

Maketu, Aotearoa / New Zealand
Huitangaru/February 2015
A fantastic
weekend of
racing was
had by all who attended the 2015
Waka Ama (Outrigger Canoeing)
National Sprint Championships at
Lake Karapiro last week. (12-17
Maketu’s Nicky Kingi took the Silver in the individual Master
Women’s 500m Sprint Final after
winning her heat.
The Maketu
Master Woman’s W6 (6person)
Crew had an awesome couple of
days with the fastest qualifying time
for the 500m Sprints and then going
on to narrowly miss the Gold in the
Final. They proved too strong in the
1000m final however and took the
Gold Medal with the next crew finishing 12 seconds behind.
The campaign for the Master
Women has proven to be very successful and local Maketu paddlers
Jen Murray and Nicky Kingi would
Gold Medalists
like to express their gratitude to
those who helped along the way.
Maketu Markets has been a staunch
supporter, providing funds for a
much needed Steering blade for the
Club and advising and supporting
various Fundraising activities. Seeka
Kiwifruit Industries and the Methodist Church Opportunity Shop for
their donations. Maketu Hoe Waka
extends their sincere Thanks for this
The kid’s teams made themselves
known at Nationals as well. The
Midget Men, The Kaitunaz (7-10
year olds) came home with two
Bronze Medals for the 250m and
500m Sprints. The Maketu Intermediate Women, Tu Kaha Tapuika
were well represented and placed 6th
in their heat.
The Midland Region (Te Puku o te
Ika) W12 crew had two Maketu Paddlers representing, Nicky Kingi and
Kowhai Ronald who both came back
Master Womens 1000m victory
with Gold Medals.
Maketu Hoe Waka Club did not stop
there. Maketu had paddlers who, due
to limited club membership locally,
were asked to paddle for other
crews. They also came home with
medals. With a new committee at the
helm the club hopes to encourage
new paddlers to join and build the
club membership to be able to field
more crews at future events. Waka
Ama is a fantastic family sport for
all ages and in fact at the Nationals
you’ll see 70+ year olds pitted
against one another in the Golden
Masters division.
Overall some great results from a
very successful Campaign. You can
check out some of the pictures and
television coverage from the Nationals through links on the Facebook
Page – Maketu Hoe Waka Club. For
more information if you are keen to
join, check out our Club Website at
The Kaitunaz at Nationals
Bronze Medalists
Maketu Project Team
The Maketu Project team
was formed after the
Maketu Community plan
was finalised in March,
2007, to action the wishes
of the community. Many of
the original ideas have been
done, some are being
worked on and some are
still to happen.
Since the original plan, new
ideas have come forward
and different actions need
to happen, hence the review. I would like to thank
the many people who have
been involved in this process.
The review booklet will be
distributed to the core
groups but will be available
to everyone from The
Landing, The Information
Centre, and other places to
be arranged if possible,
from early February.
Please take the opportunity
to familiarise yourselves
with the progress within
our community ---- our
Trevor Hughes
Go Team James Whatever It Takes
Saturday Fun Day/Swim from Motiti Fundraiser
Saturday 31st January Team James held a fun day fundraiser here at
Maketu. The main event for the day was the challenging swim from Motiti to Maketu beach. Donnie Reid (James’ father) along with a few others
including Chiefs and All Blacks hooker Nathan Harris along with Chiefs
teammate Toni Pulu and strength and conditioning coach Phil Healey
braved the ocean and all completed the swim in good time. They also had
Fire Truck rides, face painting, bouncy castle, home baked goodies, kapa
Swimmers from Motiti to Maketu
haka performance, auction and other activities all for a small donation
with all proceeds going towards Team James-Whatever it takes! All in all a good day for a good cause—
Congratulations to you all that participated and helped.
Here is a little bit about James and you can also find a more in-depth detail on the Givealittle page –
James suffers from spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy. He also has hydrocephalus and
epilepsy. We're hoping to raise funds to help us get him as mobile and independent as possible (he is currently in a wheelchair and reliant on his parents for his every need). The
therapy and surgeries that he ideally needs to help with his high spasticity (or high tone) is
only available outside of New Zealand and we need your help to make this even possible!
Unfortunately the family was not able to prove that James' case was an ACC injury (even
though caused through complications at birth), therefore other than the standard care
available (limited to a visit from a physio once every 6 or so weeks) all other therapy costs
had to be privately funded by James' family. It’s been a tough road, and as James has got
older his legs have got stiffer and he is now suffering from various contractures
James Reid centre with
(permanent shortening of muscles or joints).
his parents
Ok People! James needs our help. $150,000 is needed to fund the life changing therapy and
surgeries he needs by specialists in USA so anyone and everyone you feel you could share this link with or like our
official Facebook page and share the event from there would be appreciated.
https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/TeamJames or when you visit the Givealittle site you can search – Team James Whatever It Takes (please note that if you just search Team James multiple options will come up).
Maketu Markets
Maketu Gym feature at this month’s Market
When the Maketu Market is held on Sunday, February
15, the whole village will get a chance to see just how
fit we are. The Maketu Gym will be the featured organisation this month. They plan to bring along some
of their new equipment for you to try out. It will also be
a chance for locals to learn more about what’s on offer
and to go in the draw for a month long membership
worth $30. The gym is starting two new programmes this month—a
6 week boot camp for women and a gentle exercise class on Thursday mornings.
Last month, the Market made several contributions, including a grant
to the Te Puke Toy Library for some new toys. The Toy Library has
about 25 members from Maketu, so is very valued by our community. At this stage it is open four mornings a week and cater for children with disabilities, grandparents and carers who have children
visiting, and also families that like to provide new toys for their children without the expense of buying them. In addition, the Market
contributed a vacuum for the Maketu Gym and a grant to the Surf
Club for rescue equipment.
If you know of a way the Market can help this community, please
contact Maureen on 533 2340 or Tricia on 533 2023.
Our trees are growing almost as you watch
and so is the grass but it is all good. We
have had several visitors during the summer
which is always good to see.
WBDC have provided a three spray programme for blue morning glory. We did two
sprays last year and have just done the third
one. The still weather has been just ideal.
Will we ever win? I’m not sure but you can
certainly see where we have been.
The new drainage system handled the heavy
rain at the end of last year very well and did
all that we expected.
It is the beginning of the new year so just a
short report from me this time.
Trevor Hughes
Maketu Ongatoro Wetland Society
While most work seems to come to a grinding halt during the holiday season, MOWS work keeps
going, and while it slows a little it cannot stop. Monitoring keeps going
and so does weed control, and this month we started a brand new project over in Little Waihi Harbour. We have also been working on our education programme which Tania will be starting at Maketu Kura in early February.
On the south shore of the harbour, between the Kaikokopu and Pongakawa canals is a
DOC reserve know and the Little Waihi Wildlife Management Reserve. The reserve is
divided in two by a stopbank, on the seaward side it is largely natural saltmarsh, but on
the inside of the stopbank, willows, pampas and other non-natives are taking over. The
Western Stopbank &
biggest problem was that it was difficult to fully assess the state of the reserve because
Pampas pile
the western and northern stopbanks were completely choked with impenetrable pampas
Late last year DOC asked us if we would be interested in working on the reserve as they
did not have the funding to do any significant work there. We said yes and managed to
obtain a small amount of funding from the regional council’s Environment Enhancement
Fund. This, with a contribution from DOC was enough to hire a digger and so we spend
7 days, clearing the pampas, there was a truly amazing amount of the stuff, a good example of how serious a problem it can become if left unchecked.
We still have to get rid of the pampas, possibly by burning once it has dried off, we now
have access all around the reserve and can start to plan the next stage, which will be to
Northern stopbank &
plant up as much of the cleared area as we can, and then to develop a Biodiversity Mansaltmarsh
agement Plan, similar to the ones we have on the Spit, Newdick’s and Pukehina. So
2015 looks as though it will be very busy.
The festive and New Year season didn't bring to much trouble to our area. Maketu has been relatively quiet
on the reported crime in the last couple of months which is a good thing. One issue that usually occurs at
this time of year are burglaries targeted at the holiday homes which are sometimes left vacant at this time of year
while people either return back to work or go away. We are advising Bach owners to ensure you have someone who
lives in the area permanently to check on your property as we had a couple burglaries on Williams Crescent and
Arawa Ave recently.
With the Maketu Seafood festival arriving soon Police are urging festival goers to be patient with traffic, parking etc
and if you are going to be drinking please don’t drive regardless if you just live up the Road. With the lowering of
the Alcohol level and the instant fines that accompany them you don’t want a memorable day to turn into to a regrettable one.
............Constable Tawhai Schuster
Maketu Taiapure
Most days over the summer I have been recording
water information at 5 sites in the estuary. Readings
have been taken between 1-2 hours after low tide (as
per Te Puke Times) and at a depth of 50cm – 80cm. The
object of the exercise is to build up a data base so that we can
track any changes once more fresh water is diverted from the
Kaituna River through Maketu estuary, hopefully in 2016.
To date recordings show:
The highest water temperature of 30.7 was at site E on
The lowest water temperature of 19.1 was at site A on
The average water temperature since the beginning of
December to date is 25.38
I am also recording oxygen and salinity.
Elaine Tapsell
Maketu Information Centre
We had an interesting lot of visitors from many
countries of the world to the info Centre over the
holidays. Thank you to those who made themselves available as this is the busy time of the
year for the Info Centre.
Are there any of you out there who know how to
get to – Newdick’s Beach, Little Waihi, Cemetery, Pukehina, and know where the different
streets are in Maketu and possibly who lives
where? You are the ideal person for the Info
Centre. So if you have a few hours to spare any
day of the week please call in between 10.30 and
1.30 and we will welcome you with open arms.
Locals, come in as there is alot of information on
Maketu, it’s amazing what you could learn.
Kiwi 360
Ready to ride 9.00am opposite Kiwi 360
Ready to ride at 9.00am outside the Paengaroa Hall, coffee afterwards at
8.15am Paengaroa hall car pooling. Ready to ride at the Waipa State Mill
Rd parking site at 9.30am—Husbands partners welcome
Ready to ride at 9.00am Parking at Gordon Spratt Reserve. Coffee afterwards at Pacifica
12th MTB
As the Taupo ride is on the
last Wednesday of the month
we will do this ride on the
2nd to last Wednesday so
everyone else doesn’t miss
Waihi Beach—Ready to ride at 9.30am. Car pooling at the car park behind the toilets in Te Puke at 8.00am. We will meet at Flat White Cafe,
21 Shaw Rd, I know none of you will want to visit The French Shop, 57
Wilson Rd while you are there??!! (formally from Akaroa)
Take your togs for those that want a swim afterwards
Ready to ride at 9.00, parking and coffee at The Store
Last Wednesday of the month ride now on the 18th
Friday February 6th
7am Service up Pukemaire hill (behind
Maketu school)
Followed by BBQ breakfast for a small
cost at the park
Also FREE family fun activities from
Bacon & Egg Sandwiches $2
Sausage Sizzle $1
The 8th annual Kaimoana Festival at Maketu goes
PINK - join us on Valentine's Day, 14th February
2015, for the first Pink Kaimoana Festival at the Maketu
Sports Ground.
Bring a blanket or chairs,
some family and friends, and
enjoy an afternoon in the sun
with plenty of refreshments and
music. Find yourself some superb kaimoana or other food and
support Maketu Rotary to raise
funds for charities.
Buy your tickets early and
get the Earlybird Adult
Price of $17 entry .
There will be limited Gate Sales
on the day, but the Adult ticket
price will be $20
The event organisers want to
thank the major sponsor, Maketu
Maketu Landing and the local Bay PaperPlus stores are
also sponsors. Tickets are available from Maketu Landing and Te Puke PaperPlus.
Maketu Health & Social Services
Meet the staff
Kia Ora Maketu
My name is Frances
My position within in
the Hauora is that of
My work hours are
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 3.30 /
4.00pm pm.
You can contact myself on 5332551
ext 805
Kia ora Maketu
My name is Linda
My position within
the Hauora is that of
My work hours are
Monday to Friday
8.30am to 3pm
You can contact
5332551 ext 801.
Kia ora readers of Mai
My name is Winsome Harvey, My positions are Assesor & Co-facilitator of Domestic Violence Programme
for Men “He Waa Me Te
Waa Mo Nga Tane”
My other position is Paearahi for Te
Arawa Whanau Ora
My work hours are Monday 8.30am to
9.00pm and Tuesday to Thursday 8.30am5pm. Contact number is 533 2551 ext 803
Ko Debbie Potaka
toku ingoa,
Ko Te Arawa te waka
Ko Rangiuru the
Ko Kaituna te awa
Ko Ngati Whakaue
me Ngati Pikiao oku hapu
Ko au the Kaiwhakahaere o te Mate
Huka. Nga mihi o te tau hau kia
koutou. Mena ka pirangi awhina
nau mai, haere mai.
Ao ake taku manuaute
I te tihi tapu o Rangiuru ki runga o Matahou, Matahou nui
Matahaou roa, Matahou tea hi karoa o Tapuika
Tihei Mauri ora., My name is Patuara
Biel, I am the youth drug and alcohol
Kaiwhakahaere here at the Maketu
Hauora. I work with youth age 10 to
25 drug and alcohol intervention
Nga mihi o te tau hau kia koutou katoa. Naku noa Patuara Biel
Hi everyone,
My name is Donna
My role within the
Hauora is the Kuia &
Kaumatua Programme
My hours of work are MondayThursday 8.30-5pm
Please feel free to contact me on 07
5332 551 ext 812
Kia ora Maketu
Ko Anastasia Robinson toku ingoa, No
Ngati Whakaue, Ngati
Raukawa me Ngapuhi
Ko toku turanga i roto
I te Hauora ko te Kaiwhakatau manuhiri.
Ka taea e koe te tutaki I ahau I nga
raa Rahina ki te Ramere 8.30 ki
Nga mihi o te tau hou ki a koutou
My name is Corrine Paul
of Ngati Porou descent.
I have recently moved to
Maketu from Rotorua
I have filled the position of
the Whanau Ora Worker at
Maketu Hauora.
I am here from Mon-Fri 8.30-4pm.
If you would like to know more about
what services we can help you with
please don’t hesitate to come and see
Kia ora welcome to
the 2015, hope everyone had a Merry
My name is Tony
Brown. Im the Rangatahi Maia coordinator we do the
school holiday program and youth
work for ages 5yrs-16yrs. It will be
great to hear some new ideas from our
Snr youth of Maketu and find out how
as a health and social services we can
meet your needs, please don’t be shy
to call in and have a talk. Nau mai
My name is
Moki Thomas
My position
hauora is that
of Taitamariki
My work hours are Monday
to Friday 8.30am to 5pm
You can contact myself on
5332551 ext 809
Kia ora Maketu
My name is:
Lyn Potaka
My Position in
Hauora is Tamariki Ora- Well Child—
Babies 0-5 years. Hours:
7.00-4.30 Monday- Thursday. My phone 07 533
2551 ext 803
Cell # 0274633605
Kia Ora,
My name
is Alexis
My new
within the Hauora is taking
care of Quality Control and
Human Resources.
work hours are Monday to
Thursday 8.30am – 4.00pm
and Fridays 8.30am –
1.30pm. Contact number is
5332551 extn 802.
ST THOMAS CHURCH -(The church on the hill)
Christmas seems a long time ago now but the memories of the
Christmas service are still with us. Our little church looked beautiful and the candle lighting service was lovely. The church was
packed so the singing was extra special too. There was no service in January,
as usual, so the first gathering for 2015 was on 1st February and we are back
to our normal first Sunday of the month, Holy Communion at 10am service
from then on. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there, both old
faces and new! Welcome to you all.
A Communion service in Te Reo Maori and English is held on the first Sunday of the month at 10am. Everyone is very welcome so please feel free to
drive up to the church and join in the congregation.
Ruth Hughes, Secretary.
St Peter’s Catholic Church
Maori Miha Service and Reconciliation
Maori Miha is on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 11am. Reconciliation is available before the start of Miha. After Miha is a shared cuppa
tea at Maketu Community Centre.
Liturgy Service
Liturgy is held on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Any queries please contact
Hariata Rewi phone 5332-238.
Children’s Christian Doctrine (CCD) and Baptisms
Reconciliation programme has started. For any queries regarding CCD or
Baptisms please contact Hariata Rewi on phone 5332-238
God bless, Margaret Clarke
Ngati Makino Wananga
will be held at Otamarakau, Februth
ary 5 , 6 and 7 . Powhiri 5 pm February 5th. Enrolments at Makino Office, admin@ngatimakino.co.nz 07
573-3370 or raewynbennett@actrix.co.nz. 07-533-2373.
Come and learn your Makino whakapapa, tikanga, waiata and history.
Grab the opportunity over the Waitangi Day long weekend. Kids welcome. No cost. Let your relations
know who
live away
from home.
Nau mai,
haere mai.
Maketu Muscles
Church Road Maketu
Hours of operation
5.30 pm to 8.30 pm, Mon – Fri.
We have a boot camp for women
starting 2nd February 2015, 6pm –
Thursday 12 February – band and
gentle exercise 10am -11am
Hope to see you all there ladies
Please take advantage of other services provided to you by Maketu
Budget Adviser with Runa Morrison every Monday and Tuesday
Inland Revenue with Whare Ngatai
5 February 10am-2pm
4th June 10am-2pm
3rd September 10am-2pm
3rd December 10am-2pm.
Hearing Clinic with Trish Ellis
February 26th, April 30th
June 30th, August 27th
Cervical Screening with Chrissie
February 17th, March 17th and 24th
April 7th and 21st
Mirimiri Tuesdays with Catherine
$45= 30mins $60= 1hour
Diabetes and KDC clients registered
with the Hauora - $5= 30min
mirimiri, $10= 1hour mirimiri
Please phone Anastasia in the office
for more details or to make an appointment
Ph:5332 551
Every 3rd Sunday 8am to Noon
(and every 5 Sunday)
Upcoming Dates
Sunday 15th
February 2014
Proceeds go to community
Mai Maketu
PH: 0273202560
Mai Maketu is a community
newsletter published
Submissions or notices
should be submitted no later
than the last day of the
month. Please email all submissions to the editor at:
Mai Maketu is distributed
via email with printed copies
available at Maketu Landing, the Maketu Hauora, the
Beachside Café, Bledisloe
HolidayCamp and the Hilltop Holiday Park
If you want to receive this
newsletter automatically
every month by email, simply send your email address