AgroEnviron August Draft - National Soil Erosion Research Lab


AgroEnviron August Draft - National Soil Erosion Research Lab
Potential Deadlines
September 1, 2009
Abstract Submission
2nd Announcement
Call for abstracts
November 30, 2009
Deadline for abstract submission
December 30, 2009
Notification of acceptance of
By email to not later than
November 30, 2009. Please include the information requested on this page below including name, surname, institute, address, contact info, Title and abstract not to exceed
your 350 words (in English)
VII International Symposium
Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural
Management Systems in an Ever Changing World
March 31, 2010
Final Program
Registration Fees
May 19-22, 2010
Early bird full registration
Full registration after January 31, 2010
Student registration
is located at the South
Cancún, México
Agro Enviro 2010 informational website:
Deadline for early bird registration
Great Parnassus Resort
250.00 USD
350.00 USD
150.00 USD
2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts
May 19 to 22, 2010
For more information contact:
José Luis Oropeza-Mota
end of Cancun Hotel
Darrell Norton
Zone by Playa Delfines.
Donald Gabriels
Gunay Erpul
AgroEnviron 2010
VII International Symposium
Cancún, México
Contact Information
Conference Location and Hotel Address
Blvd. Kukulcán KM 16.9, Zona Hotelera
Cancún, Quintana Roo CP 77500 México
Title of Presentation (if abstract attached):
Conference Hotel Night Rates (with food and drinks):
Double or triple Bedroom: 80 USD / Person
Single Bedroom: 120 USD
Other hotels:
January 31, 2010
Venue and Accommodation
Special needs?
Cancún, México
Scientific Committee
General Information
The International Symposium Agro Environ 2010 will take
place on May 19 to 22, 2010 in Cancún, Mexico. It is
expected to have a broad and scientifically interesting
program on “Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural
Management Systems in an Ever Changing World”, and
your presence will undeniably contribute to it. This gathering will offer a forum where innovative ideas, knowledge,
experience and concerns of all people, professionals and
institutions involved within the field of sustainable use and
management of agricultural soils can be presented. The
sessions of this 7th International Symposium will not be
limited solely to sustainable use; it will embrace the scientific fields of soil protection, soil and water conservation,
watershed management, land use planning, soil mapping,
remote sensing, drylands, peatlands, impact of climate
change on soils, bio-fuels, water scarcity for irrigation,
desertification, forest fires, forest management and rural
development. Additionally we encourage the participation
of scientists with expertise in bio-soils, use of soil bioengineering techniques, bioremediation of contaminated
sites, soils and biodiversity.
AgroEnviron 2010 Organizing Committee
▪ José Luis Oropeza-Mota, Chair
Preliminary Program
▪ L. D. Norton, G. Erpul, and D. Gabriels, Co-Chairs
Local Organizing Committee
▪ Austria
Andreas Klik, BOKU Vienna
▪ Belgium — Ghent University
Wim Cornelis, Stefaan de Neve, and Donald Gabriels
▪ Brazil
Alfredo de Campos, Federal University of Goiás
Carlos R. de Mello, Federal University of Lavras
Flavio Eltz, Federal University of Santa Maria
Miguel Reichert, Federal University of Santa Maria
▪ China
Fenli Zheng, Northwest Agricultural and Forestry Univ.
Lui BaoYuan, Beijing Normal Univ.
Li Rui, Institute Soil Water Cons., Yangling
▪ France
Fredrick Darboux, INRA Research Center of Orleans
▪ Germany
Nicola Fohrer, University of Kiel
Marcus Zeiger, Eurofins
▪ Netherlands
Saskia Visser, Wageningen University
▪ Spain
Jose Gomez, CSIC, Cordoba
Jose Hernandez Moreno, University of la Laguna
Ma. Teresa Taboada-Castro, Universidade da Coruña
▪ Turkey
O Can Turgay, Hasan Ozturk, Ilhami Bayramin, University
of Ankara
▪ United States of America
Chi-hua Huang, Dennis Flanagan, Darrell Norton,
Betsy Pappas, Douglas Smith, Diane Stott, and
Mark Nearing, USDA-ARS
▪ Venezuela
Deyanira Lobo, Universidad Central de Venezuela
▪ Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Mexico
José Donaldo Ríos-Berber, Demetrio Fernández,
Fernando Paz Pellat, Abraham Dominguez Acevedo,
Enrique Rubiños Panta, Benjamín Figueroa
▪ Comisión Nacional del Agua, Mexico
José Luis Luege Tamargo, Sergio Soto Priante, Isidro
Gaytán Arvizu, Sergio Augusto Chan Lugo, Wibert
Medina Peralta, and Ignacio Hernández Castilla
▪ INIFAP, Mexico
Luis Mario Tapia, Ignacio Sánchez Cohen
▪ Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CINVESTAV, Mexico
Martha Barajas.
▪ Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico
José Reyes Sánchez, Rafael Sánchez Bravo.
▪ Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico
Eusebio Ventura-Ramos.
▪ Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Mercedes Taboada-Castro.
▪ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Norma E. García Calderón.
▪ Desertification and Management of Stony Soils
▪ Conservation Farming and Forestry Systems on
Steep Slopes
▪ Air Quality and its Management in Agricultural
▪ Soil Quality and Health
▪ Semi-arid and Rangeland Soil and Water
Conservation Systems
▪ Soil Erosion Control and Environmental Quality
▪ Water Quantity and Quality in Conservation
▪ Soil Amendments and Byproduct Utilization
▪ Watershed Management
▪ Challenges of Changing Climate Environmental
▪ Wind and Water Erosion Processes
▪ Conservation Systems for Bioenergy Production
▪ Prediction Systems for Air/Soil/Water
▪ Assessment of Effectiveness of Conservation
▪ Soil and Water Conservation in Tropical
▪ Conservation in Extreme Weather Events
▪ Onsite and Offsite Effects of Erosion
▪ Social/Economic Challenges to Environmental
Conservation and Food/Fiber/Fuel Production