by Denis `ddenn` Krupin - The X


by Denis `ddenn` Krupin - The X
by Denis ‘ddenn’ Krupin
Recommended Settings for X-Plane
Seabee’s Features
General information
Mouse Click Regions
Instrument Panel
Damage System
Engine Starting Procedures
Plugin Features
Controls Features
«…But the plane was a 1947 Republic Seabee,
and the beauty in a Seabee is like the beauty way
down in the eyes of a woman who is not a covergirl
moviestar – before you see her beautiful, you must
begin to know who she is.»
Richard Davis Bach, "A Gift of Wings"
This guide contains the description of the Republic Seabee RC-3 model for X-Plane v.
9.45. In this guide you’ll find some technical information, model features, important
configurations of X-Plane, links to the original Seabee’s manuals.
Recommended Settings for X-Plane
This settings are not necessary, but recommended for using all features of the model.
In the «Settings» => «Operations & Warnings» menu:
set ON
«remove flying surfaces in over-speed»
«remove flying surfaces in over-G»
«remove flaps in over-Vfe»
set OFF
«Start each flight with engines running»
«reset on hard crash»
«flight models per frame» = «2»
Recommended Settings for X-Plane
In the «settings» => «Rendering options» menu (higher settings could drop off FPS on
slow computers):
«texture resolution» =«very high»
«anti-alias level» = «2x(nice)» or higher
«anisotropic filter textures» = «2x» or higher
«lateral field of view» = «055.00»
Recommended Settings for X-Plane
For more comfort of the model’s control you can setup some custom functions on
keyboard shortcut or joystick buttons. Go to the “Settings => Joystick & Equipment=>Keys”
Hide control column
Disconnect co-pilot’s controls
Open/close left door
Open/close front door
Open/close right door
Open/close engine hood
Open/close baggage doors
Fold up forward seats to front
Fold up forward seats to back
Open/close fuel tank
On/Off passengers light
On/Off pilot light
On/Off copilot light
On/Off reverse lock
Show/Hide touch screen
Show/Hide animation panel
Show/Hide switches panel
Seabee’s Features
General Information
The Republic Seabee RC-3 for X-Plane 9.22+ is highly detailed, max animated model. In
the 3d cockpit view you can open/close doors, the baggage section, the engine hood and fold
up front seats. You can tune the plane weight by changing the number of bags in the baggage
section. Also you can set the fuel quantity by using the fuel gauge in the filling mouth.
In the version of the Seabee for X-Plane 9.45 camera movements in 3d cockpit are
limited by cockpit size (now you can leave the cockpit through opened door only), you can turn
On/Off lights for pilot, copilot and passengers separately.
Seabee’s Features
Mouse Click Regions
1 – Open/Close front door (working only if aircraft is on the ground or water); 2 – Show/Hide
control column; 3 – Connect/Disconnect co-pilot’s controls; 4 – On/Off reverse (working only if
lock 5 is opened). Default key “.”. Before using reverse make sure that propeller knob is full
forward against the panel (take-off position); 5 – Open/Close reverse lock; 6 – Settings for
pitch trim;
Seabee’s Features
Mouse Click Regions
7 – On/Off hydraulic pump; 8 – Up/Down gears (working only if pump 7 is On); 9 – Up/Down
flaps (working only if pump 7 is On); 10, 12 – Open/Close left and right doors (working only if
aircraft is on the ground or water); 11 – Open/Close baggage section (you can tune the plane
weight by changing the number of bags but only if aircraft is on the ground or water); 13 –
Fold Up/Down forward seats to back; 14 – Fold Up/Down forward seats to front.
Seabee’s Features
Mouse Click Regions
Outside cockpit is some click regions. To reach it use PageUp, PageDown and Arrows keys of
you keyboard. You can leave 3d cockpit through opened door only.
15 – Open/Close engine hood; 16 – Open/Close fuel tank; 17 – set the fuel quantity.
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Seabee’s features
Instrument panel
1 – starter button (working only when switch 2 is On); 2 – ignition switch; 3 – parking brake; 4
– HSI course selector; 5 –HSI heading knob; 6 –ADF heading knob; 7 – battery switch; 8 –
generator switch; 9 – fuel pump switch; 10 – avionics switch; 11 – NAV lights switch; 12 –
Strobe lights switch ; 13 – Beacon light switch; 14 – landing lights switch; 15 – taxi lights
switch; 16 – carb heat knob; 17 – mixture knob; 18 – passengers section lights switch; 19 –
copilot light switch; 20 – pilot light switch; 21 – throttle knob; 22 – propeller pitch knob; 23 –
touch screen (for adding new instruments using Plane Maker. For advanced users. Hidden by
default, showing by pressing “shift + F6”); 24 – gyrocompass settings knob; 25 – gyrocompass
heading knob; 26 – attitude indicator bar settings knob; 27 – altimeter settings knob; 28 –
heading trim button; 29 – pitch trim button; 30 – Show/Hide control column; 31 – Show/Hide
animation panel; 32 – Show/Hide switches panel; 33 – Show/Hide touch screen.
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Seabee’s features
1 – audio panel power switch; 2 – markers mute switch; 3, 4 – COM1/COM2 buttons; 5, 6 –
NAV1/NAV2 buttons; 7 – DME button; 8 –ADF button;
9 – COM/NAV panel power switch; 10 – COM1 standby/active switch; 11 – COM1 settings
knob; 12 –NAV1 standby/active switch; 13 –NAV1 settings knob;
14 – ADF panel «ant/adf» switch; 15 – ADF panel BFO switch; 16 –ADF panel standby/active
switch; 17 – ADF panel power switch; 18 –ADF1 settings knob;
19 – transponder panel IDENT button; 20 – transponder panel VFR button (set 1200); 21 –
transponder panel power ON switch; 22 – transponder panel power OFF switch; 23 –
transponder panel standby/active switch; 24 – transponder panel setting buttons.
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Seabee’s Features
Damage System
The model includes a damage system. It means if you go over-speed or over-G the
wings and the engine hood will be destroyed. If you put the flaps down at speeds more than
105MPH they will be destroyed. Tires will be blown when the model is landed hard to the
For normal working of damage system please setup X-Plane like shown on the page 4.
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Seabee’s Features
The model has 5 color schemes also called “liveries”. You can change color scheme in
the X-Plane «Aircraft»=>«Open Livery» menu.
If you always like to fly with the same livery, then simply select that livery and save the
plane in Plane-Maker.
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Seabee’s Features
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Engine Starting Procedures
Engine starting procedures (only if the “start each flight with engine running” box in the
Settings =>Operations & Warnings menu is OFF):
- hide the control column for the best panel view (30)
- make sure that the “PARKING BRAKE” (3) is ON (the knob are full backward against the
- turn on “BATTERY ON” (7) switch
- turn on “GENERATOR ON” (8) switch
- turn on “FUEL PUMP ON” (9) switch
- push the “MIXTURE” (17) knob forward against the panel
- turn ignition knob (2) to the “BOTH” position
- press the “STARTER” (1) button about 1-2 sec
Before each take-off make sure that the reverse is Off (4 and 5 on page 9), the “PROPELLER”
knob is full forward against the panel (take-off position), the “PARKING BRAKE” knob is full
forward against the panel (parking brake is OFF), and hydraulic pump lever (7 on the bottom
picture) is in the forward position (hydraulic pump is ON).
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Plugin Features
The model includes SASL plugin (
), written by Alexander ‘asso’ Babichev, and specially created scripts. Components located in
the /plugins/ and /Custom Avionics/ directories are free under the GPL license, and can be used
in every way you want. The main plugin page is
The scripts provide next functions:
Custom Failures
1. Engine RPM limit. Exceeding 2490 RPM for more than 110 seconds will break the engine.
2. Engine OIL temperature limit. Engine will be broken after exceeding oil temperature in 262
°F or OIL pressure will be less than 19 psi
3. Engines CHT temperature limit. Engine will be broken after exceeding cylinder head
temperature in 525 °F
4. Tires will be blowup when you hit the ground too hard
5. Opened front door will be broken during take-off; opened hood will break propeller and the
Animation panel
The panel was created for an easier control of all animations. You can show/hide the animation
panel by pressing shift+F1, or the special sign on the panel (see position 31 on page 11). You
can move and resize panel as you like.
Switches panel
The panel makes it easier to control all switches. It includes a few special functions such as
Wave Limit switch which turns on/off the wave limit system, Position Saving switch which
enable saving plane’s position, and Post Effect switch which enable vignetting effect. You can
show/hide the panel by pressing shift+F2, or the special sign on the panel (see position 32 on
page 11). The panel can be used in any view (in, out, 2D, 3D). You can move and resize this
panel as well.
Position Saving function provide ability to save plane position even if you close x-plane. If
this function is ON, after selecting plane in x-plane you will see you plane in the same place
and position where you left you plane during the last flight. If the engine was running plug-in
will start it automatically. Fuel tanks will save last fuel quantity. The doors, windows, gears,
flaps, floats, switches etc. will be in the last position as well.
!!! If you want to start new flight in the new airport simply set position saving
switch OFF and then select new airport.
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Controls Features
Land Takeoff
A land takeoff is done normally with flaps up. Half flaps can be used if the runway is
shorter than normal or if a heavier load than normal is anticipated. In a strong crosswind, flaps
are not recommended due to the possibility of controllability issues during initial climb.
The rudder and elevator are effective almost immediately because of the pusher
configuration of the Seabee.
As the airspeed increases, the tail will come up. Normal takeoff speed is 70-80 MPH.
Water Takeoff
When taking of on water be sure the gears is Up (green light «WATER») and use full
flaps. All takeoffs should be done directly into the wind.
As the speed increases, keep the wings level with aileron control and rudder. Water
takeoff speed is 60 MPH.
After speed increase 80 MPH retract the flaps.
Maximum wave height for water landings and takeoffs – 1 ft.
Runway Landings
Runway landings is done with flaps full down, landing speed is 70-80 MPH. Make sure
the gears is Down (red light «LAND»).
Landing with retracted gears is not dangerous for the plane because of the particular
configuration of the Seabee.
Water Landings
Water landings is done with flaps full down, gears Up (green light «WATER»), landing
speed is 65-75 MPH. Keep the wings level with aileron and rudder.
Maximum wave height for water landings and takeoffs – 1 ft.
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Control Features
Issue date
Fuel capacity
Republic Aviation Corporation
Farmingdale, Long Island, New York, USA
RC-3 Seabee
July 1, 1946
75 US gal
Franklin 6A8-215-B8F 215 hp.
Never Exceed Speed (Vne)
Max Maneuvering Speed
Max Flaps Extended Speed
Best Rate of Climb Speed
Rate of Climb (Sea Level)
Service Ceiling
Range at Cruising (71 US gal)
Take-off Distance – Land
Take-off Distance – Water
Take-off Time - Water
Landing Run – Land
Landing Run - Water
Stalling Speed (Vs0) - Gear/Flaps Down
Stalling Speed (Vs1) - Gear/Flaps Up
148 mph TIAS
133 mph TIAS
105 mph TIAS
75 mph IAS
700 ft/min
12 000 ft
520 miles
800 ft
1000 ft
25 sec
400 ft
700 ft
58 mph IAS
66 mph IAS
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The most informative site about Republic Seabee
Links to original manuals and trainings (PDF):
Original Republic Seabee Flight manual (5 parts - Adobe Acrobat® .pdf files)
Part 1: Introduction and Specifications (694 KB)
Part 2: Operating Your Seabee (649 KB)
Part 3: Systems (2.50 MB)
Part 4: Care and Maintenance (1.86 MB)
Part 5: Inspection (1.09 MB)
Original Seabee Pilot's Checklist (Republic Aviation) (PDF 2.2 MB)
Seabee Original Checklist (Republic Aviation) (61 KB)
Original checklist courtesy of Jim Poel
Seabee Training Guide (by Steve Mestler) Use at your own risk! (1.9 MB)
This is a guide for students and instructors alike. It includes the syllabus above.
Seabee Training Syllabus (by Steve Mestler) Use at your own risk! (692 KB)
This is a lesson plan syllabus mainly for instructors but can be used by students.
Seaplane Safety for Part 91 Operators - FAA AC 91-69a. A good refresher for us "salty dogs".
Seaplane Operations - Chapter 15 from FAA Handbook (Chapter 16 in new FAA-H-8083-3) - (217 KB)
This is from the old FAA Flight Manual. The new manual has the same information; different chapter as
noted above.
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All questions and suggestions please send to .
Forum topic about Seabee for X-Plane (Russian):
Some info about my models (Russian):
Denis ‘ddenn’ Krupin
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