Få en studerende i praktik


Få en studerende i praktik
Få en studerende i praktik
- Prof. bach. i international handel og markedsføring
Work Placement Internship
Students on the Professional Bachelor Programme in
International Sales and Marketing
Companies as well as the students experience the work placement internship
as something unique. A work placement internship gives the students the
chance to test their academic knowledge and skills in an authentic work
environment. And companies have the chance of trying out new staff
Advantages to companies:
• Extra resources to solve daily job assignments
• Extra resources to make market research
• Extra resources to generate new ideas
• New theoretical and practical input
What the intern can do for your company
The bachelor students start their work placement internship in their last
semester. The aim is to test their academic knowledge and skills in an
authentic work environment. After their work placement internship the
students prepare their final exam project.
Typical job assignments for the bachelor students on the Professional
Bachelor Programme in International Sales and Marketing:
• Preparation of marketing plans for national and international markets
• Preparation of market analyses
• Preparation of sales material
• Development of sales concepts
The work placement internship is a mandatory part of the Professional
Bachelor Programme and it has a minimum duration of 10 to 12 weeks. It
starts in the autumn when the students are on their last semester.
Free of charge
The students receive State Education Grants during their entire education
and also during their work placement internship. The company must,
however, allocate some time and energy to prepare for the student’s work
placement internship and to train the student.
If your company is interested in hearing more about the work placement
internship for Professional Bachelor students on the Programme in
International Sales and Marketing you are very welcome to contact Hans
Jørgen Skriver, Education Manager. Telephone: +45 96 27 57 07
Email: hjs@eamv.dk
“Already during her work placement internship Mila
showed excellent abilities in the d of marketing and
as speaker at a large conference,” says Frank
Andr easen from Aco F unki. Mila C hristians en (picture)
is today on Aco Funki’s permanent staff.
About Erhvervsakademi MidtVest
Erhvervsakademi MidtVest offers professional higher education programmes
at academy level and at professional bachelor’s level and they are all oriented
towards the business sector. Cooperation with the business sector is
important to the quality of the programmes offered by Erhvervsakademi
“The advantage of my practice-oriented Professional Bachelor Education is
that I can go straight from school to a job in a company and thus be an asset
to the company”, says Thomas Bøje Nielsen, former student on the
Professional Bachelor Programme in International Sales and Marketing.
For more information about the Danish educational system:
h p://fivu.dk/en/educa
-and-ins tu ons/the-danish-educa on-system/overview