October 2015 ETSWCD Newsletter
October 2015 ETSWCD Newsletter
East Torrance SWCD News EAST TORRANCE SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT / WWW.EASTTORRANCESWCD.ORG October 2015 Agricultural producers wanting to conserve water or address water, air, or animal waste issues; reduce erosion; improve wildlife habitat; obtain a seasonal high tunnel; or just plain improve conservation on their farming operation should consider submitting their application to receive financial assistance through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Interested? Begin by filling out eligibility forms. Once you qualify, ensure your application is submitted to your local NRCS office . The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary conservation program for those engaged in livestock, forestry, or agricultural production – including organics. The program offers financial and technical assistance to implement conservation practices on eligible agricultural land, and provides payments for implementing conservation practices that have a positive environmental impact, while protecting long-term agricultural production and sustainability. Eligible crop production includes—but is not limited to—field-grown ornamentals, fruits, orchards, plant materials in greenhouses, row crops, vegetables, and vineyards. The Agricultural Management Assistance (AMA) Program provides financial assistance to help manage risk and solve natural resource issues through conservation, as well as for seasonal high tunnels. Although NRCS accepts applications for EQIP and AMA year round, to be considered for funding during for the upcoming ranking period, applications are encouraged to be submitted by mid December. Deadline for period ending will soon be announced once funds have been received. To find out more about EQIP, or fill out eligibility forms, or obtain an application, contact the Estancia Field Office at 505-384-2271 ext 3 Inside this issue: During certain times of the year, poor weather conditions may dictate when the USDA Service Center staff and the staff of East Torrance SWCD arrive later than usual, or not at all to work. During inclement weather tune to 770AM KKOB on the radio or KOB-TV 4 on the television for the most up to date information regarding school closures or delays. East Torrance Staff will follow recommendations from the Estancia Municipal School District notifications and upon the decision of the lead agency. Free Water Testing 2 Holiday Schedule 4 Kids Corner 5 Annual Meeting 6&7 Page 2 E A S T T O R R A N CE S W C D N E W S Page 3 E A S T T O R R A N CE S W C D N E W S Take note of the Office Holiday Schedule The East Torrance Soil & Water Conservation District would like to extend everyone warm wishes during this up-coming holiday season. Thank you for your continued support of our staff and programs. We appreciate the Local, State, and Federal agencies, district cooperators, and others for their assistance and support of the Districts’ Conservation Program. 2016. As always , we invite the public to attend our monthly meetings held the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the USDA Service Center 715, South 5th Street, Estancia. The USDA Service Center will be Closed for the following Days during the Holiday Season: November 11th November 26th December 25h January 1 2016 January 18 2016 We look forward to working with you in East Torrance is a proud Gold Sponsor of the 2015 Punkin Chunkin/ Supporting our local students and local farmers selling local products at this event. / Come Join the Fun. O OC CTTO OB BE ER R 20 201155 Page 44 Page KIDS KIDSCORNER: CORNER: The Creatures living in the soil are critical soil health. They affect soil structure and therefore soil erosion and water availability. They can protect crops from pest and diseases. They are central to decomposition and nutrient cycling and therefore affect plant growth and amounts of pollutant in the environment. Finally, the soil is home to a large proportion of the worlds genetic diversity. Source / USDA/ NRCS OC CT TO OB BE ER R 20 201155 O Page Page 55 …….ANNOUNCING……. EAST TORRANCE SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING (Don’t miss this year’s Guest Speakers) NOVEMBER 4, 2015 STARTING AT 9:30 AM 700 / 10th Street Estancia, NM (Right next to the Torrance County Fair Ground West entrance) ESTANCIA, NEW MEXICO Please call 384-2272 ext. 5 to confirm your attendance to ensure enough food and seating will be available. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR SPONSORS FOR SUPPORTING US IN 2015, AND IN YEARS PAST. PLEASE SUPPORT THE ONES THAT HELP SUPPORT US. THANK YOU. FARM CREDIT…(donation $400.00 for lunch) CHARLIES SPORTING GOODS STORE … matching donation of $1000.00 toward door prizes ****** similar door prizes will be available to win****** Marlin MR-7 280 Rifle, Binoculars, 12 gauge shotgun, and other door prizes NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.2 E A S T T O R R A N C E S O I L & W A T ER C O N S E R V A T IO N D I ST R I C T / WWW.EASTTORRANCESWCD.ORG PO Box 58 715. 5th Street Phone: 505-384-2272 Ext.5 Fax: 505-384-3043 E-mail: cheri.lujan@nm.nacdnet.net WWW.EastTorranceSWCD.org ETSWCD PROMOTES STEWARSHIP OF NATURAL RESOURCES BY PROVIDNG LEADERSHIP, EDUCAITON, TECHINICAL AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE CITZENS OF THE DISTRICT POSTAL CUSTOMER BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ryan Schwebach Chairman Bill Wrye EAST TORRANCE SWCD NRCS SUPPORT Brandon Bishop Vice Chair District Conservationist Jim Berlier Joshua Archuleta Secretary / Treasurer Soil Conservationist Fronia Jaramillo Lisa Dennisson Member Soil Conservationist Tech Jason Brumley Member STAFF NMDA SUPPORT Cheri Lujan Katie Mechenbier District Manager Soil & Water Conservation Specialist Miriam Cazares Student Clerk