ENC7_Presentation Palerm_Draft Map of Competence
ENC7_Presentation Palerm_Draft Map of Competence
UNISCAPE_Map of competences and research groups Impossibile v isualizzare l'immagine. La memoria del computer potrebbe essere insufficiente per aprire l'immagine oppure l'immagine potrebbe essere danneggiata. Riav v iare il computer e aprire di nuov o il file. Se v iene v isualizzata di nuov o la x rossa, potrebbe essere necessario eliminare l'immagine e inserirla di nuov o. INDEX 1. Members of UNISCAPE 2. How did we got the 2. How did we got the informations for the map? 3. Participation rate 4. Research groups report 5. Research group factsheet p example 6. Research project factsheet and project subject data example 7. Research projects for subjects 8 List of directors and 8. i f di d researchers by university 1. Members of UNISCAPE UNISCAPE is currently composed of 50 Members from 8 countries. 1. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona (Italy) 2. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla (Spain) 3. Universitat autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) 4 Escola Tècnica Superior d 4. Escola Superior d’Arquitectura Arquitectura de Barcelona de Barcelona ‐ ETSAB, ETSAB Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ‐ UPC (Spain) 5. Università degli Studi di Bari (Italy) 6. University of the Basque Country, (Spain) 7. Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna g (Italy) y 8. SPECTRA+ STU Bratislava, (Slovak Republic) 9. Università degli studi di Camerino (Italy) 10. University Miguel Hernández, Elche (Spain) 11. Universidade do Algarve, Faro (Portugal) 12. Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) 13. Università degli studi di Firenze (Italy) 14. Università degli studi di Genova (Italy) 15. University of Ghent (Belgium) 16 U i 16. Universitat it t de Girona d Gi (S i ) (Spain) 17. Universidad de Granada (Spain) 18. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) 19. Università del Salento, Lecce (Italy) 20 Faculté d 20. Faculté d'Architecture Architecture de Liège ‐ ULG (Belgium) 21. Universidade Lusiada Lisboa (Portugal) 22. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ‐ Universidad de Málaga (Spain) 23. Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy) 24. Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca (Italy) 25. Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione Milano – IULM (Italy) 26. Politecnico di Milano (Italy) 27. Faculté d'Architecture de Mons ‐ UMons (Belgium) 28. Polo delle Scienze e delle Tecnologie dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II di Napoli Federico II (Italy) 29. Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope (Italy) 30. Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli (Italy) 31. Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa – Napoli (Italy) 32. Univerza V Novi Gorici (Slovenia) 33. Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) 34. Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette (France) 35. Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (France) 36. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle ‐ Paris 3 (France) 37. Universidade do Porto (Portugal) 38. Università degli Studi di Reggio Calabria “Mediterranea” (Italy) 39. Università di Roma Tre (Italy) 40 U i 40. Universidad de Sevilla id d d Se illa (Spain) (S i ) 41. Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy) 42. Politecnico di Torino (Italy) 43. Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy) 44. Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy) 44. Università 45. Università di Urbino "Carlo Bo" (Italy) 46. Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia (Italy) 47. Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy) 48. Università della Tuscia ‐ Viterbo ‐ (Italy) 49. Universiteit van Wageningen p (The Netherlands) 50. Technical University in Zvolen (Slovak Republic) 2. How did we got the informations for the map? We contacted the fifty universities in different ways: First step: Email asking informations to each contact person of each university SSecond d step: Email E il with i h a factsheet f h to be b filled fill d by b each h university i i contact person Thi d step: Emails Third E il and webposts d b f from the h uniscape i communication i i manager. Fourth step: Phone call to the uniscape contact person and also to the research h group director di t Fifth step: Email with a request of control of the factsheet by each university. (Now we are in the fourth step) 3. Participation rate Universities that provide all the informations Universities that did not reply 28% 48% 24% Universities that h provide some informations Universities that provide informations p (52% of the universities total) Universities that Universities that provide some informations provide all the informations 46% 6% 54% % 4. Research groups report 1. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona 1. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona 2. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla Research group name: Geografía y desarrollo regional urbano Director: Rocío Silva Pérez Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla Grupo de Investigación Estructuras y Sistemas Territoriales – GIEST (Territorial Structures and Systems Research Group) y p) Director: Juan F. Ojeda Rivera Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla Pioneer approaches of Landscape preservation in Italy, between XIX and XX century Director: Marzia Marchi Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna CUBE – Centro Universitario Bolognese di Etnosemiotica Director: prof. Francesco Marsciani Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Rural Building and Landscape Director: Patrizia Tassinari Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna University of Florence Director: Maria C. Zoppi LaPEI University of Florence Director: Alberto Magnaghi Economic Geography Economic Geography University of Florence Professor Patrizia Romei DUPT‐Osservatorio del Paesaggio Regione Sardegna: "Opere incongrue e di qualità nel paesaggio sardo Uno strumento per la segnalazione paesaggio sardo. Uno strumento per la segnalazione e la valutazione" University of Florence Prof. Gabiele Corsani 8 SPECTRA+ STU Bratislava, 8. 9. Università degli studi di Camerino 3. Universitat autònoma de Barcelona 10. Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche Laboratory for landscape and cultural heritage CULTLAB University of Florence Director: Mauro Agnoletti Working group landscape University of Florence Director: Prof. Mauro Agnoletti 4 Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de 4. l è i S i d’ i d Barcelona ‐ ETSAB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ‐ UPC Bernia Director: DE BARAÑANO LETAMENDIA, DOSME MARÍA 5. Università degli Studi di Bari 11. Universidade do Algarve, Faro University research group for landscape planning of regional plan of Tuscany University of Florence Director: prof. Saverio Mecca ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING GROUP JOINING LAPEI (LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE ECOLOGICA DEGLI INSEDIAMENTI) University of Florence Director: ALBERTO ZIPARO, PROFESSOR 6. University of the Basque Country 12. Università degli Studi di Ferrara 7. Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Vegetation and landscape Ecology Director: prof. Carlo Ferrari, Full Professor Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna 13. University of Florence Research group of the Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Science, section Woody Plants, University of Florence Francesco Ferrini University of Florence Cul.t, Laboratorio di Cultura del territorio 14 Università degli studi di Genova 14. Università degli studi di Genova 22 Universidad de Málaga 22. Universidad de Málaga Research group of the Faculty of Architecture Università degli studi di Genova Prof. Annalisa Calcagno Maniglio R ALTOUR Architecture an Landscape on TOURISM Universidad de Málaga 15. University of Ghent 15 16. University of Girona LABORATORIO DE ANÁLISIS Y GESTIÓN DEL PAISAJE (LAGP) University of Girona Director: Josep Pintó Disciplines of Architecture, President BENECON p , SCaRL 31. Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa – Napoli 23. Università degli Studi di Milano Osservatorio Geografico sul Paesaggio Università degli Studi di Milano and Università degli Studi di Bergamo Director: prof. Maria Chiara Zerbi (Università degli Studi di Milano) 24. Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca 25. Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione 32 University of Nova Gorica 32. i i f i Historic Urban Landscape University of Nova Gorica Director: doc. dr. Sasa Dobricic TransEcoNet – Transnational Ecological Networks in Transnational Ecological Networks in Central Europe University of Nova Gorica Director: doc.dr. Gregor Torkar 17. Universidad de Granada Milano – IULM 33. Università degli Studi di Padova 18. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran 26. Politecnico di Milano Grupo de investigación del departamento “Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry” Università degli Studi di Padova Professor Tiziano Tempesta Canaria 27. Faculté d'Architecture de Mons ‐ UMons ARQUITECTURA, PAISAJE Y PATRIMONIO Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ARQUITECTURA, METODOLOGÍAS. PATRIMONIO (ARPA) Director: Manuel Jesús Martín Hernández Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 29. Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope” ‐ Dipartimento di Scienze per l’Ambiente 35. Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne 19. Università del Salento, Lecce 30. Second University of Naples SUN 36 Université Sorbonne Nouvelle ‐ 36. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle ‐ Paris 3 Paris 3 20. Faculté d'Architecture de Liège ‐ ULG 21. Universidade Lusiada Lisboa 28. Polo delle Scienze e delle Tecnologie Polo delle Scienze e delle Tecnologie dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II WORLD HERITAGE MANAGEMENT (WHM) CAMPANIA_ITALY Second University of Naples SUN Director: Prof. Arch. Carmine Gambardella, Dean Faculty of Architecture SUN, Director Phd School in Faculty of Architecture SUN, Director Phd School in 34 Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture 34. l l d' h de Paris La Villette 38 UNIRC – 38. UNIRC Mediterranean University of Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria CHANGING LANDSCAPES – MEDITERRANEAN SENSITIVE AREAS DESIGN UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Director: Prof. Daniela Colafranceschi Laboratorio di Strategie Urbane e Territoriali per la pianificazione (Laboratory of Urban and Regional Strategies for planning) LABSTUTEP. Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria) LABSTUTEP Director: prof. Francesca Moraci UNITÀ OPERATIVA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI MEDITERRANEA DI REGGIO CALABRIA UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria g Director: Franco Zagari I SISTEMI INFORMATIVI PER L’ANALISI E LA PROGETTAZIONE TERRITORIALE E DEL PAESAGGIO UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Director: Prof. Maria Adele Teti 39. University of Roma Tre Landscape as a Common Ground for Planning and Policy‐Making Roma Tre Director: Anna Laura Palazzo 40. Universidad de Sevilla 41. University of Turin Gardens and Landscape Director: Prof. Carlo Grignani i f C l Gi i University of Turin University of Turin Research group name: Culture techniques and quality, biodiversity conservation and sustainability in orchards. Director: Prof. Giancarlo Bounous University of Turin Research group name: Erratic blocks. Director: Michele Motta (PA) University of Turin Research group name: Research Centre for Rural Development of Hilly Areas (CSC) Director: Pr Bruno Giau Director: Pr. Bruno Giau University of Turin Research group name: Soil Science Director: Pr. Franco Ajmone Marsan University of Turin Research group name: Department of Commodity Research group name: Department of Commodity Science Director: Prof. Riccardo Beltramo University of Turin Research group name: Centro Studio e Ricerche sullo Sviluppo Locale Director Enrico ERCOLE Director: Enrico ERCOLE University of Turin Research group name: Forest ecology and mountain silvicolture Director: Renzo Motta University of Turin Research group name: Geomatics Group Director: Prof. Roberto Chiabrando University of Turin Research group name: Piedmont research group for the project “Carta delle serie di vegetazione d’Italia Director: Prof. Consolata Siniscalco (regional Director: Prof. Consolata Siniscalco (regional referent) University of Turin 42. Polytechnic of Torino Research group of the Inter‐university Research group of the Inter university Department of Territorial Studies and Planning Polytechnic of Torino Prof. Roberto Gambino Research group of the CED PPN European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Polytechnic of Torino Polytechnic of Torino Prof. Roberto Gambino Research group of the department of Architectural and Industrial Design Polytechnic of Torino Prof. Roberto Gambino Research group of the department of Housing and City Polytechnic of Torino Prof. Roberto Gambino g p p Research group of the department of Human Settlements Science and Technology Polytechnic of Torino Prof. Roberto Gambino Research group of the department Interdepartmental University Centre Mondovì (Ce.S.Mo) Polytechnic of Torino Prof. Roberto Gambino 43. Università degli Studi di Trento Engineering Group University of Tuscia , Viterbo Director: Antonio Leone 44. University of UDINE Rural Engineers DISA University of UDINE University of UDINE Director: Prof. Pierluigi Bonfanti Rural Economists DIES University of UDINE Director: Prof. Francesco Marangon Geographers DISU Geographers DISU University of UDINE Director: prof. Mauro Pascolini 49. Universiteit van Wageningen ‐ Landscape Centre of the Environmental Sciences Group Centre of the Environmental Sciences Group 50. Technical University of Zvolen Characteristic landscape appearance assessment, landscape´s axiology values, visual semiotic. Technical University of Zvolen Director: Assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Jančura, Ph.D …………………………………………………………………. 45. University of Urbino Working Group in Theoretical Ecology University of Urbino Director: Almo Farina …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. 46. Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia 47. Università Iuav di Venezia Università Iuav di Venezia AREA DI RICERCA “IL PROGETTO DEL PAESAGGIO”, UNIVERSITA’ IUAV DI VENEZIA Università Iuav di Venezia Director: Renato Bocchi 48. University of Tuscia , Viterbo Agro‐ecosystem Environment and Landscape University of Tuscia , Viterbo Prof. Rita Biasi (Associate Professor) …………………………………………………………………. 5. Research group factsheet example FACTSHEET 1.Research group - Research group name: - Research group brief description: - Director: G p components: Group p - Contact person: Address: Email: W b Web: 2 University: 2. 3. Faculty: 4. Department/s: 5. Director and g group p components 6. Contact details Technical university of Zvolen RESEARCH GROUP NAME: Characteristic landscape appearance assessment, landscape axiological values visual semiotic. values, semiotic FACTSHEET 1.Research group - Research group name: Characteristic landscape appearance assessment, landscape´s axiology values, visual semiotic. - Research group brief description: We provide implementation of knowledge about landscape axiology and visual landscape assessment in relation to landscapeecological attributes (landscape structures, processes, functions and genesis) to landscape planning and design. Our know-how - methodical approach is published in official government method - Official publication of Slovak Ministry of the Environment, Vol. XVIII/2010, part 1b, p.2-51. ISSN 1335-1576. It is method about characteristic landscape appearance and visual impact assessment using visual semiotic. semiotic 2. University: Technical University of Zvolen 3. Faculty: Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 4. Department/s: Department of Landscape Planning and Design 5. Director and group components - Director: Assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Jančura, Ph.D Group components: Landscape planning and Design: Assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Jančura, Ph.D Dendrology: Prof. Ing. Tibor Benčať, Ph.D Natural Tourism: Ing. Magdaléna Pichlerová, Ph.D Agro-environmental Agro environmental Systems: Assoc Assoc. prof. prof Ing. Ing Karol Kočík, Kočík Ph Ph.D D 6. Contact details - Contact person: Ing. Martina Slámová, Ph.D Address: Department of Landscape Planning and Design, Faculty of Ecology and environmental Sciences, Technical University of Zvolen, T.G.Masaryka 24, 960 53 Zvolen Email: slamova@vsld.tuzvo.sk Web: http://www.tuzvo.sk/kptk - 6. Research project factsheet and project subject data example a. FACTSHEET 1. Research project - b. PROJECT SUBJECT DATA Research project name: Starting date and ending date: 1. Research project context and purpose: 1.1 Research project specific purpose: 2. University: 3. Faculty: 1 2 Research 1.2 development: 4. Department/s: 2. Results: 5. Director and group components 6. Contact details - - Director: G Group components: Contact person: Address: Email: Web: 2.1 Scientific test result typology 2.2 Other results (Disciplinary and educational) 3. Financing 4. Relation with educational projects Second University of Naples SUN RESEARCH PROJECT NAME: WORLD HERITAGE MANAGEMENT IN CAMPANIA ITALY a. FACTSHEET 1. Research project - 2. University: Second University of Naples SUN 3. Faculty: Faculty of Architecture “Luigi Vanvitelli” 4. Department/s: Regional Research Center of Excellence for Cultural Heritage, Ecology and Economy (BENECON SCaRL), which is comprised of four university ni ersit of the Campania region, region Italy, Ital Institutional Instit tional Member of Forum For m UNESCO University Uni ersit and Heritage 5. Director and group components - 6. Contact details - Research project name: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH NETWORK IN WORLD HERITAGE MANAGEMENT Starting date and ending date: January 2010 / December 2012 (3 years), and further on with the establishment of a permanent international network specialized in World Heritage Management among partner institutions. Director: Prof. Arch. Carmine Gambardella, Dean Faculty of Architecture SUN, Director PhD School in Disciplines of Architecture SUN President BENECON SCaRL Group components: Professor SUN Jolanda Capriglione Capriglione, Professor SUN Elena Manzo Manzo, Professor SUN Nicola Pisacane Pisacane, Professor SUN Fabiana Forte, Architect Alessandro Ciambrone , SUN PhD scholar. Contact person: Prof. Arch. Carmine Gambardella Address: Faculty of Architecture SUN, Abazia san Lorenzo, 81031 Aversa (CE), Italy Email: presidenza.architettura@unina2.it Web: www.architettura.unina2.it, www.benecon.it b. PROJECT SUBJECT DATA 1. Research project context and purpose: 1.1 Research project specific purpose: 1.2 Research development: 2. Results: 2.1 Scientific test result typology 2.2 Other results (Disciplinary and educational) 3. Financing 4. Relation with educational projects The project aims to develop educational activities on World Heritage Management. The international partners intend to establish a network of multidisciplinary scientific competences. The analysis of UNESCO sites, and their Outstanding Universal Value, is a benchmark to "link minds across cultures" (William Fulbright 1948). Fulbright, 1948) The Professors, Researchers and Ph.D. Scholars of the partner universities (consortium) analyze the case study of the five World Heritage Sites (WHSs) in the Campania Region (), which are , , , Amalfi, and Cilento. This is the base to develop comparatives and “best practices” studies with WHSs in , and Cultural and Natural sites in the US and Latin America. has been chosen for this research project due to its low performance in tourism in the last decade compared to other Italian regions. Cities and regions in the and , as well as many developing countries in Latin America, aress focusing on tourism as a route to economic development. Culture as an engine for economic growth and integration directly involves the and France, which rank respectively first in the world for tourism revenue and in international arrivals. Main cities, archeological and cultural sites as well as natural reserves in Latin America are looking to strength their cultural and environmental characterization. The Consortium, through international meetings in the countries involved, will set up strategies to manage WHSs worldwide. The BENECON and the Faculty of Architecture at the Second University of Naples (Italy) will utilize its technological instrumentation to develop strategies for documenting and monitoring the conditions of cultural and natural properties in Campania as well as in the countries involved, focusing on the sites chosen for comparative analysis. International partners participate in the project developing strategies for theis properties and for WHSs in Campania. The main component of the project is focused on identifying those factors that influence heritage preservation, promotion and tourism. It will mainly address the following questions: Why do some places (e.g., ) endowed with extremely rich and diverse cultural/natural assets effectively preserve and promote their heritage, while others (e.g., ) do not? What do history, culture, society, and geography have to do with the effective preservation or degradation of the local cultural and natural heritage? What is theof cultural heritage? How can this value be linked to the socio-economic development of local communities? How should local communities be involved in the planning process? How can private developments be related to public interests? How can public-private partnerships benefit the management of cultural heritage? Answering these kinds of questions requires an interdisciplinary approach, using concepts from diverse disciplines like architecture and urban planning, economics, sociology, history, geography, environmental studies, and anthropology (both cultural anthropology and archaeology). Recent developments in the , and elsewhere, are characterized by a new attention of local governments to promoting tourism-related activities and infrastructure, and to establishingg new forms of ppartnershipp between the ppublic and pprivate sector, especially p y in the tourist industryy ((Novy, y 2010). ) Thus, while our immediate ggoal is to elaborate a management g pplan for the Campania Region WHSs, we anticipate that the outcome of our analysis of cultural and natural heritage will be of great value and interest to other institutions seeking to promote heritage tourism. Managers of cultural and natural heritage sites will, in many instances, be able to apply this approach toward monitoring the condition of their sites and to identify threats, hopefully before they are severe problems. Only recently has the World Heritage nomination format called for key indicators (e.g., number of species, percentage of buildings requiring repair, stability of building elements, rate of developmental encroachment) to a property’s state of conservation. Most of the example indicators are irrelevant to archaeological sites, however the variables we identify in this project will provide a useful suite of measures for this purpose. An important aspect of this research is its use of an interdisciplinary approach to address heritage issues. Architecture, urban design, urban planning, economics, public affairs, social and environmental sciences will be used to study problems associated with the preservation of cultural heritage sites. The interdisciplinary and international scope of the research constitutes a new approach to the issue of cultural heritage in the Campania Region, where cultural heritage has been addressed historically from a local and non-integrated perspective. This research is also a study of the feasibility of transferring policies from one context to another. Contemporary research on local development in a global context shows that “successful” examples of local development in one region, city or industrial sector are very difficult to recreate in different contexts (Storper, 1997). Local development, in fact, depends on local convention, modes of doing things, habits, and social norms that cannot be recreated but only constructed. Our research will therefore analyze which conventions and social norms in the and France have allowed the creation of successful cultural heritage and tourism policies. At the same time, it will consider which conventions and traditions are in place in the Campania Region among policy makers, Chambers of Commerce and other institutions with a stake in the development of such a policy. Local administrations and citizens have both the right and the responsibility to say how they want their community to be (ICOMOS, 1999; Jacob, 1980). High-culture institutions, such as performing arts centers and museums are seen by planners as important tools for revitalizing urban economies and spaces (Grodach, 2003). In , the central government has developed long-term policies for the protection and development of cultural heritage (Greffe, 2003). New policies, such as free entry to sites for European citizens under 26 years of age, are enhancing local culture (i.e., invigorating participation and attendance at attractions by local citizenry) and indirectly increasing tourism revenues in complementary arenas of the tourism market segment. (That is, while a site may offer complimentary entry to certain niche audiences, the local eateries, hotels, and other tourism destinations will still profit financially from the visit.) Moreover, contemporary planning is dealing with the growth of the city and with urban tourism related issues (e.g., Plan for the Great Paris). The importance of the site is a crucial concept in urban design, planning and architecture, and the way planners and designers have tackled this issue has changed dramatically over the years, but little has been written on it (Burns and Kahn, 2005). Little has also been written on the cultural characterization of the Campania Region, and how its cultural endowment can become the engine of a territorial rebirth. The existing studies on do not consider integrating protection and promotion of cultural heritage from an international perspective. Baseline assessments of site management, marketing, message, mechanics and media (cf. Brochu, 2003) will allow us to develop strategies to responsibly increase cultural tourism in the Campania Region. All recommendations must be geared toward embedding interpretation within sustainable site management practices (Merriman and Brochu, 2005). This work will be guided by the principles outlined in the ICOMOS Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites (ICOMOS 2008) as well as the ICOMOS (1999) International Cultural Tourism Charter (Managing Tourism at Places of Heritage Significance). Both charters stress the role of including local community members in discussions regarding development of sustainable tourism levels at sites and in the communities where they are located. More recently, civic tourism initiatives have introduced the notion of “frame-flipping” in which tourism is used to serve place (Shilling, 2007) in contrast to the more common notion of tourism as a means of economic development in which place serves tourism. Our analyses will be case studies that could be applied to cities and territories of southern , and elsewhere around the world. Monitoring the impacts of tourism on cultural lt l andd natural t l properties ti is i crucial i l to t their th i successful f l managementt andd to t the th development d l t off sustainable t i bl tourism. t i Thi researchh will This ill provide id tools t l by b which hi h the th condition diti off sites it can be b assessedd andd potential t ti l threats can be evaluated. The working group, composed of researchers and Ph.D. scholars from the consortium institutions, will share case studies and best practices in their own countries and fields of expertise. Collectively, this will contribute to improving interdisciplinary approaches to resource management, heritage interpretation and assessment, and international heritage management. These, in turn, will be honed and formally integrated into educational offerings and permanent courses of studies based on WHS management in the E.U., U.S. and Latin America. Establishing joint courses and degrees, PhD international and in co-direction, Summer Schools among partner institutions. The Consortium apply to international cooperation programs programs, ii.e. e ATLANTIS – ALFA. ALFA Other source of financing in each partner country could be : Ministry of University and Research Research, ErasmusErasmus Mundus Programme, Fulbright – UNESCO – Getty Foundation – WTO – UNWTO - ICCROM – IUCN - ICOMOS grants and fellowships, etc. University Students, Master and PhD scholars of the partner universities are strongly involved in the project through site visits, lectures, conferences, training courses, and on the field exercitations (i.e. technological relief, historical analysis). 7. Research projects for subjects 7.1 HISTORICAL AND TERRITORIAL LANDSCAPE 7.1 HISTORICAL AND TERRITORIAL LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS 7.2 LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND URBANIZATION 7.3 LANDSCAPE THEORY 7 4 LANDSCAPE AND TOURISM 7.4 LANDSCAPE AND TOURISM 7.5 PARKS, GARDENS AND NATURAL RESERVES 7.6 MAPS, ATLAS, GUIDELINES AND DOCUMENTS 7.7 RURAL LANDSCAPE 7.8 URBAN LANDSCAPE Territories’ identity and development 7.1 Historical and territorial landscape analysis l i INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH NETWORK IN WORLD HERITAGE MANAGEMENT Second University of Naples SUN Director: Prof. Arch. Carmine Gambardella, Dean Faculty of Architecture SUN, Director PhD School in Disciplines of Architecture SUN President BENECON SCaRL Enforcing the European Landscape Convention. The Landscape Manifesto in San Marino University of Roma Tre Director: Anna Laura Palazzo Draft of Statutory Framework for the MAB‐UNESCO “Biosphere Reserve” Programme of Alpi Marittime Natural Regional Park and Mercantour National Park. The Biosphere Reserves as an international category of protection Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano The candidacy of the “The wine‐grape landscapes of Piedmont” for the UNESCO World Heritage List: analysis and methods for landscape interpretation Politecnico di Torino Location and description of trees of landscape and environmental interest and their insertion in thematical and natural trails for the exploitation of the Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano territory University of Florence Director: Francesco Ferrini University of Florence Director: prof. M. Zoppi TransEcoNet – Transnational Ecological Networks in Central Europe (Landscapes without borders) University of Nova Gorica Di t d d G Director: doc.dr. Gregor Torkar T k Assessing cultural landscapes in the Plain of Florence: a methodological framework University of Roma Tre Director: Anna Laura Palazzo Enerscapes “Territory, landscape and renewable energies” University of Roma Tre Director: Anna Laura Palazzo Landscape indicators. Assessing and monitoring the landscape quality Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano PaRCo. Decentralised cooperation, nature protection and territorial practices: a comparison between North and South. An analysis of partnership experiences between the Protected Areas of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta with Developing Countries Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Egidio Dansero (Diter) Landscape indicators. Assessing and monitoring the landscape quality Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano Assessing multifunctional grapevine landscapes TUSCIA UNIVERSITY Rita Bias Activity 3.6 Characteristic of landscape changes in aspects of natural and human influences. Project of “Centrum of Excellence for support management of forests and landscape” financed by European structural funds (Operation Program Research Development) Technical University of Zvolen Director: Assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Jančura, Ph.D “Completamento delle Conoscenze Naturalistiche di Base in Italia” – subproject “Carta delle Serie di Vegetazione d’Italia” subproject “Map of Vegetation Series of Piedmont” “University La Sapienza, Rome University of Turin Director: Prof. Carlo Blasi I SISTEMI INFORMATIVI PER L’ANALISI E PROGETTAZIONE TERRITORIALE E DEL PAESAGGIO UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Director:Prof. Maria Adele Teti Grandescala Politecnico di Torino LA Historical sources for extensive landscape investigations. Interpretation of the modern land registry Politecnico di Torino SELFMAPPING – the construction of the territory map based on the analysis of the real displacements experienced by empirical actors. University of Bologna University of Bologna Director: prof. Francesco Marsciani Archivo Documental de percepciones y representaciones de paisajes andaluces Director: Dr. D. Juan Francisco Ojeda Rivera Universidad Pablo de Olavide 7.2 7 2 Landscape Landscape planning and urbanization "Innovation within upgrading of territorial resources of Emilia‐Romagna region. Analyses. In‐ depth design studies. The evolution of territorial planning. Potentialities. Policies. Definition of criteria means and strategies", Italian government criteria, means and strategies Italian government research project, 2004‐2006; University of Bologna “High environmental efficient design for the g , y g g agricultural, forestry farming and agroindustrial field” research project of the Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Engineering, University of Bologna, 2004‐2006; University of Bologna The Agricultural Park: a New Territorial Planning Instrument for Unbuilt Areas University of Florence Director: Alberto Magnaghi Th l d The landscape planning: institutional cooperation l i i tit ti l ti prepared by the General Directorate for the scenery, fine arts, architecture and contemporary art (the DG PaBAAC). Under the above project, the Ministry has entrusted the service: Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria) Director: prof. Simonetta Valtieri (PAU) Environmental and Landscape Management System (ELMS) University of Turin Director: Prof. Riccardo Beltramo Environmental and Landscape Management System ((ELMS) to Eco‐Land‐Webscape Management System ) p g y (ELWMS) University of Turin Director: Prof. Riccardo Beltramo Territorial Integrated Quality Management System (TIQMS) University of Turin University of Turin Director: Prof. Riccardo Beltramo PRIN (Research Project of National Interest financed by the Ministry of University) 2007‐2010 “Progetti di paesaggio per i luoghi rifiutati” “Landscape projects for refused sites” Corona Verde Project: strategic planning and governance Politecnico di Torino Scientific Coordinator: Roberto Gambino Landscape scenarios in local town planning schemes Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano The upper valleys of Cuneo: researches for the knowledge, the recovery and the valorisation of existing Buildings Politecnico di Torino Supporting planning with the historical research on cultural landscapes Politecnico di Torino MEDDMAN Projetc (Watershed planning and g g , integrated water resources management, in the MEDOCC regions) TUSCIA UNIVERSITY Antonio Leone Master Plan for Bolsena lake SCI and SPA TUSCIA UNIVERSITY Antonio Leone Antonio Leone Viterbo Province ecological network TUSCIA UNIVERSITY Antonio Leone Master Plan for Tuscania Natural Reserve TUSCIA UNIVERSITY TUSCIA UNIVERSITY Antonio Leone Designing local territories: methods, techniques, esperiences University of Florence Director: Alberto Magnaghi Università degli studi di Genova 7.3 7 3 Landscape L d theory Stone guardians: an exhibition on the morainic landscape near Turin, after the proposed law on the protection of the erratic blocks in Piedmont University of Turin Director: Michele Motta (PA) Creating and regulations designed to address the project on the relationship between the action of defense with the preservation and enhancement of the landscape‐ Study and experimentation of methodologies and techniques for the mitigation of hydrogeological risk Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria) Director: prof.Arch. Francesca Moraci PACULLAR – The cultural landscape of European larch forests larch forests University of Turin Director: Renzo Motta CHANGING LANDSCAPES – MEDITERRANEAN SENSITIVE AREAS DESIGN UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio C l bi Calabria Director: Prof. Daniela Colafranceschi Economic impact of wind farms on landscape value: a choice experiment Università degli Studi di Padova Professor Tiziano Tempesta Soundscape ecology in Mediterranean Europe p gy p University of Urbino Director: Almo Farina Diversity and ecology of chasmophytic vegetation on Northern Apennine gypsum outcrops (Italy) University of Bologna p Director: prof. Carlo Ferrari, Full Professor Constantina. El paisaje como patrimonio y recurso patrimonial Director: Florencio Naranjo (responsable Centro de Estudios del Territorio y el Paisaje‐Junta de Andalucia) Rocío Silva Pérez (responsable Universidad de Sevilla) Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, Spain)/ University of Sevilla ESTÉTICA DEL PAISAJE Director: INMACULADA MURCIA SERRANO Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, Spain)/ University of Sevilla Proyecto, Patrimonio y Ciudad Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Proyectar el Paisaje‐ La Arquitectura del Paisaje Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Restauración y Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico F Francisco Ortega Andrade i O A d d Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Proyecto y Patrimonio Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 7.4 Landscape and tourism Landscape and tourism in the hill area of Piedmont University of Eastern Piedmont Director: Enrico ERCOLE Transformation of landscape and tourism development in protected coastal areas. Changes in coastal landscape and sustainable tourist t ll d d t i bl t i t development Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Roberto Gambino Transformation of landscape and tourism development in protected coastal areas. Changes in coastal landscape and sustainable tourist ll d d bl Development Politecnico di Torino Scientificcoordinator (Local Unity Responsible): Roberto Gambino PRIN (Research Project of National Interest financed by the Ministry of University) 2005‐2008 “Paesaggio costiero e sviluppo turistico sostenibile” “Coastal landscape and sustainable touristic development” Università degli studi di Genova LaArquitectura y la Ciudad del Turismo Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 7.5 Parks, gardens and natural reserves APE. Apennines Park of Europe: creating environmental infrastructures and enhancing the Apennines’ role in Europe Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Roberto Gambino AP. The national system of Protected Areas in the European context: classification, planning and management Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Roberto Gambino Parks for Parks for Europe Europe. Towards Towards aa European European Policy Policy for for Protected Areas Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Roberto Gambino Strategic guidelines for the socio‐economic development of the Protected Areas System of the Po River of Turin (Po River Park) and the Torinese Po River of Turin (Po River Park) and the Torinese Hill Protected Areas Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano (Diter) Valorisation of the green heritage of the Biella Province: project of a network of the local historical gardens and nurseries d d i University of Turin Director: Prof. Carlo Grignani 7.6 7 6 Maps, Atlas, M Atl guidelines and documents Atlas of Piedmont landscapes. An Atlas for the management and enhancement Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano Valle Cerrina: a landscape map focused on the urban regeneration Politecnico di Torino Atlas del turismo en la Costa del t as de tu s o e a Costa de So Sol Universidad de Málaga Redacción del Catálogo de Paisaje del Camp de Tarragona University of Girona Director: Josep Pintó Redacción del Catálogo de Paisaje de las comarcas de Girona University of Girona Director: Josep Pintó Italian Landscape Atlas University of Udine Director: prof. Mauro Pascolini p “Guidelines for rural building design for landscape quality”, research funded and by the New Imola District Authorithy, 2006‐2009; University of Bologna Guidelines and best practices for quality improvement of the built landscape. Integrations to the PPR (Regional Landscape Plan) of Piedmont Politecnico di Torino Guidelines for industrial landscapes p in the Sardinia Region Politecnico di Torino Scientific coordinator: Claudia Cassatella (Diter) 7 7 Rural landscape 7.7 R ll d “Changes in rural landscape: driving forces and future scenarios”, Italian government research project, 2006‐2008; University of Bologna The use of scenarios for the evaluation of rural landscape transformations: a pilot study in Monferrato (Asti Province) University of Turin Director: Prof. Carlo Grignani Plant biodiversity recovery, conservation and valorization of alpine landscape: the case of Stura Valley of Demonte (Piedmont) Valley of Demonte (Piedmont) University of Turin Director: Prof. Carlo Grignani Producing environment. New rural paradigms among policies, tools and practices Politecnico di Torino Rural landscape of Provincia di Torino: relation between settlements and natural environment Politecnico di Torino S i tifi Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano di t Attili P Rural landscape as cultural landscape. a study case p p y University of Udine Director: Maurizia Sigura FARMING BUILDINGS IN RURAL LANDSCAPE University of Udine Director: Maurizia Sigura RURAL LANDSCAPE AND RURALITY University of Udine Director: Maurizia Sigura ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY OF RURAL LANDSCAPE University of Udine University of Udine Director: Pierluigi Bonfanti “Innovative criteria for architectonic, environmental and landscape design of farm wineries”, research in collaboration with Defranceschi company, 2009 ‐ in progress; University of Bologna “New building design methodologies for farm wineries”, Italian government research project, 2008‐2010 University of Bologna Agroecosystems analysis and assessment at landscape level through sustainability indicators TUSCIA UNIVERSITY Roberto Mancinelli Rural architecture and landscape between tradition and innovation “Study of design and landscape enhancement of wine production buildings” research funded by Cesari winery, 2006‐2007; Politecnico di Torino University of Bologna Visual mitigation of sheds impact in rural landscape: g p p a preliminary study to conduct a choice experiment in Asti Province University of Turin Director: Prof. Carlo Grignani Land and landscape maintenance services provided by farmers y University of Turin Director: Pr. Bruno Giau (CSC) Valorization and conservation of ancient varieties of the genus Citrus in Northern Italy (Piemonte) University of Turin Director: Prof. Giancarlo Bounous Director: Prof. Giancarlo Bounous Traditional landscapes of the Italian arboriculture and horticulture: holistic methodology for the inventory and the assessment TUSCIA UNIVERSITY Rita Bias Rita Bias Requalification of degraded periurban territories TUSCIA UNIVERSITY Rita Bias “Innovative criteria for architectonic, environmental and landscape design of farm wineries” University of Bologna Patrizia Tassinari, Coordinator. Full professor of Rural Buildings and Landscape, Agronomist Basic Units of Agricultural Landscapes in Spain: Identification, Delimitation, Characterization and Evaluation (Andalucia, Southern Spain) Director: Juan F. Ojeda Rivera, PhD (Pablo de Olavide University) Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, Spain)/ University of Sevilla Discovering i i llandscapes d in i the h metropolitan li periphery Politecnico di Torino 7.8 Urban landscape Evaluation of Shrubs for Slope Consolidation in Urban Landscape University of Florence Director: Francesco Ferrini Historic Urban Landscape University of Nova Gorica Director: doc.dr. Sasa Dobricic, Campagne urbane. Paesaggi in trasformazione nell’area romana University of Roma Tre Director: Anna Laura Palazzo A NEW GIS PROCEDURE FOR PERI‐URBAN G S OC U O U LANDSCAPE CHANGE DETECTION University of Turin Director: Prof. Roberto Chiabrando Integrating soil data and landscape metrics: a tool for soil management in urban and periurban areas University of Turin f Director: Franco Ajmone Marsan I PAESAGGI DEL RIFIUTO DELLA CITTÀ MEDITERRANEA: LE AREE URBANO‐RURALI DI RECENTE FORMAZIONE DELLO SRETTO DI MESSINA: PROGETTO SPERMENTALE PER I DISTRETTI DI GALLICO E CATONA (RC) Director: Franco Zagari UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Diseño de un Cinturón Verde para el área urbana de Girona University of Girona Director: Josep Pintó La Arquitectura de La Ciudad - Puerto. La Arquitectura del Litoral Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Policentralidad en la Ciudad Contemporánea (El Proyecto Urbano) Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Arquitectura en Canarias Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 8. Directors and researchers report for universities 1. Università Politecnica delle Marche, 1. Università Politecnica delle Marche Ancona 2. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla Director: Rocío Silva Pérez Group components: AIDA MENDOZA BONET , ANA AVILA ALVAREZ , ANDREAS VOTH , ANTONIO GARCÍA GARCÍA CARLOS ALBERTO ROMERO MORAGAS , DOLORES LOBILLO ARANDA , GEMA GONZALEZ ROMERO , INMACULADA CARAVACA BARROSO , ISABEL MARIA LUQUE CEBALLOS JOSÉ LUIS RUIZ ORTEGA Research group name: Geografía y desarrollo regional urbano Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla Director: Juan F. Ojeda Rivera Group components: The Territorial Structures and Systems Research Group (GIEST) is an interdisciplinary and inter‐university research group depending of the g ( ) Andalusian Research Programme (HUM‐396). It is composed of 49 members, among which are 14 active and 2 retired doctors and other 33 members, mostly geographers, freelance professionals from private companies or attached to different academic or administrative centres, as well as research fellows. Research group name: Grupo de Investigación Estructuras y Sistemas Territoriales – GIEST (Territorial Estructuras y Sistemas Territoriales GIEST (Territorial Structures and Systems Research Group) Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla Group components: Buenaventura Delgado, PhD (Pablo de Olavide University)Marta Rubio, PhD (Pablo de Olavide University) Águeda Villa (Pablo de Olavide University) Manuel Rodríguez (Pablo de Olavide University) Rocío Silva, PhD (University of Sevilla) Arsenio Villar, PhD (University of Sevilla) Jesús Monteagudo, PhD (University of Huelva) Alfonso Mulero, PhD (University of Cordoba Group components: Dr. D. Buenaventura Delgado Bujalance (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) Da. Águeda Villa Díaz (Universidad Pablo de Olavide D. Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) Dr. D. Antonio López Ontiveros (Universidad de Córdoba) Dr. D. José Naranjo Ramírez (Universidad de Córdoba) g ( Dr. D. Alfonso Mulero Mendigorri (Universidad de Córdoba) D. Manuel Rivera Mateos (Universidad de Córdoba) D. Rafael Garzón García (Universidad de Córdoba) Dr. D. Martín Torres Márquez (Universidad de Córdoba) Dra. Da. Regla Alonso Miura (Universidad de Sevilla) Da. Rosalía Martín Franquelo (Universidad de Sevilla) Dr. D. Daniel Bilbao Peña (Universidad de Sevilla) Dr. D. Daniel Bilbao Peña (Universidad de Sevilla) Dr. D. Jose Luis Mauri Rivero (Universidad de Sevilla) Dr. D. Rafael Llácer Pantión (Universidad de Sevilla) Dr. D. Diego Anguís Climent (Universidad de Sevilla Research project name: Basic Units of Agricultural Landscapes in Spain: Identification, Delimitation, Characterization and Evaluation (Andalucia, Southern Spain) Research project name: Archivo Documental de percepciones y representaciones de paisajes andaluces Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla Director: Florencio Naranjo y Rocío Silva Pérez Group components: Florencio Zoido Naranjo, Director del Centro de Estudios Paisaje y Territorio (CEPT) Ana Ávila Álvarez, investigadora/colaboradora del CEPT Víctor Fernández Salinas, Universidad de Sevilla Santiago Manuel Pardo García, investigador/colaborador del CEPT Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez, Jefe de Estudios del CEPT Rocío Silva Pérez, Universidad de Sevilla Ana Trout Tate, investigadora/colaboradora del CEPT Research project name: Constantina. El paisaje como patrimonio y recurso patrimonial Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla Director: INMACULADA MURCIA SERRANO Group components: DIEGO ROMERO DE SOLÍS, JORGE LÓPEZ LLORET, MARÍA JESÚS GODOY DOMÍNGUEZ, EMILIO ROSALES MATEO, ANTONIO MOLINA FLORES, JAVIER DOMÍNGUEZ MUÑÍNO, JUAN BOSCO DÍAZ‐ URMENETA MUÑOZ, JOSÉ CARLOS CARMONA SARMIENTO, MIGUEL ÁNGEL RIVERO GÓMEZ, FERMANDO INFANTE DEL ROSAL JUAN CARLOS FERMANDO INFANTE DEL ROSAL, JUAN CARLOS MARSET FERNÁNDEZ Research project name: ESTÉTICA DEL PAISAJE Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Sevilla 3. Universitat autònoma de Barcelona Universitat autònoma de Barcelona 4. Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona ‐ ETSAB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ‐ UPC 5. Università degli Studi di Bari 6. University of the Basque Country 7 Alma Mater Studiorum Università 7. Al M t St di U i ità di Bologna Director: prof. Carlo Ferrari, Full Professor Group components: Dr. Giovanna Pezzi, PhD, Research Assistant Dr. Marcello Corazza, PhD Dr. Andrea Velli, PhD student Research group name: Vegetation and landscape Ecology Research project name: Diversity and ecology of chasmpophytic vefgetation on Northern Apennine gypsum outcrops (Italy) University of Bologna Director: Marzia Marchi P Research group name: ioneer approaches of Landscape preservation in Italy, between XIX and XX century p y, y University of Bologna Director: prof. Francesco Marsciani Group components: Gaspare Caliri, Federico Montanari, Giulia Cantelli, Giovanni Guagnelini, Andrea Picciuolo, Tiziano Annulli, Giada Cotugno, Luca Frattura Research group name: CUBE Centro Universitario Research group name: CUBE – Centro Universitario Bolognese di Etnosemiotica University of Bologna Group components: Gaspare Caliri, Federico Montanari, Francesco Marsciani Research project name: SELFMAPPING the construction Research project name: SELFMAPPING – the construction of the territory map based on the analysis of the real displacements experienced by empirical actors. University of Bologna Director: Patrizia Tassinari Director: Patrizia Tassinari Group components: Daniele Torreggiani. Assistant Professor of Rural Buildings and Landscape, Environmental Engineer Stefano Benni. Assistant Professor of Rural Buildings and Landscape, Architectural Engineer Enrica Dall’Ara. Contract Professor of Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architect Irene Diti. PhD student of Agricultural Engineering, Agronomist Research group name: Rural Building and Landscape University of Bologna Group components:Daniele Torreggiani. Assistant Professor of Rural Buildings and Landscape, Environmental Engineer Stefano Benni. Assistant Professor of Rural Buildings and Landscape, Architectural Engineer Enrica Dall’Ara. Contract Professor of Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architect Irene Diti. PhD student of Agricultural Engineering, g g g, Agronomist Giovanni Pollicino. Research technician, Environmental Engineer Zuzanna Ludwiczak. PhD student of Agricultural Engineering, Agronomist Valentina Corzani. PhD student of Agricultural Engineering, Architect Engineering, Architect Research project name: “Innovative criteria for architectonic, environmental and landscape design of farm wineries” University of Bologna 8 SPECTRA+ STU Bratislava, 8. SPECTRA+ STU Bratislava 9. Università degli studi di Camerino 10. Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche Director: DE BARAÑANO LETAMENDIA, Di t DE BARAÑANO LETAMENDIA DOSME MARÍA Group components: DE BARAÑANO LETAMENDIA, KOSME MARIA, ESCANERO DE MIGUEL, MARIA DEL PILAR, LLOBELL ANDRES, JUAN JOSE, MARTINEZ FABRE, MARIO PAUL, ROSELLO TORMO, EMILIO, SANCHEZ LUNA, ALFONSO JULIAN, VIVIENTE SOLE, MARIA PILAR Research group name: Bernia Miguel Hernández, Elche (Spain). 11. Universidade do Algarve, Faro 12. Università degli Studi di Ferrara 13. University of Florence Director: Francesco Ferrini Director: Francesco Ferrini Group components: Alessio Fini, Martina di Ferdinando, Cecilia Brunetti Research project name: Location and description of trees of landscape and environmental interest and their insertion in thematical and natural trails for the exploitation of the Parco Nazionale del l i i f h i l d l Cilento e Vallo di il ll di Diano territory Research group name: Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Science, section Woody Plants, University of Florence University of Florence Group components: Alessio Fini, Gabriele Amoroso, Piero Frangi, Riccardo Piatti, Marco Faoro Research project name: Evaluation of Shrubs for Slope Consolidation in Urban Landscape University of Florence Director: Maria C. Zoppi, pp , Full Professor of Landscape Architecture Group components: prof. Luigi Zangheri, prof.Carlo Alberto Garzonio, prof. Gabriele Corsani, arch. Carlo Carbone, arch. Rosetta Ragghianti, arch. Ilaria Burzi, arch. Michela Moretti, arch. Domenico Pagnano Research ggroup p name: Cul.t,, Laboratorio di Cultura del territorio (Territory designing and planning as cultural heritage) University of Florence Group components: prof. Luigi Zangheri, prof.Carlo Alberto Garzonio, prof. Paolo Grossoni, arch. Carlo Carbone, arch. Ilaria Burzi, ing. Ilaria D’Urso, arch. Michela Moretti, arch. Domenico Pagnano Research project name: Territories’ identity and development University of Florence Director: Alberto Magnaghi Group components: Ilaria Agostini, Giovanni Allegretti, Daniela Anceschi, Iacopo Bernetti, Alessandro Borghi, Massimo Carta, Angelo M. Cirasino, Laura Colini, Micaela Deriu, David Fanfani Filippo Frassi Sara Giacomozzi Anna Giani Fanfani, Filippo Frassi, Sara Giacomozzi, Anna Giani, Gabriella Granatiero, Ginevra V. Lombardi, Fabio Lucchesi, Alberto Magnaghi, Paola Martini, Matteo Massarelli, Francesco Monacci, Giancarlo Paba, Raffaele Paloscia, Anna Lisa Pecoriello, Camilla Perrone, Daniela Poli, Francesca Rispoli, Adalgisa Rubino, Giovanni Ruffini, Andrea Saladini, Claudio Saragosa, Ilaria Tabarrani Elena Tarsi Luca Tiberi Massimo Tofanelli Tabarrani, Elena Tarsi, Luca Tiberi, Massimo Tofanelli, Lorenzo Tripodi, Daniele Vannetiello, Iacopo Zetti, Alberto Ziparo Research group name: LaPEI University of Florence Group components: Paolo Baldeschi, Iacopo Bernetti, Angelo M. Cirasino, Paolo Baldeschi Iacopo Bernetti Angelo M Cirasino David Fanfani, Chiara Franciosi, Alberto Magnaghi, Francesco Monacci, Rossano Pazzagli, Daniela Poli, Adalgisa Rubino, Giovanni Ruffini Research project name: The Agricultural Park: a New Territorial Planning Instrument for Unbuilt Areas University of Florence Group components: Ilaria Agostini, Massimo Carta, Angelo M. Cirasino, David Fanfani, Filippo Frassi, Ginevra V. Lombardi, Fabio Lucchesi, Alberto Magnaghi, Daniela Poli, Francesca Rispoli, Adalgisa Rubino, Giovanni Ruffini, Andrea Saladini, Roberto Scotti, Daniele Vannetiello, Alberto Ziparo j name: Designing g g local territories: Research pproject methods, techniques, esperiences University of Florence Director: Professor Patrizia Romei Group components: Patrizia Romei, Filippo Randelli, Marco Tortora Marco Tortora Research group name: Economic Geography Research project name: TURRU (Turismo Rurale) University of Florence Director: Prof. Gabiele Corsani G Group components: t PhD.Michele Ercolini (coordinator) PhD. Enrica Campus PhD Marco Cillis PhD student Serena Francini Prof. Alessandro Villari, assistant professor at Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria Research group name: DUPT-Osservatorio DUPT Osservatorio del Paesaggio Regione Sardegna: "Opere incongrue e di qualità nel paesaggio sardo. Uno strumento per la segnalazione e la valutazione" Research project name: Opere incongrue e di qualità nel paesaggio sardo: uno strumento per la segnalazione e la valutazione. Incongrous and quality works inside of Sardinia landscape: a report tool and an evaluation model. Università degli Studi di Firenze Director: Mauro Agnoletti Group components: Marco Fioravanti, Leonardo Conti, Antonio Santoro, Valentina Marinai, Marco Paci, Luigi Hermanin, Marco Togni, Luca Uzielli. Research group name: Laboratory for landscape and cultural heritage – CULTLAB Universityy of Florence Group components: Prof. Mauro Agnoletti, Prof . Tiziano Tempesta, Prof. Giuseppe Barbera, Prof. Tommaso La Mantia, Dott. Andrea Sisti, Prof. Diego Moreno. Research group name: Working group landscape Universityy of Florence Group components: Giacomo Maggiari, Stefano Paoletti Research project name: LANDSCAPE IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF WINDMILL PLANTS University of Florence Group components: Leonardo Conti, Antonio Santoro, Valentina Marinai, Tiziana Tei. Research project name: Typologies of terraces in tuscany University of Florence Group components: Faculty Staff + private firms Research project name: Monitoring system for the Tuscan Rural Landscape U i University i off Florence Fl Group components: (National Scientific committee) Prof. Diego Moreno, Prof. Piero Bevilacqua, Prof. Franco Cazzola, Prof. Saverio Russo, Prof. Alberto Magnaghi, Prof. Furio Bianco, Prof. Lionella Scazzosi, Dott.ssa Roberta Cevasco, Prof. Tiziano Tempesta, Prof. Luigi Hermanin, Prof. Marco Paci, Prof. Alberto Magnaghi, Dott. Andrea Sisti, Dott.ssa Costanza Pratesi, Dott.ssa Paola Santeramo. International committee: Prof. Bas Pedroli, Prof. Jean Robert Pitte, Prof. Verena Winiwarter, Prof. Oliver Rackham, Prof. Giuseppe Scarascia Mugnozza, Dott. Pavlina , Misikova, Dott. Francesco Bandarin. Research project name:NATIONAL CATALOGUE OF HISTORICAL RURAL LANDSCAPE University of Florence Director: prof. Saverio Mecca Group components: prof Paolo Baldeschi (Chief Coordinator and prof. Paolo Baldeschi (Chief Coordinator and coordinator of first workshop) prof. Alberto Magnaghi (coordinator second workshop) prof. Mariella Zoppi (coordinator third workshop) prof. Matilde Carrà, prof. Gian Franco Cartei, prof. Giuseppe De Luca, prof. David Fanfani, prof. Fabio Lucchesi, prof. Carlo Marzuoli, prof. Gabriele Paolinelli, prof Camilla Perrone prof Daniela Poli; prof. Camilla Perrone, prof. Daniela Poli; dott. Gabriella Granatiero, arch. Emanuela Morelli, arch. Antonella Valentini, Ilaria Agostini, arch. Sara Giacomozzi (grant holders). Research group name: University research group for landscape planning of regional plan of Tuscany Research project name: University research group for landscape planning of regional plan of Tuscany University of Florence Director: ALBERTO ZIPARO, PROFESSOR Group components: DANIELA ANCESCHI, RESEARCH DOCTOR ARCHITECT AND PLANNER MARTINA ANGELETTI, ARCHITECT AND PLANNER ENRICO CICCOZZI, RESEARCH DOCTOR APLLIANT, ARCHITECT AND PLANNER FRANCESCA CONSOLINI, ARCHITECT AND PLANNER LUCA DI PAOLA, RESEARCH DOCTOR ARCHITECT AND LUCA DI PAOLA, RESEARCH DOCTOR ARCHITECT AND PLANNER SANDRO GIUNTOLI, ARCHITECT AND PLANNER LETIZIA RECCHIA, ARCHITECT AND PLANNER Research group name: ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING GROUP JOINING LAPEI (LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE ECOLOGICA DEGLI INSEDIAMENTI)) Research project name: LANDSCAPE PLANNING FOR RESTORING OF DEGRADED LAND CONTEXTS University of Florence 14. Università degli studi di Genova Director: Prof. Annalisa Calcagno Maniglio i f A li C l i li (architecture, landscape architecture) Group components: Prof. Gerardo Brancucci (geology), Prof. Antida Gazzola (sociology), Prof. Francesca Mazzino (architecture, landscape architecture), Prof. Franca Balletti (architecture urbanism planning) Prof Franca Balletti (architecture, urbanism, planning), Prof. Adriana Ghersi (architecture, landscape architecture) Research group name: Research group of the Faculty of Architecture Research Project of National Interest financed by the Ministry of University) 2007‐2010 “Progetti di paesaggio per i luoghi rifiutati” “Landscape projects for refused sites” sites Research Project of National Interest financed by the Ministry of University) 2005‐2008 “Paesaggio costiero e sviluppo turistico sostenibile” “Coastal landscape and sustainable touristic development” Università degli studi di Genova 15. University of Ghent 16. University of Girona Director: Josep Pintó Di t J Pi tó Group components: Joan Nogué, Josep Gordi, Carolina Martí, Rosa M. Fraguell, José L. Villanova, Sandra Soto, Stephanie Wilbrand, Ana Crous, Jordi de Saneugenio Research group name: LABORATORIO DE ANÁLISIS Y GESTIÓN DEL PAISAJE (LAGP) University of Girona Group components: Carolina Martí, Josep Gordi, Xavier Miquel. Research project name: Redacción del Catálogo de Paisaje del Camp de Tarragona University of Girona Group components: Carolina Martí, Josep Gordi, Narcís Sastre. Research project name: Redacción del Catálogo de Paisaje de las comarcas de Girona University of Girona Group components: Narcís Sastre, Carolina Martí. Research project name: Diseño de un Cinturón Verde para el área urbana de Girona University of Girona 17. Universidad de Granada 18. Universidad de Las Palmas Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran de Gran Canaria Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Group components: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar, F Francisco Ortega Andrade, José Luis Padrón Rivas, Juan i Ot A d d J é L i P d ó Ri J Antonio González Pérez, Pedro Nicolás Romera García, Ángela Ruíz Martínez. Research group name: Arquitectura, Paisaje y Patrimonio. Research project name: Proyectar el Paisaje‐ La Arquitectura del Paisaje Research project name Restauración y Rehabilitación del P ti Patrimonio i Arquitectónico A it tó i Director: Francisco Ortega Andrade Research project name: Proyecto y Patrimonio Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Research project name: Proyecto, Patrimonio y Ciudad Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Research project name: La Arquitectura de La Ciudad ‐ Puerto. La Arquitectura del Litoral Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Research project name: Policentralidad en la Ciudad Contemporánea (El Proyecto Urbano) Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Research project name: Arquitectura en Canarias Director: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Group components:for the Univ. of Milan: Antonio Violante (researcher); Federica Fiore (PHD), Stella Agostini (researcher) ‐ for the Univ of Bergamo: Renato Ferlinghetti (researcher) and Fulvio Adobati (researcher) Research group name: Osservatorio Geografico sul Paesaggio Università degli Studi di Milano and U i Università i à degli d li Studi S di di Bergamo B Group components: Professor SUN Jolanda Capriglione, Professor SUN Elena Manzo, Professor SUN Nicola Pisacane, Professor SUN Fabiana Forte, Architect Alessandro Ciambrone , PhD scholar at SUN. Research group name: WORLD HERITAGE MANAGEMENT (WHM) _CAMPANIA_ITALY Research project name: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH NETWORK IN WORLD HERITAGE MANAGEMENT S Second dU University i it off Naples N l SUN 24. Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca 31. Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Director: Manuel Jesús Martín Hernández Group components: Rosario Alemán Hernández, Juan Sebastiaán López García, Manuel Jesús Martín Hernández, Manuel Goicochea Fidalgo, Manuel Martín Monroy, Pablo Hernández Ortega. Research group name: Arquitectura. Metodologías. Patrimonio (ARPA) Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 19. Università del Salento, Lecce Benincasa – Napoli 25. Libera Università di Lingue e C Comunicazione Milano i i Mil – IULM IULM 32 University of Nova Gorica 32. U i it f N G i 26. Politecnico di Milano Director: doc. dr. Sasa Dobricic 27. Faculté d'Architecture de Mons ‐ UMons 28. Polo delle Scienze e delle Tecnologie dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II 20. Faculté d'Architecture de Liège ‐ ULG Group components: Prof. dr. Xavier Greffe, Université Paris 1, la Sorbonne, Prof. dr. Jukka Jokilehto, ICCROM‐ U i University of Nova Gorica it f N G i Prof. Paola Falini, University of Rome, La Sapienza, Porf. dr. Arjo Klamer, Erasmus University Rotterdam Drs. Marco Acri, University of Nova Gorica Research group name: Historic Urban Landscape Research project name: Historic Urban Landscape University of Nova Gorica 29. Università degli Studi di Napoli 21. Universidade Lusiada Lisboa 22. Universidad de Málaga 23. Università degli Studi di Milano Director: prof. Maria Chiara Zerbi (Università degli Studi di Milano) “Parthenope” ‐ Dipartimento di Scienze per l’Ambiente 30. Second University of Naples SUN Director: Prof. Arch. Carmine Gambardella, Dean Faculty of Architecture SUN, Director Phd School in Disciplines of Architecture, President BENECON SCaRL Director: doc.dr. Gregor Torkar Group components: doc.dr. Julia Burnet, doc.dr. Gregor Torkar, dr.Jana Laganis Research group name: TransEcoNet – Transnational E l i lN Ecological Networks t k iin C Central t l Europe E Research project name: TransEcoNet – Transnational Ecological Networks in Central Europe, (Landscapes without borders) University of Nova Gorica 33 Università 33. U i ità degli d li Studi St di di Padova P d 34. Ecole Nationale Superieure Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette 35. Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne 36. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle ‐ Paris 3 37. Universidade do Porto Director: Nuno Ferrand de Almeida Group components: Within CIBIO, there are two autonomous facilities named CTM (Centre for Molecular Analysis) and GEPE (Centre for Studies and Projects in Applied Ecology). Research group name: CIBIO ‐ Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources Universidade do Porto 38. UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Director: Prof. Daniela Colafranceschi Group components: coordinators Fabio Manfredi and Alessandra Romeo; administrative manager Daniele Politi. Research project name: CHANGING LANDSCAPES – MEDITERRANEAN SENSITIVE AREAS DESIGN Research group name: CHANGING LANDSCAPES – MEDITERRANEAN SENSITIVE AREAS DESIGN UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria LABSTUTEP Director: prof. Francesca Moraci LABSTUTEP Group components: arch. Celestina Fazia, dott. Loredana Imbesi, dott. Teresa Labate, dott. Domenico Palamara. Research group name: Laboratorio di Strategie Urbane e Territoriali per la pianificazione (Laboratory of Urban and Regional Strategies for planning) LABSTUTEP. UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Group components: prof. Arch. Francesca Moraci‐scientific responsible ATS and general coordination , prof. Arch Giuseppe Fera‐ scientific responsible Dpt OASI, prof. Ing. Nicola Moraci‐ scientific responsible Dpt MECMAT, prof. Ing. Giovanni Leonardi‐ scientific responsible Dpt DIMET, technical‐ scientific coordination DSAT: prof. Arch. Francesca Moraci, prof. Arch. Franco Prampolini, technical‐ scientific coordination Dimet‐Mecmat: prof. Ing. Giovanni Leonardi, prof. Ing. Nicola Moraci, prof. Ing. Paolo Calabrò, technical‐scientific coordination OASI, prof. Arch. Giuseppe Fera. general secretarial of technical‐scientific coordination: arch. Celestina Fazia studies, surveys and general analysis: prof. arch. Domenico Passarelli arch. Marina Arena, arch. Celestina Fazia, ing. Giuseppe Cardile, arch. Maurizio Imperio, dott.Domenico Palamara, dott. Maria Clotilde Mandaglio, dott. Maria Sapone, arch. Egle Staiti, dott. Teresa Labate, dott. Loredana Imbesi, dott. Giovanni Sammarco , organizational support to the secretariat: dott. Caterina Cambria‐‐DSAT Research project name: Creating and regulations designed to address the project on the relationship between the action of defense with the preservation and enhancement of the landscape- Study and experimentation of methodologies and techniques for the mitigation of hydrogeological risk UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Group components: prof. Simontetta Valtieri, general coodinator, prof. Domenico Enrico Massimo (ACTION‐B scientific responsible), prof. Francesca Moraci (ACTION‐A scientific responsible), work group action A: arch. Celestina Fazia, dott.Teresa Labate, dott.Domenico Palamara (LabStUTeP) Research project name: The landscape planning: institutional cooperation prepared by the General Directorate for the scenery, fine arts, architecture and contemporary art (the DG PaBAAC). Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria Director: Franco Zagari Group components: Vittorio Amadio, Gianni Celestini, Daniela Colafranceschi, Gianpiero Donin, Vincenzo Gioffrè, Valerio Morabito, Giuliana Quattrone, Maria G. p Trovato, Alessandro Villari / Nucleo operativo: Vincenzo Gioffrè (coord.), Giovanni Laganà, Rosaria Lo Russo, Fabio Manfredi, Fausta Occhipinti, Michelangelo Pugliese, Alessandra Romeo, Maria Rosa Russo, Giuseppe Sarleti / Corrispondenti: Carmelo Bonsignore, Elvira Castiglione, Francesco Manti, Vincenzo Vacante Research group name: UNITÀ OPERATIVA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI MEDITERRANEA DI REGGIO CALABRIA Research project name: I PAESAGGI DEL RIFIUTO DELLA CITTÀ MEDITERRANEA: LE AREE URBANO-RURALI DI RECENTE FORMAZIONE DELLO SRETTO DI MESSINA: PROGETTO SPERMENTALE PER I DISTRETTI DI GALLICO E CATONA (RC) UNIRC – Mediterranean M di U University i i off R Reggio i Calabria C l bi Director: Prof. Maria Adele Teti Group components: Arch. Gabriella Pultrone, Arch. Elisabetta Amagliani, Arch. Domenico Francese ( Elisabetta Amagliani, Arch. Domenico Francese ( dottorando III anno ) Research group name: I SISTEMI INFORMATIVI PER L’ANALISI E LA PROGETTAZIONE TERRITORIALE E DEL PAESAGGIO Research project name: I SISTEMI INFORMATIVI PER L’ANALISI E LA PROGETTAZIONE TERRITORIALE E DEL PAESAGGIO UNIRC – Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria 39 University of Roma Tre 39. University of Roma Tre 41 University of Turin 41. University of Turin Director: Anna Laura Palazzo Director: Prof. Carlo Grignani Group components (University staff and scholarship holders): Mario Cerasoli, Lucio Giecillo, Keti Lelo, g , Stefano Magaudda, Simone Ombuen Research group name: Landscape as a Common Ground for Planning and Policy-Making University of Roma Tre Group components: Prof. Marco Devecchi, Dr. Federica Larcher (researcher), Dr. Agnese Fornaris, Dr. Paola , Gullino, Dr. Francesco Merlo Dr. Andrea Vigetti Research group name: Gardens and Landscape University of Turin Group components: Pr. Marco Devecchi, Dr. Federica Larcher, Dr. Paola Gullino, Dr Silvia Novelli p The use of scenarios for the evaluation of rural landscape transformations: a pilot study in Monferrato (Asti Province) University of Turin Group components: Elena Battaglini, Pietro Bertelli, Mario Cerasoli, Lucio Contardi, Mara Cossu, Maurizio di Mario, Keti Lelo, Simone Ombuen, Manuela Ricci, Biancamaria Rizzo, Eryfili Vogdopoulou, Niccolò Zucconi Research project name: Campagne urbane. Paesaggi in trasformazione nell’area romana University of Roma Tre Group components: Marco Biordi, Biancamaria Rizzo, Valentina Ugolini Research project name: Enforcing the European Landscape Convention. The Landscape Manifesto in San Marino University of Roma Tre Group components: Walter Barberis, Lucio Giecillo Research project name: Assessing cultural landscapes in the Plain of Florence: a methodological framework University of Roma Tre Group components: Stefano Magaudda, Stefano Mugnoz, Biancamaria Rizzo Research project name: Enerscapes “Territory, landscape and renewable energies” y of Roma Tre University 40. Universidad de Sevilla Dr. Gabriele Loris Beccaro Dr. Sara Canterino Dr. Alessandro Cerutti Research group name: Culture techniques and quality, biodiversity conservation and sustainability in orchards. University of Turin Group components: Prof. Giancarlo Bounous Dr. Gabriele Loris Beccaro Dr. Sara Canterino Dr. Alessandro Cerutti Dr. Dario Donno Dr. Maria Gabriella Mellano Research project name: Valorization and conservation of ancient varieties of the genus Citrus in Northern Italy (Piemonte) University of Turin Director: Michele Motta (PA) Group components: Dr. Federica Larcher, Dr. Paola Gullino, Dr. Matteo Caser Research project name: Plant biodiversity recovery, conservation and valorization of alpine landscape: the case of Stura Valley of Demonte (Piedmont) University of Turin Group components: Pr. Marco Devecchi, Dr. Federica Larcher, Dr. Paola Gullino, Dr Silvia Novelli, Pr. Alessandro Corsi R Research project name: Visual mitigation of sheds h j t Vi l iti ti f h d impact in rural landscape: a preliminary study to conduct a choice experiment in Asti Province University of Turin Group components: Pr. Marco Devecchi, Dr. Federica Larcher, Dr. Agnese Fornaris R Research h project j t name: Valorisation V l i ti off the th green heritage of the Biella Province: project of a network of the local historical gardens and nurseries University of Turin Director: Prof. Giancarlo Bounous G Group components: Prof. Giancarlo Bounous P f Gi l B Group component: Luigi Motta (RC) Research group name: Erratic blocks. Research project name Stone guardians: an exhibition on the morainic landscape near Turin, after the proposed law on the protection of the erratic blocks in Piedmont University of Turin Director: Pr. Bruno Giau Group components: Dr. Silvia Novelli Research group name: Research Centre for Rural Development of Hilly Areas (CSC) University of Turin Group components: Silvia Novelli (CSC), Davide Degioanni (CSC), Dario Rei (Dept. of Social Sciences), g ( ), ( p ), Emanuele Bruzzone (Dept. of Social Sciences), Roberto Cagliero (I.rur), Patrizia Borsotto (I.rur) Research project name: Land and landscape maintenance services provided by farmers University of Turin Director: Pr. Franco Ajmone Marsan j Group components: Dr. Enrico Borgogno, Dr. Mattia Biasioli, Dr. Gabriele Fabietti, Dr. Nicolina Pasquariello Research group name: Soil Science Research project name: Integrating soil data and landscape metrics: a tool for soil management in urban periurban areas and p University of Turin Director: Prof. Riccardo Beltramo Group components: Prof. Riccardo Beltramo, Dr Enrica Vesce, Dr. Stefano Duglio, Dr. Beatrice Pairotti Research group name: Department of Commodity Science University of Turin Group components: Prof. Riccardo Beltramo, Dr. Stefano Duglio, Arch. Maria Quarta, Dr. Silva Caffa, Dr. Clara Besson Research p project j name: Environmental and Landscape p Management System (ELMS) University of Turin Group components: Prof. Riccardo Beltramo Research project name: Environmental and Landscape Management System (ELMS) to Eco-Land-Webscape Management System (ELWMS) University of Turin Group components: Prof. Riccardo Beltramo, Dr. Stefano Duglio, Dr. Silvia Caffa Research project name: Territorial Integrated Quality Management System (TIQMS) University of Turin Director: Enrico ERCOLE Group components: Giorgia BELLA, Guido BORELLI, Gabriella BOVONE Research group name: Centro Studio e Ricerche sullo Sviluppo Locale Research project name: Landscape and tourism in the hill area of Piedmont University of Eastern Piedmont Department of Plant Biology “University La Sapienza, Rome” and Regional referees (also Department of Plant Biology University of Turin) Director: Renzo Motta 42. Polytechnic of Torino Director: Prof. Roberto Gambino Group components: Roberta Berretti, Alessandra Bottero, Daniele Castagneri, Matteo Garbarino, Fabio Meloni, Giorgio Vacchiano Research group name: Forest ecology and mountain silvicolture Research project name: PACULLAR – The cultural landscape of European larch forests University of Torino Director: Prof. Roberto Chiabrando f Group components: Enrico Borgogno Mondino, Ph.D (Geodesy and Geomatics) , Assistant Professor Prof. Barbara Drusi Research group name: Geomatics Group h project j name: A NEW GIS PROCEDURE FOR Research PERI-URBAN LANDSCAPE CHANGE DETECTION Università di Torino Director: Prof. Consolata Siniscalco (regional referent) Group components: Dr. Daniela Bouvet Research group name: Piedmont research group for the project “Carta delle serie di vegetazione d’Italia University of Turin Director: Prof. Carlo Blasi (La Sapienza, Rome) Group components: Piedmont referees: Prof. Consolata Siniscalco, Dr. Daniela Bouvet Research project name: “Completamento delle Conoscenze Naturalistiche di Base in Italia” – subproject “Carta delle Serie di Vegetazione d’Italia” subproject “Map Map of Vegetation Series of Piedmont” Piedmont Scientific Coordinator: Roberto Gambino Coordination group: Roberto Gambino (responsible), Carlo Socco, Paolo Castelnovi, Vera Comoli**, Vittorio Defabiani with the collaboration of Ippolito Ostellino Research Group: A. Cavaliere, S.M. Guarini, G. Melis, M. Montrucchio, E. Rosa, E. Salizzoni, S. Tarditi, E. Vitale Brovarone, V. Defabiani, F. Bagliani, A. Longhi, M. Olivero, C. Cassatella (DITER), D. Cirina (DITER), Ippolito Ostellino (Director of the Po River of Turin Park Board) Research group of the Inter‐university Department of Territorial Studies and Planning Project Title: Corona Verde Project: strategic planning and governance Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Roberto Gambino Research Group: R. Gambino, A. Peano, P. Castelnovi, C. Cassatella G Negrini A Voghera S Grasso E Salizzoni Cassatella, G. Negrini, A. Voghera, S. Grasso, E. Salizzoni Research group of the Inter‐university Department of Territorial Studies and Planning Project Title: Transformation of landscape and tourism development in protected coastal areas. Changes in coastal landscape and sustainable tourist development Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano Research Group: A. Peano, C. Cassatella (Coordinator) , V. Defabiani, C. Devoti, P. Fabbri, F. Finotto, G. Negrini, L. La Riccia, B. Seardo, A. Cittadino, F. Fiermonte (LARTU Laboratory of Territorial and Urban Research) With L. Caneparo (LAQ‐TIP High Quality Laboratory for Integrated Territorial Projects) Research group of the Inter‐university Department of Territorial Studies and Planning Project Title: Landscape scenarios in local town planning schemes Polytechnic of Torino Research group of the Inter‐university Department of Territorial Studies and Planning Project Title: PaRCo. Decentralised cooperation, nature protection and territorial practices: a comparison between North and South. An analysis of partnership experiences between the Protected Areas of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta with Developing Countries Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano R. Gambino (Responsible) Research Group: A. Peano, C. Cassatella (Coordinator), M. Bottero, F. Finotto, L. La Riccia, A. Voghera, M. Volpiano Research group of the Inter Inter‐university university Department of Territorial Studies and Planning Project Title: Landscape indicators. Assessing and monitoring the landscape quality Polytechnic of Torino Research Group: A. Spaziante, M. Carbone, C. Murano, C Rega C. Rega Research group of the Inter‐university Department of Territorial Studies and Planning Project Title: Producing environment. New rural paradigms among policies, tools and practices Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Egidio Dansero (Diter) Scientific coordinator: Egidio Dansero (Diter) Research group – Final Report 2010: R.Gambino, A.Peano, G.Negrini, E.Salizzoni (Diter‐Ced‐Politecnico di Torino), E. Dansero, E.Bignante, M.G.Lucia, G.Chiusano, C.Lanzano, N.Tecco, L.Giainetti, M.Cisani, M.Puttilli, A.Migliardi (Diter‐ Polytechnic and University of Turin), G.Bravo (Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali, Università di Torino), C. Scarpocchi, C.Ferrarese (Università della Valle d’Aosta), S. Modou Fall, M. Fatou Drame (UGB‐Girardel, S. Louis, Senegal), T.P.Zoungrana, L.Yameogo (Università di Ouagadougou), L.Arnaldi di Balme (IED,Ginevra) Research Group: A. Peano (Responsible), C. Cassatella, G. Negrini, L. La Riccia, E. Salizzoni, B. Seardo, A. Voghera Research group of the CED PPN European Research group of the CED PPN European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano Research group of the CED PPN European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Project Title: Draft of Statutory Framework for the MAB‐UNESCO “Biosphere Reserve” Programme of Alpi Marittime Natural Regional Park and Mercantour National Park. The Biosphere Reserves as an international category of protection Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Roberto Gambino Partner: Politecnico di Milano, Università La Sapienza di Roma, Università di Chieti‐Pescara, Università di Camerino, Università dell’Aquila, Università di Reggio Calabria Servizio Calabria, Servizio Conservazione della Natura del Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio, Federparchi, UPI, Legambiente, Agriconsulting s.p.a. Research group of the CED PPN European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Project Title: APE. Apennines Park of Europe: creating environmental infrastructures and enhancing the Apennines’ role in Europe Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Roberto Gambino Partner: Università di Pavia, Università di Macerata, Partner: Università di Pavia Università di Macerata Federparchi, Legambiente, Centro Studi Valerio Giacomini, Agriconsulting s.p.a. Research group of the CED PPN European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Project Title: AP. The national system of Protected Areas in the European context: classification, planning and managementt Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano Research group of the CED PPN European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning ocumentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Project Title: Rural landscape of Provincia di Torino: relation between settlements and natural environment Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano Research group of the CED PPN European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Project Title: Atlas of Piedmont landscapes. An Atlas for the management and enhancement Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator (Local Unity ( y Responsible): Roberto Gambino Research group of the CED PPN European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Project Title: Transformation of landscape and tourism development in protected coastal areas. Changes in coastal landscape and sustainable tourist ll d d i bl i development Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Roberto Gambino Research group of the CED PPN European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Parks for Europe. Towards a European Policy for Protected Areas Polytechnic of Torino Scientific coordinator: Attilia Peano Research group of the CED PPN European R h f th CED PPN E Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning Project Title: Landscape indicators. Assessing and monitoring the landscape quality Polytechnic of Torino De Rossi (scientific coordinator) ( ) Research Group: L. Bazzanella, M. Berta, A. Delpiano, R. Dini, M. Giusiano, D. Rolfo in cooperation with: C. Giammarco, P. Antonelli, M. Crotti and, for sustainability aspects: A. Mazzotta, B. Melis Melis responsible for the integration with the PPR (Landscape Master Plan): P. Castelnovi Research group of the department of Architectural and Industrial Design Project Title: Guidelines and best practices for quality improvement of the built landscape. Integrations to the PPR (Regional Landscape Plan) of Piedmont PPR (Regional Landscape Plan) of Piedmont Polytechnic of Torino Research Group: G. Ambrosini, P. Antonelli, A. Armando, M. Barbieri, L. Bazzanella, M. Berta, F. Camorali, M. Crotti, A. De Rossi, A. Delpiano, R. Dini, G.Durbiano, C. Giammarco, M. Giusiano D Rolfo Giusiano, D. Rolfo Research group of the department of Architectural and Industrial Design Project Title: Grandescala Polytechnic of Torino Research Group: G. Motta (responsible), R. Palma, C. Ravagnati M. Graffione, A. Pizzigoni, C. Stapenhorst Research group of the department of Architectural and Research group of the department of Architectural and Industrial Design Project Title: Discovering landscapes in the metropolitan periphery Polytechnic of Torino Research Group: L. Mamino (coordinator), P. Mellano, D Regis C Bonardi M Repetto (coordinator) with D D. Regis, C. Bonardi, M. Repetto (coordinator), with D. Bodino, M. Chiarlone and M. Odasso Research group of the department of Architectural and Industrial Design Project Title: The upper valleys of Cuneo: researches for the knowledge, the recovery and the valorisation of existing Buildings Polytechnic of Torino Polytechnic of Torino Research Group: S. Beltramo, C. Bonardi, E. Bosso, V. Castronovo, C. Cuneo, A. Dameri, C. Devoti, A. Farruggia, L. Imparato, A. Longhi*, E. Lusso*, O. Maglione, T. Malandrino, E. Panero, D. Peirano, A. Perin, S. Poletto, C. Roggero*, M. Volpiano*, E. Zanda Research group of the department of Housing and City Research group of the department of Housing and City Project Title: Supporting planning with the historical research on cultural landscapes Polytechnic of Torino C. Roggero (scientific supervisor), A. Longhi ( (coordinator), F. Bosso, C. Castiglioni, L. Corsino, V. di t ) F B C C ti li i L C i V Defabiani, A. Farruggia, B. Fracchia, M. Gola, , S.L. Mantica, L. Montobbio, M. Olivero, M. Panzeri, D. Petronella, F. Rabellino,. Inter‐university Department of Territorial Studies and Planning: A. Peano (scientific supervisor), B. Bianco, A. Bottari, G. Negrini, i i Research group of the department of Housing and City Project Title: Historical sources for extensive landscape investigations. Interpretation of the modern land registry Polytechnic of Torino Research Group: G. Peretti (Scientific manager), D. Bosia, R. Giordano, E. Montacchini, G.Pasquero Research group of the department of Human Research group of the department of Human Settlements Science and Technology Project Title: Valle Cerrina: a landscape map focused on the urban regeneration Polytechnic of Torino Research Group: Politecnico di Torino – CESMO: project leader: D Bosia leader: D.Bosia Genoa University – DSA: co‐organizer research unit manager: S.F. Musso École d’Architecture de Lille : co‐organizer research unit manager: S.Hirschi Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture: co‐organizer research unit manager: A Baranowski A.Baranowski Direzione regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici Liguria: partner research unit manager: L.ittarello Research group of the department Interdepartmental University Centre Mondovì (Ce.S.Mo) Project Title: Rural architecture and landscape between tradition and innovation Polytechnic of Torino Polytechnic of Torino Research Group: E.Chiodi, N.Ciocia, S.Soldano Research group of the Higher Institute on Territorial Systems for Innovation (SiTI) Project Title: The candidacy of the “The wine‐grape landscapes of Piedmont” for the UNESCO World Heritage Li t List: analysis and methods for landscapeinterpretation l i d th d f l d i t t ti Polytechnic of Torino 43. Università degli Studi di Trento 44. University of UDINE University of UDINE Director: Prof. Pierluigi Bonfanti Group components: Sigura Maurizia; Peccol Elisabetta Research group name: Rural Engineers DISA University of Udine Group components: Sigura Maurizia, Gambon Nadia, Francesco Boscutti, Stefania Gentili Research project name: ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY OF RURAL LANDSCAPE University of Udine Director: prof. Mauro Pascolini Group components: dott. Andrea Guaran, dott. Salvatore Amaduzzi, dott.ssa Lucia Piani Research group name: Geographers DISU University of Udine Group components: Dott. Andrea Guaran, Dott. Salvatore Amaduzzi, Dott.ssa Maurizia Sigura Research project name: Italian Landscape Atlas University of Udine Director: Prof. Francesco Marangon Group components: Dott.ssa Stefania Troiano. Research group name: Rural Economists DIES University of Udine Director: Maurizia Sigura g Group components: Salvatore Amaduzzi, Mauro Pascolini,, Elisabetta Peccol, Franca Battigelli, Alma Bianchetti, Francescao GuaranLucia Piani Research project name: Rural landscape as cultural landscape. a study case y of Udine University Group components:Rino Gubiani, Sirio Cividino Research project name: FARMING BUILDINGS IN RURAL LANDSCAPE University of Udine Group components: Lucia Piani, Marta Taborra Research project name: RURAL LANDSCAPE AND RURALITY U i University it off Udine Udi 45. University of Urbino Director: Almo Farina Group components: Nadia Pieretti, Rachele Malavasi, Group components: Nadia Pieretti Rachele Malavasi Emanuele Lattanzi, Luigi Piccioli Research group name: Working Group in Theoretical Ecology Research project name: Soundscape ecology in Mediterranean Europe University of Urbino 46. Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia 47. Università Iuav di Venezia Director: Renato Bocchi Director: Renato Bocchi Group components: Virginio BETTINI, Fiorenzo BERTAN, Renato BOCCHI, Malvina BORGHERINI, Laura CORTI, Maria Pia CUNICO, Giuseppe D’ACUNTO, Agostino DE ROSA, Giulio DUBBINI, Renzo DUBBINI, Leonardo FILESI, Enrico FONTANARI, Luigi LATINI, Angelo MAGGI, Carlo MAGNANI Sara MARINI Anna MARSON Franca MAGNANI, Sara MARINI, Anna MARSON, Franca PITTALUGA, Matelda REHO, Gianna RIVA, Renato RIZZI, Stefano ROCCHETTO, Margherita VANORE, Vitale ZANCHETTIN, Pietro ZENNARO Research group name: AREA DI RICERCA “IL PROGETTO DEL PAESAGGIO”, UNIVERSITA’ IUAV DI VENEZIA Università Iuav di Venezia 48. University of Tuscia , Viterbo University of Tuscia , Viterbo Director: Prof. Rita Biasi (Associate Professor) Group components: Federico Botti (Post Doc collaborator), Elena Brunori (Ph.D student) Enio Campiglia (Associate Professor) Vincenzo Di Felice ( (Post‐Doc collaborator) ll b ) Kostantinos Karkalis (Ph.D k l ( h student) Roberto Mancinelli(Researcher) Research group name: Agro‐ecosystem Environment and Landscape University of Tuscia , Viterbo Group components: Federico Botti (Post Doc collaborator), Elena Brunori (Ph.D student) Research project name: Traditional landscapes of the Italian arboriculture and horticulture: holistic methodology for the inventory and the assessment Research project name: Multifunctional vineyard systems University of Tuscia , Viterbo Director: Antonio Leone Group components: Maria Nicolina Ripa, Fabio Recanatesi, Raffaele Pelorosso, Federica Gobattoni Research group name: Engineering Group University of Tuscia , Viterbo Group components: Maria Nicolina Ripa, Fabio Recanatesi, Raffaele Pelorosso, Federica Gobattoni Research project name: Master Plan for Bolsena lake SCI and SPA University of Tuscia , Viterbo Group components: Maria Nicolina Ripa, Fabio Recanatesi, Raffaele Pelorosso, Federica Gobattoni R Research h project j name: Engineering E i i Group G University of Tuscia , Viterbo Group components: Maria Nicolina Ripa, Fabio Recanatesi, Raffaele Pelorosso, Federica Gobattoni Research project name: MEDDMAN Projetc (Watershed planning and integrated water resources management, in the MEDOCC regions) University y of Tuscia , Viterbo …………………………………………………………… Director: Roberto Mancinelli (Researcher) Group components: Enio Campiglia (Associate Professor), Vincenzo Di Felice (Post‐Doc Collaborator), Konstantinos Karkalis (Ph.D. Student) Research project name: “Agroecosystems Agroecosystems analysis and assessment at landscape level through sustainability indicators” University of Tuscia …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… 49. Universiteit van Wageningen ‐ Landscape Centre of the Environmental Sciences Group 50. Technical University of Zvolen Director: Assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Jančura, Ph.D Group components: Landscape planning and Design: Assoc. prof. Ing. Peter Jančura, Ph.D, Dendrology: Prof. Ing. Tibor Benčať, Ph.D, Natural Tourism: Ing. Magdaléna Pichlerová, Ph.D, Agro‐environmental Systems Assoc prof Ing Karol Kočík Ph D Systems: Assoc. prof. Ing. Karol Kočík, Ph.D Research project name: 3.6 Characteristic of landscape changes in aspects of natural and human influences. Research group name: Characteristic landscape appearance assessment, landscape´s axiology values, visual semiotic. Technical University of Zvolen ………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………