Sponsorship report Southern women`s show
Sponsorship report Southern women`s show
POST SHOW REPORT SOUTHERN WOMEN’S SHOW APRIL 27 - 29, 2012 RALEIGH, NC THOUSANDS ATTENDED The show welcomed thousands of guests and delivered millions of impressions in just three short days! MEDIA EXPOSURE Value Electronic Advertising $148,579 Print Advertising $37,023 Public Relations $2,514 Website Exposure $3,473 Social Media $12,175 E-Newsletters $16,500 Coupons & Tickets $1,160 Retail Exposure $32,250 Grand Total $253,674 SCENES FROM THE SHOW SPECIAL FEATURES Celebrity guests and special features! From local celebrities and top chefs to the busy career mom of The Balancing Act, a superior line-up of special guests inspired and entertained, while new and exciting features within the show attracted media attention and guests. Fashion & Entertainment Stage Danielle Knox, The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV Orchid Paulmeier, The Next Food Network Star, Season 7 Lowes Foods Cooking Stage Diana: The People’s Princess Exhibit POWERFUL PARTNERSHIPS The Southern Women’s Show partnered with leading media outlets and outstanding sponsors to extend exposure and generate maximum engagement. In addition, partners and sponsors created fun and interactive features within the show. ELECTRONIC ADVERTISING Show promoted through extensive TV and radio campaign! The following partners promoted the show through paid and promotional spots, interviews, website advertisements, E-Newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, and onsite promotions. Television Partners Radio Partners NATIONAL TV EXPOSURE Show featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV! The Balancing Act is a popular morning TV show about women, for women, and trusted by women. The program came to life at this year’s show with a large “show within the show” pavilion. The Balancing Act provided the following added exposure: Promotion of the show in 50,000 Balance Your Life Magazine Guides Email to 50,000 VIP club members Production of a 60-minute program with show footage and interviews, scheduled to air a minimum of two times to a potential audience reach of 96 million households! Promotion on www.thebalancingact.com PRINT ADVERTISING Show promoted through extensive print advertising campaign! Paid and promotional newspaper ads in the News & Observer promoted the show throughout a three week campaign. The paper also distributed the Official Show Program to their full circulation of 191,823 subscribers on Sunday, April 22. An additional 5,000 copies were overprinted for distribution at the show. The show was also advertised in Carolina Parent, Carolina Woman, The Daily Tarheel, Homes and Land, The Independent Weekly and New Homes and Ideas Magazine, ultimately reaching over 238,000 readers. PUBLIC RELATIONS Public relations campaign generated thousands of impressions! The show’s PR team generated over 200,000 impressions through press releases, clippings, articles and interviews! WEB, FACEBOOK, E-NEWS Show connected with thousands of loyal guests! 139,938 web impressions Daily status updates to 3,382 Facebook fans Six E-Newsletters to over 11,000 subscribers COUPONS & TICKETS Coupons and ticket offers drove attendance! $2 off postcards distributed through a local ambassador to local retailers, schools, churches, non profits, major employers, etc. Electronic coupons available through show website Thousands of complimentary admission tickets distributed to sponsors, exhibitors and media partners 350 tickets distributed at 23 local Chevrolet dealerships RETAIL EXPOSURE Hundreds of posters, table tents and register cards built awareness locally! Posters were displayed at: Belk Crabtree Valley Mall Carolina Premium Outlets 23 local Chevrolet dealerships 18 Lowes Foods stores EXHIBITORS A very special THANK YOU to our outstanding exhibitors! 2 Happy Feet A Special Event Abbot’s – Crohn’s Patient Advocate Adams Joyful Creations Adventure Vacations in West Virginia ADT Security Services ASG Security AWB Promotions Alegria All Natural Dips All Stars Dips Altrient Alzheimer's Association America's Historic Triangle American Heart Association American Laser Skincare Ann Peden Jewelry Anne's Old Fashioned Food Products Anything Joe’s Apex Weightloss MD Arden Fragrances Arlin Knitwear Designs Aromatherapy Arthur Murray Dance Studio Avocados from Mexico Avon Axcessorize B. Cool Shop BJ's Wholesale Club Backyard Etc... The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV Bansela Barbizon of Raleigh Bath Fitter Beau Ties Beauticontrol / Instant Face Lift Beijo - The Bag Ladies, Inc. Belk Crabtree Benefit Bertie County Peanuts Better In Colour Big Fish Games Biltmore Inspirations - Be Inspired with Lisa Biosymmetry Blackwell Distributors, Inc. (Rainbow Vacs) Bling and More Blue Ridge & Great Smoky Mountains Bobbees Bottling Bobbi Brown Bobby J’s Original Body Care Resort, Inc Borgert Family Chiropractic Boulia Boutique & Spa Bow Clippeez 2 Envy Bowser Distribution Brushed Up Bowls Buffaloe Milling Company Bum Ease Spray-On Diaper Rash Cream Busch Gardens & Water Country USA C & B Trendy CPI Security Systems Cabot Creamery Cooperative CapTel NC Carol Wior, Inc. Carolina Aesthetics and Weight Loss Center Carolina Groutseal Carolina Premium Outlets Carolina Woman Magazine Cary Area Hadassah Catie Fashion USA Inc. Cellular Sales CeraVe Cheap to Chic Boutique Chevrolet Christian Tours Chocolate Shop Wine Cirrus Hair Centers Clarins Classic Tassels and More Clear Choice Water Solutions Clear Choice Windows Clear Waters Travel Click It Hot Clinique Cold Wax Company Colorful Graphics & Print Comprehensive Dentistry of Raleigh Cookie Lee Jewelry Costco Coty EXHIBITORS A very special THANK YOU to our outstanding exhibitors! Crafty Falls Creations Plus Inc. Creative Embroidery Crystal Springs Custom Travel Professionals, LLC Cutco Cutlery DNA Sales, LLC Dalrymple Design Build Daytona Beach Area CVB Dena's Jewelry Box Dennis Vineyards Winery Department of Veteran Affairs Designs of Elegance Diva Daisies, LLC Duke Eye Center Duplin County Tourism Duplin Gourmet Foods Duplin Wine Cellars Durham Rescue Mission EZ Hang Chairs Earth Fare Easy Living Products Eco Friendly Beauty Bar Elaine's Slices of Heaven Elegance eT Cetera Elegant Accents, Inc. En Masse Marketing Corporation Energy Armor Essencia Essential Bodywear (The Bra Lady) Estée Lauder Eye Care Associates FJB Remodeling FSall Selection Famous Cinnamon Roasted Nut Compan Firefighters Burned Childrens Fund of Wake County Flip Flop Flowerpot Food Notations Foothills Fancy Foods, LLC Forever Beautiful Foss Gourmet Food, LLC Four Seasons Sunrooms & Windows GBG GS Merchandise Gems N' More Gianni's Fine Foods Gigi's Cupcakes Glitz & Glamour Go Green Pain Relief Gold Buyers of America Grace Beauty Graham County Travel and Tourism Grendeddy Dave's BBQ Sauces and Seasonings Grout Works LLC Gutter Glove of North Carolina, LLC HRC Medical Heide’s Gourmet Butter Mints & Carolina Candy Co. Homes and Land Outer Banks Magazine House-Autry Mills Hutch Construction, Inc. IV Pure Inc. Indeed! Isle of Candles It Works! It’s A-Peeling! JAM Sales JC Unlimited JCB Entertainment Jenni K. Jewelry Jewelry by Etchings, etc. Jewelry by Jackie Jinsa Essentials/W.O.W. Judy's Gifts & Jewelry, LLC Juice Plus KPKandies Kidsville USA & The Professionals Kight's Medical Kings Creek Resort Kitchen Craft Kneaded Relief, Therapeutic Massage & All Natural Aesthetic Services Kozy Collar Hot & Cold Therapy Wraps & Packs L’Oreal L'paige Lipstick Lady Lynn's Boutique Lancôme LeafFilter North of North Carolina, Inc. Lebo's Inc. Lemon – Aid Lia Sophia Jewelry EXHIBITORS A very special THANK YOU to our outstanding exhibitors! LipSense by SeneGence Lisa Jensen Photography Lisa Shively Kitchen Helpers Little Luxuries of Virgina, LLC Live Right Inc. – Saladmaster Living Arts College Love/Avon Army of Women Lowes Foods Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics Luxury Baths & Kitchens Maggie's Crochet Mainstream Boutique Margaret Taylor, Ltd. Mary Kay Cosmetics Massaging Insoles Massanutten Melané, Inc. Melissa's Fancy Feet Metlife Miche of Raleigh Mix It Up Momnesia by Lori The Author Moonlight Diva Emporium Muchilunga My Lavender Lifestyle My Pillow My Sister and I My Stuff MyShoeDaily NC Beef Council NC Dept of State Treasurer, Unclaimed Property Program NC Gutter Dome, LLC Nancy Jo's Homemade National Cervical Cancer Coalition National Inclusion Project Naturally Yours Nature's Pure Essentials Needham Lane Nerium New Homes & Ideas Magazine New Wave News & Observer NextCare Urgent Care Nirvelli Day Spa Nonni's Foods LLC North Carolina Symphony North Carolina Theatre North Carolina Wesleyan College Ocean Threads Oliso, Inc One Hot Mama's American Grille One24 Orange Lustre Organics by Kimberly Parry Organo Gold Outta the Park BBQ Sauce P&G Park Centre Spa Passion Parties by Patty Perfect Accents Peterson's Consigning Design Phoenix Trading Pockos, T/A Shabby Chic Polar Ice House Pony-O Pretty in Pink Foundation Prevent Blindness NC Primo Water Purdy Gurl Boutique Pure Fashion Purple Palmetto Gourmet Goods Quick and Easy Mixes R. Riveter RF Enterprises Radio One Raleigh Raleigh Hair Concepts Raleigh Specific Chiropractic Raleigh Windows & Siding, LLC Rand Hill / Darby Creek Rand Hill / Glitter Tattoos Randall V Designs - Handmade Jewelry Re-Bath of The Triangle Real Pearls for Less Rodan & Fields Dermatologists Royal Bliss Linens s.a.l.t. sisters SAS Shoemakers SDC Nutrition SHOUT Against the Whisper! Salena's Accessory Showcase EXHIBITORS A very special THANK YOU to our outstanding exhibitors! Sales R US Inc. Salon Eden Sandez Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center Sarkis Savannah Essentials Scentsy Wickless Candles ScriptureART Sears Home Services Select Marketing Sensational Smiles Shine a Light on Breast Cancer Awareness Silpada Designs Jewelry Sinclair's Jewelry, Watches, Jewelry Scarves Sleep Number Sloggers Garden Shoes Snooztime Sole-magic South Bend Chocolate Company Southern Exposure Sunrooms Sparians Bowling Boutique & Bistro Stella & Dot Stony Mountain Vineyards Strayer University StriVectin Styles Extended Suite Paws Pet Resort & Spa Sun Tan City SWIFT MICROFIBER Cleaning System Tanger Outlets Mebane Tastefully Simple Tech One Mobile Temptations Parties The Cake Pop Shop The Connection Place, Inc. The Eccentric Cat The Gateway for Cancer Research The Golden Touch The GripStic The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society The Pampered Chef The Silver Link The Sportula The Tote Buddy The Woman In Pink The WOWW Towel Theanys Flags Therapeutic Innovations/Hematite Jewelry Thirty-One Gifts Tonya's Cookie Company Too Qt Top of the Line Designs Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry Tumbler Bay Tupperware - Full Circle Enterprises Tutor Doctor UNC Aesthetic & Laser Center UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy US Food and Drug Administration US Home Exteriors Unique Designs By Wanda Variety Inc. Vein Clinics of America VibaBody Slimmer Virginia Carolinas Peanut Promotions Virginia Tourism Vision Discount Plan Vision Martial Arts Visit Central Florida Visiting Angels Vitamist WRAL WRAL Smart Shopper Waddell & Reed Wag N' Tag Water Marbles Webster Enterprises Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park Whitley Furniture Galleries Wild @ Art Kids Wild Irish Rose Celtic Shop Wilkinson Supply Company Wine and Design World’s Best Reading Glasses Yoli - The Better Body Company YOGA MATTY Your Inspriration At Home Your Style By Tweet ZPizza EXHIBITORS SAY IT BEST The 2012 Southern Women's Show was the best one we have had yet! We've been coming for a number of years. The customers and the staff were top notch! Keep up the good work! Christy Crisco & Trent Maner, Dennis Vineyards This was the launch for Bansela in NC and we couldn't be happier with the response we received from everyone. We will do this show along with other Southern Women’s Shows in the future. Big thank you to Tish for all she did to help make our experience a great one! Sandi Ake, Bansela Attendance was awesome! We had the best show we've had in years! Eva Brown, 2 Happy Feet JOIN US IN 2013 Mark your calendar now! Next year’s show is scheduled for April 26 - 28, 2013. For more information: Tish Atkins Executive Show Manager 800.849.0248 x 110 tatkins@southernshows.com Click here to apply for the 2013 Southern Women’s Show in Raleigh!
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