European Network for Conflict Research (ENCoRe)
European Network for Conflict Research (ENCoRe)
International Workshop European Network for Conflict Research (ENCoRe) 2015 Meeting Bonn 5-7 March 2015, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) The European Network for Conflict Research (ENCoRe) meets biannually to discuss developments in conflict data and analysis. ENCoRe brings together scholars from renowned universities across Europe and is funded as a COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) action. The Bonn meeting 2015 draws on the research conducted over the past years and builds bridges to practitioners in the conflict and security sector. Joint panels with researchers and practitioners facilitate the exchange. This includes panels discussing policy briefs on peacekeeping and on non-state armed groups as well as roundtables on the impact of inequality on conflict, the impact of the Internet on conflict and the state-of-the-art in predicting violent conflict. Presentation of new datasets and academic panels on current conflict issues frame the policy components. ENCoRe Workshop / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) ͷǦ ʹͲͳͷ Thursday ͲͻǣͲͲǦͳͲǣ͵Ͳ Academic panel 1: Post-conflict situations / The role of natural resources ǣ ȋȌ ǣ ȋȌ ǣ ǣ ȋ ȌƬȋ Ȍ ǣ ȋò ȌƬ ȋȌǣ ǫ ȋ ȌƬȋ Ȍ ǫǦ Ǧȋ Ȍ ͳͲǣ͵ͲǦͳͲǣͷͲ Break ͳͲǣͷͲǦͳʹǣʹͲ Academic panel 2: The role of ethnicity and new media in conflict ǣ ȋȌ ǣ ȋȌ ǣ ǣ ȋǯ ǡ Ȍǡ ȋȌƬ ȋȌ ǫ ȋȌƬȋ Ȍ ȋȌ ̵ ǫ ȋȌƬȋ Ȍ [Parallel to Academic panel 2:] ͳͲǣͷͲǦͳʹǣʹͲ Academic panel 3: Interaction between attitudes and conflict Seminar room ǣ ȋȌ ǣ ȋȌ ǣ ǣ ȋȌǡ ȋȌƬȋȌ ¯©ȋ ǡ ȌƬ©ȋ ǡȌ ǣ ȋȌǡ ȋȌƬȋȌ ǣ ȋȌǡȋȌƬ ͳʹǣʹͲǦͳ͵ǣͷͲ Lunch Plenary hall ͳ͵ǣͷͲǦͳͷǣʹͲ Data panel 1: Updates on conflict data ǣ ȋȌ ǣ ȋȌ ȋ ȌƬǦȋ Ȍ ȋȌ ȋ Ȍ ȋȌ ǣ ȋȌǡ ȋ ȌƬ ȋȌ ͳͷǣʹͲǦͳͷǣͶͲ Break ͳͷǣͶͲǦͳǣͳͲ Roundtable 1: Inequality and conflict ȋȌ Ǧȋ Ȍ ¡ ȋȌ ͳǣͳͲǦͳͺǣͶͲ JointENCoRe working groups meeting [members only] ͳͻǣ͵Ͳ Workshop dinner at Bönnsch Friday ͲͺǣͳͷǦͻǣ͵Ͳ Working group one-sided violence [members only] Seminar room Ͳͻǣ͵ͲǦͳͳǣͲͲ Policy panel 1: ǣ ǣ Peacebuilding and peacekeeping ȋ Ȍ ȋ Ȍ ǣ Ǧ ¤ȋȌǡȋȌƬ ¤¤ȋȌ ǡǡ ȋȌ ǣǡ ǫ ȋȌ ͳͳǣͲͲǦͳͳǣʹͲ Break ͳͳǣʹͲǦͳʹǣʹͲ Roundtable 2: The role of the Internet in conflict ȋȌ ȋȌ ȋ Ȍ ͳʹǣʹͲǦͳ͵ǣͷͲ Lunch Plenary hall ͳ͵ǣͷͲǦͳͷǣʹͲ Policy panel 2: ǣ ǣ Non-state armed groups Ú ¡ȋȌ Ǧȋ Ȍ ǣ ȋȌǡ ȋȌƬȋȌ Ǧ ǣ ȋȌƬ ȋȌ Ǧ ǫ Ǧ ȋȌ ͳͷǣʹͲǦͳͷǣͶͲ Break ͳͷǣͶͲǦͳǣͳͲ Roundtable 3: Predicting armed conflict ȋȌ ȋȌ ȋ Ȍ ȋȌ ͳǣͳͲǦͳͺǣͶͲ Management committee (MC) meeting [MC members only] Seminar room Saturday ͲͺǣͲͲǦͲͻǣͲͲ Working group administrative units [members only] Seminar room ͲͻǣͲͲǦͳͲǣ͵Ͳ Data panel 2: Data on non-state actors and governance ǣ Ǧȋ Ȍ ǣ ǦǦ ȋ Ȍǡʹ ȋȌƬ ȋȌ Ǧ Ǧ ȋȌ Ǧ Ȃ ȀȋȌ ȋȌǡ ȋ ȌƬȋȌ ȋ Ȍ ͳͲǣ͵ͲǦͳͲǣͷͲ Break ͳͲǣͷͲǦͳʹǣʹͲ Academic panel 4: Coercion in international conflict / Methodological issues ǣ ȋȌ ǣ ȋ Ȍ ǣ ȋȌƬȋȌ ȋȌƬȋȌ ǣ ȋȌ ǡ ȋ Ȍǡ ȋ ȌƬǦ ȋ Ȍ ͳʹǣʹͲ End of the workshop ǣ Ǥ ̷ǦǤ ƬǤ̷ǦǤ Your ddirections to t the Gerrman Deveelopmentt Institute / Deutscches Instittut für Enttwicklungsspolitik (D DIE) Tulpennfeld 6 D - 531 113 Bonn Googlee map: htttp:// maps/5ehhk3 From B Bonn Centtral Station (Hauptbbahnhof): Take tthe U-Bah hn (Subwaay) U 16 / U 63 orr U 66 tow wards “Baad Honnef / Bad Godesbberg” andd get off at a the stattion “Heu ussallee / Museumsm M meile”. Yo ou may buy yoour ticket at vendin ng machinnes either at the Staation or oon board (choose ticket type 1b; 2.50 Euro o, coins only). At Heussallee H Station, follow the signs towardds the Heu ussallee exxit. After ccoming up p the escaalator, wallk straightt ahead for aboout 50 m and turn right onto the footpath f towards t tthe “Tulpenfeld” office complex. Follow the signs aacross Tu ulpenfeld to t the buuilding of DIE at Tulpennfeld 6. ww | |