SS. JOJ{Wel (BP/RJf}lCJ((]) P}l1?JSJ
SS. JOJ{Wel (BP/RJf}lCJ((]) P}l1?JSJ
SS. JOJ{Wel (BP/RJf}lCJ((]) P}l1?JSJ{ June 10 et 11, 2006 St. John Church, Columbus at Catalpa (cBenton J{ar6or :MI) St. Bernard Church, Delaware at Ogden PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: "To grow as a Catholic community, united by the Holy Spirit, living our faith in Jesus Christ and sharing God's truth and love with aU people. Suuday Masses: Saturday (at St. Bernard's) 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 am (St. John's) 11:00 am (St. Bernard's) (Sunday Mass is tape-delayed broadcast on radio WHFB, 1060 AM, at 10:30 am) Confessions: (at St. Bernard's) Saturday 3:30-4:45 pm and anytime by request. Sacraments for the Sick: Notify the pastor of those who are in the hospital or homebound, so they may receive the Sacraments. Baptisms: Arrange with the pastor. Marriages: Meet with the pastor at least six months before the wedding date. New Parishioners: Please register by calling the rectory or by stopping in the office. Prayer Line: To request prayers, call 927-1810,983-7865 or 983-2930 Offertory Gifts: Call Grace Guardino (925-9929) or Shirley Vorres (926-8602) St. Bernard's Hall St. Johu's Hall 925-9644 925-9037 Sisters' Convent: 926-6483 Parish Office - 925-2425 Fax # 925-4678 600 Columbus Avenue, Benton Harbor, 49022 Pastor, Fr. Bill Jacobs ("Father BiU") ext. 12 Associate Pastor, Fr. Bogdan Werra Lake Michigan Catholic Schools Contact Information John Berlin Executive DirectorlMiddle-High School Principal Secretary, Marcia Grover ext. 10 Wayne Stefanich Middle-High School Assistant Principal! Athletics Director Admin. Asst., Ron Jennings ext. 11 Cindy Payovich Director, Business Services Deacon Couple: AI & Rocki Lazaga (H) 926-2822 Cell 1-269-861-0019 Catholic Community Center (Sr. Rita & Sr. Mary) 346 Catalpa BH 926-6424 The Readiness Center (Sr. Paulita & Sr. Sharon) 347 Catalpa BB 926-4084 Parish Council Dan Fitzgerald Mary Ann Hinz Nancy Johns Ed Nickel Sue Radenbaugh Bill Shine Tom Strzyzykowski Finance Council Brad Bryan Dick Garlanger Frances Piggott Ed Nickel Kris Nuter Jack O'Brien Dave Simaz MiddlelHigh School & Business Office 915 Pleasant St. St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-983-2511 Jody Maher Principal, Elementary School 3165 Washington St. Joseph, MI49085 269-429-0227 Catholic Community Education Commission Members Rev. Msgr. Thomas Martin Fr. William Jacobs Dave Boelcke Rusty Cutter William Grover Deb Hermann Paul Maloney Dolores Landeck Mason Tony Monte Kris Nuter Sheila Zellmer Diocesan Superintendent of Schools Dr. Frank Wipple Knights of Columbus (contact person) William Grover 876-2559 SSe JOHN & BERNARD PARISH -- BENTON HARBOR., MI LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK: Sat., 61105:00 pm (B) Fr. Bill Jacobs & Family by Virginia Sivacek Sun., 6/11 9:00 am (1) Joan Romeo 'V' by the Romeo Family 11:00 am (B) Bernard Wasmer 'V' by Geraldine Cunningham Mon., 6/12 5:30 pm (J) Ed & Jean Kroll t by Georgiana Conrad Tue.,6/13 8:00 am (1) Jeff Sass t by Doris Waldo Wed., 6/14 5:30 pm (B) Brian Kent Allen t by Fr. Bill Thu., 6/15 9:00 am (B) Our Parish Fri., 6116 8:00 am (1) Ted Domanski * by Clara Quardokus Sat.,6/17 8:00 am (B) Bill Baumant by His Children 5:00 pm (B) Ralph Zenner t by the Zenner Family Sun.,6/11 9:00 am (1) Catherine Capoccia, Bernice & Donald Phelan 'V' by E. & L. Phelan 11:00 am (B) Janis Smith t by Ray & Sharon Humes OTHER OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAYER Fri., 8:30 am - 6:00 pm (1) Eucharistic Exposition * = Death Anniversary .. = Deceased FLOWERS in front of the altar at St. Bernard's are in memory of Pam Cianelli from Virginia Sivacek. PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Charlie Beland, Lori Cook, Mary Gagnard, Anna Gober, Marie Hicks, Sr. Vivian Karas, Jim Kehrer, Lucinda Kuykendall, Nino Mammina, Helen Jean Mayer, Josephine Naylor, Justin Peachey, Eddy Quardokus, George Romeo, Sass family, John Sedon, Mary Shine, Chris Sineni, Theresa Stokes, Robert Tibbitts, Sr., Adam Tilly, Bob Van Horn, Linda Wallenfang, Frances Wiet, Bob Williams, Ed and Lobby Woodfin and Rosalie Wright. Our Offering of Tbanks to God last weekend: L Adult envelopes: (353 of 674) $ 14,705.54 39.10 Student envelopes: (21) 879.32 Loose offering: $ 15,623.96 49 Week Average: $ 14,388.84 Needed to make weekly budget: $ 13,750.00 49 Week over budget to date: $ 31,303.44 From the desk of t he Pastor: My Dear Friends in Christ! Today we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity - a celebration that challenges us to consider God, who God is, and what role God plays in our lives. Are we followers of Jesus Christ or merely admirers? Does our belief in God make any difference in how we live? As believers, we must mold our behavior and lives around our faith in Jesus Christ. We must express our commitment and love to others because of our commitment and love for God. In our lives, we have three separate experiences of God: God as Father, God as Word, and God as the unity of the Church. The Father who sent His Son also sent the Holy Spirit; we have in our hearts the presence of the Trinity: God's unfailing, enduring, and undying love. "It don 'I get any better than that ... " Our real work in life is to change "if' to "since", (i.e. not "if you love me, but "since" you love me.) Then the commandment to love and serve will be easy for us to obey. K.D.S.A. 2005: We just received our semi-final totals from last year's drive. We exceeded our goal by a total of$21,079.00, which will be refunded to our Parish - some additional funds may as yet be received at the Diocese. Thanks for your always, generous response to this noble cause. K.D.S.A. 2006: As we continue our follow-up process, we are rapidly approaching $100,000.00 in pledges for this year's drive. As of this writing, 434 families have pledged a grand total of $94,599.42. "As your Pastor. J can 'I begin to thank you enough {or your generous response to this worthwhile cause. " OTHER ITEMS: I. Ground-breaking for the SS John-Bernard Parish Center is set for 12:15, Sunday, July 2 after the 11:00 Mass. A reception will follow. Please plan to join us for this historic occasion in our wonderful Parish History! Construction will actually begin several days later, on Wednesday, July 5. 2. NOW HEAR TIllS!! The weekend of June 18 will feature two special celebrations for our Parish: (a) At the II :00 Mass, Fr. Bogden Werra will be celebrating his 25 th Anniversary Jubilee Mass at St. Bernard's Church. A reception in the social hall will follow this important milestone in Fr. Werra's Priesthood. Do plan to stop by to offer Fr. Werra best wishes and congratulations! (b) At 1:00 pm that same afternoon, Mr. Ron Demblowski will be honored at a special reception at the Rose Center, adjacent to St. Joseph's Church. Ron has served our bi-parish community faithfully for some 29 years. He is retiring and moving to be near his aging parents. Do plan to stop by to offer congratulations to Ron for his many, many years of dedicated service. 3. Fr. Wieber's Retirement: One of my brother Priests, Fr. Donald Wieber of St. Joseph's Parish in Watervliet is retiring on June 30 after 49 years as a Priest of the Diocese of Kalamazoo. Fr. Wieber has assisted us on many occasions for Communal Penance Services, and has also played an important role at Lake Michigan Catholic. We salute his dedication to God, his service to the Church, and wish him many years of relaxing and enjoyable retirement. A reception for him is being hel<,i on Sunday, June 25, noon to 3:30 at the St. Joseph's Church Hall. 4. Msgr. Thomas Martin: As you may have noticed in the "Diocesan Good News", Msgr. Thomas Martin, currently Pastor at our Sister Parish in St. Joseph, will become the Rector of the Cathedral in Kalamazoo, effective September I. We congratulate Msgr. Martin on his new position and wish him God's Blessings always in this new and challenging position. We also thank him for his two wonderful years of service to our Bi-Parish Community. Msgr. Michael Osborn, currently on assigrunent in Rome, will be the Pastor of St. Joseph's Parish, effective September I. Many of you have met Msgr. Osborn, then Father Osborn, as he subbed for me the last two New Year's weekends here at SS. John-Bernard's. "God never infringes or burglarizes the human will. He may long to come in and help, bUI He will never cross the 'picket line' ofour unwillingness!" Truly yourj> in Christ! Fr. Bill Jacobs, Pastor, SS John & Bernard Parish THE MOST DOLY TRINITY JUNE 11 2006 A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: Even though the apostles "doubted" Jesus still gave tbem a clear mission. It is nonnal that child;en will doubt their parents. Like Jesus in today's gospel, parents must be clear about their expectations .. Cla~ity is a gift we give our children; doubt is a search for direction and tbe first step to insight. BRIDGES: Widows and Widowers will meet on Sunday, June 25, 3:00 pm at St. Bernard's. After our meeting, we will select a restaurant, and those who would like to, will go out for dinner (dutch treat). The meeting are always better when YOU come. Please call Terry Wallis, 463-5774, to let her know you care coming. FR. LEO A. T AUBITZ is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of his Ordination. Bishop James A. Murray will preside over a Mass on Sunday, June 25 at 11 :30 am at Holy Maternity of Mary Church in Dowagiac. A dinner will immediately follow Mass at the Dowagiac Elks Lodge #889. Seating is limited, so reservations are required. For more information or to make reservations, lease call 269-445-0999. THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY CENTER would like some wood chips and/or straw for the Community Garden. Please contact Sr. Mary if you have any to donate. FUNERAL LUNCHEON DISHES at St. Bernard's are in the ball, at St. John's are in the kitchen - Please pick yours up. Liturgical Ministers' schedule for June 17 & 18: Lector 5 pm D. Carter Commentator C. Quardokus 9 am J. Stouffer B. Grover II am P. Quattrin O. Mileski Servers T. Grover, A. Phillips, C. Vojtko T. Hamilton, D. Sirk, P. Nuter S. Copi, r. Holbert, P. Brunner Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: 5 pm: J. Basly, R Fish, P. Peterson, R Laz.aga, Sr. Paulita, R Lucker, M. Grover 9 am: K. & B. Boyle, R & S. Vorres, G. Gaunder, C. Taylor, T. Wallis, B. Williams II am: H. Molter, M. Schueneman, S. Thompson, M. McDonough, ~ings, A. & A. Takacs, S. Siriano, N. Campau Greeters Bob & Ryan G1eissner Nursery Volunteers for June 18: 9:00 am - Sherri Christensen d& Jackie Forestieri II :00 am - Betsy Langbo & Lisa Clancy K OF·C CORNER: 61.18/ ; ·UtJl Annual K ofC Soup Kitchen Gol f Outing 6/i~' C . y Rosary & Social Night, st. Bernard's, 7:00 pm 7/5 . ~ •. . -gular Business Meeting and Installation of Officers i . ., . after 5:30 Mass. Potluck to follow. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY CENTER: Personal items are needed. Next weekend, please bring toilet paper, deodorant, dish detergent and laundry detergent. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: Still plenty of volunteer opportunities available! Join the Habitat Crew this summer as either part of the construction crew or in food service. Build dates: July 18, 19,20 and 22. Volunteer as little or as much as your schedule permits. Please contact Linda and Ed Wendholt,429-6895. ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC Church is hosting a blood drive on Friday, June 23, noon - 5:45 pm, at 5353 Roosevelt Rd, Stevensville. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Women's Ministry. Call 429-4570 if you would like to make an appointment for blood donation time. You must have photo ID or donor card to donate. 50" WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Diocesan Celebration. Those celebrating 50 years this year, please can the rectory by 15 JUly. FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI, Sunday, June 18 after the II :00 am Mass. A joyous celebration at 3 outdoor altars for the reading of the Gospels, song and prayer. A procession to: 1) The Outdoor Stations, 2) The Bell Tower, and 3) The Grotto, will be lead by Fr. Werra with the Monstrance. ADOPTION ORIENTATION meetings are being scheduled on a monthly basis for couples interested in infant Adoption througb Catholic Social Services/Catholic Family Services in Kalamazoo. We especially bave need for families willing to parent an infant of a minority group and/or infants with some mild special needs. Please contact Anna Starr at 269-381 1234 for more information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE <R.E,O.l Pbone: 983-7797, Fax: 983-7798 E-Mail: 220 Church St., St. Joseph, MI 49085 Ron Demblowski, Director - Ruth Shuler, Secretary ADULT CATECHETICAL TEAM NOMINATIONS: The Adult Catechetical Team is. currently seeking new members. The Team is made up of parishioners from the two parishes. For more infonnation or to join the Team, please contact Ron Demblowski at the R.E.O. Family cnnaed and mUST 100 FLORIN FUNERAL SERVICES Opel'1ted sblce 1939 DEY.fLORIN CHAPEL ST. JOSEPH LAKESHORE CHAPEL FAIRPLAIN CHAPEL DAVIDSON CHAPEL COLOMA STEVENSVlUE ....29-6161 ·· BENTON HARBOR 926-7222 983-1114 PrcplamliDg Ceolm 488-3181 ADVANCE'· CAR SERVICE 8rUMO Ii i j 011_, ~lo~_ 269-926-8628 FAX 926-925-4667 -- STDUFFEIJElECTBICCD. 3IIG IlRAY IIT_ .IIHTCN " " ' - . VQIc.:" •. ~,:n ... ~_ .......,.._ nl'DCla_ _I u _ ~ QOIWi SUn.MJ' & MOlldOJl Off Hnts b, Apptt.. 0.1" e ....h1caI Design and C"".lI"UcUon Fabric. Notions· Books· P2tterne aasseo • Machine Quilting .~.EL.Ec:TRIC SERVICE INC . ---- . . . . . " . ARM RIll OYER 40 YEARS 3114 NICKERSON ANI.W. HEALTI-I CENTER Dr. Pdk:k W, P-mus Dr. Keill A.. Uerie 921 NlckIlSOrt hIe.., Benll:in HIIba. MI 49<1Z2 2tJ9..Q2S..a835 5275 Red Anow HwY. DeFR.~CESCO . Steveusville, MI. 49127 pc. LA W 0 F FIe E DIENES Frank DeFrancesco & Scott Dienes .Pax: (269) 428-7090 BING'S nPAGE PROGRAM DRIVING ••GMDT I & n CLASSES SCHOOL IIdfW MaNni PHONI! 421 .• " 3073 W. John Beers Rd. SteVensville, MI. 49127 (269) 429-9000 for . . . . . .' www.defrancescodienes.coin RESI . . SALES - INSTAlLAOON . 1~ ~ "«'C30_ ":::::,1._..,-1.0;, ~w?c_~ c._,.~ ~ ) .. 160 l:l..akeshore Dr. ST JOSEPH RON CLARK. OWNER Fo......"C.n Interested in M~mbership1 Contact Bill Grover- - 876-2559 WALSH BODY SHOP LOOt< FeR ''THE SHOP"WrTH THE CAR ON TOP" 1 S. Fair Ave. Harbor, ...1 STARKS & MENCH Anwrtcan .. 7(flig1its of ColUm6us Family Funeral Home & Cremation Services Thomas L. Starks CFSP PH: I2&-UOO BODY &; FamER REPAlFtS ALL wt:JIU( GUARNn"EED EXPRESSIONS ART&GIFT GALLERY Owroer I "'"""' sttwn Kampe (218'> 84~ 5555 !1'f11M6 !laiIdituJ. 51. ...KadfiI.." ~GI' 'iWurM ~awerWashing New~1lIGwt FIIDXF"~ Andrevv K Menchinger FunErlIl DiIttlDf 2650 Nije:s Ro. Sl Joseph, Michiglln 49085 (269) 556-9450 Fax (269) 556-9570 rom@st!!lr1<s-menchinger.ccm ~1I1~~· ~~CIoire's Kennel 1. "~ 2808 ..... ,.,.. st. JoHph, MI . I 'iJ .. IIWl5MISSIONZ jlo/jlI£jJJB£~ RONINGRAM 2127 S. M-139 925-5026 BENTON MI PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS.
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