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AUTUMN 2012 ISSUE #1 Southern Rhode Island Conservation District AUTUMN E-NEWS Fall Highlights include our annual fall dinner on October 22nd. The meeting began with a tour of Perry Raso’s scenic vegetable farm on Potter’s Pond in East Matunuck, where he grows fresh vegetables to supplement his menu at Matunuck Oyster Bar. A delicious clambake-style dinner of locally caught seafood, and Perry’s oysters and fresh produce was held after the tour at the Matunuck Oyster Bar. Highlights included speakers Ken Ayers, Chief of RIDEM’s division of Agriculture; Michael Moorman, Assistant State Conservationist from NRCS; and Jon Reiner, Town Planner of North Kingstown. Aside from the tour of Perry’s farm given in part by Pete Rundlett (the farm’s manager), there were presentations given by Kathryn Zuromski, a graduate student at URI, about her Biodiversity Certification Project, and also by Becca Buckler from the State Conservation Committee about her project on the feasibility of a farm equipment share bank. Awards were also given for our 2012 Conservationists of the Year, please visit the links to the right to learn more about our awardees! Other highlights include our upcoming Open House for EQIP funding with NRCS, see events listing for more information! Perry Raso speaks to the crowd about his vegetable farming endeavors. FALL NEWS LINKS Our 2012 Award Winners Peter Stetson Featured in Coventry Patch for SRICD Award Conservation District Calendar Visit our website: or contact Southern Rhode Island Conservation District: PO Box 1636 Kingston RI 02881, (401) 500-0422 and AUTUMN 2012 ISSUE #1 UP COMING EVENTS NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLANNING WORKSHOP – November 14th Classroom work shop held on Wednesday November 14th from 4PM-6:30PM at URI’s East Farm in South Kingstown in Building 75. Workshop will focus on NRCS Conservation Planning, soil and manure testing, nutrient management tools, Perry Raso and Pete Rundlett continue the farm tour in the farm’s hoop house amongst potted herbs soil and environmental Risk Assessment tools, and more. Workshop is open to all farmers, landowners and ag service providers. Pre-Registration is required, for more information please contact: Holly Burdett, URI Cooperative Extension, (401) 874-2249, SRICD’S GENERAL NRCS PLANNING OPEN HOUSE – November 29th Open house held for those interested in NRCS Conservation planning and EQIP funding from 5:30PM to 8PM at the Richmond Grange (680 Usquepaugh Road West Kingston). Clark Collins presents Jon Reiner with one of four Conservation Awards for 2012 during dinner. Tables will be set up with information and NRCS and SRICD staff will be there to answer questions. Pre-registration is required, for more information please contact Cynthia Kwolek, SRICD Board of Directors: Clark Colllins, Chair Rude Hempe, Vice Chair Harriet Powell, Secretary Carl Sawyer, Member Harvey Buford, Member SRICD Staff: Eric Scherer, Director Cynthia Kwolek, Outreach Coordinator John Richard, NRCS Conservationist SRICD’s Outreach Coordinator, (401) 500-0422 or SRICD MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS November 26th from 4-6PM at URI East Farm – Master Gardener Field House, Building 61, South Kingstown, RI Meetings are open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. Please call for directions and to be sure there has been no change in scheduled date or location. December – TBD please inquire for December meeting date To have an event or news item listed on our website or in our newsletter, please contact Cynthia Kwolek at