fuel tax services


fuel tax services
Fuel Tax Services
November 10, 2014
Version: 3.1
FUEL TAX SERVICES USER GUIDE ...................................................................................................... 1
General Information ......................................................................................................................... 2
Fuel Tax Services Home Page ............................................................................................................ 3
Additional Links on the Home Page ................................................................................................... 5
Submit the Fuel Tax Report............................................................................................................... 6
Upload Fuel Tax Report Document.................................................................................................... 7
Administrative Services .................................................................................................................. 11
View Submitted Fuel Tax Reports ................................................................................................... 11
Maintain Users ............................................................................................................................... 15
Fuel Tax Reporting (E120 / E140) – Macro Security .......................................................................... 16
Permanently Enabling Macros by Creating a Trusted Location (Excel 2007 / 2010 only) .................... 16
Temporarily Enabling Macros - Macro Security Warning (Excel 2003 / 2007 / 2010) ......................... 17
Excel 2007/2010 presents the user with a “Security Warning” message that is easily overlooked (see image
above). .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Fuel Tax Services
General Information
Welcome to ADOT Fuel Tax Services. This service provides Suppliers and Restricted Distributors
with a fast and easy way to report their monthly Arizona Fuel Tax report and submit requests for
Exporter Refunds.
Fuel Tax Reporting:
During the process of uploading the fuel tax report, the user is notified when the upload or the
report’s load details encounters errors. The user is expected to correct all errors presented
either online or by the offline error checking processed referred to as DATACHECKER.
When a Fuel Tax report has a status of “processed,” ADOT considers the report as successful and
the user is provided a link to a confirmation receipt.
Emails are sent to the account’s users to advise them of successfully uploaded reports, error
corrections needed or when their report is placed on Hold by ADOT for a review. It is important
to take any follow up actions necessary because the submission date and time stamp on an
original report are used to determine timely filing of the electronic report.
Exporter Refund Requests:
When fuel is exported to other states or Navajo Nation, exporter Refund requests can be
completed online through the “Create Exporter Refund Request” link found under Transactional
Refer to the Exporter Refund User Guide for instructions.
The following instructions serve as a guide through the electronic Fuel Tax Reporting process.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Fuel Tax Services Home Page
Figure 1 – Fuel Tax Services Home Page Screen
Contents of this page include the items described below, along with important links.
Table 1 – Fuel Tax Services Home Page Definitions and Actions
Company Name and
Account Number
Account Number
Transactional Services
The Company Name and Account Number whose
fuel tax services are being accessed by the user.
"News" displays Headlines as a simple way to stay
current on relevant changes and updates to the
system and reporting standards.
When changes are made to reporting instructions,
reporting templates, city/county validation table
updates, user guide other suite items and policy,
you have ready access to information about the
change the moment you log into the suite. A
particularly useful feature of News is the ability to
download specific files associated with a related
news item, giving you the ability to immediately
obtain the file.
The Account Number Selection list is only visable
when a user works for multiple companies.
An administrator or processor working for multiple
companies will use the drop down box to access
the account when performing Transactional or
Administrative services.
Users select the desired service transactions.
A. Click Headline to Read details about a
news item.
B. Click the RSS feed icon to receive
news feeds.(Read more detail on RSS
Feeds below.)
If applicable, click on the down arrow
and click on the company you are
performing work for.
Click on the ‘Submit a Fuel Tax Report’
link to begin the report submission
Click on the ‘Create Exporter Refund
Request’ link to begin the refund request
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Administrative Services
The section is designated for company
administrators to “View Submitted Fuel Tax
Reports”, “Manage Exporter Refund Requests”
and “Maintain Users” for the account.
When applicable click the applicable link.
Note: For View Submitted Fuel Tax there is "a
quick link” to the most recent applicable Reporting
Period's Report. Click on the month/year next to
the report and the report will open.
Not all users see every section or option displayed on the Home Page.
Displayed information depends on a user’s access level and if the user works for multiple
RSS/ATOM is a family of “web feed” formats used to publish frequently updated works
like news, headlines and blogs in a standardized format.
An RSS/ATOM Feed is commonly identified by this icon:
users are given the option to subscribe to the RSS feed.
By clicking the RSS feed icon
The benefit to users or readers is the ability to subscribe to a web feed for timely updates
to the Fuel Tax Suite News.
For users, these RSS/ATOM web feeds can be read using readily available news reader
software which can be web, desktop or mobile device-based. Some common news
readers are Google Reader, Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo News as well as popular Internet
browsers like Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Additional Links on the Home Page
Figure 2 – Fuel Tax Reporting Screen Bottom Menu- Informational Links
Table 2 – Fuel Tax Reporting Additional Links Menu - Definitions and Actions
Exporter Refund User
User Guide
Reporting Schedule
Fuel Tax Program
The Exporter Refund User Guide is a non-technical
guide explaining the process to submit and manage
your online export refund requests.
The User Guide is a non-technical guide explaining
the use of the Fuel Tax Services application
services/links. If you are new to using these online
services, please take time to review this
Schedule of Fuel Tax Reporting Dates for Calendar
Year. Please be familiar with these dates. We
encourage you to enter these on your main calendar.
The Program Overview document contains
information about account licensing, reporting,
payment, refunds, audits and tax evasion.
Download Report
Template and
The Report Template and Instructon link gives the
user access to all template versions and the
associated Reporting Information/Instructions.
Download City/County
Table and Instructions
The City/County Table contains the current list of
valid Arizona City/County combinations. This is a csv
downloadable file.
The Instructions are a PDF file readable on line or
Link to the ACH Debit Payment Website hosted by
ADOT/Bank of America
Make a Payment
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Click the link to
download the User
Click link to download
the PDF file.
Click the link to
Click the link to
download the Fuel Tax
Program Overview
Click the link to select a
template or reporting
instruction document for
Click the link to select the
City/County list, or the
instructions for
Click the link to make an
ACH Debit Payment
Submit the Fuel Tax Report
To file electronically, a report template is used. To understand how to file your tax report using
an E120 or E140 report template, refer to the Reporting Information Manual associated with the
template version. The Reporting Information Manual is an ideal resource to use when there are
questions or you need to research/resolve reporting error conditions.
 Once you are ready to submit your report, from the Fuel Tax Services Home page, click on the
“Submit a Fuel Tax Report” link. The Enter Month and Year of the Fuel Tax Report.
Figure 3 – Enter Month/Year of the Fuel Tax Report data entry screen
Table 3 – Enter Month/Year of the Fuel Tax Report Data Entry Screen Definitions and Actions
Account Number
The user selects the correct account number for the
specific Fuel Tax Report.
*If the user is associated with more than one
account, they will see the Account Number
selection box containing a list of assigned
accounts for a specific user account.
Report Date -Month
The Month of the Tax Report being submitted.
If the Report Period Month is not the default, select the
Month for the report.
Report Date -Year
Verify the account number for the report
is displayed
Click on the down arrow and click on the
applicable account. The Acccount
Number box then displays the account.
Click on the drop down arrow for a list of
month numbers to choose from or type
the report month. Make a selection by
clicking on the report month number.
The Year of the Tax Report being submitted.
Leave the default
If the Report Period Year is not the default, type a four digit
year (YYYY).
Type a valid 4 digit year.
 Click on the “Continue” button to proceed or click on “Cancel” to end the report process.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Upload Fuel Tax Report Document
 The Fuel Tax Services system will verify if any reports have been submitted for the entered
Report Date.
 If you have not successfully submitted a ‘valid’ report – the system will prompt you to upload
an Original report.
 If the system returns the message, “One or more fuel tax report documents have already
been submitted for this month” on the “Upload Fuel Tax Report Document” screen, the cover
sheet of the fuel tax report document you are submitting should be marked as amendment 1,
2, etc. The system will prompt you for an amended report along with the Amendment
number to be uploaded.
Figure 4 – Upload Fuel Tax Report Data Entry Screen
Table 4 – Upload Fuel Tax Reporting Data Entry Screen Definitions and Actions
Fuel Tax Report
This field is not a field for manual data entry. Use this
field to upload your Fuel Tax Report that is stored on
your computer.
(See illustrations in Figures 5, 6 & 7)
No Activity for this
Month Check Box
When the report being submitted has no reportable
detail on the receipts or disbursements tab of the
E120/E140 report, it is considered to have ‘No
Click the Browse button,
to open your computer’s
window file manager
Check this box, only
when reporting ‘No
Before selecting a ‘No Activity’ report to upload, the
cover sheet of the E120/E140 must be marked with a
‘X’ in the No Activity field and you must calculate fees
on the FTR Details page.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Upload Fuel Tax Report Document (continued)
 Once the ‘Browse’ button is clicked, the computer’s window file manager application opens.
Figure 5 – File manager dialog screen open.
 Navigate through the files and select the desired Fuel Tax Report.
 Click on the desired report and then click the “Open” button.
 The selected Fuel Tax Report file path/name now displays in the Fuel Tax Report Document
Figure 6 – Upload Fuel Tax Report Document Screen, with the Fuel Tax Report ready for upload.
 Click the “Continue” button to submit the report and begin the upload process.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Upload Fuel Tax Report Document (continued)
 While the file uploads, the Upload Fuel Tax Report Document screen remains displayed.
Figure 7 – Upload Fuel Tax Report Document Screen, while uploading is in process.
 The buttons will be missing and there will be a message stating “Your Fuel Tax Report is being
 The Fuel Tax Services system will capture an upload request with initial and DATACHECKER
errors as an invalid file and there will be no Confirmation number generated.
 The Upload Fuel Tax Report Document Screen will display any initial report upload validation
error messages.
 All errors must be corrected and the fuel tax report re-submitted by the due date to be
considered a timely “Filed” report.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Upload Fuel Tax Report Document (continued)
Figure 8 – Fuel Tax Report Upload Complete screen
 If the report has been successfully uploaded – the Fuel Tax Upload Complete screen will
o DATACHECKER is validating the contents of the report. This process can take
several minutes.
o An email will be sent to the users of the account notifying them of the results of
DATACHECKER and links to the View Submitted Reports Screen.
Note: It is important not wait until the reporting deadline to file your report. When
errors are encountered you will need time for correction, as ADOT does not accept a
report to determine timely filing until a confirmation number is generated.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Administrative Services
The Administrative Services section allows users to access previously filed Fuel Tax Reports using “View
Submitted Fuel Tax Reports”, view or edit Exporter Refund Requests using “Manage Exporter Refund
Requests” and assign roles to the registered users along with adding or deleting users using “Maintain
Figure 9 – Fuel Tax Services Home Page Screen
View Submitted Fuel Tax Reports
 From the Fuel Tax Services Home page screen, click on the “View Submitted Fuel Tax Reports”
Figure 10 – Fuel Tax Services Home Page Screen with View Submitted Fuel Tax Report and link highlighted.
Note: Hyperlink, next to the report, display as [M/YYYY]. The Hyperlink, allows you to run the
report without entering search criteria.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
View Submitted Reports (continued)
 The Company’s Submitted Fuel Tax Reports data entry screen displays.
Figure 11 – Submitted Fuel Tax Reports Data Entry Screen
Table 5 – Submitted Fuel Tax Reports Data Entry Screen Definitions and Actions
Account Number
If you are associated with more than one account,
you see the Account Number selection box that
contains a list of accounts that you file Fuel Tax
Reports for.
Select the account, you wish to review submitted
reports for.
The Month of the Tax Report being researched.
If the Report Period Month is not the default, select
the Month for the report.
The Year of the Tax Report being researched.
If the Report Period Year is not the default, type a
four digit year (YYYY).
Verify the account
number for the report
you wish to view
Click on the down arrow
and click on the
applicable account
The Acccount Number
box then displays the
account number
Click on the drop down
arrow for a list of month
numbers to choose from
or type the report
month. Make a selection
by clicking on the report
month number.
Leave the default
Type a valid 4 digit year.
 Click on the “Continue” button.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
View Submitted Reports (continued)
 The Submitted Fuel Tax Report Screen Displays.
Figure 12 – The Submitted Fuel Tax Report Screen
Table 6 – Submitted Fuel Tax Report Screen Definitions and Actions
Return File
Next Steps
Posted Date
Next Month
The file uploaded is stored for retrieval either in
Excel or as a Zip file. The file name shows if the file
was the original submission, an amendment with
the amendment number or if the file was invalid.
The Submission Date field identifies the date and
time the fuel tax report was uploaded.
ADOT uses this date and time to determine the
“timely filing” of an original report.
The Confimration Number identifies the file has
successfully processed.
The Status of the Return File.
(See Table 7 ‘Status Definitions List’)
The ‘?’ is an icon (link). Next steps provide
instructions about the status and what actions the
user can take.
The date the report has finished processing in the
ADOT Financial System.
When the report processing identifies errors within
the submitted report, the column will have an icon
(hyperlink) to the error conditions found in the
Link to view the prior month’s Submitted report
Link to view the next month’s Submitted report
Click on the Return File name link to download in Excel.
(Refer to Macro Security at end of this Guide)
Click on the ‘zip’ link to download a zipped file.
Follow the instructions presented in dialog boxes.
Note: Mouse over to display the user ID of the user that
uploaded the fuel tax report.
Click on the Confirmation to view and print the
Confirmation Receipt.
When the status of the report is Held for error correction,
click on the status to reject the report so a replacement
can be uploaded.
Click on the ‘?’ to view Next Step instructions.
Click on the errors icon to see the error conditions.
Review and resolve error conditions before submitting an
amended report. Or call the Fuel Tax Reporting Unit at
602-712-8473, to determine if an amendment is required.
Click ‘Previous Month’ link, and the prior reporting
period’s submitted report information will display.
Click ‘Next Month’ link, and the next reporting period’s
submitted report information will display.
 Click on ‘Cancel’ when finished reviewing.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
View Submitted Reports (continued)
 Every Return File will have a status. To help with understanding of the displayed status, use
the Return File Status Definitions List.
Table 7 – Return File Status Definitions List
Hold – Audit
Hold – FTRU
Temporary Hold
for Error
The report has been successfully received by the ADOT Accounting system.
The report was uploaded to the ServiceArizona Fuel Tax Services system and has not finished
DATACHECKER validation processes.
The report encountered unexpected errors during the upload or the report contains errors. If
your report status is “Invalid,” and the fuel tax report is an original, you will be required to
correct the errors prior to the Suite accepting your report for timely filing.
The report is waiting for confirmation from the ADOT Accounting system, that data has been
The report has been successfully processed through the ADOT Accounting system.
When the report is error free, it is considered a successful “Processed” report. The View
Submitted Reports Screen will provide a link to your Confirmation Number and Receipt.
Exception to this is when ADOT introduces new errors. During the introductory period the fuel
tax report will be allowed with the introductory errors to be processed. However the user will
then need to amended the report.
The report was rejected either by a user of the account or by ADOT Fuel Tax Reportng Unit. The
purpose of rejecting a report is to allow for a replacement report.
The report is being held by ADOT Revenue Audit Group for a review of the contents.
The report is being held by ADOT Fuel Tax reporting unit for a review of the contents.
The report is on “Temporary Hold for Error Correction,” as your report encountered errors for
newly introduced DATACHECKER edits. Replace your submitted report using the View Submitted
Reports Screen, to avoid having an amended report to file. If you do not correct your report
within 24 hours or at the submission deadline, the Suite will automatically process the report and
you will be required to later prepare an amended report to correct these errors.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Maintain Users
After selecting “Maintain Users” a screen will appear with ALL users for a given company. When
necessary, this application can be used to change a processor to an administrator, an
administrator to a processor, or to remove a processor/administrator.
 To add a new processor/administrator, the company’s Fuel Tax administrator must contact
the ServiceArizona Assistance Desk and complete a Service Arizona Access Request and
Agreement form. The Service Arizona assistance desk will add the new registered user and
send an activation notice to the new registered user’s e-mail address.
 From the Fuel Tax Services Home page click the Maintain Users link.
 The Maintain Users screen displays.
Figure 13 – Maintain Users Screen
Table 8 – Maintain Users Definitions and Actions
Registered Users
The registered user for the company
The user’s role
To change a user’s role, click the drop down box to
assign their role as either “Processor” or
Check box used only when removing a user who
is no longer working for your company or no
longer needs access.
Click the box next to the processor/administrator to
be removed.
 Click the ‘Update’ button only when making changes.
 Click the “Cancel” button to return to the Home Page.
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Fuel Tax Reporting (E120 / E140) – Macro Security
To successfully complete your Fuel Tax report, macros must be enabled on the E120/E140
spreadsheet. The purpose of this addendum is to provide instructions to ensure macros are
enabled when working with the E120/E140 template.
Based upon which version of Excel you are using, we recommend completing the following steps
to enable macros either permanently for the spreadsheet every time it is used or temporarily for
each work session.
Permanently Enabling Macros by Creating a Trusted Location (Excel 2007 / 2010 only)
A trusted location is a folder (and optionally subfolders) that you identify for storing
spreadsheets containing macros (i.e. E120 or E140) which are from a publisher you trust.
Any spreadsheet containing macros loaded from this location will have the macros automatically
enabled. Steps for Creating a Trusted Location in Excel 2007 / 2010, if the Developer tab is not
Excel 2007:
 Click the Microsoft Office Button, click Excel Options, and then in the Popular category,
under Top options for working with Excel section, click Show Developer tab in the
Excel 2010:
 Click the File tab, then click the Options menu item. From the new window displayed,
choose the Customize Ribbon. Then select the Developer tab item.
 On the Developer tab, in the Code group, click Macro Security.
 Then select Trusted Locations.
 Select the Add new location button.
 Select the Browse button to find the folder in which you have saved the E120/E140
 Optionally, you may also select the check box for Subfolders of this location are also
trusted if you would like any subfolders to be considered Trusted Locations as well.
 Select Ok to save your changes.
 You can test the new settings by loading a macro-enabled spreadsheet from the folder
you identified as a Trusted Location. If the settings are correct, the macros should be
enabled automatically when the spreadsheet is loaded. If macros are not enabled you
will see the Security Warning displayed in the spreadsheet (see image below).
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0
Macro Security Settings (Continued)
Figure 14 – Enabling Macros in Excel
Temporarily Enabling Macros - Macro Security Warning (Excel 2003 / 2007 / 2010)
 Excel 2003 features a popup window reminding the user to enable macros.
 When presented with the popup window, please remember to allow macros.
Excel 2007/2010 presents the user with a “Security Warning” message that is easily overlooked (see image above).
 To enable macros in Excel 2007/2010, click the "Options..." button next to the "Security
Warning" located just below the Excel 2007/2010 Ribbon (tool bar).
 Select the Enable this content option in the displayed pop-up window, then select OK.
 In either case, you may have to close the Template worksheet without saving and then
reopen it for the macro security changes to take affect.
Note: Once the report template has been calculated, it can be saved and submitted with the “XLSX”
(non-macro enabled spreadsheet) but it will then lose the ability to be re-calculated. MS Excel Macro
Enabled spreadsheets have a file extension (or suffix) of XLS or XLSM.
Before uploading your report, check the Microsoft Excel file extension (or suffix). It must be XLS, XLSM or
Fuel Tax Services User Guide 11-2014 v3.0