January 31 eSC Pe6ruary 1,2009
January 31 eSC Pe6ruary 1,2009
8t. John Church, Columbus at Catalpa (CJ3enton 1far6or ?r1.I) St. Bernard Church, Delaware at Ogden Wee~of Parish Mission Statement: "To grow as a Catholic community, united by the Holy Spirit, livi"g ourfaith in . Jesus Christ and sharing God's truth and low! with till people~ " Sacraments Confessions: (at St. Bernard'S) Saturday 3:30.04:45 pm and anytime by=reguest. Sacraments for tbe Sitki Notify the pastor of those wbo in the hospital or homebound, so ,they may receive the Sacraments. are Baptisms: Arrange with the pastot:'. Marriages: Meet with the pastor at least sixmonths _before the wedding date. New> Parlshioqemi Please register by~alllng the rec,t oryor by stopping in theoCOce. Offertory Gifts:. Call Shirley 'Vorres (926-8602) Sitters· Convent 92~83 Catbolic Community Center (Sr. Rita & Sr. Mary) 346 Catalpa BO 926-6424 Mail to 630 Columbus The Readiness Center (Sr. Paulita & Sr. Sharon) 347 Catalpa BO 926.04084 Mail to 630 Columbus The Loft (Sr. Mary Jo Holmes) 580 Columbus, BO 925-5858 Prayer Line: To request prayers, call 927-1810,983-7865 or 983-2930 Knights of Columbus (contact person) John Grover 326-0515 January 31 eSC Pe6ruary 1,2009 Parish Office 600 Columbus Avenue, Benton Harbor, 49022 Pbone # 92~24i5 Fax # 925-4678 Pastor, Fr. Bill Jacobs, ext. 12 wmjacobsjr@yahoo.com Assistant: Fr. Dan Doctor, ext. 13 Secretary, Marcia Grover, ext. 10 ssjandb@SbtglobaLnet Office Asst. Pam Blakeman, ext. 11 ssj b-pari$b@sbCgJobal.net , Maintenance, William Grover 876,.2559 DeacO,n Co,-ple: AI & Rocki Lalaga (H) 926-2822 aJazaga@earthllnk.n~t Cell 1-269-861';QOI9 • st. Bernard'! Hilll ,. St.-John's Hall 925-9644 925-9037 Pa rish Council Dan Fitzgerald Nancy Johns John Grover BiU Shine Mary Ann Hiu Allen Zencka T.om"Strzyzykowski Finance Council Sara Duris Jack O'Brien Dick Garlanger Frances Piggott Ed Nickel Dave Simaz Jim Visin Catholic Community Education". Commission Members Rev. Msgr. Michael Osborn Fr. William Jacobs Robert Ballard . Dave Boelcke Gary Bruce Rusty Cutter William Grover Deb Hermann' Dolores Lalld~k Mason Carol OehlhatJen Sunday Masses: Saturday 5:00 p.m. (St. Bernard's) Sunday 9:00 am (St. John's) 11:00 am (St. Bernard's) (Sunday Mass is tape-delayed broadcast on radio WHFB, 1060 AM, at 10:30 am) Lake Michigan Catholic Schools Contact Information www.lmclakers.com MiddlelHigh School & Business Office 915 Pleasant St. St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-983-2511 John Berlin Executive DirectorlMiddle High School Principal Janet Ordiway Curriculum and Instructional Consultant Gerald Heath Middle-High School Assistant PrincipaV Athletics Director Cindy Payovich Director, Business Services _L Elementary School 3165 Wasl1ingt~n St. Josepb, MI 49085 269-429-0227 Jody Maher Principal '. Margaret Erich Diocesan Superintendent of &hools Iteligious Edsation Morlock Center . 211 Cburch St, St. Joseph 983-1575 ext. 10 Peggy Gallagher Coordinator SS~ JOHN & BERNARD PARISH LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK: Sat., 1131 5:00 pm (B) Jack Griffin'll" by Laurie Zemler Sun., 211 9:00 am (J) Diane Sivacek 'll" by Fr. Bill 11:00 am (B) Lorraine Kalinas 'll" by Mary & Ted Weber Mon.212 5:30 pm (J) Al Demchinski 'll". by Wava Demcbinski Tue.213 8:00 am (J) Our Parish Family 9:30 am (LMCE) Marie Sineni 'll" by Gloria Mance Wed.214 5:30 pm (B) Eleanor Vogie 'll" by Ann Shembarger Thu.,215 9:00 am (B) Fr. Bill Jacobs by Joseph Mileski Fri., 216 8:00 am (J) Ray Roberts'll" by Anne Arntz Sat., 217 8:00 am (B) Patrick Rosenthal & Larry Gleaton'll" by Pat Gleaton 5:00 pm (B) Bud Piggott'll"· by Frances Piggott Sun.,218 9:00 am (J) JeffWaIlis 'it'. by Bob & Rosemary Van Arkle 11 :00 am (8) Paul Ki1cline 'it' Dave & Serena spear NOTE: Eucharistic Adoration Fri., 8:30am-5 pm.(J) until Spring Eucharistic Adoration Mon., 8 am - 4:30 pm (8) until Spring * = Death Anniversary 'it' = Deceased READINGS for the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time are: Deut.18: 15 20; I Cor. 7:32-35; Mark 1:21-28. BENTON HARBOR. MI Gospel of Christl We welcome the Word of Christ the Prophet, the true Teacher. We hold and maintain the Apostolic Tradition. And in our Sacraments, we welcome Christ the Word, the Teacher, and the Prophet. That is the heart of our faith, and we should be proud to profess it in Christ Jesus, our Lord. WEEKLY PRAYER: "0 God ofaI/truth, we stand in wonder at the power ofyour Icwe. Answer oW' prayers and help us live according to the teaching ofChrist your Son. We ask this through Christ OUT Lord, Amen. " CHURCH SIGN : "Scripture promises 1W loaves to tire loafer ... !" REMINDERS: ... ADORATION AT S1. BERNARD"S: Many have asked. why can't we pray at St Bernard's Church during the, daY? The answer is. "You can'" Beginning this Monday. February 2oe!. St. Bernard's Church will ODen at 6:00 AM, with Adoration beginning at 8:00,_ and closing at 4:30 PM. We are starting with this opportunity and will expand if need seems to dictate same. Adowon will continue at St. John's, Church on Fridavs from the 8:00 Mass through the closing at 5:00. I would_ like to thank Bill Groyer and our Knights of Columbus for soearheadine: and pushing this new opportunity for Private Praver. The needs of our great Country are many - let us seek to spend some quiet time in Prayer that the Holy Spirit will continue bless our Parish and our entire country Our Offering of Tbsnks to God Isst weekend: Adult envelopes: (328 of 803) $11,643.18 Student envelopes: (14) 32.95 ill2AJ. Loose offering $/3,035.56 29 week average: $17,254.73 Needed to make weekly budget: $15,250.00 L OVER budget to date: $56,132.44 From the Desk of the Pastor: My Dear Friends in Christ! Today we continue our journey into Ordinary Time, as we celebrate the fourth Sunday of this special time in our Liturgical Seasons. We will walk and pray some thirty-pius weeks of experiencing the Ministry of Christ as teacher and miracle wolter. Each week is timely - each week is pertinent to our own personal journeys. The Gospel theme for today: "Christ is indeed a prophet", His words still the sea. Our sovereign King speaks; He is the Church's one foundation who is born to set His people free. Jesus spoke that message to His Disciples 2,000 years ago, but that message rings through to you & me this very day." We are rarely free of anxieties ofone type or another. Our relationship with God rarely creates anxiety in us. In fact, it does just the opposite - it heals, it mends, it soothes, it brings peace to our troubled inner selves. We need to allow no distractions in our lives; if we focus on Jesus thoroughly, there is no room left fur worry or anxiety. As He states so often to His Disciples in Scripture, "Peace be with youl" I" Reading: In the Old Testament, a prophet was a teacher. He spoke for God, with the authority of God. Moses was truly such a teacher, a messenger of truth. 2oe! Reading: Paul teaches the value of remaining celibate and single. He contrasts the concentration of married folks with single folks; sometimes the married people may be distracted by family, running a home, maintaining a healthy economic state, etc. The same may well be true of the single person. The important point is that there must not be distractions that separate us from our Lord and Savior .... #1. HEATING ASSISTANCE: A number of you had asked if you can still give to the "Heating Assistance Drive?" The answer is "yes." You may give by either using the "green heating assistance envelopes" found at all entrances to our two Churches, or by simply putting a donation in the collection basket - labeled "heating assistance." This is quite obviously a challenging winter for many of our needy families - thus any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. #2. NEWS FROM OUR NEW PARJSH NURSE: I hope you were able to be greeted by our New Parish Nurse Katrina Ogata at one of our Masses last weekend. This weekend she has placed two copies of a "Parish Survey" in all of our bulletins to discern the needs ofour Parish Family. We'd like all adults (18 years of age or older) to complete an individual survey and return to us as soon as practical. Extra copies can be found at the entrances to our_ Churches. If you have extras. please return them as well, The results of the survey will direct us toward the best use of Katrina's time. She will soon have her own phone line and office at St Bernard's Church. Stay tuned for_ her phone number, as well as hours and location. #3. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW: Please mark your calendars for all the Fridays of the coming Lenten Season. We will be having Stations of the Cross followed by alternating Lenten Meals and Lenten Fish Dinners every Friday evening during Lent. Participate in the powerful Stations of the Cross, after joining us for food & fellowship with your Parish Family. As always, all proceeds will go to the Catholic Community Center & Readiness Center. These activities are sponsored by your Immaculate Heart of Mary Council of the Knights of Columbus and Women's Ministry. ASH WEDNESDAY is February 25! #4. OUR SICK LIST: Please find a little time each week to remember the sick of our Parish, Each weekend we share a "read list" at all the Masses, plus an additional list in the bulletin of the less critical . All are certainly in need of our prayers. JESUS IS TRULY THE REASON FOR OUR JUST COMPLETED SEASON, AS WELL AS FOR OUR JOURNEY THROUGH ORDINARY TIME!!! Truly yours in Christ! When people ask us about the Catholic Church, we shouldn't stress that we have great music; that our Priests are kind and energetic about the faith, or that our parishioners are friendly and welcoming. All that may well be true and is great, but what we need to share and emphasize is that we live the Your Pastor, Fr. Bill Jacob Janua 31 & Februa 12009 PARISH: PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Clara Brandonisio, Mary Champion, Georgiana Conrad, Madie Florres, Steve Gaunder, Anna Gober, Shirley Hanley, Linda Harrington, Betty Harris, Jim Humburg, Ron Jennings, Pauline Johnson, Lucille Mallory, Josephine Naylor, Jack O'Brien, Sue Radenbaugh, Dorothy Radke, Roland Shuler, Mary Jo Steimle-Robert, Linda Wallenfang, Lena Wood and Ed Woodfin. Please let us know when someone is in particular need of prayer and when they are recovered. r-----------------------~~--~~----------------------~ K ofC CORNER: Parish Super Sunday Partv: Feb. 1, SS. John & Bernard Parish Center, Potluck supper at 5 pm. Bring a dish to pass, a snack to share and board games, videos, etc. Hot dogs, Brauts, Burgers and beverages provided. All Parishioners are welcome! FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY is a 13 week course that teaches you how to handle money God's way. Join us for a preview and registration after the Masses on Feb. 21 & 22. Classes start March 8, 6:30 pm, at St. Bernard's. For info contact Michael and Emily Lab at 926-0597. PLEASE PRAY A ROSARY every day with the intention that President Obama's eyes be opened to the value of life in all circumstances. Every day at 12:30 pm folks will pray the Rosary in Lafayette Park across form the White House, rain or shine, for this intention for the first 100 Days of his administration. We will pray a Rosary 25 minutes before each Mass for this intention until April 29. A Rosary is a powerful weapon against evil. THE FAMILY OF MARGE KIEWEL wish to thank the parish for their prayers and support, the luncheon and their continued prayers for Mike Kiewel. Liturgical Ministers Schedule for Feb. 7 & 8, 2009 Lector Commentator Servers B. Richards 5 pm J. Carpentier T. Grover, A. Drotos B. O'Brien 9 am J. O'Malley H. Nahikian S. Ashley, C. Smiy, S. Nickel Sarah Schueneman, 1. Hanley II am K. Ballard S. Smith M. Milanowski Extraordinarv Ministers of Communion: 5 pm: Joan Polaskey. M. Elwell, M. Grover. A. Mileski. G. Waning, Sr. Paulita Walters, J. Ott, C Quardokus, A. Shernbarger 9 am: M. Unruh, B. Williams, M. Lechenet E. & D. Nickel, P. Sirk, L. Heil, K. Heyn, J, Heil II am S. Siriano, T. Taylor. N. Alrnus, S. Thompson, E. Conrad, M. Jennings, L. Taylor, A. Mileski, G. Conrad Greeters: Feb. 8 : Hamilton family Nursery Volunteers for Feb. 8 : 9 am - M. Huelsberg & S. Bass II am - S. & L. Agens CATHOLIC COMMUNITY CENTER: As your offering this corning weekend, please bring CEREAL, BROWN PAPER BAGS, dish soap and toilet tissue. Thanks. DIOCESE: KUMBA YA, an afternoon of reflection for Boy and Girl Scouts in grades 1-8, Feb. 28, 12:30 -4:45 pm, at St. Joseph ElementaryfMiddle School, Battle Creek. Theme: Vocations. Cost is $5. Board of Review for AAD and Pope Pius XII will begin at II am. Registration deadline is Feb. 20. For info contact Lisa Irwin at 269-349-87 \3 X 228. FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: Today's gospel reminds us "unclean spirits" still haunt our families. These "spirits" thrive inside our grudges, punishing silences, impatience and abruptness. Today Jesus offers you the "authority" to cast our these spirits fro your life and your family. SINGING TO THE LORD: MUSIC IN DIVINE WORSHIP workshop will be Thursday, Feb. 12, 6:30-8:30 pm, at St. Thomas More Church, Kalamazoo with Rev. Anthonv Ruff. OSB. This workshoD will look at the new mu~ic c\ocllment Fourth Sunda of Ordina Time issued by the US Bishops "Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship" and is for parish singers, choir members, musicians and music directors, organists, guitarists and clergy. For info contact the Office of Worship 269-349-8714 x 245 or dreilly@dioceseofkalamazoo.org. MOTHERIDAUGHTER PROGRAM, explores God's special gift of human fertility and the beauty and wonder of growing up and becoming a woman, for 10-12 year old girls and their mothers (or significant female). Sunday, Marcb 1, 2-5 pm, Lawrence Educational Center Auditorium at Borgess Hospital, Gull Rd. at Shaffer Rd., Kalamazoo. $25/family. Reservation deadline is Feb. 23. Contact Mary Culp at NFP Center at 269-964-9474 or download the reservation form from the NFP page of the Diocesan Website www.dioceseofkalamazoo.org. PLANNING YOUR FAMILY TOGETHER: an intro to Natural Family Planning which includes the scientific basis for NFP , married love and responsible parenthood, will be held Sat., Feb. 7, 10 am at the Chancery or Sat, Feb. 14, St. Mary Marshall, 212 Hanover St.. Pre-registration required two business days before the session. $25 fee. Call 269-349-8714 x 1141110 for info or to register. LENTEN RETREAT DAY: HOW JESUS COULD READ PEOPLE'S HEARTS Sr. Elizabeth Reis, CSJ will lead a mini retreat on Sat., Feb. 29, 9 am - I pm, at Transformations Spirituality Center, Nazareth. Catechist certification available. Register for $20 by Feb. 20 or $25 after that. For more info or to register, contact Office of Worship at 269-349-8714 x 245 or dreilly@dioceseofkalamazoo.org. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: :If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts." Open your heart to the gifts a Marriage Encounter weekend will bring to you, to your spouse and to your sacrament of Marriage/Holy Orders. The next Weekend is March 13-15. Early registration is highly recommended. For more info, contact Bob and Jean Ann McCann at 616-847-0582. DEADLINE for applications for Boy and Girl Scouts Catholic Religious awards is March 7. Contact Lisa Irwin at 269-349-8714 x 228 for info. HELP AND HEALING are possible for survivors of childhood trauma For the past five years the Diocese of Kalamazoo has offered the Trauma Recoverv Program for adult Catholics who are survivors of childhood abuse and neglect. The program is based on a researched model. Participants do not rehash their past. Instead, they learn why the effects of childhood trauma go so deep and they learn specific skills for living more effectively in the now. This is done is small group settings, situated in a private location and facilitated by mental health professionals. There is no charge for the program. More than 130 adult survivors have participated in the program and they consistently report that the program far exceeded t heir expectations in assisting them in t heir recovery. New groups begin March 9, 2009. Morning group is 9:30 am to noon; evening group is 7-9:30 pm. Contact Sharon Froom at 269 381-8917 to inquire about participation. LAKE MICHIGAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: THIS PAST FRIDAY we concluded our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, the time each year when we share with the parish and community the many ways our school makes a difference in our community, while educating students in an atmosphere of faith and values. The Pastors, Administrators, staff and students thank all families, parishioners, friends and volunteers who helped make our week special! OFFICE OF CATECHESIS AND INITIATION: Peggy Gallagher. Director. 211 Church St. St. Joseph. MI 983-1575 x 10 Please remember to check WNDU.com for weather cancellations. FAMILY HOME REVIEWS have been sent to all home study families. Please choose one of the following dates to complete this review at the Rose Center: Saturday, Feb. 21 at 9:30 or Thursday, Feb. 26 at 6:30pm. T.N.T USUALLY MEETS Tuesday, 7-8:30 pm, LMC High School. HIGH SCHOOL GROUP: Wed., 6-8 pm, Rose Center. DTS: meets Saturday, 7-8:30 pm, Rose Center. ~: On Feb. 7 & 8 B[RTHRIGHT AUXILIARY MEMBERS will distribute Baby Bottles for their fund raiser. We are asked to take a bottle, fill it with change for two weeks and return it at Mass on Feb. 21. Thanks in advance for your ).UDiIy cnraed IDd mUST 100 prepJaDQing Cc:Db:a FLORIN FUNERAL SERVICES Operated slDee 1'39 DEY-FLORIN CHAPEL LAKESHORE CHAPEL FAIRPLAIN CHAPEL 8T.JesEPH BENTON HARBOR STEVENSVlUE 926-72.2.2 ...29-6161 113-1114 ADVANCE DAVIDSON CHAPEL COlOMA 48&-3111 .....!!Or "We Make House Calls" CAR SERVICE arUMO tJ'ra..1tSporting 'YOu to P.kgana Peru Petersen Petersen Computcc Consulting 2339 Niles Avenue l -- St. Joseph, MI 4J108S 465 0244 & 985 0450 (fax) SANDWICHES &. SALADS peterrp@qlm.net of Benton Harbor 2004 M-139 927-3030 1396 Mall Dr. 927-3033 fii PRI"Z!df!tj SIDEKICKS TAEIOMONDO Master Don Tomasi, 5th Dan 289 4291C1C1C (5425) I DOWN DOG YOGA Gina Yacobozzi, E-RYT IDMsion of Pri-Mar Petroleum, Inc. ·'· NIC 289 277 3700 . this ad. A confldenlls/ servIce for women who ~~~~ ~ JQAI;m 2658 W John . . .,.. RlI ate".,...""., IIIcItIpa 49127 $LOO off any FootIone: over $5.00 ." 'IT"'D~ . 926-4243~ . Walmart (:RN'I'ER o;:;t;kk Aimw ud Associates 925-8835 At;;:~~;~8~d;eed help. 983-0700 • 24 Hours A Day 2700 Niles Ave .• ru&I CONSTRUCTION 3073 W. John Beers Rd. Stevensville, M149127 (269) 429·9000 Frank DeFrancesco .:. Scott Dienes Attorneys & Counselors at Law www.dd-law.com 1(Jfig1its of C~ l.a1erested in MtmbershJp7 Contad Bill Grover 876-2.SS9 www.vlletconstructlon.com Larry Vliet - General Contractor SALES-INSTALLATION Custom Homes, Remodeling Ucensed &. Insured 1906 N. Valleyvlew Dr., Sl Joseph, MI 49085 Iarry@vlletconstructlon.com 2~208-4562 =~~E" 1232 I!. ~pI... Benton twbar. M14I022 Phone (211) 12B-8I1S1 stwW1 K.mPe (2e&) 944 \J 6555 SL ~!De'AIIM !1aU1ti1u; COMMUNITY SINCE 1965 . . Ron Clark Carpet Co_paay 160t Lakeshore Dr: lW1"rCLARK, OWNER STARKS & MENCHING Family Funeral Home & GremMion Servtcea LOOK FOR ''THE SHOP WITH THE CAR ON TOP" 591 S. Fair Ave. Benton Harbor, MI PH: 926-6400 BODY & FENDER REFI'AIRl<;1. ALL WORK SCHUENEMAN FAMILY FARM SELUNG VEGETABLES WE GROW Retail only 5940 Eo Napier A"e. , Benton Hartlor MI , ......1838 QIChueOIbcgIObaI.net ThomasL. Starks CFSP Owner/~ Andrevv K Menchinger MmII~ Insur.ci JDtaiadBxIicriar I)eablPaww WashiDa NnrCcmImctimII JlII:oat F.ax F'miabe:s ;ttaHUHina'S At~lMtt' ITALIAN CAFE 425 Upton Drive. 51 Joseph, MI 49085 269.983091 1 2699B3.0433 Fa.x www.mamminas ..om Law Offices of Sauer & Sauer, PLC Brian C. Sauer * Jonathan B. Sauer 414 Main St, P. O. Box 378, St,Joseph 269-983-0531 www.sauersauerlaw.com fHiNSJVl/SS/DNU KITCHEN "':::~HkI""4_1 s...,.,.,.. MI <4f127 . CLASSICS ~~::.~uo :. Z)t~~ " PIZZA ~ ·BURGERS ~c:.,f TIm Mammina Annett. Mammina Woodfin RON INGRAM 92.5-.5026 2127 S. M-139 BENTON MJ I 849-1521 I PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. II I 1 ! l PRAYER & ADORATION at Saint Bernard Church Begins February 2, 2009 CHURCH OPENS 6:00 A.M. EXPOSITION 8:00 A.M. BENEDICTION 4:30 P.M.. . "-. '. .,. ~ . - '" ..... Community of Faith - Needs Survey Across the country, parish nurses are working in churches like yours to help people improve the health of body, mind, and spirit. As part of the church staff, the parish nurse provides a caring outreach of listening to needs and assisting people to connect with services. They also teach and counsel about many aspects of healthful living. Your input is needed to determine the need for services of the parish nurse at your church. BACKGROUND (please circle the information that describes you) Age: 25 and under Gender: Race: 26-34 35-44 45-5 55-64 65 and over Female Male African-American Caucasian Marital status: Single Other Divorced Married Separated Widowed Other Children of any of the following ages? (mark all that apply) Age: 0-5 6-12 13-17 18-21 22 and older Number of persons living in your household: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Participation in worship services, mass and/or other spiritual development activities: Rarely (1-2 times a year) Seldom (3-11 per year) Occasionally (monthly) Regularly (weekly- daily) YES Are you covered by a health insurance plan? NO How many days per week do you exercise for at least 30 minutes? None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 If you do exercise, what type of exercise? (mark all that apply) Walking Aerobics GardeninglYard work Team Sports Cycling Weight Lifting Golf Home exercise Swimming Martial Arts Dance Other_ _ _ __ Please circle the TOP concerns you have about your health from the list below: Cancer Alcoholism Alzheimer's Disease Heart Disease Caregiver Strain/Stress Nutrition High Blood Pressure Medication Knowledge Anorexia/Bulimia Diabetes Weight Control Abuse Lung Disease Violence Sexual Issues Asthma Menopause Incontinence HIV /AIDS Difficulty Breathing Pain Headaches Depression AnxietylFears Sleep Problems Environmental Issues Substance Abuse Do you have any spiritual concerns related to: (Mark all that apply) Prayer Faith Acceptance Ability to let go Anger Spiritual healing Forgiveness Loneliness Grief Death Other ------------------------ Please rate the following (please circle for each area) Your health. Your current knowledge about your own health. Your ability to take care of yourself. The availability of transportation to meet your health care needs. Your comfort in talking to your doctor about your health. Your comfort in talking to the parish nurse about concerns. Poor Fair Poor Fair Poor Fair Poor Fair Poor Fair Poor Fair Good Good Good Good Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Are you responsible for the care of a family member with the following? (Circle all that apply) Alzheimer'slDementia Physical Limitations Cognitive Limitations Chronic Illness What type of assistance do you provide to this person? (Circle all that apply) Meal preparation Shopping for groceries Using the telephone Housework Managing medications Eating Toileting Dressing Bathing Other Managing money Getting outside Walking -------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you interested in helping the parish nurse as a volunteer? If so- please circle which areas you would like to assist with and print your name and contact information. Name ------------------~~--~~~~~~ Phone ---------------------------- 1 would like to volunteer in the following area(s) ride assistance meal preparation respite care Other________________~------------------------------------~~------_ _I am a healthcare professional (doctor, nurse, EMT etc.) and would be able to help with blood pressure screenings and other health services or health education area. Lake Michigan Catholic Schools, St. Joseph, Michigan LAKER NEWS & NOTES Nourishing the Human Spirit - Mind, Body and Sou/- through Jesus Christ January 2009 Volume 4, Issue 3 In This Issue: - I- Catholic Schools Week Service Is at the Heart Big Ideas in Small Moments The Legacy of Service Mary as Role Model National Catholic Schools Week January 25-31, 2009 Dear Friends, LMC on the Web: www.lmclakers.org Contact Information: Mr. John Berlin Executive Director/ Middle-High School Principal 915 Pleasant St. St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-983-2511 jberlin@lmclakers.org Mrs. Jody Maher PrinCipal, Elementary School 3165 Washington Ave. St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-429-0227 catholicprincipal@yahoo.com Mr. Gerald Heath Dean of Students/ Athletic Director 915 Pleasant St. St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-983-3154 gheath@lmclakers.org Mrs. Janet Ordiway Curriculum & Instruction 915 Pleasant St. St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-983-2511 jordiway@lmclakers.org Mrs. Cindy Payovich Director, Business Services 915 Pleasant St. St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-983-5529 cpayovich@lmclakers.org School Mass Schedules: Elementary: 9:30, Tues. & Thurs. Middle School: 8:00, Mon. High School: 8:00, Wed. Middle-High School: 8:00, Fri. Mass times may vary due to Holy Days or changes In the academiC schedule. Feel free to call to confirm times. Catholic Schools Week, the annual celebration of what makes Catholic Education special, began January 25th. We set aside this week each year to build community awareness of and involvement in Catholic schools. We share with everyone the important role of Catholic schools in providing a values-added education and making the world a better place for all. We also honor those who make our schools a success: everyone from students, families, faculty and staff to volunteers, community supporters and local national leaders. CATHOLIC This year's theme, "Catholic Schools: Celebrate S C H 0 0 L S Service," underscores the great commitment Catholic education has to community service. As part of our effort to educate the whole child in an atmosphere of faith and academic excellence, Catholic schools instill in students a lifelong commitment to serving others. When our students graduate, they have the tools they need to fulfill their roles as good citizens, productive employees and compassionate leaders. Please join me in saying thank you to our principals, teachers, staff, administrators, CCEC members, volunteers and everyone else involved in running Lake Michigan Catholic School. Through their dedication and commitment, they make our school an excellent example of how Catholic schools "celebrate service." Devotedly yours in Christ, John Berlin Executive Director/MS-HS Principal The Heart of Our Faith In her recent letter to all Catl10lic school teachers and staff, Mrs. Margaret Erich, Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Kalamazoo, wrote, "Our schools have a long history of direct service to those in need. Care for our brothers and sisters is the very heart of our faith." Service to the community comes in many forms. With contributions coming from as those as young as preschool through our seniors, these are just some of the organizations benefiting from projects already undertaken or on the calendar for LMC students. Altar & Liturgical Service to Home Parishes & School Masses American Heart Association Berrien County Cancer Society Berrien County Jail Inmates Holiday Packages Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program Birthright of St. Joseph Blue Tide Golf Outing Boys & Girls Club of Benton Harbor Bronson Methodist Hospital Caretel Resident Outreach & Seasonal Crafts Catholic Community Center Catholic Relief Services Community Tree Giveaway Correspondence for Shut-Ins Earth Foundation for Rainforest Preservation Habitat for Humanity Heifer International Project Hospice at Home In-School Staff Support Knauf Park Clean Sweep LMCE Preschool Playground Construction March of Dimes to Prevent Premature Births 100 Chicks for the Poor Pennies for Patients _ _ Readiness Center Sarett Nature Center Scholastic 100 Book Challenge for the Needy Scouting Service Projects Support for Seminarians The Smile Network Steel head Triathlon Student Buddy Projects Stuff-a-Truck Food Drive Trick-or-Treat So Kids Can Eat Women's Service League "Operation Coats" Mrs. Maher Spotlights the Big Ideas in the Little Moments While a first-thing-Monday-morning visit from the principal may not seem like something that is eagerly anticipated, students are happy to see Mrs. Maher come in their door with the weekly Most Marvelous Manners award. Immediately the students ask "Who is it? What did they do?" before learning about the winner's act of kindness, generosity, leader ship, or sacrifice for the sake of another. One of the most enjoyable parts of the presentation is that the winners typically have no idea how much their actions matter until Mrs. Maher explains the impact, and that understanding becomes part of everyone in the room. Nominations have come from all quarters-fellow students, staff, volun teers, or even guests in our building. Sometimes a casual observation yields a winner; other times, a teacher shares a wonderful story about a student over lunch. Whatever the source, the Most Marvelous Manners award affirms the children's best instincts, encouraging them to be aware of need, and service to others becomes second nature. From School to Career: The Legacy of Service Fostering a servant nature within students can lead to them seeking roles that are more far-reaching than anyone imagines. Modeled at home by his parents, practiced at Lake Michigan Catholic, and continued at Marquette University, State Representative John Proos' sense of service has led to a ca reer in local and state government. Having demonstrated a particular interest in educa tion and health initiatives for children, his efforts offer a example of working on behalf of others for the betterment of all. State Rep. John Proos, a Laker alum, shown with Mary Nielsen and Gerald Heath, presented Wal-Mart gift cards for school supplies to teachers at lMC. Men and women in the U.S. Armed Services are remembered in daily intentions. Special to us among them are the Mills family, Ted and his sons Daniel, Teddy and Brian. Their service to our country's present and future generations shows remarkable commitment. The Proos and Mills families show that when your life takes shape around the service of others, the power exists to leave a profound and lasting effect. lMCHS graduate and Kindergarten teacher Nicole Mills celebrates the return of her husband Daniel, also a Laker alum, and his father Ted Mills from their tours of duty in Iraq during Mass at lMCES. Mary: Our Model of Faith, Trust and Service To look upon the statue of the Madonna and Child is to look upon the model of service: Mary being the chosen and willing one to bring the ultimate servant, Jesus Christ, into the world. Mary said, "Yes" so long ago, and still does as intercessor when we seek what is good in the eyes of God. She is eternally there for us I No matter what our call to service, we can look to the serene image of the Madonna and Child, a mother who placed her complete faith in God's plan, and her Son having full knowledge of the sacrifice to come, to find all of the confidence we need to rise to any challenge, always knowing that we are placed under her care. Memorare Remember, 0 most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, 0 Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful; 0 Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen. We hope you enjoy reading the Laker News and Notes. To minimize our cost, we are printing all issues in black and white.
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