGT Matthew Altonji
SPC Andrew Altonji
LCPL Matthew Balestrieri, USMC
TSGT Louis Barletta
LT Michael-Jon Bonacorsa
LCPL John Brown
PFC Justin Browne
LTCOL James Cersosimo
CPL Glenn Clacher
SPC Thomas E. Corcoran
SPC Jason Crawford
CPT Edward Cuevas
PFC John B Cuneo
CPT Ryan Delaney
TSGT Timothy Dermody
SGT Stephen DiGirolamo
SSGT Tony Elliott
LT Kelly Fletcher
SPC Adam Franciosa
CPT Mark Gillman
CPL RJ Hartmann
MAJ Sean P Kilkenny
CW2 Steven Knight
LCPL William Langdon
SPC Christopher Leone
SGT Wade Lynch
MAJ Kevin McCue
PVT Thomas B McGinn
SGT Patrick McNally
PFC William Meyer
CPL Brian G Meyer
CPO Gregory Migliore
SGT Glenn Miller
LT Heather Miras
SPC4 George Monica
SPC4 John Monica
SGT Daniel Montville
GYSGT Brian Moran, USMC
LTCOL Gregory Mueller, USMC
LCPL Thomas Napolitano
LCPL Michael Napolitano
LCPL James Neubauer
SGT Brian Pacell
CPT Stephen Bartoszak
PFC Matthew Pandolfi
SFC James Munro Army
CPT Michael Parisi
2LT Anthony Parisi
MAJ Paul E Pinaud
CTR2 Matthew Pistritto
LT David A Rewkowski
SGT Edwin Rivera, II
SGT Anthony M Sbrocco, USMC
SSGT Jason Schiavo
LCPL W. Mason Shehan
SSGT Timothy McGoyne
SPC James Stanek
EO3 Taylor Taranto
MM3 Gregory Taranto
PFC Greg Terrish
SGT Jason Tulowitzki
SGT John Thomas Vogt
CPL Brandon Waldon
SGT Randolph Weaver
MSTR Robert Casey
ILT Richard Lutz
SPC Darian L. Clark/Army
SAMN Bill Ried
CPL Michael Casonova
SPEC4 David Cooper
Michael Cristiano LTJG
SGT Brian P. O’Leary
PFC Gregory Caplan
MPS Timothy Caplan
E6PO1 Gerard McGarrity
PFC Nicholas Barbieri
LCPL Jim A. Mock
SGT Maj. John A. Krumholz
LCPL Joseph R. DeGroot, USMC
RCT Dustin A. Whitton, USMC
SPC Peter Reilly
SMAN T.J. Waldhauser, US Navy
LCPL Brian Kolarik, USMC
PVT Chris Dorn, Army
SSGT Ray C. Sigman ll
CPL Sean Rainone, USMC
SGT Thomas Lupo
SSGT Mike Hengerle, USMC
Kelly R. Denimarck ENS Navy
SFC James Munro Army
CPL Kristen M. Saporito USMC
Captain Sean Lavigne USAF
LCPL Daniel Pfeifer USMC
MSGT Thomas J. Valentino USAF
CSM Lawrence Doughterty, USArmy
PFC Thomas Conran USArmy
SRA Matthew Maisano USAF
SPJonathan G. Romano USANG
PFC Daniel R. Hayes USMC
PFC Allecia N. Ahearn USMC
Lt. James Ciccarello US ARMY
Sal Evangelista, US ARMY
Nick Vicale SFC ARMY
LCPL Michael A. Davison USMC
CAPT. Glenn Miller
Gertrude Owens, Carmela Cesaretti
our deceased soldiers and all of our deceased relatives and friends.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen
Pastoral Formation Institute
School for Missionary Disciples
PFI provides the active Catholic with a process for developing
the human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral aspects of an integrated
faith life. The two-year process offers a variety of experiences through
which the participant deepens their baptismal commitment .
Applications may be made online, or by contacting us directly.
Please visit: www.drvc-faith.org for more information or
contact kgarcia@drvc.org
Training and Formation
The Faith Formation Office offers many opportunities for ongoing
training and formation to those called to evangelize and
catechize through the ministries listed below:
Adult Faith Formation
Ministry to Divorced & Separated
Baptism Preparation
Religious Education to Children
Bereavement Ministry
Marriage Preparation
Ministry of Consolation
Special Needs Ministry
Specific information is listed on the Office of Faith Formation website:drvc-faith.org.
Parental Choice in Education Act to Enact the Education Tax Credit
In the final days of this legislative session in Albany, Governor Cuomo and key legislators are
leading the fight to enact the Education Tax Credit. The governor's plan, called the Parental
Choice in Education Act, will help keep Catholic schools affordable. The Act provides $150
million in education tax credits annually that will provide:
Tax credits directly to low-income families who send their children to Catholic and other
Scholarships to students from low- and middle-income families to attend a school of their
Donations to public schools for enhanced educational programming,
Tax credits to teachers for their out-of-pocket classroom expenses.
St. Joseph RC Church
45 Church Street, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
For children from 4 to 11 years old
July 6 to 10th , 9:30 A.M. – 12 Noon in Carew Hall
Fee: $50.00 one child / $70.00 family of 2 / $90 family of 3 or more
Confirmation Candidate Volunteers: $10.00
Daily snack is provided (juice, pretzel or cookies)
Please check : Participant_______ Student Volunteer_________
Complete all applicable sections
Name of Child: ______________________________________
Age: ____________________ Grade entering in September 2015_____________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Town: _______________________________________________________________________
Telephone: Home# __________________________ Cell #_____________________________
Mother’s Name: _________________________________
Father’s Name: _________________________________
Adult to be contacted in case of emergency: _______________________________________
Relation to child: ______________________________ Phone #:_________________________
Please list information concerning your child’s medical history, medications being taken, and
any physical impairments to which a physician should be alerted in case of emergency.
Food allergies: _______________________________________________________
If applicable, complete the Blue Form on the St. Joseph website (click Religious Ed tab)
Name of a special friend your child might like to be with:_________________________________
Parent Signature _______________________________________________________________
Many Volunteers are needed to make VBS a success. We need teachers, teachers’ aides, crafters,
musicians and more! Please consider sharing your talents with our children. Junior High and High
School students have always been a vital part of making VBS a hit and they are encouraged to
volunteer. It is a fun way to complete Service Hours for Confirmation Candidates. Please phone the
office if interested in volunteering. Thank you.
Please mail or drop off the form to the Religious Ed Office or Rectory: Attention: VBS
Please direct any questions you may have to the Religious Education office at 981-1805.
Calendar Club 2015
Congratulations to our Winners.
Thank you for your generous support!
Eileen Kelleher
Fr. Mike Maffeo
Annette DeLeo
Diane Thure
Helma Clavin
Mary DiMenna
Marion Scarglato
The Benick
Rita Devlin
Fr. Mike Maffeo
Dianna & Peter
Walter Poggi
Graciela Pedra
Mike Keller
Lorraine Steifel
Martin & Rose
Arlene Durkalski
Connie Staffa
Thomas & Marie
Gilda Johnso
Cathy Haskins
Bob & Joanne
Sharon Marchany
Robbie Duerr
Amanda & Tom
Mary Fitzmaurice
Debra Dziedzic
Cheryl Marchese
Defensive Driving
Ava Sofia Alvanos
Mikayla Rose Crain
Charlotte Grace Flood
Michael Seven McGee
Adriana Prego
Declan Ace Vilar
Gabriella Rae Wolf
Parker James Woods
The defensive driving course will
be offered at St. Joseph Church
on Saturday, June 13th, in Carew
Hall from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Fee
is $45. Please call the rectory at
588-8456 to reserve your place.
Make checks payable to St.
Joseph Church.
Come Pray with the
The St. Joseph’s Men’s Prayer Group!
We meet every Tuesday evening in The Church at
7:30pm and pray The Rosary followed in the
Vestibule by Coffee, Donuts and a lot of
fellowship. Join with fellow Catholic men and pray, relax
and talk. It’s new, It’s Fun and It’s exciting. Come give it a
try! No Commitment! No pressure! Plenty of Camaraderie!
See You Tuesday!
2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal
Comparison as of 5/20/2015
2014 Goal : $107,800
2015Goal: $110,000
2014 Pledges #343
2015 Pledges #311
2014 Amount Pledged $85,306
2015 Amount Pledged $78,325
2014 Percent of Goal 79%
2015 Percent of Goal 71.25%
Let’s roll up our sleeves. Put on our gloves and knee
pads and go to work in our Lord’s gardens. Bring
your garden tools and your love for the earth and the
beauty it produces. Please join us - We need your
help. We have a lot of “Ground” to cover. There are
more than 20 gardens that need your TLC. Please
know that you can tend your adopted garden at your
convenience, morning, noon or evening. If you are
interested and want more information, please leave
your name and phone number at the rectory and I’ll
get back to you ASAP.
Thank you,
Today we celebrate The Solemnity of the
Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
(Corpus Christi)
Jesus said “Take this and eat it, this is my body;
take this and drink it, this is my blood which
will be shed for you and for many…” He gave
his all; what can you give? Perhaps a donation
to the Catholic Ministries Appeal would be a
good place to start. You’d be helping so many
in so many ways! Think about it, pray about it
and then use the cut out below to make your
Yes, I want to support the 2015
Catholic Ministries Appeal
St Joseph’s Seniors Oktoberfest
Renault Winery
Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Staying overnight at Resorts Hotel & Casino, Tuesday &
Wednesday, October 13th & 14th 2015. Pick up @ St. Joseph.
$229 per person twin/$271 per person single
Travel insured is available at $24 per person if purchased at time
of deposit pre-existing condition is waived. $50 holds your reservation. For more information call Arlene at 631-648-3582.
Trip Includes:
1 Night at Resorts Hotel & Casino
Dinner at Resorts & $15 Free Slot Play
Oktoberfest Theme Party at Renault Winery
Family Style Luncheon & Wine Tasting
Tour of the Winery, Music & Dancing, Raffle & Door Prizes
Spirit of America Show at Resorts on Day 2
Hosted by Rendezvous Travel Staff, Deluxe Motorcoach
All Tips & Taxes (except bus driver)
Parish: St. J oseph 45 Church St. Ronkonkoma
Pledge:$___________ Amount Enclosed: $__________
Parish ID #______________
Complete and drop in collection basket at Mass,
mail/bring to the rectory office OR
Mail to: DRVC Catholic Ministries Appeal
PO Box 4000 Rockville Centre NY 11571
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Gives Back
St. Joseph’s Church should
share in the profits.!! For
each car, truck or van,
running or not, the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul will
give back to our church $50/$100 per vehicle. Maybe
you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member, friend
or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their
driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul at (718) 491-2525. Thank
you for your participation.
Outreach Resources
Emergency Resources
Response of Suffolk County
Crisis Hotline
631-751-7620 or 631-751-7500 (hotline 24 hrs./7 days)
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk—VIBS
Domestic/date violence, rape, sexual assault, & elder
631-360-3730 or 631-360-3606 (24 hrs. hotline for domestic violence and rape)
Www.vibs.org or www.inforatvibs.org
Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence
631-666-8833 (hotline)
1-800-522-5006 (24 Hr.)
Family Resources/Support Groups
Child Care Council of Suffolk
Family Service League of Suffolk County
Hope House Ministries
Islip Town Teen Parent Resource Center
The Retreat
Domestic Violence
631-329-2200 (hotline 24hrs/7 days shelter)
Suffolk County Department of Health Services
Project Hope Mothers’ Group
631-853-3035 (call for locations)
Brighter Tomorrows
Domestic Violence
Hotline (631)395-1800
Haven House/Bridges
Islip Hotline
Crisis Hotline: 631-277-4700
Alcoholics Anonymous
Runaway Hotline
631-549-8700, 1-800-621-4000
Gamblers Anonymous
American Red Cross, Suffolk County Chapter
Narcotics Anonymous
Child Abuse
1-800-342-3720 (24-Hr.)
HIV and Aids Teen Hotline
1-800-440-TEEN (fri./Sat. 6:30PM to Midnight)
Child Health Plus Information and Referral
St Joseph
Catholic Seniors
Psst! The word is out!
Seniors are seeking new
members to join us on
the 2nd and 4th Tuesday
of each month. Meetings are held at the St.
Regis Knights of Columbus on Pond Rd. at
11 am. Stop by and be our guest for a cup
of coffee or tea or call Arlene at 648-3582 if
you have any questions.
Life Center of L.I. - Pregnancy Care
Birthright of Nassau/Suffolk
Al-Anon Suffolk County
St. Joseph Parish Outreach Center
Parish Outreach
e-mail — sjpo@verizon.net
— http://outreach.stjoronk.org
Through your generosity we
were able to help more than
161 people throughout the
month of April. In these
tough economic times we
increasing need. On their
behalf, we thank you for
sharing your own limited
brothers and sisters. "Whenever you did it for the least
of my people, you did it for me."
Cub Scout Pack 272
Boy Scout Troop 272
St. Joseph’s Cub Scout Pack 272 and Boy Scout Troop 272
have fun, exciting, educational, character building programs for boys, age 7 through 17 (first Grade and up).
For more information or to enroll your child,
contact Dr. Louis Scotti at 656-8428
or e-mail JoinScouting@StJoRonk.org.
Pack, Troop, and Crew 272 have
a YEAR-ROUND scouting program.
CYO Sport Programs
Intramural (Coed, ages 4-16):
Travel * (Boys)
Clinic Division (Coed Grades K-2) Henry
Boys Grades 3-12)
Boys & Girls, Grades K-8
Soccer :
Intramural Boys & Girls(ages 3-13 ) Joe 585-0748
Travel (LIJSL):
Dennis 467-6174
*Must register for the intramural program as well
Name of person who is ill
Person making this request:
Relationship to ill person
(Friends can be placed on the silent prayer list only)
Name, Rank and Branch of Service
Person making this request
Relationship to Soldier
(Friends can be placed on the silent prayer list only)
Venturing Events
In Carew Hall after 5:00 PM Mass
Venturing is open to men and women
age 14 through 20 who have graduated
from 8th Grade. This year's crew plan
is jam packed with interesting and fun activities here
at St. Joseph's and "off-campus" as well.
Come down to our meeting and check it out.
Visit our next meeting:
June 7th Tonight
June 14th
e-mail: Crew272@StJoRonk.org
phone: Advisor Mike Keller (631) 467-6468
What did you do this weekend?
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Psalm 62:7
Courtesy Announcements
Charismatic Prayer Meeting - at Our Lady of the Island Shrine the fourth Wednesday of
each month from 7- 9PM. Praise, worship & teaching. Contact the Shrine at 631-325-0661
for info.
Free Food for NY Seniors - The C.S.F.P. funded by USDA NYSDOH, and administered by
Catholic Charities is offering free food for 6 to 12 months post partum women, children
from the age of 5 up to their sixth birthday, and seniors age 60 and over, who are incomeeligible. Gross monthly income for seniors: Single Senior $1,174 or less or Senior Couple
$1,579 or less. For further information, and income guidelines for women & children in Nassau or Suffolk, please
call 631-491-4166 or 631-491-4156.
Professional Therapy - provided by NYS licensed therapists, are available to our parish & 148 other parishes. It is
provided by the Catholic Counseling Center which is independent of & not controlled or supervised by the parish
or diocese. Most insurance policies are honored. For information & appointment, call Dr. Giuliani at 243-2503 or
visit our website at http://thecatholiccouncelingcenter.net
Are you a parent, grandparent or
legal guardian of a 2015 graduating
student of St Joseph's School? Is
that graduate planning to attend a
Catholic High School?
If your child meets that criteria he/
she will be eligible for a $500 scholarship to be awarded by our court. The sponsor must be a CDA member
in good standing and attend three meetings each year.
Please contact Janet Lamm by Monday May 25th. Telephone 631-588-4437 between the hours of 8-10 a.m. or
8-10 p.m.
Parish Outreach
Parish Outreach is in dire need
of donations of toiletries. Shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, tissues,
combs, brushes, toothbrushes,
soap, toilet paper. If you can help,
please drop off to our Outreach
Office or to the Rectory.
4th Annual Fortnight For Freedom: Freedom to Bear Witness
Designated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
*Fortnight Opening Mass. St. Agnes Cathedral, June 21, 11am
*Rally for Religious Freedom. Robert P. George, Keynote speaker.
Darby Auditorium of Chaminade H.S, 340 Jackson Ave, Mineola. June 25, 7:30pm
To register for rally call: 516-766-0161 or 631-896-8331
*Fortnight Closing Mass. St. Agnes Cathedral, July 4, 9am