Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum
Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum
Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum - Qeester Forum 08/02/2006 11:51 AM Qeester Forum > Toy2R Talk Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum Register FAQ Members List Calendar Today's Posts Search Toy2R Talk Toy2R Toy discussion, Toy2R events and more View First Unread Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes 8th June 2006, 06:14 PM Toy2r Raymond #1 Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum Qee Imprint - awarded at the IMPRINT summit on July 26 at the Japanese National American Museum Calls for Submission: http://www.imprint-life.com/ Senior Member Hong Kong Posts: 2,035 Qee figures (pronounced "KEY") from Hong Kong have taken the world by storm since Toy2R (http://www.toy2r.com) introduced them in 2001. These figures' design patterns have been registered and copyrighted and have become a craze that has caught the imagination of art lovers and collectors worldwide. IMPRINT, the first urban youth conference featuring Asian pop culture, wants to invite you to participate this DIY (DO-It-Yourself) Qee program and make your own statement. If you consider yourself inspired of influenced by the Asian youth culture, and are a non-professional artist living in California between the ages of 18-25 years old, now is your chance to show your unique creativity. KEY DATES: To enter the contest, please fill out the entry form (located at: http://www.intertrend.com/imprint/QEEForm.pdf) and send us 1-2 images of your artistic work via e-mail to the contact information below. If you pass our initial screening, you can expect to receive an 8" white Qee Bear by June 27. We will be only selecting 60 finalists, so make sure that the samples of the work you send us are something that will definitely catch our eyes. Once you receive your Qee figure, it's up to you to do whatever it takes to make your Qee as creative and outstanding as possible. Be sure to send back your designed Qee postmarked by July 11. We will notify you by e-mail and post the number of finalist names on the web by July 20. The two winners (the Best in Class and the People's Award) will be awarded at the IMPRINT summit on July 26 at the Japanese National American Museum. PRIZES: Two winners will receive $500 Scholarship each. The winners will be invited to the Youth Summit "IMPRINT" on July 26, 2006 at the Japanese National American Museum, for a speaking opportunity such as participating on a panel or speaking at the reception. Possible exhibitions for all submissions. JUDGES: Screeners: Eric Nakamura from Giant Robot The Best in Class Award: Eric Nakamura and Raymond Choy from Toy2R The People's Award: Popular votes from audiences at the IMPRINT event CONTACT: Bobby Duong interTrend Communications, Inc. http://www.qeester.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6567 Page 1 of 7 Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum - Qeester Forum 08/02/2006 11:51 AM 562-733-1877 bobby@intertrend.com www.intertrend.com 8th June 2006, 06:24 PM Toy2r Raymond #2 Press Release Urban Youth Marketing With An Asian Twist Conference To Convene Leading Youth Experts and Marketers in Los Angeles To Present Urban and Asian Youth Trends Senior Member Hong Kong Posts: 2,035 www.imprint-life.com Los Angeles, June 8, 2006 - On July 26, 2006, multicultural research firm, New American Dimensions, and interTrend Communications, an Asian American advertising agency, will host IMPRINT, Urban Youth Unabridged --a conference exploring new trends among American urban youth at the Japanese American National Museum in Downtown Los Angeles. Unlike other marketing events focused on deciphering the much touted "urban youth" demographic, this conference will highlight one of the most feverish trends now captivating young American consumers across the nation: the growing mark and influence of Asian Pop Culture. Together, Anime and Manga have grown into a burgeoning $4 billion business in the U.S. and counting. Moreover, Hollywood itself is increasingly deriving its ideas and inspiration from the best creative minds and visionaries of East Asia and Bollywood--stirring the unprecedented wave of Asian cinematic remakes, such as Japanese horror classics Ringu and The Grudge. Likewise, Sudoku--the popular puzzle game from Japan--and Machinima--in which video gamers become their own self-stylized movie directors and animators--are spawning thriving cottage industries, while enrapturing young urban consumers across the nation. Whether you are talking about hip hop, import tuner culture, or video gaming, a distinct Asian influence is permeating American popular culture in general. Unmistakably, young Asian American denizens--as ambassadors or curators of this movement--are on the leading cusp of these trends. But it's not only Asian American youth. Young American cultural creatives across the color spectrum are inventing the fads and defining the trends for the world around them. Their influence cuts across a global marketplace. This conference will focus on the urban youth population but will also focus specifically on the relatively unrecognized role that young Asian Americans are playing in establishing and shaping American youth trends by criss-crossing, intersecting, and fusing culture in new, exciting, and unprecedented ways. "IMPRINT" is aimed at marketers, creative entrepreneurs, advertisers, and pop culture professionals whose business depends on knowing these trends. Invited attendees and presenters include: Jim Farley from Toyota Motor Sales, Gregory Rodriguez from LA Times, Eric Nakamura from Giant Robot, Gonzalo Perez from MTV, John Hiler from Xanga, Raymond Choy from Toy2R, and Thuy Dang from Live Sockets. In addition, New American Dimensions and interTrend will be unveiling a new research study entitled Made In America: Asian American Teens and Echo Boomers--the culmination of in-depth qualitative and quantitative research comprised of extensive surveying and video-ethnography in major U.S. cities. The study probes the attitudes, identity issues, media choices, and cultural engagement of young Asian Americans. At the conference, the winners of the Qee IMPRINT art contest will be awarded. Asian Youth were invited to show their creativity in designing popular Qee figures, originating from Hong Kong. For more information about the conference, please check http://arc.capturagroup.com/ct/ct.ph...425&m=m&type=1 www.imprint-life.com or contact the individuals below. New American Dimensions is an ethnic marketing consulting, research, and trends company based in Los Angeles, California. Our aim is to be nothing less than a rich resource of actionable marketing intelligence for our clients--helping them to shape effective strategies leading to greater success by capturing the rapidly expanding markets of U.S. ethnic consumers and emerging youth markets. We are established on the http://www.qeester.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6567 Page 2 of 7 Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum - Qeester Forum 08/02/2006 11:51 AM premise that innovative, pioneering marketing solutions are required for companies to effectively win the hearts and minds of America's burgeoning diverse consumers. interTrend Communications Inc. is an award-winning full-service communication agency based in Los Angeles, California, helping corporate America to target the Asian American segments such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Filipinos nationwide. For more than a decade, we have been successfully helping Fortune 1000 clients to nurture and establish brand leadership positions in this emerging market through an integrated mix of advertising, public relations, promotions, events, and interactive strategies via various in-language media outlets. Contacts: Julia Huang interTrend Communications, Inc. 562.733.1880 <mailto:jych@intertrend.com>jych@intertrend.com Thomas Tseng New American Dimensions 310.670.6800 <mailto:ttseng@newamericandimensions.com>ttseng@ne wamericandimensions.com Last edited by Toy2r Raymond : 8th June 2006 at 06:29 PM. 29th July 2006, 08:36 PM http://www.qeester.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6567 #3 Page 3 of 7 Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum - Qeester Forum 08/02/2006 11:51 AM Toy2r Raymond Senior Member Hong Kong Posts: 2,035 29th July 2006, 08:45 PM http://www.qeester.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6567 #4 Page 4 of 7 Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum - Qeester Forum 08/02/2006 11:51 AM Toy2r Raymond Senior Member Hong Kong Posts: 2,035 Yesterday, 05:04 PM Toy2r Raymond #5 Here is the imprint post press release. Also we announce the QEE winners on www.imprint-life.com, please take a look. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Senior Member Hong Kong Posts: 2,035 Contact: Dorothy Parikh interTrend Communications, Inc. Tel: (562) 733-1780 http://www.qeester.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6567 Page 5 of 7 Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum - Qeester Forum 08/02/2006 11:51 AM Email: Dorothy@intertrend.com ASIAN YOUTH TRENDS INFLUENCE U.S. POP CULTURE Conference Explores New Trends and Insights of Asian American Youth that is Shaping and Defining the Mainstream American Pop Culture LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (August 2, 2006) - For all in attendance, the IMPRINT: Urban Youth Unabridged conference, which convened in Los Angeles on July 26th, did not fail on its promise to deliver a first hand look at the influence and impact of America's Asian youth is having on mainstream trends. By all accounts, IMPRINT was the first of its kind conference that allowed Asian influenced and inspired artists, entertainers, designers, marketers, researchers and trend watchers a forum to share and discuss current and upcoming trends. The conference opened with pop icon and original Star Trek actor, George Takei who shared his unique perspectives about the evolution and increasing empowerment of multicultural America. Findings from a new study conducted by New American Dimensions and interTrend Communications, Inc. were unveiled that showed the growing influence of Asian American youth trends among the mainstream American youth culture. Such trends included respondents identifying with three distinct categories technology and gadgetry, anime and manga, and video-gaming. Asian American youth are also more likely to identify and seek out trends through word-of-mouth messaging than through any other media channel or network. Other speakers included visionaries from the D-I-Y (do-it-yourself movement), online world, comic books, fashion, anime, art, music, film and pop culture. "I was really impressed with the sneaker panel," commented Eric Nakamura of Giant Robot. "For those in the room, they were in the presence of the 'Dream Team' of the sneaker world." Josh Rubin of Cool Hunting moderated the panel, which included James Keoni Arizumi, Senior Footwear Designer for Nike Skate Board, Yu-Ming Wu, Co-Founder and Publisher of Freshness, Tristan Caruso of Proper-Owner and Woody, Editor of Sneaker Freaker. Eric added, "This group should be taken seriously as it could a major force in the entire sneaker movement, which is a multi billion dollar business." "The participants and content of the conference were exceptional and diverse," states Julia Huang, CEO of interTrend Communications, who co-hosted and produced the conference. "When you have companies like Toyota, Xanga.com, AZN, MTV, NIKE, Toy2R either presenting or on panels, as well as people like Roy Lee, Josh Rubin and Eric Nakamura sharing their insights and experience, it just shows you how much the industry has been waiting for something like this to happen." IMPRINT was not only aimed at creative entrepreneurs, but also at marketers and advertisers whose business depends on knowing these trends. Jim Farley, Vice President of Marketing for Toyota Motor Sales, presented how marketers can take advantage of this knowledge. His case study for vehicle models, Scion and Yaris, revealed marketing strategies, which utilized events, technology, and life-style touch points to successfully reach this niche audience. Yesterday, 05:04 PM Toy2r Raymond Senior Member Hong Kong Posts: 2,035 #6 we announce the QEE winners on www.imprint-life.com, please take a look. The event also hosted a Qee (pronounced "key") figure do it yourself art contest. These bear like figure dolls come from Hong Kong and are produced by Toy2R. They arrive in white color with no markings and have caught the imagination of art lovers and collectors worldwide. Contestants were asked to use their creativity in transforming the dolls to their own unique creation. The winner for best in class went to Brandon Hahn of Ohio, whose design "Frog" was selected based on his innovative creativity to actually turn the Qee doll into frog like figure. The people's choice winner, voted by attendees at the conference, went to Bartholomew Han for his "Elvis" creation of the doll. Raymond Choy, President of Toy2R, comments, "I was really impressed with the Qee Bear entries and picking a winner was difficult. However, we did manage to pick two winners which Toy2R will turn into real Qee collection." The winners of the contest can be seen on the IMPRINT web site (www.imprint-life.com) and all entries will be on tour in November with Toy2R in Hong Kong. http://www.qeester.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6567 Page 6 of 7 Qee Imprint awarded at the Japanese National American Museum - Qeester Forum 08/02/2006 11:51 AM Carl Choi, CEO of the Plan C Group, hopes that next year will draw an even more impressive list of presenters. He notes, "This type of conference provides a platform to show the importance and relevance of Asian influenced and inspired work. It allows artists, entertainers and designers to interact with businesses and marketers. It also gives the Asian community relevance within American culture and showcases how society is becoming more and more integrated in their thirst for cultural trends." About interTrend Communications, Inc. interTrend Communications, Inc. is a leading full-service marketing agency targeting the Asian American segments such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, and Filipino. With a proven track record, interTrend has successfully helped Fortune 500 clients nurture and establish brand leadership positions in this emerging market through an integrated mix of advertising, public relations, promotions, events and interactive strategies via various in-language media outlets. interTrend delivers excellence to clients, working as marketing partners. Today, long-term partnerships have been established with Toyota Motor Company, JCPenney, State Farm Insurance, Western Union, Northwest Airlines, Southern California Gas Company, San Diego Gas & Electric, Santa Anita Park, Harrah's Entertainment, Countrywide and Disney. « Previous Thread | Next Thread » Posting Rules You You You You may may may may not not not not post new threads post replies post attachments edit your posts vB code is On Smilies are On [IMG] code is On HTML code is Off Forum Jump Toy2R Talk Go All times are GMT -8. The time now is 10:49 AM. Qeester - Top Powered by vBulletin Version 3.5.4 Copyright ©2000 - 2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. Copyright © 2004-2006 the archive of light http://www.qeester.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6567 Page 7 of 7
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