2011 Vol 5 Issue 3 Oct The Drum Beat ENG
2011 Vol 5 Issue 3 Oct The Drum Beat ENG
MADAWASKA MALISEET FIRST NATION MMFN’s 2011 ELECTION Back for an encore performance! The voice of the people of the MMFN was loud and clear on August 18th, 2011. With a satisfying majority of the votes, Chief Joanna Bernard and councillors Patricia Bernard and Diane Pelletier were re-elected for another two-year term in office. After a month of heavy campaigning, the polls closed and Sarah Rose, the electoral officer, announced the results. “We are determined to finish what we started,” said Chief Joanna Bernard, (referring largely to the Grey Rock Power centre economic development project) “and we're so very pleased the people are behind us.” Well-wishers congratulated the three women at the after-party held at John Bernard's home. A thrilling and loud display of fireworks left the neighbours little doubt as to whom the winners were. Two candidates, Joanna Bernard and Jean-Guy Cimon, vied for the position of chief in this year's election. Six candidates ran for council: Kapskuksisok at the Foire Brayonne ...page 2 Councillor Patricia Bernard, Chief Joanna Bernard and Councillor Diane Pelletier Above: Chief Joanna casts her vote. Right: Some of the election facilitators. Daniel Bernard, Patricia Bernard, Francine Cimon, Brad Fortin, Diane Pelletier, and David Pelletier. Joanna received 125 votes and JeanGuy received 78 votes. This will be Joanna's Bernard's fifth consecutive term in office. She was first elected in 2003 and was previously on the council during the 2001 to 2002 term. Jean-Guy Cimon held the position of chief from 1993 to 1995 and during the 1999 to 2000 term. He also held a position on the council from 1981 to 1987. Diane Pelletier was a councillor during the 1999 to 2001 term and has been on the council since 2009. Patricia Bernard has been on the council every year since 2007. Sacred space for MMFN ...page 3 Of the 253 eligible voters, 207 exercised their right to vote; four ballots were rejected. 138 registered voters live off reserve, some of whom voted in person. This year, the MMFN gained 92 new band members, thanks to the McIvor decision handed down by the federal courts. Of the new members, 51 were eligible (of age) to vote. As of the Election Day, ten of the new members had been registered as Indians under Bill C-3. A hearty congratulations and thank you go out to all the voters and candidates. The MMFN community appreciates your dedication and hard work. Horror Movie Madness!! ...page 6 Aboriginal MMFN’S cupcakes to MEGA yard sale celebrate Election Day Councillor Patricia Bernard and her daughterin-law, Kelly Aldrich whipped up these delicious and seriously cool works of art in celebration of MMFN’s election day. MMFN’s “Autumn Colours” Photo Contest The wind and frigid weather cooled enthusiasm for the MMFN's Mega Yard Sale held on Saturday, September 10th. Attendance was low, despite the attraction of 15 vendor tables. Band members and people off reserve participated also. The yard sale generated $150 from the rental of the tables, the MMFN matched the amount, and a total of $300 was donated to The Thrift Store Edmundston Food Bank. New gym hours The new gym hours are Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Sunday from noon to 8:00 pm. The MMFN band office held a photo contest earlier this fall for Band Members and Registered Residents of the MMFN. The theme of the contest was autumn in the community. Each photo was taken on the St. Basile Indian Reserve. The first prize of $100 went to Stéphanie Bourgeault, a second prize of $50 went to Suzanne Gagnon, third prize of $25 went to Henry Bernard, and the Chief's pick earned Suzanne Gagnon another $25. Winners were selected by a panel of five band members. It was a tough decision for the judges who had to choose from a variety of great photos, taking into consideration the originality, composition, technical execution and artistic merit of each piece. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who submitted an entry. Your efforts make our community a fun place to live. NEW LOGO CONTEST FOR THE MMFN Economic Development Corporation The MMFN is looking for a unique new logo for its Economic Development Corporation! The new brand must be easy to distinguish and look as great on a billboard as is does on a business card. All band members and registered residents are eligible to submit an entry. You may enter as many times as you like. The deadline for contest entries is: November 30, 2011 Submit entries to Donna Bourgeault at donna_bou@hotmail.com. Make sure your entry includes your name, address and a phone number where you can be reached in case you are a winner. The winner will receive $500.00!! To be announced in the next newsletter THE DRUM BEAT 2 OCTOBER 2011 MMFN’S Kapskuksisok captivates audiences The Kapskuksisok dance group, organized by Lyne and Michel Pelletier, performed for a captive audience at the opening of the 2011 Foire Brayonne on July 27th. The group also entered a float in the parade on July 31st and won first prize in the category for a non-commercial float. The prize was a plaque from the Foire Brayonne with the name of the Madawaska Maliseet First Nation on it. There were three different prizes: commercial, non commercial and cultural. On July 3rd, the group also performed for an audience of about 5000 people at the Acadian Games in Edmundston. Kapskuksisok dance group at the 2011 Foire Brayonne Above and to the right: at the parade on July 31st. Far right: At the opening of the festivities on July 27th. Echoing the voices of the ancestors A couple’s struggle to revive the MMFN culture Lyne Pelletier, MMFN's Cultural Coordinator, and her husband Michel Pelletier, a National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) worker, have worked hard to help heal and bring the Maliseet culture back to the people. Lyne organizes a variety of programs to teach traditional values and skills. She has been a teacher of the aboriginal culture for over 17 years. Michel has been sober for 26 years and has been helping other people to achieve sobriety ever since. As a couple, Lyne and Michel offer counseling, cultural education, and traditional healing. Their biggest achievement this past year was the founding of Kapskuksisok, MMFN's popular shawl dancing and drumming group which has performed at a variety of venues. Kapskuksisok means ‘Little Falls’ in the Maliseet language. Michel was born and raised in the community. Lyne’s grandparents were from the Ganawake Mohawk reserve. The couple has been together for 19 years, and consider themselves partners in every sense of the word. “She is my balance,” said Michel, “When we talk about the sacred pipe, a lot of people don't understand that there is a male side (the stem) and a female side (the bowl) to the pipe. Lyne and I, we fit together and we work together doing Creator's work.” “We try to open the members' hearts to it,” said Lyne, speaking of the culture, “and teach them to not be ashamed of who we are. But it's tough. Our biggest challenge is to spread the word in our own community.” “It's a funny thing, approaching members in your own community,” said Michel, “It's like you're going fishing and you throw out a hook to Michel & Lyne Pelletier see what you will catch. But sometimes it doesn't bite for a long time.” Due to recent funding cutbacks, some of their programs will no longer be available. Lyne and Michel encourage band members to reach out and support their cultural heritage to help keep it alive. “This is who we are. We need to share this knowledge now so that we will have people to teach the ways of our ancestors before it dies,” said Lyne. For more information about MMFN’s NNADAP and cultural programs, call (506) 735-1744. New MMFN beach and ceremonial grounds Gravel road access from Main Street to the river THE DRUM BEAT The MMFN has a new beach, canoe launch and ceremonial grounds. A gravel road was formed from Main Street down to the river in order to access the designated area earlier this summer. MMFN’s cultural coordinator, Lyne Pelletier and her husband, NNADAP worker Michel Pelletier, are very excited about the new development. “The area is larger, surrounded by nature, and is protected from the traffic. We'll be able to move the community teepees down here (referring to the three teepees currently erected at the recreation 3 c e n t e r ) a n d o ff e r m o r e c u l t u r a l experiences,” said Michel. The couple spoke with excitement about plans for a variety of cultural events including canoe lessons for the children, teachings circles, sleepovers in the teepee, and having a suitable location for sweat lodges and other important community ceremonies. Michel and Lyne recently completed a ceremonial four day fast on the land to honour the spirits of the land and to prepare the area for future ceremonies for the community. OCTOBER 2011 Kid's summer day camp The kids were overjoyed when Margaret “Nana” Bernard stopped by for an unexpected visit at the children's day camp at the MMFN recreation center this summer. “Most of these little ones are my grandkids!” she remarked with pride and joy. The children had a great time this summer, thanks to coordinator Isabelle Cyr and helpers who organized and ran the day camp. MMFN’s 2011 Corn Boil & Washer Tournament MMFN’s annual Corn Boil & Washer Tournament on September 17th was another hit. This year’s event was held outdoors at the extension of Wallace Road. The food was delicious and the turnout was great; over 80 people attended. Eric Bourgeault generously brought his music system to entertain the crowd, and the kids enjoyed the toys provided for them. The team of Diane Richard and Danny Martin won the $300 first prize at the Washer Tournament. A second prize of $200 THE DRUM BEAT went to Noël Francis and Perry Francis, and the $100 third prize went to André Cimon and Karen Martin. Special thanks to sponsor Restigouche Construction & Boissonault McGraw for their Nana with the kids at the summer day camp in August donation of $300 for the corn boil, David Gagnon for cooking the corn, organizing the washer tournament and to Eric Bourgeault and Guilmond Thibault for everyone else who helped out that day. It was a fun event and a good time was cooking the hamburgers and hotdogs, to had by all. Patricia Bernard for 4 OCTOBER 2011 MMFN BUSINESS PROFILES Maliseet Body Shop Danny Richard opened the doors of the Maliseet Body Shop on the MMFN in March of 2009, with over two solid decades of experience under his belt and a little help from his father Albert. “I appreciate the opportunity I received from my father to open up a garage on the reserve,” he said, “and I am really happy to see it becoming successful.” What started off as a two-door garage with one employee, quickly expanded into a four-car garage with three employees, in just a little over two years. Danny spent countless hours renovating the building and expanding it to provide more space so he could specialize in new things such as wheel alignments and windshield repair. Danny insists that everything he learned comes from his father Albert, another member of the MMFN community. Growing up around body shops and watching his father work, Danny developed a huge passion for cars. Albert provided guidance, encouragement and also financial assistance for Danny to take a professional auto painting course in Montreal in 1990. The course greatly enhanced Danny's skill set and prestige in the auto industry. Danny and his team of mechanics have built a concrete reputation for the shop, due to their integrity, affordable prices, care, and Danny Richard, owner of the Maliseet Body Shop attention to detail. The shop now handles all types of repairs including car accidents, also provide free estimates. insurance claims, frame strengthening, To book your vehicle in at the Maliseet paint jobs, and general maintenance. They Body Shop, call (506) 739-7002. Auto Star Car Wash In the large garage and workshop beside Michel Ouellette, owner of Auto Star Car Wash After 22 years of shampooing and buffing cars, Michel Ouellette, owner of Auto Star Car Wash, has built a very solid reputation for himself. An entrepreneur with a fine eye for detail, Michel knows that every car or truck that leaves his shop is fit for a show room. “Most of my contracts these days are with dealerships,” he states with a shy but proud smile. his home on 1663 Main Street, Michel shows off his high-tech paint cleaning system. His interior cleaning process with dry foam shampoo also leaves cars smelling and looking like brand new. To get your vehicle looking like brand new again, call Michel at (506) 739-8589. Bernard RVStewart Sales proudly shows off a line of well Stewart Bernard turned 72 years-young on Oct 12th and has an extra bounce in his step these days. Last year, Stewart decided to come out of retirement. “I needed something to do and wanted to keep busy,” he said, “The RV business just made sense.” Stewart has always loved camping. With the hoards of kids and grandkids he’s taken out camping and boating almost every weekend, Stewart has seen his fair share of trailers and knows what works and what doesn’t work in RV design. designed, Canadian made ultra light trailers that are easily towed behind mid-sized or even compact vehicles. “These trailers are very affordable and also offer much better fuel economy than pulling larger units,” he added. When asked what his long-term plans were for the business Stewart replied, “If it works out well, I will leave it to my heirs.” To find your perfect RV fit, give Stewart a call at (506) 735-8240. Stewart Bernard, owner of Bernard RV Sales YOUTH Council HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE On the MMFN, built in 1991, 1176 square feet, owned by Jos Wallace. For more info call 506-737-3399. On the MMFN, built in 1994, 864 square feet, owned by Edwina Fortin. For more info call 506-736-6656. THE DRUM BEAT 5 The MMFN is looking for youth who may be interested in forming a Youth Council. Under 30 years old and teens welcome. For more information, please contact Patricia Bernard at (506)739-9765 OCTOBER 2011 Ghouls and ghosts have a new haunt this year The location of the MMFN’s infamous Haunted House is changing this year but horror buffs can take heart; this year’s hairraising event is ramping up to be more ghoulish than ever! The Haunted House was traditionally held in the old warehouse The foundation is all that remains of the old warehouse behind the Madawaska Entertainment Centre. The band council has not yet decided what to do with the space. behind the Madawaska Entertainment Center but, with the removal of the warehouse this summer, the spooks had to find another place to haunt. This year’s event will be held at the St-Basile shopping center where the company Teletec used to be. The theme will be Horror Movies! See advertisement below for more details. M MM MF FN N’S ’S H A HAU UN NT TE ED D H HO OU E US S E Saturday and Sunday HORROR MOVIE THEME October 29 AND 30 Time: 6-9 p.m. Location: St-Basile shopping center Your Opinion Counts! Do you have a knack for writing and a nose for news? Do you have a great story and want to share it? We're looking for local news and stories about folks in our community, opinions, words of wisdom from the elders, questions, suggestions and more. All age groups are encouraged. Please contact Donna Wallace-Bourgeault at the Band office (506) 739-9765 for more information. Madawaska Maliseet First Nation 1771 Main Street, M.M.F.N., N.B., E7C 1W9 Tel: (506) 739-9765 Fax: (506) 735-0024 For more information, members are encouraged to visit: www.madawaskamaliseetfirstnation.com Joanna Bernard Patricia Bernard Diane Pelletier Receptionist: Linda Beaulieu Financial Assistant: Laurie Wallace Health Director: Catherine Bernard Micheline Plante Nurse: Janelle Grondin Education Director: Linda Wallace Housing Coordinator: David Gagnon NNADAP Councillor: Michel Pelletier Social Development Officer: Louise Ouellette Indian Registry Administrator: Patricia Wallace Band Administrator: Donna Wallace-Bourgeault Chief: Councillors: Where are my Chief and Council? Chief Joanna Bernard: July 5: Meeting with District 14 Woodstock Meeting with NB Power in Fredericton July 11-13: AGM of AFN in Moncton July 13: MNCC in Moncton July 14: AGA in Moncton July 22: Pipeline's Scholarship in Fredericton Aug 16: Executive Board Meeting with INAC in NS? Sept 6: Maritime & Eastern Pipeline Meeting in Fredericton Sept 7: UNBI in Moncton Sept 8: APC in Cole Harbour Sept 9: Signing of the Umbrella with the Premier in Eel River Sept 13: FNEII Sept 20: Rising Sun in Eel Groud Sept 21: Maritime Pipeline Meeting in St-John Sept 26: PRC in Cole Harbour Sept 27: Ulnooweg, RPMAC, AFN, BOD's meetings in NS Sept 28: APC in NS and UNBI in Moncton Councillor Patricia Bernard: July 5: NB Power Meeting in Fredericton July 11-13: AGM of AFN in Moncton Sept 21: Met with DFO in Moncton Councillor Diane Pelletier: July 5: NB Power Meeting in Fredericton July 11-13: AGM of AFN in Moncton July 18: Meeting with District 14 in Woodstock Sept 13-16: Health Directors meeting in Nova Scotia Sept 22-25: TAC (Tobacco Action Circle) meeting in Alberta with the Assembly of First Nations. (Diane is the Atlantic representative) Wedding Anniversaries SEPTEMBER Jeffrey McLaughlin & Gisèle Dupuis Perry Francis & Patricia Bernard Patrick Wallace & Irène Comeau 03/09/1994 03/09/2005 07/09/1963 OCTOBER Fernand Neveu & Aurore Cimon Michel Pelletier & Lyne Desroches Gilles Cyr & Line Pelletier 07/10/1979 10/10/1998 13/10/1973 THE DRUM BEAT (where Teletec COMPANY used to be) Kenneth McPhee & Elizabeth Stuart Albert Richard & Judy Martin Léonard Philibert & Bibianne Gagnon Craig Ridley & Sandra Cameron Marco Godbout & Vicki Wallace 18/10/1981 21/10/1967 24/10/2008 25/10/1997 29/10/2005 NOVEMBER Georges Pelletier & Simonne Cimon 06/11/1954 6 John Wallace & Jeanne Cyr Elmer Albert & Joanna Bernard 18/11/1967 22/11/2006 DECEMBER Daniel Bernard & Chantale Corbin 04/12/1999 Todd Rahoun & Christine Leblanc 24/12/1996 Stewart Bernard & Margaret DiMaggio 28/12/1958 OCTOBER 2011
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