FF Index 73-84 - The Folly Fellowship
FF Index 73-84 - The Folly Fellowship
INDEX Follies 73–84 (VOLS 19.2–22.1) The International Magazine for Follies, Grottoes and Garden Buildings A word of explanation with this seventh index. The first five indexes were prepared and edited by Pieter Boogaart. They were very comprehensive, for this field is notorious for its variation in nomenclature. Rita Boogaart has taken over since, and compiled the sixth and this seventh one with advice from Pieter. So it follows the same conventions as our earlier indices. Articles are in Bold. Authors of articles, L etter - writers and M agazines are in small caps . Book titles are in italics; page reference numbers for illustrations (with or without relevant text) are also in italics. As the names and shapes of counties are more or less fixed now, for practical reasons we use the two letter code for them, as shown below, (some updated, changed since index 6), with Wales, Scotland and Ireland being prefixed by X, Y and Z respectively. Other countries are denoted by their international licence plate letters: D, F, PL etc. Dutch (NL) provinces have a two letter code; French (F) départements have numbers. American states, also (officially) abbreviated to two letters, are prefixed by $, thus NY is North Yorkshire, $NY is New York State. In the meantime, the Folly Fellowship uses the internet more and more, and on our website www.follies. org.uk you can find all sorts of information and links. The Appendix with Addenda for Journal 9 and 10. And an index for F ollies magazine 1-60. We hope to insert 61-84 into that soon, so that internet users can find everything in one very large document. At your service! We hope all will benefit.—RB ENGLAND IRELAND BDBedfordshire BKBerkshire BUBuckinghamshire CACambridgeshire CHCheshire CI Channel Islands CLCleveland COCornwall CUCumbria DODorset DBDerbyshire DUDurham DVDevon ES East Sussex EXEssex EY East Yorkshire GLGloucestershire HAHampshire HEHerefordshire HTHertfordshire IM Isle of Man IS Scilly Isles IW Isle of Wight KEKent LALancashire LELeicestershire LILincolnshire LO (Greater) London MA (Greater) Manchester MEMerseyside NANorthamptonshire NFNorfolk NTNottinghamshire NUNorthumberland NY North Yorkshire OXOxfordshire SHShropshire SOSomerset SRSurrey STStaffordshire SFSuffolk SY South Yorkshire TW Tyne & Wear WAWarwickshire WIWiltshire WM West Midlands WS West Sussex WY West Yorkshire WOWorcestershire WALES XCDClwyd XDYDyfed XGGGlamorgan XGWGwent XGYGwynned XMOMonmouth XPOPowys SCOTLAND YBOBorders YCECentral YDG Dumfries & Galloway YFIFife YGRGranpian YHIHighland YLTLothian YOYOrkney YSTStrathclyde YTATayside YWE Western Isles INDEX F o l l i e s ZANAntrim ZARArmagh ZCWCarlow ZCVCavan ZCLClare ZCOCork ZDE(London)Derry ZDLDonegal ZDNDown ZDUDublin ZFEFermanagh ZGAGalway ZKEKerry ZKDKildare ZKKKilkenny ZLALaois ZLFLongford ZLHLouth ZLILimerick ZLTLeitrim ZMAMayo ZMEMeath ZMOMonaghan ZOFOffaly ZRORoscommon ZSLSligo ZTITipperary ZTYTyrone ZWAWaterford ZWM West Meath ZWEWexford ZWIWicklow 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E OTHER COUNTRIES AAustria AUSAustralia BBelgium CHSwitzerland CNChina CZCzeckia DGermany ESpain FFrance GRGreece HHungary IItaly IC Ivory Coast INDIndia JJapan LLuxembourg MMalta MCMonaco MEXMexico NLNetherlands NZ New Zealand PPortugal PLPoland RRomania RUSRussia SSweden SFFinland SKSlovakia UAUkraine UAE Unt Arab Emirates USAUSA 1 A A272, An Ode to a Road (Pieter Boogaart) 78;6 A la Ronde, Exmouth DV 74;18 Abbots Cliff, Folkestone KE, sound mirror 75;7 Abbots Ripton Hall, nr Huntingdon CA, folly group 76;4 Abergavenny, Chistopher 80;11 Accrington, New High Riley LA eyecatcher tower 83;14 Adam & Eve Garden, pleasure garden, Tottenham Court Road, London 77;17 Adam & Eve, Sham Fort, Watergate, Ham Green GL 81;3,1682;11 Adam, Robert and James 84;3 Adam, Robert 82;8 84;12 Adam, William 74;15 84;3 African Summerhouse, Westonbury Water Gardens HE 80;13 Aislabie family 77;4 82;12 Aislabie Walk: a journey through picturesque landscapes, The (Mark Reid) 82;12 Alan Terrill Page, The80;17 Albin, Michel 73;14 Alcove Seat, Doric Pavilion, Hall Barn, Beaconsfield BU 84;14 Alcove Seat, Valentines Park, Redbridge LO 76;6,7 Alcove, Mill Wood, Halswell, Goathurst SO 84;12,13 Alcove, Shell Decorated, Skipton NY 77;3 ALF, Active Location Finder 81;2,8,9 Alfred, King, Saxon 78;3 Alfred’s Tower, Stourhead WI 78;3 Allawerdi, Mariam 74;20 Allen, Ralph 77;6,7 Alton, nr, Pelham Place Henge, Newton Valence HA 75;5 Amisfield, nr Haddington YLT, temple 74;15 Amisfield, nr HaddingtonYLT, wall pavilion 74;15 Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste, An (Richard Payne Knight) 84;11 Anderson-Pelham, Charles, 1st earl of Yarborough 76;15 Anglesey follies 77;10,11,12 Annes Grove Gate Lodge, miniature castle, Castletownroche ZCO 76;5 Anonymous Folly Owner83;18 Anson, Elizabeth 76;11 Antwerp Zoo (B), aquarium/temple 74;4 Apollo Pleasure Garden, London 77;17 Apollo Temple from Little Sparta 76;19 Appledore DV, Tower 74;18 Apsimore Barn, Badminton Estate GL 80;7 Arabella Aufrere Temple, Brocklesby LI 76;15 Arbours & Grottoes (Thomas Wright)73;18,19 Arbuthnott, James 80;17 Arch, Folly, Woodlawn House, Kilconnel ZGA 81;5 —Park Gate, Birkenhead ME 79;10 —unknown 77;3 —Vathek’s, Monserrate, Sintra (P) 84;6 Archbank, Building for the Birds83;19 Archbank, Moffat, YDG 78;2,15 79;283;19 Archer, Thomas 78;7 Architectural Heritage Fund, The 74;5 79;3 Ardglass ZDN, Eye of Ardglass, round tower 79;13 Ardglass ZDN, Isabella’s Tower 79;13 Ardglass ZDN, octagonal bathing hut 79;13 Around Anglesey 77;10,11,12 Around Strangford Lough, Ireland - Part I 78;18,19 Around Strangford Lough, Ireland - Part II 79;12,13 Art Fund 81;15 Artificial Stone (Simon Scott) 77;15 Artificial stone manufacture 83;5 Artmonsky, Ruth 75;14 Arundel WS, Castle 81;4 Arundel WS, Collector Earl’s garden 78;6 Ashton Memorial, Lancaster LA 82;10 Association of garden Trusts Annual Conference 2012 82;13 Association of garden Trusts 77;5 ‘Athenian’ Stuart, James 77;13 Athens (GR), Tower of the Winds 75;18 Atkinson, William 80;11 Audley End EX, Temple of Concord 82;8 Austen, Jane 79;4 Avenue House, Finchley LO N3, The Bothy, gardener’s home 74;20 Avenue House, Finchley LO N3, water tower 74;20 Aviary/Shell House, Jordans SO 76;4 Avon Gardens Trust 75;3 82;13 Avon, Kingsweston Estate GL 81;16,17,18 Ayot St Lawrence HT, New Church 81;10,11 Aysgarth NY Rocket Ship folly group 83;14 B Bacon, John 75;18 82;8 Badger SH, Temple 80;3 Badminton Estate GL, Farm Buildings 80;1,6,7 Badminton GL, Roothouse, Urganda’s Cell 80;16 Badminton GL, Worcester Lodge 75;2 77;20 Bagot, John 77;13 Bagot, Nancy, Lady 80;5 Bailey Hill Water Tower, Luton BD 84;13 Bailey, Jonathan 76;16 Bamford, Harry 73;4 Bampfylde, Coplestone Warre 84;7 Bangor ZDN, McKee Clock Tower 79;12 Bann, Stephen 75;14 Bannerman, Julian & Isabel 78;6 Banqueting House, Gibside, nr Newcastle upon Tyne TW 75;2 Banqueting House, Temple of the Winds, Mount Stewart ZDN 78;19 Banqueting House, The Ruin, Mowbray Point, Hackfall 77;4 Banwell Caves Heritage Group 75;3 76;18 Banwell Caves, Weston-super-Mare SO 75;382;14 Banwell Osteoicon 76;18 Banwell Osteoicon, Bone House, Westonsuper-Mare SO 76;18 Banwell Pebble Summerhouse, Westonsuper-Mare SO 75;376;18 Banwell Tower, Weston-Super-Mare SO 82;14 Banwell 75;3 Barbara Jones 83;14,15 Baring-Gould, Rev Sabine 84;3 Bark House, Windsor Great Park BK 83;20 Bark Temple, Exton LE 83;14 Barking LO, Folly, Secret Garden by MUF 76;4 Barley Splatt House, Bodmin Moor CO 73;4 Barlow, Nic 75;4 Barn, Colin’s 82;2 Barnes, Richard 75;8,9 Barns, Badminton Estate GL 80;1,6,7 Barnsley, Locke park Tower 83;14 Barnstaple DV, Watchtower 73;4 82;16 Baron Hill Mansion, Castellated Gothic Lodges, Beaumaris XGY 77;12 Mauvages (55), egyptian fontaine-lavoir du déo, 1831 Théodore Oudet I N D E X F O L L I E S 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E Baronial Bridge, Clandeboye ZDN 79;12 Barre, Dianne 75;17 Barrow-in-Furness CU, wall Dock Museum 84;7 Bath AV see Bath SO Bath buildings, sham Roman, Bull Bay, Porthllechog XGY 77;10,12 Bath House, Crew’s Hole, Bristol GL 75;19 77;7 Bath House, Walton WA 81;19 Bath Lodge, Dodington GL 73;7 Bath Lodge, Ormskirk LA 73;12 Bath SO, Lansdown Tower 81;15 —Midford castle 76;1,20 —Prior Park Palladian Bridge 75;19 —Prior Park 77;6,7,14 Bath, Cold, Grotto, Hope End HE 83;4 Bathing Houses and Plunge Pools (Vivien Rolf)81;18,19 Baths, Cliff, Inishcrone ZSL 84;8 Beaconsfield BU, Hall Barn Follies 76;14 Beale, John 83;4 Beamish, Harry 74;14 Beamish, Harry 75;19 Beauclerck, William Aubrey 79;13 Beaumaris XGY, Baron Hill Mansion, Castellated Gothic Lodges 77;12 Beaumaris XGY, Bulkley Memorial, Obelisk 77;12 Beautiful, The 84;10,11 Beckford Tower Trust 81;15 Beckford, William 74;3 75;14 81;15,2082;3,16 84;6 Beckford’s Coffer Cabinet 81;15 Beckford’s Tower, Lansdown, Bath SO 73;4 Beddington, Jack 75;14 Belcombe Court WI, Crescent Pond 77;3 Belcombe Court WI, Grotto 77;1 Belgium, Antwerp Zoo, aquarium/temple 74;4 Bell, Richard 79;16 Bellevue Estate, Laurencetown ZGA, folly group 84;8 Belmont House, Mill Hill, Barnet LO 73;16 Belmont, Lyme Regis - Seaside Villa of Mrs Coade 82;8,9 Belmont, Mrs Coade’s seaside villa, Lyme Regis DO 82;8,9 Belvedere Duty Point DV 74;18,19 —Powderham DV 74;18 —Tower, Windsor Great Park BK 82;5 —China Tower, Bicton, Colaton Raleigh DV 84;16 —Eyecatcher, Penpole Lodge, Kingsweston GL81;16,17,18 —Haldon DV 78;3 Benedict’s Folly 76;16 Benedict’s Folly, Cheltenham GL 76;16 Benington HE Gateway by Pulham 79;3 Benington Lordship nr Stevenage HT, sham ruin, Pulhamite 74;11 80;8 Bentley, Richard 78;5 80;20 Berkshire, Halfway House, sham castle, Kintbury 74;8,9 —Windsor Great Park, Cranborne Tower 83;20 —Windsor Great Park, folly group 82;16 83;20 —Windsor Great Park, Fort Belvedere 82;5 Berners, Lord 84;16 Berrington landscape, HE 83;4 Bessborough, William, 2nd Earl of 74;12 Bestegui, Charles de 73;14 Betting Stand, Penrhos Estate XGH 77;12 Beverley Rockeries EY 76;3 Bevington, Michael 78;3 83;6 Bicton Belvedere, China Tower, Colaton Raleigh DV 84;16 Bicton Park, East Budleigh DV 74;18 Biddulph Grange ST 83;14 Biers Green DU, necessarium (water-closet) 73;18 Birds Fountain, Pena Palace Garden, Sintra (P) 82;3 Birkenhead Park, ME, Triumphal Arch Gate 79;10 Birmingham WM, Perrott’s Folly 74;4 2 Bishopswood Tower, Ross-on-Wye HE 75;13 Buckfield Keep HE, Fernery, Pulhamite 83;4 Black Castle, Brislington, Bristol GL 80;2 Buckingham BU, Lord Cobham’s Castle 81;11 Blackburn LA, panopticon 73;4 Buckingham Palace Gardens Pulhamite LO Blackheath Pagoda LO SE3 83;3 83;5 Bladon castle eyecatcher, Newton Solney DB Buckinghamshire, Hall Barn, Beaconsfield, 83;14 folly group 84;14 Bladud’s Cell, Roothouse, Stoke Park, Bristol —Stowe folly group 83;6 GL 80;16 —Stowe, Temple of British Worthies 81;11 Blair House Summerhouse, Kirkcudbright —West Wycombe folly group 84;14,15 YDG 80;20 —West Wycombe Mausoleum 74;9 Blaise Castle, Kingsweston nr Bristol GL —Wotton House, Wotton Underwood, folly 79;1,4,580;20 group 84;15 Blaise Hamlet nr Bristol GL 82;12 Buddhist Temple, Sisaket, Thailand 75;4 Blithfield Follies Staffs77;13 Buick, Simon 73;20 Blithfield Hall, Rugeley ST, Game Larder Bulkeley Memorial, Obelisk, Beaumaris XGY 77;13 77;12 —Goat Lodge, Towers, Orangery 80;5 Bulkeley Williams, Sir Richard 77;12 —Icehouse 77;13 Bulstrode, sham Tudor gatehouse, Gerrards —folly tower, gazebo 73;1277;13 Cross BU 75;16 —Goat Lodge 73;12 77;13 Burlington, Lord 77;20 —Orangery 76;13 Burt, George 79;5 80;13 Blithfield Hall: A Country House Saved Burt’s Bits, Swanage DO 80;13 (Nancy, Lady Bagot) 80;5 Bus Shelter, Classical, Bodedern XGY 77;12 Boat Fountains 73;7 Bus Shelter, Cross Houses SH 84;17 Boathouse, Dodington GL 73;7 Bus Shelter, Fairy cross DV 74;19 —Gothic, Castle Ward, Strangford ZDN79;13 Buxton DB, Pulham waterfalls, Pavilion —Gothick, West Wycombe BU 84;15 Gardens 74;11 —Roman, Birkenhead park ME 79;11 Boathouse-cum-Folly, Gunnersbury Park LO C W3 80;9 Cadell, Thomas 75;20 Bodedern XGY, Classical Bus Shelter 77;12 Cadmore Millennium Tower, WO 79;5 Bognor WS, White Tower 84;9 80;1381;13 Bollington CH, White Nancy 84;17 Cafeaos, Chinese Temple, La Favorita, Bone House, Osteoicon, Banwell, WestonPalermo (I) 78;17 super-Mare SO 76;18 Caine, Graham 75;19 77;7 Bonnington House YLT, landscaped garden Caistor LI, Pelham’s Pillar 76;15 76;19 Cambo NU, Codger’s Fort 75;19 Boogaart, Pieter & Rita 77;3 Cambo NU, Rothley Castle 75;19 Boogaart, Pieter77;5 78;6,7 Cambridgeshire, Kimbolton, Warren House Boogaart, Rita 73;3,774;4,8,9,20 83;3 80;20 81;10,11 Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Milton Park Boot’s Folly, Bradfield SY 82;10 Temple 81;11 Boston Castle, Rotherham SY 75;5 Campbell, Colen 74;15 76;10 83;16 81;17,18 Bothy, the, gardener’s home Avenue House, Cannon Hal SYl, Fairyland Folly 82;10,11 Finchley LO N3 74;20 Carlew CO, The Old Chapel, Garden House Bottle House, Scypen DV 74;19 75;1776;13 Boughton NA, Simon’s Folly 84;18,19 Carr, John 78;12 80;12 Boughton Park NA, folly group 81;19,20 84;3 82;1684;18,19 Carter, Janet 79;10,11 Boughton Spectacle, Arch, Boughton Park Cartwright, Francis 84;12 NA 84;19 Cascade, Dodington GL 73;1,6 Boulby NY, sound mirror 76;8 —Mill Wood, Halswell, Goathurst SO Bradney, Jane 83;4 84;12,13 Braylsham Castle, Broad Oak ES 83;17 —Prior Park, Bath SO 77;6 Bretton Hall folly group, WY 81;20 —Vauxhall Gardens, London 77;17 82;13 Castellated Gothic Lodges, Baron Hill Bridge, Chinese, Wrest BD 73;13 Mansion, Beaumaris XGY 77;12 —ornamental, Rubane ZDN 78;18 Castellated Wall and Gateway, Carrowdore —Palladian, Prior Park, Bath SO 77;7,14 Castle ZDN 79;12 —Swiss, Birkenhead park ME 79;11 Castle Barn, Badminton Estate GL 80;1,6 Bridgeman, Charles 73;11 84;14 Castle Espie ZDN, Irish Crannog, hide Brightling ES, Mad Jack Fuller’s follies 84;20 79;12,13 Bristol GL, Black Castle 80;2 Castle Goring, Worthing WS 81;15 Bristol GL, Crews Hole Bath House 75;19 Castle Haven YDG, Farm Tower 84;13 77;7 Castle Hill folly group, Filleigh DV 74;18 ‘Bristol Gnomes’, Martin Muller & Graham Castle Hill, Satyr’s Temple, Filleigh DV 74;18 Caine 75;1977;7 Castle House, triangular, Aberystwyth XDY Broadway Tower WO 84;5 84;5,19 Brocklehurst, Sir Philip Lancaster 82;15 Castle Ward, Strangford ZDN 79;13 Brocklesby Park, LI,Pelham Mausoleum LI Castle, Braylsham ES 83;17 76;1584;5 —Durlston, Swanage DO 80;13 Brocklesby Park, LI, folly group 75;19 —Honeycrock Farm SU 83;17 76;15 —Stainborough, Wentworth Castle Gardens Brockley Park, Somerset79;6,7 SY 82;10 Bromley Civic Centre folly, mock medieval Castletownroche ZCO, Annes Grove Gate gatehouse LO 74;10,11 Lodge 76;5 Bromley, Chinese Garage, Park Langley, LO Catterick NY, Kiplin Hall boathouse? 77;3 74;11 Caus, Isaac de 73;8,9 Brown, Lancelot ‘Capability’ 73;6,12,13 Caus, Salomon de 73;8 74;18 75;4,1776;15 Cave with Grannyflat, Grenada (E) 81;13 80;12 81;1682;12 Caves, Banwell, Weston-super-Mare SO 82;14 83;484;4,15,17 —Guy’s Cliffe WA 83;10,11,12,13 Bruijn, Emile de 83;8,9 —Hell-Fire, West Wycombe BU 84;14,15 Brunt, Diane 74;20 Chambers, Sir William 74;12 Bryans Ground, Presteign HE, Sulking House and Dovecote 81;12 80;14 83;3,884;4 INDEX F o l l i e s Chambord Castle (F 41) 83;20 Chapel at Hartwell BU 80;3 Chapel of Mill Hill 73;16,17 Chapel, Gothic-Revival, Clandeboye ZND 79;12 Chapman, John 82;14 Chateau Impney, Droitwich WO 80;15 Chelsea Barracks landscaping LO 83;17 Chelsea Flower Show, Simon Sinkinson Thatch 83;16 Cheltenham GL, Benedict’s Folly 76;16 Cheshire, Hough Hole, Rainow, garden 73;15 Cheshire, Mow Cop 81;11 Chiddingstone Castle, sham medieval, KE 80;11 Chillington ST, Capability Brown Landscape 75;17 China Tower, Bicton Belvedere DV 84;16 China, World Architecture Replicas, Shenzhen (Shanghai) 74;5 Chinese summer Palace La Favorita, Palermo (I)78;16,17 Chinese Boat, Windsor Great Park BK 82;5 —Bridge, Woolbeding Ws 78;6 —Bridge, Wrest BD 73;13 —Garage, Park Langley, Bromley, LO 74;11 —House, pavilion, Ranelagh Pleasure Gardens, London 77;16 —House, Stowe BU 83;8,9 —Pavilion Grove House, Old Windsor BK83;8 —Pavilion Windsor Great Park BK 82;5 —Pavilion Wroxton Abbey OX 83;8 —tea house, Pagoda, Blackheath LO SE383;3 Chinoiserie 83;8,9 Chinoiserie, Italian 78;16,17 Chudley DV, Capability Brown Landscape 74;18 Churches Conservation Trust 80;3 Cilwendeg Shell House Hermitage XDY 78;1580;1083;17 Cirencester GL, Simmington Tower 77;19 Claggett, Walter 77;17 Clark, Jan 78;8,9 Clearbeck Gardens LA 79;5 Cleethorpes LI, Fitties, plotland development 76;15 Cliff Baths, Inishcrone ZSL 84;8 Clive-Powell, Roger 78;15 Cloister, neo-gothic, Archbank, Moffat YDG 83;19 Clovelly DV folly group 74;18 Clovelly DV, Angel’s Wings 74;18 Co Down follies 78;18,1979;12,13 Coade Stone 75;18 81;15 82;8 Coade, Eleanor 77;15 82;8,9 Coade, Samuel 82;8 Cobham KE, Darnley Mausoleum, 84;5 Cobham, Lord 76;20 78;3 Cockenzie House YLT Volcano Hecla, grotto 75;20 Cockerell, C.R. 77;20 Cockerell, Samuel Pepys 80;10 Cockpit Jaynes Court, Bisley GL 75;20 Cockpit Theatre, Dundurn Castle, nr Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 75;20 Codger’s Fort, Cambo NU 75;19 Codrington, Sir William & Christopher Bethel 73;6-7 Colaton Raleigh DV, Bicton Belvedere, China Tower 84;16 Cole, William 78;10,11 Colin’s Barn 82;2 Collett, John 78;12,13 Colonnade Independent Macedonia, Skopje 81;14 Column of the Salt King, Droitwich WO 80;15 Column, Marquess of Anglesey’s, Llanfair PG XGY 77;12 Combe Abbey WA Garden 81;19 Combe Martin DV, Pack o’Cards pub 74;18 Compass on Penpole Hill, Kingsweston GL 81;16,17,18 Concert Hall, Archbank, Moffat YDG 83;19 Conishead Priory, Ulverstone CU, folly group 73;484;7 Conishead Triangular Mausoleum, Ulverstone CU 82;1 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E 3 Controversy farm, Hoogwoud NL NH 73;7 Cooke, Francis 84;6 Coombs, Frank Mundy 73;16 Cooper, Philip 83;3 Copped Hall, Epping EX 73;4 Corbett, John, the Salt King of Droitwich 80;15 Corfield, Penelope 77;16,17,18 Cornish Folly, Lerryn 78;5 Cornwall, Penzance, Egyptian House 83;3 Cornwall, Prideaux Place Grotto Dairy, Padstow 83;15 Cornwall, The Old Chapel, Garden House, Carlew 75;17 Corwell House folly group, nr Barnstaple DV 74;19 Cotehele CO, triangular Tower 78;3 Cottage Ornée, Cobham KE 78;7 —Ornée, Cobweb Hall, Sourton DV 74;19 —Ornée, Quinta da Pena, Sintra (P) 84;7 —Gothic, Belcombe Court WI 77;3 —Gothic, J.B.Papworth 75;17 Country House Foundation, The 74;5 County Gardens trust 82;13 Cousins, Jeff 78;20 Cousins, Mike 73;12,1375;10,11,12 76;10,11,12 78;10,11,12,1379;8,9 80;4,5,1481;6,7 83;16 Cousins, Mike 75;3 81;10 83;684;14,15,17 Coverham NY, Forbidden Corner, Tupgill Park 74;19 Cowell, Ben 84;4 Cowell, Fiona 77;14,15 Cowes IW, Mill Hill 73;16 Cranborne Tower, Windsor Great Park BK 82;1683;20 Cranbrook Castle, Ilford LO 80;4,5 Cranga, Yves & Marie-Françoise 77;5 Cranmore Tower SO 79;3 Crannog, hide,Castle Espie ZDN 79;12,13 Crawfordsburn ZDN, Folly Tower in The Glen 79;12 Creamery, Queen Victoria’s, Windsor Great Park BK 83;20 Cremorne Gardens, Chelsea, London77;17,18 Crescent Pond, Belcombe Court WI 77;3 Crews Hole Bath House, Bristol GL 75;19 77;7 Croome Court WO, Island Temple 82;8 Cross Houses SH, Bus Shelters 84;17 Crow’s Nest Tower, Babbacombe Cliffe DV 81;20 Cumberland, Duke of 82;5 Cumbria, Conishead Priory 73;4 —Conishead Triangular Mausoleum, Ulverstone 82;1 —Fort Putnam, Dairy Cottage 81;13 —Greystoke, Lyulph’s Tower 81;4 Cuper’s Gardens, Mrs Evans, the widow’s garden, London 77;17 Curling House, Gosford House YLT 77;5 Curtis, John80;20 81;20 D Dairies, ornamental 81;2 82;4 Dairy Cottage, Fort Putnam CU 81,13 Dairy Grotto, Prideaux Place, Padstow CO 83;15 Dairy, Uppark WS 82;4 Dairy, Royal, Windsor Great Park BK 82;16 Dance, George the younger 78;7 Darnley Mausoleum, Cobham Ke 78;7 84;5 Dashwood, Sir Francis 76;6 81;6 Day in Sintra, A 82;3 Dean, Joanna 82;12 Delany, Mrs, Mary Granvile 75;16 Delaval, Sir Francis Blake 74;14 Deptford WI, triangular rectory 78;3 Derbyshire, Kedleston Gothic Temple 81;13 Derrick Green Page, The74;7 76;6,781;584;8,9 Description of the Villa at Strawberry Hill, A (Horace Walpole) 80;20 Désert de Retz, Aigremont (F79) 74;5 Design for Death (Barbara Jones) 83;15 Design for folly 77;20 Devon follies, an overview 74;18,19 Devon Gardens trust 74;18 Devon, Barnstable Watchtower 73;4 82;16 —Colaton Raleigh, China Tower, Bicton Belvedere 84;16 —Handon Belvedere 82;8 Devonport civic ensemble, Plymouth DV 74;18 Dewstow XMO, Pulham Rock Gardens 83;5 Dewstow XMO, tunnels, grottoes, fernery 75;13 Didmarton GL, Yew House 81;3 Digital Follies - Follies of England 81;8,9 Dinosaurs, Crystal Palace park, LO SE26 74;11 Dinton Castle, Folly BU 75;4 84;13 Dirigl, August 80;18 Dixon, Hugh 74;14 Doddiscombsleigh DV, Haldon Belvedere 74;18 Dodington Cascade 73;1,6 Dodington GL topiary 77;4 Dodington GL, Water Play 73;6,7 Dollman, Georg 79;15 80;18,19 Dome, glass, multicoloured, Westonbury Water Gardens HE 80;13 Donaghadee ZDN, The Moat, Sham Castle 79;12 Doncaster SY, The Sand House 79;16 Donnelly, Glenn 78;20 Doric Arch, Stowe BU 83;6 Doric Pavilion, alcove seat, Hall Barn, Beaconsfield BU 84;14 Dorrell, Simon 81;12 Dorset, Lyme Regis, Belmont 82;8,9 —Poundbury 75;5 —Swanage, Burt’s Bits 80;13 Douglas, John 80;12 Dovecote Archbank, Moffat, Dumfries 79;2 —Belcombe WI (John Wood sr) 84;3 —Carloonan YST (William Adam, Roger Morris, Robert Mylne) 84;3 —Clandeboye ZDN 79;12 —Great Barrington GL 84;3 Dovecote Heritage, A (Jean & Peter Hansell) 84;3 —Prior Park, Bath SO (John Wood sr) 84;3 —Quantock Lodge, Aley, Over Stowey SO 74;7 —Tabley CH (prob. John Carr) 84;1 Dovecotes and designs 84;3 Dovecotes and Jean Hansell 84;3 Dover KE, mirror discs 75;7 Doves and Dovecotes (Jean & Peter Hansell) 84;3 Downing, Sir George, 3rd Baronet 78;10 Downton Estate, nr Ludlow HE 84;11 Drinkald, Samuel 78;20 Druid’s Temple, Banwell, Weston-superMare SO 82;14 Druids temple, Ilton NY 84;4 Dublin ZDU, Herculaneum Temple, St. Anne’s Park 74;20 Dublin ZDU, St. Anne’s Park follies 74;20 Duchess of Richmond 75;11 Duck House, Pena Palace, Sintra (P) 84;6 Dufferin, Lord 79;12 Duke of Norfolk, 11th 81;4 Dumfries YDG, Garden of Cosmic Speculation (Jencks) 76;19 Dumfries, Archbank, Moffat, 78;2,15 79;283;19 Dungeness, Greatstone on Sea KE, Listening Wall 75;6,7 Dunmore YCE, Pineapple 75;2 Dunn, Carola 77;15 Dunorlan Park KE, Grecian Temple 83;5 Dunston Pillar 81;6,7 Durlston Castle, Swanage DO 80;13 Dutch Cottage, Rayleigh EX 73;4 Dutch Kremlin, Winkel, (NL NH) by Ger Leegwater 78;1 Duty Point belvedere DV 74;18,19 Dyfed, Castle House, triangular, Aberystwyth XDY 84;5,19 Dyfed, Hermitage Shell House, Cilwendeg 80;10 Dyfed, Llanllwni, Maesycrugiau Folly Tower, 81;5 Dyfed, Paxton’s Tower, Llanarthney 78;15 Dyfed, Shell House Hermitage Grotto, Cilwendeg 78;15 Emes, William 73;6 Ferdinando IV, King of the Two Sicilies 78;16 Endsleigh, Milton Abbot DV 74;18 Ferdinand, Prince 82;3 Englefield Green SR, The Dell, Pulhamite Fernery and artificial ruin, Park Hill rock garden 80;9 Mansions, Streatham Common LO 80;8;9 Englefield Green SR, The Dell, Pulhamite —Wotton House SR 75;9 watertower 80;9 —Grotto Easton Hall, Eccleston CH 80;12 English Heritage 74;3,5,11,12,15 —grottoes, Dewstow 73;17 75;776;777;7 —Pulhamite, Buckfield Keep HE 83;4 78;1379;381;19 —Westonbury Water Gardens nr Pembridge 82;12,13 HE 80;13 Enville ST, Museum 75;17 Fetherstonhaugh, Sir Harry 82;4 Epping EX, Copped Hall 73;4 Finlay, Ian Hamilton 76;19 Erith, Raymond 77;20 Finsthwaite LA spire and tower 83,14 Eschwege, Baron 84;6 Fisher’s Hall, Hackfall, nr Ripon NY, Wood Essay on Picturesque Beauty (William Gilpin) engraving 77;4 84;10 Fitties, plotland development, Cleethorpes LI Essay on the Picturesque (Uvedale Price) 84;10 76;15 Euston Arch 74;4 Fleming, Suzannah, shell work 83;17 Evelyn, John 83;12 Flithcroft, Henry 80;14 82;5 Events 2009 73;17 74;19 Flora’s Bridge, Chinese Bridge, Woolbeding —2010 75;1976;14,15WS 78;6 77;19 Folkestone, Abbots Cliff, sound devices 75;7 —2011 78;1579;5 Follies (Gwyn Headley & Wim Meulenkamp) —2012 81;2082;16 81;8,9,10 83;6 Follies (Jeffery Whitelaw) 81;10 Exton LE, Bark Temple 83;14 Follies & Grottoes (Barbara Jones) 75;3 Eyecatcher, Belvedere, Penpole Lodge, 78;1283;14 Kingsweston GL 81;16,17,18 Follies Boughton Park NA 81;19,20 —Column, Chateau Impney, Droitwich WO Follies Bromley Civic Centre, London 80;15 74;10,11 —Gothick, Grey Abbey ZDN 78;18 Follies Fabulous, Fanciful and Frivolous —Gothick, Starlight Castle, Seaton Sluice NU Buildings (Gwyn Headley) 83;4,5 74;14 Follies for Follies 82;10,11 —sham chapel, Mill Hill, London 73;16,17 Follies in Devon: An Overview74;18,19 —Tower, Accrington, New High Riley LA Follies in France (Pieter & Rita Boogaart) 77;6 83;14 Follies in France I, Journal #9 77;3 Eyres, Dr. Patrick 76;5 78;14 Follies in search of research73;12,13 74;15 75;12,1776;13 E F 77;3 78;579;11 Eask Tower, Dingle, Ireland ZKE 74;7 Fairall, Alastair73;12 75;6,7 81;3 82;1183;15 East Sussex, Brightling, Mad Jack Fuller’s 76;8 78;4,581;3 84;9 follies 84;20 82;1583;15 Follies Journal #1 81;18,19 Eaton Hall, Eccleston CH 80;11,12 Faircloth, Nicki 74;16,17 Follies Linderhof (D) 79;14,15 Eaton House nr Chester CH, follies 79;5 Faircloth, Nicki 80;20 Follies of America 75;4 Ebooks, Heritage 81;9 Fairy Cross, gothick Bus Shelter 74;19 Follies of Boughton Park Revisited, The Eccentric Britain (Benedict le Vay) 73;15 Fairyland Folly, Cannon Hall SY 82;10,11 (Simon Scott) 81;1982;16 Edge Hill Castle WA 77;19 Fane, Colonel John, 7th Earl of Westmorland Follies of Boughton Park, The84;18,19 Edwards, Paul 73;11 76;10,11,12 Follies of Bromley Civic Centre, The Effingham, Earl of 75;5 83;16 Fantasias & Pleasure Gardens in Georgian 74;10,11 Effner, Carl von 79;15 80;18 and Victorian London77;16 Follies of England e-books series (Gwyn Egyptian House, Penzance CO 83;3 Fantasias: mock ruin, Moorish Tower, Headley & Wim Meulenkamp) 81;8,9 —Kilmory Mausoleum, Twickenham LO77;2 hermit’s cave, watermill, Vauxhall gardens, Follies of Ireland (James Howley) 81;9 —Tomb, Pompignan (F 82), 77;6 London 77;16 Follies of James Pulham, The80;8,9 Elephant House and Bath, Brockley Park SO Faringdon Folly Tower OX 84;16 Follies of Skopje, Macedonia 81;14 79;6 Farm Buildings, Badminton Estate GL80;1,6,7 Follies, Grottoes & Garden Buildings (Gwyn Ellerslie Tower, Fremington DV 74;18 Farr, Thomas 79;4 80;15,20 Headley & Wim Meulenkamp) 74;8 Elton Hall follies, nr Ludlow HE 81;12 Farringdon HA, Massey’s Folly 83;14 81;8,9 83;4 Feraboscore, Martino 73;7 Follies, Industrial 80;2 —Seaton Delaval NU 73;4 —Stowe Landscape gardens BU 83;6 —Windsor Great Park BK 82;16 Blessey (21), semi-circular fontaine-lavoir, 1835 Henri Sirodet Follies: A National trust Guide (Gwyn Headley & Wim Meulenkamp) 84;20 Folly Arch, Woodlawn House, Kilconnel ZGA 81;5 Folly Castle on Bankmore Hill, Portaferry ZDN 78;18 Folly Farm, Badminton Estate GL 80;6,7 Folly Fellowship Picture Library 74;8,9 81;10,11 Folly Fellowship, the 74;2 81;8,9,10 84;20 Folly group Gunnersbury Park LO W3 83;14 —Abbots Ripton Hall, nr Huntingdon CA 76;4 —Brocklesby Park LI 75;19 —City Farm, St Werburghs GL 77;6,7 —Pena Palace, Sintra (P) 82;3 Folly Richard Barnes, Packington Hayes ST 75;8,9 —Tower, Maesycrugiau, Llanllwni XDY 81;5 —Tower, Nutfield nr Redhill SR 78;12,13 —Tower, octagonal, Quintin Castle ZDN78;18 —Dinton BU 84;13 —Lady’s, Tankersley SY 78;12 —Perrott’s, Birmingham WM 74;4 I N D E X F O L L I E S 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E 4 —Rushmore Estate, Tollard Royal WI, new —Gibson’s Tower, Liverpool ME 82;7 Granville, Mary, Mrs Delany 75;16 —The Wilderness, Skipton NY 77;3,4 —Gothic, Chiddington Castle KE 80;11 Gray, Iain 84;14 —Tunnel, Subway, Brockley Park SO 79;6 oriental folly 74;4 —Killala Folly, Knox’s Folly, Lacken ZMA84;9 Gray, Thomas 84;4 —Secret Garden by MUF, Barking LO 76;4 —Venus Grotto, Linderhof (D) 80;18 —Skopje, Macedonia 81;14 Great Barrington GL Dovecote (prob. —sham ruin, Gunnersbury Park LO W3 80;9 —Wallingwells Hall NT 82;6 —thatched, Hampton Court Gardens, William Kent) 84;3 —sham ruin, Sydenham Hill Wood, The Hoo —Woburn Abbey 73;8,9 Leominster HE 81;13 Great Globe, Swanage DO 80;13 80;8,9 —Wotton House SR 75;9 —/summerhouse, Wanstead Grove, Greatheed, Lady Mary & Samuel 83;10,11,12 —Sir John Downing’s, Gamlingay CA78;10,11 Grotto, Wallingwells Hall, The82;6 Redbridge LO 76;6 Greatstone on Sea KE, Listening Wall & Disk —the, Derwen Fawr, Swansea XGG 74;13 —Wanstead Grove, Redbridge LO 76;6 —/tower, Ross-on-Wye HE 75;13 75;6,7 —the, The Laskett, Much Birch HE 74;4 —Watto’s, Beverley EY 76;3 Geldof, Bob 84;20 Grecian Temple, Dunorlan Park KE 83;5 —Threepenny Bit, Mereworth KE 74;15 —Westonbury Water Gardens nr Pembridge Geometry, Sacred 73;2 Greek Revival 75;18 —Woodlands, Hoddesdon HT 80;8 HE 80;13 Georgian Garden Buildings (Sarah Green Templeton College, Oxford Fonthill Abbey Tower WI 74;3 —Wilton WI 73;9 Rutherford & Jonathan Lovie) 83;4 Observatory, OX, 75;1,18 84;5 —Woolbeding WS 78;6 Georgian landscape 81;19 Green, Derrick74;7 76;6,7Grottoes Russell works, Mells SO Forbidden Corner, Tupgill Park, Coverham 80;2 Germany, Dessau-Wörlitz, Ders Stein volcano 77;10,11,12 78;18,1979;12,13Grottoes, Valentines Park, Redbridge LO NY 73;1774;19 76;9 81;5 Fort Belvedere, Windsor Great Park BK 82;5 76;6,7 Gibberd, Vernon75;5 77;20 Greenham Phantom, Stephen, The Fort Putnam CU, Dairy Cottage 81;13 Groussay - Château, fabriques et familes de 78;5 82;12,13 Foster, Peter 76;4 Charles de Bestegui (Michel Albin) 73;14 Gibberd, Vernon 76;17 81;15 Greenhill, Benjamin Cuff 79;8 FotoLibra 74;8 Groussay Castle, Montfort-l’Amaury (F 78) Gibbs, James 76;20 Grey Abbey ZDN, Gothick Gate Screen & Foulston, John 74;18 73;14 Gibside, Banqueting House, TW 75;2 Eyecatcher 78;18 Fountain, Birds, Pena Palace Garden, Sintra Groussay Castle, temples 73;14 Gibson, Mr 82;7 Greystoke CU, Lyulph’s Tower 81;4 (P) 82;3 Groussay Castle, tent interior 73;14 Gibson’s Tower on Folly Lane, Liverpool ME Griffin, Andy 75;3 76;18 —Cassiobury HT 73;18 Gunnersbury Park boathouse-cum-folly 80;9 82;7 Grimm, Samuel, sketch bowling green —Della Rometta, Tivoli (I), Villa d’Este 73;7 Gunnersbury Park folly group, LO W3 83;14 Gilmerton Cove tunnels, Edinburgh 83;17 Brockley Park 79;7 —Hafod XDY 84;2 Gunton Park Tower NF 83;14 Gilpin, William 84;2,10,12 Grimshaw, Stewart 78;6,7 —Islamitic pavilion, Pena palace, Sintra (P)84;6 Guy, Sir, Earl of Warwick 81;19 Giray, Jezzar 76;9 Grimston Park Tower NY 83;14 —Moorish, Sintra (P) 82;3 83;10,11 Gisburn Kennels LA 77;3 Grinhams Towers, Eridge ES 80;10 —Rome (I), Fontane della Barcaccia 73;7 Guy’s Cliffe - One of the most romantic and Glass Tower and an Iron Chapel, A74;6 Grotto, Aviary/ShellHouse at Jordans, nr —Rome (I), Fontane della Galera, Vatican73;7 pleasant places imaginable Glass Tower, Alan Terrill, Hope Valley SH Ilminster SO 76;4 —Rome (I), Piazza della Navicella 73;7 83;10,11,12,13 74;6 —Belcombe Court WI 77;1 —Rome (I), Vatican Boat 73;7 Guy’s Cliffe WA, Caves and buildings Gledhill, Lisa 83;8,9 —Boughton Park NA 84;18 —Stanway GL 73;10,11 83;10,11,12,13 Gloucestershire Gardens and Landscape —Cold Bath, Hope End HE 83;4 —Tivoli (I), Villa d’Este, Fontana della Guy’s Cliffe WA, Hermitage 81;19 Trust 77;5 —Cwm-Weeg, Dolfor XPO 80;13 Rometta 73;7 —Brislington, Bristol, Black Castle 80;2 Guy’s Folly, Icomb GL 83;14 —Dairy, Prideaux Place, Padstow CO 83;15 —Water Tank Boat, Zanzibar 73;7 —Didmarton, Yew House 81;3 Gwynned, Classical Bus Shelter, Bodedern —Easton Hall, Eccleston CH 80;12 Fountains, Boat 73;7 —Ham Green Sham Fort, Watergate, Adam 77;12 —Goodwood WS 75;11 Fountains, Pulham 79;3 and Eve 81;3,1682;11 —Ellin’s Tower, nr Souht Stack 77;11 —Hampton Court House, Bushy Park LO Fowles, John 82;9 —Kingsweston, Blaise Castle 79;1,4,5 —Holyhead, Castellated Folly Towers 77;10 73;18,19 Foxley HE, Ragged Castle 83;4 84;5,11,19 80;20 —Holyhead, Lookout Tower 77;10 —Horton Park NA 76;9 France, Désert de Retz, Maison Colonne 74;5 —Kingsweston Estate 79;1,4,580;20 —Holyhead, mock castle Soldiers Point —Mill Wood, Halswell, Goathurst SO Freemason park Pompignan (F 82) 77;6 81;13,16,17,1882;1584;16 House 77;10,11 84;12,13 Freestone House, Wilton WI 73;9 —Painswick Rococo Garden 75;19 —Penrhos Estate, Betting Stand 77;11 —Mount Boone, Dartmouth DV 74;18 Fremington DV, Ellerslie Tower 74;18 76;1477;19 —Penrhos Estate, Candle Tower 77;11 —Neuschwanstein (D) Friends of Bromley Parks 74;11 Gnomes House, The, St Werburghs GL 77;7 —Penrhos Estate, Stanley Tollhouse 77;11 80;18 Frogmore, Windsor Great Park BK, folly Goat Lodge, Blithfield Hall ST 77;13 —Penrhos Estate, Towers 77;11 —Oldstone nr Blackawton DV 74;18 group 82;1683;20 Goathurst SO, Halswell House, folly group —Penrhos Estate, Water Tower 77;10 —Prior Park, Bath 77;6 84;5 84;12,13 —Porthllechog Sham Roman Bath Buildings, —Santa’s, by Vernon Gibberd 81;15 Frost, Amy 81;15 Godfrey, Marlene 76;3 Bull Bay 77;10,12 —Shell House Hermitage, Cilwendeg XDY Frost, Amy 84;5 Godfrey, Peter77;6,7 79;4,5 —Rhoscolyn, Coastguard Lookout Tower 78;15 Füssen (D), Hohenschwangau fantasy castle 80;1384;6,7 77;11 —small temple, Hendon Hall LO 79;8,9 79;14 Godfrey, Peter 80;10 81;12 —Seagulls’ Islands, Beacon Tower 77;11 —Stowe BU 77;4 Goodridge, H.E. 81;15 G Gosford House YLT guidebook 77;5 Gosford House YLT, Curling House 77;5 Galway Co, Kilconnel, Woodlawn House Gothic Arch, Bellevue Estate, Laurencetown Follies 81;5 Crignan (26), circular lavoir du mail, 1840 F.A. Ducros ZGA 84;8 Game Larder and Icehouse, Longner Hall, —Boathouse, Castle Ward, Strangford ZDN Shrewsbury SH 80;17 79;13 Gamlingay CA, Full Moon Gate, the Moon —Boathouse/Landing Stages, Gothic Stable 78;10 Block, Plas Newydd XGY 77;12 Gamlingay CA, Sir John Downing’s Folly —Cottage, Belcombe Court WI 77;3 78;10,11 —Cottage, Bellevue Estate, Laurencetown Gammack, Helene 81;2 ZGA 84;8 Gammack, Helene 82;4 —Cottage, design J.B.Papworth 75;17 Garden History Society, The 80;3 —Lodge, Llangristiolus XGY 77;12 Garden in Sussex, A (Stewart Grimshaw & —Lodge, Milton Park, Peterborough NA 81;1 Tessa Traeger) 78;7 —Ruin, Windsor Great Park BK 82;16 Garden of Cosmic Speculation nr Dumfries 83;20 YDG, (Jencks) 76;19 —Stable Block, Gothic Boathouse/Landing Garden, Combe Abbey WA 81;19 Stages, Plas Newydd XGY, 77;12 Garden, Harry Bamford’s, Rossendale LA73;4 —Summerhouse, Woolbeding WS 78;6 Gardens in quarry, Menorca (E) 74;16,17 Gothic taste 83;10.11 Garendon Park follies, Loughborough LE —Temple, Kedleston DB 81;13 81;10 —Temple,Prior Park, Bath GL 77;7 Garnsey’s folly, Uffculme DV 74;18 —Tower, Hampton Court Gardens, Garrick’s Temple to Shakespeare at Hampton Leominster HE 81;12,13 LO 83;1 Gartincaber Tower, Murdock’s Folly YCE82;7 —Tower, Painshill Park SR 78;9 Gate Screen, Gothick, Grey Abbey ZDN78;18 —Boathouse, West Wycombe BU 84;15 Gatehouse, Gothic, Barrow in Furness CU Gothick Eyecatcher, Starlight Castle, Seaton 81;13 Sluice NU 74;14 Gatehouse, mock medieval, Bromley Civic Gothick folly, Mill Hill 73;16 Centre 74;10,11 Gove, Michael 84;17 Gatton Park, Reigate SR, Tower and Henge Grand Entrance, Birkenhead Park, The 82;1284;17 79;10 Gazebo, Blithfield Hall, Rugeley ST 73;12 Grand World Tour in a day 74;5 Gazebo, Garden Folly, nr Rhoscolyn XGY Grantchester garden CA, Jeffrey & Mary 77;12 Archer 84;20 INDEX F o l l i e s 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E 5 Harrap Architects, Julian 73;20 Harrington, Lord 81;19 Hackfall, nr Riponl NY, Fisher’s Hall, Wood Harris, Eileen 80;6 engraving 77;4 Harrison, George 83;5 Hackfall nr Ripon NY, The Ruin, Mowbray Harris’s Cave, Guy’s Cliffe WA 83;12 Point, Banqueting House 77;4 Harristown House (I) ZKD 83;8 Hackfall NY pleasure grounds 82;12 Hartlebury Castle, Hurd Library WO 83;2 Hackfall Trust, The 82;12 Hartlepool DU, Zeppelin Listening Post 76;8 Hackfall, An Artistic Celebration of 77;4 Hartley Wintney HA, West Green House 76;4 Haddonstone77;15 83;5 Hawes, John Cyril, hermit of Cat Island 84;9 Hadlow Tower, Hadlow KE 74;1,3 Hawksmoor, Nicolas 78;7 75;479;380;3 Hawkstone SH, Roman mines 80;2 81;14 83;1484;17 Haynes, John 82;14 Hafod Estate XDY 84;2,10,11,19 Headington Shark, The (Bill Heine) 83;17 Hafod XDY, Fountain 84;2 Headley, Gwyn 74;8 81;2,8,9,10 Haggerty, George 75;14 83;484;20 Haldon Belvedere, Doddiscombsleigh DV Headley, Gwyn81;8,9 83;18 74;1878;382;8 Hebden, Norma 74;9 78;2,9 Halfpenny, William & John 77;14 Hecla, Volcano, grotto, Cockenzie House Halfpenny, William 84;3 YLT 75;20 Halfway House, sham castle, Kintbury BK Heine, Bill 83;17 74;8,9 Helen’s Bay Station Waiting Room ZDN 79;12 Halifax, Earl of 76;9 Helen’s Tower, Clandeboye ZDN 79;12 Hall Barn, Beaconsfield BU, folly group76;14 Hell-Fire Club Caves, West Wycombe BU 84;14 76;684;14,15 Hall Pleasure House, Ivybridge DV 74;18 Hen House Elton Hall HE 83;4 Hall, Christine 84;20 Henderson, John78;12,13 81;20 Halswell House, Goathurst SO, folly group Hendon Hall LO, The Grotto, small temple 73;1884;12,13 79;8,9 Halswell Park Trust 84;12 Henge, Achill Island ZMA 82;12 Hamilton, Emma, with volcano 76;9 Henge, Millennium Stones, Gatton Park SR Hamilton, Mr Charles 78;8,9,14 84;17 Hamilton, Sir William, vulcanologist 76;9 Henge, Pelham Place, Newton Valence HA Hammond, Mathew 78;20 75;576;7 Hampton Court Gardens, Leominster HE Herculaneum Temple, St. Anne’s Park, 79;5 80;1381;12,13 Dublin ZDU 74;20 Herefordshire, Berrington Landscape 83;4 Hampton Court House grotto HE 73;18,19 —Bishopswood Tower, Ross-on-Wye 75;13 Hampton LO, Garrick’s Temple to —Elton Hall follies, nr Ludlow 81;12 Shakespeare 83;1 83;4 Hampton, Mary 75;20 —Foxley, triangular Ragged Castle 83;4 Hampton, Mary, Musical Folly Tour 79;3 84;5,19 Hanham Court gardens, Bristol GL 78;6 —Hampton Court Gardens, Leominster, Hansell, Jean 84;3 follies 81;12,13 Hardy, Thomas 82;4 —Ross-on-Wye, Gazebo/Tower 75;13 Harford, John Scandrett 80;16 H Villeneuve-sur-Allier (03), lavoir-temple, late 19th century —Westonbury Water Gardens nr Pembridge, follies79;580;13 IIcart watertower, Winchester HA 80;7 81;12 Icehouse, Dodington GL 73;6 Heritage Ebooks 81;9 Icehouse, Castle Ward, Strangford ZDN79;13 Heritage Lottery Fund 74;5 Ilton, Druids temple NY 84;4 75;576;779;3 Images of the Dove (Jean Hansell) 84;3 83;16 Indian Kiosk, Windsor Great Park BK 82;16 Hermitage, Grotto, Shell House, Cilwendeg Industrial Follies 80;2 XDY 78;15 Industrial Picturesque 84;4 —Gurnemanz, Linderhof (D) 80;19 Ingestre ST, Capability Brown Landscape —Guy’s Cliffe WA 81;19 75;17 —Hampton Court Gardens, Leominster HE Ingestre ST, Orangery 76;1377;13 80;13 Inishcrone ZSL, Cliff Baths 84;8 —Mereworth castle KE 76;10,11 Instow DV, Tower 74;18 —Midford Castle SO 76;20 Ipswich SR, Stamp Room, Morpeth House —Painshill Park SR 78;8,9 75;10,11,12 —Root House, Brocklesby LI 76;15 Ireland, Annes Grove gate Lodge, —Shell House, Cilwendeg XDY 80;10 Castletownroche ZCO 76;5 Hermitages 78;8,9 Ireland, Co Down follies 78;18,19 Hermit’s Hut, Woolbeding WS 78;6 79;12,13 Herrenchiemsee (D) castle 79;14 Ireland, Eask Tower, Dingle ZKE 74;7 Hertford HT, Tower and Archway, sham Irish Landmark Trust 76;5 Norman 80;8 Iron sham Chapel, Alan terrill, Hope Valley Hertfordshire, Ayot St Lawrence, New SH 74;6 Church 81;10,11 Isaac de Caus, Outlandish Engineer in the Hestercombe Gardens SO 84;7 Landscape 73;8 Hidden Hertfordshire (Jeffery Whitelaw) 81;10 Isabella’s Tower, Ardglass ZDN 79;13 Hidden Leicester and Rutland (Jeffery Island Temple, Croome Court WO 82;8 Whitelaw) 81;10 Italian terraced Garden, Linderhof 79;14,15 Highgrove Gardens GL 78;6 Ivy folly, Scarfe’s Folly, Milland WS 84;20 Highwayman Inn, Sourton DV 74;19 I Hinnegar Arches, Badminton Estate GL 80;6 J Hiorne, Francis 81;4 Jackson, Iain 82;7 Hiorne’s Tower, Arundel WS 81;4 Jackson-Stops, Gervaise 76;9 Historic Buildings, Parks and Gardens 74;5 Jaffé, Carrie 83;20 Historic Gardens of England - Herefordshire James Wyatt, Architect to george III (John (Timothy Mowl & Jane Bradney) 83;4 Martin Robinson) 84;5 Historic Gardens of England - Cheshire James, Diane 81;19 (Timothy Mowl & Marion Mako) 73;15 James, Diane83;10,11,12,13 Historic Gardens of England: Staffordshire, Japanese Garden, Gatton Park, Reigate SR The (Timothy Mowl and Dianne Barre) 82;12 75;17 JCB Sculpture, Rocester ST 80;2 Historic Gardens of Somerset (Timothy Mowl Jebb, Philip 78;6 & Marion Mako) 77;14 Jeffery Whitelaw Collection, The74;8,9 Historic Gardens of Warwickshire (Timothy Jekyll, Gertrude 84;7 Mowl & Diane James) 81;19 Jencks, Charles 76;19 Hitching, Claude 79;3 82;13 JK Rowling folly, garden room 80;3 83;283;5 Johnes, Thomas 84;2,11,19 Hitching, Claude 80;8,9 Johnson, John 84;12 Hohenschwangau fantasy castle, Füssen (D) Johnson, Paige 73;8-9 79;14 Jones the Younger, Morgan 78;15 Holbeck, Leeds WY, Tower Works 74;5 Jones, Barbara 75;3,11,1478;12 Hollybush House, Badminton Estate GL 80;6 79;582;2 Holt, Jonathan75;3 76;18 Jones, Barbara 83;14,15 79;14,1580;13,15,18,19 Jones, Buster 74;19 Holt, Richard 77;15 Jones, Inego 73;8 Holyhead XGH, Towers 77;10 Jones, Morgan 80;10 Home Sweet Home (Robin Whitcomb) 79;16 Jones, Philip 75;9 Honeycrock Farm SU 83;17 Jones, Terry 84;20 Hoogwoud NL NH, Controversy Farm 73;7 Jordans SO, the Grotto / Aviary / Shell House Hooke, Sir Humphrey 81;16 76;4 Hope Cove, Shelter, Kingsbridge DV 80;7 Jubilee Summerhouse Lowther Castle CU 80;3 Hope Valley, Alan Terrill’s Follies 80;13 Jupiter Artland Wilkieston76;19 Horace Walpole’s Strawberry Hill (ed. Michael Snodin) 75;15 K Hornblower, Lewis 79;10,11 Horsley Towers and Wotton House75;9 Kedleston DB, Gothic Temple 81;13 Horsley Towers SR 75;9 Kellerman, Susan 76;14 Horton Estate NA, new Monument 81;14 Kelling NF, Randall’s Folly 76;13 Horton Menagerie NA 76;9 79;3 Kelly, Alison 82;9 Horton Park NA, 73;18 76;9 Kemp, Edward 79;10 Hortus Conclusus 80;3 Kemys-Tynte, Sir Charles 84;12 Hoste, Priscilla 77;2 Kendall, Henry 80;11 Hough Hole, Rainow CH, garden 73;15 Kennels, Brocklesby Estate LI 76;15 How Capel garden HE 83;4 Kennels, Gisburn LA 77;3 Howley, James 81;9 Kent, Cobham Darnley Mausoleum 84;5 Hunding’s Hut, Linderhof (D) 80;19 —Dunorlan Park Grecian Temple 83;5 Hunt, Laurence 76;17 —Hadlow Tower 74;1,375;4 Hunt, Laurence 77;20 79;3 80;381;14 Hunting Lodge, Boston Castle, Rotherham 83;1484;17 SY 75;5 —Mereworth, Threepenny Bit Folly 74;15 Hurd Library, Hartlebury Castl, WO 83;2 Kent, Nathaniel 84;5 Hussey, Christopher 84;11 Kent, William 77;4,20 80;7 Hut, Malay, Wotton House, Wotton 83;884;3 Underwood BU 84;15 Kerr-Wilson, Blott 78;15 80;12 Hythe KE, The Roughs, sound mirror 75;6 83;17 I N D E X F O L L I E S 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E 6 Kidderminster WO, Stone House Cottage 80;17 Kilconnel ZGA, Woodlawn House Follies 81;5 Killala Folly, Gazebo, Knox’s Folly, Lacken ZMA 84;9 Kilmory Mausoleum, Twickenham LO 77;2 Kilnsea EY, sound mirror 76;8 Kimber, John Elwyn 82;2 Kimber, John Elwyn 83;14,15 Kimbolton CA, The Warren House 78;7 83;3 King, Mr. C. Whitfield 75;12 King’s Cottage, Linderhof (D) 79;15 Kingsweston, Bristol GL 79;1,4,5 80;20 81;13,16,17,1882;15 84;16 Kingsweston, Bristol GL, Blaise Castle 79;4,5 80;20 Kintbury BK, Halfway House, sham castle 74;8,9 Kiosk with fake curtains, Longner Hall, Shrewsbury SH 80; 17 Kiosk, Marble, from Lucknow, Windsor Great Park BK 83;20 Kip, Johannes 81;16,17 Kiplin Hall, boathouse?, Catterick NY 77;3 Kitz, Norman & Beryl 78;14 Klácelka, Hall of Sleeping Heroes, Libĕchov CZ 77;9 Knowle Tower, Sham Castle, Bawdrip SO79;8 Knowling, Philip 74;14 Knox’s Folly, Killala Folly, Gazebo, Lacken ZMA 84;9 Krasno CZ, Stone Lookout Tower 74;7 Kremlin, Dutch, by Ger Leegwater, Winkel (NL NH) 87;1 Kyre Park, Tenbury Wells WO, Tower and Tunnel 81;12 Kyrle, John 75;13 Leighton Hall XPO, Victorian Poultry House 80;13 Leopold III of Anhalt-Dessau, Prince 76;9 Leptis Magna Ruins, Windsor Great Park BK 82;16 Lerryn CO, curious garden features 78;5 Leverhulme, Lord 83;14 Levý, Václav 77;8,9 Lewis Stewart Memorial Trust 82;7 Libĕchov CZ, Rock sculptures 77;8,9 Liberty and Saxon ideals 81;4 Liberty and triangles 78;3 Liberty, Temple of, Stowe BU 78;3 Library, Hurd, Hartlebury Castle WO 83;2 Lighthouse, Faringdon Folly Tower OX 84;16 —Lundy DV 74;20 —sham, Phoenix $AZ 74;20 Lincolnshire, Brocklesby Park follies 75;19 76;1584;5 —Dunston Pillar 81;6,7 —Pelham Mausoleum, Brocklesby 84;5 —Swinstead, Vanbrugh’s Summer House, 81;10 Linderhof Follies (D) 79;14,15 Linderhof Schloss (D) 79;14 Lindridge nr Newton Abbot DV, temple and oriental water tower 74;18 Linlithgow YLT, spirelet, Hope Monument 83;14 Little Sparta, Temple of Apollo 76;19 Little, Sabine 82;10,11 Little, Sabine, Follies for Follies 82;10,11 Liverpool ME, Gibson’s Tower on Folly Lane 82;7 Llanarthney XDY, Paxton’s Tower 78;15 Llanfair P.G. XGY, Marquess of Anglesey’s Column 77;12 Llangristiolus XGY, round Gothic Lodge 77;12 Llanllwni XDY, Maesycrugiau Folly Tower, 81;5 Locke Park Tower, Barnsley SY 83;14 Lock-up, Old Town, Gillingham DO 80;7 Lodge and Compass on Penpole Hill, The 81;16,17,18 Lodge, Gothic, Milton Park, Peterborough NA 81;1 —Gothick, Mount Stewart ZDN 78;18 —Midford Castle SO 76;13 —Oak, Hall Barn, Beaconsfield BU 76;14 84;14 —Worcester, Badminton GL 77;20 M Lodges, Castellated Gothic, Baron Hill Mab, Mrs Brunner’s folly, Wotton House, Mansion, Beaumaris XGY 77;12 Wotton Underwood BU 84;15 Logie, Alison 82;7 Mad Jack Fuller’s Sugar Loaf, Brightling ES London N3, Avenue House, Finchley, garden 84;20 74;20 Maesycrugiau Folly Tower, Llanllwni XDY —SE3, Blackheath Pagoda 83;3 81;5 —SE18, Severndroog Castle 73;4 Maesycrugiau Manor nr Llanllwni XDY 81;5 74;5 Mako, Marion 73;15 77;14 —SE18, Woolwich Rotunda Tent 81;14 Malay Hut, Wotton House, Wotton 82;12,13 Underwood BU 84;15 —W3, Gunnersbury Park, folly group 83;14 Mamhead Castle, Mamhead House DV 81;13 —Blackheath Pagoda SE3 83;3 Mamhead, Belsay Castle-like stable block DV —Hampton Court House grotto 73;18,19 74;18 —Hampton, Garrick’s Temple to Shakespeare Manchester Oddities - Curious people 83;1,2 and places around Manchester (Keith —Mill Hill 73;16,17 Warrender) 81;18 —Parksted Temple, Roehampton 74;12,13 Mandarin Yacht, Windsor Great Park BK 82;5 —Pleasure Gardens 77;16,17,18 Marnock, Robert 74;20 —Redbridge, Ilford Valentines Park, grottoes, Marquess of Anglesey’s Column, Llanfair PG alcove seat 76;I6,7 XGY 77;12 —Redbridge, Wanstead Grove temple and Martins, Helen 74;4 gazebo 76;6 Marvuglia, Alessandro Emanuelle 78;16,17 —Roehampton, Parksted Temple 74;12,13 Marvuglia, Giuseppe Venanzio 78;16,17 Londonderry Monument, Scrabo Tower, Mary Hampton Cotillion, The 79;3 Newtownards ZDN 79;12 Mason, George 73;18 Longner Hall Garden Buildings, Shrewsbury Masonic symbolism 73;11 80;6,7 SH 80;17 Massey’s Folly, Farringdon HA 83;14 Lookout Tower, Stone, Krasno CZ 74;7 Mausoleum, 1st Earl of Lovelace, Horsley SR Los Angeles $CA, Watts Towers 77;4 75;9 Loudon, J.C. 84;16 —Brocklesby Estate LI 76;15 Loughborough LE, Garendon Park, Temple —Brocklesby Park, LI 75;19 of Venus 81;10 —Conishead Triangular, Ulverstone CU 82;1 Loughborough LE, Garendon Park, —Cranbrook Castle, Ilford LO 80;4,5 Triumphal Arch 81;10 —Darnley, Cobham KE 78;7 84;5 Lovelace, 1st Earl of, Mausoleum 75;9 —Kensal Green Cemetery, London 77;2 Lovie, Jonathan 83;4 —Kilmory, Twickenham LO 77;2 Lowther Castle gardens CU 73;4 —Lowther CU, at St Michael’s, 80;3 80;3 —Pelham, Brocklesby LI 84;5 Ludwig II, King of Bavaria 79;14,15 —Seaton Delaval NU 74;14 —Streatfield, Chiddington KE 80;11 80;18,19 L —West Wycombe BU 74;9 Lundy Lighthouse DV 74;20 La Favorita, Chinese summer palace, Palermo —Windsor Great Park BK 82;16 83;20 Luton BD, Bailey Hill Water Tower 84;13 (I)78;16,17 —Woodlawn House, Kilconnel ZGA 81;5 Lutyens, Edwin 84;7 Labouchere, Henry 74;7 May, William Barton 74;3 Lutyens, Sir Edwin 80;12 83;14 Lady’s Folly, Tankersley SY 78;12 May’s Folly, Hadlow Tower KE 83;14 Lyme Regis DO, Belmont 82;8,9 Laird, Mark 75;16 Maze of Morality, The (Thomas Wright) 80;6,7 Lynch, Karen74;14 76;19 Lancashire, Accrington, New High Riley, Maze with Gothic Tower, Hampton Court 82;1284;20 tower eyecatcher 83;14 Gardens, Leominster HE 80;13 Lynch, Karen 76;14 81;9,20 —Ashton Memorial, Lancaster 82;10 Maze, Hampton Court Gardens, Leominster 82;13 —panopticon, landmark 73;4 HE 81;13 Lyulph’s Tower, Greystoke CU 81;4 McKee, William 79;12 —Ashton Memorial LA 82;10 Mellor, James 73;15 Land Art projects Kim Wilkie 84;4 Membership Matters 75;19 76;3 Landmark Trust 73;4 74;18,20 78;9 79;16 75;278;779;5 Lacroix-sur-Meuse (51), classical fontaine-lavoir, 1836 TH.Oudet 77;19 80;7 81;7 82;14 81;19 82;8,983;3,7 83;984;13 84;12,16 Membership News 74;9 Landscape Design 84;4 Memorial Arch, Brocklesby LI 76;15 Landscape William Adam 74;15 Memorial, Ashton, Lancaster LA 82;10 Landscape, Westonbirt, Tetbury GL 77;5 Menagerie, Horton NA 79;3 Langley, Batty 76;1377;14,15 Menorca, S’Hostel Quarries gardens 74;16,17 82;5 Mereworth Castle KE 76;10,11,12 Langley, Batty, plates for Old Chapel, Carlew Mereworth Castle, Kent76;10,11.12 CO 76;13 Mereworth KE ,Threepenny Bit Folly 74;15 Lanrick Tree YTA 83;14 Merseyside, Gibson’s Tower, Liverpool 82;7 Lansdown, Bath SO, Beckford’s Tower Merseyside, Triumphal Arch Gate, 73;481;15 Birkenhead 79;10 Lantern, Pillar, Monument, Dunston LI 81;6,7 Mersthem Tower-cum dovecote 74;15 Laskett, The, The Folly, Much Birch HE 74;4 Meulenkamp, Wim 81;8,9,10 84;20 Laszlo, Damon de 76;7 Midford Castle, Midford, Bath SO 76;1,20 Laver Banks stone Bridge NY 82;12 78;3 Lavin, John 83;3 Midford Castle Lodge, Bath SO 76;13 Law, Bishop 76;18 77;19 Lawrence, Col. Walter 84;8 Mill Hill 73;16,17 Leasowes, The (Halesowen WM) 78;8 Mill Wood, Halswell House, Goathurst, Led by the Land, Landscapes by Kim Wilkie Summerset 84;12,13 (Kim Wilkie) 83;1784;4 Millennium metal tree, St Michaels WO 81;12 Ledoux, Claude Nicolas 77;20 Millennium Tower, Cadmore WO 79;5 Leeds Pyramid, The, WY 78;7 80;1381;13 Leeds WY, Tower Works, Holbeck 74;5 Miller, Sanderson 78;10 79;5 Leeds, Tower Works, Holbeck WY 74;5 84;10,18 Leegwater, Ger 78;2 Milles, Jeremiah 76;10,11,12 Lefranc, Jean Lefranc, Marquess of Millington, Jon 75;14 Pompignan 77;5,6 Mills, John 78;8 Leicester, Sir Peter Byrne 80;12 Milton Park, Gothic Lodge, Peterborough CA Leicestershire, Loughborough, Garendon 81;1 Park follies 81;10 Milton Park, Temple, Peterborough CA 81;11 INDEX F o l l i e s 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E 7 Milton, John 77;16 Miniature Fort, Tyrella House ZDN 79;13 Mirzoef, Edward 84;20 Moat, the, Sham Castle, Donaghadee ZDN 79;12 Monmouth XMO, Nelson Garden Summerhouse 75;5 Monmouth XMO, Dewstow House Rock Gardens 83;5 Monserrate, Sintra (P)81;20 82;3,16 83;784;6 Montague House and the Pagoda (Neil Rhind & Philip Cooper) 83;3 Montague, Earl of 83;3 Montfort-l’Amaury (78), Groussay Castle 73;14 Monument trust, The 74;3 Monument, Horton Estate NA 81;14 Monument, Simeon, Reading BK 73;20 Moon Gate, Gamlingay CA 78;10 Moore, Reverend John 79;12 Moorish Kiosk, Linderhof (D) 80;18,19 Moorish Palace, Monserrate, Sintra (P) 84;6 Moroccan House, Linderhof (D) 79;15 Neuville sur Ornais (55), lavoir, now party hall, 19th century Morpeth House Stamp Room, Ipswich SR 75;10,11,12 Morris, Roger 84;3 Mortimer’s Folly, ruin, DV 74;18 Neri, Janice 75;16 Octagonal Tower, Toat Monument, Moss House, Heythrop OX, Classical Grove Pulborough WS 78;20 Netherlands, Hoogwoud NH, Controversy 84;15 Old Buckenham Hall NF, watertower 79;8 Farm 73;7 Mound with spiral walkway, proposal for EY Old Chapel, The, Carclew CO 75;17 Netherlands, Winkel NH, Dutch Kremlin by 75;20 Old Town Lock-up, Gillingham DO 80;7 Ger Leegwater 78;1 Mount Boon Grotto, Dartmouth DV 74;18 Oldstone Grotto nr Blackawton DV 74;18 Neuschwanstein (D) castle 79;14 Mount Stewart ZDN, Gazebo cum Dovecote Olmstead, Frederick Law 79;11 New Arcadian Journal75;4 78;19 On Modern Gardening (Horace Walpole)80;20 New High Riley (Accrington) LA, eyecatcher —Gothick Lodge 78;18 Orangery, Blithfield ST 76;13 tower 83;14 —Temple of the Winds Banqueting House Orangery, Chiddington Castle KE 80;11 Newliston nr Edinburgh, sundial 74;15 78;19 —Ingestre ST 76;13 Newsham Bridge, Brocklesby Estate LI 76;15 —Tir N’an Og small round tower 78;19 —Sezincote GL 73;2 Newsham Lodge, Brocklesby Estate LI 76;15 79;12 Oriental watertower, Lindridge nr Newton Newton Valence HA, Pelham Henge 76;7 —Wall Pavilion with outside stairs 78;19 Abbot DV 74;18 Newtownards ZDN, Scrabo Tower, Mow Cop, nr Congleton CH 81;11 Ormskirk, Bath Lodge 73;12 Londonderry Monument 79;12 Mowbray Point, The Ruin, Banqueting Ornamental Dairies I 82;4 Nieu-Bethesda, Owl House, South Africa 74;4 House, Hackfall 77;4 Orpheus, Landart, Boughton NA 83;17 Norfolk, Kelling, Ransall’s Folly 76;13 Mowl, Timothy 73;15 75;17 84;4 North Bersted WS, The Stamp House 77;14 80;2081;19 Osteoicon, Bone House, Banwell, Weston75;10,11,12 super-Mare SO 76;1882;14 83;4 North Yorkshire, Paesholme Park Pagoda, Oudolf, Piet 80;3 Mr Hamilton’s Elysium: The Gardens of Scarborough 80;3 Outsider art folly 74;4 Painshill (Michael Symes) 78;14 —Studley Royal, Octagonal Tower 81;10 Over Stowey SO, Quantock Lodge Dovecote Mrs Brunner’s folly, Mab, Wotton House, —Triangular Tower Grimston Garth 83;14 74;7 Wotton Underwood BU 84;15 Northamptonshire, Boughton Park folly Owl House, Nieu-Bethesda, South Africa 74;4 Mrs Coade Stone (Alison Kelly) 82;9 group81;19,2084;18,19 Owning Beauty 83;18 Mrs Coade 81;6,7 —Horton Estate, new Monument 81;14 Oxford Observatory, Radcliffe, OX, Green Mrs Evans, the Widow 77;17 —Horton Park and follies 76;9 Templeton College 75;1,1884;5 Mrs. Delany & Her Circle (ed. Mark Laird & —Milton Park, Peterborough, Gothic Lodge Oxford OX, Radcliffe Observatory 75;1,18 Alicia Weisberg-Roberts) 75;15 81;1 84;5 Much Birch HE, The Folly, The Laskett 74;4 Northanger Abbey (Jane Austen) 79;4 Oxfordshire, Faringdon Folly Tower 84;16 MUF architects 76;4 Northumberland, follies Seaton Delaval 73;4 Muller, Martin 77;7 —Seaton Delaval mausoleum 74;14 P Murdoch, William 82;7 —Seaton Sluice, Starlight Castle 74;14 Pack o’Cards pub, Combe Martin DV 74;18 Museum, Enville St 75;17 Norwich NF, The Plantation garden 73;4 Packington Hayes ST, Richard Barnes’ folly Music at follies 75;20 Nottinghamshire, Wallingwells Hall Grotto sham castle 75;8,9 Music Pavilion, octagonal, Linderhof (D) 82;6 Packington Hayes 75;8,9 80;18,19 Nouvelle Heloise, La (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) Padstow CO, Prideaux Place grotto dairy83;15 Musical folly tour 79;3 82;4 Paesholme Park Pagoda, Scarborough NY 80;3 Nutfield nr Redhill SR, Folly Tower78;12,13 Mutterings on the Lawn, poem (Peter Wyton) Pagoda, Blackheath LO SE3 83;3 Nuthall Temple Pleasure Grounds, NT, 81;7 Pagoda, Paesholme Park, Scarborough NY summerhouse 73;18 Mylne, Robert 79;2,4 84;3 80;3 Nympheum Sacchetti, Rome (I) 73;3 Mysteries of Udolpho, The (Ann Radcliffe) 79;4 Pagoda-style Cremorne Gardens, Chelsea, London 77;17,18 O N Pains Hill Park (Norman & Beryl Kitz) 78;14 Oatlands SR 73;18 Nancy, White, Bollington CH 84;17 Painshill Conference 2013 Gardens of Obelisk, Bulkley Memorial, Beaumaris XGY Nash, John 80;10,17 81;14 Association 84;17 77;12 82;12,1384;5,19 Painshill Park SR 76;5 Obelisk, Simeon Monument, Reading BK National Gardens Scheme 80;17 Painshill Park: New Revelations78;8,9 73;20 National Heritage Memorial Fund 81;15 Painshill Park: The Pioneering Restoration. Observatory Tower, Belmont, Lyme Regis National Trust 74;14,18 75;19 NEW ARCADIAN JOURNAL 77;4,6,12 78;6,1879;12,13 DO 82;8,9 NO. 67/68 (Ed Patrick Eyres) 78;14 —Gazebo, Gibson’s Tower, Liverpool ME82;7 80;11 82;483;5,6,7,8 Painswick Rococo Garden, GL 75;19 —Radcliffe, Oxford OX 75;1,18 84;5 Necessarium (water-closet), Biers Green DU, 76;1477;19 Octagon Temple, Mereworth Castle KE 73;18 Palacio da Pena, Sintra (P) 81;20 76;10,11,12 Nelson Garden Summerhouse, Monmouth Paladian Bridge, Prior park, Bath SO 75;19 Octagon, Wotton House, Wotton Underwood XMO 75;5 Palazzina Cinese, Palermo78;16,17 Nelson Gate, Duncombe NY 84;16 BU 74;19 Palermo (I), Palazzino Cinese 78;16,17 Nelson, Statue of Lord, Menai Straits XGY Octagonal Banqueting House, Mount Stewart Palladian Bridge, Green Bridge, Horton Park 77;12 ZDN 78;19 NA 73;18 I N D E X F O L L I E S 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E Palladian Bridge, Prior Park, Bath SO 77;6 Palladian Bridge, Stowe BU 83;6 Palladian-style Orangery, Libĕchov CZ 77;8 Palladio, Andrea, four designs for dovecotes 84;3 Panopticon, landmark, Lancashire 73;4 Pantheon LO 84;5 Panzetta, Joseph 82;8 Papworth, John Buonarotti 75;17 Park Hill Mansions, Streatham Common LO, sham ruin 80;8,9 Parksted Temple, Roehampton LO 74;12,13 Parrott House, Eaton Estate, Eccleston CH 80;12 Patricolo, Giuseppe 78;16,17 Pavilion 2011, Serpentine Gallery LO 80;3 Pavilion, Doric, Alcove Seat, Hall Barn, Beaconsfield BU 84;14 Pavilion, riverside, Cuper’s Garden, London 77;17 Paxton, Joseph 79;10,11 Paxton’s Tower, Llanarthney XDY 78;15 80;10 Payne Knight, Richard 83;4 84;2,4,5,11,19 Pearse Belvedere, nr Hatherleigh DV 74;19 Pebble House, Rubane ZDN 78;18 Pebble Summerhouse, Banwell, Westonsuper-Mare SO 75;376;18 82;14 Pelham family 76;15 Pelham Henge, Pelham Place, Newton Valence HA 75;576;7 Pelham Mausoleum, Brocklesby LI 84;5 Pelham’s Pillar, Caistor LI 76;15 Pena Palace folly group, Sintra (P) 82;3,16 83;784;6,7 Penavayre, Michel 77;5,6 Penpergwym Lodge nr Abergavenny XMO, Towers 80;17 Penpole Hill, Kingsweston GL, Compass and Lodge81;16,17,18 Penpole Lodge, Kingsweston GL 81;16,17,18 Penrhos Estate XGH, Towers, follies 77;11 Penzance CO, Egyptian House 83;3 Perrott, John 84;16 Perrott’s Folly, Tower, Edgbaston, Birmingham WM 74;4 84;16 Peterborough CA, Gothic Lodge, Milton Park 81;1 Peterborough CA, temple at Milton Park 81;11 Peterlee DU, Apollo Pavilion 81;15 Peters, Hilary 73;2,6,7,10,1174;2 75;2,18 76;2,2077;2,13 78;2,3 79;280;2,6,7,10 81;2,3,4,15 82;2,583;2,18,19 84;2,3,19 Peterstow Court HE 84;13 Pevsner, Nicolas 73;16,17 Pha Tad Ke Botanic garden, Laos 80;3 Phoenix $AZ, Sham Lighthouse 74;20 Picturesque and Later Georgian garden, The (Michael Symes) 84;4 Picturesque, The 84;2,4,10,11,19 Picturesque; Studies in a Point of View, The (Christopher Hussey) 84;11 Pigeon in History, The (Jean Hansell) 84;3 Pigeon in the Wider World, The (Jean Hansell) 84;3 Pigott, Colonel Thomas 79;6 Pile, Shane 77;20 Pilgrim Trust, The 74;5 Pilgrim’s Progress garden, Hough Hole, Rainow 73;15 Pillar, Dunston LI 81;6,7 Pim, Richard 79;5 80;13 81;12 Pincot, Daniel 77;15 Pineapple, Dunmore YCE 75;2 Piranesi Garden, S’Hostel Quarries, Menorca (E)74;16,17 Plan & elevation for a tower near Bristol 79;1 Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Perspective Views of the Gardens and Buildings at Kew in Surrey (William Chambers) 80;14 Plantation Garden, The, Norwich NF 73;4 8 Plas Newydd XGY, Gothic Boathouse/ Repton, Humphry 74;18 79;5 Root House at Blaise Castle, The 80,15,16 Q 80;15,17,2081;19 82;4 Root House, Badminton GL 80;16 Landing Stages, Gothic Stable Block77;12 Quantock Lodge Dovecote, Aley, Over 84;4 Platt, John 78;12 —Bladud’s Cell, Stoke Park, Bristol GL 80;16 Stowey SO 74;7 Return to Linderhof 79;14,15 Play Area, Pleasure Garden 78;20 —Blaise Castle 80;15,16 Quenington GL, bridge of triangles 74;5 Return to Linderhof II 80;18,19 Playground, children’s play 80;3 —Brocklesby LI, Hermitage 76;15 Quenington GL, round library 74;5 Reynell, Diana 81;19 Pleasaunce, Overstrand nr Cromer NF Roper, Lanning 78;6 Quenington sculpture biennial GL 84;17 Rhind, Neil 83;3 outbuildings 83;14 Rossendale LA, Harry Bamford’s garden 73;4 Quinn, Marc 76;19 Rhoscolyn, nr, Coastguard Lookout Tower Pleasure Gardens 77,14 Rossi, Charles 82;8 Quinta da Pena, Cottage Ornée, Sintra (P) 77;11 Pleasure Gardens, London 77;16,17,18 Ross-on-Wye HE towers 75;13 84;7 Rhoscolyn, nr, Gazebo, Garden Folly 77;12 Pleasure Gardens, Westonbirt, Tetbury 76;4 Ross-on-Wye HE, Gazebo/Tower 75;13 Quinta da Regaleira, Sintra (P) 81;20 Richard Webber page, The84;14,15 Plumpton Rocks, Harrogate NY 84;4 Rotherham SY, Boston Castle 75;5 82;1683;784;6 Richard Woods (1715-1793) Master of the Plumridge, Andrew 81;10 83;16 Pleasure Garden (Fiona Cowell) 77;14,15 Plunge pools 81;18 Rothley Castle, Cambo NU 75;19 Richardson, Tim 84;17 Political Gardening in Britain, c.1700-1760 R Rothschild, Lionel de 80;9 Raby Castle Breakwater DU 73;18 Richmond, Duchess of 75;11 74;475;4 Rotunda, Horton Park NA, Temple 76;9 Rivington Pike tower LA 83;14 Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford OX, Green Pompignan (F82), follies, freemason park 77;5 —Ranelagh Pleasure Gardens, London Robin Hood’s Hut, Goathurst SO 84;12 Templeton College 75;1,1884;5 Pompignan (F82),Egyptian Tomb 77;6 77;16,18 Robinson, John Martin 84;5 Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford75;18 Pompignan in Peril 77;5 —Woolwich LO SE18 81;14 Rock Gardens, Pulham, Dewstow House Radcliffe, Anne 79;4 Poole, Joanna Dean’s Shell House 82;12 82;12,13 XMO 83;5 Ragged Castle, gothick triangular Pooley Park, Polesworth WA, Tower 81;5 Roughs, The, Hythe KE, sound mirror 75;6 Rock Hall, Upper Hulme ST 82;15 summerhouse, Badminton Estate GL Pope, Alexander 73;6 77;6 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 82;4 Rock Landscapes: The Pulham Legacy (Claude 80;6,7 83;484;5,19 82;1684;18,19 Rousseau’s Cave, Wotton Hall 75;17 Hitching)82;1383;5 Railway Station, private, Woodlawn House, Portaferry House Folly Tower ZDN 78;18 Rowallane Garden, Saintfield ZDN, garden Rockeries Beverley, The76;3 Kilconnel ZGA 81;5 Portaferry ZDN, castellated windmill 78;18 buildings 79;12,13 Rockhall Cottage, Staffs82;15 Rainow, Hough Hole, Pilgrim’s Progress Portaferry ZDN, Folly Castle on Bankmore Royal Holloway College, Windsor Great Park Rockhall Cottage, Upper Hulme ST 82;15 garden CH 73;15 Hill 78;18 BK 83;20 Rockingham, 2nd Marquess of 78;12 Porthllechog XGY, Sham Roman Bath Randall’s Folly, Kelling NF 76;13 Ruardean GL, Bishopswood Tower 75;13 Rocks, Plumpton, Harrogate NY 84;4 Buildings, Bull Bay 77;10,12 Ranelagh Gardens, Pleasure Gardens, Rubane ZDN, Pebble House & ornamental Rockwork 84;4 Portico, Shobdon WO 83;4 London 77;16,18 Bridge 78;18 Rockwork, Dublin ZDU, St Anne’s Park74;20 Poultry House, Leighton Hall XPO 80;13 Rayleigh EX, Dutch Cottage 73;4 Ruin, Mowbray Point, Banqueting House, Rococo Garden, Painswick GL 75;19 Poundbury DO 75;576;2 Raymond, Sir Charles 80;4 Hackfall 77;4 76;1477;19 77;20 Reading BK, Simeon Monument, obelisk73;20 Ruined Chapel, Monserrate, Sintra (P) 84;6 Roehampton, Parksted Temple, LO 74;12,13 Poundbury DO, Gothick Castle 76;17 Rebecca, John Biaggio 81;15 Ruins of Balbec (Robert Woods) 80;14 Roehampton, The Sum of the Whole Poundbury DO, Greek Temple sub station Rebirth of Strawberry Hill, The78;4,5 Ruins 84;4 74;12,13 76;17 Red Book, Humphry Repton 80;15,20 Ruins, Leptis Magna, Windsor Great Park BK Rogers, Kevin 75;15 Poundbury 75;5 Redbridge LO, Valentines Park, Ilford, 82;16 Rolf, Vivien 81;18,19 Poundbury: A Retort 76;17 grottoes, alcove seat 76;6,7 Rushmore Estate, Tollard Royal WI, new Rolle, Lord John, Lady Louisa 84;16 Powderham Belvedere DV 74;18 Redbridge LO, Wanstead Grove temple and oriental folly 74;4 Roman Boathouse, Birkenhead park ME 79;11 Powell, Gloria79;16 82;3 gazebo 76;6 Rushton Triangular Lodge, NA 78;3 Romantic, The 84;4 83;18 Redcar EY, sound mirror 76;8 Russell, James 81;16,17,19 Rome (I), Boat Fountains 73;7 Powell, Gloria 78;2 78;9 Reeve Castle, Zeal Monachorum DV 74;18 80;15,16,20 —Casina Pia Loggia 73;3 80;7 81;782;14 Reid, Mark 82;12 Russell, James 82;11 —Nympheum Sacchetti 73;3 83;984;13 Reigate SR, remnants of Churchefelde Rustic Architecture 84;4 —Villa Borghese Egypt 73;3 Preston, Judy 73;18,1984;12,13 gardens 78;20 Rustic Summerhouse, The Stamp House, —Villa Borghese sham ruin 73;3 Preston, Judy 80;6,7 Replicas World Architecture, Shenzhen Rome, When in 73;3 North Bersted WS 75;11,12 Price, Robert 84;4,11 Romney Marsh KE , sound dishes 75;7 (Shanghai), China 74;5 Rutherford, Sarah 83;4 Price, Uvedale 83;4 84;2,4,10,11,19 Price-Carpenter, Lady Caroline 84;10,11 Prideaux Place Grotto Dairy, Padstow CO 83;15 Fontenois-lès-Montbozon (70), lavoir du centre, 1828 Louis Well Prideaux-Brune, Rev. Charles 83;15 Prince of Wales 76;2 Prior Park OX, Pulhamite 83;5 Prior Park, Bath SO 75;19 77;6,7,14 Priory, Conishead CU 73;4 Priory, ruin, Midford Castle SO 76;20 Priory, stables, Midford Castle SO 76;20 Pritchard, Mr Evan 77;10 Privies, Gothic, Longner Hall, Shrewsbury SH 80;17 Prospect Tower, Tadlow CA 78;10,11 Prowse, Thomas 84;12 Pückler-Muskau, Prince 82;4 Pulham Fountains 79;3 Pulham Gateway, Benington HE 79;3 Pulham Legacy 82;13 Pulham Rock Gardens, Dewstow House XMO 83;5 Pulham rockeries, Bromley, London 74;10,11 Pulham Rockworks 80;8,9 Pulham tunnels, grottoes, fernery, Dewstow XMO 75;13 Pulham waterfalls, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton DB 74;11 Pulham, James and family 73;17 79;380;8,9 Pulhamite 74;10,1180;8,9 83;2 Pulhamite company 83;5 Pulhamite Fernery, Buckfield Keep HE 83;4 Pyramid, Cairn, Rowallane Garden, Saintfield ZDN 79;12,13 Pyramid, Grotto, Mereworth Castle 76;12 Pyramid, Stanway GL 73;10,11 Pyramids in Britain and Ireland 75;14 Pytel, Walenty 80;2 INDEX F o l l i e s 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E 9 S Sacred Geometry 73;2 Sainsbury, Simon 78;6 Saintfield ZDN, Rowallane Garden, Bellcote Tower and Archway 79;12 —Pyramid 79;12,13 —Stone Seat 79;12,13 —Summer House with turret 79;12,13 Salvin, Anthony 74;18 Sand House: A Victorian Marvel Revisited, The (Richard Bell & Peter Tuffery) 79;16 Sandby, Thomas 82;5 Sandringham Royal Gardens Pulhamite NF 83;5 Sargent, Ron 82;14 SAVE Hadlow Tower Action Group 74;3 79;3 Saxonbury Tower, Eridge ES 80;10,11 Scarborough NY, Paesholme Park Pagoda, 80;3 Scarfe, Gerald 84;20 Scarfe’s Follies 84;20 Scarpa, Carlo 77;20 Schinkel, Karl Friedrich 77;20 Scotland Central, Gartincaber Tower, Murdock’s Folly 82;7 Scott, Simon 77;15 81;19,20 82;16 Scott, Simon 84;18,19 Scrabo Tower, Londonderry Monument, Newtownards ZDN 79;12 Sculpted Caves by Václav Levý 77;9 Scypen Bottle House, DV 74;19 Seaham DU, Sound mirror 76;8 Seaton Delaval Hall NU, follies 73;4 74;1475;4 Seaton Delaval, Northumberland74;14 Sedall, Lee Merrill 75;20 Seitz, Franz 80;18 Selbourne HA, hermitage Gilbert White 78;8 Selsey WS, Listening Post 75;7 76;8 Severndroog Castle, LO SE18 73;4 74;5,1278;3 Sezincote Orangery GL 73;2 Sham Bridge, Chiddington Castle KE 80;11 Sham Bridge, Prior Park, Bath GL 77;6 Sham Castle Bath SO 84;10 —Bawdrip SO, Knowle Tower 79;8 —Donaghadee ZDN, The Moat 79;12 —Hagley WO 84;10 —Halfway House, Kintbury BK 74;8,9 —Packington Hayes ST, Richard Barnes75;8,9 —Radway WA 84;10 —Rivington LA, ruin 83;14 —Wimpole CA 84;10 Sham Castles Sanderson Miller 84;10 Sham chapel, eyecatcher, Mill Hill, London 73;16,17 Sham farm, sham wall, Eridge Park ES 80;10 Sham Fort, Watergate, Ham Green GL 81;3,1682;11 Sham Lighthouse, Phoenix $AZ 74;20 Sham medieval Gateway, Quintin Castle ZDN 78;18 Sham Roman Bath buildings, Porthllechog XGY 77;10 Sham Ruin Norman archway, Gunnersbury Park LO W3 80;9 —Benington Lordship nr Stevenage HT 74;11 80;8 —on island nr Honiton DV 74;19 —Park Hill Mansions, Streatham Common LO 80;8,9 —Sydenham Hill Wood, The Hoo 80;8,9 —Woolbeding WS 78;6 Sharpe, Richard 75;10,11 Sheer Folly (Carola Dunn) 77;15 Shell Boat, Venus Grotto, Linderhof (D) 80;18 Shell Decorated Alcove, Skipton NY 77;3 Shell House, Hermitage, Cilwendeg XDY 78;1580;1083;17 —/Aviary, Jordans SO 76;4 —Poole DO, by Joanna Dean 82;12 Shell Room, Eastern Pavilion of Mereworth castle KE 76;11 —Guy’s Cliffe WA 83;12 —Lady Anne Clifford’s, Castle Skipton NY 77;3 Shelley, Sir Percy Bysshe 81;15 Shelter chip-shop Conwy XGY 83;17 Shelters, Bus, Cross Houses SH 84;17 Shenstone, William 78;8 Shenzhen (Shanghai), China, Window of the World theme park 74;5 Shire album 93: Follies (Jeffery Whitelaw) 74;8 Shirley, Sir Richard of Staunton Harold 80;5 Shobdon HE, Portico 83;4 S’Hostel Quarries, Menorca74;16,17 Beaujeu-Saint-Vallier (70), mairie-lavoir, 1830 Louis Moreau Shropshire, Cross Houses, Bus Shelters 84;17 Starlight Castle, Seaton Sluice, Northumberland 74;14 Shropshire, Temple at Badger 80;3 Statue King George III 81;6,7 Simeon Monument in Reading, The (Sean Staunton Harold LE 80;5 Buick) 73;20 Stein, Der, Dessau-Wörlitz (D) 76;9 Simeon Monument, Reading BK 73;20 Stewart, Charles William, 3rd Marquis of Simeon, Edward 73;20 Londonderry 79;12 Simmington Tower, Cirencester GL 77;19 Stocking, Thomas 76;20 84;12 Simon’s Gothic Folly, Boughton NA 82;16 Stoke Clifford GL lake 73;18 Sinkinson, Simon, thatcher 83;16 Stokes, Colin 78;15 83;19 Sintra (P) folly group 81;20 82;16 Stokes, Colin 83;19 83;784;6,7 Stone House Cottage, Kidderminster WO Sintra (P), Pena Palace folly group, 82;3 80;17 Sintra, September 201284;6,7 Stone Lookout Tower, Krasno CZ 74;7 Sir John Downing’s Folly, Gamlingay CA Stone Tower, Westonbury Water Gardens nr 78;10,11 Pembridge HE 80;13 81;12 Skey, Samueal 73;12 Stone, Alderman 80;8 Skipton Castle NY 73;8 Story of Banwell Caves, The (John Chapman Skipton NY, The Wilderness, grotto, alcove & John Haynes) 82;14 77;3,4 Stourhead WI, Alfred’s Tower 78;3 Skopje, Macedonia, Follies 81;14 Stowe BU, Chinese House 83;8,9 Sleter, Francesco 83;8 —Grotto 77;4 Smirke, Sir Robert 80;3 —Temple of British Worthies 81;11 Smith, Thomas, folly in Hertford HT 80;8,9 —Temple of Liberty 78;3 83;5 —Temple of Worthies 79;7 Smyth-Pigott family 79;6,7 Stowe Landscape Gardens BU 83;6 Snapper Up Of Unconsidered Trifles: A Tribute Stowe’s ‘Unread’ Chinese Pavilion83;8,9 to Barbara Jones (Ruth Artmonsky) 75;14 Strafford, Earls of 81;19 Snodin, Michael 75;15 Strangford Stone, Millennium Landmark, Soane, Sir John 73;20 77;20 ZDN 79;13 Strangford ZDN, Castle Ward garden Somerset Historic Building Preservation buildings 79;13 Trust 84;12 —Old Court Tower 79;13 Somerset, Banwell 75;3 76;18 —Round Tower 79;13 82;14 Strawberry Hill, Twickenham LO 75;4,15 —Bath, Lansdown Tower 18;15 76;2078;4,579;7 —Bath, Midford castle 76;1,20 80;20 —Bath, Prior Park folly group 75;19 Streatfield Mausoleum, Chiddington KE 80;11 77;7,14 Streatham Common LO, Park Hill Mansions, —Brockley Park 79;6,7 Sham Ruin 80;8,9 —Cranmore Tower 79;3 Strong, Sir Roy 74;4 —Halswell, Goathurst, folly group 84;12,13 Stuart, ‘Athenian’, James 76;13 —Knowle Tower, Sham Castle, Bawdrip 79;8 Stuatue of Lord Nelson, Menai Straits XGY —Midford Castle, Bath 76;1,20 77;12 —Mill Wood, Halswell, Goathurst 84;12,13 Studley Royal NY follies 82;12 Sound devices 75;6,7 Studley Royal NY, Octagonal Tower 81;10 Sound Mirror Dungeness KE 83;16 Stumpery, Woolbeding WS 78;6 Sound Mirrors 75;6,7 Sublime, The 84;4,10,11 Sound Mirrors II 76;8 Sudbury DB, Sham Gatehouse to Deercote Sourton DV, Cobweb Hall cottage orné74;19 81;10 Sourton DV, Highwayman Inn 74;19 Sulking House, Bryans Ground, Presteign HE South Africa, Owl House, Nieu-Bethesda 74;4 81;12 South Yorkshire, Locke park Tower, Barnsley Sum of the Whole, Roehampton, The 83;14 74;12,13 South Yorkshire, Rotherham, Boston Castle Summerhouse, Vanbrugh’s, Swinstead LI 83;16 81;10 Southwell, Sir Robert 81;16 —African, Westonbury Water Gardens HE Spectacle Wall, Stanway GL 73;5 80;13 Spectacles, Dr Dodsworth’s NY 73;5 —Bottle House, Scypen DV 74;19 —castellated, Nuthall Temple Pleasure Spectacles, the, Boughton NA 73;5 Grounds, 73;18 Spiral Jetty, Salt Lake City USA $UT 73;4 —/Gazebo, Wanstead Grove, Redbridge LO Spring Grove, Wribbenhall WO 73;12,13 76;6 St Buryan CO play area 78;20 —Gothic, Woolbeding Ws 78;6 St Chalfield WI, Yew House 81;3 —Jubilee, Lowther Castle CU 80;3 St Michaels WO, Millennium Tree, metal —Nelson Garden, Monmouth XMO 75;5 81;12,13 —Pebble, Banwell, Weston-super-Mare SO St Werburghs, Bristol GL, City Farm, folly 76;18 group 75;1977;6,7 —Ross-on-Wye HE, John Kyrle 75;13 Staffordshire, Upper Hulme, Rockhall —Ragged Castle, triangular, Foxley HE Cottage 82;15 84;5,19 Stainborough Castle, Wentworth Castle —Rustic, The Stamp House, North Bersted Gardens SY 75;14 82;10,11 WS75;11,12 Stallingborough Mill LI 81;13 —Pebble, Banwell, Weston-super-Mare SO Stamp House, North Bersted, The 75;3 75;10,11,12 —on bridge, Warmley GL 80;2 Stamp House, The, North Bersted WS Sunderland TW, sound mirror 76;8 75;10,11,12 Sundial, Newliston nr Edinburgh 74;15 Stamp Room, Morpeth House, Ipswich SR Surrey, Painshill Park 76;5 75;10,11,12 Swanage DO, Burt’s Bits 80;13 Stanford, Caroline 82;8,9 84;16 Swanage DO, George Burt’s follies 79;5 Stanway Wall 73;5 Swinstead LI, Vanbrugh’s Summer House, Stanway GL, dog grave 74;2 81;10 —Fountain 73;1,10 Swiss Bridge, Birkenhead park ME 79;11 —Gatehouse 73;5 Swiss Chalet, Pena palace, Sintra (P) 84;6,7 —Pyramid 73;10,11 Sydenham Hill Wood, The Hoo, sham ruin —Spectacle Wall 73;5 80;8,9 Starlight Castle, Gothick Eyecatcher, Seaton Symes, Michael 75;19 76;14 Sluice NU 74;14 77;19 78;1484;4,17 I N D E X F O L L I E S 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E 10 T Tortoise House, temple, Wotton House SR —Stone Lookout, Krasno CZ 74;7 —Stone, Westonbury Water Gardens nr 75;9 Tabley Dovecote CH 84;1,3 Totem Pole, Windsor Great Park BK 82;16 Pembridge HE 80;13 Tabley House nr Knutsford CH 80;11,12 Totness DV, Taunton Monument 74;18 —Tabley, Eyecatcher 80;11,12 Tabley House Tower, Knutsford CH 79;5 Tout, Ann, aka Anne Hole 77;4 —Tawstock DV 74;18 Tabley Tower, Eyecatcher 80;11,12 Tower and Archway, sham Norman, Hertford —The, Edwardian house London SW13 Tadlow CA, Prospect Tower 78;10,11 HT 80;8 76;13 Tankersley SY, Lady’s Folly 78;12 Tower of Leaves, Golden, Polesworth Folly, —Watch, Barnstaple DV 82;16 Tasker, George 80;4 WA 81;5 —Water, Old Buckenham Hall NF 79;8 Taunton Monument, Totnes DV 74;18 Tower of the Winds, Athens (GR) 75;18 —Westerham KE, nr Squerryes 76;4 Tawstock Court, octagonal thatched garden Tower with external staircase, Tower House, —White, Bognor WS 84;9 building 74;18 Ross-on-Wye HE 75;13 Tower-cum-dovecote, Mersthem SR 74;15 Tawstock Tower DV 74;18 Tower Works, Holbeck, Leeds WY 74;5 Towers, Blithfield Hall ST 77;13 Taylor, David 78;9 Tower, Alfred’s, Stourhead WI 78;3 —Eridge Park ES 80;10,11 Taylor, George Ledwell 74;3 —Appledore DV 74;18 —Folly Tower, Tynte Lodge, Tullaghan ZLT Taylor, William, landscape 73;10-11 —Bailey Hill Water, Luton BD 84;13 84;9 Tea House, Eaton Estate, Eccleston CH 80;12 —Banwell, Weston-Super-Mare SO 82;14 —Gothic, Guy’s Cliffe WA 83;10,13 Tea House, Queen Victoria’s, Windsor Great —Bishopswood, Ross-on-Wye HE 75;13 —Grinhams, Eridge ES 80;10 Park BK 83;20 —Boot’s Folly, Bradfield SY 82;10 —Holyhead XGH 77;10 Telford, Thomas 77;11 —Broadway WO 84;5 —Horsley SR 75;9 Temple of Venus, Linderhof (D) 79;14,15 —Cadmore Millennium WO 79;5 80;13 —Penpergwym Lodge nr Abergavenny XMO Tempietto, Mrs Busby’s Temple, Goathurst —Castle Haven YDG 84;13 80;17 SO 84;12 —Chateau Impney, Droitwich WO 80;15 —Stone House Cottage, Kidderminster WO Temple, from beer bottles, Thailand 75;4 —China, Bicton Belvedere, Colaton Raleigh 80;17 —of Ancient Virtue, Stowe BU 83;6,7 DV 84;16 —Tower Works, Holbeck, Leeds WY 74;5 —of Apollo, Little Sparta 76;19 —Cranborne, Windsor Great Park BK 82;16 —Strangford ZDN 79;13 —of Apollo, Stourhead WI 80;14 83;20 —Triangular75;12 79;4,5 —of British Worthies, Stowe BU 81;11 —Cranmore SO 79;3 81;482;5 —Crow’s Nest, Babbacombe Cliffe DV 81;20 —of Comus, Vauxhall Gardens, London77;16 —Watts, Los Angeles USA $CA 77;4 —Eask, Dingle, Ireland ZKE 74;7 —of Concord, Audley End EX 82;8 Traeger, Tessa 78;7 —Eaton Estate, Eccleston CH 80;12 —of Diana, West Wycombe BU 84;14,15 Transformer House, Rock Hall, Upper —Ellerslie, Fremington DV 74;18 —of Harmony, Goathurst SO 84;12,13 Hulme ST 82;15 —Ellin’s, nr South Stack XGH 77;12 —of Liberty, Stowe BU 76;20 Travis, Paul 74;12,13 —Eye of Ardglass ZDN 79;13 —of Liberty, Stowe BU 78;3 Tree, Lanrick, stone, YTA 83;14 —eyecatcher, Accrington, New High Riley LA —of Peace (Thomas Wright manuscript)80;6,7 Tree, Millennium metal,St Michaels WO 83;14 —of the Sun, Kew Gardens LO 80;14 81;12,13 —folly, Blithfield Hall, Rugeley ST 73;12 —of the Winds Banqueting House, Mount Tremayne, Henry Hawkins 84;12 —Folly, Crawfordsburn ZDN 79;12 Stewart ZDN 78;19 Trentham ST, Capability Brown Landscape —Folly, Faringdon OX 84;16 —of Venus, Garendon Park, Loughborough 75;17 —Folly, Nutfield nr Redhill SR 78;12,13 LE 81;10 Tresham, Thomas 76;20 —Fonthill WI 74;3 —of Venus, Linderhof (D) 79;14,15 Triangular Castle House, Aberystwyth XDY —Fort Belvedere, Windsor Great Park BK82;5 80;19 84;5,19 —Gartincaber, Murdock’s Folly YCE 82;7 —of Worthies, Stowe BU 79;7 —Lodge, Rushton NA 78;3 —Gatton Park SR 84;17 Temple Trust, The 78;15 83;2,17 —Mausoleum, Conishead, Ulverstone CU82;1 —/Gazebo, Ross-on-Wye HE 75;13 —Badger SH 80;3 —Ragged Castle, Foxley HE 83;4 —Gibson’s, on Folly Lane, Liverpool ME82;7 —Castle Ward, Strangford ZDN 79;12,13 84;5,19 —Gothic, Hampton Court Gardens, —Garrick’s, to Shakespeare at Hampton LO —Tower Cranbrook Castle, Ilford LO 80;4,5 Leominster HE 80;13 83;1 —Tower Grimston Park NY 83;14 —Gothic, Painshill Park SR 78;9 —Gothic, Kedleston DB 81;13 —Tower, Fort Belvedere, Windsor Great Park —Grimston Park NY 83;14 —Grecian, Dunorlan Park KE 83;5 BK 82;5 —Gunton Park NF 83;14 —Herculaneum, Dublin ZDU, St. Anne’s —Tower, Paxton’s, Llanarthney XDY 80;10 —Guy’s Folly, Icomb GL 83;14 Park 74;20 —Towers75;12 78;3 —Hadlow KE 74;1,375;4 —Island, Croome Court WO 82;8 81;2 79;381;1483;14 —Lindridge nr Newton Abbot DV 74;18 Triangular Towers - Part II79;4,5 84;17 —Milton Park, Peterborough CA 81;11 Triangular Towers III80;4,5 —Haldon Belvedere DV 82;8 —Parksted, Roehampton LO 74;12,13 Triangular Towers IV81;4 —Haldon Belvedere, Doddiscombsleigh DV —Satyr’s, Castle Hill, Filleigh DV 74;18 Triangular Towers V82;5 74;18 Temple, Sir Richard, 4th Baronet, Viscount Triangular Towers VI84;19 —Hiorne, Arundel WS 81;4 Cobham 83;8 Triangular Towers, An Occasional Series —House Tower, Ross-on-Wye HE 75;13 —Wanstead Grove, Redbridge LO 76;6 76;20 —inverted, Initiation Well, Quinta da Tenbury Wells WO, Kyre Park Tower and Triangular Towers: A Rival Theory76;16 Regaleira, Sintra (P) 84;6 Tunnel 81;12 Triumph of Pleasure, Vauxhall Gardens —Isabella’s, Ardglass ZDN 79;13 Tenbury Wells WO, public toilets, oathouse1729-1786 82;14 —Knowle, Sham Castle, Bawdrip SO 79;8 shaped 81;12 Triumphal Arch Gate, Birkenhead ME 79;10 —Kyre Park, Tenbury Wells WO 81;12 Terrill, Alan74;6 75;13 —Macedonia, Skopje 81;14 —Lansdown, Bath SO 81;15 80;13,1781;12,13 —Garendon Park, Loughborough LE 81;10 —Locke Park, Barnsley SY 83;14 Terry, Quinlan 80;10 —Guy’s Cliffe WA 83;10,12 —Longner Hall, Shrewsbury SH 80;17 Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Thomas Hardy) 82;4 —Mereworth Castle KE 76;10,11,12 —Lyulph’s, Greystoke CU 81;4 Tetbury, Westonbirt Pleasure gardens 76;4 Tuffery, Peter 79;16 —Maesycrugiau, Llanllwni XDY 81;5 Thailand, Temple from beer bottles 75;4 Tulip Folly, Woolbeding WS 78;6,7 —McKee Clock, Donaghadee ZDN 79;12 The Preferred Road: An Informal Sketch of Tump Barn, Badminton Estate GL 80;7 —Millennium, Cadmore WO 81;13 the Life of Thomas Howard 3rd Earl of Tunnel, Bryans Ground, Presteign HE 81;12 —Observatory, Belmont, Lyme Regis DO Effingham (Janet Worrall) 83;16 Tunnels, Gilmerton Cove, Edinburgh YLT 82;8,9 Thomas Wright 1711-1786: Water & 83;17 —Octagonal, Studley Royal NY 81;10 Landscape 73;18,19 Tupadly CZ, Neo-romantic Castle Slavín —Octagonal, Toat Monument, Pulboroough Thomas Wright’s Farm Buildings80;6,7 77;9 WS 78;20 Threepenny Bit Folly, Mereworth KE 74;15 Tupgill Park, Forbidden Corner, Coverham —Paxton’s, Llanarthney XDY 78;15 Tivoli (I), Villa d’Este Canopus Canal 73;3 NY 73;1774;19 80;10 Tivoli (I), Villa d’Este, Fontana della Rometta Turf Sculpture, land art, County Hall, —Perrott’s Folly, Birmingham WM 74;4 73;7 London 84;4 —Perrott’s Folly, Edgbaston, Birmingham Toat Monument, Pulboroough WS 78;20 Twickenham LO, Kilmory Mausoleum 77;2 WM 74;484;16 Todd, Patrick 80;10,11 83;20 Twickenham LO, Strawberry Hill 75;15 —the Priory, Midford Castle SO 76;20 Todd, Patrick 80;10,11,1283;18 Tyers, Jonathan 77;16 —Prospect, Tadlow CA 78;10,11 Tollard Royal WI, new oriental folly, Tynte Lodge, Tullaghan ZLT 84;9 —Rivington Pike LA 83;14 Tynte, Joseph 84;9 Rushmore Estate 74;4 —Scrabo, Londonderry Monument, Tyrella Houes ZDN, Miniature Fort 79;13 Tomb, Egyptian, Pompignan (F 82) 77;6 Newtownards ZDN 79;12 —Simmington, Cirencester GL 77;19 Tyrrell, Carole 74;10,11 Topiary, Dodington GL 77;4 INDEX F o l l i e s 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E 11 U Uffculme DV, Garnsey’s folly 74;18 Ulverstone CU, Conishead Triangular Mausoleum 82;1 Umbrello, Great Saxham Hall SF 82;8 Unmasking The Picturesque84;10,11 Unsophisticated Arts, The (Barbara Jones) 83;15 Up to a Point - In search of Pyramids in Britain and Ireland (David Winpenny) 75;14 Update on Hadlow Tower, Kent74;3 Uppark WS ornamental dairy 82;4 Urganda’s Cell, Roothouse,Badminton GL 80;16 USA, Sham Lighthouse, Phoenix $AZ 74;20 USA, Spiral Jetty, Salt Lake City $UT 73;4 Uvedale Price (1747-1829) Decoding the Picturesque (Charles Watkins & Ben Cowell) 84;5 V Václav Levý, The Last Czech Traditionalist Sculptor 77;8,9 Valentines Park, Ilford, Redbridge LO 76;6,7 Vanbrugh, Sir John 74;14 78;7 81;13,16,17,1882;15 Vanbrugh’s Summer House, Swinstead LI 81;10 Vansanzio, Giovanni, 73;7 Vathek’s Arch, Monserrate, Sintra (P) 84;6 Vauxhall Gardens Exhibition LO 82;14 Vauxhall Gardens, pleasure garden, London 77;16,1779;3 Vay, Benedict le 73;15 Velasco, Giuseppe 78;17 Vesta Temples, Rome and Tivoli (I) 76;15 Villa Borghese follies, Rome (I) 73;3 Violet-le-Duc, Eugène 75;19 76;14 77;19 Virginia Water, Leptis Magna columns, Windsor Great Park BK 83;20 Visit to Windsor 83;20 Visits80;10,11,12,13 Visits 2011 81;12,13 Vismes, gerard de 84;6 Vivat Trust 74;3,4 79;3 80;381;14 Volcanic Eruptions at Horton Park76;9 Volcano Hecla, Cockenzie House YLT 75;20 Volcano, Lord Halifax’s, Horton NA 76;9 Volunteers’ Arch, Bellevue Estate, Laurencetown ZGA 84;8 Vuillamy, Lewis 76;4 W Waddesdon Manor BU, Pulhamite 83;5 Wade, Linda 77;8,978;16,17 Wagner Connection Linderhof (D) 80;18,19 Waldegrave, Strawberry Hill 78;4,5 Wallington Estate, Cambo nr Morpeth NU 75;19 Wallingwells Hall pleasure gardens NT 82;6 Walpole, Sir Horace 76;12,20 77,15 78;4,579;7 80;20 81;19 82;6,1683;12 84;12,18 Walton Bath House WA 81;19 Wanstead Grove, Redbridge LO, Gazebo/ Summerhouse, 76;6 Wanstead Grove, Redbridge LO, Temple76;6 Warden Point, Isle of Sheppey KE, sound mirror 75;7 Ware, Isaac 74;15 82;5 Warmley GL, Summerhouse on bridge 80;2 Warner, John 80;8 Warren House, Kimbolton CA 78;7 83;3 Warrender, Keith 81;18 Warwickshire, Guy’s Cliffe, Hermitage 81;19 —Polesworth Folly, Golden Tower of Leaves 81;5 —Walton Bath House 81;19 Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew Temple, Sisaket, Thailand 75;4 Watcher, The, Antony Gormley, Oxford 84;16 Watchtower, Barnstable DV 73;4 82;16 Watchtower, Moorish, Tupadly CZ 77;9 Water Gardens, Westonbury Mill nr Pembridge HE, follies 79;5 81;12 Water Play at Dodington73;6,7 Water rising device, Isaac de Caus 73;8,9 Water Tank Boat, Zanzibar 73;7 Waterhouse, Alfred 79;5 80;12 Waterplay 73;1,6,7,8,9,10,18,19 Waters, Elizabeth 75;19 Watertower, Avenue House, Finchley LO N3 74;20 —Bailey Hill, Luton BD 84;13 —Gothic, Chiddington Castle KE 80;11 —Old Buckenham Hall NF 79;8 —Oriental, Lindridge nr Newton Abbot DV 74;18 Watergate, Sham Fort, Ham Green GL 81;3,1682;11 Waterwheel pavilion, Pena Palace Garden, Sintra (P) 82;3 Watkins, Charles 84;4 Watstock KE, disguised farm buildings 80;11 Watto’s Grotto, Beverley EY 76;3 Watts Towers, Los Angeles USA $CA 77;4 Watts, Arthur 76;3 Webber, Richard 73;5,16,17 84;14,15 Website FF offers 79;3 Weisberg-Roberts, Alicia 75;16 Well, Guy’s, Guy’s Cliffe WA 83;12 Wemyss, Lord 73;1,10,1177;5 Wentworth Castle Heritage Trust 82;10 Wentworth Castle, Barnsley SY 75;4 78;1584;18,19 Wentworth SY, Stainborough Castle 75;14 Wentworth, William Earl of Strafford 82;16 84;18,19 Wesley, John 79;5 West Country Wander77;6 West Green House, Hartley Wintney HA 76;4 West Midlands, Perrott’s Folly, Birmingham 74;4 West Sussex, Arundel, Hiorne’s Tower 81;4 —Bognor, White Tower 84;9 —Castle Goring, Worthing 81;15 —Toat Monument, Pulboroough 78;20 West Wycombe BU, Hell Fire Club 76;6 West Wycombe BU, folly group 84;14,15 West Wycombe BU, Mausoleum 74;9 West Yorkshire, Bretton Hall folly group 81;20 West Yorkshire, Tower Works, Holbeck, Leeds 74;5 West, Gilbert 76;10,11 Westerham, The Tower nr Squerryes 76;4 Westmoreland, 7th Earl of 76;10,11,12 Westonbirt pleasure gardens, Tetbury GL 76;477;5 Westonbury Water Gardens nr Pembridge HE, follies 79;5 80;13 81;12 Weston-super-Mare SO, Banwell Pebble Summerhouse 75;3 Whaley, John 76;10 ‘What is a folly?’ interview, The 73;10,11 Wheeler, David 81;12 When in Rome 73;3 Whistler, Ralphe 75;20 Whitcomb, Robin 79;16 White Nancy, Bollington CH 84;17 White Tower, Bognor WS 84;9 White, Christopher 82;6 White, Gilbert 78;8 White, John 82;6 Whitelaw, Jeffery W. 74;8,981;2,10,11 Why Triangles? 78;3 Wick Farm Barn, Badminton Estate GL 80;6 Wilderness, The, Skipton NY 77;3,4 Wilderness, The, Study Day Birkbeck 84;17 Wilkie, Kim 84;4 87;17 Wilkieston YLT, Jupiter Artland 76;19 William Beckford: A Bibliography (Jon Millington) 75;14 Williams, Benedict 76;16 Williams, Benedict 76;16 Williams, Eddie 84;16 Willson, Edward James 76;15 Willson, John 81;6,7 Wilson, Nicky & Robert 76;19 Wilson, Sue 84;7 Wilstar, Jacob de 84;12 Wilton WI, Garden 73;8 Wilton WI, Grotto 73;9 Wiltshire, Fonthill Tower 74;3 Wiltshire, St Chalfield, Yew House 81;3 Windsor BK, Frogmore House, 84;5 Windsor Great Park BK, Cranborne Tower 83;20 Windsor Great Park BK, folly group 82;16 83;20 Windsor Great Park BK, Fort Belvedere 82;5 Winkel (NL NH), Dutch Kremlin by Ger Leegwater 78;1 Winpenny, David 75;14 With abundance and variety: Yorkshire gardens and gardeners across five centuries (Ed. Susan Kellerman & Karen Lynch) 76;14 Woburn Abbey BD 73;8,9 Woburn Abbey BD, grotto 73;8,9 Wood engraving Fisher’s Hall, Hackfall, nr Ripon NY 77;4 Wood, John the Elder 84;3 Wood, John 77;3 Y Wood, Min 84;10,11 Yates, Alice 74;3 Wood, Robert 80;14 Yew House, Didmarton GL 81;3 Woodchester Park Mansion GL 75;19 Yew House, St Chalfield WI 81;3 76;1477;19 Yorkshire Gardens Trust 76;14 Woodcock, Ian 81;12 Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Bretton Hall WY Woodland Trust 82;12 80;382;13 Woodlawn House, Kilconnel ZGA 81;5 Young, Arthur 84;12 Woods, Richard 77;14 Wyton, Peter 81;7 Woodward, Benjamin 76;5 Woolbeding gardens WS 84;17 Z Woolbeding Gardens 78;6,7 Zanzibar, Water Tank Boat 73;7 Woolwich LO SE18, Rotunda Tent 81;14 Zeal Monachorum DV, Reeve Castle 74;18 82;12,13 Zoo, Antwerp (B), aquarium/temple 74;4 Worcester Lodge, Badminton GL 75;2 Zumthor, Peter 80;3 77;2079;11 Zytaruk, Maria 75;16 Worcestershire, Cadmore Millennium Tower 81;13 —Hagley Sham castle 84;10 —Kidderminster, Stone House Cottage 80;17 —Tenbury Wells, Kyre Park Tower 81;12 —St Michaels, metal Millennium Tree Follies Magazine 81;12,13 is published three times a year by the World Architecture Replicas, Shenzhen Folly Fellowship, a registered charity (Shanghai), China 74;5 in England, and carries scholarly, Wörlitz (D), Rock of Wonders, Stein Island concerned, campaigning and amusing 76;9 articles on follies, grottoes and garden Wootton Hall ST, Rousseau’s Cave 75;17 buildings around the world. Worrall, Janet 83;16 — Worthing WS, Castle Goring 81;15 In deference to forthcoming information, Wotton House SR, grotto, fernery 75;9 either in the magazine or in the updated Wotton House SR, Landscape Conference Appendix with Addenda to Follies in 75;4 France on the FF website, all illustrations Wotton House SR, Tortoise House 75;9 in this index are pictures of French lavoirs, Wotton House, Wotton Underwood, washhouses, by PRBoogaart. Aylesbury BU, folly group 75;4 — 84;15 Editors of Follies Magazine Wotton Underwood BU, Octagon, Wotton Andrew Plumridge 1 House74;1983;8 Gwyn Headley 2–24 Wrest BD, Chinese bridge 73;13 Mike Cousins 25–42 Wribbenhall WO, Spring Grove 73;12,13 Andrew Plumridge 43 Wright, Thomas 73;11,18,19 74;4 Susan Kellerman 44–48 76;978;779;3 Gwyn Headley 49 80;2,6,7,1681;14 84;12 Pieter Boogaart 50–56 Wroxton Abbey OX, Chinese Pavilion 83;8 Mike Cousins 57–68 www.londongardensonline.org.uk82;13 Hilary Peters 68–84 Wyatt family 77;13 — Wyatt, James 73;6 75;18,19 76;1584;3 This index is published by Wyatt, Philip 84;7 The Folly Fellowship, 1 Keble House, Manor Fields Wyatt, Samuel and Joseph 76;13 London SW15 3LS England Wyattville, Jeffrey 74;18 76;15 82;5 Wycoller LA, panopticon 73;4 Registered Charity No.1002646 Wye Valley and Dewstow75;13 February 2014 Wyton, Peter 81;7 Visit the website of the Folly Fellowship: www.follies.org.uk Confracourt (70), fontaine-lavoir, 1835 Théodore Lebeuffe I N D E X F O L L I E S 7 3 – 8 4 ( VO LS 1 9 . 2 – 2 2 . 1 ) PAG E 12
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