September 18, 2016 - St. Bernard Catholic Church


September 18, 2016 - St. Bernard Catholic Church
1617 West Pine Street, Appleton, WI 54914
Mass Times
Daily Mass, Tues.-Fri., 8 am
Saturday, 4:30 pm
Sunday, 8 am & 10 am
Reconciliation, Saturday, 9 am
Parish Library Hours:
Mon., Tues., Thurs., 10 am-3 pm
Wed., 1 pm-8 pm
Sun., 9:30 am-11:30 am
Connect with St. Bernard Parish
General Office Hours
Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 am-5 pm
Friday, 8:30 am-Noon
Parish email:
Parish Office
Faith Formation Office
September 18, 2016
Parish Fax
Hearing Loop receivers available
Saturday, September 17
4:30 pm
In Memory of Daniel Schnettler
Sunday, September 18
8 am
In Memory of Ben Van Handel
10 am
In Memory of Donald Maas
AND Members of St. Bernard
Tuesday, September 20
8 am
In Memory of
Randy Guckenberg
Wednesday, September 21
8 am
In Memory of Marvin Schleinz
Thursday, September 22
8 am
In Memory of Donna Garvey
Friday, September 23
8 am
For St. Bernard Parishioners
Saturday, September 24
4:30 pm
Living & Deceased Members
of St. Bernard Conference
of St. Vincent de Paul Society
AND Members of St. Bernard
Sunday, September 25
8 am
In Memory of Lara Plamann
10 am
Living & Deceased Members
of the Gene & Phyllis Thoma
Saturday, September 17
9 am
4:30 pm
Sunday, September 18
8 am & 10 am Mass
Monday, September 19
1 pm
Cancer Survivors Lounge
Tuesday, September 20
8:45 am
Stretch & Tone School Wing
9 am
Crafty Ladies
Activity Ctr.
Wednesday, September 21
4:30 & 6:30 pm Faith Formation K-8
6 pm
Parish Hall
6:30 pm
Faith Formation
Kick-Off Gr. 9-10
Friday, September 23
8:45 am
Stretch & Tone School Wing
Saturday, September 24
9 am
4:30 pm
Sunday, September 25
8 am & 10 am Mass
Sunday: Am 8:4-7/Ps
113:1-2, 4-8/1 Tm
2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or
Monday: Prv 3:2734/Ps 15:2-5/Lk 8:16
Tuesday: Prv 21:1-6,
10-13/Ps 119:1, 27,
30, 34-35, 44/Lk
Wednesday: Eph 4:17, 11-13/Ps 19:2-5/
Mt 9:9-13
Thursday: Eccl 1:2-11/
Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17/
Lk 9:7-9
Friday: Eccl 3:1-11/Ps
144:1-4/Lk 9:18-22
Saturday: Eccl 11:912:8/Lk 9:43b-45
Adult Confirmation, Becoming Catholic, Wedding Arrangements
(six months in advance) Contact Fr. Dennis, 739-0331.
Baptism, Communion Calls, Contact the Parish Office, 739-0331.
Prayer Requests, Call Delaine, 734-0538.
If you would like people to pray with you, contact John, 731-3856.
Welcome to
St. Bernard Parish.
We’re glad
you’re here.
Sympathy and prayers are extended to
the Families of the deceased.
Our Parishioners,
Virginia Derridinger and Sally Slavik
Brother-In-Law of Will Ayers
St. Bernard Social Justice Committee
Friends of Haiti-September Collection
Items needed:
 Toothbrushes for Adults and Children
 Toothpaste (Small and Medium Size)
 Hand Sanitizer (12 ounce size)
 Acetaminophen 500 mg tabs for Adults
 Acetaminophen 160 mg (Children’s Liquid)
 Antacids (Tums)
Please bring all donations to the Narthex
the weekend of September 17 & 18.
Thank you for your generosity.
St. Bernard Parish K-6 Children’s Choir
We invite all children K-6 to join our group!
We practice every Sunday from 9:15 am-9:40 am
and typically sing at one Mass per month.
For more information contact
Valerie at
Why Loved Ones Leave the Church Presented
by Fr. John Girotti
St. Bernard Parish, September 26, 6:30 p.m.
Fr. John Girotti explores the reasons why family
members, relatives, and friends drift away from the
practice of the Catholic faith. Many who are skeptical
of organized religion will identify themselves as
“spiritual,” but not religious. What can be said of this
growing phenomenon? Can we be spiritual without
being religious?
There are also many parents asking themselves, “I
raised my children Catholic, so why did they leave the
Church?” In fact, it is not uncommon among the younger
generations to claim they are not being fed at Mass. In
the second half of this presentation, Fr. Girotti will also
unpack methods on how Catholics can share the faith
with others and inspire them to be intentional.
St. Bernard Faith Formation Presents
Our 2016-2017 Line-Up
High School Faith Formation Kick-Off
Grades 9 & 10
September 21, 6:30 pm-8 pm
Parents of 9th grade students need
to accompany their son/daughter
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
All children ages 4-Grade 3
are invited!
During the 10 am Mass every Sunday.
No registration required.
Questions call Deb at 739-8912.
Faith Formation Calendar
K-8 (Class times: 4:30 pm & 6:30 pm)
September 21 Classes
(Please Note: Grade 6 parents stay 1/2 hr.)
September 28 Classes
October 5
October 12 Classes
October 19 Classes for K-5
(Please Note: Required-Grade 6-8 will be attending
Youth Jam Sunday, October 23)
October 26 No Classes (Catechist In-Service)
High School Faith Formation Calendar
Grade 9 & 10 (6:30 pm-8 pm)
September 21 Kick-Off
(Please Note: Grade 9 parents attend with their child)
September 28 Classes
October 5, 12, 19
October 26 No Classes (Catechist In-Service)
At ALL Masses this Weekend!
Our Youth who went to Detroit on the Mission
Trip this summer will share their experiences of
serving others and some stories about their
life changing missionary work!
Wednesday Night Café
Everyone is welcome to share in a meal every
Wednesday night during our Faith Formation
Scheduled Classes. We start serving at
5:30 pm in our Parish Hall.
A free-will donation is appreciated.
September 21
Sloppy Joes, Mac & Cheese, Salad Bar, Hotdogs, and
September 28
Chicken Pot Pie, PB & J Sandwiches, Salad Bar
October 5
Tailgate: Brats, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Baked Beans,
Salad Bar, and Ice Cream Sundaes
October 12
Spaghetti & Meatballs, French Bread, Salad Bar
October 19
Walking Taco’s! A Family FAVORITE
October 26
No Café/No Faith Formation
We will resume our Café in November!
Watch the bulletin for our menu!
Walking Toward Eternity
Shame? Anger? Loneliness? Overcome your struggles with Walking Toward Eternity: Engaging the
Struggles of Your Heart Bible Study. In our busy lives we are faced with obstacles that aggravate us,
discourage us, and can even hinder our relationship with Christ. Finding the time to address them is
often lost by the business of life. How do we overcome these obstacles, and hear God’s voice in our
Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart, the second series in the Walking Toward Eternity program, is a
challenging study that can open our eyes to obstacles in our Christian walk. Through prayer, reflection, guidance and the aid of the Holy Spirit, we begin to engage these difficulties in a positive way as we continue toward our goal of union with Christ. Join us for Walking Toward Eternity: Engaging the Struggles of Your
Heart at St. Bernard Parish, every Monday for eight weeks beginning October 3, 6 p.m.
A working prayer journal is a large part of this program. $16 per journal. Couples can share a journal.
Each week you will be asked to reflect on the weekly topic. Scholarships available.
For information or to register call Colleen at 739-0331 or email:
Guide Book & Directory Advertising Opportunity
We are in the process of updating our annual Guide
Book & Directory for St. Bernard Parish. This book will
contain everything pertinent to St. Bernard Parish: the
various ministries, organizations, committees, activities,
functions and events plus a complete directory of all
members. This book is being provided and directmailed to each family at no cost to St. Bernard, and it
is again being subsidized by local businesses that
advertise. If you own or manage a business and would
like to find out about advertising in our book, please
call Colleen at our Parish Office at 739-0331.
Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show
that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a
Guide Book & Directory advertiser than a
non-advertiser. It “will pay” to advertise in our
new Guide Book & Directory.
Update Membership Information
Do we have YOUR family membership record correct?
Here is your chance to update YOUR record for our
annual Guide Book & Directory (if you haven’t already
done so).
It is time for us to update our database with any
changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred
in YOUR family over the past year.
Have you changed your phone number? Have you
moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of
your children still at home and are they all included in
your membership record? Do you not want your record
If you have not already informed St. Bernard Parish
Office about changes to your record, please let us
know now so that the information in the Guide Book &
Directory is correct.
Please call Edna at our Parish Office at 739-0331.
Thank you for your help!
Intimate Graces
A Marriage Enrichment Evening
Monday, September 19, 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m.
St. Therese Church, Appleton
Teresa Tomeo and her husband, Deacon Dominick, will
present a marriage enrichment evening based on their
best selling book: “Intimate Graces.” Teresa and
Dominick will share real life stories of struggle and
growth in marriage. Using the Corporal and Spiritual
Works of Mercy, they will give suggestions to a
deeper intimacy and compassion for each other in any
marriage. Presented by: Appleton Catholic City-Wide
Adult Education. Registration forms available in the
Narthex. The cost is $5 per person if registered in
advance and $7 per person at the door.
Thank You to all who contribute
to the financial support of our Parish.
Wk 9/16/16
Wk 11
Fiscal YTD
$17,560 YTD Actual Envelope
Budget Envelope
$16,281 YTD Budget Envelope
Envelope Over/(Under)
Budget Loose
740 YTD Loose
$712 YTD Budget Loose
Loose Over/(Under)
September 24 & 25
Eucharistic Ministers
4:30 pm JM. De Leon, M. Gage,
S. Palmer, J. Faltynski, C. Wolf,
N. Munson, Volunteer
8 am
C. Ly, C. C. Ly, A. Sauer,
D. Van Linn, B/J/Wallner
10 am C. Ball, L. Bruss, R. DeGroot,
L. Eash, C. Kulibert, S. Molden,
T. Van Lieshout
4:30 pm J. Fletcher, E. Keane,
M. Stenberg,
8 am
J/R Bradish,
T. King, Volunteer
10 am C. Braun,
R. Bremhorst,
A/D. Castonia
4:30 pm M. Gage, J. Wilkinson
8 am
M. Geissler, L. Herbeck
10 am G/J Schierl
4:30 pm Volunteer
8 am
B. Kools
10 am S. Molden
4:30 pm P. Keane, J. Stane
8 am
E. Gretz, J. Stumpf
10 am R. Hausserman, M. Sanchez
4:30 pm C. Allen, P. Bergeron,
R. DeWolf, E. Quever, C. Robertson
8 am
S. DeRuyter, B. Fountain,
R. Gretz, P. Noll. J. Wallner,
M Kessenich
10 am K. Bremhorst, P. Fouts,
M. Hansen, B/K Pawlak,
M. Ten Haken
4:30 pm J. Leschke
8 am
I. Mayer
10 am B. Hansen
4:30 pm D. Sparapani,
P. Keane,
Dei Gratia Quartet
8 am
M. Huber,
M. Simonini
10 am K. Albrecht,
M. Simonini,
Adult Choir
St. Bernard Staff
Pastor …………………….…. Father Dennis Ryan
Deacons ………………….….. Maury Reed, Mike Eash
Bob Vincent
Shuying (Joe) Vang
Bookkeeper ………….……… Barb Hoffman
Bulletin ………………….…… Lisa Hecht
Care Minister ……………….. Linda Adams
Director of Faith Formation …. Maurine Overesch
Director of Liturgy and Music ...Rhonda Uschan
Elementary Coordinator …….. Deb Holzem
Evangelization Coordinator….. Kara Main
Maintenance Supervisor ……...Jim Piette
Minister of Administration …… Dr. Colleen Sargent-Day
Parish Secretary …………….. Edna Ulrich
Thank you
St. Bernard Parishioners
for Celebrating 50 Years
of Faith, Family, and Fellowship.